Between you, Karen Kingston, and others appearing on Stew's show; the people you reach will hopefully help to awaken the masses so that we can collectively call for an end to this. Thank you!
Chelation therapy involves weekly IV treatments of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Each treatment lasts about 30 minutes. In general, the medication seeks out and sticks to metals and minerals in the bloodstream, creating a compound that the body removes when urinating.
John Stieglitz, wow, that’s interesting. Do you know if fulvic minerals essentially do the same thing? I’ve been taking fulvic minerals the past week, & I’ve noticed in the morning, my first urine (sorry so personal) is a much darker color than normal. And I don’t believe it’s because I’m dehydrated, I’m drinking the same. I thought it was maybe just the fulvic minerals causing the darker color, but now I’m wondering if the minerals are actually working, & maybe it’s removing metals out of my system? (I hope!). I’m not c19 jabbed, but I’ve taken other vaccines, & they’ve been spraying the skies heavily the past two years (I’m 20 mins outside of Los Angeles). Any thoughts are appreciated.
Yes, and there are other protocals. I'm about 10 sessions in to a 20 session block. One IV chelation every two weeks. Lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. So far, my blood pressure is down significantly (with occasional surges when I read details of what is being perpetrated on the human race), and a noticeable improvement in mental clarity (Brain fog reduction). There are other IV treatments , peptides for example, available too. See Dr Ana's clinic site for details.
Sorry to say I still can't play the piano. Never could, but I was hoping.................
Thankyou Ana for doing all this work. Amazing. I can certainly verify it all. I am RALOS on telegram and have shown all my microscope work to as many who are willing to look. See here, some 200 images and videos of all things others found also. I used foot detox pads to extract this nano stuff from my Wife's bloodstream. Quite frightening!
I’m sorry but I have nothing of substance to add. I heard about CT initially from a coal miner friend who used it successfully for his heart problems. The doctors he was seeing were flabbergasted. I did a little research through my Big Pharma Report podcast for IRL Media( still banned by Twit, FB and YT)
When I started reading about heavy metals in the COVID vaccine it clicked. I don’t know why it didn’t click before knowing the mercury/aluminum content in other vaccines, but the more I read about metals, clotting and heart problems in young people the more sense it made to me. Autism, Alzheimer’s, MS, Fibromyalgia are all immune diseases. Looks like myocarditis is joining the list.
LOL i ve seen alot of bullshit during this pandemic but this is by far the most shady out of all 🤣🤣🤣 i m trully amazed, it s sad to see this coming from a fellow Romanian! yes Ana Maria Mihalcea is a Romanian name! but the aliens who have abducted her and enlightened her are not 🤣🤣 omg ppl, pleaseee
Hi Ana, here is a post I just received about Graphen. It reads:
Akte-X Staffel 6 Folge 9
war vom 8. November 1998 bis zum 16. Mai 1999 auf dem US-amerikanischen Sender Fox ( zu sehen.
Graphen-Vergiftung (Nanometer groß und wurde durch die Haut verabreicht), welche zu einem Herzinfarkt und Atemproblemen führt durch Gefäßverlegung. Die Menschen werden durch Hochfrequenz steuerbar und verbrennen dadurch innerlich, außerdem erleiden die Menschen gedächtnisverlust wird in der Episode gezeigt.
Sie bezeichnen sie als Miniaturroboter! In der Episode wird klar gezeigt, dass die Menschen erst sterben in Verbindung mit einem Hochfrequenzsender!
SARS-19 (SR8-19) wird verschlüsselt in der Episode erwähnt. Die Zahl 8 verschlüsselt sowohl S als auch A. S8R8-19 gekürzt SARS-19.
Das mit dem Virus COVID 19 ist schon seit 1998 geplant, wenn nicht sogar schon viel früher.
Falke Michael
Lynn Ferguson - Oct 31, 2022
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
Between you, Karen Kingston, and others appearing on Stew's show; the people you reach will hopefully help to awaken the masses so that we can collectively call for an end to this. Thank you!
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
The ANTIDOTES are what I look for. Boosted peeps have changed personalities.
John Stieglitz - Nov 1, 2022
John’s Substack
Chelation therapy involves weekly IV treatments of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Each treatment lasts about 30 minutes. In general, the medication seeks out and sticks to metals and minerals in the bloodstream, creating a compound that the body removes when urinating.
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
John’s Substack
EDTA removes calcium and magnesium also .. How to determine before consuming?
John Stieglitz - Nov 2, 2022
John’s Substack
I need to research more. Excellent question
Monica M - Nov 1, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
John Stieglitz, wow, that’s interesting. Do you know if fulvic minerals essentially do the same thing? I’ve been taking fulvic minerals the past week, & I’ve noticed in the morning, my first urine (sorry so personal) is a much darker color than normal. And I don’t believe it’s because I’m dehydrated, I’m drinking the same. I thought it was maybe just the fulvic minerals causing the darker color, but now I’m wondering if the minerals are actually working, & maybe it’s removing metals out of my system? (I hope!). I’m not c19 jabbed, but I’ve taken other vaccines, & they’ve been spraying the skies heavily the past two years (I’m 20 mins outside of Los Angeles). Any thoughts are appreciated.
Citizen Seer - Nov 1, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Monica M, I hope this unrequested response is not offensive but, Get much farther from any city.
Citizen Seer - Nov 1, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Yes, and there are other protocals. I'm about 10 sessions in to a 20 session block. One IV chelation every two weeks. Lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. So far, my blood pressure is down significantly (with occasional surges when I read details of what is being perpetrated on the human race), and a noticeable improvement in mental clarity (Brain fog reduction). There are other IV treatments , peptides for example, available too. See Dr Ana's clinic site for details.
Sorry to say I still can't play the piano. Never could, but I was hoping.................
Rosalind McGill - Nov 1, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for sharing. I had to listen to your Maria Zee twice. God bless and protect you and all truth tellers.
Possum - Nov 1, 2022
Possum’s Newsletter
🎯mutate now avoid the rush🎯 or your a terrorist
Trial N. Error - Nov 1, 2022
Comment removed.
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
Hitler and Napoleon are double-bulls in Suzanne White book THE NEW ASTROLOGY which was used in a Toronto law firm to screen job appkicants.
John Stieglitz - Nov 1, 2022
John’s Substack
Chelation Therapy
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Nov 1, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Thanks Ana
RALOS - Nov 1, 2022
Thankyou Ana for doing all this work. Amazing. I can certainly verify it all. I am RALOS on telegram and have shown all my microscope work to as many who are willing to look. See here, some 200 images and videos of all things others found also. I used foot detox pads to extract this nano stuff from my Wife's bloodstream. Quite frightening!
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
Did that reverse the personality changes?
RALOS - Nov 2, 2022
No I don't think so, she still thinks Im the crazy one! Hard to know, she was always stubborn as hell and hard to reason with.
John Stieglitz - Nov 1, 2022
John’s Substack
I’m sorry but I have nothing of substance to add. I heard about CT initially from a coal miner friend who used it successfully for his heart problems. The doctors he was seeing were flabbergasted. I did a little research through my Big Pharma Report podcast for IRL Media( still banned by Twit, FB and YT)
When I started reading about heavy metals in the COVID vaccine it clicked. I don’t know why it didn’t click before knowing the mercury/aluminum content in other vaccines, but the more I read about metals, clotting and heart problems in young people the more sense it made to me. Autism, Alzheimer’s, MS, Fibromyalgia are all immune diseases. Looks like myocarditis is joining the list.
John Stieglitz - Nov 1, 2022
John’s Substack
Graphene oxide set off alarm bells
Citizen Seer - Nov 1, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Maybe you can get your Twitter account back up and running now?
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
Twitter was making my login impossible two days ago.
Ray Smith - Nov 7, 2022
Ray’s Substack
Is the EDTA therapy available in NZ
Ray Smith - Nov 7, 2022
Ray’s Substack
Thank you so much for this incredible work!!❤
George GM - Nov 3, 2022
LOL i ve seen alot of bullshit during this pandemic but this is by far the most shady out of all 🤣🤣🤣 i m trully amazed, it s sad to see this coming from a fellow Romanian! yes Ana Maria Mihalcea is a Romanian name! but the aliens who have abducted her and enlightened her are not 🤣🤣 omg ppl, pleaseee
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
The word PERFUSION is shah doe band in Bit Shoot.
Michael - Nov 1, 2022
Hi Ana, here is a post I just received about Graphen. It reads:
Akte-X Staffel 6 Folge 9
war vom 8. November 1998 bis zum 16. Mai 1999 auf dem US-amerikanischen Sender Fox ( zu sehen.
Graphen-Vergiftung (Nanometer groß und wurde durch die Haut verabreicht), welche zu einem Herzinfarkt und Atemproblemen führt durch Gefäßverlegung. Die Menschen werden durch Hochfrequenz steuerbar und verbrennen dadurch innerlich, außerdem erleiden die Menschen gedächtnisverlust wird in der Episode gezeigt.
Sie bezeichnen sie als Miniaturroboter! In der Episode wird klar gezeigt, dass die Menschen erst sterben in Verbindung mit einem Hochfrequenzsender!
SARS-19 (SR8-19) wird verschlüsselt in der Episode erwähnt. Die Zahl 8 verschlüsselt sowohl S als auch A. S8R8-19 gekürzt SARS-19.
Das mit dem Virus COVID 19 ist schon seit 1998 geplant, wenn nicht sogar schon viel früher.
Falke Michael
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 1, 2022
Excellent information... thank you, I will look at it.
Carportband - Oct 31, 2022
Okay Booster
Carportband - Oct 31, 2022
Hey Boostie...go away from me and get your next booster
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