Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent…

Jun 4, 2024

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Image: Nasal fold fluorescent orange spots C19 uninjected


Luc Lelievre - Jun 4 - Edited

Luc Lelievre

As a social scientist, I'm concerned about how many of our Western leaders seem focused on undermining our civilization and harming their own countries and citizens.


David Merrill - Jun 4

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Crosstalk: ""There are dark economic times ahead for the United States."
"Gold is fine white powder. Crack that CODE.
"I have been preparing for decades. It will take you a few decades too but you could at least get started.https://youtu.be/KQ6SOC395To
Never eat. Never get sick. Never wear out your shoes too. [I suppose standing in food lines is more wear and tear than most people think? Maybe getting to and from the food lines requires a lot of running and evasive zig-zagging?]
You best spend a few hours at least to determine whether this solution is right for you and yours.
My Doped Carbon 60 Transition Metallofullerene Pump seals up the DNA in chakras directly. *
The Book of Genesis describes two classes among ordinary populations. Rulers and servants. Sons of God partook of the manna (gold is fine white powder/Apple) and the servants were not allowed to, at least by one of the "Gods" Enlil. His half brother Enke offered it to them (Adam and Eve) anyway. They became as Gods too, as promised.
I have both of these books - awakening!
I kid you naught.https://youtu.be/Lxs-esFdT5s?t=2484
Hathor Temple -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOdbsItUsl8&t=969s-https://youtu.be/gFuFX3zY8Sg- was sacked by the Amalakites and that prodded Egypt into launching the Exodus assault on the Hibiru (Hebrews were bandits of unemployed mercenary soldiers from the Tower of Babylon fable, who had raided into Canaan). The Israelites had to resort to Jethro, the alchemist in Arabia for some manna. David too, when in a pinch resorted to monatomic gold to keep him and his army alive - the Shewbread at Shiloh is gold, frankincense and myrrh.
I augmented the electrodes with elite shungite. A meteorite struck an ancient coal bed and converted the transition metal steam into transition metallofullerenes.
See how nicely the metallofullerenes fit into their appropriate chakra DNA?
Revive your dopaminergic pathways (pleasure centers):https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VdQGN_1nJVsLH5189E6x-GhAVPh23d44/view?usp=sharingRather than allow Klaus' nanotech to agonize you:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m24-zastZhTYw6COVDvg_Ms6BpCwD7uQ/view?usp=sharing
Tune your pineal gland as you decalcify it:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YCMxSGVOA579Uxhose0jO2BX2k8zp5lr/view?usp=sharing
P.S. This is the Rapture in reality. If you believe gold is fine white powder and prepare your pantry for inedia you can watch from the bleachers, while the Tribulation roars?
P.P.S. It took me some thinking so bear with me. Many of you are smart enough to see what is going on with the shipping crates.
People, especially China with a productive (non-BIDEN) workforce do not appreciate the promise of money (future products). They want the shipping crates they sent to America to come back equally filled with keen stuff. They do not want our S.H.I.T. (Sits High in Transit). That word carries over from guano shipping. The ship's hold had to be full or empty and rinsed because of explosive methane gas. Empty vessels capsize so "S.H.I.T." was written below the full waterline on the hull to warn other captains to go easy with their wake, so not to capsize the empty guano boat. "


Luc Lelievre - Jun 4

Luc Lelievre

Thanks for sharing.


David Merrill - Jun 4

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

You are quite welcome.


ZoeL - Jun 10


Thank you for your post and all the info! My brain is full but will watch your info!


David Merrill - Jun 10

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Your brain cannot be full. Get a look and take a nap or turn in for the day. You will discover that mental real estate is not a problem.


gertieA - Jun 4

Luc Lelievre

Luc, blessings to you and prayers for peace as you start to see how bad it is...


Luc Lelievre - Jun 4

Luc Lelievre

Thanks for sharing!


michael janket - Jun 4

michael janket

These are people with nothing to lose, nothing to gain. Life to them is repulsive and a waste. Contemptuous of other people, they want to end it all, both symbolically and mortally.


Luc Lelievre - Jun 4

Luc Lelievre

You're absolutely right about this.


Danyèle - Jun 5 - Edited


Bonjour! Quel est le rapport avec cet article scientifique? Cordialement.


Luc Lelievre - Jun 5 - Edited

Luc Lelievre

It has everything to do with it, if we are forced by the WHO to take the jab!


Danyèle - Jun 5


Merci pour la précision et le lien!


Luc Lelievre - Jun 6

Luc Lelievre

De rien.


Mary Cox - Jun 4

Luc Lelievre

It’s a long deep jump down the Rabbit Hole. You’re becoming AWAKE. 🙏🏼


Luc Lelievre - Jun 4

Luc Lelievre



Reply (2) - Jun 5

Luc Lelievre

Comment removed.


Luc Lelievre - Jun 5

Luc Lelievre



crapshoot farmer - Jun 5

crapshoot farmer

more spam from pam


Grant Wickham - Jun 4

Grant Wickham

The more I see the more I believe “the controllers” have lost their minds.
Unless of course these controllers have some sort of protection or antidote. Whatever, this is evil personified.


Paul Vonharnish - Jun 4

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Grant. You are correct. The parties in control have lost their ability to discern risk/reward benefits or connect with any sense of morality. My belief is that radio wave, micro wave, and other low frequency broadcast, have reduced the majority of human populations unto casino gamblers. I have data to support this assertion.
The corporate owned gambling house of investment insures we will continue to buy from the company store. The first and most important resolution would be to TURN OFF THE electromagnetic stimulation. Electromagnetic broadcast has reduced human cognition to sub-moron behavior. It will not end well...


Sarah - Jun 4


you shall know them by the fruits of their labour. The tyrants are showing us in real time who they are - voluntary or otherwise, we can see but only if we are willing to look.


Deb - Jun 4

Karl Elshoff

I am unvaxxed and want to check my body and my husband's body so I want to get a uv flashlight of 365nm. Can someone send me a link or tell me what to buy..... I do not want to waste my money. I can already hear my husband asking why am I doing this??? I wish I was more scientifically minded but we both are unvaxxed and I want to stay that way. thank you!


Lynette Devries - Jun 4

Hello Deb, I recently bought a good torch with UV from Amazon. They are having a sale right now and some are under $20 Australian. Just type in UV torch. I'm unvaxxed too and our nick name which I love is PURE BLOOD. Heard a certain university in America wants to send the COVID vax through the air. It is in lettuce too.


Karl Elshoff - Jun 4

Karl Elshoff

Deb. I got a black light from Vansky (link below). As promised, those filaments showed up. It has me a little more than worried.
Note. I left the batteries in black light and the connections were corroded. The black light wouldn't turn on because of the corrosion. I found setting the corroded connectors (not the whole black light) in some white vinegar for less than 30 seconds and the corrosion disappeared.


crapshoot farmer - Jun 5

crapshoot farmer

that one is 395 nm and seems to be a noticeable difference between the 2
365 is recommended.
I'm looking for one, too.


Susan Liang - Jun 4

Susan Liang

This nano-particulates-
in- the-air is necessary for the use of theU.S.WeatherWeapons of War, like HAARP. Elana Freeland, "Chemtrsils, HAARP, and Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth" (2014, Feral House).Essential reading for every citizen.
Ask yourself what "full spectrum dominance' is. Is it necessary? Is it regulatable, so elites don't use weather weapons for "disaster capitalism"? Weather weapons would be allegedly like the Maui Fires, Japan tsunami, derechos this week in the U.S. Elana discusses these in her book.


michael janket - Jun 4

michael janket

Has the subject of chemtrails ever been closely examined? Who is behind this nefarious nightmare? Seems like I read a piece about where some of these were based. Kinda feel that a nice surface to air missile would take care of those planes flown by traitors. Anybody know some Taliban that could use their US made missiles we left behind in Afghanistan to knock these jets out of the sky? To this day, there are still planes galore spraying this stuff on many unsuspecting people. Why, at this late date, does this still continue?


Paul Vonharnish - Jun 4

Paul Vonharnish

Geoengineering and weather control exercises have been ongoing for over 70 years. The majority of these aircraft are military operated. There are hundreds of "rain making" companies in the US alone, and many thousands world wide. The problem will continue as long as civilian populations fund military dictatorships and advanced weaponry...


crapshoot farmer - Jun 5

crapshoot farmer

it'll continue until we're all dead!
I've theory about all this and will write it here soon.


Susan Pass - Jun 4

Susan Pass

As a radiologist who spends 10 hours a day in this new EMF soup I am sure that you are correct. I am un vaccinated but am around others that have been. There has been an upgrading of the frequencies recently that has almost made me unable to function at work in the hospital.
My live blood looked fantastic a few months ago but I agree that the unvaccinated are now affected. I havent been able to get a dark field recheck of my live blood.
I have used methylene blue and oral EDTA. The Life Force oral EDTA didnt agree with me and I had terrible headaches.
I have had relief with an Olylife TeraHz PEMF unit and going to an overnight EE System Unifyed center.
Does anyone else have experience with relief from using these technologies?
I will attach a link in a message below.


E.C. - Jun 4

Never heard of those.
Thank you.
In regards to oral edta you may have to start slowly.
Best to you🕯️


Susan Pass - Jun 4

Susan Pass



Susan Pass - Jun 4

Susan Pass



Sandy K - Jun 4

Sandy K

I have used the EE system several times, as well as other scalar waves...I did not feel any immediate wonderful burst taking place, but just a general well-being. I don't know olylife PEMF, but I have used other PEMF systems for spinal injuries and that helped with pain immediately and amazingly...So much so, that I told my chiropractor about it.


nobody's - Jun 4


i use a Sota pulser on my head. It seems to work great and on youtube video's there are people who swear by it for headaches.


David - Jun 4


Wow, it’s only $28,000.


nobody's - Jun 4


They trained the bots to play games. This bot is just playing a game.


Juan Campo - Jun 4

Paul Vonharnish

I actually live near a global company that makes chips and,,,,nanotechnology!....well the stuff I have seen in the past few yrs since moving here would make your head spin. It's also after I moved when I became very ill with nano//morgellions. Is what's going on demonic? Evil? Yes it is. Are they getting this tech from aliens, fallen angels etc..I really can't answer that. But it sure would be a convenient defense at any future trial re crimes against humanity. The bottom line is Humans Did and Are Doing this to Their Fellow Humans. And if the Central Bankers have been demonically "possessed", or claim to be in the future - we don't nd an exorcism - we nd to throw them out of "our" Temple - Earth.


Paul Vonharnish - Jun 4

Paul Vonharnish

Good comments, and you are correct. These are human upon human attacks. Our Temple has become a hell-hole of discarded toys and military weapons. This is OUR fault, not some 'elite'.
The Universe is a pretty big place. What's alien?


Curious Reality - Jun 4 - Edited

Curious’s Substack

Please start testing and write about ways to neutralize the nano tech. There are probably multiple ways to do it, either through an enzyme concoction or local EMP frequencies.
We got your point. It’s there, we all have. Without mentioning much about research into neutralizing, I’m starting to think this is just another PsyOp psychodrama, extended revelation of the method trying to demoralize the truth seekers.
Does anyone actually know the Dr in real life?


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 4 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

If there were a protocol or method for neutralizing or eliminating the nanotech
Do experiments yourself with enzyme concoctions and EMP frequencies. That's what the people writing these stacks are doing.
Or just wait until Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or whoever gives you the answer on the TV.
Stacks like Dr. Ana's are going private because of ENTITLED people like you. Nobody OWES YOU AN ANSWER. Dr. Ana and others have given detailed protocols to the best of their knowledge.
If you are such a "truth seeker" get out there and find the truth.
Instead of ruining this for everyone and accusing people of idiotic things of which you have no proof. Just character defamation. Slander and libel -
Stop crap stirring and go whine quietly in a corner. "Curious", my bootay...


Juan Campo - Jun 5

Pirate Eyes

"If there were a protocol or method for neutralizing or eliminating the nanotech
Respectfully PS but no. Especially if there was a cottage industry that could make money. And perhaps this is just how an unwitting public was convinced to believe that chemo was the answer to cancer. At this point in the "game" - ANYONE in my mind who is asking for $ or "donations:" from a desperate public is suspect. There have been ppl who have "shouted" - Ted from Earth Clinic (I think that's the name) in Bangkok gave info re "morgellions' without ever asking for $ or donations. He did it simply out of love for his fellow human beings and their suffering. But not one "truthteller" has yet to show or make a video about what's going on in something the average person could relate to - their mouths. Instead they focus on what most would consider the abstract.... the blood. It would be really interesting to me if ppl like Maria Zeee and Dr. Ana actually had the balls to address this. Can you imagine if Dr. Ana analyzed what is happening in the mouth that is being reported by tons of ppl? And if they showed that it was actually happening to them - online? That would certainly change the narrative, now, wouldn't it?
No offense - just an observation.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 5

Pirate Eyes

Even if a cure were found and monetized, it wouldn't take long for word to get out and then, yes, shouting from rooftops.
Respectfully as well, the mouth spit test has been analyzed and proven unreliable. The acidic nature of red wine or grape juice coupled with the fruit pectins and other components produces stringy spit in virtually anyone and most of the stringy stuff is just the fruit mixed with saliva. So it's not really a scientific marker. Though I think it does make people think and as virtually everyone on earth is infected with Cross Domain Bacteria as well as nanotech by this point, it is a good way to persuade laypeople or the skeptical that something is going on.
I encourage you to make videos illustrating the mouth test. It's not complicated as you know and might introduce more people to what's happening.
The blood is only abstract to those unaccustomed to looking at blood. I've spent many years studying slides from many sources of blood and it's not that hard to understand once you know what you're looking at. How to determine healthy blood cells from unhealthy, etc. Though you do have to educate yourself to understand what you're looking at.
I don't like it when people are selling products or asking for donations either, but I do understand they have to fund their operations somehow. I don't see it that different from someone selling a book they've written on the subject.
There are people who are researching and experimenting on the subject of nanotech in the blood like Carnicom and Karl C and David Nixon and matt j.a.o.b who aren't selling anything. Then there's Dr. Ana and Tony P. and others who are selling things. Things that people claim are helping them. Then there are the bottom feeders that are selling snake oil.
I'm glad you found someone who gave you information you needed at no cost. That's great. I just looked up Earth Clinic in Bangkok and I appreciate the reference. I think I can learn a lot from the site. Thanks.
Though Earth Clinic is not claiming any cures either as far as I could see. I'll look further, maybe I'm mistaken, but I see nothing wrong with taking a variety of approaches to a very complex ongoing tragedy.
What I don't like and never will is anyone trying to degrade the character of someone due to their own frustrations rather than actual real evidence of wrongdoing. We are all desperate and frustrated, but we can learn to turn to God and turn our worries over to Him rather than lashing at one another. I don't want to see other channels close their doors to comments like SAM did because I gain a lot of insight from the comments.


Juan Campo - Jun 6

Pirate Eyes

"Respectfully as well, the mouth spit test has been analyzed and proven unreliable. The acidic nature of red wine or grape juice coupled with the fruit pectins and other components produces stringy spit in virtually anyone and most of the stringy stuff is just the fruit mixed with saliva. So it's not really a scientific marker." Who has analyzed this - just curious? Bc for yrs I've been a weekend hobby chemist and can recreate many commercially products out there. Maybe the pectin makes the results more...stringy as you say - but I have gotten similar results (not as dramatic but still there) using even Methylene Blue...which lead me to the conclusion that this nano is affecting us on so many different levels and that the blood is the endgame - the transformation into our blood becoming completely synthetic. But thanks for the insight - you've inspired me (!) - bc I'm now going to look at other substances. I admire David, Karl and Matt for their work. I just believe the focus on blood is not necessarily the right approach. And one of the reasons why I focused on the red wine/juice test is bc I greatly admire Elana Freeland's work and she seems to believe in it. But pls send me the analysis - I would really like to go through it! And if I'm wrong - I'm wrong and have no problem admitting to that.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 6

Pirate Eyes

I did the spit test myself and dove into the evidence and experiments and found a lot of conflicting results and thoughts due to the fact the test is mixing fruit with saliva and whatever else is in each individual's mouth. So it's not easy to control the test in a scientific repeatable way. The marker most scientists use to determine whether their result is valid. This was over a decade ago, so I don't have videos or anything to back up what I'm saying, just my understanding.
I appreciate your views on the blood not being necessarily the right approach. I will keep your thoughts in mind as this progresses.
I do know you have a good point from my own experiences with Morgellons/CDB in my skin. My skin is trying to prevent the CDB from going further into my body. I don't know if it's entirely successful in it's attempts, but my skin is putting up a terrific battle and has been for twenty years.
I think people may be focusing on the blood since so many people were injected into their blood with the infection. That, I don't think, is entirely the story in my case. It was sprayed on me externally. Because of certain circumstances, I can narrow it down to a few possible days I was sprayed.
I don't think the spit test is without validity. I just think there are many approaches. As I said, I don't have the old research to send, but you may still be able to find it with some digging.
Thanks for the discussion, Juan. God Bless.


Juan Campo - Jun 6

Wow - it's unfortunate you can't provide the evidence or analysis. God Bless to you as well.


Joe - Jun 4 - Edited

Joe’s Substack

people are allowed to rise concerns when unfortunately most of us do not have the safety training to use our body as a science lab to test products whoch does cost money. We hear more how we are being infected then treatment thats all hes saying.....


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 5 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

That's not all he's saying. Very few of the people who are conducting research or testing protocols on themselves have safety training or science labs. Most are laypeople or doctors from other disciplines who are spending their own time and money to bring what they find to the table.
There is no treatment to date. All anyone can do is try and understand by looking at and studying the nanotech to try and devise possible methods for testing and that is precisely what Dr. Ana and others are doing.
It's childish to think someone is going to find your answers for you over an extremely complex medical issue in a year and then hand the answers to you in the form of a vitamin supplement or somesuch. In a timeframe that makes you feel comfortable.
At this point all we know is this - WE ARE ALL SCREWED. What infantile people like the one I responded to are doing is lashing out at the messenger. In this case Dr. Ana. Like a baby that hits the person who tells them there aren't any cookies.
People are allowed to say whatever they like. But if they begin casting entirely unfounded accusations at the very people who are trying to help, then they must take responsibility for what they've written. Then I have the right to respond with my opinion about what I consider to be their hysterical entitled finger pointing.
How we are being infected IS the key to discovering how to defeat it.
If this is all too much for anyone to bear, I suggest leaving these channels, calm down and go watch some cute kitten videos.


Juan Campo - Jun 7

Pirate Eyes

I'm trying to make a point. It's pretty obv at this stage of the game one of "their" (the globalists central bankers) scenarios will be to try and promote a new "pandemic" BC after all a lot of ppl complied w/ the last one. But ppl won't this time unless they are really scared. They won't trust a pcr or a blood test - again too abstract, But can you imagine a simple saliva test w/ dye showing crazy stuff moving around as proof of infection w/ disease whatever? And why do they want this? We're dealing w/ psychopathic central bankers and global governments who are beyond trillions of dollars in debt. And they are attempting to go from our current debt based fiat economy to a circular one. And that means a massive transfer of wealth (to pay off "their" debts) to what would be essentially a digital slave system...kind of like what China has. Also, there's the transhumanist agenda...their technology has largely failed....and they have to keep up the nanotechnology insertion into humanity continually bc guess what - our immune systems are miraculous. I appreciate everyone doing research on our situation. But again - I think the focus is not actually targeting what is actually happening. I'm living proof bc I should be dead by now. Do I still have problems? Yes. But I'm still alive and I have complete faith in Nature over technology, Apologies for the long post. No crap stirring here - just looking at the big picture.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 7

Pirate Eyes

I understand and appreciate you POV. Truly I do.


Long viet - Jun 4

matt’s microscopy

Emp frequencies can eliminate nanotech? heard about it but not sur how it works. i have low level light therapy device at home. 625 nm red, 528nm and 470nm blue


matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 4

matt’s microscopy

only use the 528.


gertieA - Jun 5 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

hi pirate-- no crap stirring here!
I suppose a number of readers here are just trying to get by with limited resources/limited mental health status/families to take care of--- and would just rather see the scientists with the awesome tech doing real time studies-
I am experimenting on myself- but it's so hard to know because I have NO IDEA how to check my own blood. (And my husband would probably put me in the looney bin)


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 5 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

When I speak to crap stirring I'm referring to the suggestions people are making that the people who are trying, like Dr. Ana and others, are a psyop meant to hurt people, not help.
There are channels that are closing their comment sections because of the mud slinging shit stirring in the comments. I for one, would like the comments to remain open. I sometimes learn some really good things and connect with some good people. Just because some childish people want to vent and has no self-awareness is not worth the comments being closed to all. I am seeing a lot of this lately and I object to it. The comment section does not belong to those who want to throw fits like little babies.
All people have limits including the ones investigating this invasion of life by completely unknown and not understood nanotech (as we call it). To think they are going to be able to solve this problem quickly is ridiculous and childish and certainly trying to push them into giving people what they are demanding is not going to work nor is it helpful because THEY DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER.
The scientists are doing real time studies. People just don't like the simple fact that they don't have the answers and are taking out their frustrations on the very people who are actually trying. FOR FREE. USING THEIR OWN RESOURCES OF TIME MONEY AND EXPERTISE.
Most of them don't have big fancy science labs. They have to work and purchase equipment like anybody works and purchases anything. To imagine them sitting around in Iron Man's science lab analyzing blood is ludicrous.
People need to stop thinking their concerns are paramount and realize everyone, including the people looking for answers have the same concerns. AND the same nanotech inside themselves and their children as well. They, too, have their own families to take care of and their own mental health to keep in good shape. Do you imagine you or anyone else here in these comments is more distressed than those who are looking at this crap everyday and trying like hell to find a solution?
People need to grow up and get their fears under control because slinging mud is not going to benefit anyone.
Matt j.a.o.b MAN AGAINST THE MICROBES has given out a list of inexpensive and effective microscope set ups that virtually anyone can afford if they really want to see what's going on in their blood.
You can buy your own set up for a small investment.
I hope your self-experiments help you. God Bless.


gertieA - Jun 6 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

Hi again pirate- It does seem there are a few highly qualified people like Dr. Ana (and I do support with monthly donation) that can focus more on what possibly degrades nano tech- because even though I am science minded (love biology-how the body works etc) this is not in my realm- I am willing to personally try different things - but even if I looked under a microscope- I don't really trust that I know what I am seeing.
But yes- we are all in the same boat- and arguing here through comments is futile. And exactly what I believe the darkest of forces wants is more division between us. Peace to you Pirate


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 6 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

Dr. Ana and others ARE experimenting with and publishing articles about mitigating the nanotech to degrade and/or get it out of our bodies.
If you don't understand what you're seeing in the slides and videos educate yourself. There are many tutorials from many resources to teach anyone how to observe blood under a microscope and what is being observed. It's not hard to learn. I've done it.
None of those protocols have been 100% effective to date. If people want a pill to pop with their OJ every morning and be cured, they need to just go back to their allopathic doctors and get a prescription for antipsychotics because that's what will be prescribed if they seek treatment for removing nanotech from their bodies.
I could make a long list of the various attempts with different methods, but it's all published in their articles for anyone to read.
I don't understand why people suddenly have tunnel vision and see nothing but slides and videos of the tech in the blood when there are NUMEROUS protocols to be tried and plenty of information on those same protocols. Information offered for free.
I'm sorry, but all I see is a bunch of people taking out their frustrations on the very people who are trying to help because they want some easy solution and they want it NOW. Idiocy. Entitlement.
What I also see is the very people who are trying to help, utilizing their own resources, time, money, costly educations are becoming VERY discouraged at this biting-of-one's-own-nose-to-spite-one's-own-face idiocy and are withdrawing from their research, etc.
I don't blame them.
The division is not coming from me but from the people who are behaving like children and blaming the people who are doing something to help.
Arguing in the comments is not futile if it persuades one frustrated person to refrain from lashing out at the very people who are trying to help.
I want their help to continue. We need their help. We need to be grateful and not sling mud at people's character's. That's divisive.


nobody's - Jun 4


You are wrong. She's one of the sanest people on the web when it comes to these subjects.


Sophie Bertrand - Jun 4

Sophie Bertrand

Yes, we get it, we'll stop bragging about being "Pure Bloods"!. I am an unvaxxed young senior (LOL) and I never counted on being untouched by this crap. Many of us can't afford the supplements (let alone the technology or access to IVs). Frankly, anyways, most useful supplements to detox come from the US and are totally unreachable for Canadians like me, either the price or the horrible shipping fees/duty fees/$exchange come bite you back in the butt. I do appreciate DrAna Maria's thorough work.


gertieA - Jun 5

hey Curious R-- AMEN/ I SO EFFING AGREE!
Yes, those with the cool microscopes please test antidotes! I need no further proof in pictures-
Peace to you!


scout - Jun 4 - Edited

michael janket

Ana, a question about MRI linked to nanos. Background first. Before I sorted mRNAs with the nannos wife took all four mRNAs. I DID sort out that the mRNAs were NOT vaccines; point being, had no clue about nanos. OK. Wife could barely move about, stiff, sore, so on. She had a prior condition, lymphodermia, that led to remicade infusion treatment and whatever that led to MRI scan, I think two. She immediately bounced back to normal with the remicade treatments, which are on going. THEN I thought about the MRIs recently. Is it possible that MRI would short out nanos or whatever. My point is that don't recall timeline of treatments but DO recall that the remicade worked well. Now I'm thinking that the MRI MIGHT be anti-nano device. idk, so throwing my observation out for consideration. Mentally, she's struggling with the pharma fabrications in that she's yet running around with masks, so on. At thiis point, no way can I bring her up any point of understanding reality. Meaning, I don't want to risk more problems. MRIs are powerful magnets. nanos MUST react in some fashion. :)


Leon - Jun 4 - Edited

Scout, nanotech staff consist of nano components (Dr. Ana showed above; you can see it) & operating system (so called ‘brain’, you can’t see). An MRI (as well as other less powerful Electromagnetic Pulse devices.) would kill operating system so body would be able to get rid of nano components through detoxification functions (provided nano still reasonably small & can be eliminated).


michael janket - Jun 4

michael janket

Just curious, Dr Ana. Have you consulted with 1 or more organic chemists regarding this process going on in people, this nanotech nightmare? It would seem that a good organic synthesis person would have insights into this situation. Obviously, there is probably no correlation in biological systems chemistry, but I'd recommend giving it a shot. Just might get some ideas. I have a neighbor who is a retired professor of organic chemistry, a top gun and he might have some ideas about this situation. He'd need to have as much information about what is currently known about this nanotech situation and polymer synthesis in a biological system. Just thinking out loud here........


Jane Hoffman - Jun 5

Jane’s Substack

Damn I think you are definitely on to something here!


TheyLied - Jun 4

TheyLied Substack

TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
Raise Public Awareness
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Kallie Miller - Jun 4

One of the most comprehensive websites on the world view and what is going on that I have seen. I am sending it out to my contact list and am ordering some sticker, magnetic stickers and business cards to share the website. People studying it will then have informed information on whether or not to get boosters and comply.


Mark Luersen - Jun 4

Sun Drink Shadows

I purchased the UV flashlight and found that only have the typical sebum spots and no filaments. Maybe it's because I never contracted covid, never got any vaccines (since 2004?), nor any PCR test rammed against my skull, or had ANY fluid exchange with the vaccinated. I don't disagree with the poisons around us, but thankfully our God-given immunity protectors in our guts and airways can filter out most crap. Down the road I will probably take a live blood analysis course along with an expensive microscope because I have way too many questions with the pictures that are posted here and elsewhere. I am sure I have broken down plastic particles and graphene in my blood. Ever smell the inside of a new car or fancy packaging of a new electronic gadget? Yeah, that's nano particles and chemicals going inside your lungs.


E.C. - Jun 4

Pirate Eyes

In the Bible some lived to be 900 years old.
Why aren't we?


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 4

Pirate Eyes

Do you honestly want to live in this evil cesspool of a world for 900 years? WOW.
Maybe you should join the globalists. They want to live forever in the flesh.
That's what transhumanism is.
If you read the bible and contemplate God's wisdom, you'll understand why.


E.C. - Jun 4

Pirate Eyes

Heck no! 900 years of this would be horrid. I was just wondering why people don't live as long as they did in bible times.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 4

Pirate Eyes

It changed with Jesus. I think it's likely all about how He changed the "game" of life.
IDK for sure, but can guess it may have been because in the Old Testament, people lived by the flesh and so they lived in the flesh a long time to give them the opportunity to do right by God in the flesh.
Now we live in the Spirit and living in the flesh isn't even close in importance, so we fulfill our Spiritual development and are allowed to move on much sooner than in the past.
I'm really glad to hear you don't want to live here for 900 years. Sorry, I think I misunderstood when I read your question. Probably because that's what the insane people who are attempting transhumanism want - to live forever.
Anyway, apologies.


E.C. - Jun 4

All is well.


Karl Elshoff - Jun 4

Karl Elshoff

E.C. here is something for you to ponder.


E.C. - Jun 4

Thank you Karl.


Rob - Jun 4




Bee Gee - Jun 4 - Edited

Bee Gee

It looks like sublingual EDTA may be more effective at "getting more in your system" fwiw but it also will react with metal amalgams in your mouth. This will likely increase your heavy metal body burden when it mobilizes those metals, so I would say do not try sublingual if you have metal in your mouth, like I do.
I will stick with oral pills but you need to make sure you are taking it effectively and not wasting it.
This is the Most Important thing about EDTA that many people neglect.... It is NOT just another vitamin and if you are taking it like one, you are probably wasting it.
You need to take oral EDTA Hours away from many other supplements or food, or many beverages like coffee with dairy. Thats why we sometimes fast for 3 days while taking EDTA, ALA, sodium citrate, bromelain and Vitamins C, D and E. Then you can be sure the EDTA is actually working.
From Arizona's EDTA Mistakes page:
"Calcium Disodium EDTA isn’t like most other supplements, and knowing how to take EDTA correctly allows you to chelate minerals from the desired areas, and not from the food you just ate. EDTA is a proven safe and effective dietary supplement that can chelate minerals and metals from the body, and by avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll know you are maximizing its effectiveness:
Mistake 1: Taking EDTA with meals or other medicine
EDTA and heavy metals are attracted to each other, the heavier the metal, the stronger the attraction. But EDTA also chelates indiscriminately, which means it’ll grab onto the first minerals it encounters. For this reason, you want to make sure you are taking EDTA about 1.5 - 2 hours apart from meals and other medicines/supplements. This allows your body time to digest and absorb the EDTA into your bloodstream with its full ability to chelate still intact."
And Really 2 hours is often not enough. You can still have coffee and cream residue in your stomach 2 hours after you drink a big coffee or sip it for an hour, as just one example.
So I personally fast for around 24 hours before I ever even take my first EDTA doses during our extended 3-day fast.
But if you want oral EDTA to Work, take it correctly... no matter what form you are taking.


crapshoot farmer - Jun 5 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

BeeGee, thanks for your continuing posts. What do you think about one that has a small titanium plate and screw in their wrist?
Safe to take on a fast?


Bee Gee - Jun 5 - Edited

Bee Gee

Im not a doctor or anything but I personally think it would be fine, many people with metal implants have chelated with oral EDTA just fine without issues, like my wife.
I would Not try to absorb EDTA under your tongue if you have metal in your mouth though, like metal fillings or braces.


crapshoot farmer - Jun 5

crapshoot farmer

Thanks. I have amalgams and wife has the titanium...


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 4

Pirate Eyes

Evil is spiritual in nature as is good. Just saying humanity needs to find its' spiritual nature is not enough. Anyone can see this. God is great. God is Good. Jesus is the only escape.


Karl Elshoff - Jun 4

Karl Elshoff

Luke 4:18. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to announce the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away in release those who are oppressed,
Luke 4:19 To proclaim the acceptable year of he Lord, the year of jubilee."
* The poor signify all who are without Christ and without God and who have no hope in the world (Eph. 2:12). Upon receiving the gospel, they are made rich in Christ (2 Cor. 8:9; Eph. 3:8)


gertieA - Jun 4

Nano Ordo Mundi

I read these only about once a week because my mental state can't take more than that.
Any updates on Sodium Citrate??
And I am super curious about CDS- I am making my own now and it does re oxygenate the blood supposedly but I hope others are studying it too!
I now now have a large bag of EDTA/Sodium Citrate and now bottles of CDS and MB- but I only have the mental energy to try one thing at a time. Nor do I want any weird interactions.
I continue to pray for all of us that are just trying to take it one day at a time- and still go to work, love our families, and try to find joy.
I look forward to any updates you all have on SC or CDS. thank you!


Marty - Jun 4

Nano Ordo Mundi

Regarding sodium citrate, the best feedback you'll get is by reading the comments on karl's original post:https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/my-solution-sooner-than-expected


Robert Westover - Jun 4

michael janket

Dr. Ana, methylene blue is working, wonderful at restoring my health. I was starting to plummet down and I started using it. Your determination and brilliance is appreciated. Thanks


michael janket - Jun 4

michael janket

There are people that insist MB is toxic and carcinogenic.


Chris - Jun 4


Why is every single person I meet from the Sino-sphere in love with this demonic technology?



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