Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 28, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Video on Rumble:
Frankly Speaking 04 - Invasion of the Nanobots with Dr. Ana Mihalcea : Invasion of the Nanobots with Dr. Ana Mihalcea
In this interview, I speak with Filmmaker and Producer Frank Jacob from Germany. We cover many different topics, and have a broad unchained discussion of all levels of warfare from Nanobots, Metals, synthetic biology, Transhumanist Agenda, the changes in the blood of humanity, spiritual warfare and more.
Do not miss this fascinating discussion.
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Truth Seeker - Mar 28, 2023
Thank you again Dr. Ana. Your knowledge is amazing. I am a regular listener/viewer of yours from Australia. You have such depth of knowledge, understanding, wisdom and compassion. No surprize to me that Our Lord saved you to continue His word and good work during these times.
Thank you Frank. Please have Ana return soon.
We must all try to save humanity.
God bless you Ana, Frank and all front-line heroes in this war. 🫂💐✝️🙏💖
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Dan Preece - Mar 28, 2023
I seen a disturbing cartoon on PBS Kids TV station. It was made for children under six. It showed Nanobots and explained how they were good.😵💫
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