Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 19, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I subscribe to Dr Paul Alexanders Substack and love it when he gets mad and tells the Truth it as it is… that Fauci, Bourla, Birx and all the corrupt evil doers who deceived Trump and the nation need to go to jail now. I completely and passionately agree!
Shedding from the C19 injectables is real, and to come out and speak about it in his prominent position takes a lot of courage. Thank you Dr. Alexander for alerting people to this and your great fight for Truth.
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Mel Remple - Oct 19, 2022
Mel’s Musings
How do the elite protect themselves from vax shedding?
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Lee Muller - Oct 19, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
Dr. Alexander was one of the first to stand guard for us. Grateful he is still fighting for each of us -
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