It's unfortunate that all these side effects are the result of the vaccine when it appears there was never even a "novel coronavirus" in the first place. Essentially, millions of humans were injected with technology under the claim on a deadly disease:
Depopulation, Transhumanism agenda plus trumilliins of trillions in profit.All this reference to the Bible which has been rewritten edited for propaganda, mistranslated, and generally used by those in power to e slave the masses, It has so man y inconsistencies con tradictions etc but still trusted by billions of people as truth. Schofield, a crook even rewrote the Bible for it to say that Israel is the promised land and that is believed by Christian Zionists, used by his fellow Zionists to 'prove' that Zionists are 'chosen'by 'god'etc It coukd well be that these globalust psychopaths
base some if their evil agenda in the Bible and not that tge Bible predict. s anything ie tge same types who wrote the Bible are carrying out what it said it will do. eg 'Mark of the Beast'
The above is partially correct.
The Greek/ Hebrew Bible does NOT contradict itself, but proves itself.
Organized religion indeed has its roots in Babylon ( false religion)
The Bible asks for individual belief and FAITH. THE ONLY book which has accurate secularly provable prophecy...
(i. e. King Cyrus) an
among others...
AND the only Book in which the true GOD, tells you who he is, what he did and what he will do.
NO OTHER book does so.
-correct that Schofield was a SHILL....
We can't convince those who don't want to be convinced, or who have been hurt by the sins of others who claim to be the followers of Chrsit.
We need to be patient and trust that God will sort it out, as he said he would.
Psalm 37 Trust in the LORD and wait quietly for his help.
Don't be angry when people make evil plans and succeed.
Don't become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.
The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call on the LORD for help will inherit the Earth.
In a short time there will be no more evil people.
You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone.
Very bizarre why it was. Luke 1:5 Describes Mary's cousin, Elizabeth being a Levite and marrying a High Priest (Levite). From the mother's side. Dad's side was Judah - and King David, of course. The geneology in the bible is reckoned from the father's side - hence, the importance of Judah lineage in both Joseph (non-bio father) and Mary. Shalom. Blessings.
Many scholars researching the Bible find contradictions, mistranslations, lies, propaganda, editing by Romanat Council of Nicaea for example to remove huge amounts of it such as 'Reincarnation' ...The latter removed apparently because those in power in Rome were worried their evil lives would mean karma after death etc. Many mo otheistic 'religions' before the Bible but that is suppressed info eg some Native American tribes believe in one god but unlike christians they feel, felt no need to torture slaughter anyone who they found not of the same beliefs. The Bible shows every sign of being man made (powerful men who erased most females from Christian story etc and left only a prostitute or 2 and 'pure' mother of Jesus..' Research shows that early Christianity had male and females working for it) but such an observation is seen as a serious 'crime' by Christian zealots who quote the Bible to prove' the Bible etc...
Amen. Make NO MISTAKE this is a SPIRITUAL WAR. It ALL starts in the spiritual before it manifests into the physical. I did receive the vaccination with without informed consent. I am a nurse and always want to help people. I feel that the only help we will receive is through Christ Jesus. God Almighty is bigger than any weapon the enemy of our souls would try and make against the children of God. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Greater is he that is in us, then He that is in this world. Nothing is impossible with our God. By Jesus is stripes, we are healed. like Esther, I was born for such a time as this. We believers, must be spiritual warriors.
Just curious. Did you not have a still small voice within you directing you against taking the shot, regardless of not having the informed consent given to you? If you had read the book of Revelation, surely you would have had some kind of warning within you? And "medicine" has surely come to the end of it's good, considering how it has enabled so many to die for a false belief. Jesus is our healer.
Slight correction, they that are of the sin-o-gog of satan.....
Those of the dispersed tribes are no more guilty of this evil plan then we are, of what our 535 traitors do representing us.
Something to ponder.
Those who say they are Jews but are not Jews ...... Rev 2:9 Amen! To be a true Israelite, first you have to know who God really is, and believe in Him. Then all things are possible. Truly.
I agree -- The wiggling filaments discussed in the Feb 20th Greg Reese video were reported in by Cliff Carnicom in 1999 as a fallout of geoengineering ops (aka Chemtrails). Here is the story to correct the record -
This is why I take cold showers each morning plus seeing the Sunrise. Helps with vagal tone and puts us in a rest/digest mode:
I believe I can explain the orange dots. They are blackheads and acne. I use my handheld black-light to pinpoint my own acne which shows up around the sides of my nose and on my chin as orange-pink dots under UV light. That way I know where I need spot treatments and more exfoliation and after doing so, I use the UV light and most of all of the orange spots are gone! If I've missed spots then I go back and exfoliate more and use the UV light as a guide. This ethnically African woman in the top photo had acne mostly on her T-Zone.
I'm not sure about the whole 'Eye of Horus' thing but I can definitely explain the orange dots.
I understand why you said this. As an RN who specializes in skin care, I’m familiar with skin anatomy. Each pore contains an oil gland and also a hair follicle. As you mentioned, oil & dead skin cells build up inside the pore/hair follicle which glows under UV light. However, the areas that light up with an orange glow are too close together to be pores only. Whatever is lodged in the skin appears to be inside or on top of the skin cells itself, which also includes the pores. There are thousands of skin cells between our pores. This orange substance seems to have landed on all parts of the skin, pores & skin cells alike.
UV light doesn’t detect “acne.” It detects hardened sebum lodged inside of our pores. However, hardened sebum blocks the flow of sebum (oil) that’s released from the sebaceous gland connected to the base of our pore. When sebum can’t escape it becomes a food source for the p.acne bacteria which resides inside everyone’s skin. Once this happens our body’s defenses (white blood cells) rush to eliminate the infection. This response produces a red pimple which emits pus. It’s a normal defense mechanism our body uses to rid us of the acne bacteria that’s run amok.
The same thing happens when we have a generalized infection, like the flu or bacterial infection. Our body develops a fever which serves to fight off the offending invader.
Yes, I'm aware of this. The person above is the one saying it is acne, not me. as for possible sebum hardened in the pores, very unlikely.
There is a consistency of skin complexion which means that the UV should reveal a section of skin with this condition.
What I describe is NOT IT.
These are individual specks bright orange smaller then the pores themselves.
It take very close to discern this. The skin is not going to have sporadic sebum issues on individual pores but most likely a small surface area based on personal technique of washing up and scrubbing away.
The dark blue hues of racoon eyes with a elongated oval shape below the eye alongside the right side of the nose is not some sebum oil packed in, nor are there any visible red pimples or any signs of white heads or other forms of zits.
I am simply sharing these findings and am not expecting anyone to believe me.
But will clarify and eliminate the above as a plausible explanation.
Being in my seventh decade and one who sweats profusely when working out doors, which is what I do, have not had any facial complexion issues.
Sweat issues, Oh yes!!! boils and jock itch, and yes I do dress and properly and use powders and other meds.
Stuff happens in spite of precautions.
Only not to the degree if precautions had not been taken. Ha...
OK, I'm done, y'all have a great weekend.
The only thing I really am interested in is ideas of possible detox.
As far as these UV findings go, try them yourselves and come to your own conclusions.
It's not on me to convince anyone.
Best detox is mother natures built in mechanism into us. Called water fast. When one water fasts LONG ENOUGH (at least 21 days) the body gets a change to dig dip enough and get rid of the stuff that sits there for decades.
For further info:
The science of fasting documentary
Loren Lockman youtube channel - He is the director of TangleWood Wellness center for supervised water fasting.
Search Dr. Robert Morse videos about detox. When you switch to live foods your body starts naturally to detox.
Good Luck.
Ah, I see! That method sounds good too!
No, no cold showers, although maybe I should try them. I do occasionally jump into a "refreshing" chilly ocean on humid, sweaty days
Good for you Pamela. The ocean is amazing for so many things, plus it's a natural faraday cage. FYI cold helps us increase our vagus nerve (parasymphatic relaxation/ rest and digest) response. Why I often burp as soon as I get out of the shower(:
The more research you do, you will come to the conclusion that our own government has been actively poisoning us from DAY 1. The hospitals are probably the epicenter of the eugenics operations. Our intel says it starts at birth with the poisons put into floor cleaners so the babies can catch that HAND TO MOUTH cancer early.
From Radioactive Quaker Oats to IKE Nuking Washington State in Operation Green Run. you will understand what I'm talking about.
In Arizona, a known government and a suspected CIA base. The pilots are contract pilots furnished by Evergreen. Evergreen has been named as one of the bases where drugs are flown in from Central America. The City of Pasadena passed a law making it illegal to spray malathion within the city limits. The law was ignored and the city took no action. When the people of California literally revolted against the spray¬ ing of malathion, the Governor of California stated that he did not have the power to stop the operation. What higher power is there that could prevent a governor of a state from halting the spraying of an insecticide? A warning was issued to cover up automobiles and belongings because malathion could destroy paint, some plastics, and other property. People, they said, would not be injured. It is a lie. Translation??? They sprayed California cities with WW2 chemical weapons DISGUISED as fruit fly treatment according to Navy Intelligence Officer William Cooper. You know the same guy who told us 30 years ago the Club of Rome had a plan to depopulate us using a vaccine that attacks the IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Hey Doctor Ana, If you want to know why babies are being born without any brains in YOUR neighborhood check out Operation Green Run....
Tip. UseYandex.comfor research Google. Its ran by the CLOWNS IN AMERICA.
Tip Evergreen is Hillary Clintons Secret Service Handle..... Think Depopulation
I've known all this and am with you. I've been violated and I'm furious, have been for many yrs. I used to listen to Bill Cooper urs ago and was saddened at what they did to him. Their actions tell me they don't care about our letters and complaints. God bless.
I checked my face with a 395 and saw the orange/hot pink spots, and the weird eye thing. I didn't take any jabs, I didn't do any tests. I think I'm extra sensitive to the shedding, as I have been sick every time I sleep under the same roof as someone who's taken them, sometimes just in the same room for an hour- my reactions/symptoms have changed with the different boosters. There is no way to stay away from all the people who do this stuff to their bodies. I have some dots on my forehead, too, not just on my chin and around my nose. I believe I got shedded on by a newly v'd dog- so, I think it's in the rabies, etc. jabs, too. Thank you for your great work! I look forward to hearing what you learn about this.
I found a couple of articles of mRNA in the rabies shots after my friend got her friend got her cat the rabies shot. He quickly developed chf and died within weeks of the shot. I only vax for parvo and distemper when they’re a puppy and nothing else in their lives. I also only feed the raw meat. Currently emu+lamb with goats milk. No carcinogenic flea treatments ever.
I am putting together you comment and thinking you are correct in that I took my 15 year old dog to vet for treatment and they insisted he get a rabies shot--he's 8lbs and never leaves my yard. I had him close to me bc he was having kidney issues and for a week I had sinus that developed into a visual migraine and a week of fever and three weeks after of brutal flu-cold-whatever-it was horrible and I never got the cv shot
And I also forgot to mention that rabies is a forced vax and jaw so it would be the first one to have mrna. My vet said but your dog could die if it gets rabies. I said well then I’m a non law abiding dog owner and If he dies than that’s one me. And second of all I don’t put my dogs in a situation where they’d contract rabies. I also have a groomer nail trim gal come to my house because the pet stores require vaccines. She left veterinary because they are over vaxing all animals. It’s sickening. Oh shd while they were injecting his hip with the distemper parvo I said why not in the neck and I kid you not she said because if the dog gets vaccine cancer we can amputate their leg and she looked up and me realizing what she says and I said the jig is up! Then she says but they took out the cancer causing stuff. Gee then why are animals getting cancer??? Poison ALL OF IT! I’m also reading breeders are losing more puppies after vaccines. I’ll never inject another animal or myself with this shit!
I’m so sorry. It makes me sad tgst our animals rely on us to keep them healthy and big pharma wants them dead. I’m going to give you a link to a Fb group for dogs with cancer. Maybe it’ll help as it won’t hurt. I also feed my dog raw emu lamb with goats milk it’s called Steve’s. It’s clean meat. They get that for breakfast and for dinner they eat a tiny bit of the best kibble with raw hamburger that’s grass fed and I try to get grass finished but not always. For treats they get freeze dried liver, sweet potatoes, and moo checks. The (cow)moo cheeks help with natural flossing too so it’s a bonus. They get less than a quarter cup of kibble at dinner only with warm water and raw hamburger. Please do not beat yourself up about the vax because you didn’t know. It’s done so please don’t feel guilty.
Here’s the Fb group:
Perhaps you'd be interested in taking a look at what Dr. Sam Bailey has to say about rabies. I must add, the Baileys both question the existence of viruses in general since they've never been proven to exist.
We sure as heck know that this Corona virus has never been isolated...
I think the "shedding" is signals being transmitted from the 'vaccinated' and being received by the unvaccinated. We all have this nano-technology in us from the decades of chemtrails and I think the jab along with the 5G is "bringing us online". Dr. Ana herself explained how this stuff is in us all and it is both a receiver and a transmitter. THAT is why everyone is having such a hard time figuring out the shedding. Dr. Ana interviewed a gentleman once who seemed to be in the know and when he was asked about the shedding he said... "its the frequencies"... I think THAT is what he meant!!!
You’re spot on Robin. It took me almost three years ( since the vaxx rollout in early 21) to figure out everything going on with my health). I am a fire marshal/inspector in a rapidly growing city. And during the height of the vaxx rollout, I Inspected primarily schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities exc. We were instructed to avoid them ( for the most part) during that time of the plandemic, but in emergency situations they needed approvals for makeshift capacity and I made exceptions. Now looking back, whenever I would walk in a hospital or nursing home my skin would start stinging and the air would feel heavier, as if particles were energized ( ironically we know that to be the case now as the filaments/hydrogels are attracted to us) By July 2021, I noticed some cognition issues never experienced before, specifically the inability to retain newly read information. This was a relative rapid onset and never had that issue before. During this time I discovered mold under my house, and having been exposed to moldy fire stations during my 14 yrs as a line fire fighter, it wasn’t until February 2023, I began mold treatment and was diagnosed with CIRS having met the criteria for 4 out of 5 tested markers. Between July 2021 and end of 2022, I wasted so much time and money with conventional testing markers which of course showed nothing. Pharma docs thought I was psychosomatic and recommended ssri’s. Interestingly, The paradigm has shifted and nano infestation in the body/Brain does cause severe anxiety and psychosomatic behavior. I had anxiety and depression never experienced before in my entire life. Always exercised and maintained a healthy disposition. I broke out in tears when I read one of Dr. Mihalcea’s articles where she mentioned how so many folks felt spiritually disconnected from God and I certainly had trouble nurturing my spirit during this time. Constant gnawing head pressure. the agitation from the inability to observe my surroundings in solitude and find peace. It’s apparent my healthy frequency has been disrupted.. That’s exactly how I feel. It’s improved tremendously but still not quite there yet with my concentration. I have seen marked improvement under the CIRS protocol through a holistic: integrative doctor for which I’m grateful for. Only thing elevated still, is my C4a which is broad inflammatory maker. But has come down significantly. But to your point Robin, now that I’ve just about eliminated CIRS markers, the cognition issue remains, and missing link has been shedding. When I am around someone vaxxed, the head pressure was something never experienced before. My city douses us with chemtrails from dawn to dusk nearly every day, especially in 2023. Now, realizing nano has without a doubt been shed on me especially at the height of the rollout when Pfizer knew we are most subjected to vaccine injury from shedding. I realize now that I may be receiving and transmitting and realized this with the removal of my smart meter. My head pressure has been reduced significantly. I feel the next step is edta with IV chelation but am wondering if pill edta chelation will provide a marked improvement. Doing research now. I would appreciate any suggestions on this thread. Grateful to be surrounded by so many who are awake. I have not done any heavy metals detoxing but want to do it right. If you read this Dr. Mihalcea, I would appreciate any advice you may have or if you know a good colleague on the east coast that can administer edta in chelation. Thank you all
Matrix2008 Thank you for your comments. I am sorry it has been so long since I have this post, but I am glad others have offered EDTA product possibilities. I would just like to add that I heard Dr Mihalcea say that we need to be cautious about the oral EDTA because it is a metal binder and it will bind to our essential minerals as well, so she likes the transdermal EDTA that you rub onto your skin. EZDtox Cream (EDTA Detox Cream) is what she recommends. The directions say to take a quality mineral supplement 1 hour away from cream application. It's rather expensive but a better way to get the EDTA chelation if there are any issues with the oral. I also found Arizona Natural EDTA Chelation Formula to be good for oral consumption. But again, just make sure you supplement minerals at least an hour away from taking it... I do it several hours apart myself. Good Luck with everything!!! :-)
and I don't know why it deleted the word revisited but I meant to say... sorry it has been so long since I have revisited this post... and I also wanted to comment on your comment about how nice it is to be surrounded by so many who are awake... I agree whole heartedly!!! This is one of the ONLY venues I can be on without being called a "conspiracy theorist" which is a derogatory term of disrespect "they" came up with to discredit and shame people who are trying to get the TRUTH out there! Even people in the truth movement will disregard what I say when someone else calls me a "conspiracy theorist". I have known about "their" plans since the 90's and have had to watch it play out. There is still more to come. ONe of the many things "they" put into writing is the fact that "they" plan to turn the U.S. into a 3rd world country. The massive invasion at the border is the beginning of that. "They" also said that because they know Americans won't turn on their own countrymen "they" plan on using soldiers of other nationalities to do that while they send our guys over to other countries for the same exact reason. These beings are evil and soulless and they want humanity exterminated! That is soooo hard for people to wrap their heads around but we are out of time. I can no longer stay silent! Once "they" succeed in getting a one world govt they need an enemy to fight so that is when they will introduce the extraterrestrial threat. "They" are already putting out hints here and there about it. There will be false flag attacks and they will look and seem very very real. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE FEAR THAT THEY WANT FROM US!!! THEY FEED ON OUR FEAR AND NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, KEEP YOUR FREQUENCIES HIGH!!! KNOW THAT WE ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE!!! LOVE IS SO MUCH STRONGER AND GREATER THAN FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robin. I’m very appreciative for your time and response. Since I’m on the tail end of the mold protocol ( and spending quite a bit to get there) once she releases me it will free up quite a bit of funds to do edta. It makes perfect sense as edta binds with metals thus mineral supplementation. I guess EDTA IV chelation is the standard but if the efficacy is still good with oral or transdermal then that would be significant so thank you. As far as a mineral supplement goes, is there any mineral supplement combination recommended or prioritized above others?
Yes. Once you’re awake, it’s a blessing but the burden sometimes is tough especially with family and friends who are still sleeping. We used to frequently have clear skies here in NC and now it’s just mind boggling that our citizens seem to be indifferent to overcast/cloudy/rainy skies for over the half the year. No one seems to question why. As I’m writing this to you it is Sunday, dusk and they are spraying again shortly after blue sky began to appear from a cloudy day around 3:30.
Yes. This isn’t about just votes, They are planning to arm these invaders with weaponry brought here with our own tax dollars. Absolutely agree. Folks who are sleeping will think it’s Armageddon/ww3 and will certainly be scary but yes.. we will win this war. Unfortunately, those asleep and all of us must endure the pain close to home in order to enact change. May God bless and protect us all. Thank you for your help again Robin.
Hello Matrix, if you decide to go with the oral EDTA, the product brand "Cardio Flow" I have found is one of the best. Gives you 1000mg of EDTA per day with its herbals to help the chelation as well.
Comparing ingredients this one has 500mg of edta.
This one just under that but also has many of the same ingredients.
I post this to offer the reader other alternatives as our supply system continues to decline.
Also this company offers many sales and when ordering six at a time it is 50% off.
I'm a year long user of this product and have notice the small varicose veins around my ankles diminish. From a bright blue to small thin light blue lines.
No problem figuring out shedding to me. I have shingles, and the doctor said they don't treat long CV. At the time I was just vaccinated. Got CV 6 weeks later.
I would have to agree... Yep.. We are full of nanotech!
Nano tech is small enough to enter the cells of our brains (less than 100nm in size). This tiny tech can be a computer in it's own right with ability to sense if a neuron is firing and transmit this data as a node on a IEEE 801.15.x Body Area Network (BAN). They were doing this over 10 years ago!
All this data (often millions of nodes!) is then sent to a Personal Area Network (PAN) which can be another person, your phone, computer, router (or someone elses).
You ever wonder why all the permissions on your phone relating to allowing contact with NEAR-BY DEVICES??? These were added during the pandemic under the guise of a requirement for "Contact Tracing". What people didn't realise is that this contact tracing capability allows for the creation of a mesh network and YOU are one of the nearby DEVICES they are talking about!
So all the nodes inside the brain send their information via wireless protocols (see IEEE ZigBee 801.15.X Protocols BAN and PAN) and eventually make it to a LAN and onto the WAN to the cloud for processing. The patterns of brain activity which are then fed into AI and Big Data then allow the recreation of what it is you are thinking, feeling, seeing etc.
I am not sure about this... I am positive.
Look up mainstream articles regarding Meta being able to read peoples minds.. There's the AI/ mind reading side.. All you have to to do is get brain wave patterns out of the brain and into a computer for processing..
Further to this photo-receptor nanobots can be constructed in the retina to allow organic/nanobot optical sensors that allow hi res imagery of what a person sees to be sent out to the Personal Area Network for processing and reconstruction IN REAL TIME!
Nano tech can and IS doing this TODAY... Most of the the population is rife with nano tech and doesn't even realise...
They spray NANOBOTS in to the skys. It's in our water, food and medications and cosmetics. No vaccine required!
The people are supposed to learn of this stuff in about 20 years... Those being harassed (or the awake) will probably be some of the first killed in the coming "pandemic" to ensure the illusion continues.
Elon Musk will continue putting unnecessary holes in peoples heads to keep this illusion! There is NO NEED FOR WIRES IN ORDER TO READ A PERSONS BRAIN ACTIVITY!! We already KNOW this.
I could not have said it better myself! You are absolutely correct. Everything you just said there is the absolute truth. I too know this to be the case. Thank you so much for your comment. I hope many read it and wake up even further! ( and just remember... God wins in the end! :-)
I lost my smell 3 1/2 years ago when getting sick from picking up shedding from others. How can I get it back?
BTW, I do also have weird, transient memory loss, while other things I would never expect to remember, stick with me.
Nicotine did not harm anything. The toxin they spread around the world attached to the body's nicotinic receptors. Those who used nicotine in any form were protected because the poison could not attach to those receptors. That's why Fauci and others were encouraging people to quit smoking. They lied. They wanted people to die. And, if you follow Dr Bryan Ardis, he has pretty much proven it wasn't something contagious. It was snake venom. And the lungs themselves were not affected, it was the central nervous system that was attacked. Snake venom does that exact thing. Check out the video done by Dr Ardis on Rumble in November 2022. You'll find out lots of things.
Thanks Melissa! I actually saw a short clip on TikTok about the snake venom and I believe it! I’ll check out that video on rumble. Much thanks and blessings to you 💕
Synickel, I tried this trick from a lady I saw on You-tube when I lost my sense of taste & smell from Covid several years ago. I lost it for several weeks. I hated it, because I love coffee & missed tasting my coffee so much. So, what you do is get 3 oils: eucalyptus, peppermint, & coconut first dip a Q-tip in the eucalyptus oil & swirl it around in one nostril for about 10-20 seconds, then do the same with the Q-tip in peppermint oil for the same time, then do the same with the Q-tip in coconut oil for the same time...& then repeat the steps all over again in the other nostril. I did this 1-3 times per day over a few days, & I believe I had my sense of smell back by the 3rd day. & the sense of taste & smell are everything was restored, I was so relieved. But, 3 1/2 years is a long time to be without a sense of smell. I also have heard memory & sense of smell are interconnected. I’ve heard one of the early signs of Alzheimer’s is a loss of smell. I believe memory & smell are part of the limbic system. Good luck! I hope you can still restore it even though it’s been so long!
The essential oils mixed with coconut oil make it tolerable on the skin , very easily cross the blood brain barrier and protect the cells in the frontal senses, the terpenes in eucalyptus and peppermint are some of the strongest purifiers , can have benefits within 20 seconds from application, many more combinations for differing bacterial, fungal or viral targeting if you are still understanding the biological environment through mainstream scientific language. At the base level one should know that essential oils have Very distinct frequencies and their energy potential can be harmonized for different purposes. We tend to think this is a bacterial, fungal or viral category, but if you understand that these also have frequency range and category for size it’s a more basic understanding of the energy charges and potential of cellular respiration that is the fundamental function of healthy or damaged cells.
Zinc & B3 deficiency can cause loss of smell. Certain medications can also … if you are ‘colonized’ , perhaps a throat / nasal rinse with iodine as long as you have no problems with iodine - see if that helps.
yes... nicotine! Although the patches work better because the gum will release the toxins in your stomach/gut and make you feel sick whereas the patches release the nicotine into your bloodstream and the toxins are released everywhere over time. You only need about 3-5 mg at a time so cut the patches up into pieces. Then Vit C or EDTA will denature the toxins and then a binder like EDTA , Vit C, or bentonite clay will bind with them and take them out of your system. Most people need to do this on a regular basis to stay 'clean'.
Re: Memory. I experience exactly the same thing. To the point where things I see, or conversations I have, trigger memories of things I experienced, even multiple decades ago, in exquisite detail. The strangest part is that while the events I recall are actual events, I don't remember ever having "rembered" them before. (There are many events we repeatedly recall (more or less accurately) but these are not them. These are things stored in long-term memory that suddenly resurface, seemingly for the first time. Why?
I read a weird but interesting convo yesterday relating to getting the senses back on a 'side effects after mRNA" group in my country. I auto translated it (read below) .... so it might be found on yt vids as well but no idea where. Someone familiar with it?
Btw Synickel, did you get a pcr test? I've heard of many losing their smell/taste after it.
Here it is;
Simon Adrienne Overes:
Hi Anne,
I also suffered from loss of smell and taste. You are certainly not the only one! And I haven't been jabbed.
I did a search on Google and came across the following solution.
It sounds strange but it really works. Have already used it in 2 cases.
Ask your partner or family member to tap the back of your head a few times. Where you feel that lump at the bottom of your head. But really a few big taps, like you do something with your middle finger and your thumb.
That a few times a day and I had my taste and smell back.
It sounds bizarre, I know, but try it. Good luck!
Ellen EE:
Simon Adrienne Overes, This is a joke?
Simon Adrienne Overes:
Ellen EE, No, I thought it was bizarre too, but it worked for me.
Ellen EE:
Simon Adrienne Overes, How can you search for that on Google? Which search term?
Anet Verwijs van Dijk:
Ellen EE, no, it's not a joke, it worked really well here👍
Anet Verwijs van Dijk:
Simon Adrienne Overes, I did too! Apply pressure with 2 fingers next to your nose (between your eyes) and then "hit" the back of the head 3 times. I also immediately did olfactory therapy with 4 different scents of essential oils. This really helped my daughter and me, it came back within a week or 2!
(not injected but had corona)
Ellen EE:
Anet Verwijs van Dijk, Where did you find that? What are the exact instructions?
Concitta Luz Maria:
Ellen EE, you can find that on yt. It really helps.
Ellen EE:
Concitta Luz Maria, What search term can I enter for this?
Mylène Verkerk:
Ellen EE, probably NIS... eg Jeroen van t Hoff is practicing
Mylène Verkerk:
Ellen EE, of course! Done with this one 😊
Jolanda van Dorsten:
Simon Adrienne Overes, I've heard that before 🤔
Thank you. This sounds like worth a try.
No, I did not take the PCR test. My career was in healthcare and I smelled a rat from the start. I didn't believe there was anything more than the next year's flu coming to town. I learned about vaccines years ago and stayed away from them.
Excellent analysis as usual, Dr. Milhalcea. In 2006, a group of moms in Marin County, CA, (MAS: Moms Against the Spray, formerly MOMAS) banded together to stop the spray against the light brown apple moth that was to occur along the entire Californian coast line. One county did get sprayed (Monterrey), but we stopped the spray otherwise. It was at that juncture I learned from moms about GMOs and their associated pesticides, and I've been on the track of understanding and treating the side effects from manipulation of nature on health.
That work has not only included the original GMO crops, but bioengineered, CRISPR technology, and the previous bioweapon before C, Lyme disease.
Understanding the history allows us to go forward.
I had no idea back in 2006 what they were doing and the ultimate loss of our autonomy was their goal. Thank you profoundly for helping me understand/backfill what we've been up against for decades. The positive result of Covid (yes, there's an upside) is that like an infected abscess, the wound is draining. We now know what we are dealing with.
Its funny how with all this new news coming out, no one will talk about the magnetism in the vaxxed that sheds to the unvaxxed.
It has been censored for 3 years now, it is an easily proven physical phenomenon that it Obviously related to the shedding from the vaxxed but...
I dont know if everyone has it but I know Many do, even if they themselves do not know it. No one who sees it live in person ever thinks its fake though.
It measures on millitesla/gauss meters but just try to put up a video showing any of it occurring, even with no text or commentary and see how long it stays up. Poof.... To This Very Day.
Interesting how no one ever got censored for saying it was graphene.
It is also very possible that all these stage 4 turbocancers are coming from an electromagnetic interaction from the 'magnetism' like effect and the repeated scans they give people but Crickets.
Even from all the people that know it is occurring, like karen kingston or dr ruby or alex jones or dr lee merritt or sherry tenpenny or many more I could list that Know.
Seems pretty fuggin important to me. A previously unknown phenomenon in humans and an unknown techno/biological substance injected into humans that sheds to people who did not get it is not a Coincidence. Its a Plan.
But Crickets.
Also I made blacklight comments about shedding in a few places and they all got deleted, fwiw.
Discovered i had it summer of 2021 .. only tested as a joke tbh, I didnt believe these reports & thought they were setting up “anti-vaxxers” to look silly.
Started with a metal pin. Then larger coins. Magnets. Knives forks, & my cell phone!? My mind was blown. Angry & freaked out because I’m NOT vaxxed!
I actually made most of go away & would love to see what my blood looks like. No idea what the source was, but when you know you have it , its kinda disturbing.
Also shining a black light on your body will show the blood vessels. A couple years ago I saw a couple videos of this. And I heard that certain cities were installing black lights on the streets - easy way to see if someone had the shot or not.
Thank you for the suggestion, I wonder if luciferase can be seen under blacklight? If I remember correctly , it should show green. Though under what wavelength I do not know.
You're very welcome. Not sure about the luciferase, though. But I believe it's the cause of the black light illumination. Or something equally as sinister.
Hello, were you jabbed, or not? Where was the magnetic effect noticed on your body, if you weren't jabbed? What have you done to make it go away? Thanks :)
No, none of the magnetic people I refer to are jabbed. In the unvaxxed, the 'magnetism' usually occurs on the forehead, collarbone and sternum, which are all places with thin skin over thick bones. It is not magnetism as we previously knew it though, because coins and keys are not 'magnetic', which is to say a magnet will not stick to them but they will stick to people. No unvaxxed are ever magnetic on their arm in my experience. I dont know exactly what made it go away, but we have been taking glutathione and hempseed oil/ALA the longest, since June 2021.
We also moved from shedderville Washington to a rural area in the south with a low vaxx rate, fwiw.
However, my wife and I both had to fly places at different times since the magnetism went away and when each of us got home, we were magnwtic again. It did not cross shed between us each time and it went away fairly quickly so I imagine there is a body burden buildup level of the shedding that causes it to occur. We were taking many more supplements by then, so I dont really know what fixed it but it could just be supplements and absolute total avoidance of anyone who is vaxxed.
I wish more people realized they have it but sometimes you can even see it on people in public or on tv when their cross or charm necklace sticks unnaturally to their collarbone or sternum and doesnt come loose even when they move around or bend over.
I found many unvaxxed in Kirkland that had it and then I left and showed EVERYONE I MET for 4 days driving a uhaul across the US. Truck stops, rest areas, gas stations, hotels, Everyone.
And even in places with no 5g for hundreds of miles, they have it Too.
Its actually surprisingly easy to get someone to try it at a freeway rest stop, one time at like 1 in the morning I had stopped and was just out smoking and sticking objects to my forehead and this old biker dude said 'Whats That?'.
There were like 10 or 12 people standing around and they all started trying it. And they All had it, including some peoples kids. Only one vaxxed in the group but he wouldnt try it. You should have seen the stinkeye all those people gave him though and everyone physically moved away from him.
He was riding with one of the unvaxxed so Im guessing that was a pretty uncomfortable remainder of their trip.
I dont care. Its real as Fuch and I will never ever Ever pretend it is not.
This explains why in 2021 after being hugged by my newly vaxxed landlady with an open wound on her lower leg from a varicose vein surgery, I suddenly felt like an atomic bomb was going off starting in my lower leg and going out the top of my head!
Dr Ana you are my favorite doctor in the world! And that's coming from a person that doesn't utilize any doctors other than Heavenly Father. But I do follow some of you're colleagues, and at the top of my list is you. I pray for you from time to time, that you will continue to find pertinent and helpful information. And I feel that my prayers are answered, because every week you come out with more! I particularly liked your recent peace on the military study of EMF's that was produced in the 70's!
I would prefer to address you as a friend and hopefully you'll see this post. I know you're very busy! However, this is the only way I know of to contact you.
I watched your former video on this subject. Actually I watch all of your videos. I have a vast amount of knowledge. I have a gift of putting things together. So let me offer a couple of thoughts to you on the subject of the Violet street lights. Which by the way, they are also installing into the car headlights. Both the street lights and the headlights are much more obvious from your peripheral vision than they are when looking at them straight on. Everyone I've spoken to about these lights tells me that they make them feel sick! Or depressed. And my personal experience is that they also make me feel sick. So I avoid looking at them or having the light coming from them touch my skin.
Here's why: The gentleman who invented the Halo healing system. Healed his own cancer by using light which he shined through various herbal substances. Such as aloe vera. What he found in his research was that the violet colored light was the very best at transferring the information from the herbs and into the body. (I believe this is because the human body produces violet light through its cold fusion process that it uses to energize itself.) So, through photonic biophoresis the information from the healing herbs are transferred or teleported or simulated in or into the body.
Here's how I believe the covid sickness was spread. Obviously geoengineering has some part in raining down the various chemical agents needed upon the population. In terms of the frequency portion of the equation I believe the cell phone towers are being used to infuse the atmospheric water with the informational codes of the sickness. Then the population gets sick by breathing the water. Of course they get sicker with the vaccine, because with the vaccine they are able to physically infuse the body with a whole host of other toxic chemicals and frequencies. So what I'm saying is that the sickness is coded into the atmospheric water using frequencies. These actually could come from any number of sources including the cell phone towers, satellites, or military broadcasts Etc . And in addition to the simple act of breathing they are using the Violet lights to transfer the sickness into the body, or to have the body simulate the sickness by photonic biophoresis. Also using this method they can make any portion of the population in any geographic area sick at will, with any type of sicknesses or disease. In addition to this, there is the aspect of being burned radiologically by both the EMF radio waves coming off of the cell phone towers, as well as the scalar wave energy coming off of the cell phone towers. Also, using the scalar wave energy they can directly communicate with the spirit essence of the Soul and sicken the soul using their deluded and Evil frequency programs.
Any normal, friendly, Godly person is welcome to contact me by email:casa__blanca@sbcglobal.netNote there are two underscores. Specifically excluded from this invitation is anyone working on behalf of any of the destructive governments of the world, or any of their agencies or NGO's.
Also info out there by Dr Bryan Ardis (Rumble) that CV was not a virus but twenty or so snake toxins as well as conotoxins. Study done in Italy of people who had the sickness and that's what was found. But they want you to believe it was originally from bat soup at a wet market!
It’s all coming together now. I have been treated for CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) for mold exposure. I found out I’m really sensitive in proximity vaccinated individuals and emf. I’ve asked others who are not vaccinated and they do not have the same issues. I rarely stay in close proximity these days but when around them I feel the same familiar head pressure symptoms , skin stinging-burning sensations. Within 20 minutes or so after removal, this subsides. I have removed my smart meter from house and have felt a noticeable improvement with headaches a well
Sure. I requested Our Service Provider Duke Energy to come out and replace it with an analog meter. They didn’t give me any issue. Only difference is I have to now pay 11 bucks a month for meter readings. Noticeable difference now at night especially, the head pressure is gone and a sense of calm as in years past has come back to a degree with less anxiety. As someone said earlier, they are commandeering us away from earth’s natural frequency into a frequency that will only wreak havoc on every system in the body and gladly tap you with Rockefeller medicine as your life expectancy is greatly reduced along the way. In entomology, insects have chitin instead of blood. They will dry us out in a similar manner in the form of clots and disease the more we ingest nano particles/ hydrogels and increase conductivity. On a positive note, many of us are waking up very fast to this scheme and will not succumb to this assault on humanity. Dr. Milhacea and others like her are definitely trailblazing and showing the courage and foresight to address the real issue here. I called Dr. Peter McCullough at the height of covid rollout chaos when he was at Baylor ( they then canned him for speaking out after) and he answered remarkably. He navigated me through the rollout with ivermectin and other treatments early on. However, now he like other now mainstream discourse doctors are not talking about nano, morgellons, filaments, hydrogel as the source of the spread. They are still referring to spike protein, hence the promotion of nattokinase, bioperine curcumin, and bromelain as effective against shedding. But after Dr. M’s blood findings, now have to rethink preparation around people. What aren’t these doctors addressing the real issue? They cannot be this tone deaf.
It seems that some doctors are 'controlled opposition' unfortunately & they split the truth teller groups on purpose to weaken them. I read a piece on here by Dr Mihalcea where she was replying a few well known 'Covid truth' doctors Tenpenny etc on ( I think it was a podcast) who were deriding etc, Dr Mihalceas detailed scientific work. These doctors are trusted by huge numbers and were saying that God will fix everything so no need to do anything else...Same view as huge numbers on here and elsewhere...
This is how I did it: I unplugged the smart meter one night, wrapped it in aluminum foil, and threw it into the back yard until the battery ran out, which took a few days. After the battery was dead, I brought it back in the house and just put it by the meter without connecting it. When the Department of Public Works (water man) came by to say they needed to come in my house to replace the 'failed' meter, I told the two of them that there was no need and that I had unplugged it myself. The conversation went thus:
"Why did you do that?", he asked.
"Those meters irradiate my household 365 days a year and contribute to DNA and immune system malfunction just so that the local town can fire workers like you," I replied.
"They aren't firing anyone," he argued.
"They already fired them, but you just don't realize it. Years ago, they had many workers checking the houses manually. Then they moved wireless readers to the outside of the house so people could just walk over and place small numeric reader over the it to get the meter count. Now they have bluetooth "smart meters" that transmit to the street so you can just drive by in a town vehicle and read the entire street in about 3 minutes. Every step of that involved firing people. Next they will have self-driving cars collecting the readings and fire YOU. You should thank me for disconnecting it."
Befuddled and gobsmacked, he then asked me, "Did anyone ever tell you that altering the meter could result in you getting fined?"
I straightened myself and lifted my chin.
"FINE ME, if you dare. YOU put something that is unhealthy to me in MY house without MY permission. I am not afraid of you or anyone else. Do your worst. I'll rip the entire system out, throw it in the street, dig a hole in my back yard, and get my OWN WATER."
The man standing next to him fought back laughter but could not hide his amusement.
Standing visibly surprised at my response he managed to utter, "Well... I... guess we'll come check your meter manually then."
"Okay; I'll see you next month," as I turned and went back into my house.
They came to ask my meter reading after that. I still planned to get off of city water entirely. I bought a well-drilling rig but ended up selling my gorgeous house and am now on the run, bouncing from rental to rental every few weeks.
Whoa!!! ... Lets not get carried away with aircraft photos we know nothing about. The aircraft shown is a Boeing 747, experimentally converted to a fire fighting air tanker. The photo was from a trial run not far from Marana, Az, where the CIA has a large facility to convert aircraft of any size into anything desired. If you look close, it says "Evergreen International" on the fuselage. Evergreen is a CIA trademark, also seen on numerous green ocean freight containers. They are also in business of international freight and own large container ships. Converting a 747 made sense from the standpoint of its ability to carry immense weight; water is heavy. However, it was a failed experiment as the 747 is so big that it cannot be safely piloted close to the ground, thru narrow canyons, and even less so over wild fires that produce hefty updrafts of hot "thin" air which a 747 can sink into and crash. Too many retardant planes and their crews have been lost exactly due to this phenomenon. This prototype was used a few times in country that was pretty much flat, but most wildfires are in mountainous terrain, and the 747 simply cannot maneuver in tight spaces. I witnessed a trial drop from this exact plane using just water over Greer, Az with an active wildfire in progress. The town of Greer sits in a deep canyon. The drop had to be performed at such a high elevation that it made no difference on the ground. This experiment was soon abandoned. When retardant drops are made from too much elevation (too high up), all you get on the ground is a fine mist - which stops no fire. The photo is from a test run while emptying their tanks as fast as possible using large centrifugal pumps. The tanks get emptied in about 6 seconds. This isn't "spray"; its a "dump." Aerial fire retardant drops must be dropped very heavy and suddenly as otherwise not enough water reaches the fire. What you see in the photo is water, nothing more and nothing less. It is not herbicide or insecticide or any other "spray". Used in this context, this photo will result in more fear mongering than education. This is not to say we don't get sprayed with unknown materials. Yes, we do. But it gets dispensed through Airforce tankers that are dedicated to the geoengineering program. Their "spray" looks like a jet condensation trail (contrail) but it carries from one horizon to the other and is known as a "chemtrail." The material that gets sprayed out is a dry powder, not a liquid. Liquids are also used for spraying, but this is done with other aircraft. Here in ND, the Airforce uses C-130s for mosquito spraying - for example.
Could this be why my targeting constantly fires my senses with smells links to memories? This is CONSTANT… from the smell of cake my mother used to bake, to my father’s scent, to used feminine pads, and even the smell of sex. What could they be trying to achieve with this?
They are exploring and experimenting on us with all known and imagined EVIL methods of manipulation and control, otherwise they cant possible pull off this agenda on a whole planet. Olfactory signals go the fastest directly to the brain and subconscious mind , even when the conscious is NOT aware , This madness must stop , unfortunately its can easily be seen the military of the world and their evil corporate contractors are the major source . Only a complete planetary rebellion with violence will even begin to do the job , until nature pulls the plug with planetary level disaster , like it has done many times in cycles. Do you know how you became targeted or exposed enough for this to occur?
Thinking it’s time to protect against this crap if we can. Maybe a good start is putting Vicks under our noses to block their interference for now. Yeah it sucks but, better than being manipulated, right?
It’s possible that the combination of petroleum jelly and eucalyptus menthol would resist the frequency and access to the senses through the nasal cavity, at the very least the cells would recover their energy potential and remain healthy against other toxic chemicals with harmful frequencies invading the sinuses daily.
Vicks has the eucalyptus oil and other menthol extracts, high terpene concentrations in eucalyptus, peppermint and other similarly energized oils have a cellular protection that can cross the blood Brian barrier through the nasal airways in just a few seconds and the cells can recover their health and energy integrity . The science of energy and frequency is the medicine that criminal doctors cannot patent or control as expensive experiments.
Unconsented to manchurian candidates or zombies of the walking dead? Nanotech brain surgery. stepford citizens?
There's only on guy who is omnipotent and omniscient who can fix that. Jesus the Word. The guy who said to the corroded "cell walls" of a stinking corpse (of 3 days without refrigeration),
" Lazarus, Come Forth"!" The guy who said "Let there be Light!" to the earth. The guy who sent fire from the sky to dry out then ignite the waterlogged altar of Elijah. That guy.
The guy to whom the real "masters" (of the transhumanist scientists) think "Jesus who is God! Our time of destruction is not yet come!" That guy.
AMEN, when HE comes back to this earth with fire, all the techno chemicals will Burn, only salvation protects through his blood
He promises to return and purify his creation if we choose Love, Light and Truth
Wormwood is a bitter cleansing agent, revelation of his return is a cleansing restoration for earth and humanity
The Bible offers hope and a future for those who accept Jesus as Lord
Revelation 6:15-17 (KJV) And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Hi Melissa
I tried nicotine gum 4 mg according to Doctor Ardis (He's currently recommending 2 mg in the gum) I kept a journal of those things that changed. In the course of 10 days I would say about 20 different health conditions completely cleared up, or vastly improved. Currently I'm taking Lobelia extract for maintenance and chewing a small pinch of organic tobacco first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I tried urine therapy to restore my sense of taste. I did that for 80 Days. Which is supposed to eliminate, or make you immune to all toxins or poisons. It's an autoimmune therapy. Anyway, with urine therapy my sense of smell and taste finally returned (It was impaired or absent for 8 months! I tried supplementing with zinc which normally fixes this problem, to no avail. Eventually I ended up taking massive amounts of zinc (20 times RDA, or more -- That's when it started to return. I could feel my taste buds turning back on one taste bud at a time!) When my taste buds started to turn back on I smelt everything as a sort of convoluted burnt toast smell. I read one article that said that what you smell as an alternative, such as: burnt toast, indicates what disease or poison you're going to die of.) After chewing the nicotine gum my sense of smell and taste returned better than ever in my entire life. Which indicates to me that I probably had some other source of stress to my nicotine receptors. Probably from vaccination injury as a child, and further as an adult for purposes of travel. I did not take the current bio-weapon injections. And I was not drinking or bathing in any tap water, only RSO water was used. After watching Dr Ardis's lecture on watching the water, I started drinking only filtered rain water. I had done this previously for 2 years, but at the time of covid I had switched back to RSO water. (Drinking rain water turns out to have been not such a good idea! I essentially inflicted myself with harm. (Dr Nixen has some interesting microscopy pictures of what's actually in the Rainwater -- It has all the same nanotech as the vaccines!) I've had virtually all of the long covid symptoms. Most of the neurological symptoms have cleared up with the nicotine gum. I have other things that I believe work which I'm currently doing to cleanse my circulatory system. And I need to say that the best cleanse is by the miraculous intervention of Heavenly Father. I always seek His help first. He either intervenes miraculously, or leads me to the information I need to heal in a more physical level.
Franklin O'Kanu - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
It's unfortunate that all these side effects are the result of the vaccine when it appears there was never even a "novel coronavirus" in the first place. Essentially, millions of humans were injected with technology under the claim on a deadly disease:
Neve O - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Neve O
Depopulation, Transhumanism agenda plus trumilliins of trillions in profit.All this reference to the Bible which has been rewritten edited for propaganda, mistranslated, and generally used by those in power to e slave the masses, It has so man y inconsistencies con tradictions etc but still trusted by billions of people as truth. Schofield, a crook even rewrote the Bible for it to say that Israel is the promised land and that is believed by Christian Zionists, used by his fellow Zionists to 'prove' that Zionists are 'chosen'by 'god'etc It coukd well be that these globalust psychopaths
base some if their evil agenda in the Bible and not that tge Bible predict. s anything ie tge same types who wrote the Bible are carrying out what it said it will do. eg 'Mark of the Beast'
Vinnie - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Friends With God
The above is partially correct.
The Greek/ Hebrew Bible does NOT contradict itself, but proves itself.
Organized religion indeed has its roots in Babylon ( false religion)
The Bible asks for individual belief and FAITH. THE ONLY book which has accurate secularly provable prophecy...
(i. e. King Cyrus) an
among others...
AND the only Book in which the true GOD, tells you who he is, what he did and what he will do.
NO OTHER book does so.
-correct that Schofield was a SHILL....
Martin - Feb 20, 2024
Friends With God
We can't convince those who don't want to be convinced, or who have been hurt by the sins of others who claim to be the followers of Chrsit.
We need to be patient and trust that God will sort it out, as he said he would.
Psalm 37 Trust in the LORD and wait quietly for his help.
Don't be angry when people make evil plans and succeed.
Don't become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.
The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call on the LORD for help will inherit the Earth.
In a short time there will be no more evil people.
You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone.
Reply (1) - Feb 22, 2024
Friends With God
Comment removed.
Martin - Feb 22, 2024
Friends With God
your link was blocked
Susannah - Feb 23, 2024
Very bizarre why it was. Luke 1:5 Describes Mary's cousin, Elizabeth being a Levite and marrying a High Priest (Levite). From the mother's side. Dad's side was Judah - and King David, of course. The geneology in the bible is reckoned from the father's side - hence, the importance of Judah lineage in both Joseph (non-bio father) and Mary. Shalom. Blessings.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
you believe in this BS ?
Lee - Feb 20, 2024
Ar’s Substack
I do very much. You need to repent to Jesus. Don’t hate him because some false preachers or Christian’s are evil. Trust him! He will not let you down!
Christian - Feb 20, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Je ne hais pas Jésus. Je n'en suis pas amoureux, C'est tout... Jésus n'est pas Dieu.
Lee - Feb 23, 2024
But he is God. He created everything! Repent for you still have time!
Neve O - Apr 2
Neve O
Many scholars researching the Bible find contradictions, mistranslations, lies, propaganda, editing by Romanat Council of Nicaea for example to remove huge amounts of it such as 'Reincarnation' ...The latter removed apparently because those in power in Rome were worried their evil lives would mean karma after death etc. Many mo otheistic 'religions' before the Bible but that is suppressed info eg some Native American tribes believe in one god but unlike christians they feel, felt no need to torture slaughter anyone who they found not of the same beliefs. The Bible shows every sign of being man made (powerful men who erased most females from Christian story etc and left only a prostitute or 2 and 'pure' mother of Jesus..' Research shows that early Christianity had male and females working for it) but such an observation is seen as a serious 'crime' by Christian zealots who quote the Bible to prove' the Bible etc...
Heather Beane, RN - Apr 2
Coming Out of the Dark
Amen. Make NO MISTAKE this is a SPIRITUAL WAR. It ALL starts in the spiritual before it manifests into the physical. I did receive the vaccination with without informed consent. I am a nurse and always want to help people. I feel that the only help we will receive is through Christ Jesus. God Almighty is bigger than any weapon the enemy of our souls would try and make against the children of God. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Greater is he that is in us, then He that is in this world. Nothing is impossible with our God. By Jesus is stripes, we are healed. like Esther, I was born for such a time as this. We believers, must be spiritual warriors.
Susannah - Apr 26
Just curious. Did you not have a still small voice within you directing you against taking the shot, regardless of not having the informed consent given to you? If you had read the book of Revelation, surely you would have had some kind of warning within you? And "medicine" has surely come to the end of it's good, considering how it has enabled so many to die for a false belief. Jesus is our healer.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
everything which is jewish is the root of evil !
Susannah - Feb 21, 2024
Friends With God
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Martin - Feb 22, 2024
Friends With God
And the baby is Christ, he was a Jew, born of a Jew, in the Land of Judah
Susannah - Feb 23, 2024
Friends With God
True. Although his mother was also of Levite heritage.
Martin - Feb 23, 2024
Friends With God
I didn't know that, where is the record of that?
Just an Old Man - Feb 23, 2024
Just an Old Man
Slight correction, they that are of the sin-o-gog of satan.....
Those of the dispersed tribes are no more guilty of this evil plan then we are, of what our 535 traitors do representing us.
Something to ponder.
Susannah - Feb 23, 2024
Those who say they are Jews but are not Jews ...... Rev 2:9 Amen! To be a true Israelite, first you have to know who God really is, and believe in Him. Then all things are possible. Truly.
Harold Saive - Feb 23, 2024
News Paradigm
I agree -- The wiggling filaments discussed in the Feb 20th Greg Reese video were reported in by Cliff Carnicom in 1999 as a fallout of geoengineering ops (aka Chemtrails). Here is the story to correct the record -
Rea - Mar 7
Oh my goodness! I knew it! I just knew Morgellons was somehow related! Thank you!!!
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 18, 2024
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
This is why I take cold showers each morning plus seeing the Sunrise. Helps with vagal tone and puts us in a rest/digest mode:
Franklin O'Kanu - Feb 18, 2024
It's been a while since I've been taking cold showers. I may need to back on this.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ - Feb 22, 2024
Just an Old Man
I believe I can explain the orange dots. They are blackheads and acne. I use my handheld black-light to pinpoint my own acne which shows up around the sides of my nose and on my chin as orange-pink dots under UV light. That way I know where I need spot treatments and more exfoliation and after doing so, I use the UV light and most of all of the orange spots are gone! If I've missed spots then I go back and exfoliate more and use the UV light as a guide. This ethnically African woman in the top photo had acne mostly on her T-Zone.
I'm not sure about the whole 'Eye of Horus' thing but I can definitely explain the orange dots.
Marilyn F - Feb 23, 2024
I understand why you said this. As an RN who specializes in skin care, I’m familiar with skin anatomy. Each pore contains an oil gland and also a hair follicle. As you mentioned, oil & dead skin cells build up inside the pore/hair follicle which glows under UV light. However, the areas that light up with an orange glow are too close together to be pores only. Whatever is lodged in the skin appears to be inside or on top of the skin cells itself, which also includes the pores. There are thousands of skin cells between our pores. This orange substance seems to have landed on all parts of the skin, pores & skin cells alike.
Just an Old Man - Feb 23, 2024
Just an Old Man
I have no acne yet have the orange specks.
Also am using the 365nm UV lamps.
Not the big box store stuff used to search for scorpions.
Marilyn F - Feb 23, 2024
Just an Old Man
UV light doesn’t detect “acne.” It detects hardened sebum lodged inside of our pores. However, hardened sebum blocks the flow of sebum (oil) that’s released from the sebaceous gland connected to the base of our pore. When sebum can’t escape it becomes a food source for the p.acne bacteria which resides inside everyone’s skin. Once this happens our body’s defenses (white blood cells) rush to eliminate the infection. This response produces a red pimple which emits pus. It’s a normal defense mechanism our body uses to rid us of the acne bacteria that’s run amok.
The same thing happens when we have a generalized infection, like the flu or bacterial infection. Our body develops a fever which serves to fight off the offending invader.
Just an Old Man - Feb 24, 2024
Just an Old Man
Yes, I'm aware of this. The person above is the one saying it is acne, not me. as for possible sebum hardened in the pores, very unlikely.
There is a consistency of skin complexion which means that the UV should reveal a section of skin with this condition.
What I describe is NOT IT.
These are individual specks bright orange smaller then the pores themselves.
It take very close to discern this. The skin is not going to have sporadic sebum issues on individual pores but most likely a small surface area based on personal technique of washing up and scrubbing away.
The dark blue hues of racoon eyes with a elongated oval shape below the eye alongside the right side of the nose is not some sebum oil packed in, nor are there any visible red pimples or any signs of white heads or other forms of zits.
I am simply sharing these findings and am not expecting anyone to believe me.
But will clarify and eliminate the above as a plausible explanation.
Being in my seventh decade and one who sweats profusely when working out doors, which is what I do, have not had any facial complexion issues.
Sweat issues, Oh yes!!! boils and jock itch, and yes I do dress and properly and use powders and other meds.
Stuff happens in spite of precautions.
Only not to the degree if precautions had not been taken. Ha...
OK, I'm done, y'all have a great weekend.
The only thing I really am interested in is ideas of possible detox.
As far as these UV findings go, try them yourselves and come to your own conclusions.
It's not on me to convince anyone.
V4Victory - Mar 10
Best detox is mother natures built in mechanism into us. Called water fast. When one water fasts LONG ENOUGH (at least 21 days) the body gets a change to dig dip enough and get rid of the stuff that sits there for decades.
For further info:
The science of fasting documentary
Loren Lockman youtube channel - He is the director of TangleWood Wellness center for supervised water fasting.
Search Dr. Robert Morse videos about detox. When you switch to live foods your body starts naturally to detox.
Good Luck.
Jlbcreation65 - Mar 3
Just an Old Man
I was gifted a small 12 LED UV flashlight but am not seeing anything. Do you need a special one?
Just an Old Man - Mar 3
Just an Old Man
Yes, it has to be 365nm frequency.
The typical store type gor scorpions may be 395nm.
Pamela Raditsch - Feb 22, 2024
Pamela Raditsch
Yes, but it seems that people with these fibres inside them need to sweat them out. It's the body doing its thing of trying to remove toxins.
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 22, 2024
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Good point Pamela. Why I love combining a good sweat outdoors by washing the toxins off in a cold shower! Do you take cold showers?
Pamela Raditsch - Feb 22, 2024
Pamela Raditsch
Ah, I see! That method sounds good too!
No, no cold showers, although maybe I should try them. I do occasionally jump into a "refreshing" chilly ocean on humid, sweaty days
Susannah - Feb 23, 2024
Lots of micro plastics in that ocean, unfortunately.
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 22, 2024
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Good for you Pamela. The ocean is amazing for so many things, plus it's a natural faraday cage. FYI cold helps us increase our vagus nerve (parasymphatic relaxation/ rest and digest) response. Why I often burp as soon as I get out of the shower(:
Martin - Feb 23, 2024
Friends With God
all depends on the temperature, a cold shower in winter is just silly, in summer the cold water is most probably warm anyway so not to bad
Agent Midnight Rider - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
The more research you do, you will come to the conclusion that our own government has been actively poisoning us from DAY 1. The hospitals are probably the epicenter of the eugenics operations. Our intel says it starts at birth with the poisons put into floor cleaners so the babies can catch that HAND TO MOUTH cancer early.
From Radioactive Quaker Oats to IKE Nuking Washington State in Operation Green Run. you will understand what I'm talking about.
In Arizona, a known government and a suspected CIA base. The pilots are contract pilots furnished by Evergreen. Evergreen has been named as one of the bases where drugs are flown in from Central America. The City of Pasadena passed a law making it illegal to spray malathion within the city limits. The law was ignored and the city took no action. When the people of California literally revolted against the spray¬ ing of malathion, the Governor of California stated that he did not have the power to stop the operation. What higher power is there that could prevent a governor of a state from halting the spraying of an insecticide? A warning was issued to cover up automobiles and belongings because malathion could destroy paint, some plastics, and other property. People, they said, would not be injured. It is a lie. Translation??? They sprayed California cities with WW2 chemical weapons DISGUISED as fruit fly treatment according to Navy Intelligence Officer William Cooper. You know the same guy who told us 30 years ago the Club of Rome had a plan to depopulate us using a vaccine that attacks the IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Hey Doctor Ana, If you want to know why babies are being born without any brains in YOUR neighborhood check out Operation Green Run....
Tip. UseYandex.comfor research Google. Its ran by the CLOWNS IN AMERICA.
Tip Evergreen is Hillary Clintons Secret Service Handle..... Think Depopulation
Nakita - Feb 18, 2024
I've known all this and am with you. I've been violated and I'm furious, have been for many yrs. I used to listen to Bill Cooper urs ago and was saddened at what they did to him. Their actions tell me they don't care about our letters and complaints. God bless.
Heather Beane, RN - Apr 2
Coming Out of the Dark
Yes, and mojeek is another good search engine.
JulesUSA - Feb 21, 2024
Deborah Birx
Nathalie - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
I checked my face with a 395 and saw the orange/hot pink spots, and the weird eye thing. I didn't take any jabs, I didn't do any tests. I think I'm extra sensitive to the shedding, as I have been sick every time I sleep under the same roof as someone who's taken them, sometimes just in the same room for an hour- my reactions/symptoms have changed with the different boosters. There is no way to stay away from all the people who do this stuff to their bodies. I have some dots on my forehead, too, not just on my chin and around my nose. I believe I got shedded on by a newly v'd dog- so, I think it's in the rabies, etc. jabs, too. Thank you for your great work! I look forward to hearing what you learn about this.
Kat - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
I found a couple of articles of mRNA in the rabies shots after my friend got her friend got her cat the rabies shot. He quickly developed chf and died within weeks of the shot. I only vax for parvo and distemper when they’re a puppy and nothing else in their lives. I also only feed the raw meat. Currently emu+lamb with goats milk. No carcinogenic flea treatments ever.
Pamela Raditsch - Feb 21, 2024
Pamela Raditsch
My husband is a veterinarian, was educated in "the system " but has now learned better.
He will never inoculate a single living thing again in his life. It's all been a gigantic lie.
Ran into this yesterday, fascinating, from another Nobel Prize Laureate (and eugenisist).
And here the author who pointed it out:
MANDY - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
I am putting together you comment and thinking you are correct in that I took my 15 year old dog to vet for treatment and they insisted he get a rabies shot--he's 8lbs and never leaves my yard. I had him close to me bc he was having kidney issues and for a week I had sinus that developed into a visual migraine and a week of fever and three weeks after of brutal flu-cold-whatever-it was horrible and I never got the cv shot
Kat - Feb 21, 2024 - Edited
And I also forgot to mention that rabies is a forced vax and jaw so it would be the first one to have mrna. My vet said but your dog could die if it gets rabies. I said well then I’m a non law abiding dog owner and If he dies than that’s one me. And second of all I don’t put my dogs in a situation where they’d contract rabies. I also have a groomer nail trim gal come to my house because the pet stores require vaccines. She left veterinary because they are over vaxing all animals. It’s sickening. Oh shd while they were injecting his hip with the distemper parvo I said why not in the neck and I kid you not she said because if the dog gets vaccine cancer we can amputate their leg and she looked up and me realizing what she says and I said the jig is up! Then she says but they took out the cancer causing stuff. Gee then why are animals getting cancer??? Poison ALL OF IT! I’m also reading breeders are losing more puppies after vaccines. I’ll never inject another animal or myself with this shit!
Kat - Feb 25, 2024 - Edited
Comment removed.
Kat - Feb 25, 2024
I’m so sorry. It makes me sad tgst our animals rely on us to keep them healthy and big pharma wants them dead. I’m going to give you a link to a Fb group for dogs with cancer. Maybe it’ll help as it won’t hurt. I also feed my dog raw emu lamb with goats milk it’s called Steve’s. It’s clean meat. They get that for breakfast and for dinner they eat a tiny bit of the best kibble with raw hamburger that’s grass fed and I try to get grass finished but not always. For treats they get freeze dried liver, sweet potatoes, and moo checks. The (cow)moo cheeks help with natural flossing too so it’s a bonus. They get less than a quarter cup of kibble at dinner only with warm water and raw hamburger. Please do not beat yourself up about the vax because you didn’t know. It’s done so please don’t feel guilty.
Here’s the Fb group:
Kat - Feb 25, 2024
I wish we could post pictures
Pamela Raditsch - Feb 21, 2024
Pamela Raditsch
Perhaps you'd be interested in taking a look at what Dr. Sam Bailey has to say about rabies. I must add, the Baileys both question the existence of viruses in general since they've never been proven to exist.
We sure as heck know that this Corona virus has never been isolated...
Kat - Feb 21, 2024
Thank you for sharing this
Just an Old Man - Feb 23, 2024
Just an Old Man
Something to consider. A ionic air purifier. As they float in the air with dust particles, it may reduce the density of the particles?
Heather Beane, RN - Apr 2
Coming Out of the Dark
I agree. I see them in the air and it makes me feel defeated. I’d like to get one to see if they would help.
Questioning - Feb 19, 2024
JulesUSA - Feb 21, 2024
Are you in Australia?
Nathalie - Feb 21, 2024
I'm in the US- middle of the country.
Robin Lloyd - Feb 18, 2024
Robin’s Substack
I think the "shedding" is signals being transmitted from the 'vaccinated' and being received by the unvaccinated. We all have this nano-technology in us from the decades of chemtrails and I think the jab along with the 5G is "bringing us online". Dr. Ana herself explained how this stuff is in us all and it is both a receiver and a transmitter. THAT is why everyone is having such a hard time figuring out the shedding. Dr. Ana interviewed a gentleman once who seemed to be in the know and when he was asked about the shedding he said... "its the frequencies"... I think THAT is what he meant!!!
Matrix2008 - Feb 21, 2024
Matrix2008’s Substack
You’re spot on Robin. It took me almost three years ( since the vaxx rollout in early 21) to figure out everything going on with my health). I am a fire marshal/inspector in a rapidly growing city. And during the height of the vaxx rollout, I Inspected primarily schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities exc. We were instructed to avoid them ( for the most part) during that time of the plandemic, but in emergency situations they needed approvals for makeshift capacity and I made exceptions. Now looking back, whenever I would walk in a hospital or nursing home my skin would start stinging and the air would feel heavier, as if particles were energized ( ironically we know that to be the case now as the filaments/hydrogels are attracted to us) By July 2021, I noticed some cognition issues never experienced before, specifically the inability to retain newly read information. This was a relative rapid onset and never had that issue before. During this time I discovered mold under my house, and having been exposed to moldy fire stations during my 14 yrs as a line fire fighter, it wasn’t until February 2023, I began mold treatment and was diagnosed with CIRS having met the criteria for 4 out of 5 tested markers. Between July 2021 and end of 2022, I wasted so much time and money with conventional testing markers which of course showed nothing. Pharma docs thought I was psychosomatic and recommended ssri’s. Interestingly, The paradigm has shifted and nano infestation in the body/Brain does cause severe anxiety and psychosomatic behavior. I had anxiety and depression never experienced before in my entire life. Always exercised and maintained a healthy disposition. I broke out in tears when I read one of Dr. Mihalcea’s articles where she mentioned how so many folks felt spiritually disconnected from God and I certainly had trouble nurturing my spirit during this time. Constant gnawing head pressure. the agitation from the inability to observe my surroundings in solitude and find peace. It’s apparent my healthy frequency has been disrupted.. That’s exactly how I feel. It’s improved tremendously but still not quite there yet with my concentration. I have seen marked improvement under the CIRS protocol through a holistic: integrative doctor for which I’m grateful for. Only thing elevated still, is my C4a which is broad inflammatory maker. But has come down significantly. But to your point Robin, now that I’ve just about eliminated CIRS markers, the cognition issue remains, and missing link has been shedding. When I am around someone vaxxed, the head pressure was something never experienced before. My city douses us with chemtrails from dawn to dusk nearly every day, especially in 2023. Now, realizing nano has without a doubt been shed on me especially at the height of the rollout when Pfizer knew we are most subjected to vaccine injury from shedding. I realize now that I may be receiving and transmitting and realized this with the removal of my smart meter. My head pressure has been reduced significantly. I feel the next step is edta with IV chelation but am wondering if pill edta chelation will provide a marked improvement. Doing research now. I would appreciate any suggestions on this thread. Grateful to be surrounded by so many who are awake. I have not done any heavy metals detoxing but want to do it right. If you read this Dr. Mihalcea, I would appreciate any advice you may have or if you know a good colleague on the east coast that can administer edta in chelation. Thank you all
Robin Lloyd - Mar 3
Robin’s Substack
Matrix2008 Thank you for your comments. I am sorry it has been so long since I have this post, but I am glad others have offered EDTA product possibilities. I would just like to add that I heard Dr Mihalcea say that we need to be cautious about the oral EDTA because it is a metal binder and it will bind to our essential minerals as well, so she likes the transdermal EDTA that you rub onto your skin. EZDtox Cream (EDTA Detox Cream) is what she recommends. The directions say to take a quality mineral supplement 1 hour away from cream application. It's rather expensive but a better way to get the EDTA chelation if there are any issues with the oral. I also found Arizona Natural EDTA Chelation Formula to be good for oral consumption. But again, just make sure you supplement minerals at least an hour away from taking it... I do it several hours apart myself. Good Luck with everything!!! :-)
Robin Lloyd - Mar 3
Robin’s Substack
and I don't know why it deleted the word revisited but I meant to say... sorry it has been so long since I have revisited this post... and I also wanted to comment on your comment about how nice it is to be surrounded by so many who are awake... I agree whole heartedly!!! This is one of the ONLY venues I can be on without being called a "conspiracy theorist" which is a derogatory term of disrespect "they" came up with to discredit and shame people who are trying to get the TRUTH out there! Even people in the truth movement will disregard what I say when someone else calls me a "conspiracy theorist". I have known about "their" plans since the 90's and have had to watch it play out. There is still more to come. ONe of the many things "they" put into writing is the fact that "they" plan to turn the U.S. into a 3rd world country. The massive invasion at the border is the beginning of that. "They" also said that because they know Americans won't turn on their own countrymen "they" plan on using soldiers of other nationalities to do that while they send our guys over to other countries for the same exact reason. These beings are evil and soulless and they want humanity exterminated! That is soooo hard for people to wrap their heads around but we are out of time. I can no longer stay silent! Once "they" succeed in getting a one world govt they need an enemy to fight so that is when they will introduce the extraterrestrial threat. "They" are already putting out hints here and there about it. There will be false flag attacks and they will look and seem very very real. DO NOT GIVE THEM THE FEAR THAT THEY WANT FROM US!!! THEY FEED ON OUR FEAR AND NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, KEEP YOUR FREQUENCIES HIGH!!! KNOW THAT WE ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE!!! LOVE IS SO MUCH STRONGER AND GREATER THAN FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matrix2008 - Mar 3
Matrix2008’s Substack
Robin. I’m very appreciative for your time and response. Since I’m on the tail end of the mold protocol ( and spending quite a bit to get there) once she releases me it will free up quite a bit of funds to do edta. It makes perfect sense as edta binds with metals thus mineral supplementation. I guess EDTA IV chelation is the standard but if the efficacy is still good with oral or transdermal then that would be significant so thank you. As far as a mineral supplement goes, is there any mineral supplement combination recommended or prioritized above others?
Yes. Once you’re awake, it’s a blessing but the burden sometimes is tough especially with family and friends who are still sleeping. We used to frequently have clear skies here in NC and now it’s just mind boggling that our citizens seem to be indifferent to overcast/cloudy/rainy skies for over the half the year. No one seems to question why. As I’m writing this to you it is Sunday, dusk and they are spraying again shortly after blue sky began to appear from a cloudy day around 3:30.
Yes. This isn’t about just votes, They are planning to arm these invaders with weaponry brought here with our own tax dollars. Absolutely agree. Folks who are sleeping will think it’s Armageddon/ww3 and will certainly be scary but yes.. we will win this war. Unfortunately, those asleep and all of us must endure the pain close to home in order to enact change. May God bless and protect us all. Thank you for your help again Robin.
MarshaGail - May 31
Arizona natural edta has magnesium sterate🚫
Robin Lloyd - Jun 1
Robin’s Substack
I wasn't aware that magnesium stearate was bad for us???
MarshaGail - Jun 11
It is.
Kent - Feb 23, 2024
Just an Old Man
Hello Matrix, if you decide to go with the oral EDTA, the product brand "Cardio Flow" I have found is one of the best. Gives you 1000mg of EDTA per day with its herbals to help the chelation as well.
Just an Old Man - Feb 23, 2024
Just an Old Man
Comparing ingredients this one has 500mg of edta.
This one just under that but also has many of the same ingredients.
I post this to offer the reader other alternatives as our supply system continues to decline.
Also this company offers many sales and when ordering six at a time it is 50% off.
I'm a year long user of this product and have notice the small varicose veins around my ankles diminish. From a bright blue to small thin light blue lines.
Matrix2008 - Mar 3
Matrix2008’s Substack
Thank you young man! I appreciate your advice as well!
MarshaGail - May 31
No fillers/toxins! Yay!! Thank you👊
MarshaGail - May 31
Kent - this product contains magnesium stetste🚫📣
Matrix2008 - Feb 23, 2024
Matrix2008’s Substack
Thank you very much Kent! Much appreciated!
Angela - Feb 20, 2024
Angela’s Substack is activated at .05 Hz. I just read this
Jim McGilbrith - Feb 19, 2024
No problem figuring out shedding to me. I have shingles, and the doctor said they don't treat long CV. At the time I was just vaccinated. Got CV 6 weeks later.
Gecko Pico - Jun 5
Gecko Pico's Special Brew
I would have to agree... Yep.. We are full of nanotech!
Nano tech is small enough to enter the cells of our brains (less than 100nm in size). This tiny tech can be a computer in it's own right with ability to sense if a neuron is firing and transmit this data as a node on a IEEE 801.15.x Body Area Network (BAN). They were doing this over 10 years ago!
All this data (often millions of nodes!) is then sent to a Personal Area Network (PAN) which can be another person, your phone, computer, router (or someone elses).
You ever wonder why all the permissions on your phone relating to allowing contact with NEAR-BY DEVICES??? These were added during the pandemic under the guise of a requirement for "Contact Tracing". What people didn't realise is that this contact tracing capability allows for the creation of a mesh network and YOU are one of the nearby DEVICES they are talking about!
So all the nodes inside the brain send their information via wireless protocols (see IEEE ZigBee 801.15.X Protocols BAN and PAN) and eventually make it to a LAN and onto the WAN to the cloud for processing. The patterns of brain activity which are then fed into AI and Big Data then allow the recreation of what it is you are thinking, feeling, seeing etc.
I am not sure about this... I am positive.
Look up mainstream articles regarding Meta being able to read peoples minds.. There's the AI/ mind reading side.. All you have to to do is get brain wave patterns out of the brain and into a computer for processing..
Further to this photo-receptor nanobots can be constructed in the retina to allow organic/nanobot optical sensors that allow hi res imagery of what a person sees to be sent out to the Personal Area Network for processing and reconstruction IN REAL TIME!
Nano tech can and IS doing this TODAY... Most of the the population is rife with nano tech and doesn't even realise...
They spray NANOBOTS in to the skys. It's in our water, food and medications and cosmetics. No vaccine required!
The people are supposed to learn of this stuff in about 20 years... Those being harassed (or the awake) will probably be some of the first killed in the coming "pandemic" to ensure the illusion continues.
Elon Musk will continue putting unnecessary holes in peoples heads to keep this illusion! There is NO NEED FOR WIRES IN ORDER TO READ A PERSONS BRAIN ACTIVITY!! We already KNOW this.
Robin Lloyd - Jun 8
Robin’s Substack
I could not have said it better myself! You are absolutely correct. Everything you just said there is the absolute truth. I too know this to be the case. Thank you so much for your comment. I hope many read it and wake up even further! ( and just remember... God wins in the end! :-)
Synickel - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
I lost my smell 3 1/2 years ago when getting sick from picking up shedding from others. How can I get it back?
BTW, I do also have weird, transient memory loss, while other things I would never expect to remember, stick with me.
Melissa - Feb 19, 2024
Coming Out of the Dark
Try chewing nicotine 2 mg gum for a week or so. The source is Dr Bryan Ardis - he has a Rumble channel. Good luck.
Heather Beane, RN - Apr 2
Coming Out of the Dark
Just a note, when I vape, I feel them stinging in different areas of my body. I hope the nicotine is harming them in some way.
Melissa - Apr 3
Coming Out of the Dark
Nicotine did not harm anything. The toxin they spread around the world attached to the body's nicotinic receptors. Those who used nicotine in any form were protected because the poison could not attach to those receptors. That's why Fauci and others were encouraging people to quit smoking. They lied. They wanted people to die. And, if you follow Dr Bryan Ardis, he has pretty much proven it wasn't something contagious. It was snake venom. And the lungs themselves were not affected, it was the central nervous system that was attacked. Snake venom does that exact thing. Check out the video done by Dr Ardis on Rumble in November 2022. You'll find out lots of things.
Heather Beane, RN - Apr 3
Coming Out of the Dark
Thanks Melissa! I actually saw a short clip on TikTok about the snake venom and I believe it! I’ll check out that video on rumble. Much thanks and blessings to you 💕
Monica M - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Synickel, I tried this trick from a lady I saw on You-tube when I lost my sense of taste & smell from Covid several years ago. I lost it for several weeks. I hated it, because I love coffee & missed tasting my coffee so much. So, what you do is get 3 oils: eucalyptus, peppermint, & coconut first dip a Q-tip in the eucalyptus oil & swirl it around in one nostril for about 10-20 seconds, then do the same with the Q-tip in peppermint oil for the same time, then do the same with the Q-tip in coconut oil for the same time...& then repeat the steps all over again in the other nostril. I did this 1-3 times per day over a few days, & I believe I had my sense of smell back by the 3rd day. & the sense of taste & smell are everything was restored, I was so relieved. But, 3 1/2 years is a long time to be without a sense of smell. I also have heard memory & sense of smell are interconnected. I’ve heard one of the early signs of Alzheimer’s is a loss of smell. I believe memory & smell are part of the limbic system. Good luck! I hope you can still restore it even though it’s been so long!
Synickel - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Wow, that's really quite a procedure. Wonder how she came up with that?
Paul Koop - Feb 22, 2024 - Edited
The essential oils mixed with coconut oil make it tolerable on the skin , very easily cross the blood brain barrier and protect the cells in the frontal senses, the terpenes in eucalyptus and peppermint are some of the strongest purifiers , can have benefits within 20 seconds from application, many more combinations for differing bacterial, fungal or viral targeting if you are still understanding the biological environment through mainstream scientific language. At the base level one should know that essential oils have Very distinct frequencies and their energy potential can be harmonized for different purposes. We tend to think this is a bacterial, fungal or viral category, but if you understand that these also have frequency range and category for size it’s a more basic understanding of the energy charges and potential of cellular respiration that is the fundamental function of healthy or damaged cells.
Michael Kramer - Feb 19, 2024
Michael’s Substack
Please read Dr Brian ardis discovery on regaining taste and smell. Nicotine patch
Collapse Podcast - Feb 19, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Zinc & B3 deficiency can cause loss of smell. Certain medications can also … if you are ‘colonized’ , perhaps a throat / nasal rinse with iodine as long as you have no problems with iodine - see if that helps.
Synickel - Feb 19, 2024
I've used all of those long before I lost my smell.
Robin Lloyd - Feb 20, 2024
Robin’s Substack
yes... nicotine! Although the patches work better because the gum will release the toxins in your stomach/gut and make you feel sick whereas the patches release the nicotine into your bloodstream and the toxins are released everywhere over time. You only need about 3-5 mg at a time so cut the patches up into pieces. Then Vit C or EDTA will denature the toxins and then a binder like EDTA , Vit C, or bentonite clay will bind with them and take them out of your system. Most people need to do this on a regular basis to stay 'clean'.
MarvinBoggs - Feb 19, 2024
Re: Memory. I experience exactly the same thing. To the point where things I see, or conversations I have, trigger memories of things I experienced, even multiple decades ago, in exquisite detail. The strangest part is that while the events I recall are actual events, I don't remember ever having "rembered" them before. (There are many events we repeatedly recall (more or less accurately) but these are not them. These are things stored in long-term memory that suddenly resurface, seemingly for the first time. Why?
Mir - Feb 19, 2024
I read a weird but interesting convo yesterday relating to getting the senses back on a 'side effects after mRNA" group in my country. I auto translated it (read below) .... so it might be found on yt vids as well but no idea where. Someone familiar with it?
Btw Synickel, did you get a pcr test? I've heard of many losing their smell/taste after it.
Here it is;
Simon Adrienne Overes:
Hi Anne,
I also suffered from loss of smell and taste. You are certainly not the only one! And I haven't been jabbed.
I did a search on Google and came across the following solution.
It sounds strange but it really works. Have already used it in 2 cases.
Ask your partner or family member to tap the back of your head a few times. Where you feel that lump at the bottom of your head. But really a few big taps, like you do something with your middle finger and your thumb.
That a few times a day and I had my taste and smell back.
It sounds bizarre, I know, but try it. Good luck!
Ellen EE:
Simon Adrienne Overes, This is a joke?
Simon Adrienne Overes:
Ellen EE, No, I thought it was bizarre too, but it worked for me.
Ellen EE:
Simon Adrienne Overes, How can you search for that on Google? Which search term?
Anet Verwijs van Dijk:
Ellen EE, no, it's not a joke, it worked really well here👍
Anet Verwijs van Dijk:
Simon Adrienne Overes, I did too! Apply pressure with 2 fingers next to your nose (between your eyes) and then "hit" the back of the head 3 times. I also immediately did olfactory therapy with 4 different scents of essential oils. This really helped my daughter and me, it came back within a week or 2!
(not injected but had corona)
Ellen EE:
Anet Verwijs van Dijk, Where did you find that? What are the exact instructions?
Concitta Luz Maria:
Ellen EE, you can find that on yt. It really helps.
Ellen EE:
Concitta Luz Maria, What search term can I enter for this?
Mylène Verkerk:
Ellen EE, probably NIS... eg Jeroen van t Hoff is practicing
Mylène Verkerk:
Ellen EE, of course! Done with this one 😊
Jolanda van Dorsten:
Simon Adrienne Overes, I've heard that before 🤔
Synickel - Feb 19, 2024
Thank you. This sounds like worth a try.
No, I did not take the PCR test. My career was in healthcare and I smelled a rat from the start. I didn't believe there was anything more than the next year's flu coming to town. I learned about vaccines years ago and stayed away from them.
Mir - Feb 19, 2024
Great! Keep us updated if this method works please ;)
Heather Beane, RN - Apr 2
Coming Out of the Dark
I definitely have that same memory issue! Wild stuff..
Michelle Perro, MD - Feb 18, 2024
Excellent analysis as usual, Dr. Milhalcea. In 2006, a group of moms in Marin County, CA, (MAS: Moms Against the Spray, formerly MOMAS) banded together to stop the spray against the light brown apple moth that was to occur along the entire Californian coast line. One county did get sprayed (Monterrey), but we stopped the spray otherwise. It was at that juncture I learned from moms about GMOs and their associated pesticides, and I've been on the track of understanding and treating the side effects from manipulation of nature on health.
That work has not only included the original GMO crops, but bioengineered, CRISPR technology, and the previous bioweapon before C, Lyme disease.
Understanding the history allows us to go forward.
I had no idea back in 2006 what they were doing and the ultimate loss of our autonomy was their goal. Thank you profoundly for helping me understand/backfill what we've been up against for decades. The positive result of Covid (yes, there's an upside) is that like an infected abscess, the wound is draining. We now know what we are dealing with.
Bee Gee - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Bee Gee
Its funny how with all this new news coming out, no one will talk about the magnetism in the vaxxed that sheds to the unvaxxed.
It has been censored for 3 years now, it is an easily proven physical phenomenon that it Obviously related to the shedding from the vaxxed but...
I dont know if everyone has it but I know Many do, even if they themselves do not know it. No one who sees it live in person ever thinks its fake though.
It measures on millitesla/gauss meters but just try to put up a video showing any of it occurring, even with no text or commentary and see how long it stays up. Poof.... To This Very Day.
Interesting how no one ever got censored for saying it was graphene.
It is also very possible that all these stage 4 turbocancers are coming from an electromagnetic interaction from the 'magnetism' like effect and the repeated scans they give people but Crickets.
Even from all the people that know it is occurring, like karen kingston or dr ruby or alex jones or dr lee merritt or sherry tenpenny or many more I could list that Know.
Seems pretty fuggin important to me. A previously unknown phenomenon in humans and an unknown techno/biological substance injected into humans that sheds to people who did not get it is not a Coincidence. Its a Plan.
But Crickets.
Also I made blacklight comments about shedding in a few places and they all got deleted, fwiw.
Collapse Podcast - Feb 19, 2024 - Edited
Chronicles of the Collapse
Discovered i had it summer of 2021 .. only tested as a joke tbh, I didnt believe these reports & thought they were setting up “anti-vaxxers” to look silly.
Started with a metal pin. Then larger coins. Magnets. Knives forks, & my cell phone!? My mind was blown. Angry & freaked out because I’m NOT vaxxed!
I actually made most of go away & would love to see what my blood looks like. No idea what the source was, but when you know you have it , its kinda disturbing.
Melissa - Feb 19, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Also shining a black light on your body will show the blood vessels. A couple years ago I saw a couple videos of this. And I heard that certain cities were installing black lights on the streets - easy way to see if someone had the shot or not.
Collapse Podcast - Feb 19, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Thank you for the suggestion, I wonder if luciferase can be seen under blacklight? If I remember correctly , it should show green. Though under what wavelength I do not know.
Melissa - Feb 19, 2024
You're very welcome. Not sure about the luciferase, though. But I believe it's the cause of the black light illumination. Or something equally as sinister.
Collapse Podcast - Feb 19, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Oh , & the symptoms dont end with the “magnetism” lol
Kent - Feb 23, 2024
Bee Gee
Hello, were you jabbed, or not? Where was the magnetic effect noticed on your body, if you weren't jabbed? What have you done to make it go away? Thanks :)
Bee Gee - Feb 23, 2024
Bee Gee
No, none of the magnetic people I refer to are jabbed. In the unvaxxed, the 'magnetism' usually occurs on the forehead, collarbone and sternum, which are all places with thin skin over thick bones. It is not magnetism as we previously knew it though, because coins and keys are not 'magnetic', which is to say a magnet will not stick to them but they will stick to people. No unvaxxed are ever magnetic on their arm in my experience. I dont know exactly what made it go away, but we have been taking glutathione and hempseed oil/ALA the longest, since June 2021.
We also moved from shedderville Washington to a rural area in the south with a low vaxx rate, fwiw.
However, my wife and I both had to fly places at different times since the magnetism went away and when each of us got home, we were magnwtic again. It did not cross shed between us each time and it went away fairly quickly so I imagine there is a body burden buildup level of the shedding that causes it to occur. We were taking many more supplements by then, so I dont really know what fixed it but it could just be supplements and absolute total avoidance of anyone who is vaxxed.
I wish more people realized they have it but sometimes you can even see it on people in public or on tv when their cross or charm necklace sticks unnaturally to their collarbone or sternum and doesnt come loose even when they move around or bend over.
I found many unvaxxed in Kirkland that had it and then I left and showed EVERYONE I MET for 4 days driving a uhaul across the US. Truck stops, rest areas, gas stations, hotels, Everyone.
And even in places with no 5g for hundreds of miles, they have it Too.
Its actually surprisingly easy to get someone to try it at a freeway rest stop, one time at like 1 in the morning I had stopped and was just out smoking and sticking objects to my forehead and this old biker dude said 'Whats That?'.
There were like 10 or 12 people standing around and they all started trying it. And they All had it, including some peoples kids. Only one vaxxed in the group but he wouldnt try it. You should have seen the stinkeye all those people gave him though and everyone physically moved away from him.
He was riding with one of the unvaxxed so Im guessing that was a pretty uncomfortable remainder of their trip.
I dont care. Its real as Fuch and I will never ever Ever pretend it is not.
Kent - Feb 24, 2024
Thank you for the post with such detailed info. What were you using to show and test everyone?
Collapse Podcast - Feb 23, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Not jabbed, never tested. Sternum, collarbones, skull.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
i am french, what do u mean by "crickets" ?
Bee Gee - Feb 19, 2024
Bee Gee
I mean Silence. No one will mention it, even the people that know.
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
dr ruby or tennpenny or karen kingston....speak the truth !!!
JulesUSA - Feb 21, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Dr. Ruby's been pretty quiet
Christian - Feb 21, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Silent ? Her ?? about what ?
Susannah - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited
This explains why in 2021 after being hugged by my newly vaxxed landlady with an open wound on her lower leg from a varicose vein surgery, I suddenly felt like an atomic bomb was going off starting in my lower leg and going out the top of my head!
James - Feb 19, 2024
It looks like the sebum from the sebaceous glands is fluorescing.
Kent Blanch - Feb 19, 2024
Dr Ana you are my favorite doctor in the world! And that's coming from a person that doesn't utilize any doctors other than Heavenly Father. But I do follow some of you're colleagues, and at the top of my list is you. I pray for you from time to time, that you will continue to find pertinent and helpful information. And I feel that my prayers are answered, because every week you come out with more! I particularly liked your recent peace on the military study of EMF's that was produced in the 70's!
I would prefer to address you as a friend and hopefully you'll see this post. I know you're very busy! However, this is the only way I know of to contact you.
I watched your former video on this subject. Actually I watch all of your videos. I have a vast amount of knowledge. I have a gift of putting things together. So let me offer a couple of thoughts to you on the subject of the Violet street lights. Which by the way, they are also installing into the car headlights. Both the street lights and the headlights are much more obvious from your peripheral vision than they are when looking at them straight on. Everyone I've spoken to about these lights tells me that they make them feel sick! Or depressed. And my personal experience is that they also make me feel sick. So I avoid looking at them or having the light coming from them touch my skin.
Here's why: The gentleman who invented the Halo healing system. Healed his own cancer by using light which he shined through various herbal substances. Such as aloe vera. What he found in his research was that the violet colored light was the very best at transferring the information from the herbs and into the body. (I believe this is because the human body produces violet light through its cold fusion process that it uses to energize itself.) So, through photonic biophoresis the information from the healing herbs are transferred or teleported or simulated in or into the body.
Here's how I believe the covid sickness was spread. Obviously geoengineering has some part in raining down the various chemical agents needed upon the population. In terms of the frequency portion of the equation I believe the cell phone towers are being used to infuse the atmospheric water with the informational codes of the sickness. Then the population gets sick by breathing the water. Of course they get sicker with the vaccine, because with the vaccine they are able to physically infuse the body with a whole host of other toxic chemicals and frequencies. So what I'm saying is that the sickness is coded into the atmospheric water using frequencies. These actually could come from any number of sources including the cell phone towers, satellites, or military broadcasts Etc . And in addition to the simple act of breathing they are using the Violet lights to transfer the sickness into the body, or to have the body simulate the sickness by photonic biophoresis. Also using this method they can make any portion of the population in any geographic area sick at will, with any type of sicknesses or disease. In addition to this, there is the aspect of being burned radiologically by both the EMF radio waves coming off of the cell phone towers, as well as the scalar wave energy coming off of the cell phone towers. Also, using the scalar wave energy they can directly communicate with the spirit essence of the Soul and sicken the soul using their deluded and Evil frequency programs.
Any normal, friendly, Godly person is welcome to contact me by email:casa__blanca@sbcglobal.netNote there are two underscores. Specifically excluded from this invitation is anyone working on behalf of any of the destructive governments of the world, or any of their agencies or NGO's.
Melissa - Feb 19, 2024
Also info out there by Dr Bryan Ardis (Rumble) that CV was not a virus but twenty or so snake toxins as well as conotoxins. Study done in Italy of people who had the sickness and that's what was found. But they want you to believe it was originally from bat soup at a wet market!
Matrix2008 - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Matrix2008’s Substack
It’s all coming together now. I have been treated for CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) for mold exposure. I found out I’m really sensitive in proximity vaccinated individuals and emf. I’ve asked others who are not vaccinated and they do not have the same issues. I rarely stay in close proximity these days but when around them I feel the same familiar head pressure symptoms , skin stinging-burning sensations. Within 20 minutes or so after removal, this subsides. I have removed my smart meter from house and have felt a noticeable improvement with headaches a well
dan bee - Feb 19, 2024
Matrix2008’s Substack
Any tips to removing the smart meter?
Matrix2008 - Feb 19, 2024
Matrix2008’s Substack
Sure. I requested Our Service Provider Duke Energy to come out and replace it with an analog meter. They didn’t give me any issue. Only difference is I have to now pay 11 bucks a month for meter readings. Noticeable difference now at night especially, the head pressure is gone and a sense of calm as in years past has come back to a degree with less anxiety. As someone said earlier, they are commandeering us away from earth’s natural frequency into a frequency that will only wreak havoc on every system in the body and gladly tap you with Rockefeller medicine as your life expectancy is greatly reduced along the way. In entomology, insects have chitin instead of blood. They will dry us out in a similar manner in the form of clots and disease the more we ingest nano particles/ hydrogels and increase conductivity. On a positive note, many of us are waking up very fast to this scheme and will not succumb to this assault on humanity. Dr. Milhacea and others like her are definitely trailblazing and showing the courage and foresight to address the real issue here. I called Dr. Peter McCullough at the height of covid rollout chaos when he was at Baylor ( they then canned him for speaking out after) and he answered remarkably. He navigated me through the rollout with ivermectin and other treatments early on. However, now he like other now mainstream discourse doctors are not talking about nano, morgellons, filaments, hydrogel as the source of the spread. They are still referring to spike protein, hence the promotion of nattokinase, bioperine curcumin, and bromelain as effective against shedding. But after Dr. M’s blood findings, now have to rethink preparation around people. What aren’t these doctors addressing the real issue? They cannot be this tone deaf.
JulesUSA - Feb 21, 2024
Matrix2008’s Substack
Sabrina Wallace on the human biofield
Matrix2008 - Feb 22, 2024
Matrix2008’s Substack
Thank you Jules. Excellent
Neve O - Apr 2
Neve O
It seems that some doctors are 'controlled opposition' unfortunately & they split the truth teller groups on purpose to weaken them. I read a piece on here by Dr Mihalcea where she was replying a few well known 'Covid truth' doctors Tenpenny etc on ( I think it was a podcast) who were deriding etc, Dr Mihalceas detailed scientific work. These doctors are trusted by huge numbers and were saying that God will fix everything so no need to do anything else...Same view as huge numbers on here and elsewhere...
Matrix2008 - Apr 3
Matrix2008’s Substack
Yes indeed. Neve O. Controlled opposition, by hook or by crook.
Justin Coy - Mar 26
Justin Coy
This is how I did it: I unplugged the smart meter one night, wrapped it in aluminum foil, and threw it into the back yard until the battery ran out, which took a few days. After the battery was dead, I brought it back in the house and just put it by the meter without connecting it. When the Department of Public Works (water man) came by to say they needed to come in my house to replace the 'failed' meter, I told the two of them that there was no need and that I had unplugged it myself. The conversation went thus:
"Why did you do that?", he asked.
"Those meters irradiate my household 365 days a year and contribute to DNA and immune system malfunction just so that the local town can fire workers like you," I replied.
"They aren't firing anyone," he argued.
"They already fired them, but you just don't realize it. Years ago, they had many workers checking the houses manually. Then they moved wireless readers to the outside of the house so people could just walk over and place small numeric reader over the it to get the meter count. Now they have bluetooth "smart meters" that transmit to the street so you can just drive by in a town vehicle and read the entire street in about 3 minutes. Every step of that involved firing people. Next they will have self-driving cars collecting the readings and fire YOU. You should thank me for disconnecting it."
Befuddled and gobsmacked, he then asked me, "Did anyone ever tell you that altering the meter could result in you getting fined?"
I straightened myself and lifted my chin.
"FINE ME, if you dare. YOU put something that is unhealthy to me in MY house without MY permission. I am not afraid of you or anyone else. Do your worst. I'll rip the entire system out, throw it in the street, dig a hole in my back yard, and get my OWN WATER."
The man standing next to him fought back laughter but could not hide his amusement.
Standing visibly surprised at my response he managed to utter, "Well... I... guess we'll come check your meter manually then."
"Okay; I'll see you next month," as I turned and went back into my house.
They came to ask my meter reading after that. I still planned to get off of city water entirely. I bought a well-drilling rig but ended up selling my gorgeous house and am now on the run, bouncing from rental to rental every few weeks.
Tom Subirge - Feb 18, 2024 - Edited
Tom’s Substack
Whoa!!! ... Lets not get carried away with aircraft photos we know nothing about. The aircraft shown is a Boeing 747, experimentally converted to a fire fighting air tanker. The photo was from a trial run not far from Marana, Az, where the CIA has a large facility to convert aircraft of any size into anything desired. If you look close, it says "Evergreen International" on the fuselage. Evergreen is a CIA trademark, also seen on numerous green ocean freight containers. They are also in business of international freight and own large container ships. Converting a 747 made sense from the standpoint of its ability to carry immense weight; water is heavy. However, it was a failed experiment as the 747 is so big that it cannot be safely piloted close to the ground, thru narrow canyons, and even less so over wild fires that produce hefty updrafts of hot "thin" air which a 747 can sink into and crash. Too many retardant planes and their crews have been lost exactly due to this phenomenon. This prototype was used a few times in country that was pretty much flat, but most wildfires are in mountainous terrain, and the 747 simply cannot maneuver in tight spaces. I witnessed a trial drop from this exact plane using just water over Greer, Az with an active wildfire in progress. The town of Greer sits in a deep canyon. The drop had to be performed at such a high elevation that it made no difference on the ground. This experiment was soon abandoned. When retardant drops are made from too much elevation (too high up), all you get on the ground is a fine mist - which stops no fire. The photo is from a test run while emptying their tanks as fast as possible using large centrifugal pumps. The tanks get emptied in about 6 seconds. This isn't "spray"; its a "dump." Aerial fire retardant drops must be dropped very heavy and suddenly as otherwise not enough water reaches the fire. What you see in the photo is water, nothing more and nothing less. It is not herbicide or insecticide or any other "spray". Used in this context, this photo will result in more fear mongering than education. This is not to say we don't get sprayed with unknown materials. Yes, we do. But it gets dispensed through Airforce tankers that are dedicated to the geoengineering program. Their "spray" looks like a jet condensation trail (contrail) but it carries from one horizon to the other and is known as a "chemtrail." The material that gets sprayed out is a dry powder, not a liquid. Liquids are also used for spraying, but this is done with other aircraft. Here in ND, the Airforce uses C-130s for mosquito spraying - for example.
JulesUSA - Feb 21, 2024
So it IS the Air Force?
Mayra - Feb 18, 2024
Thomas’s Substack
Could this be why my targeting constantly fires my senses with smells links to memories? This is CONSTANT… from the smell of cake my mother used to bake, to my father’s scent, to used feminine pads, and even the smell of sex. What could they be trying to achieve with this?
Thomas Guitarman - Feb 18, 2024
Thomas’s Substack
They are exploring and experimenting on us with all known and imagined EVIL methods of manipulation and control, otherwise they cant possible pull off this agenda on a whole planet. Olfactory signals go the fastest directly to the brain and subconscious mind , even when the conscious is NOT aware , This madness must stop , unfortunately its can easily be seen the military of the world and their evil corporate contractors are the major source . Only a complete planetary rebellion with violence will even begin to do the job , until nature pulls the plug with planetary level disaster , like it has done many times in cycles. Do you know how you became targeted or exposed enough for this to occur?
Susan Hojdik - Feb 19, 2024
Susan Hojdik
Thinking it’s time to protect against this crap if we can. Maybe a good start is putting Vicks under our noses to block their interference for now. Yeah it sucks but, better than being manipulated, right?
Thomas Guitarman - Feb 19, 2024
Thomas’s Substack
Do you really mean this and what would it protect against seriously
Paul Koop - Feb 22, 2024
It’s possible that the combination of petroleum jelly and eucalyptus menthol would resist the frequency and access to the senses through the nasal cavity, at the very least the cells would recover their energy potential and remain healthy against other toxic chemicals with harmful frequencies invading the sinuses daily.
JulesUSA - Feb 21, 2024
What does Vicks do?
Paul Koop - Feb 22, 2024
Vicks has the eucalyptus oil and other menthol extracts, high terpene concentrations in eucalyptus, peppermint and other similarly energized oils have a cellular protection that can cross the blood Brian barrier through the nasal airways in just a few seconds and the cells can recover their health and energy integrity . The science of energy and frequency is the medicine that criminal doctors cannot patent or control as expensive experiments.
Susan Hojdik - Feb 19, 2024
Susan Hojdik
Black lights shows this crap? Okay, kiddies, time to haul those old black light poster bulbs out of your basements and attics:/
Susan Liang - Feb 18, 2024
Susan Liang
Unconsented to manchurian candidates or zombies of the walking dead? Nanotech brain surgery. stepford citizens?
There's only on guy who is omnipotent and omniscient who can fix that. Jesus the Word. The guy who said to the corroded "cell walls" of a stinking corpse (of 3 days without refrigeration),
" Lazarus, Come Forth"!" The guy who said "Let there be Light!" to the earth. The guy who sent fire from the sky to dry out then ignite the waterlogged altar of Elijah. That guy.
The guy to whom the real "masters" (of the transhumanist scientists) think "Jesus who is God! Our time of destruction is not yet come!" That guy.
Paul Koop - Feb 22, 2024
AMEN, when HE comes back to this earth with fire, all the techno chemicals will Burn, only salvation protects through his blood
He promises to return and purify his creation if we choose Love, Light and Truth
Wormwood is a bitter cleansing agent, revelation of his return is a cleansing restoration for earth and humanity
The Bible offers hope and a future for those who accept Jesus as Lord
Jdn - Feb 22, 2024
Revelation 6:15-17 (KJV) And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Christian - Feb 19, 2024
Ar’s Substack
blablabla juif !
Kent Blanch - Feb 19, 2024
Hi Melissa
I tried nicotine gum 4 mg according to Doctor Ardis (He's currently recommending 2 mg in the gum) I kept a journal of those things that changed. In the course of 10 days I would say about 20 different health conditions completely cleared up, or vastly improved. Currently I'm taking Lobelia extract for maintenance and chewing a small pinch of organic tobacco first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I tried urine therapy to restore my sense of taste. I did that for 80 Days. Which is supposed to eliminate, or make you immune to all toxins or poisons. It's an autoimmune therapy. Anyway, with urine therapy my sense of smell and taste finally returned (It was impaired or absent for 8 months! I tried supplementing with zinc which normally fixes this problem, to no avail. Eventually I ended up taking massive amounts of zinc (20 times RDA, or more -- That's when it started to return. I could feel my taste buds turning back on one taste bud at a time!) When my taste buds started to turn back on I smelt everything as a sort of convoluted burnt toast smell. I read one article that said that what you smell as an alternative, such as: burnt toast, indicates what disease or poison you're going to die of.) After chewing the nicotine gum my sense of smell and taste returned better than ever in my entire life. Which indicates to me that I probably had some other source of stress to my nicotine receptors. Probably from vaccination injury as a child, and further as an adult for purposes of travel. I did not take the current bio-weapon injections. And I was not drinking or bathing in any tap water, only RSO water was used. After watching Dr Ardis's lecture on watching the water, I started drinking only filtered rain water. I had done this previously for 2 years, but at the time of covid I had switched back to RSO water. (Drinking rain water turns out to have been not such a good idea! I essentially inflicted myself with harm. (Dr Nixen has some interesting microscopy pictures of what's actually in the Rainwater -- It has all the same nanotech as the vaccines!) I've had virtually all of the long covid symptoms. Most of the neurological symptoms have cleared up with the nicotine gum. I have other things that I believe work which I'm currently doing to cleanse my circulatory system. And I need to say that the best cleanse is by the miraculous intervention of Heavenly Father. I always seek His help first. He either intervenes miraculously, or leads me to the information I need to heal in a more physical level.
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