Scary stuff. One wonders how we can survive the deep state psychopaths carrying this diabolical plan out and then relying on our incompetent low IQ non critical thinking president, congress and military to save us. God be with us to overcome evil.
Sigh... I knew it was a weapon. Since 5G has been pouring into my home and body I have had severe reactions and disabilities. I’m losing my vision quite rapidly and the megalomaniac of a vision specialist I was seeing ( pun ) informed me, “ I’ll just see you PRN, ok?” Sometimes it feels as though my eyes are boiling.
Ana, I agree this is an excellent article that makes the case for humanity to have literally been poisoned with electro-magnetic substances whose properties act as 5G micro-antennas within human 'wetware'.
Marc Mullie MD
Radiation causes oxidative stress. One of the most indicative symptoms of COVID-19 is shortness of breath caused by oxidative stress in the lungs. The vast majority of the therapeutics being used to treat COVID are highly antioxidative.
I suppose the potential nuclear war we hear in the news might be a coverup.
As someone who has experienced energy weapons as part of being gangstalked, this is an excellent article. It was a major breakthrough when the msm started acknowledging Havana syndrome.
Thank you Ana for your continued efforts to bring this information out. I've been through Ian and have just got my internet back today. So much has come out over the last 12 days it is amazing. We have kind of known about these ongoings, but to see it all in one very well written article is just nothing short of stunning. I hope we all survive, even those of us who chose wisely. Please keep up your work!
"What has also been discovered is unnecessary latent power capacitance built into the 5G SMART IOT hardware network. This large capacitance could easily be used for a possible Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack on cities and populations II.18"
"This would depend on the known interconnectivity and remote access of an easily hackable network to all emission devices in the built up radiation 5G grid. II.19"
^^ The media keeps talking about how we are at a high risk of an EMP, in the near future, because of Russian using a tactical nuclear weapon. Seems very Gulf-of-Tonkin-ish.
So, let me see if I got this.
Smart dust is being sprayed over everything under the guise of geoengineering to combat climate change. The vaping illnesses of 2019 were likely caused by this and might have even been clustered around 5G test beds. 5G gets switched on in China and ramped up for a hot minute. Propaganda videos flood the internet and we now have a "virus" in China. The labs are a distraction. 5G gets flipped on in other countries and on newly remodeled cruise ships. Those with more exposure to smart dust are more likely to show disease. America gets slammed as it enters flu season. The only essential workers who weren't essential at all were 5G installers. Yikes.
Fast forward to the jab rollout and we have graphene-based, self-assembling nanomaterials that have MAC addresses. The smart dust and MAC addresses can collect and send loads of data via 5G. The transhumanist sociopaths are (slowly) killing off the population while learning as much about (epi)genetics as possible.
Am I close?
Normally I avoid the tinfoil hat end but this is so well detailed and documented I am now forced to research it. Thanks for the effort it took to write it.
I enjoy reading anything even mildly technical regarding the infrastructure and device related issues which us "tinfoil hat" types have been going off on for years to decades.
This puts the whole picture together. We are screwed! Let's hope the powers of good can overcome this evil genocide that is well underway and so sure of victory that it isn't bothering to hide anything.
Rick (from Texas) - Oct 8, 2022
What Could Go Wrong?
Wow 😳🫣.
Glenn Lawn Girl - Oct 8, 2022
Scary stuff. One wonders how we can survive the deep state psychopaths carrying this diabolical plan out and then relying on our incompetent low IQ non critical thinking president, congress and military to save us. God be with us to overcome evil.
Deborah Richardson Evans - Oct 8, 2022
Deborah’s Newsletter
Sigh... I knew it was a weapon. Since 5G has been pouring into my home and body I have had severe reactions and disabilities. I’m losing my vision quite rapidly and the megalomaniac of a vision specialist I was seeing ( pun ) informed me, “ I’ll just see you PRN, ok?” Sometimes it feels as though my eyes are boiling.
Marc Mullie - Oct 8, 2022
Ana, I agree this is an excellent article that makes the case for humanity to have literally been poisoned with electro-magnetic substances whose properties act as 5G micro-antennas within human 'wetware'.
Marc Mullie MD
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - Oct 8, 2022
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick
Excellent enjoy the retreat🤗😇🙏
PatriciaHenry - Oct 8, 2022 - Edited
The Arts™ & The Science™
Could this be the reason for the increase in the National stockpile of anti radiation meds?
R!CKYRANTS - Dec 21, 2022
The Arts™ & The Science™
Radiation causes oxidative stress. One of the most indicative symptoms of COVID-19 is shortness of breath caused by oxidative stress in the lungs. The vast majority of the therapeutics being used to treat COVID are highly antioxidative.
I suppose the potential nuclear war we hear in the news might be a coverup.
Rosalind McGill - Oct 8, 2022
Rosalind McGill
As someone who has experienced energy weapons as part of being gangstalked, this is an excellent article. It was a major breakthrough when the msm started acknowledging Havana syndrome.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Oct 8, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
They have their antennae on every block in San Francisco killafornia, looks just like the picture in article.
And all around bay area...
Rosalind McGill - Oct 8, 2022
Rosalind McGill
💌greetings grasshopper
Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Oct 8, 2022
Dr. Gregory Pernoud
Thank you Ana for your continued efforts to bring this information out. I've been through Ian and have just got my internet back today. So much has come out over the last 12 days it is amazing. We have kind of known about these ongoings, but to see it all in one very well written article is just nothing short of stunning. I hope we all survive, even those of us who chose wisely. Please keep up your work!
Peralta - Oct 8, 2022
"What has also been discovered is unnecessary latent power capacitance built into the 5G SMART IOT hardware network. This large capacitance could easily be used for a possible Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack on cities and populations II.18"
"This would depend on the known interconnectivity and remote access of an easily hackable network to all emission devices in the built up radiation 5G grid. II.19"
^^ The media keeps talking about how we are at a high risk of an EMP, in the near future, because of Russian using a tactical nuclear weapon. Seems very Gulf-of-Tonkin-ish.
R!CKYRANTS - Dec 21, 2022
The Arts™ & The Science™
So, let me see if I got this.
Smart dust is being sprayed over everything under the guise of geoengineering to combat climate change. The vaping illnesses of 2019 were likely caused by this and might have even been clustered around 5G test beds. 5G gets switched on in China and ramped up for a hot minute. Propaganda videos flood the internet and we now have a "virus" in China. The labs are a distraction. 5G gets flipped on in other countries and on newly remodeled cruise ships. Those with more exposure to smart dust are more likely to show disease. America gets slammed as it enters flu season. The only essential workers who weren't essential at all were 5G installers. Yikes.
Fast forward to the jab rollout and we have graphene-based, self-assembling nanomaterials that have MAC addresses. The smart dust and MAC addresses can collect and send loads of data via 5G. The transhumanist sociopaths are (slowly) killing off the population while learning as much about (epi)genetics as possible.
Am I close?
Staring back into the abyss - Oct 11, 2022
Staring back at the abyss
Normally I avoid the tinfoil hat end but this is so well detailed and documented I am now forced to research it. Thanks for the effort it took to write it.
SomeDude - Oct 9, 2022
I enjoy reading anything even mildly technical regarding the infrastructure and device related issues which us "tinfoil hat" types have been going off on for years to decades.
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Oct 9, 2022
Joel’s Newsletter
This puts the whole picture together. We are screwed! Let's hope the powers of good can overcome this evil genocide that is well underway and so sure of victory that it isn't bothering to hide anything.
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