Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 18, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this weeks Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Show on People for People Radio I speak with Musician and Activist Tessa Lena. This is a different kind of conversation then I usually have with scientists on my show.
Please see the link to our inspirational interview here:
Dr Ana Mihalcea and Tessa Lena
We discuss the spiritual and emotional approach to freedom activism when facing the Transhumanism threat. We discuss topics like approaching the action of resistance with Love and what does that mean. We both explain our family histories - with Tessa’s family coming from Russia and mine coming from Romania immigrating to Germany to flee communism. We discuss historical context and the future of humanity that we all are shaping and what spiritual qualities need to be cultivated to create a future that does not keep reliving the destruction of the past. We discuss how to cope with the psychopathic mass murdering Elites that want to destroy humanity and our planet and finding joy in the adventure of adversity.
Who is Tessa Lena?
Tessa Lena is a strongly opinionated musician living in New York. She is a classically trained pianist and singer, born and raised in Moscow.
As a teenager, Tessa had the honor of performing her own composition at the Moscow Conservatory, and wanted to be a geneticist.
As her interests expanded to Tibetan music and language, she headed to Lhasa with a backpack to do a field study in linguistics and enthomusicology.
After being attacked by a sex trafficker in Southern China and successfully fighting him off, Tessa settled in Chicago. In early 2017, she released an album titled ‘Tessa Fights Robots,’ you can listen and buy it here .
Since the English language only has so many words, this blog is also called ‘Tessa Fights Robots.’
Both the album and the blog are about being human in the world of technology, big data, and machine-like people.​
Please see her substack here:
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Tessa Lena - Oct 18, 2022
Tessa Fights Robots
Dear Dr. .Ana, it was such a joy to talk to you. Thank you for inviting me to be a guest on your show, and for your courageous work!
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Jan Hazelton - Oct 18, 2022
Jan’s Substack
Wonderful interview. Thank you both.
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