Experimental, Never before Tested Novel…

Nov 12, 2022

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My friend Dr. Jim Thorp asked me to post his article. Please share his important research.


Elizabeth Faraone - Nov 12, 2022


I'm enraged. I have no words. Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and it was a tough one for me. Why aren't more people fighting for these babies??? Why aren't they fighting for each other??? After ten months of being laid off for a vax mandate my colleagues decided to reach out to me an invited me to a private party on Monday night (Nov. 7th 2022) to celebrate my contributions... it was outdoors (freezing!) and they asked me to take a rapid test (to which I respectfully refused). They said we had to where a mask to use the bathroom, I just waited until I got home (would have rather used the gas station). I would not participate in Covid theater. It is those same colleagues who today, no doubt, run the very groups of clients that I used to, who worked into their programming 2 minutes of silence to remember our fallen soldiers, to reflect on their sacrifice and our freedom... but its a damn joke. They appear to be reverent and grateful for their freedom but they capitulate to government run, money driven responses to "Covid", celebrate every booster and willfully ignore the reality that is so obvious. I realised on Monday night they are not my kind of people any more and I made peace with that. But I couldn't help but feel angry this day, of all days, Remembrance Day.


The Word Herder - Nov 12, 2022


I'm so sorry. And I so understand, and relate. What a hell this is! But I do believe it is the birthing process (hurts like hell this time!) to a new, better thing. In the meantime, we must find each other, comfort and strengthen each other, and even if it's only virtual, hug and love each other up, because the Good Thing is buried in our hearts... Keep your heart fires burning, by friend! xo xo


Elizabeth Faraone - Nov 13, 2022


I so appreciate your kind words. It's incredibly comforting to connect with like minded individuals. I used to have that with my old friends... but it's like they are entranced. I struggle with that because I'll always have such love for them- I feel like I'm grieving (and its all that more painful because they are not physically gone). I've been through this before Covid, in my experience of loving a good man with serious addiction problems... I saw him physically but it was like he was possessed, him but not him, kind of thing- brutal to watch. Heart wrenching. He did come out of it and it gives me hope for others around me. I know its possible for them to come around. And if they don't I will always cherish the time we had together. For now, I need to let them go. Maybe with time things will be different. Yesterday was rough but I woke up feeling better today. I will always believe in sunny days ahead, even if only in the knowing that the sun lies beyond just the clouds. Take good care, my friend in truth.


The Word Herder - Nov 13, 2022


Oh, we have much in common, my sister. I soooo relate. I have let those friends of mine go, too. And maybe, someday... If they don't DIE!!! This is horrible, on so many levels, as you are also well aware... And because so many people I've know could have died, and I'll maybe never know. Will they ever know the truth? And my brothers, who have persecuted me, horribly, will they ever know the truth? Will they die before they realize I could have saved their lives, and I TRIED?
Well, this is our challenge, I suppose. To come into the light because the other choice is darkness.
Know that your name is now in my Prayer List, and I have your name, unlike many others on the list. Big hugs. Peace. Joy. All Good Things, may they be yours.


Julie Pettiford - Nov 12, 2022

Julie Pettiford

Bill Gates had had a huge hand ( money) in this for many years. In the beginning it was called the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation for population control. They dropped the end bit about 10-15 years ago. He has been honing his skills in third world countries for many years, mainly African, but others as well. In Nigeria he was administering vaccines for tetanus which actually contained human growth hormone that sterilised women. When you check data for big pharma payouts, at least it be was 3 billion in damages. They s was always a bio weapon eugenics programme. The people we were supposed to protect, our elderly - the ones with pre-existing conditions and the most highly vaccinated are the most vulnerable from injury and death as are the immune compromised. One other gem I discovered is that at the Nuremberg trials, about a dozen of Hitlers chemists/ pharmacists were put on trial. On received a 6 year sentence the rest were taken to the US and integrated in not the industry there. Think about that. In Australia our federal health minister Greg Hunt ( WEF graduate school of government) announced with a smile that we were involved in the n the world’s biggest drug trial. If that is so, after 2plus yeats they should be giving the world accurate trial outcomes . I always smelt a rat when they were advising pregnant women to take this shot. Remember thalidomide.


The Word Herder - Nov 12, 2022


Bill Fucking Gates is wanted for MURDER in India. At least they know how to keep his sorry ass out of their country... Psychopaths should never have power over anyone, nor critters, NOR FARMS.


Jan Hazelton - Nov 12, 2022

Jan’s Substack



Jan Hazelton - Nov 12, 2022

Jan’s Substack

Thank you for posting. Dr. Thorp was a guest on Del Bigtree’s , the HiWire show yesterday. The nurse from California was also on with him. One of the saddest shows I’ve seen. Dr. Thorp is one a hero…I recommend the show.


NoMoreLies - Nov 12, 2022


What are we waiting for, when will the Nuremberg trials begin!? How many people have to die first?


The Word Herder - Nov 12, 2022


Enough to awaken the Fear Bunnies... I don't know. SOON, I hope. It's turning, the tide. Perhaps a winter of deliberately-inflicted starvation and freezing will loosen their brain cells...


bss.org - Nov 12, 2022


Pierre Gilbert, Freemason and advisor to French President Mitterrand explains at the internal gathering of "brothers" in 1995 what will happen 25 years later.


The Word Herder - Nov 12, 2022


Oh, yeah, they were planning this since the TEST of the Nazis in WWII.


The Word Herder - Nov 12, 2022


I agree it's extremely egregious... I'd even go a step further and say the idea of terrorizing the entire global population (or attempting to), delivering mandates and governmental protocol that are not only irresponsible, unscientific, and fascist, but HARMFUL, so that over a period of time the people are psychologically somewhat weakened, and THEN to introduce a repugnant and completely false "narrative" that suggests "The End Is Near" and that WE, the People, are causing our Earth Planet to actually DIE, so to starve us and cause us severe hardship, even unto death, all so that a totalitarian, global governmental entity, not elected by self-installed, may take over the lives of everyone left after demanding that we all suffer an abomination of a "vaccine" that is killing us by the millions, perhaps BILLIONS, while sterilizing many more, no thought for even children receiving any mercy, like a vast culling of a HERD OF COWS, as was so blithely done in Kansas last year, due to a LIE, with the end goal of enslaving us all by denying access to our own wealth/property/sovereignty in order to force us to do THEIR BIDDING, all the while enslaving us with absolute surveillance and survival manipulation.
The gender abominations, the racial abominations, the divide and conquer abominations, all their fuckery and malevolence aside, it's very clear we are being attacked by PATHOLOGICALLY EVIL MONSTERS.
I will not comply. Some things are well worth dying for, but globalist domination and torture is not one of them.


Zsolt Kovacs - Nov 12, 2022

Dear people Let The God Almighty Bless you and give you strength to carry on bravely in these very dark times , for your courage and wholehearted faithfulness to the Truth Amen In YaHUShUA Amen . A great Hug to all of you with these songs :


Deborah Richardson Evans - Nov 12, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

So useful, thank you.


bss.org - Nov 12, 2022

Great article and citations.
Found a couple of new resources to add.
Thanks and keep up the good fight !


Martin Grandaunet - Nov 12, 2022

Martin’s Newsletter

Love your work Dr Ana. A thought and a question, is it perhaps possible to make frequency therapy into mp3 files and then share them over various internet-platforms?


Jan Hazelton - Nov 12, 2022

Jan’s Substack

Link to the interview with Dr. Thorp. It’s about half way into the show.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 12, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Please take my one question poll .
Hit my latest stack.
This dream....


bss.org - Nov 13, 2022

Here was an important presentation that was my first time seeing Ana:
Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International


Elizabeth Faraone - Nov 13, 2022

I am truly grateful for your prayers. I will pray for you, too. Let’s promise not to give up on any of them. Keeping them in our hearts, prayers and minds will make a difference. Leading by example and welcoming them with open arms when/if they realize the truth. Take good care, my new friend ❤️


bss.org - Nov 13, 2022

🗞 Patents:
Which patents would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments.
Attenuated African Swine Fever Virus Vaccine 343
Betacoronavirus mRNA Vaccine 574
Chicken Cells For Improved Virus Production 345
Chimaeric Protein 350
Compounds And Compositions For Intracellular Delivery Of Therapeutic Agents 576
Compounds And Compositions For Intracellular Delivery Of Therapeutic Agents 577
Compounds And Compositions For Intracellular Delivery Of Therapeutic Agents 579
Construct For Producing Empty Virus Capsids 348
Coronavirus 339
Coronavirus Isolated From Humans 432
Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data 353
Diagnose Of Mycobacterial Infections By Determination Of
IFN-Gamma 352
Foot And Mouth Disease Virus With Increased Stability And Its Use As Vaccine 349
Methods And Compositions For Chimeric Coronavirus Spike Proteins 334
Methods And Systems Of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy Of Individuals 408
Modified Foot And Mouth Disease Virus (Fmdv) Vp1 Capsid Protein 347
Modified Nucleosides, Nucleotides, And Nucleic Acids,And Uses Thereof 578
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Apoptosis Inducing Factor 1 363
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Granulysin 361
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding SeptIn-4 360
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Siah E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 1 362
Modified Polynucleotides For The Production Of Oncology Related Proteins And Peptides 364
Modified Polynucleotides For The Production Of Secreted Proteins 575
Modified Polynucleotides For The Production Of Secreted Proteins 412
Mutant Spike Protein Extending The Tissue Tropism Of Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) 346
Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors 486
Sars Virus Nucleotide And Amino Acid Sequences And Uses Thereof 804
Stabilised Fmdv Capsids 344
Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation Of Nervous Systems 409
Vector 351
Composite Magnetic Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System 584
Human Ebola Virus Species And Compositions And Methods Thereof 805
Intelligent Sensor Platforms 417
Method For Preparing Surface-Modified Semiconductive And Metallic Nanoparticles Having Enhanced Dispersibility In Aqueous Media 583
Remote Viewing Amplifier 520
System And Method For Biometric Identification Using Ultraviolet (UV) Image Data 1142



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