Deep deep Blue King County Washington used to be my home. Seems like the Bluer the area, the more susceptible the people were (and are) to the psyop. 98% took the jab!!! Wow. And of course they are still in complete denial about the harm they did to themselves. It's beyond sad really. Sad and scary that so many people were fooled, so many people were injured and died.
This is why we need to maintain calcium balance, as EMFs affect calcium channels in our heart. Wireless EMF radiation is persistent everywhere, and has to be factored in:
Hi, Roman,
Is your hunch then as mine, that the main thing about cardiac issues in injectees (and uninjected who've e.g .by inhalation taken in similar enough content) , relates to inner electric perversity? That as long as there is sufficient external e-input to e-activate what's sufficient within, bloodstream and thus heart damage is apt to occur? 'Sufficiency' I put because there must be a greatly varying degree of effect - some feel it (me) if few can, some are done in, some SEEM just fine, not all shots are alike, depends on e- and non-e- toxic ambience., etc
That looks nothing like the calamari clots I have seen.
It appears to be coagulated blood.
There is a very big difference between these to types of clots.
Are they REALLY 'unvaxxed'???
Those who did NOT get the Death Jab......BUT......DID have one or more SWABS shoved up their nose......are, INDEED, 'vaxxed'!!
THAT was ALSO how the 'vaccinated' people!!! WHY do you think the 'they' DID these 'swab tests' a bazillion times over?!
So, you CANNOT call someone 'unvaxxed' if they did not take a needle, BUT GOT SWABBED!
Is ANYONE asking the 'UN JABBED' if they'd EVER BEEN SWABBED???
Yes. Some have been and others have not. You can get whatever it is by breathing the air around the vaxxed/infected though and they have been shedding for over 3 years now, which is why everyone has it.
But yes, people who have had a Lot of tests have it Worse, similar to body fluid transfer and can start emitting Bt MAC addresses.
Bee, did you catch my post a couple of days ago about having 3 house guests stay at our house for a week and all 3 were vaxxed? Hugs on the first day and on the last and all meals together.
So far no issues but I'm still holding my breath so to speak.
Nice, and perhaps not everyone sheds, or it wears off after some time. Still so much we do not know about the shedding... did they wear any masks while they were there?
Thats all it would take to get started researching it, put it under a scope but it seems no one does.
Good luck though, I would take EDTA and vitamin C just on GP if you arent already. It cant hurt and it sure does help, IMHO.
Yes, I've understood the shedding and the infected bodily fluids from the beginning of all of this.
My point is, that I see a lot published about, "We're finding 'this', in the UN-VAXXED", but are they REALLY 'un-vaxxed'?? Meaning.....has anybody bothered to ask these 'un-vaxxed' individuals, that they are finding 'shit' in, if they'd ever been SWABBED.
I have yet to see, "We found 'this' in an un-vaxxed and UN-SWABBED individual".
It would really be nice to know if these 'un-vaxxed' individuals ALSO have NEVER been SWABBED, or if they HAD been, is my point.
Great point, Dr Ana is our personal care physician. We did not get the jab and we did not get any swab tests. First she wanted comprehensive blood work done by lab core, bad news. (Blood very deficient in several vitamins and minerals.) then We had our live blood analysis done in her office. Bad news for us, we showed the similarities in blood to vaxxed people. Hydrogels, fiberous strands of blinking nano dots and filaments. We now believe her work is true. We feel much better and it has been only six months since we began edta, mb, and loads of vit c and d. Peace and wellness to you. Ps we don’t even use airports anymore. Drive or don’t go.
Fear, fear. And more fear.
Yes they are actively use bio-accumulating methods to depop all of us. We know what their agenda is.
Thankfully for those who know God there is hope. Fear not those who can kill the body, but the soul. Never before has the Satanic agenda been so overtly displayed that it works as a blatant polemic to the Biblical narrative- ---- by pushing their agenda so hard it's becoming kindergarten obvious what the meta narrative of Good vs Evil is.
As it is written in the parable: one man builds his house on a rock, and the other on sand. The storm comes. One house WILL COLLAPSE.
It reveals who built their house on the right stuff.
Christ didn't say IF the storm comes.
He said WHEN.
Either way the storm will come. But the difference is He will be with the believer and we will have hope in the suffering.
Key point: No avoiding the storm. Rather, He will be with us through the storm.
Amen…Dz…thank you for the truth! This world has always been dangerous…only in Christ do we have hope! 100% of 100% die sooner or later! This is only the testing ground…the real life begins after death and the resurrection! Eternal life is only found in the resurrected Christ! “Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden…I WILL GIVE YOU REST!” Matt. 11:28!
And That is why I packed all my stuff in a Uhaul and left Kirkland a couple weeks after June 10th 2021.
Which was when I and then my unvaxxed wife and then her unvaxxed daughter discovered we were 'magnetic'.
After I found out, we started showing Everybody we knew well that was unvaxxed, including people at grocery stores and gas stations and espresso stands. And they all had it Too. Metals and magnets of course but Plastics would stick to them too, just like us but that was before I had tried wood or popsickle sticks.
So I thought it was localized to King County since I had seen a lot of other strange things, people repeatedly picking up and putting down meat in grocery stores (that actually Started in late 2019), walking out of their way on the street to touch Every Single mailbox in the big apartments, or putting on rubber gloves from a ziplok bag in a purse, touching Every button on the crosswalk, crossing, touching every button again, then crossing again and touching every button Again, all wearing the gloves she took out of a plastic bag.
So I thought it was a local thing but then as I drove that Uhaul across the US for those 4 days, I showed EVERYONE I met.
Every Single gas station, every restaurant, every motel, every Rest Stop, Everyone.
And thats when I discovered a lot of those unvaxxed people had it Too. Its actually surprisingly easy to get a crowd of strangers to all try to stick things to their forehead at a Rest Stop at 1 in the morning.
Im so glad I left that hellhole regardless, king county sucks major ass in so many ways. And everyone thinks they're a genius in Kirkland, just ask them... Yet they cannot Read.
Too bad they're all on their way out though. I tried and tried and tried to tell them.... Almost no one listened.
C'est La Vie.
No, they were and are all chinese. I first moved to the midwest for a year in a city of 150k and I saw them doing it in stores there too.
Then I moved to a much more rural area with a city of 20,000 and they are doing it here too.
It was a few months ago in Agust iirc but my wife finally got to see what I was talking about all this time. I usually do the shopping but I was on a work call and we see this asian woman walking across this huge ass parking lot, no one ever walks here and shes got a mask on, which no one does here
So I told my wife Watch, I bet she goes in, makes a beeline for the meat and just starts picking it up and putting it down, over and over and over again.
Everybody was just politely overlooking this weird ass shit, Im familiar, but my wife couldnt believe it so she started yelling at her in the store about touching all the meat and not buying it but the woman didnt care and she just kept doing it. I mean my wife knows Im pretty observant but its different when you really see it in front of you and she couldnt stop herself. Made me proud though.
Back in 2019 when I first noticed it they would immediately pretend to leave the store if you took their picture or a video but they dont care anymore.
That was the Christmas Before covid hit Kirkland and then the US.
Things that make you go Hmm. I bet its happening to this day though. Just watch, its easy to see if it happens while you are there.
I figure by the time that is noticed by store mgmt. or whoever it'll be too late. What you describe seeing is advanced biological warfare and I wouldn't doubt those chinese subjects are suicide bombers like those that killed Kim Jong Un's step brother by rubbing his face with something. Most likely dead/killed shortly after that.
Ana we moved away from Whidbey Island in 2021. I experienced extreme vertigo and radiating chest pain before leaving and nothing since. Is it possible increased clots and nano devices are being caused by the electronic warfare practiced on said Island and high levels of EMF?
I'm new to this horrifying info. Can a knowledgeable reader share what they have learned form these articles, as far as what we can do at home to detox? I saw vitamin c mentioned and EDTA (never heard of this or know if it's something you can use at home). I'd love to see a detailed protocol. Vitamin type/source, amounts, frequency of usage. Thank you friends!
I wonder. Is what you're seeing in unvaccinated blood a result of shedding? Or, could it be that the satanists are putting this life ending technology in the food, water, all injectables and of course, the air through chem trails?
Based on my personal experience, shedding is real. I suddenly experienced serious cardiac and vascular symptoms after my husband took his first shot and then, again, after his second shot and a few others times after he had been around large crowds. Our cat was even affected in the head and started behaving strangely.
At the time, I didn't know to correlate our symptoms with his C19 shots and shedding, until I started reading about the phenomenon and took measures to distance myself whenever he attended large events or travelled by air.
You can find, online, numerous accounts of women experiencing strange menstrual irregularities after being around "vaccinated" family members or co-workers, especially if freshly shot up. But, in my case, I've come to realize that shedding can keep happening when "recharged", so to speak, by a freshly injected individual or by a large crowd of many injected.
I absolutely agree. Neither my wife nor I fell for the hoax. But soon after the bioweapons rolled out and many of my co workers took them , I haven't felt normal since. But trying to find legitimate doctors to conduct a D Dimer test or even look at my blood for irregularities is impossible.
May I add, the satanists are likely putting the toxic tech into everything, as well, but my severe reactions happened after being in close proximity to a freshly shot up husband. It may not be a question of either/or but both. To take the shot or not was intended to be a false choice.
pimaCanyon - Nov 26 - Edited
Deep deep Blue King County Washington used to be my home. Seems like the Bluer the area, the more susceptible the people were (and are) to the psyop. 98% took the jab!!! Wow. And of course they are still in complete denial about the harm they did to themselves. It's beyond sad really. Sad and scary that so many people were fooled, so many people were injured and died.
Nostradamus X - Nov 26
Nostradamus X
Add shedding to the mix and you get 100% of King County residents quackcinated against a virtual disease!
Yolanda Pritam Hari - Nov 26
Quiet Mind & Brain Healing
it’s like being stuck in the house of horrors waiting to see if anyone ever gets out….
Friar Tuck - Nov 27
Friar Tuck
Roman S Shapoval - Nov 26
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
This is why we need to maintain calcium balance, as EMFs affect calcium channels in our heart. Wireless EMF radiation is persistent everywhere, and has to be factored in:
dyr - Nov 26
Hi, Roman,
Is your hunch then as mine, that the main thing about cardiac issues in injectees (and uninjected who've e.g .by inhalation taken in similar enough content) , relates to inner electric perversity? That as long as there is sufficient external e-input to e-activate what's sufficient within, bloodstream and thus heart damage is apt to occur? 'Sufficiency' I put because there must be a greatly varying degree of effect - some feel it (me) if few can, some are done in, some SEEM just fine, not all shots are alike, depends on e- and non-e- toxic ambience., etc
Nostradamus X - Nov 26
Nostradamus X
It's climate change!
NJ Election Advisor - Nov 26
NJ Election Advisor
These clots are coming out liquid, then forming rubber hours later.
What causes them to form into rubbery blobs either inside or outside the body?
Gas Axe - Nov 26
Gas’s Substack
That looks nothing like the calamari clots I have seen.
It appears to be coagulated blood.
There is a very big difference between these to types of clots.
Karen Neil - Nov 26
Read Dr Brian Ardis book on Covid Q 19. He has done his research.
DawnieR - Nov 26 - Edited
Are they REALLY 'unvaxxed'???
Those who did NOT get the Death Jab......BUT......DID have one or more SWABS shoved up their nose......are, INDEED, 'vaxxed'!!
THAT was ALSO how the 'vaccinated' people!!! WHY do you think the 'they' DID these 'swab tests' a bazillion times over?!
So, you CANNOT call someone 'unvaxxed' if they did not take a needle, BUT GOT SWABBED!
Is ANYONE asking the 'UN JABBED' if they'd EVER BEEN SWABBED???
Bee Gee - Nov 26
Bee Gee
Yes. Some have been and others have not. You can get whatever it is by breathing the air around the vaxxed/infected though and they have been shedding for over 3 years now, which is why everyone has it.
But yes, people who have had a Lot of tests have it Worse, similar to body fluid transfer and can start emitting Bt MAC addresses.
crapshoot farmer - Nov 26
crapshoot farmer
Bee, did you catch my post a couple of days ago about having 3 house guests stay at our house for a week and all 3 were vaxxed? Hugs on the first day and on the last and all meals together.
So far no issues but I'm still holding my breath so to speak.
Bee Gee - Nov 27
Bee Gee
Nice, and perhaps not everyone sheds, or it wears off after some time. Still so much we do not know about the shedding... did they wear any masks while they were there?
Thats all it would take to get started researching it, put it under a scope but it seems no one does.
Good luck though, I would take EDTA and vitamin C just on GP if you arent already. It cant hurt and it sure does help, IMHO.
DawnieR - Nov 26
Yes, I've understood the shedding and the infected bodily fluids from the beginning of all of this.
My point is, that I see a lot published about, "We're finding 'this', in the UN-VAXXED", but are they REALLY 'un-vaxxed'?? Meaning.....has anybody bothered to ask these 'un-vaxxed' individuals, that they are finding 'shit' in, if they'd ever been SWABBED.
I have yet to see, "We found 'this' in an un-vaxxed and UN-SWABBED individual".
It would really be nice to know if these 'un-vaxxed' individuals ALSO have NEVER been SWABBED, or if they HAD been, is my point.
Charles A - Nov 26 - Edited
Great point, Dr Ana is our personal care physician. We did not get the jab and we did not get any swab tests. First she wanted comprehensive blood work done by lab core, bad news. (Blood very deficient in several vitamins and minerals.) then We had our live blood analysis done in her office. Bad news for us, we showed the similarities in blood to vaxxed people. Hydrogels, fiberous strands of blinking nano dots and filaments. We now believe her work is true. We feel much better and it has been only six months since we began edta, mb, and loads of vit c and d. Peace and wellness to you. Ps we don’t even use airports anymore. Drive or don’t go.
DawnieR - Nov 26
Good luck to you and yours, with getting rid of those 'toxins'.
Friar Tuck - Nov 27
Friar Tuck
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19?
Dz - Nov 26
Dz’s Substack
Fear, fear. And more fear.
Yes they are actively use bio-accumulating methods to depop all of us. We know what their agenda is.
Thankfully for those who know God there is hope. Fear not those who can kill the body, but the soul. Never before has the Satanic agenda been so overtly displayed that it works as a blatant polemic to the Biblical narrative- ---- by pushing their agenda so hard it's becoming kindergarten obvious what the meta narrative of Good vs Evil is.
As it is written in the parable: one man builds his house on a rock, and the other on sand. The storm comes. One house WILL COLLAPSE.
It reveals who built their house on the right stuff.
Christ didn't say IF the storm comes.
He said WHEN.
Either way the storm will come. But the difference is He will be with the believer and we will have hope in the suffering.
Key point: No avoiding the storm. Rather, He will be with us through the storm.
Lorraine Thomas - Nov 26
Lorraine Thomas
Amen…Dz…thank you for the truth! This world has always been dangerous…only in Christ do we have hope! 100% of 100% die sooner or later! This is only the testing ground…the real life begins after death and the resurrection! Eternal life is only found in the resurrected Christ! “Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden…I WILL GIVE YOU REST!” Matt. 11:28!
Dz - Nov 27
Dz’s Substack
Amen. Well said!
Thomas Lewis - Nov 26
Useless Liberal
The Vaccinated
Have Become
Second Class Citizens
To Their Own Natural Immunity.
Bee Gee - Nov 26 - Edited
Bee Gee
And That is why I packed all my stuff in a Uhaul and left Kirkland a couple weeks after June 10th 2021.
Which was when I and then my unvaxxed wife and then her unvaxxed daughter discovered we were 'magnetic'.
After I found out, we started showing Everybody we knew well that was unvaxxed, including people at grocery stores and gas stations and espresso stands. And they all had it Too. Metals and magnets of course but Plastics would stick to them too, just like us but that was before I had tried wood or popsickle sticks.
So I thought it was localized to King County since I had seen a lot of other strange things, people repeatedly picking up and putting down meat in grocery stores (that actually Started in late 2019), walking out of their way on the street to touch Every Single mailbox in the big apartments, or putting on rubber gloves from a ziplok bag in a purse, touching Every button on the crosswalk, crossing, touching every button again, then crossing again and touching every button Again, all wearing the gloves she took out of a plastic bag.
So I thought it was a local thing but then as I drove that Uhaul across the US for those 4 days, I showed EVERYONE I met.
Every Single gas station, every restaurant, every motel, every Rest Stop, Everyone.
And thats when I discovered a lot of those unvaxxed people had it Too. Its actually surprisingly easy to get a crowd of strangers to all try to stick things to their forehead at a Rest Stop at 1 in the morning.
Im so glad I left that hellhole regardless, king county sucks major ass in so many ways. And everyone thinks they're a genius in Kirkland, just ask them... Yet they cannot Read.
Too bad they're all on their way out though. I tried and tried and tried to tell them.... Almost no one listened.
C'est La Vie.
crapshoot farmer - Nov 26
crapshoot farmer
BeeGee, makes me wonder of those "people'" you saw picking up things and touching buttons were actually people or ...something else..
Bee Gee - Nov 27
Bee Gee
No, they were and are all chinese. I first moved to the midwest for a year in a city of 150k and I saw them doing it in stores there too.
Then I moved to a much more rural area with a city of 20,000 and they are doing it here too.
It was a few months ago in Agust iirc but my wife finally got to see what I was talking about all this time. I usually do the shopping but I was on a work call and we see this asian woman walking across this huge ass parking lot, no one ever walks here and shes got a mask on, which no one does here
So I told my wife Watch, I bet she goes in, makes a beeline for the meat and just starts picking it up and putting it down, over and over and over again.
Everybody was just politely overlooking this weird ass shit, Im familiar, but my wife couldnt believe it so she started yelling at her in the store about touching all the meat and not buying it but the woman didnt care and she just kept doing it. I mean my wife knows Im pretty observant but its different when you really see it in front of you and she couldnt stop herself. Made me proud though.
Back in 2019 when I first noticed it they would immediately pretend to leave the store if you took their picture or a video but they dont care anymore.
That was the Christmas Before covid hit Kirkland and then the US.
Things that make you go Hmm. I bet its happening to this day though. Just watch, its easy to see if it happens while you are there.
crapshoot farmer - Nov 27
crapshoot farmer
I figure by the time that is noticed by store mgmt. or whoever it'll be too late. What you describe seeing is advanced biological warfare and I wouldn't doubt those chinese subjects are suicide bombers like those that killed Kim Jong Un's step brother by rubbing his face with something. Most likely dead/killed shortly after that.
Eccentrik - Nov 26
Eccentrik’s Substack
the 'calamari clots' sure have a strange constitution...
kitty - Nov 29
Ana we moved away from Whidbey Island in 2021. I experienced extreme vertigo and radiating chest pain before leaving and nothing since. Is it possible increased clots and nano devices are being caused by the electronic warfare practiced on said Island and high levels of EMF?
Lovejoy - Nov 26
I'm new to this horrifying info. Can a knowledgeable reader share what they have learned form these articles, as far as what we can do at home to detox? I saw vitamin c mentioned and EDTA (never heard of this or know if it's something you can use at home). I'd love to see a detailed protocol. Vitamin type/source, amounts, frequency of usage. Thank you friends!
george schadel - Nov 26
george’s Substack
I wonder. Is what you're seeing in unvaccinated blood a result of shedding? Or, could it be that the satanists are putting this life ending technology in the food, water, all injectables and of course, the air through chem trails?
Miss Parker - Nov 26
Miss’s Substack
Based on my personal experience, shedding is real. I suddenly experienced serious cardiac and vascular symptoms after my husband took his first shot and then, again, after his second shot and a few others times after he had been around large crowds. Our cat was even affected in the head and started behaving strangely.
At the time, I didn't know to correlate our symptoms with his C19 shots and shedding, until I started reading about the phenomenon and took measures to distance myself whenever he attended large events or travelled by air.
You can find, online, numerous accounts of women experiencing strange menstrual irregularities after being around "vaccinated" family members or co-workers, especially if freshly shot up. But, in my case, I've come to realize that shedding can keep happening when "recharged", so to speak, by a freshly injected individual or by a large crowd of many injected.
george schadel - Nov 26
george’s Substack
I absolutely agree. Neither my wife nor I fell for the hoax. But soon after the bioweapons rolled out and many of my co workers took them , I haven't felt normal since. But trying to find legitimate doctors to conduct a D Dimer test or even look at my blood for irregularities is impossible.
Miss Parker - Nov 26
Miss’s Substack
May I add, the satanists are likely putting the toxic tech into everything, as well, but my severe reactions happened after being in close proximity to a freshly shot up husband. It may not be a question of either/or but both. To take the shot or not was intended to be a false choice.
Larry Sullivan - Nov 26
L Sully's Editorials
Excellent research!
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