[)r. Ana, in the initial "Backgrouncl" section of your post, you state: "As a physician, I have seen unprecedented accelerated aging in the unvaccinated over the last two years and the rate of illness is accelerating." I believe you MEANT to state 'accelerate aging in the VACCINATE[)' (insteacl of the unvaccinatecl' which I assume was just a typo. Please correct this typo. THANKS!
I'm pretty sure that IS NOT a typo. Dr Ana is pointing out the effects of shedding from the vaccinated, as well as environmental toxins, aka chem trials, on the Unvaccinated. Remember the big push to reach 70% population vax levels? Is that the threshold to create self spreading vax from vaxd to unvaxd? It seems so.
But, Dr Ana provides hope. Seek out EDTA chelation therapy. Load up on Vit C. Adopt an alkaline diet. Stay away from EMF's ie 5g cell phones....... she's written about all of it. The knowledge is there for the reading. β
I think she refers to UNvaccinated as well as the jabbed. Whether by "shedding" or injested somehow with toxins in our environment. Hopefully, she will reply to you.
She is referring to unvaxxed, not all, but as of late, all she’s recently tested. She writes about it approx 2-3 publications back. When she (they) started testing both V/unV last year there was a distinct difference between the two, and that gap closed as time went on. They deduced it is due to shedding. And in this piece she’s writing about an unV that’s symptomatic. There’s plenty of literature on repairing cells exposed to heavy metals and she’s a proponent of EDTA chelation therapy, has had good results apparently. Still need to figure out how to stop these maniacs but personally I leave that to our heavenly Father. I can’t think of a court of law in the world that could roll this monstrosity back. It’s literally on a biblical scale πππ»π
When I was very active in advocacy against the dangers of e-pollution, often i would focus on advocates' wording. "Electrosensitivity" was one troubling term, for various reasons. What in biology does not, for example, have e-"sense" ? A still poor but better substitute I would suggest was electro-reactivity, implying that one notices instead of not paying attention to the ubiquitous harmful e-effects. The sadly overinfluential organization (private in hands of industry & abettors, well-documented!) re e-exposure safety has been the ICNIRP. I think in some ways it was modeled on the ICIRP for ionizing radiation. The rigid distinction ionizing-non-ionizing when it comes to health effects is wrongful & misleading. in any case, ICIRP, do they not, refer to life-dose standards of exposure. The same should apply to the non-ionizing part of the spectrum when it comes to manmade e-sources. Thus when one's body has tipped into a kind of flight-or-fight mode, signalling it can't take it any longer, that is "electrosensitivity". I think a great many people have been "sensitized" through lengthy proximity to grid transmission infrastructure especially, but I'd expect as many e-uses as exist if conferring over time a sufficient "life-dose" could be causative. Surely perpetrators of covidiana are well aware of the dissident literature, learn from it and research to exploit.
Now my criticism of that term, which when I'd use i always stated its inadequacy if prevalence, led one leading disseminator of info to begin saying instead, something like, 'premature aging'. Signs and symptoms otherwise expected in much older people, were becoming apparent. One example, bowel problems. I am a total but interested layperson when it comes to Ayurvedic medicine, but I might venture that the lower bowel being a focus of vata problems diagnosis, vata relating to energy/motion(/indeed as in bowel movement), what wonder then that bathed as most are in an atmosphere of errant energy that these bowel problems be rampant as they are?
I should add that I am one of those 2nd even 3rd hand resolutely uninjected sufferers. I have no idea how my bloodwork would show up, but I do know that any time spent stationary even at several meters distance from an injectee, I feel throbs. I have mitigated effects by consumption of kombu seaweed, lots, and hawthorn berry , often, esp. when I have a slight hint of something suspicious in the left chest area. I can also get the effect being around someone uninjected who has been around injectees. So definitely to focus on the uninjected is a critical feature of Dr Ana's work.
Great info! I'm sure you're aware of Nattokinase, even by physicians not selling their own.
How much roughly is lots of Kombu seaweed, are certain types markedly better than others in your experience (not seeking medical advice or gotcha bs)? Where might you suggest looking to get solid quality info on Kombu & Hawthorn?
Thx very much!π
We for decades used to be regular consumers of Japanese sourced sea veg until Fukushima. A couple of years after we switched to a Grand Manan (Bay of Fundy) supplier, but they disappeared or at least the whole panoply of what was offered was shrunk. So we did not revisit until it dawned on me re covidiana that sea veg are established as very good chelators, removers of non-biodegradables. Tops I think 'd be hijiki, but our "Health" Canada banned it for finding too much in their view inorganic metals. (I found some in TCM shop but it looked inferior) That I bet is wrongful as the net effect should be to remove even more from the body notwithstanding entry load. I have not looked again yet for hijiki if somehow available. So I found two BC Pacific coast suppliers with online searching (a marine biologist fellow there told me they were apprehensive post-fukushima but found background radiation levels not exceeded; he, albeit vendor, also agreed about net chelator effect of already metal-loaded seaweed). Availability was reduced this time of year 'til summer, but we have been focusing on the kombu offered by both suppliers, bought by the kilo/lb (very dried so keeps long but we use lots, since last fall the two of us >3 lb delicious, too, for us non-meat-eaters esp.; needs long cooking, we do with legumes or barley e.g. the usually fry up extra tasty on its own extracted from companion cooked with). My own symptoms after exposure to vaxees definitely changed for the less threatening-seeming. Eg what used to be a sharp throb typically by one or another acupuncture meridian (unless I actually touched the person when the throb would ensue at touch spot),most commonly by GB/UB lines, but others, too, depending on what body area presented closest to subject, and it is reasoned that low resistance points on skin are entryways for the toxic rad coming off these poor injectees; so instead of a throb at a point I'd get more like a milder-feeling length affected, suggesting less of a blood disruption, and of course less noticeable frequent effects altogether; plus being affected this way 2nd hand from someone in contact passing along the toxicity has been reduced. But looks like one has to keep at it, for if true that graphene compounds are ubiquitous...As for hawthorn I have bought poor quality European and have happily eaten fresh from wild trees here (central Ontario) but the best by far and away has been TCM dried medicinal grade. Well known helper of blood vessels, and heart. Boil up >1 time (2nd time in 1/2 water) as it lets go of flavour more slowly than some fruits. Also delicious!
I do not know which is best sea veg for chelation, I hope to find out more soon before harvest opens up more possibilities. Since it has been theorized taht skin is a medium of transmission (see S Yanowitz) not just reception (in my case re 2nd hand exposures via exposed non-injie), I want to experiment with applying eg kombu soak water (we do not presoak culinarily) topically.
You're right to comment on that, but i don't think it's a typo, she means unvaccinated but affected by shedding, she's talked about this many times in interviews.
High doses of anti-oxidants including Vit C definitely helped me deal with 'chronic fatigue'. Have you looked at high grade zeolite as ion-exchange and metal detox therapy addition to EDTA? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/)
Had a great conversation yesterday with a young grandfather who will influence perhaps 5 others down stream.(this number could well treble among his co-workers) Getting the word out. Thanks. You are doing vitally important species preservation work.
It's good to warn, as Dr Ana does, about manmade electropollution, " 5G and use of cell phones". Readers should be aware that this "like" phrase of examples includes but the tip of the iceberg on harmful sources. Recommended is to acquire a handheld device (preferably in my view one that can give readings down to the nanowatt/sq. m, also with audio to help identify sources as well because audio usually registers further well below that nanoW range - no monitor sound but background hiss is the goal) to especially monitor places where one spends much time, further especially when immobile, e.g. bed and workplace. There are various mitigation measures that can be taken if it is not possible to vacate polluted spaces. While how one feels is the critical indicator, too many people feel nothing until too/very late, so a monitor for comparative objective readings can count for much. If one intends to screen, say with metallic insect screen as we do for many years (although some do not think this a worthy way, in many circumstances we think it can be a big benefit, e.g. to protect sleeping area) or more expensive metallicized fabric, one must be careful to monitor before and after and various spaces within and at various times, as there is continual fluctuation. Therapy success can be short-lived if sources of e-pollution prevail to re-weaken. Be not complacent about any e-pollution, altho' sadly some will not be detectable i.e. out of the range of handheld monitors' detection ability.
Dyr - worked with the late owner (passed away from a heart attack, likely complication of MS) for a decade-plus and spoke with literally DOZENS of customers who experienced comparatively-miraculous results; became VERY familiarized about their every aspect - have had a Large variation (12-inch by 12-inch) under my pillow ALL that time and more - other than a cordless landline, NO wireless devices - stayed more or less (admittedly with the aid of my pioneering naturopath - who did a kinesiological analysis of one to conclude it could mitigate ANY disease state - over twice as long) healthy since.....https://purpleplates.com/
Funny you mention cordless phones - for myself these are the particularly dangerous. Any time spent near them without some protection, I suffer cognitive effects, usually demonstrated in word-jumbling. Altho' this effect ensues from various other e-exposures as well, long before I researched and understood the extent of the seriousness of dangers enveloping us in terms of e-smog, I shunned intuitively cordless phones. If you are aware of the dangers, why on earth on corded phone?
The purple plate thing is interesting. Another method to improve sleep etc and thus overall health that has been touted by many testimonials, is simply grounding/"earthing" oneself at night. However there are those who warn that grounding into e-polluted ground can have opposite effect.
You mention screening to protect a sleeping area, but if you do this, you are separating yourself from the earth - ie "earthing". Any thoughts on that?
There are some very aware of the e-harms who are yet adamantly against deploying the likes of eg aluminum/steel insect screen to cut down the toxic coherent waves coming at you. One Greek researcher I was in close contact with seemed to be of this opinion, as you ask, about the effect being also to cut off vital emf. But in almost no case would one entirely enclose eg a sleeping area, unless I imagine an apartment dweller stuck with toxic e-usage on all 6 sides. (In our home with aid of a handheld device we monitor carefully for optimal plus minimal deployment - sleep is improved.) I have noticed however that some seem more harmed by the magnetic field however small, and insect screen does nothing at all for that. Self-experimentation, if one senses trouble, as in sleep difficulty, should be the way to go. Even if there is some cutting off of what one should be exposed to, on balance and in short term anyway, to get a restful sleep from basic protective measures can far outweigh the deprivation factor.
There are better screening materials such as water and concrete, but obviously much harder to deploy. Personal recent example from travel away from home for a month:
Had to suffer far higher hours-long exposures from neighbouring townhouses (mainly wifi) than accustomed during important family visit. Slept in another less imperfect location but still sleep suffered from the accumulated exposures, as happens as well when we venture for errands into even a small urban area. The last night we slept in a protected room, concrete-reinforced all around (except floor and one wall where the neighbour had no emitters detectable) - even though we had to arise early for departure, it was the best sleep night of the whole month.
In reply to your comment I notice Mike H chuckling about toe-tying a wire. Ankle would be the likelier choice, and if memory serves this is what is attested to in the book on Earthing I read some years ago, mentioning ancient Indian princes (who could afford the metal, silver I think) who would do this grounding/earthing for better sleep & health. The author and vendor of special sheets &c had an epiphany one day about everyone insulated from the ground by the kind of footwear almost everyone wears nowadays, he set about to remedy this excess voltage situation.
One more personal example that may help: When I switched to sleeping for a time in our then urban house in its basement, on a mat on the floor, maybe 5 ft below grade, sleep improved a lot. I always have best naps when fully in contact outdoors with the ground. In any case, the lower the elevation the lower the surrounding voltage generally. But accept others' warnings about e-pollution possibilities all around, incl. via the ground.
You could ground your body with a wire. A few years ago I drove a metal rod in the ground, ran a wire in the house, and wrapped it around my big toe...lol
.....because phone cords - as presently comprised, have been almost without exception, an absolute NIGHTMARE for me to manage; don't know WHOSE bright idea it was to make them a) spiraling and b) ELASTIC.....
Dr Ana I have emailed you at your office on 4/9/23 for more detailed information on your IR studies. I have also emailed Dr. Carnicom on 4/13/23. No one has responded to me, yet. I am a PhD analytical chemist with a specialty in spectroscopy and want to believe your results, but your substack posts do not provide enough information for me to confirm your spectroscopic findings. I would love to know your sample prep and the IR and Raman instrumentation you used. I so appreciate what you are doing, but I dearly wish your results were detailed enough for other scientists to confirm. I realize your are trying to get the word out at the same time and more details would slow that down greatly. This is not a criticism. I do not have access to the instrumentation that may help you as I am retired, but if I know more and can confirm your spectral peak assignments, maybe I can find the right people who could do more studies.
You can take my blood! I am UV but damaged from shedding. I actually have a ribbon expelled from my body I saved. It was alive when it came out. You can actually see the UV dots on both ends ( still colorful. I can’t walk 25 feet without. Gasping for air all new since he got vaccinated. I was cutting my own grass before. Now I can’t do hardly anything
Would protocols related to Bob Beck (https://www.bobbeck.com/micropulsing.html) help or exacerbate these issues?
Yours in health, TimE
There are consumer units with the following specifications: 31 V peak bi-phasic square wave with a frequency of 3.92 Hz per half cycle, +/- 1 Hz. (each half cycle outputs ½ the Earth frequency of 7.83 Hz.) Other devices that I have are "~40 V Peak-Peak into typical 4k ohm load" and a 200 V unit. Now this in vivo research using "10 microamp AC current" is causing "filament development" and rouleaux formation so I want to make sure that I am not creating these conditions.
Good to know. There is a lot to discern in finding the right tool. I'm not an expert. Have you been using a device? Getting benefits? I have purchased this device, but am preparing my body to use it. Voltage is powerful. When the cells get turned on, you have to be prepared for your body to remove toxins, pathogens, crystals, etc. You can do a lot of damage.https://remedylink.com/product/electron-charging-machine/
His book is available to read for free on the internet archive. Also, there is a company in New Zealand called Altered States which sells energy-type products reasonably priced.
Years ago, I lived near a cell phone tower and got leg cramps. I bought some conductive fabric, put it across the bottom sheet of the bed and grounded it with a little grounding cord into a properly grounded outlet (I purchased all fromlessemf.com) Despite people saying it wouldn't have anything to do with the cramps, it eliminated them.
Now, I sleep in a grounded faraday cage, but driving a wire through to personally ground myself or connecting myself to the cage would not make sense.
Frustrating not to really know what to do. I would bet the people who design these "weapons" know what precautions to take.
Research electron donors. Molecular hydgrogen (and Brown's Gas), yes, Vit C, and antioxidants, chlorine dioxide, and there are devices, sleep pads/grounding mats and machines to supply the body with electrons. Dr. Ana always nails the problem so we can find solutions. Best wishes!!
Saw a video on BRIGHTEON showing a woman pouring a bit of vinegar on a raw slice of pork to show a man how the worms appear. It took a few minutes but then little white bumps appeared before a whole worm wriggled out of it. Some people like to eat their meat almost rare so that would mean they could be full of worms. Karen Kingston appears quite a lot on BRIGHTEON videos which are a part ofwww.NaturalNews.com.
No more pork on my fork! When I did zoology at uni. back in mid-60's our lecturer said that 99% of pork was infected. However, I thought that today's pork production had improved its status as free from parasites.
.....not sure if you - or Clifford, is aware of as much (be SURPRISED if HE wasn't, TBH) but, in his groundbreaking book 'The Invisible Rainbow' Arthur Firstenberg presents redundant evidence that what ALL artificial EMF radiation can do - to varying extents, is SIGNIFICANTLY compromise metabolic electron-transport trains to mitochondria (and submits, increasingly-expanded wireless transmissions are LARGELY responsible for an explosion in obesity, autoimmune disease since their advent three-plus decades ago - but as I've noted several times previously, my own piezoelectric pathology model, additionally contextualizes effects-synergizing VACCINE-related insults.....)
Yes, researching it now. That along with molecular hydrogen, which you can buy in tablet form. Much to learn on both of them, but both supply the body with electrons. There are devices as well.https://remedylink.com/product/electron-charging-machine/
Dr. Tom Cowan did a video about Brown's Gas a few days ago. I watched it but I don't have any experience with Brown's Gas.
Dear Dr.Ana thank you for all your research into this matter. I was horrible affected by the occupation exposure from the poison death shots. I clean for a Dr and his family also his office they all took the injection. I started bleeding after being in menopause for year's the first time I didn't think that much of it then about 6 weeks later I started bleeding again. Made an appointment with my obgyn and there wasn't any reason why I should be bleeding. After that every time they rolled out a new shot I started bleeding except the third one it gave me the stomach flu for about two weeks then I got the stomach flu every month for 6 to eight months. I wasn't around anyone who took the boosters but was still affected it was coming from an empty office with no one there. So you can get infected just by being in the same environment. I thought I was going to die I felt like I was poisoned for two years. I had so many different symptoms it was wild. Honestly I wished for death almost ever night but God didn't take me and the worst part of the whole thing is my husband and most of my family didn't believe me. It was the worst time in my life and I don't wish it on my worst enemy. So God bless you for doing this for God's people!We need more people like you in this world.
I apologize Dr Ana. Your research is amazing. I received the link to your news letter from Karen as you may have recognized. I think that you are doing God's work also. Great article. Thank you fro doing this. I am a bit disappointed that being unvaxxed does not seem that I saved myself from anything according to your research. It is a bit disheartening to have suffered the social problems of taking a stand on vaccines only to have the same results. I am still happy that I and my wife did not get vaccinated with the poison jabs.
Do not be discouraged. You have spared yourself of unknown potential injury or death. From what we are seeing on our phones, when you stay out of WIFI/EMF you can keep yourself from developing a MAC address. We have unvaccinated friends who now emit a MAC address signal. I'm sure they are bathed in WIFI/EMF. Stay in the fight. Keep detoxing. You have a great work to do yet.
"Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good."
Thank you Ana for sticking with the important science!
This is what I posted on other substacks…
How did science and medicine get so politicized and how can we ever survive that?
Ending with that Bonhoeffer quotation, Dr. Ana, sealed it.
Anyone looking to see the face of Godly wisdom and courage need look no further than him. And you.
Tymarkham - Apr 16, 2023
Citizen’s Substack
[)r. Ana, in the initial "Backgrouncl" section of your post, you state: "As a physician, I have seen unprecedented accelerated aging in the unvaccinated over the last two years and the rate of illness is accelerating." I believe you MEANT to state 'accelerate aging in the VACCINATE[)' (insteacl of the unvaccinatecl' which I assume was just a typo. Please correct this typo. THANKS!
Citizen Seer - Apr 16, 2023
Citizen’s Substack
I'm pretty sure that IS NOT a typo. Dr Ana is pointing out the effects of shedding from the vaccinated, as well as environmental toxins, aka chem trials, on the Unvaccinated. Remember the big push to reach 70% population vax levels? Is that the threshold to create self spreading vax from vaxd to unvaxd? It seems so.
But, Dr Ana provides hope. Seek out EDTA chelation therapy. Load up on Vit C. Adopt an alkaline diet. Stay away from EMF's ie 5g cell phones....... she's written about all of it. The knowledge is there for the reading. β
Markker - Apr 16, 2023
I think she refers to UNvaccinated as well as the jabbed. Whether by "shedding" or injested somehow with toxins in our environment. Hopefully, she will reply to you.
John Braby - Aug 1, 2023
John’s Newsletter
She very frequently analyses UNvaccinated blood and finds exactly this. There's no such thing as Purebloods any more.
Kyle Young - Apr 16, 2023
the secular heretic
The before and after photos are of an unvaccinated person.
JMarie.58 - Apr 17, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
She is referring to unvaxxed, not all, but as of late, all she’s recently tested. She writes about it approx 2-3 publications back. When she (they) started testing both V/unV last year there was a distinct difference between the two, and that gap closed as time went on. They deduced it is due to shedding. And in this piece she’s writing about an unV that’s symptomatic. There’s plenty of literature on repairing cells exposed to heavy metals and she’s a proponent of EDTA chelation therapy, has had good results apparently. Still need to figure out how to stop these maniacs but personally I leave that to our heavenly Father. I can’t think of a court of law in the world that could roll this monstrosity back. It’s literally on a biblical scale πππ»π
Tymarkham - Apr 19, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Thanks for the clarification! That makes sense, and I hope you'll post your reply and a comment so ALL can read it!
JMarie.58 - Apr 19, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Is my reply restricted? If so let me know, thanks.
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023
Likely not a typo as she is continually pointing out that the blood of the unvaccinated is no different in live blood analysis than the vaccinated.
dyr - Apr 16, 2023
Daniel Miller
When I was very active in advocacy against the dangers of e-pollution, often i would focus on advocates' wording. "Electrosensitivity" was one troubling term, for various reasons. What in biology does not, for example, have e-"sense" ? A still poor but better substitute I would suggest was electro-reactivity, implying that one notices instead of not paying attention to the ubiquitous harmful e-effects. The sadly overinfluential organization (private in hands of industry & abettors, well-documented!) re e-exposure safety has been the ICNIRP. I think in some ways it was modeled on the ICIRP for ionizing radiation. The rigid distinction ionizing-non-ionizing when it comes to health effects is wrongful & misleading. in any case, ICIRP, do they not, refer to life-dose standards of exposure. The same should apply to the non-ionizing part of the spectrum when it comes to manmade e-sources. Thus when one's body has tipped into a kind of flight-or-fight mode, signalling it can't take it any longer, that is "electrosensitivity". I think a great many people have been "sensitized" through lengthy proximity to grid transmission infrastructure especially, but I'd expect as many e-uses as exist if conferring over time a sufficient "life-dose" could be causative. Surely perpetrators of covidiana are well aware of the dissident literature, learn from it and research to exploit.
Now my criticism of that term, which when I'd use i always stated its inadequacy if prevalence, led one leading disseminator of info to begin saying instead, something like, 'premature aging'. Signs and symptoms otherwise expected in much older people, were becoming apparent. One example, bowel problems. I am a total but interested layperson when it comes to Ayurvedic medicine, but I might venture that the lower bowel being a focus of vata problems diagnosis, vata relating to energy/motion(/indeed as in bowel movement), what wonder then that bathed as most are in an atmosphere of errant energy that these bowel problems be rampant as they are?
I should add that I am one of those 2nd even 3rd hand resolutely uninjected sufferers. I have no idea how my bloodwork would show up, but I do know that any time spent stationary even at several meters distance from an injectee, I feel throbs. I have mitigated effects by consumption of kombu seaweed, lots, and hawthorn berry , often, esp. when I have a slight hint of something suspicious in the left chest area. I can also get the effect being around someone uninjected who has been around injectees. So definitely to focus on the uninjected is a critical feature of Dr Ana's work.
Daniel Miller - Apr 17, 2023
Daniel Miller
Great info! I'm sure you're aware of Nattokinase, even by physicians not selling their own.
How much roughly is lots of Kombu seaweed, are certain types markedly better than others in your experience (not seeking medical advice or gotcha bs)? Where might you suggest looking to get solid quality info on Kombu & Hawthorn?
Thx very much!π
dyr - Apr 18, 2023
We for decades used to be regular consumers of Japanese sourced sea veg until Fukushima. A couple of years after we switched to a Grand Manan (Bay of Fundy) supplier, but they disappeared or at least the whole panoply of what was offered was shrunk. So we did not revisit until it dawned on me re covidiana that sea veg are established as very good chelators, removers of non-biodegradables. Tops I think 'd be hijiki, but our "Health" Canada banned it for finding too much in their view inorganic metals. (I found some in TCM shop but it looked inferior) That I bet is wrongful as the net effect should be to remove even more from the body notwithstanding entry load. I have not looked again yet for hijiki if somehow available. So I found two BC Pacific coast suppliers with online searching (a marine biologist fellow there told me they were apprehensive post-fukushima but found background radiation levels not exceeded; he, albeit vendor, also agreed about net chelator effect of already metal-loaded seaweed). Availability was reduced this time of year 'til summer, but we have been focusing on the kombu offered by both suppliers, bought by the kilo/lb (very dried so keeps long but we use lots, since last fall the two of us >3 lb delicious, too, for us non-meat-eaters esp.; needs long cooking, we do with legumes or barley e.g. the usually fry up extra tasty on its own extracted from companion cooked with). My own symptoms after exposure to vaxees definitely changed for the less threatening-seeming. Eg what used to be a sharp throb typically by one or another acupuncture meridian (unless I actually touched the person when the throb would ensue at touch spot),most commonly by GB/UB lines, but others, too, depending on what body area presented closest to subject, and it is reasoned that low resistance points on skin are entryways for the toxic rad coming off these poor injectees; so instead of a throb at a point I'd get more like a milder-feeling length affected, suggesting less of a blood disruption, and of course less noticeable frequent effects altogether; plus being affected this way 2nd hand from someone in contact passing along the toxicity has been reduced. But looks like one has to keep at it, for if true that graphene compounds are ubiquitous...As for hawthorn I have bought poor quality European and have happily eaten fresh from wild trees here (central Ontario) but the best by far and away has been TCM dried medicinal grade. Well known helper of blood vessels, and heart. Boil up >1 time (2nd time in 1/2 water) as it lets go of flavour more slowly than some fruits. Also delicious!
I do not know which is best sea veg for chelation, I hope to find out more soon before harvest opens up more possibilities. Since it has been theorized taht skin is a medium of transmission (see S Yanowitz) not just reception (in my case re 2nd hand exposures via exposed non-injie), I want to experiment with applying eg kombu soak water (we do not presoak culinarily) topically.
Marty - Apr 19, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
You're right to comment on that, but i don't think it's a typo, she means unvaccinated but affected by shedding, she's talked about this many times in interviews.
Maria Swinford - Apr 16, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
YES! PlEASE CLARIFY IF THERE IS A TYPE-O ON THIS MAJOR POINT - OR NOT! There are diverse opinions in the comments so just more confused now. βΊοΈ
JMarie.58 - Apr 19, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Check out my reply above to Lutuvah. I keep notes on Dr Ana & Karen Kingston uploads to keep track of fast moving info, hope it helps clarify.
Dan Kraus - Apr 16, 2023
imagine peace
High doses of anti-oxidants including Vit C definitely helped me deal with 'chronic fatigue'. Have you looked at high grade zeolite as ion-exchange and metal detox therapy addition to EDTA? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/)
JMarie.58 - Apr 19, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Same here with Vit C plus NAC & Quercetin ππΌ didn’t try zeolite as it might be too much of a similar antioxidant amino acid approach for me
Dennis K McGee - Apr 16, 2023
Dennis K McGee
Had a great conversation yesterday with a young grandfather who will influence perhaps 5 others down stream.(this number could well treble among his co-workers) Getting the word out. Thanks. You are doing vitally important species preservation work.
dyr - Apr 16, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
It's good to warn, as Dr Ana does, about manmade electropollution, " 5G and use of cell phones". Readers should be aware that this "like" phrase of examples includes but the tip of the iceberg on harmful sources. Recommended is to acquire a handheld device (preferably in my view one that can give readings down to the nanowatt/sq. m, also with audio to help identify sources as well because audio usually registers further well below that nanoW range - no monitor sound but background hiss is the goal) to especially monitor places where one spends much time, further especially when immobile, e.g. bed and workplace. There are various mitigation measures that can be taken if it is not possible to vacate polluted spaces. While how one feels is the critical indicator, too many people feel nothing until too/very late, so a monitor for comparative objective readings can count for much. If one intends to screen, say with metallic insect screen as we do for many years (although some do not think this a worthy way, in many circumstances we think it can be a big benefit, e.g. to protect sleeping area) or more expensive metallicized fabric, one must be careful to monitor before and after and various spaces within and at various times, as there is continual fluctuation. Therapy success can be short-lived if sources of e-pollution prevail to re-weaken. Be not complacent about any e-pollution, altho' sadly some will not be detectable i.e. out of the range of handheld monitors' detection ability.
LONG In The TRUTH - Apr 16, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
Dyr - worked with the late owner (passed away from a heart attack, likely complication of MS) for a decade-plus and spoke with literally DOZENS of customers who experienced comparatively-miraculous results; became VERY familiarized about their every aspect - have had a Large variation (12-inch by 12-inch) under my pillow ALL that time and more - other than a cordless landline, NO wireless devices - stayed more or less (admittedly with the aid of my pioneering naturopath - who did a kinesiological analysis of one to conclude it could mitigate ANY disease state - over twice as long) healthy since.....https://purpleplates.com/
dyr - Apr 16, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
Funny you mention cordless phones - for myself these are the particularly dangerous. Any time spent near them without some protection, I suffer cognitive effects, usually demonstrated in word-jumbling. Altho' this effect ensues from various other e-exposures as well, long before I researched and understood the extent of the seriousness of dangers enveloping us in terms of e-smog, I shunned intuitively cordless phones. If you are aware of the dangers, why on earth on corded phone?
The purple plate thing is interesting. Another method to improve sleep etc and thus overall health that has been touted by many testimonials, is simply grounding/"earthing" oneself at night. However there are those who warn that grounding into e-polluted ground can have opposite effect.
Kim - Apr 17, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
You mention screening to protect a sleeping area, but if you do this, you are separating yourself from the earth - ie "earthing". Any thoughts on that?
dyr - Apr 17, 2023
There are some very aware of the e-harms who are yet adamantly against deploying the likes of eg aluminum/steel insect screen to cut down the toxic coherent waves coming at you. One Greek researcher I was in close contact with seemed to be of this opinion, as you ask, about the effect being also to cut off vital emf. But in almost no case would one entirely enclose eg a sleeping area, unless I imagine an apartment dweller stuck with toxic e-usage on all 6 sides. (In our home with aid of a handheld device we monitor carefully for optimal plus minimal deployment - sleep is improved.) I have noticed however that some seem more harmed by the magnetic field however small, and insect screen does nothing at all for that. Self-experimentation, if one senses trouble, as in sleep difficulty, should be the way to go. Even if there is some cutting off of what one should be exposed to, on balance and in short term anyway, to get a restful sleep from basic protective measures can far outweigh the deprivation factor.
There are better screening materials such as water and concrete, but obviously much harder to deploy. Personal recent example from travel away from home for a month:
Had to suffer far higher hours-long exposures from neighbouring townhouses (mainly wifi) than accustomed during important family visit. Slept in another less imperfect location but still sleep suffered from the accumulated exposures, as happens as well when we venture for errands into even a small urban area. The last night we slept in a protected room, concrete-reinforced all around (except floor and one wall where the neighbour had no emitters detectable) - even though we had to arise early for departure, it was the best sleep night of the whole month.
In reply to your comment I notice Mike H chuckling about toe-tying a wire. Ankle would be the likelier choice, and if memory serves this is what is attested to in the book on Earthing I read some years ago, mentioning ancient Indian princes (who could afford the metal, silver I think) who would do this grounding/earthing for better sleep & health. The author and vendor of special sheets &c had an epiphany one day about everyone insulated from the ground by the kind of footwear almost everyone wears nowadays, he set about to remedy this excess voltage situation.
One more personal example that may help: When I switched to sleeping for a time in our then urban house in its basement, on a mat on the floor, maybe 5 ft below grade, sleep improved a lot. I always have best naps when fully in contact outdoors with the ground. In any case, the lower the elevation the lower the surrounding voltage generally. But accept others' warnings about e-pollution possibilities all around, incl. via the ground.
Mike H - Apr 17, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
You could ground your body with a wire. A few years ago I drove a metal rod in the ground, ran a wire in the house, and wrapped it around my big toe...lol
LONG In The TRUTH - Apr 16, 2023
Hamish625’s Substack
.....because phone cords - as presently comprised, have been almost without exception, an absolute NIGHTMARE for me to manage; don't know WHOSE bright idea it was to make them a) spiraling and b) ELASTIC.....
Paula Starshifter - Apr 16, 2023
Paula Starshifter
Purple plate?
RealSpectroscopist - Apr 17, 2023
Angie’s Substack
Dr Ana I have emailed you at your office on 4/9/23 for more detailed information on your IR studies. I have also emailed Dr. Carnicom on 4/13/23. No one has responded to me, yet. I am a PhD analytical chemist with a specialty in spectroscopy and want to believe your results, but your substack posts do not provide enough information for me to confirm your spectroscopic findings. I would love to know your sample prep and the IR and Raman instrumentation you used. I so appreciate what you are doing, but I dearly wish your results were detailed enough for other scientists to confirm. I realize your are trying to get the word out at the same time and more details would slow that down greatly. This is not a criticism. I do not have access to the instrumentation that may help you as I am retired, but if I know more and can confirm your spectral peak assignments, maybe I can find the right people who could do more studies.
Rhonda Mcconahy - Jan 28, 2024
You can take my blood! I am UV but damaged from shedding. I actually have a ribbon expelled from my body I saved. It was alive when it came out. You can actually see the UV dots on both ends ( still colorful. I can’t walk 25 feet without. Gasping for air all new since he got vaccinated. I was cutting my own grass before. Now I can’t do hardly anything
TimE - Apr 16, 2023 - Edited
Would protocols related to Bob Beck (https://www.bobbeck.com/micropulsing.html) help or exacerbate these issues?
Yours in health, TimE
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023 - Edited
Do these provide voltage? You want voltage. Read the history of Dr Jerry Tennant here and how and why he developed his voltage devicehttps://tennantinstitute.com/https://senergy.us/tennant-biomodulator/
TimE - Apr 17, 2023
There are consumer units with the following specifications: 31 V peak bi-phasic square wave with a frequency of 3.92 Hz per half cycle, +/- 1 Hz. (each half cycle outputs ½ the Earth frequency of 7.83 Hz.) Other devices that I have are "~40 V Peak-Peak into typical 4k ohm load" and a 200 V unit. Now this in vivo research using "10 microamp AC current" is causing "filament development" and rouleaux formation so I want to make sure that I am not creating these conditions.
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023
Good to know. There is a lot to discern in finding the right tool. I'm not an expert. Have you been using a device? Getting benefits? I have purchased this device, but am preparing my body to use it. Voltage is powerful. When the cells get turned on, you have to be prepared for your body to remove toxins, pathogens, crystals, etc. You can do a lot of damage.https://remedylink.com/product/electron-charging-machine/
Frances - Apr 18, 2023
His book is available to read for free on the internet archive. Also, there is a company in New Zealand called Altered States which sells energy-type products reasonably priced.
Kim - Apr 17, 2023
Years ago, I lived near a cell phone tower and got leg cramps. I bought some conductive fabric, put it across the bottom sheet of the bed and grounded it with a little grounding cord into a properly grounded outlet (I purchased all fromlessemf.com) Despite people saying it wouldn't have anything to do with the cramps, it eliminated them.
Now, I sleep in a grounded faraday cage, but driving a wire through to personally ground myself or connecting myself to the cage would not make sense.
Frustrating not to really know what to do. I would bet the people who design these "weapons" know what precautions to take.
The BarefootHealer - Apr 16, 2023
π©π©π© hats off to you Dr M and Clifford for your tireless work.π€π
I'd like to read the entirety of Cliffords thesis outlined here (is it possible to get the full link?), as there are some key variables that impact it and appear to be missing.
The energy loss discovered doesn't mention the codependent relationship between iron and selenium that impacts irons ability for oxygenation. Not widely understood but we know its there.
With that, there is also no mention on irons recycling process, dependent on vitamin D, which has a direct relationship to how much, how well iron gets recycled or if it gets sequestered within macrophages. Totally agree that bacteria do indeed use iron to multiply, but the body recognises this and upregulates hepcidin in response, which triggers the storage, instead of recycling.
Were the individuals biomarkers checked for iron sequestration before the loss of energy calculations?
I would assume (I'm happy to be an a$$ π), that Cliffords morgellon's would be triggering a chronic infection response much like this, which would also acerbate the selenium and Vit D stores (both used as antiinflammatory antioxidants), magnifying the fatigue factor and other detrimental effects of chronic inflammatory response processes, also triggering both continued cycles of depletion and sequestration. Both Vitamin D and Selenium stores within individuals have suffered over the last 3 years. There are numerous papers re this.
My humble apologies if this is actually factored into the theory but I couldn't see the whole paper. Not trying to detract from your work, but respectful discussion is part of the process, and ultimately benefits us to all.ππ€π€
MICHAEL WALKER - Apr 16, 2023 - Edited
Can any benefit be obtained from oral EDTA chelation along with high oral doses of vitamin C?
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023 - Edited
She mentioned this in a recent interview and said adamantly "No", as it gets degraded in the digestion process.
Rhonda Mcconahy - Jan 28, 2024
What about the Med5 she promotes? That’s what it is I’ve been taking it for 3 months
Lisa - Jan 28, 2024
You will have to ask her.
MICHAEL WALKER - Apr 17, 2023
Thank you Lisa
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023
Research electron donors. Molecular hydgrogen (and Brown's Gas), yes, Vit C, and antioxidants, chlorine dioxide, and there are devices, sleep pads/grounding mats and machines to supply the body with electrons. Dr. Ana always nails the problem so we can find solutions. Best wishes!!
Mike H - Apr 17, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
I was also wondering if oral EDTA would do any good.
Lisa@eatrealfood - Apr 17, 2023
I believe ana recommends a topical edta lotion.
Luc Lelievre - Apr 16, 2023
Luc Lelievre
Have you seen this?
Lynette Devries - Apr 16, 2023
Saw a video on BRIGHTEON showing a woman pouring a bit of vinegar on a raw slice of pork to show a man how the worms appear. It took a few minutes but then little white bumps appeared before a whole worm wriggled out of it. Some people like to eat their meat almost rare so that would mean they could be full of worms. Karen Kingston appears quite a lot on BRIGHTEON videos which are a part ofwww.NaturalNews.com.
Frances - Apr 18, 2023
No more pork on my fork! When I did zoology at uni. back in mid-60's our lecturer said that 99% of pork was infected. However, I thought that today's pork production had improved its status as free from parasites.
LONG In The TRUTH - Apr 16, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
.....not sure if you - or Clifford, is aware of as much (be SURPRISED if HE wasn't, TBH) but, in his groundbreaking book 'The Invisible Rainbow' Arthur Firstenberg presents redundant evidence that what ALL artificial EMF radiation can do - to varying extents, is SIGNIFICANTLY compromise metabolic electron-transport trains to mitochondria (and submits, increasingly-expanded wireless transmissions are LARGELY responsible for an explosion in obesity, autoimmune disease since their advent three-plus decades ago - but as I've noted several times previously, my own piezoelectric pathology model, additionally contextualizes effects-synergizing VACCINE-related insults.....)
Michael Baird - Apr 16, 2023
Michael Baird
Have you any experience with browns gas?
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023
Yes, researching it now. That along with molecular hydrogen, which you can buy in tablet form. Much to learn on both of them, but both supply the body with electrons. There are devices as well.https://remedylink.com/product/electron-charging-machine/
Michael Baird - Apr 17, 2023
Michael Baird
I suggest from my endeavours George wiseman and his aqua cure
Lisa - Apr 18, 2023
It's one device I'm researching, yes. There are others as good and better.
Michael Baird - Apr 18, 2023
Michael Baird
Of course
Paula Starshifter - Apr 16, 2023
Paula Starshifter
Mike H - Apr 17, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
Dr. Tom Cowan did a video about Brown's Gas a few days ago. I watched it but I don't have any experience with Brown's Gas.
Nina Mileto - Jun 25, 2023
Dear Dr.Ana thank you for all your research into this matter. I was horrible affected by the occupation exposure from the poison death shots. I clean for a Dr and his family also his office they all took the injection. I started bleeding after being in menopause for year's the first time I didn't think that much of it then about 6 weeks later I started bleeding again. Made an appointment with my obgyn and there wasn't any reason why I should be bleeding. After that every time they rolled out a new shot I started bleeding except the third one it gave me the stomach flu for about two weeks then I got the stomach flu every month for 6 to eight months. I wasn't around anyone who took the boosters but was still affected it was coming from an empty office with no one there. So you can get infected just by being in the same environment. I thought I was going to die I felt like I was poisoned for two years. I had so many different symptoms it was wild. Honestly I wished for death almost ever night but God didn't take me and the worst part of the whole thing is my husband and most of my family didn't believe me. It was the worst time in my life and I don't wish it on my worst enemy. So God bless you for doing this for God's people!We need more people like you in this world.
SteveO - Apr 17, 2023
I apologize Dr Ana. Your research is amazing. I received the link to your news letter from Karen as you may have recognized. I think that you are doing God's work also. Great article. Thank you fro doing this. I am a bit disappointed that being unvaxxed does not seem that I saved myself from anything according to your research. It is a bit disheartening to have suffered the social problems of taking a stand on vaccines only to have the same results. I am still happy that I and my wife did not get vaccinated with the poison jabs.
Lisa - Apr 17, 2023
Do not be discouraged. You have spared yourself of unknown potential injury or death. From what we are seeing on our phones, when you stay out of WIFI/EMF you can keep yourself from developing a MAC address. We have unvaccinated friends who now emit a MAC address signal. I'm sure they are bathed in WIFI/EMF. Stay in the fight. Keep detoxing. You have a great work to do yet.
"Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good."
Truth Matters - Apr 17, 2023
Truth’s Substack
Thank you Ana for sticking with the important science!
This is what I posted on other substacks…
How did science and medicine get so politicized and how can we ever survive that?
Stevanovitch - Apr 16, 2023
Ending with that Bonhoeffer quotation, Dr. Ana, sealed it.
Anyone looking to see the face of Godly wisdom and courage need look no further than him. And you.
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