Epoch Times Article About Vaccine Shedding

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 14, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The Epoch Times has been publishing fantastic articles lately about different vaccine adverse effects, novel scientific studies and has been a leader in informing people about a broad array of viewpoints. In this excellently written article, the topic of vaccine shedding is featured and some of my observations and treatment approaches discussed.

Here is the link.

New Pre-Print Study Implies Airborne COVID-19 Antibodies Post-Vaccination Doctor ventures into controversial issue of COVID 'vaccine shedding' speculations from study findings

If you are not a subscriber to the Epoch Times, which I highly recommend for excellent news, you can read the article here:

Here is my substack article on the topic.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
“Shedding” – Understanding Self spreading vaccines in the Setting of Novel mRNA Technology
Since the rollout of the Covid19 shots, many people have seen and experienced unusual symptoms. The term “shedding” has been used a lot and fact checkers have supposedly debunked the idea, because there is no alive virus in the mRNA gene product. In the conventional medical understanding, shedding has been found after vaccine administration in different …
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Jennifer - Sep 14, 2022

Thank you!!! I cannot live this enough!! I feel like someone is FINALLY trying to find answers!

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Possum - Sep 14, 2022 - Edited

Possum’s Newsletter

Thank you for not being afraid to address this controversial topic. Sucharit Bhakti covered this about a year ago.

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