Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 28, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have long been discussing the fact that the biosensors seen in human blood are harvesting our own energy and shown how it leaves a rubbery clot and dead cells in its wake. Here is a micro robot interacting with red blood cells in C19 unvaccinated blood. These micro robots is what I look for now, because they build the entire infrastructure of hydrogel filaments and ultimately rubbery clots.
Clifford Carnicom documented this - he calls the micro robots CDB - either way, he identified those as the origin of genesis of the filaments. It grows from the small bot to the filaments, and that happens extremely rapidly with an external energy source like electricity.
This was the measurement done in collaboration with Clifford Carnicom where he showed a loss of electrical conductivity and a calculated power loss of up to 47%. These are catastrophic numbers.
This article about WBAN was presented by Todd Callendar at our “Targeted Individuals” Symposium. If you have not watched this historic event of information that will open your eyes to the imperative reveal of the nanotechnology in human blood, please watch here: Targeted Individuals Symposium
Here is the article revealing exactly what I have been saying and finding:
Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBAN) are a special case of wireless sensor networks (WSN), developed to operate at the human body scale. Thus, energy efficiency is one of the major aspects that must be taken into consideration before designing any WBAN solution, because the change of batteries could be very difficult, especially when sensors are implanted inside the human body. For this reason, several research projects have been carried out on the adoption of energy harvesting schemes, that aim to collect energy from several sources surrounding the human body (sun, body warmth, movements, heartbeat, RF radiation ...) and transform it into an electrical energy to power the nodes of a WBAN. Nevertheless, this harvested energy must also be better exploited, given the temporal variation nature of these alternative sources. The purpose of this paper is to present a general overview of energy harvesting schemes, as well as methods in literature focusing on optimizing the exploitation of the harvested energy in a WBAN, through Mac, routing or physical layer protocols.
The recent technological advances in electronics and short-range wireless communications have led to the development of miniaturized wireless sensors that can be worn on, or even implanted inside the human body to serve a multitude of applications operating at the human body scale , which can be categorized into medical and non-medical applications. Fig1. Shows a set of medical and non-medical WBAN applications.
In the medical area, WBANs can be adopted to serve several applications, including:
· Remote patient monitoring: which aims to continuously monitor the vital signs of patients. The known patient monitoring devices include electrocardiography (ECG) and blood pressure sensors to monitor heart disease, electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor cognitive abilities, respiration and temperature sensors to detect infections, or accelerometers to track patient mobility .
· Patient rehabilitation : which is dedicated to patients with mobility problems caused by traumatic brain injury or stroke. The importance of patient rehabilitation is manifested in avoiding inappropriate exercises, updating the complexity of the exercise and recovery monitoring to name a few.
· Biofeedback: means that the physiological activity is measured and transmitted “back” to the user to better control its activity and health.
· Assisted living : Is manifested by the appearance of smart homes, which introduce the use of several acoustic vibratory and visual sensors, installed in a house to monitor the activity and lifestyle of the patient.
In non-medical WBAN applications, users are the target population . And the biological information can be used for entertainment, security and self-quantization purposes such as:
· Fitness, performance and well-being monitoring: this type of supervision is dedicated to athletes and military personnel whose goal is to optimize training methods, thus improving their endurance.
· Cognitive biometrics: vital signals such as ECG, EEG and electrodermal activity can be considered as unique biometric signatures that are difficult to be subjected to malicious operations (theft, falsification ...). thus, they can be used in biometric authentication schemes.
· Serious Games: is a set of games designed to promote behavioral changes, or educational purposes
Energy harvesting techniques in WBANs consist of transforming the ambient energy sources into an electrical signal using energy harvesters 5,6 such as: piezoelectric transducers ( transform mechanical activity into an electrical signal), thermoelectric elements ( transform body heat into an electrical signal), photovoltaic cells (transform light into an electrical signal) , or antennas ( transform radio frequency radiation into an electrical signal).
1.1. Ambient energy sources 7,8 :
Sun light is a clean source of energy that can be transformed into an electrical signal to power sensor nodes in a WBAN, it gathers a maximum of photons to create an alternative electrical energy. In outdoor conditions, sun light can produce up to 15 mW per square centimeter, however, in a full indoor environment, this value drops out to 10 mW 9.
It is the energy produced by body vibration, due to physical movements, or physiological processes such as breathing. From 10, the walking scenario can produce up to 10 Mw, using a piezoelectric transducer.
Radio frequency energy harvesting takes interest from many RF sources such as base stations, wireless networks, television towers…
Human body warmth can also be a source of energy 11. Thermoelectric transducer can then be used to convert thermal energy into an electrical energy, and can achieve a maximum power of 60 micro watt per cm square 12.
Heart beat is another way to generate energy, according to 13 the heartbeat of a normal person can produce up to 0.93W.
Below the authors speak about the MAC layer and how energy is used there. Remember the MAC address phenomenon?
1.1. At the mac layer:
The work in 17 proposes a mechanism of energy management called PEH Qos (joint power-QoS) which takes into account some important QOS metrics in energy harvesting based wbans. According to this work, power consumption in WBAN nodes is divided into two parts: consumption power of detection and consumption power of transmission. the proposed mechanism is based on 3 interconnected modules (phases):
· The Power-EH Aware Management (PHAM): which deals with the calculation and management of harvested energy. That is to say that the energy harvested from the human body will be distributed between the two spots of a sensor node (the event detection and the transmission of packets).
· The Data Queue Aware Control (DQAC): which manages the queue of the packets, and ensures that only theuseful data are transmitted.
· The Packet Aggregator / Scheduling System (PASS): which uses the PHAM and DQAC information to determine the optimal number of packets that can be transmitted in each communication process.
The performance of the proposed mechanism was studied on the basis of several metrics such as: the effectiveness of detection, the storage efficiency. The normalized throughput, the Packet loss, the end to end delay, and the energy efficiency.
Here are some other previous articles that document the self replicating biosensors:
Clifford Carnicom has done remarkable research quantifying what he calls CDB - people know as Morgellons. I do no longer believe that this is organic material, but a synthetic technological advanced nano material artificial life form that also serves as a bio sensing device. Regardless of the nomenclature, his contribution to documenting the correlation of Morgellons with what is happening in human blood has been invaluable. I stand by my recommendation to give Clifford the Nobel Prize for his life’s work, not those clowns that developed a genocidal bio weapon.
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Joy Lucette Garner - Jan 28, 2024
Joy’s Newsletter
Matrix movie? Keanu Reeves said that it was a "documentary."
We are batteries. Our awareness has grown, and our creative energies (as well) are much harder to control. They want us DEAD. And on the way to the grave they will harvest what they can off of us.
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Johnathan - Jan 28, 2024 - Edited
While emf clothing is extremely expensive it does work esp if your vaxed. Ive been wearing legging, sweatpants, hoody and tshirt and beenie and i no longer hear high pitched tones and symtoms have been less when i have all devices turned off and unplugged and inside a faraday bag etc
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