Electron Microscopy Of The Blood Of A 43 Year…

Nov 7, 2024

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In my recent interview with Dr.


Catherine - Nov 7 - Edited

Donnie V

SOB's should be lined up in front of a military firing squad for doing this to people. Thankfully I never lined up for this and I couldnt understand the willingness to believe is this Bulls--t by fellow Americans, and I refused to wear a mask despite the angry looks and comments. That 6 ft BS rule was the distance needed for facial recognition on everyone who shopped at the only stores allowed, and had nothing to do with this Fauci made Cobra Venom ID19. The time has come to lock them up in a cage, for starters!


240Gordie - Nov 7 - Edited

Donnie V

In my opinion a much slower and much more painful death would be more appropriate.


Donnie V - Nov 7

Donnie V

Nobody truly gets away with anything, God is keeping track. The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist. The devil absolutely hates all of humanity equally and the more souls he can take & condemn to hell with him, the better. There's a reason why the entire planet agreed to change the way in which time itself was kept based solely on the year in which Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, began walking this earth. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall be saved.



I believe it’s going to get much worse!
Endure until the end πŸ™πŸ’ͺ


Sandy K - Nov 7 - Edited

Sandy K

Like remove the voice box so his screams can't be heard and place him naked in a screened in cage with sand flies to be eaten alive....like he did to beagle puppies. And/or place a feeding tube in his gut and repeatedly force feed him with experimental drugs...like he did to 'orphaned' children, especially those of color.


Anouschka Nitzlnader - Nov 8 - Edited

Anouschka’s Substack

Give him ALL THE INJECTIONS they want to inject us


Catherine - Nov 8 - Edited

Anouschka’s Substack

Gates is the ringleader...all must go!


Anouschka Nitzlnader - Nov 8 - Edited

Anouschka’s Substack

I think he’s brainwashed and some other abnormalities , but also he is a puppet on a string .
A dangerous one like Yuval Noa Harari who said in 2018 that they can hack our DNA 😒And they did !!!


Catherine - Nov 8 - Edited

Hes not a Puppet. The Gates foundation includes them all! The FOUNDATION controls ALL of Pharma all over the world. 40 years of depopulation by gates and before him his Momma, long before Yuval. Like Ive said many times, they ALL must go down. Bill Gates and his brotherhood of the most ugliest men on earth, have been killing people all over the world for over 50 years with "vaccines" and every other poison.


Effra - Nov 8


You do realize that Fauci is just one of the frontmen, right? There are scads of scientists and researchers that actually implemented this.



They’re all demonic psychopaths and they’re coming for all of us!
Stayed prayed up πŸ™


Sandy K - Nov 8

Sandy K

Yes, of course I do. As a scientist, I am well aware of the depth of all of it. For decades, long before covid theater.


Charles A - Nov 9

Scads. ? Nice πŸ‘


240Gordie - Nov 7

Yeah, like that.


John Roberts - Nov 7

John Roberts

Maybe they ought to get a taste of their own medicine while in that suggested cage. ???


Catherine - Nov 8

John Roberts

Throw in all those experimental monkeys with him and watch what they do to him..🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😁


John Roberts - Nov 8

John Roberts

Wonderful idea.


WrittenintheStars - Nov 7

Katie’s Substack

God help us


Linda - Nov 8

Linda’s Substack

Remember! There’s a saying GOD will help those who help themselves!
But now Humanity and Human Spirits must come together to fight against Evil Devils together with God’s graceful Angels for Humanity’s salvation. God Battle with the Evil Empire from above and We all must battle with the demons in JESUS NAME on Earth
if we are the people on earth really want to be help to survive! Remember the Prayers will be helpful too πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜‡β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»



That saying is not biblical.
God commands us to help the widows and orphans and to love thy neighbor.


Charlie - Nov 8

Anouschka’s Substack

Kill the fukers, they are trying to kill us in a slow at first agonizing process whilst they gather data by lot numbers and then the onset of the takedown via cancer ect(spike proteins tricking the signals)and money fleece. Where are the Christian Warriors?
If they came for your first child would you stand by and watch? Fuk no! Over my dead body. This pussy ass forgiveness bullshit needs to set aside. I’ll forgive them once they are dead six feet under and burning in hell.


Charlie - Nov 8

Anouschka’s Substack

Of course do this legally with military tribunals or normal judiciary process.
Lethal injection would be fitting!


Anouschka Nitzlnader - Nov 8

Anouschka’s Substack

How can you make it legally when a big part of them belong to them ?


Charlie - Nov 8


Cleaning out the rif raf. Formidable challenge. DOD is the issue.




The elite have captured all governments, judicial systems, education institutions and the medical institutions. Satan and his demons have taken control of this earth as it is written.
We must pray, repent and have faith in God to save our souls so we can have everlasting life.


kaal - Nov 9




Roman S Shapoval - Nov 7 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Activated charcoal, and grounding (in an area that doesn't have ground current EMF) is a sound strategy to help detox the blood, in my opinion.


Catherine - Nov 7 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I had a dream God told me to tell everyone to drink Hawthorn tea. I didnt know what Hawthorn was, but after I looked into it, #1 for the Heart, also Cancer, Blood pressure, and just about everything that ails you. It was believed that the Hawthorn bush was the burning bush in the bible and that Christ Crown of thorns was from the hawthorn bush. The leaves make a great tea and I now drink it every day hot and cold. I didnt take a jab but we are being poisoned in so many other ways, it doesnt matter. I have shared this info on here before and I got a response from one man who drank the tea for a few weeks, his blood pressure returned to normal, and came off his blood pressure meds. Im allergic to Act charcoal. Every time Ive used it, 4 times, Ive thown up, so its not for me.


Roman S Shapoval - Nov 7 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thank you Catherine for sharing all that. Do you get that tea at the healthfood store, or grow it? Never knew that about the bush!


Catherine - Nov 8 - Edited

ShortOnTime Newsletter

found this link
$19 for one LB Hawthorn leaf and flowers, In stock, 1-800 879-3337 is their number on website


Mike H - Nov 8

ShortOnTime Newsletter

I have been ordering stuff from Mountainrose for years. Always satisfied.
TIP: There is a scam company piggy backing on the Mountainrose name. The scam company is Mountainroseherb WITHOUT THE S ON THE END TO MAKE THE WORD HERBS PLURAL.


Catherine - Nov 8 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Id even use the thorns if you cant find the Leafs. After I posted this months ago, the growers sold out and I only found the berries. Luckily, I got some. I would say that checking Middle Eastern companies or stores might be good.


Roman S Shapoval - Nov 8

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Hardcore! I love it. Thank you Catherine for all the info. will be on the lookout


Linda Tanner - Nov 8 - Edited

Linda Tanner

Some parks and other governmental sites have planted stands, or a few, of the Hawthorn trees (there are many species). I think it grows well across the temperate zones of the U.S. and presumably in the Eastern Hemisphere. In fact, there are a bunch of these trees in Tower Grove Park in St. Louis, MO, USA. The tree in a friend's yard was fully loaded with the red berries a couple of weeks ago, and the leaves hadn't completely fallen yet. So if you find the tree(s), they will have flowers and leaves for quite a while, then berries later on.


Catherine - Nov 8 - Edited

found this link
$19 for one LB Hawthorn leaf and flowers, In stock, 1-800 879-3337 is their number on website. Type Hawthorn into Q as they do not show product in their line up but they have it and I just ordered 2 lbs of it.


Catherine - Nov 7

I bought the berries on line and then the leaf and flowers same way through amazon. Both can be used as a tea. Brew add honey and chill, its excellent tasting.


dyr - Nov 7

John Vargo

On this 'stack multiple times over the past few years I have recommended (among other things) hawthorn, esp fresh or tcm grade. It is delicious, too. My confirmation that what I was suffering was blood-borne, result of a clot coming free (see my other comment just posted) and felt as throbbing as it passed through narrower channels, came after hawthorn induced these throbs shortly after drinking a strong brew of it. Which then would stop, only recurring after re-exposure, "e-prompting" (see other post). Hawthorn is well-known esp to tcm (shan zha) as blood & heart helper . Too bad this year in these parts hawthorn berry production from wild trees I cull from was a bust. Unlike last year's bumper harvest. Mainly I use reliably good tcm med grade dried and brewed up strong. It yields its value slowly so should be reboiled, even maybe a 3rd time with less water, to get full value.
I have never used the leaves.


John Vargo - Nov 9

John Vargo

I think maybe it would make a great addition to essiac tea,https://www.affordable-essiac-tea.com/


John Vargo - Nov 11

John Vargo

i learned about Essiac tea from the truth about cancer series from Ty and Charlene Bollinger,It's effective as a cancertreatment.Sohawthorne tea may be great but I will stay with essiac tea as I have been for the last 2-3 months.PREVENTION IS THE BEST MEDICINE


WrittenintheStars - Nov 7

Katie’s Substack

And where do you get your Hathorn


dyr - Nov 9

I suggest you find a reputable traditional Chinese herbal shop, as I have for years relied on one in an major Canadian city (shipped to us in hinterland by post). I get dried fruit and use whenever I feel the need.
Lots of talk about generic vitamin C, and I do not doubt that that is beneficial as used. But as I have said one might need much lower dosage if it is via a source that has particular affinities for what one is after to have an effect on, here blood and heart, which haw is great for.


Catherine - Nov 7

Hawthorn, leaf, flower or berries on line,


Robin Brayton - Nov 9

Dr McCullough has a spike protein cell detox here on his substance via Vigilant Fox. It works!! All natural supplements used for it, curcum, bromelain, and Nattokinase. I am not jabbed but became infected with the spiked protein cell by a vaxxed person. I knew within weeks as I began menstrual periods after 14 years of being postmenopausal, my liver enlarged to where you could visibly see it, increased chronic pain, shingles outbreak, nausea, lethargy and more. I immediately started the spiked cell protocol and when McCullough's detox came out last Spring I started that. It took me 7 months but finally my blood was clean and no more spoked cells could be seen via electronic microscope. Anyone who did take the poison depending on how many jabs they took would need to be on this detox probably for a year or more but it does work!


Stuart Hutt - Nov 8

Stuart Hutt

Dr Pedro Chavez in Mexico has treated over 6,000 Covid shot injured patients including turbo cancer with chlorine dioxide and isotonic sea water (Panakos Deep Sea Water).
www.theuniversalantidote. com


AncientHeart369 - Nov 9

AncientHeart369’s Substack

Roman, I so appreciate your insight and am an avid subscriber to your Stack.
How would one go about determining if it’s safe or not to ground in one’s backyard?
Also, here is an interesting indoor grounding station implemented by an international intentional low-EMF community. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Another interesting link for grounding in the winter:


WrittenintheStars - Nov 7 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

Where do you go in this fucked up world to find that … millions of miles away ?


kaal - Nov 7


type in hawthorn tea- I listened to her cuz I believe her. get organic dried hawthorn from amazon make tea or get tea bags. I really just wanted tea and believe in herbal tea but basically eat little and don't do any detox.


Catherine - Nov 8

Clevers Tea is another Lymph cleaner. I found it because my daughter Lymph were swollen and it was recommended at Health food store. It comes in a potent liquid too. Suppose to clean the blood and especially a lymph detox. I add a teabag of that also to hot tea too. She is using a concentrated form added to water. Everything from nature seems to be better than the garbage Big Pharma push


Just Comment - Nov 8 - Edited

Just’s Substack

a link below posted by Catherine showed:


Catherine - Nov 8

found this link


Catherine - Nov 8

Amazon or health food farms or health food stores


Roman S Shapoval - Nov 7

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

on the moon with Musk


Mike H - Nov 8

ShortOnTime Newsletter

I drove a 4 foot copper rod in the ground beside my carport. To that I attached a copper wire and ran the wire in the house. I wrap that wire around my ankle when i'm still. Is that a good strategy?


Kyle Young - Nov 7

the secular heretic

Sounds like the makings of Marburg or other hemorrhagic fevers.


Just Comment - Nov 8

Just’s Substack

C0VlD-19 Shots Were Deliberately Contaminated With A Cytotoxic DNA Sequence! – This Explains The Sudden Cancer Cases


Clot Shot Lab - Nov 7

michelle.w’s Substack

Frequency emission from the antennas combined with the inflammation from the nano razors and all the rest is certainly a recipe for "turbo cancer"


Stuart Hutt - Nov 8

Stuart Hutt

Excellent work. Dr Andreas Noack (German chemist and specialist in graphene oxide nanotech) warned us that the graphene hydroxide in the Covid shots were like little nano razor blades that would destroy our bodies. That was in November 2021. Unfortunately he died in police custody.


dyr - Nov 7

I also recall the likening of graphene hydroxide to razor blades. If present in blood but not apparently bringing on symptoms, such as i have reported since pre-vax-mania (from spring 2020**), this, one should think, is due to relative isolation from external e-prompts for blood-borne antennae to re-form. We live in such an e-minimized circumstance. When sufficient e-prompts lead to symptoms, these usually abate within hours, but maximally have lasted, even in isolation, for a few days, quite uncommonly.
The uninjected who are suffering must be advised to isolate from what I called "e-prompts", in addition to trying to minimize their internal and skin-borne susceptible load. Before vax mania hit, and until after many months I figured that external e-transmissions brought on my symptoms, it must have been infrastructural exposures that brought my clot-throbs on. An early inkling that this was so came as I drove our truck into a smallish city downtown area, where the symptom was evoked in the left forearm, the most exposed to the inducing e-smog. Subsequent multiple self-experiments completely confirmed that whatever was in me was activated by carriers' toxicity.
I recall wondering why for example a famous alternative-minded MD in the US wouldn't advise his patients to minimize their e-exposures. I knew two of his long-distance patients who nonetheless used e.g. mob phones. Later I believe he did not take on new patients unless they undertook to so minimize. I understand that stress inducement by cutting of reliances such as on wireless may seem contraindicated in medicine. But since these toxic loads do not seem open to full abatement, and people risk continual almost re-loading from others and public ambiences, not to mention, say, from release from within even after blood is shown to be relatively cleared through some therapy (eg what is liver-stored***); everyone should be made aware of the "prompting" effect. It is not all that hard to substitute wired for wireless, although it can be hard to minimize exposure from others' e-pollution from devices, infrastructure and now from others' own bodies.
That symptoms I have abate, may relate to these putative razors or otherwise toxic transmitters reverting to collecting within "liposomal bubbles", only activated to act as antennae and coursing more dangerously through the bloodstream once re-e-prompted.
**Once I established the external electromagnetic stimulation from vaxees and 2nd-hand carriers (who had to be significantly exposed to primary carriers, injectees that is), I recalled that in mid-March 2020 on a provisioning trip to a major urban area (anticipating possible supply difficulties as the mayhem descended, which I btw called out for much of what it was right from mid-March 2020), I had a coughing fit, as I am very reactive anyway, and figured that one store I had shopped in had had surreptitious airborne seeding of vax-related elements. (I think the same occurred to ratchet up the fear and compliance in an area seniors' facilty where many perished.) That retailer had subsequently by the public "health" department a number of "cases" traced to their store, and they were threatened with shutdown if non-compliant with forced masking etc rules, as they hadn't been.
***I have reported big abatement of symptoms starting several months ago. I now think it had to do with reducing this "liver load", as i had been as part of herbal regimen taking a known liver-"opener" (bupleurum - take only under advice from a good practitioner). Regardless of cause, and I have speculated otherwise that some general external e-prompt may be down or lowered, or an expiry date kind of thing might be programmed; I found toxicity of carriers that ALWAYS affected me since vax mania began, no longer did so. Symptoms have partly returned by now, after 4-5 months of almost stopping, if to a lesser degree. I will continue self-experimenting...My susceptibility to my own feeling these effects may relate to unusually taut "vascular endothelium" - everyone might be being slashed internally (cf the early D-dimer test recommendations, if from those who still stick to other dubious explanations), but it registers as felt only with certain characteristics. I do not know if related is that two of my recent forbears were known to have some blood vessel stenosis (never diagnosed in me, but I almost never go to MDs).
[The sameday cross-post vilifying China & CCP seems in line with prep to "pivot" to aggressively going after it, backing off for now vs Russia. Do not go along with such stuff.)


Donnie V - Nov 7 - Edited

Donnie V

Great article! Dr Andraes Noack warned the world that graphene oxide would destroy these people's circulatory systems and organs from the inside out. Graphene is also a negatively charged particle and as soon as it enters their positively charged blood cells, it immediately starts causing the surrounding cells to stack up onto each other. This large population Italian study found over 90% of vaxxed participants now have pre blood clot formations since taking their injections. Dr Andraes Noack warned everyone and was then murdered outside his home 4 days later.


michael68 - Nov 9 - Edited

michael68’s Substack

Dr Noack was a good person. I heard that he was murdered. I couldn't believe it. I still can't.
He said "Graphene hydroxide is like razor blades that are injected into people!
Razor blades that can't be broken down by the body!"
He would have been murdered shortly afterwards. On the other hand, who's surprised. So many people have been murdered because they found out the truth.


Marianne Agnello - Nov 7

Marianne Agnello

Pray for Trump Dr Ana and all the good people fighting this great crime against humanity


WrittenintheStars - Nov 7

Katie’s Substack



Brandy - Nov 8


YES! The nano-razors are graphene *hydroxide*
Dr. Andreas Noack was the foremost world expert on graphene and was KILLED via frequency weapons FOUR DAYS after posting this video on How Graphene Hydroxide Nano-razors in the “Vaccines” Destroy the Body. A True Patriot and Truth Seeker, #RIP Dr. Noack 😒 πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦…
Re-sharing from post:
“We are reposting Dr. Andreas Noacks findings about the graphene hydroxide and how he was silenced via frequency weapons after getting arrested for making a video about it.
We are doing this because there are some subscribers coming into our chat and spreading misinformation that the Convid jabs or now all mRNA jabs don't contain graphene hydroxide, because this or that dr has recently claimed they weren't there.
This man was taken out and silenced and his wife watched it all happen before her eyes. She was 8 months pregnant and completely falling apart from the shock
If you have questions and don't believe their story you can find his channel and chat run by his wife and his supporters and question them about it.
We believe this man as he explained well how the graphene hydroxide are like tiny razor blades in the blood vessels chopping up blood cells causing the body to bleed out if the body would not try to block it by extreme clotting as a defense mechanism to save the body from dying.”


Susan Hojdik - Nov 7

Susan Hojdik

Okay. This crap in our blood. Yes, I believe it. Your explanation of who is running things yes, quite plausible. The movie? Ah, nah, Anna. Sounds just like Operation Trust updated . Yes, there are quite a few truths in there but, for the most part? Sounds like the Q stuff. I Still say the space alien thing is a bunch of hokum. Now, do I believe that those “ illuminated” characters have been sitting on valuable game changing info for a Very long time? Oh, yeah. Totally possible. Frankly? I believe anyone and I do mean Anyone that far up the power chain is In on it, one way or another. We can ONLY trust GOD at this point. Everyone Else has to be kept under the proverbial microscope. Just Sayin


Iain Harris - Nov 7

Iain’s Newsletter

You have done amazing work.
I sincerely hope with RFK and Trump now heading to the White House the full resources of the state can now deployed.
You deserve full recognition and now massive support for all you have done.
Well done and fingers crossed.


WrittenintheStars - Nov 7

Katie’s Substack

Don’t think the commies won’t do everything to keep him from getting in the WH. All their BS about “smooth” transition Is just that . BS. This is the Battle of Armaggedon . The stars in our heavens tell it . We win with the help of our Creator, but it’s the battle of the eons


Kim - Nov 9


This is unrelated to the article here, but I was reading this article:
And came across where it says this. I wonder if Dr. Ana would also be interested in phytic acid as another "chelator."
"Phytic Acid – Friend or Foe?
Phytic acid’s “chelating” ability is considered by some to be a detriment to one’s health. On the other hand, many researches embrace this ability to bind with minerals as its most powerful asset. In her book, Diet for the Atomic Age, Sara Shannon, lists 11 nutrients in particular that protect against heavy metal toxicity and radiation damage. Phytates bind with radioactive and toxic substances and carry them out of the body. Aware of phytic acid’s mineral binding properties, Shannon states that an adequate diet will more than compensate. One must also remember that whole grains themselves are an abundant source of iron, calcium, and zinc. After extensive research, Shannon found that the more toxic our environment becomes, grains are our best source of protection, particularly due to the phytate content. She believes that “for optimal health, at least half of every meal should be grains”. Why would one want to denature something that is so beneficial? In fact, a supplement company is actually isolating this “powerful antioxidant” because of its anti-tumor, anti-carcinogenic, and blood sugar regulating properties!
Studies show that phytic acid, particularly from wheat bran, actually stimulates the productions of phytase in the small intestine. The fact that phytase can be produced in the small intestine eliminates the necessity of fermenting all grains before consuming them, as in the case of unleavened breads, quick breads (that do not use yeast as a leavening), and parched or boiled grains. Phytase activity in the small intestine actually increased, not decreased, the absorption of minerals, especially, calcium. (Journal of Nutrition 2000:130: 2020-2025). Over the years we have seen numerous people healed of life long anemia issues after they began grinding their own grains to make their bread. How could this be if phytic acid in the bran kept iron from being absorbed?"
I thought it interesting enough to share.


Charles A - Nov 9

With the evil being exposed new ways of using nano are emerging faster than what can be understood. Safety will almost always be shorted for greed. Not this person. No greed exists in Ana.
Forever greatful. πŸ‘πŸ˜„


kaal - Nov 8


electromagnetic nanonetworks beyond 6g from wearable and implantable networks 2 on chip and quantum communicationarxiv.orgby guess who? jor n et a killldeeez and company


kaal - Nov 8




kaal - Nov 8


design of wireless nanosensor networks 4 intrabody applications. journals.sagepub


kaal - Nov 8


includes graphene patch antenna



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