Have you looked at your own blood yet Ana? If not, is there a reason you aren't looking? I'm really curious about non-vaxxed blood showing up with these materials. It makes me think it is already being distributed by the food supply and other supplements/medications, and shedding of course.
I believe, she has stated in a video interview that she is taking supplements for detoxification because of the shedding. I can't remember if she said that she has looked at her own blood.
I’m pretty sure that I heard her say she chelates her own blood several times per year but I’m not sure that I’m correct. If I hear that from her I will respond again. It wouldn’t make sense that she wouldn’t clear her own.
Ana, you are an incredible human being! I "discovered" you only recently - watched your interviews with Stew Peters - and I was so happy to learn about a PhD scientist who writes books about Light medicine and who is searching for methods how to heal millions (or possibly even billions) of people injured by vaxx or through shedding. I watched the Died Suddenly documentary yesterday and cried my eyes out thinking about all those who have already died or are living now in agony and those who are about to die... You and other good-hearted scientists with integrity give us all hope!!!
Dr. Ana,
Thanks for all your information. In your video you expressed a need that more doctors know about the EDTA and use it to treat patients.
I am Thomas Kasperek, Practice Manager for Dr. Lily David Institute of Health & Healing, Inc., and we have successfully treated over 2,400 COVID-related cases. We follow the FLCCC protocols and becoming National Practice Partners with Dr. Simone Gold's GoldCare. Dr. Daphne Kasperek, my wife, is our physician provider, and we are both interested in fighting spike protein toxicity and the long-term effects of the disease/bioweapon.
I am contacting you because we want to immediately begin administering the EDTA chelation therapy along with IV treatments of other nutrients and supplements.
We would appreciate having a conversation or Zoom with you to consult and to source the treatments to administer in our practice. Please advise.
Rev. Thomas Kasperek, Practice Manager
Dr. Lily David Institute
(202) 957-8454
Dr Ana you wrote to me advising me to do Chelation therapy for the graphine and other issues I was having. I sent you a microscope slide of my live blood after it sat on my microscope a few days. I have had 6 IV Chelation and see less graphine and metal particles in my blood. Thanks so much for that advice. Patti Wooldridge RN BSN
I can guarantee that after 17 months of looking at live blood I have seen graphine like particles and ribbons in blood of non vaxed, non covid and in the blood of patients who had covid who knew it and didn't know it. I haven't found anyone yet that didn't have it so far. Some people have rouloux so bad that they need to have a DDimer test.
Patti RN BSN
Dr.Ana, I recently purchased my first jars of EDTA cream. I understand I am supposed to take daily mineral supplementation, which is my norm anyway.
Are you recommending any particular mineral blends or brands? Also, what type of detox symptoms might I bexperience initially?
I am very grateful to have discovered you. 
I have been so interested in live blood analysis and your findings of the ribbons that I got a dark field microscope so I could check our blood and anyone else who would like to have their blood checked. My husband and I are unvaccinated and had covid over a year ago. It's not an expensive one, under $500 but when I checked out blood, I saw a couple of ribbons just like you have pictures of. I am going to a naturepathic Dr to get EDTA chelation treatment. Thanks for all you do.
here is the microscope I got on Amazon It was just under $500 I think it was cheaper on Am Scope site. It has darkfield and works really well.
AmScope T490B-DK Compound Trinocular Microscope, WF10x and WF20x Eyepieces, 40X-2000X Magnification, Brightfield/Darkfield, Halogen Illumination, Abbe Condenser, Double-Layer Mechanical Stage, Sliding Head, High-Resolution Optics
I am a retired RN and have been learning a lot on YouTube about how to do live blood analysis, how to prepare a blood slide etc. When you order slides don't get cheap ones. The glass is full of artifact that looks like the ribbons Dr Ana has slides on. I had to get professional scientific slides and they are much clearer. I have seen short hydrogel tubes in my blood and an occasional ribbon. I am unvaccinated but had the Delta Covid over a year ago. I am going to see a naturepath Dr in a couple weeks and hopefully get some EDTA chelation. I want to be able to know how to do a good live blood analysis to help other people and save humanity where I can.
Maureen- I'm a nurse hoping to do the same. Thank you for this link. I'm looking for an online class to help with analysis. Please let me know if you find one as well!
Hi Sharmaine,
I haven't found one that I can afford. There are lots of them online but can't pay the $800-1200 for it. It's too bad that they charge to much for something that can benefit lot of people.
Thanks for your comment with microsope info, & that you are learning also to help others - I wish to do the same. You mention courses ~ If it's of interest there's a lovely lady near me in Sussex UK who is experienced with live blood analysis & nutrition, she has an online course for £699.. still a lot but not as much as you mention. I think installments may be available : Naturecure Academy ~www.livebloodanalysistraining.com/online-live-blood-analysis-training.
Her name is Shirah Mustarde (with an up-going accent on the e) and her website isvitalise-nutrition.co.uk. If it's still too much to afford it would be worth asking her about payment options / help as you are doing this to help humanity ... Blessings ~
Hi Sharmaine, seeing your comments exchange with Maureen (Redhage) - I replied to her with info about an online live & dry blood analysis course that may be of interest, then thought to post to you too in case you don't see the reply to her -- it's with a lovely lady near me in Sussex UK who is experienced with live blood analysis & nutrition, an online course for £699.. still a lot but I think installments may be available : Naturecure Academy ~www.livebloodanalysistraining.com/online-live-blood-analysis-training.
Her name is Shirah Mustarde (with an up-going accent on the e) and her website isvitalise-nutrition.co.uk. If it's beyond your budget seems it would be worth asking her about payment options / help as you are doing this to help humanity ~Thank you & Blessings ~
Maureen, thanks much for that! As with most everything there is lots to it I'm sure. I went on a quest to find a microscope i could use, and wasn't long before I found out There was many that would not work. Thanks again, a great start.
Hi Maureen,
Thanks for sharing the info on the microscope .
Please put a link or the brand name of the slides you use.
Did you find your blood has Rouleaux at all?
Which will rob you of oxygen and make you fatigued i recall.
Also you don’t happen to be in California do you?
I’m looking for a good functional med dr who can do a live blood study for me and chelation treatment.
Well, I found that fascinating. Suppository route... I also have a good friend who likes doing that, he also has weird taste in 80's music, more so then me.
I've always used nutrition to my advantage grew up with Mediterranean diet, after Army I found I've knack for autodidact so I studied Nutrition, Herbalism, Nutraceuticals, quantum physics, spiritualism, biodynamics and lots of stuff. After I discovered a really nasty allopathic medicine a Dr had prescribed me, was for anti fungal, was also anti parasitic, I felt better after one of those nasty pills, BOOM light bulb, wasn't too comfortable with deformed Sperm , see nasty pill. So I searched out natural parasitic cleansing and heavy metal detox, which was all via oral route. I learned to use my flushes by experimenting on myself.
No more trackers, no more rashes. Always use to get it traveling on planes after jabs, no more.
Haven't listen to these guys in awhile they are on a role.
Is the suppositories from Detoxamin Edta chelation equivalent to the IV route? Considering this for my vax sons, I have apprehensions about ETDA risks and complexities.
My sons are already taking humic acid, NAC, Natto, Serrapeptase, and Noni (for Nitric Oxide production). With hesperidin and Lumbrokinase on alternative months. Mostly advice from dr. Ana.
Yes I wrote about the edta suppositories and my comment was deleted by her. Not sure why…hmm. EDTA suppositories are just as effective as iv and probably safer.
I note that non vaxed people have the same issues in blood with heavy metals and graphene and black sliver like structures that I see with my microscope. Wet mount slides show these things better than blood drawn across a slide by another slide. Non vaxed has rouloux just like the vaxed but it may or may not be as severe as the vaxed. I do see strings forming up in vaxed blood on a fresh slide that I don't see with the unvaxed I've been looking at blood for 2 years now my own included. I sent Dr Ana a picture of mine a long time ago and followed her recommendations and some of my own and it helped.
Hey Patti, I just wanted to say that a high quality humic and Fulvic acid does wonders in degrading the graphene, although you might already be aware of that. I have my own hypothesis but so far have had no response from anyone about it. To give the short version, I have a hunch that perhaps looking into blood types might unravel some deeper answers, missing pieces of the puzzle so to say. And that would include testing blood from a person who knows for certain what blood type they are and seeing especially if changes have occurred with the blood type itself and I mean the whole gammete including RH positive and negative from A to O in that system of blood typing.What is my reasoning you might ask. Well remember in 2020 before the Covid jab rollout how there were these studies that came out which showed covid susceptibility by blood type. There were quite a few of these studies and then all of a sudden nobody talked about. If nothing was really done with this information then what was the point of the blood type studies and what ever happened to all this data collected on blood types. Just a thought to consider looking into. Thanks.
Hi Helen I'm glad you posted this. I am aware of the human uses of Fulviv and Humic acids. I think everyone should go out to these links. I've used both off and on since 2010.
Hi Patti, I am glad I saw your question. I heard dirt playing kids like kids used to are healthier. Ivermectin is derived from avermectin which is from soil bacteria. Fulvic acids are in root vegetables as well,https://www.purehimalayanshilajit.com/fulvic-acid/
Hi Helen, you are right. Our exposure to dirt as lids syrengthend our immune sysyems. We played with worms and bugs and threw mudballs at each other among many other things. Fulvic and Humic acids come out of the earth after millenia of compression on grasses and leafs that break down and come come up looking like black coffee. Natives call it years of the mountains. They are healthy people because they use it. You probably already know that it can remediate toxic soils and toxic metals in humans as well as neutrialize radiation. It provides 86 or so micronutrients to humans that help keep us healthy. I'm glad you started researching it. I met research chemist in 2010 at a conference. She cured her own Glioma with it.
The way things are going I would get a couple of gallons of each and learn how to use it.
What country are you in?
Thank you so much, I was really waiting for this kind of informations to appear and you kindly offered it to the world ! I am in such gratitude, I thank you guys for keeping searching for truth and solutions and being so kind and so dedicated. Bless you, and take good care. I'll continue to follow your amazing work. :))))
My reply posted but not sure it was under your question? I’m new to Substack lol
.005 moles from Chemistry. See if this link works to explain that calculation:https://www.answers.com/chemistry/How_do_you_prepare_5mM_EDTA_of_100ml_solution
The amount came from a Dr. Ardis video interview. Let me find it. May take me awhile as I am out of town. Remind me next weekend if I forget. Kevin
do you have the link for the video of Dr Ardis? I am using EDTA with included in a zelolite solution orally and trying to figure out the quantity. TKS !
Mitch - Nov 23, 2022
Have you looked at your own blood yet Ana? If not, is there a reason you aren't looking? I'm really curious about non-vaxxed blood showing up with these materials. It makes me think it is already being distributed by the food supply and other supplements/medications, and shedding of course.
Mitch - Nov 26, 2022
I’m really, really curious...
Debra - Apr 1, 2023
I believe, she has stated in a video interview that she is taking supplements for detoxification because of the shedding. I can't remember if she said that she has looked at her own blood.
Susan Grier - Apr 17, 2023
Susan’s Substack
I’m pretty sure that I heard her say she chelates her own blood several times per year but I’m not sure that I’m correct. If I hear that from her I will respond again. It wouldn’t make sense that she wouldn’t clear her own.
Unagnu - Sep 21, 2023
two words for you: SMART DUST
Dl - Oct 2, 2023
Dr Mihalcea.
TheRussianMystic - Nov 23, 2022
Ana, you are an incredible human being! I "discovered" you only recently - watched your interviews with Stew Peters - and I was so happy to learn about a PhD scientist who writes books about Light medicine and who is searching for methods how to heal millions (or possibly even billions) of people injured by vaxx or through shedding. I watched the Died Suddenly documentary yesterday and cried my eyes out thinking about all those who have already died or are living now in agony and those who are about to die... You and other good-hearted scientists with integrity give us all hope!!!
Thomas Kasperek - Dec 29, 2022
Dr. Ana,
Thanks for all your information. In your video you expressed a need that more doctors know about the EDTA and use it to treat patients.
I am Thomas Kasperek, Practice Manager for Dr. Lily David Institute of Health & Healing, Inc., and we have successfully treated over 2,400 COVID-related cases. We follow the FLCCC protocols and becoming National Practice Partners with Dr. Simone Gold's GoldCare. Dr. Daphne Kasperek, my wife, is our physician provider, and we are both interested in fighting spike protein toxicity and the long-term effects of the disease/bioweapon.
I am contacting you because we want to immediately begin administering the EDTA chelation therapy along with IV treatments of other nutrients and supplements.
We would appreciate having a conversation or Zoom with you to consult and to source the treatments to administer in our practice. Please advise.
Rev. Thomas Kasperek, Practice Manager
Dr. Lily David Institute
(202) 957-8454
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 14, 2022
Patti’s Substack
Dr Ana you wrote to me advising me to do Chelation therapy for the graphine and other issues I was having. I sent you a microscope slide of my live blood after it sat on my microscope a few days. I have had 6 IV Chelation and see less graphine and metal particles in my blood. Thanks so much for that advice. Patti Wooldridge RN BSN
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 14, 2022
Patti’s Substack
I can guarantee that after 17 months of looking at live blood I have seen graphine like particles and ribbons in blood of non vaxed, non covid and in the blood of patients who had covid who knew it and didn't know it. I haven't found anyone yet that didn't have it so far. Some people have rouloux so bad that they need to have a DDimer test.
Patti RN BSN
Paula Starshifter - Dec 11, 2022
Paula Starshifter
Dr.Ana, I recently purchased my first jars of EDTA cream. I understand I am supposed to take daily mineral supplementation, which is my norm anyway.
Are you recommending any particular mineral blends or brands? Also, what type of detox symptoms might I bexperience initially?
I am very grateful to have discovered you. 
Maureen Redhage - Dec 31, 2022
I have been so interested in live blood analysis and your findings of the ribbons that I got a dark field microscope so I could check our blood and anyone else who would like to have their blood checked. My husband and I are unvaccinated and had covid over a year ago. It's not an expensive one, under $500 but when I checked out blood, I saw a couple of ribbons just like you have pictures of. I am going to a naturepathic Dr to get EDTA chelation treatment. Thanks for all you do.
Chip Johnson - Jan 9, 2023
Maureen, I have been thinking of doing that, but I don't know much about it. Yours works, what is the model so I could get one or one like it? Thanks
Maureen Redhage - Jan 10, 2023
here is the microscope I got on Amazon It was just under $500 I think it was cheaper on Am Scope site. It has darkfield and works really well.
AmScope T490B-DK Compound Trinocular Microscope, WF10x and WF20x Eyepieces, 40X-2000X Magnification, Brightfield/Darkfield, Halogen Illumination, Abbe Condenser, Double-Layer Mechanical Stage, Sliding Head, High-Resolution Optics
I am a retired RN and have been learning a lot on YouTube about how to do live blood analysis, how to prepare a blood slide etc. When you order slides don't get cheap ones. The glass is full of artifact that looks like the ribbons Dr Ana has slides on. I had to get professional scientific slides and they are much clearer. I have seen short hydrogel tubes in my blood and an occasional ribbon. I am unvaccinated but had the Delta Covid over a year ago. I am going to see a naturepath Dr in a couple weeks and hopefully get some EDTA chelation. I want to be able to know how to do a good live blood analysis to help other people and save humanity where I can.
Debra - Apr 1, 2023
That's so kind of you.
SHARMAINE MARIE - Mar 28, 2023
Maureen- I'm a nurse hoping to do the same. Thank you for this link. I'm looking for an online class to help with analysis. Please let me know if you find one as well!
Maureen Redhage - Apr 5, 2023
Hi Sharmaine,
I haven't found one that I can afford. There are lots of them online but can't pay the $800-1200 for it. It's too bad that they charge to much for something that can benefit lot of people.
Judith Bartlett - Apr 16, 2023
Thanks for your comment with microsope info, & that you are learning also to help others - I wish to do the same. You mention courses ~ If it's of interest there's a lovely lady near me in Sussex UK who is experienced with live blood analysis & nutrition, she has an online course for £699.. still a lot but not as much as you mention. I think installments may be available : Naturecure Academy ~www.livebloodanalysistraining.com/online-live-blood-analysis-training.
Her name is Shirah Mustarde (with an up-going accent on the e) and her website isvitalise-nutrition.co.uk. If it's still too much to afford it would be worth asking her about payment options / help as you are doing this to help humanity ... Blessings ~
Judith Bartlett - Apr 16, 2023
Hi Sharmaine, seeing your comments exchange with Maureen (Redhage) - I replied to her with info about an online live & dry blood analysis course that may be of interest, then thought to post to you too in case you don't see the reply to her -- it's with a lovely lady near me in Sussex UK who is experienced with live blood analysis & nutrition, an online course for £699.. still a lot but I think installments may be available : Naturecure Academy ~www.livebloodanalysistraining.com/online-live-blood-analysis-training.
Her name is Shirah Mustarde (with an up-going accent on the e) and her website isvitalise-nutrition.co.uk. If it's beyond your budget seems it would be worth asking her about payment options / help as you are doing this to help humanity ~Thank you & Blessings ~
Chip Johnson - Jan 10, 2023
Maureen, thanks much for that! As with most everything there is lots to it I'm sure. I went on a quest to find a microscope i could use, and wasn't long before I found out There was many that would not work. Thanks again, a great start.
TheNarrowPathway - Nov 26, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Hi Maureen,
Thanks for sharing the info on the microscope .
Please put a link or the brand name of the slides you use.
Did you find your blood has Rouleaux at all?
Which will rob you of oxygen and make you fatigued i recall.
Also you don’t happen to be in California do you?
I’m looking for a good functional med dr who can do a live blood study for me and chelation treatment.
420MedicineMan - Nov 24, 2022
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Well, I found that fascinating. Suppository route... I also have a good friend who likes doing that, he also has weird taste in 80's music, more so then me.
I've always used nutrition to my advantage grew up with Mediterranean diet, after Army I found I've knack for autodidact so I studied Nutrition, Herbalism, Nutraceuticals, quantum physics, spiritualism, biodynamics and lots of stuff. After I discovered a really nasty allopathic medicine a Dr had prescribed me, was for anti fungal, was also anti parasitic, I felt better after one of those nasty pills, BOOM light bulb, wasn't too comfortable with deformed Sperm , see nasty pill. So I searched out natural parasitic cleansing and heavy metal detox, which was all via oral route. I learned to use my flushes by experimenting on myself.
No more trackers, no more rashes. Always use to get it traveling on planes after jabs, no more.
Haven't listen to these guys in awhile they are on a role.
Salt of the Earth - Nov 25, 2022
Is the suppositories you refered to from Detoxamin Edta chelation?
Karolina - Dec 7, 2022
Thanks for great song, all the best:)
Deborah Richardson Evans - Nov 23, 2022
Deborah’s Newsletter
I pray that we are successful with this project.
Salt of the Earth - Nov 25, 2022 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
Is the suppositories from Detoxamin Edta chelation equivalent to the IV route? Considering this for my vax sons, I have apprehensions about ETDA risks and complexities.
My sons are already taking humic acid, NAC, Natto, Serrapeptase, and Noni (for Nitric Oxide production). With hesperidin and Lumbrokinase on alternative months. Mostly advice from dr. Ana.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 16, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Taking anything synthetic is now not a good idea.
Kam - Nov 26, 2023
Yes I wrote about the edta suppositories and my comment was deleted by her. Not sure why…hmm. EDTA suppositories are just as effective as iv and probably safer.
Charles lee - Dec 5, 2022
Can you email me please what you take?Charlee2470@gmail.com
John Stieglitz - Nov 23, 2022
John’s Substack
Excellent news.
Brian O’Neill - Mar 24, 2023
Brian’s Substack
Amazing what good can come out of the darkest of evil.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 14, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I note that non vaxed people have the same issues in blood with heavy metals and graphene and black sliver like structures that I see with my microscope. Wet mount slides show these things better than blood drawn across a slide by another slide. Non vaxed has rouloux just like the vaxed but it may or may not be as severe as the vaxed. I do see strings forming up in vaxed blood on a fresh slide that I don't see with the unvaxed I've been looking at blood for 2 years now my own included. I sent Dr Ana a picture of mine a long time ago and followed her recommendations and some of my own and it helped.
Megan Williams - Aug 24, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Hey Patti, I just wanted to say that a high quality humic and Fulvic acid does wonders in degrading the graphene, although you might already be aware of that. I have my own hypothesis but so far have had no response from anyone about it. To give the short version, I have a hunch that perhaps looking into blood types might unravel some deeper answers, missing pieces of the puzzle so to say. And that would include testing blood from a person who knows for certain what blood type they are and seeing especially if changes have occurred with the blood type itself and I mean the whole gammete including RH positive and negative from A to O in that system of blood typing.What is my reasoning you might ask. Well remember in 2020 before the Covid jab rollout how there were these studies that came out which showed covid susceptibility by blood type. There were quite a few of these studies and then all of a sudden nobody talked about. If nothing was really done with this information then what was the point of the blood type studies and what ever happened to all this data collected on blood types. Just a thought to consider looking into. Thanks.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Oct 27, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Megan have you found any scientific studies that support that Fulvic Acid destroys graphene. Please share those studies with us. Thank-you!
Helen - Feb 14, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 14, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Hi Helen I'm glad you posted this. I am aware of the human uses of Fulviv and Humic acids. I think everyone should go out to these links. I've used both off and on since 2010.
Helen - Feb 15, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Hi Patti, I am glad I saw your question. I heard dirt playing kids like kids used to are healthier. Ivermectin is derived from avermectin which is from soil bacteria. Fulvic acids are in root vegetables as well,https://www.purehimalayanshilajit.com/fulvic-acid/
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 15, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Tears of the mountains.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 15, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Hi Helen, you are right. Our exposure to dirt as lids syrengthend our immune sysyems. We played with worms and bugs and threw mudballs at each other among many other things. Fulvic and Humic acids come out of the earth after millenia of compression on grasses and leafs that break down and come come up looking like black coffee. Natives call it years of the mountains. They are healthy people because they use it. You probably already know that it can remediate toxic soils and toxic metals in humans as well as neutrialize radiation. It provides 86 or so micronutrients to humans that help keep us healthy. I'm glad you started researching it. I met research chemist in 2010 at a conference. She cured her own Glioma with it.
The way things are going I would get a couple of gallons of each and learn how to use it.
What country are you in?
Lone Star - Jan 8, 2023
Lone Star
Can chelation therapy be done on people with titanium implants?
Pablal - Nov 25, 2022
Thank you so much, I was really waiting for this kind of informations to appear and you kindly offered it to the world ! I am in such gratitude, I thank you guys for keeping searching for truth and solutions and being so kind and so dedicated. Bless you, and take good care. I'll continue to follow your amazing work. :))))
Kevin Hauser - Nov 23, 2022
Dr. Ardis disclosed this also. He said 5 mM completely inhibits.
Pamela Astara - Dec 4, 2022
Can you please share a link on this? :) What is 5 nM?
Kevin Hauser - Dec 5, 2022
My reply posted but not sure it was under your question? I’m new to Substack lol
.005 moles from Chemistry. See if this link works to explain that calculation:https://www.answers.com/chemistry/How_do_you_prepare_5mM_EDTA_of_100ml_solution
The amount came from a Dr. Ardis video interview. Let me find it. May take me awhile as I am out of town. Remind me next weekend if I forget. Kevin
Sandra Rainville - Dec 9, 2022
do you have the link for the video of Dr Ardis? I am using EDTA with included in a zelolite solution orally and trying to figure out the quantity. TKS !
Kam - Nov 26, 2023
90mg according to this site
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