mejbcart, who 'Writes mejbcart’s Newsletter' wrote on Oct 11 at :
"EDTA in addition to metal chelation, dissolves 'the hydrogels', it can FUNCTIONALIZE graphene. What really decomposes grahene lattice, drills HOLES IN IT, is HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. "
That was more than week ago, but I was writing about that essential EDTA hydrogels degrading property for the last 2 YEARs... Seems like nobody read that or listened, now comes the patent from the same 2011 book about synthetic biology, I was citing all these years....
Those are interesting ideas, but they are attempted physical solutions applied to an illusionary experience that is made up entirely of frequency. I detox and treat almost everything - heavy metals, plastics, toxins, pathogens, and all the Covid-19/Plandemic stuff - by taking advantage of my own raised frequency/consciousness and using frequency therapy equipment.
Read what mejbcart has to say and learn. Try to look past that person's ego and rise above your own ego and knee-jerk reaction with mild offense. Your comment doesn't contribute anything to the discussion and it only conveys negativity. Is that your NPC role in life to do so? If so, never mind what I say and please carry on per your program.
EDTA can be taken orally. Only a small percentage is absorbed, however, about 5% give or take. The most effective way is intravenous, which provides 3 grams plus a Myers solution. If you decide to go the IV route, find a physician who has experience. Search on innovative doctors to find a list for one that may be in your area. If you go the oral route, follow the instructions on the bottle. I have used both.
Interesting, and thank you. I just received the oral EDTA, but a friend recommends the IV infusion with accompanying vitamin C, given by an experienced "alternative" practicioner. I detox and treat almost everything - heavy metals, plastics, toxins, pathogens, and all the Covid-19/Plandemic stuff - by taking advantage of my own raised frequency/consciousness and using frequency therapy equipment. But Spooky2 doesn't have an EDTA program, and Dr. McGraw told me that he has had bad experiences using EDTA on his patients. He usually gets the very sick and "worst case" patients though, so maybe they just can't handle it.
A more potent oxidiser will react more with body tissues as well so there would not be that much gunpowder left to oxidise the bad guys. Stronger oxidiser, less potent, in other words. This is why I would go with chlorine dioxide rather than hydrogen peroxide as well.
Stays longer in blood and tissues doing its work. If graphene oxide is a metallic substance chlorine dioxide should degrade it over time..
Until they segregate unvaxxed blood for transfusions, one needs to live with the risk that even though unvaxxed, there may come a time when going for unrelated surgery that getting a transfusion of vaxxed blood is not only a real possibility but highly likely. Based on all the rabbit holes I've gone into, the only thing I would turn to would be, No Exercise for 90 days, CDS, Ivermectin, Methylene Blue, DMSO and H2 therapy and in that order.
(Dec 18, 2022 rev.1) What could have provided my surprising highest-ever Perf Index (3X higher than relevant population mean of 5.3; lowest blood clots risk) and overall healthiest BPM readings since I defeated flu and bloody nasal dischages that started on Dec 5th:
Organic fruits raw cheese kombucha
Organic watermelon per Edgar Cayce.
More frequent EMP using 3 devices, all over esp liver kidneys thymus.
528 hertz music for 1 hour.
CDS + DMSO doubled, internally.
Dermarollered 3% hydrogen peroxide and CDS, over liver.
Slept 11 hours.
Used TDP lamps to sweat.
Clay over liver, thymus.
Astragalus goji boiled in water 3x.
UVB light at 7 inches for 45 mins, not soaped off, for vitamin D3.
No seed oils. Organic ghee.
Is that your own protocol? Have you tried just CDS and/or DMSO exclusively? I trust CDS the most. My dad had a nonhealing foot ulcer for 7 years, threw every antibiotic at it and it would never heal, 4 weeks of CDS topical spray and it healed up. Another example, my dentist wanted to do a root canal due to a tooth abscess, I told him to give me 2 weeks. I used CDS as an oral rinse and 3 weeks later the tooth abscess was gone.
I like a lot of what you listed, and I regularly use some of them. I mainly do Rife frequency therapy though. I'd like to share ideas with
Curious, what is "CDS"? Is it chlorine dioxide solution for water purification? And what do you mean by, "over liver" and "clay over liver, thymus"? You mean on the skin area that is over these organs? I use the Miramate PEMF Pro mat and Mini Magic, which I assume is the same as what you call "EMP". What are the three devices you use?
Some of those you mention are programs on my Rife frequency therapy database, but some others you list...whew, you're really rolling the dice! Easy for you to throw those recs out to others. What is "CDS"? How about if you get Covid, you use all of them and let me know how it turned out? Not to criticize you. At least you came up with a plan. I'd like to chat and share ideas with you
Thank you, Dr. Ana! Please keep your readers informed regarding EDTA chelation. So many people have been injected with this bioweapon, and they are scared. Anyone who is practicing any kind of healing work is looking for ways to help them. So many are unable to accept the truth, but those who are willing to do so should have an option to reverse as much as possible the damages. I worked in veterinary medicine for many years and am now an ecologist, but I would still want to lead people to potential help.
Thanks for this note, Sebastien. They are getting more info in UK apparently than people in the US....the webpage also states, "This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs).".....
Just heard you for the first time yesterday at Stew .. you were asking for non-electrical diagnosis eg infrared you asked for inventors .. Fyi all you asked for are already shared in Brighteon and 3 other sites .. Diagnostic method exactly as you asked for and the Antidotes.
In addition to my earlier posts... There is this group that is 4 years ahead in solving the kill shot. Not yak yak yak. Doing the work.
Hello Koppy.... New info re Tony P. Compared his 2018 vids with his 2022 incl with Fiona. I see falsehoods and misrepresentations from Tony and Fiona. As they sell devices. So, sadly, I have to igmore both from now on. The bluetooth MAC killing EMP things shown by Quinta Columna and others are what I consider effective. Tony has shown no proof but lots of posturing without instrumented results. His 2022 yak about terahertz freq has no basis. Am in RF testing biz.. Tony has no RF meters in any vid.
So disappointing !!..I have since searched out a lot more of his stuff (thanks to you)..and I agree with your view on La Quinta..I am an avid fan of their work and research, have been right from the outset. I only have a solid vibe from Delgado and associates. Guess I'll get back to digging deeply in search of the truth. Thankyou for the leads.
DIY problem solvers will appreciate a Kohl um nah video on Beet shut uploaded few days ago. The uploader's des script shun has links to demonstrated instrumented blew toot stopper. This is a full meal deal. Alleges that the day tuh gathered goes to an Elong sir bir.
There are several antagonists including ve gnomeo, em RNA she dding, gra feind hi draw cide (cents sword wurdz in most shites) which require individual anti dots. All of these have been individually di feet ed as shown in INSTRUMENTED results on video shytes that have not sense shored..but these are likely to dish app pear.
Hopeful "fer" sure, a few questions...
1. oral (vs IV) chelation with EDTA -- not strong enough? If OK, what dose, brand, OTC and low cost options?
2. alginate is just one type of hydrogel, no?-- that used in the jabs might be different or engineered to be stronger / more impervious? could be something fat soluble not water soluble like alginate? gotta test before folks clamor for EDTA, no?
3. short term (less than 6mo) EDTA chelation makes sense for symptomatic or "blood-affected" uninjected but not for the general population that mingles with injected folks and not for those that are not or not yet testing as to have been harmed--I say this given the fact that the stuff leaches out essential minerals... so I can't think that it's SO inert as to be a good idea for one and all--at least in full strength in IV format. Perhaps it's safe in small or micro doses? Orally? Losin' all yer minerals results in very malnourished people who, as ya know, need all the good B vitamins and others to fight off what comes their way..
4. isn't chelation taxing on the kidneys (thus at very least cannot be used in isolation of other supportive therapies)?
Hope this can be tested soon, thank you Dr. Ana for gettin' this important info out to the world!
In Dr Ardis recent podcast he sez none work without SELENIUM. whereas EDTA can be subbed with the other supplements mentioned herein. But .. Here is a big selenium fact missed by most..
The FDA is coming after EDTA."Earlier this month, the FDA announced that edetate disodium (EDTA) made at compounding pharmacies poses “significant safety risks.” This kind of move is a prelude to a full ban on individualized EDTA medicines". It would seem that the trolls are here and reading all your good information and want to stop us from helping ourselves and others to get well.
Dr. Ana!!!!!!! This is a light in the great darkness!!! God Bless You!!!! People need this great new progress on how to get well - you are give HOPE with your work!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU DR. ANA!!! This is so POSITIVE!!!!
This thought may be interesting on EDTA - Dr. Michael Roth consults with American Frontline Doctors. He founded Soma Health and he has a product, EDTA skin cream that was showing promise. I have a video interview with him somewhere but cannot find just now, but will be looking for it for your reference - I was just SO EXCITED I had to post and thank you ASAP! So Dr. Roth has used EDTA chelation for a long time. He has a good explanation of using EDTA skin cream and how it has found it has been helping vax injury - no wonder. There has to be a balancing of minerals if a person goes on a EDTA skin care protocol. The product is easily accessible for most people.
I’m praying for you Dr. Ana!!!!!!
Question: How easy is this EDTA to get - under normal circumstances and make? Assuming (from the available evidence) that TPTB elite are intent on getting this stuff into our bodies through whatever means possible, once they realize that we have a way to remove it, are they not likely to make that method impossible to get - OTC or from health stores etc. ? I mean they have been trying to do this with NAC for some time, especially since 2020.
Hi JayD. This has been a concern of mine too. I've been stocking up on any of this stuff that is not available as a frequency on my Spooky2 equipment, such as EDTA. Very little is not on the 60,000+ program Spooky2 database. This is an illusionary Matrix experience, a simulation, and so everything is frequency anyway, whether I run substances in using the equipment, take them by mouth, topically, intervenously, etc. Questions?
OK, But that assumes that the UK Government is not lying and that the makers of AZ shot are not lying - about the ingredients! Not sure I would bet on either!
Especially when it has been observed by many who are analyzing these shots that the quality control of all the shots (big 4 especially) is not that great! Where do you see Graphene Oxide listed under Pfizer shot contents onUK.GOVsite for example? (
I assume you are suggesting that it is in the AZ shot for the purpose of assisting the hydrogel (not listed BTW) out of the body?
Yes, but why lie about this specifically? It's not exactly widely publicised as being an ingredient. Also, as far as I'm aware, only AZ contains this. And yes, they may be lying, but so too may be those who are supposedly analysing the contents of these injections, including those who are claiming they found GO in them. I personally think the claims made by groups like 'La Quinta Columna' (which means 'The Fifth Column' – a name that doesn't exactly inspire confidence) are highly questionable, and furthermore appears to be contradicted by others.
I don't believe 'hydrogel' is the problem, although EDTA is very relevant. The following article will provide you with a summary of our findings to date, if you're interested:
To Drs. Sansone, Meiwinkle, and Milhalcea,
I was referred by a friend to Dr. Mihalcea's article on clearing nanobots from the body's cells by EDTA chelation, but I had to sign up for the 7-day free trial subscription to read it. I admire you three and respect the work that you do, but I have an advanced Source Player's truth about "humanity," the Elite, and this illusionary Matrix Game. You are taking unnecessary risks with your own safety by digging into and exposing the accelerating evil, and you could end up like Rosa Koire, Dr. Rashid Buttar, and many others. The Agenda, the evil, and everything in this simulation is for a reason, and they will proceed regardless what "rebels" try to do. You're playing a role too, so I shouldn't even be sending you this warning. If you want to see my 20 articles, email me
A little more truth for you to think about: nothing is what it appears to be and nothing is random or accidental. If you want to raise consciousness - almost no one understands what that means, especially those mostly confined to left-brained thinking - you must discard all beLIEfs. If you think you might be an un-awakened SP, then work on understanding true self, deprogram from all the lies you were given since the day you were born, do the shadow work, and learn why you are "here" (there is no location). These are not the only things necessary to work on.
I will search my local area for a clinic that does EDTA and vitamin C infusion. Can I just take EDTA capsules? I also extensively use Rife frequency therapy, one part of it being almost everyday detox of heavy metals, plastics, toxins, chemicals, and Covid-19/Plandemic related stuff (graphene oxide, aluminum oxide, SM-40 virus, etc.).
Where do everyday civilians who live paycheck to paycheck go for EDTA Chelation and vitamin c infusions? Can just any physician prescribe this? Please get back to me nburke615@gmail. Com
I'm reading that the EDTA is not absorbed topically (with the cream). I noticed Dr. Ana did her tests with IV Chelation with EDTA. So does the cream really work? Has it been tested?
I'm reading that the EDTA is not absorbed topically (with the cream). I noticed Dr. Ana did her tests with IV Chelation with EDTA. So does the cream really work?
mejbcart - Nov 6, 2022
mejbcart’s Newsletter
mejbcart, who 'Writes mejbcart’s Newsletter' wrote on Oct 11 at :
"EDTA in addition to metal chelation, dissolves 'the hydrogels', it can FUNCTIONALIZE graphene. What really decomposes grahene lattice, drills HOLES IN IT, is HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. "
That was more than week ago, but I was writing about that essential EDTA hydrogels degrading property for the last 2 YEARs... Seems like nobody read that or listened, now comes the patent from the same 2011 book about synthetic biology, I was citing all these years....
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
Those are interesting ideas, but they are attempted physical solutions applied to an illusionary experience that is made up entirely of frequency. I detox and treat almost everything - heavy metals, plastics, toxins, pathogens, and all the Covid-19/Plandemic stuff - by taking advantage of my own raised frequency/consciousness and using frequency therapy equipment.
JulesUSA - Apr 1
How would the hydrogen peroxide be utilized?
ThreeArchBay - Dec 30, 2023
Blow your own horn louder... you'll feel better.
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
Read what mejbcart has to say and learn. Try to look past that person's ego and rise above your own ego and knee-jerk reaction with mild offense. Your comment doesn't contribute anything to the discussion and it only conveys negativity. Is that your NPC role in life to do so? If so, never mind what I say and please carry on per your program.
Wesley B - Jan 18, 2023
How does one take EDTA? I see it purchasable as a solution on Amazon and as disodium. No idea what the dosage would be and if it's to be taken orally?
Mouzer - Sep 20, 2023
EDTA can be taken orally. Only a small percentage is absorbed, however, about 5% give or take. The most effective way is intravenous, which provides 3 grams plus a Myers solution. If you decide to go the IV route, find a physician who has experience. Search on innovative doctors to find a list for one that may be in your area. If you go the oral route, follow the instructions on the bottle. I have used both.
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
Interesting, and thank you. I just received the oral EDTA, but a friend recommends the IV infusion with accompanying vitamin C, given by an experienced "alternative" practicioner. I detox and treat almost everything - heavy metals, plastics, toxins, pathogens, and all the Covid-19/Plandemic stuff - by taking advantage of my own raised frequency/consciousness and using frequency therapy equipment. But Spooky2 doesn't have an EDTA program, and Dr. McGraw told me that he has had bad experiences using EDTA on his patients. He usually gets the very sick and "worst case" patients though, so maybe they just can't handle it.
Trial N. Error - Nov 26, 2022
Carol B
What about ozone which is a more potent oxidizer? or CDS?
Martin - Jun 25, 2023
A more potent oxidiser will react more with body tissues as well so there would not be that much gunpowder left to oxidise the bad guys. Stronger oxidiser, less potent, in other words. This is why I would go with chlorine dioxide rather than hydrogen peroxide as well.
Stays longer in blood and tissues doing its work. If graphene oxide is a metallic substance chlorine dioxide should degrade it over time..
Wons - Dec 20, 2022
Carol B
Until they segregate unvaxxed blood for transfusions, one needs to live with the risk that even though unvaxxed, there may come a time when going for unrelated surgery that getting a transfusion of vaxxed blood is not only a real possibility but highly likely. Based on all the rabbit holes I've gone into, the only thing I would turn to would be, No Exercise for 90 days, CDS, Ivermectin, Methylene Blue, DMSO and H2 therapy and in that order.
Trial N. Error - Dec 20, 2022
Carol B
(Dec 18, 2022 rev.1) What could have provided my surprising highest-ever Perf Index (3X higher than relevant population mean of 5.3; lowest blood clots risk) and overall healthiest BPM readings since I defeated flu and bloody nasal dischages that started on Dec 5th:
Organic fruits raw cheese kombucha
Organic watermelon per Edgar Cayce.
More frequent EMP using 3 devices, all over esp liver kidneys thymus.
528 hertz music for 1 hour.
CDS + DMSO doubled, internally.
Dermarollered 3% hydrogen peroxide and CDS, over liver.
Slept 11 hours.
Used TDP lamps to sweat.
Clay over liver, thymus.
Astragalus goji boiled in water 3x.
UVB light at 7 inches for 45 mins, not soaped off, for vitamin D3.
No seed oils. Organic ghee.
Wons - Dec 21, 2022
Carol B
Is that your own protocol? Have you tried just CDS and/or DMSO exclusively? I trust CDS the most. My dad had a nonhealing foot ulcer for 7 years, threw every antibiotic at it and it would never heal, 4 weeks of CDS topical spray and it healed up. Another example, my dentist wanted to do a root canal due to a tooth abscess, I told him to give me 2 weeks. I used CDS as an oral rinse and 3 weeks later the tooth abscess was gone.
Carol B - Dec 31, 2023
Carol B
Yes. Excellent.
Trial N. Error - Dec 24, 2022
One problem solved. Instrumented.
JulesUSA - Apr 1
What is happening in that video?
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
I like a lot of what you listed, and I regularly use some of them. I mainly do Rife frequency therapy though. I'd like to share ideas with
Curious, what is "CDS"? Is it chlorine dioxide solution for water purification? And what do you mean by, "over liver" and "clay over liver, thymus"? You mean on the skin area that is over these organs? I use the Miramate PEMF Pro mat and Mini Magic, which I assume is the same as what you call "EMP". What are the three devices you use?
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
Some of those you mention are programs on my Rife frequency therapy database, but some others you list...whew, you're really rolling the dice! Easy for you to throw those recs out to others. What is "CDS"? How about if you get Covid, you use all of them and let me know how it turned out? Not to criticize you. At least you came up with a plan. I'd like to chat and share ideas with you
JulesUSA - Apr 1
Why no exercise for 90 days?
Sandy K - Oct 28, 2022
Sandy K
Thank you, Dr. Ana! Please keep your readers informed regarding EDTA chelation. So many people have been injected with this bioweapon, and they are scared. Anyone who is practicing any kind of healing work is looking for ways to help them. So many are unable to accept the truth, but those who are willing to do so should have an option to reverse as much as possible the damages. I worked in veterinary medicine for many years and am now an ecologist, but I would still want to lead people to potential help.
Sebastien Powell - Nov 25, 2022
Sebastien’s Newsletter
Did you know that EDTA is contained in the AZ jab? See:
(it's listed as disodium edetate dihydrate).
Sandy K - Nov 25, 2022
Sandy K
Thanks for this note, Sebastien. They are getting more info in UK apparently than people in the US....the webpage also states, "This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs).".....
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
Just heard you for the first time yesterday at Stew .. you were asking for non-electrical diagnosis eg infrared you asked for inventors .. Fyi all you asked for are already shared in Brighteon and 3 other sites .. Diagnostic method exactly as you asked for and the Antidotes.
koppykat - Dec 10, 2022
Hello, can you please give us the links for the Brighteon and other videos you said are there, I would like to see those, thanks
Trial N. Error - Dec 13, 2022
In addition to my earlier posts... There is this group that is 4 years ahead in solving the kill shot. Not yak yak yak. Doing the work.
Trial N. Error - Dec 14, 2022
His group sells machines and devices. See the researcher's links that still work.
koppykat - Dec 14, 2022
Hi thanks, yes I already came across tony on a Youtube video...very knowledgable guy and will chase up more.
Trial N. Error - Dec 17, 2022
Hello Koppy.... New info re Tony P. Compared his 2018 vids with his 2022 incl with Fiona. I see falsehoods and misrepresentations from Tony and Fiona. As they sell devices. So, sadly, I have to igmore both from now on. The bluetooth MAC killing EMP things shown by Quinta Columna and others are what I consider effective. Tony has shown no proof but lots of posturing without instrumented results. His 2022 yak about terahertz freq has no basis. Am in RF testing biz.. Tony has no RF meters in any vid.
koppykat - Dec 18, 2022
So disappointing !!..I have since searched out a lot more of his stuff (thanks to you)..and I agree with your view on La Quinta..I am an avid fan of their work and research, have been right from the outset. I only have a solid vibe from Delgado and associates. Guess I'll get back to digging deeply in search of the truth. Thankyou for the leads.
Trial N. Error - Dec 23, 2022
DIY problem solvers will appreciate a Kohl um nah video on Beet shut uploaded few days ago. The uploader's des script shun has links to demonstrated instrumented blew toot stopper. This is a full meal deal. Alleges that the day tuh gathered goes to an Elong sir bir.
Trial N. Error - Dec 19, 2022
There are several antagonists including ve gnomeo, em RNA she dding, gra feind hi draw cide (cents sword wurdz in most shites) which require individual anti dots. All of these have been individually di feet ed as shown in INSTRUMENTED results on video shytes that have not sense shored..but these are likely to dish app pear.
Trial N. Error - Dec 14, 2022
Youtube has deleted many of his group's work.
Trial N. Error - Dec 11, 2022
Search yourself.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Oct 28, 2022 - Edited
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
Hopeful "fer" sure, a few questions...
1. oral (vs IV) chelation with EDTA -- not strong enough? If OK, what dose, brand, OTC and low cost options?
2. alginate is just one type of hydrogel, no?-- that used in the jabs might be different or engineered to be stronger / more impervious? could be something fat soluble not water soluble like alginate? gotta test before folks clamor for EDTA, no?
3. short term (less than 6mo) EDTA chelation makes sense for symptomatic or "blood-affected" uninjected but not for the general population that mingles with injected folks and not for those that are not or not yet testing as to have been harmed--I say this given the fact that the stuff leaches out essential minerals... so I can't think that it's SO inert as to be a good idea for one and all--at least in full strength in IV format. Perhaps it's safe in small or micro doses? Orally? Losin' all yer minerals results in very malnourished people who, as ya know, need all the good B vitamins and others to fight off what comes their way..
4. isn't chelation taxing on the kidneys (thus at very least cannot be used in isolation of other supportive therapies)?
Hope this can be tested soon, thank you Dr. Ana for gettin' this important info out to the world!
Trial N. Error - Nov 26, 2022
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
Medical sites have many cautions re EDTA do I consume the other solutions per Mikovits and Ardis.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Nov 26, 2022
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
agreed--but maybe in this low dose (or transdermal) form it's different?
Trial N. Error - Nov 26, 2022
In Dr Ardis recent podcast he sez none work without SELENIUM. whereas EDTA can be subbed with the other supplements mentioned herein. But .. Here is a big selenium fact missed by most..
Rick (from Texas) - Oct 28, 2022
What Could Go Wrong?
hmmm, any idea if any of the oral chelation supplements are powerful enough to be worth considering?
Carol B - Dec 31, 2023
Carol B
In the past, Ana has said helpful, but not strong enough.
Anyone tried Nano Soma?
Lisa - Nov 2, 2022 - Edited
The FDA is coming after EDTA."Earlier this month, the FDA announced that edetate disodium (EDTA) made at compounding pharmacies poses “significant safety risks.” This kind of move is a prelude to a full ban on individualized EDTA medicines". It would seem that the trolls are here and reading all your good information and want to stop us from helping ourselves and others to get well.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 2, 2022
Yes. ....If there is one indication that something is an antidote that works, is that the criminal FDA will work to remove it.
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
Jabbed victims can get a $40 RF meter to see if their Blu teech is still transmittin or they have killed the beast with Quinta Columna diy emp pulser.
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022
EDTA is sold on Amazon Canada.
Cindy Weidner - Oct 29, 2022
Dr. Ana!!!!!!! This is a light in the great darkness!!! God Bless You!!!! People need this great new progress on how to get well - you are give HOPE with your work!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU DR. ANA!!! This is so POSITIVE!!!!
This thought may be interesting on EDTA - Dr. Michael Roth consults with American Frontline Doctors. He founded Soma Health and he has a product, EDTA skin cream that was showing promise. I have a video interview with him somewhere but cannot find just now, but will be looking for it for your reference - I was just SO EXCITED I had to post and thank you ASAP! So Dr. Roth has used EDTA chelation for a long time. He has a good explanation of using EDTA skin cream and how it has found it has been helping vax injury - no wonder. There has to be a balancing of minerals if a person goes on a EDTA skin care protocol. The product is easily accessible for most people.
I’m praying for you Dr. Ana!!!!!!
JayD - Oct 29, 2022
Viktor’s Substack
Question: How easy is this EDTA to get - under normal circumstances and make? Assuming (from the available evidence) that TPTB elite are intent on getting this stuff into our bodies through whatever means possible, once they realize that we have a way to remove it, are they not likely to make that method impossible to get - OTC or from health stores etc. ? I mean they have been trying to do this with NAC for some time, especially since 2020.
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
Hi JayD. This has been a concern of mine too. I've been stocking up on any of this stuff that is not available as a frequency on my Spooky2 equipment, such as EDTA. Very little is not on the 60,000+ program Spooky2 database. This is an illusionary Matrix experience, a simulation, and so everything is frequency anyway, whether I run substances in using the equipment, take them by mouth, topically, intervenously, etc. Questions?
Sebastien Powell - Nov 25, 2022
Sebastien’s Newsletter
You can just get the AZ jab, it's included as one of the ingredients – see:
(it's listed as disodium edetate dihydrate).
JayD - Nov 25, 2022
Sebastien’s Newsletter
OK, But that assumes that the UK Government is not lying and that the makers of AZ shot are not lying - about the ingredients! Not sure I would bet on either!
Especially when it has been observed by many who are analyzing these shots that the quality control of all the shots (big 4 especially) is not that great! Where do you see Graphene Oxide listed under Pfizer shot contents onUK.GOVsite for example? (
I assume you are suggesting that it is in the AZ shot for the purpose of assisting the hydrogel (not listed BTW) out of the body?
Sebastien Powell - Nov 26, 2022
Sebastien’s Newsletter
Yes, but why lie about this specifically? It's not exactly widely publicised as being an ingredient. Also, as far as I'm aware, only AZ contains this. And yes, they may be lying, but so too may be those who are supposedly analysing the contents of these injections, including those who are claiming they found GO in them. I personally think the claims made by groups like 'La Quinta Columna' (which means 'The Fifth Column' – a name that doesn't exactly inspire confidence) are highly questionable, and furthermore appears to be contradicted by others.
I don't believe 'hydrogel' is the problem, although EDTA is very relevant. The following article will provide you with a summary of our findings to date, if you're interested:
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
No thank you
Viktor Bron - May 16
Viktor’s Substack
To Drs. Sansone, Meiwinkle, and Milhalcea,
I was referred by a friend to Dr. Mihalcea's article on clearing nanobots from the body's cells by EDTA chelation, but I had to sign up for the 7-day free trial subscription to read it. I admire you three and respect the work that you do, but I have an advanced Source Player's truth about "humanity," the Elite, and this illusionary Matrix Game. You are taking unnecessary risks with your own safety by digging into and exposing the accelerating evil, and you could end up like Rosa Koire, Dr. Rashid Buttar, and many others. The Agenda, the evil, and everything in this simulation is for a reason, and they will proceed regardless what "rebels" try to do. You're playing a role too, so I shouldn't even be sending you this warning. If you want to see my 20 articles, email me
A little more truth for you to think about: nothing is what it appears to be and nothing is random or accidental. If you want to raise consciousness - almost no one understands what that means, especially those mostly confined to left-brained thinking - you must discard all beLIEfs. If you think you might be an un-awakened SP, then work on understanding true self, deprogram from all the lies you were given since the day you were born, do the shadow work, and learn why you are "here" (there is no location). These are not the only things necessary to work on.
I will search my local area for a clinic that does EDTA and vitamin C infusion. Can I just take EDTA capsules? I also extensively use Rife frequency therapy, one part of it being almost everyday detox of heavy metals, plastics, toxins, chemicals, and Covid-19/Plandemic related stuff (graphene oxide, aluminum oxide, SM-40 virus, etc.).
Nicole Burke - Feb 27, 2024
Nicole Burke
Where do everyday civilians who live paycheck to paycheck go for EDTA Chelation and vitamin c infusions? Can just any physician prescribe this? Please get back to me nburke615@gmail. Com
Rob Coventry - Jan 7, 2024
any thoughts on if colloidal silver would be counter indicated if one suspected been affected via shedding?
David Merrill - Dec 30, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
For a closer look:
Edward - Mar 26, 2023
Have any similar comparisons been done pre and post solution with NAC?
Dennis Ferguson - Mar 3, 2023
Dr Ana, What was the Dr org that does chelation therapy for vaxed/unvaxed, as seen on Stew Peters interview? Or who practices this that has a website?
William Grey - Jan 27, 2023
William Grey
I'm reading that the EDTA is not absorbed topically (with the cream). I noticed Dr. Ana did her tests with IV Chelation with EDTA. So does the cream really work? Has it been tested?
William Grey - Jan 27, 2023
William Grey
I'm reading that the EDTA is not absorbed topically (with the cream). I noticed Dr. Ana did her tests with IV Chelation with EDTA. So does the cream really work?
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