Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces…

Sep 30, 2024

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Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease


Wolf-Steppen - Sep 30 - Edited


Am I missing something here? How can Birkenstocks, which have a rubber sole (an insulator), allow "grounding"? And isn't cork an insulator, too? How can any "grounding" occur through insulators?


Rebecca - Sep 30 - Edited

David’s Substack

Rubber and cork are both insulators against electric current thus they would not allow the earths electrons to go through. I say this as a lover of Birkenstocks since the 80’s.


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

I think Dr. Ana is under 50.


Sajid Yaqub - Oct 3

Sajid Yaqub

Are you referring to IQ score?


David Westerlund - Oct 3

David’s Substack



Sajid Yaqub - Oct 3

Sajid Yaqub

Off course I know.. I said so in jest. Only IQ under 50 would/ could wear cork and rubber soled shoe for grounding.


Charles A - Oct 1

David’s Substack

I think she’s over


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

I see here in person about every 2-3 weeks, but she just pops into a waiting room and waves. When did you last see her?


Charles A - Oct 3

We went last May for 4 days. We met lots of patients, maybe you, we do telehealth monthly or so. A kinda q+a. She is a certified Warrior Angel. Absolutely no question. Cosmic love to her forever.


Mark Luersen - Oct 1

Sun Drink Shadows

You know there are recent videos of her too, you don't have to see her in person. She graduated med school in 1999 and is 50 according to basic lookups.


Bee Gee - Sep 30

Bee Gee

They use natural latex rubber soles and so as long as you get the leather and do not get the synthetic liner, I see many places online talking about how they Do ground people due to the natural cork and suede and latex.
I think it is just vulkanized rubber that doesnt allow electric charge to pass.
It should be relatively easy to test though.... like do vaxxed people emit MAC IDs when they are wearing Birkenstocks? Or just get a multimeter.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 30

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

It cannot - as far as I am aware. The best way to dissipate excess electrical charge in our body is by standing on a sheet of aluminum foil, believe it or not.


Pamela - Sep 30

David’s Substack

So all along we should have been wearing our “tin foil” hats on our feet? ;-/ . Wearing Berks are wonderful for your posture and support of your knee, hip and spine. have been wearing them for years after two botched knee “interventions”. Still have the original factory parts though. The one thing I will say is that they make conventional shoes near impossible to wear ever again. As the foot is aligned to a natural position, spread and body weight. Never saw them as a grounding option. But glad that they are working for Dr. Ana & staff.


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

Dr. Ana's staff does not wear them. They see me wearing them. I wear a black on the left and a white on the right. A cleaning lady one day (not at Dr.Ana's), Mongol face/retarded looked at my white/black shoes, looked at my face, shook her head "no" a bit. That made my day. I wear the opposites for diversity, being a ~White Supremacist.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 30

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Yes ha! Tinfoil slippers. I heard you on conventional shoes. I went shopping for sneakers the other day, and they were all flat-footed. "Rewilding" our feet is necessary in today's age of decrepitude. Have you ever tried infrared sauna therapy for your knee?


Pamela - Sep 30


Not to high jack the topic of this post but purchased a hand held cold red light laser for our pup that had two very bad “vestibular” episodes, leaving the back legs weak and shaking. As an aside , In all my years of pet owner ship have I ever seen so many dogs with this condition. It has worked wonders. It also works on my knee, helping to heal the scaring from the two meniscus tears and surgeries.


kaal - Sep 30


was obsessed w the color red and light and the sun 4 some reason- a device probably works but weird i feel somehow can this come naturally from the sun?


Pamela - Sep 30

Not sure what you’re asking, but ditch the “sun screen” when you are out and about. PS the sun is not red.


kaal - Sep 30


plz explain-


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 30

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Aluminum shorts out any charge, when we stand on it barefoot, it takes away built up EMF in the form of positive ions. Dave Stetzer of Stetzer electric does this, and is a IEEE electrician with over 30 yrs experience. Does that help clarify?


kaal - Sep 30


yes. thank you.


Jean Restayn - Sep 30

and kupper?


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

Roman: Whatever conductor of electricity would also have to be grounded. Copper would be better, gold almost best. 88&8's,Dave


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

Thanks Wolf: I have worn only Birkenstocks for over 40 years (I'm 90). I do wear socks below 32F. I visit Dr. Ana in Yelm, WA every 2-3 weeks, and have asked her RN and others. Next time I speak w/Dr. Ana I will ask her. I may take the time to phone Birkenstock warehouse in Novato, CA. There is a GR8 repair shop in Chicago called Michaelangelos. He fitted Birkenstock's for me with no metal buckles to pass the 911 hoaxsters at the airports. 88&8's,Dave


ericbj - Oct 14

ericbj’s Substack

In my childhood, mains electric wiring was often cotton insulated (or rubber insulated in the case of heavier cables, but rubber tended to perish rather rapidly). That was before PVC was widely used.
Yet cotton and other natural fibres are commonly recommended for clothing because they do not accumulate electrostatic charges. When worn, natural fabrics absorb transpiration from the human body, which makes them electrically conductive.
Could this apply to leather and other natural materials used in footwear?
Wood, and therefore possibly cork, is a non-insulator, if poor conductor, of electricity, because it always contains moisture.
Some food for thought:
"Black outsole rubber is loaded with CARBON, Crystal rubber is 100% synthetic, while Gum rubber is a mixture of natural and synthetic rubber compounds."


Sajid Yaqub - Oct 3

Sajid Yaqub

Nice sales pitch for a shoe brand with double insulation so that there is guaranteed zero chance of grounding.
Best grounding, go barefoot, play in sand, roll over, enjoy the life. Sleep on the ground if possible.
You may also pray like Muslims on bare earth, firmly planting your fore head and bare feet on the ground. Its eight bone that must touch the ground..two hands, two feet, two knees, nose and forehead (34 times a day--minimum).


Jean Restayn - Sep 30

David’s Substack

I was born in Paris, the city of light of spit and dog droppings, and when I was very young I left this city for the Black Forest in Germany. Since then I have only walked barefoot in summer and winter, except to do my shopping or sometimes visit friends. In the meantime I live in Canada and nothing has changed even in Canada where I have lived for 26 years. I'm 74. Doctor? Don't know. No jab, no test, no...the rest. An apple a day keeps the doctor long as you aim well. For the rest God (the true one) will decide.


Mary - Sep 30

Pretty awesome to live in the Black Forest and then Canada.


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

"...the true one..." took his life for his people on April 30th, 1945. R.I.P. & 88


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 30 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Grounding can harm us - especially in North America, as the power grid is not wired correctly, which creates ground current EMF:


Rebecca - Sep 30 - Edited

David’s Substack

Wow, thank you for sharing this! This does make a lot of sense. We have done a lot to eliminate EMF’s in our home but at the same time, I have been doing grounding for the past year. I will now take a break and see if I don’t feel the difference.


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

My EMF meter ($450) shows over half scale in Dr. Ana's patient rooms. In my home, it reads one green square i.e. almost ZERO.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 30 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks Rebecca for sharing that. Do your feet feel tingly? How do you ground? Do you use an "earthing pad"?


Rebecca - Sep 30 - Edited


I have been using a grounding mat and have earthing shoes to wear outside. Yes, while using the grounding mat, my feet feel very tingly.


Kim - Oct 1 - Edited


I just got my grounding mat delivered today from the Grounding Well. Another friend on this site recommended it. Surprisingly, it was not that expensive. I am trying it now, and it DOES make your feet tingle! I live in an area where it gets cold so there will be no going outside barefooted in the winter!
You can see the effects of the mat for yourself. Here is a 2 minute tutorial showing with a voltage meter the body's voltage before the mat and then after placing a hand on the mat. It goes directly to zero.
I am all for calming down the nervous system.


Roman S Shapoval - Oct 1 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Kim, thanks for the link. FYI body voltage is not a dependable measurement, as voltage only measures electrical potential, whereas current measures what is actually going through you. Does that make sense?


Kim - Oct 1 - Edited


Well, kind of. Lol But you are talking to someone who knows next to nothing about electricity. It is is ironic too because my son is an electrical engineer. You can bet that he did not get his aptitude from me! I mean, I am the one who thinks an "ohm" is a word people say when they're meditating! (JK. I don't really think that. I was just making a joke.)
So, then how does one measure the current and test the effectiveness of the grounding mat?
(And btw, I still was pretty impressed with the tutorial measuring the voltage before and after the grounding mat. Something must have happened there for it to go to zero.)


Nick - Oct 1


Never heard that before, I use a Grounding mat and bed sheet. It seems there are always problems with discovered “remedies”.


Mark Luersen - Oct 1 - Edited

Sun Drink Shadows

Please don't tell me that standing on the grass, on a beach, or even on the dirt outside can harm us? Let's use the original definition of grounding (before people got greedy), and be precise with our words.


Roman S Shapoval - Oct 1

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Traditionally, yes, grounding is ok. However no longer. If you get a chance, check out the article I linked above citing the testimony of Dave Stetzer.


Mark Luersen - Oct 1

Sun Drink Shadows

Hmm, the Earth is waayyy bigger than all the ground rods we put in, and I trust the Earth more than any device or tech that is being recommended or sold. The Earth is very good in handling our pollution and crap- after all, it all comes from the Earth! Just may take some time, or you have to be in a good plot of land.


Roman S Shapoval - Oct 1

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I hear you Mark - and used to think the same way...but the Earth is not a sponge, but the perfect conductor of electricity. Electrical fields can have long wavelengths, that can travel right through the Earth.


R. Toney Brooks, PhD - Sep 30 - Edited

Rational Spirituality

My shoes are back on. Thank you.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 30 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks for letting me know Toney! Were you grounding a lot before?


R. Toney Brooks, PhD - Sep 30 - Edited

Rational Spirituality

Not really. Just being a wiseass. Sorry. Actually, I had an intuitive resistance to the idea but never analyzed it.


jsinton - Oct 2


If your really that worried about it, you check for relative ground voltage using a volt meter. You shouldn't need to worry about it unless you live around LOTS of power.


psd - Sep 30

I live in japan. my experience with grounding, which i normally do every morning before work, involves walking barefoot on the grass for about 15 mins and whenever I can I will be more subtle and grab hold of some grass, weed, bush, leaves while, say, I'm waiting for the bus. in the evening, I might go to park and workout barefoot too and during the day, I have a grounding sheet I rest my feet on under my office. The thing I notice is that at about the 1min mark I begin to experience what I gather to be bronchio-dilation. Does anyone else experience this subtle sort of 'rush'? I get a non-euphoric rush, as if my lungs are opening up. Anyways, it seems to make me feel a lot better doing it and is perhaps part of the reason why my auto-immune issue (narcolepsy) has improved, to the point that I'm taking 1/4 of the medication I was prior -


Kalena Cook - Sep 30

Kalena’s Substack

Hi Anna Maria, Have you looked into any foreign items in Tattoo inks and in particular dyes used for Eyebrows, known as Microblading, Microshading, Permanent Makeup. Understand iron oxides may be in color. Thanks


Julie - Sep 30

Sun and grounding-I’m doing it daily!


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

One of the worst places for EMF radiation is a new car with Adaptive Cruise Control. My $450 EMF meter pegs out inside my car. A Jeanice Barcelo wrote a book on EMF years ago. Look her up. She's stated to drive an EMF free car, you must go back before 2006.


Steveo - Oct 1


Grounding mat in car?


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

How do you ground a car? Even a chain/cable dragging on the pavement wouldn't work. I've seen pictures of lighting striking a car with people inside or electrical wires dropping on a car. Safest place is to stay inside the car with those mishaps.


DAC - Oct 1

DAC’s Substack

You crush it up and bury it


David Westerlund - Oct 1

David’s Substack

Yes, crushing the car would be a solution, but then how would you drive it?


Mary - Sep 30 - Edited


Internet says Birkenstocks are earthing shoes/grounding shoes, with soles made out of cork and natural latex allow a wearer to benefit from earthing while walking around in everyday life and apparently have been tested with voltage meters to prove they work. They said that cork is an effective grounding material. I have used Black Jacket moccasins, they are fun for short walks, are durable, and look nice. They are all leather.


diana - Oct 1


my internet says otherwise. Do you have a link for the actual article which supports Birks as grounding shoes?


Alanna - Oct 1

the new street lamps that have the 5 g nodules on top act to create a ground charge that will destroy the grounding we have until now been able to get form being barefoot in the earth.


michael janket - Sep 30

michael janket

Dr Steve Sinatra wrote a fine book on grounding. It's a dandy. He was a cardiologist here in Connecticut and passed away just a few years ago.


JustANobody - Sep 30


Do you have a link for the shoes pease? I didn't see in article.


Mary - Sep 30


Misha - Sep 30

Misha’s Substack

Yes, where to find those hard to find dratted grounding shoes?


Rebecca - Sep 30

There are many on Etsy


kaal - Sep 30


she said u can also lay on the ground. great 2 see dr ana do her own thing. will read full article later. i feel vibrations everywhere though even laying on ground in park- not sure where they come from but am hypersensitive. also research infrasound which is what im attacked with- its bad.


Rebecca - Sep 30


We have an earthing mat and can definitely feel tingling or vibrations coming through into our bare feet. We also have earthing shoes to wear outside and you can buy them on Etsy.


kaal - Sep 30


the mat- for indoors that u plug in outlet. i heard indoor stuff shold not go into outlet but thru window into stake in ground??? im in a hostile apartment anyway. u feel tingling vibrations coming thru?


Rebecca - Sep 30

We live in a 1910 house so our outlets are not grounded and we have the outdoor stake and thin wire that plugs into the grounding mat.


E.C. - Sep 30

I see them in specialty shoe stores.


Wolf-Steppen - Oct 4 - Edited


I contest that we need to be American grounded! This is off-topic, but I've got to vent: I just went and tried to respond to Matt Taibbi's article about his speech at the freedom gathering. I was going to praise the speech and make a strong truly-patriotic, truly American statement. I was going to say that the crowd must have cheered big-time in response to the end of Matt's speech. But when I went to comment on it, I was told I had to pay to express my "free" speech!! Frack that! From now on I'm ending my subscription to all Stacks that require a paid subscription in order to comment, even if the articles aren't all the way behind paywalls! And that article of Taibbi's had over a thousand comments, at $5.00 per month per subscription, that's $5,000.00 just for that one article! Yeah, I know, that's considerably watered-down with those who already had subscriptions at that cost, but it makes my point nevertheless, which is that WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR THE *RIGHT* TO RESPOND, *ANY-WHERE* (AND THAT INCLUDES ON MATT TAIBBI'S AND HIS ILK'S STACKS)!!!!! Get real, Matt, et al.!!
What a contradiction Matt's speech was. It was about freedom of speech, but one cannot even exercise one's free speech on the post of that very speech!! Hello!! Can't you see that glaring contradiction of free speech, Matt, et al.??!! Yes, you removed the article from being completely behind a paywall, but the commenting on that thread is still completely behind a paywall!! Thus, I'm totally done with professed-"Americans" who violate freedom of speech but claim that they "uphold it"!!
I don't know what Matt's total subscription membership on his Stack is, but as popular as he is, and considering the huge number of "Likes" for his articles, he's got to be raking in a considerable amount of money just from his Stack alone. Thus, like with other elitist, "limited 'patriots'" here on Substack, he's quite well-to-do and yet he wants us to send him more money, to make him more well-to-do, at the expense of those just getting by (or, like myself, are less than getting by). All such elitists suck!!
Let's say Taibbi's Stack is just as popular and profitable as Naomi Wolf's Stack, which it appears it is if it isn't even more so than Naomi's Stack, that means he's making about $300,000.00 per year or so just off his Stack alone!!... Listen up, elitist(s), I live on $13,464.00 per year in Social Security and SNAP food benefits, still below the poverty line ($15,000.00/yr.)!! Yes, there are people making more than that, but with their huge, and increasing rents or mortgages, and supporting families, they're barely getting by [if I didn't have government-subsidized rent, I'd be homeless and living on the streets, or in "shelters" with extremely-dangerous people---many if not most homeless shelters cater to parolees, those just released from prison, from which they still have the "prison mentality" and believe that all those on the outside of prison must abide by it (I know this from having to "live" in some of those "shelters" five years ago)]!! Thus, Taibbi and his ilk don't need anymore money, especially if they're going to charge money for speech!! My point is, STOP REQURING PEOPLE TO PAY TO SPEAK, WHATSEOVER, ANYWHERE, WITHOUT EXCEPTION(S)!!!!! Dare I ask how much more un-American you can be?!


Robert Sun - Oct 2

Robert Sun

I wear Brazilian rubber sandals HAVAIANAS IT HELPS WITH GROUNDING


Kim - Oct 1


Here is another question that I have because..."inquiring minds want to know!"
I am often out digging in the dirt. For instance, I just replanted a coneflower that I recently planted that was not doing well. I do this without gloves on.
So, don't you think that doing this is just as effective at grounding as walking barefooted in the grass is?


jsinton - Oct 2


Doesn't sound like a very good ground. Just take your shoes off anyways.


Claudia - Oct 1


Thx for the reminder about grounding! ... I have a question related to the rubbery substance and/or nanotechnology you have found in the blood. I know you mentioned that you have checked various meats and other foods where you still find these anomalies. Today, I was cleaning out my refrigerator and came across a small glass of what remained of egg whites (that I was using on my face for a few days last week). I have tried 3 times now to get the residue out of the bottom of that glass; it will not come out! Is there any way you could please check the yolk and albumen for these substances. I always buy organic, but, of late, I realize that's a long shot at best. Thx for all you do to help humanity.


jsinton - Oct 2


Everything on the biome on the planet is contaminated. I get more bots floating around in the air and landing on my microscope slide than I find in my blood. Oh, I could tell you stories...


Claudia - Oct 2


Twenty-four hours later, I still can't get the gunk out of the bottom on the glass. I have tried boiling water, Dawn, coconut oil (which is supposed to soften Super Glue). I have scraped with a knife, etc. I have never seen a "natural" substance resist this way. Any suggestions?


TruthGleaner - Oct 1


To clear up the issue of weather Birkenstocks footwear is suitable for Grounding/Earthing, I contacted the company's support department about that issue and this is a copy of their reply:
Thank you for reaching out to Birkenstock USA.
"Birkenstock footwear typically contains an EVA or rubber sole. Since these materials are considered insulators, they don't facilitate the flow of electrical charges. Due to this, they are not considered to be grounding or earthing.
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Best regards,
Customer Support
Birkenstock USA, LP | 100 Wood Hollow Drive, Suite 100 | Novato CA 94945
Earthing.comis the sure fire place to get the right footwear and other very efficient accessories like foot mats, patches, blankets, arm and leg bands, etc. for Earthing inside the house or building using a special cable that plugs safely into the ground port of any ac outlet that is properly grounded including a outlet tester to make sure that is the case!!! The Earth provides!!!



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