Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 14, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dr. Richard Fleming, MD, PhD, JD just gave an excellent presentation to us at Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics about his initiative to hold those accountable responsible for the crimes against humanity, employing Gain-of-Function research paid for by American taxpayers and conducted throughout the United States and other countries.
All US citizens are asked to send the letters of request to their Attorney Generals (AG). Anyone outside of the US can also write to US AG but leave your address out. If you want to send this letter to the Attorney Generals in the countries outside of the US, Dr. Fleming also encouraged this to let them know what is going on the the US, and that you demand the same in your respective countries. He specifically said it is important to get the grand juries within the next 90 days as there is much happening to instigate further lockdowns and control by the Globalists. We are in unprecedented times of war. Every single citizen must wake up and do their part to stand for freedom. This is something we can do. Please read, send the letter and share with your community. Together we can make a difference. Thank you.
Find his website here:
Here is Dr. Flemings request:
You can send a letter to your State's Attorney General asking them to do their job and protect those they have sworn an oath to protect. Demand they convene a grand jury and bring criminal indictments against the perpetrators.
What is the purpose of the grand jury?
While grand juries are sometimes described as performing accusatory and investigatory functions, the grand jury's principal function is to determine whether or not there is probable cause to believe that one or more persons committed a certain Federal offense within the venue of the district court.
Now is the time. All we ask is you fill out a simple form which will build a letter respectfully requesting your State Attorney General's attention in this matter. The letter builder on this website will pre-address your letter to your state's AG. The automated system will also include a cover letter you can personalize and a letter of indictment written by Dr. Richard M. Fleming that lays out the case for a Grand Jury to be assembled. The letter of indictment includes links to evidence that show the listed individuals have broken the law. Simply print the completed letter and mail to your State Attorney General.
The equivalent of these Federal Criminal actions indictable under the State Statutes; include but are not limited to:
2.Attempted Murder
3. Manslaughter
4. Reckless Homicide
5. Reckless Endangerment
6. Assault
7. Battery
8. False Imprisonment
9. Perjury
Dr. Fleming asks to convene a Grand Jury to indict the following individuals and organizations for these State Crimes in addition to Crimes of Conspiracy, Crimes Against Peace, and Crimes Against Humanity:
• Lloyd Austin, Secretary, Department of Defense
• Xavier Becerra, Secretary, Health and Human Services
• David Franz, Former Commander at Fort Detrick, MD
• Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security
• Chris Hassell, Chairman, HHS P3CO Review Committee
• Rochelle P. Walensky, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Janet Woodcock, Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
• F. Fleming Crim, Chief Operating Officer, National Science Foundation
• Francis S. Collins, Director, National Institute of Health
• Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infection Disease
• Peter Daszak, President, EcoHealth Alliance
• Ralph S. Baric, PhD, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
• Shi Zhengli, PhD, Wuhan Institute of Virology
• William Henry Gates III
• Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
To find out more about Dr. Fleming click here:
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JamesDuff - Aug 15, 2022
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Great !!! I shared with friend in Missouri
Washington very unlikely bought and paid for by William gates the 3 rd
Too close to Seattle
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Grasshopper Kaplan - Aug 15, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Can we add ScKamala to the list of those in on the know?
And Joey and Hunter BidenHo?
Didn't ScKamala used to be an AG?
She used to do Willie too, who knew from condo sleazey rice the mistress of sleaze, who told poor wee Willlie not to fly on Sept 11th, 2001, he told the Chronicle the next day...
She told him prior.
These lawfarin' lawyers are up to No good.
Indight them all now.
Did satanthony Fauci make your list?
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