And for those who don't believe you, Dr. Mihalcea, all one has to do is go on the Club of Rome's website, peruse it a little bit and look at their publications. Honestly, just reading their home page gives me the shivers. And makes me want to vomit in fear. I would love an investigative journalist to identify every member and see where they are placed in world governments.
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence The following paper is a study in this exact issue. What is behind the global warming? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, the Club itself.
Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them. But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
Wikipedia has a full page Summary about each of Dr. John Coleman's books 'Conspiracy Heirarchy: The story the Committee of 300' found in Amazon or in 'One World Order's Socialist Dictatorship'. List of family names are not difficult to find in reference in 'Socialist Dictatorships', Summary Page, I believe it's in. The full and complete list of names and origin of 'House' is in a list of that book and this list Online in Bing...Although, I use Brave. INTERESTING...'The House of Guelph' originating in Italy is 'Windsor', now. Rothschild and the Central Banker Family Cartel is all a part of the 'Venetian Black Nobility' now led by the Windsors. The Windsor's aren't German...They ALL BEGAN IN ITALY FROM WAY BACK WHEN...The origin of the 'Middle/Dark Ages' when all people were kept sick, weak, starving, stupid, illiterate and virtually DEAD.
Indeed, organizations such as the Club of Rome are still controlled by people. But who controls the people who work the controls? The reason law suits fail in the courts, is that the "suits" are formed within a "statute" brought against a straw man, or statue. This figure of a person is refereed to as a corporation. The company may exist, but the statue (figure of a person) remains invisible... It's all very clever...
Over 85% of historic data presented on the linked page are verifiable with a modest amount of work. Zeus Revelations once had an excellent video, but it has been exorcised from the net.
The Holy Grail of Who “They” Are That Rule Over Us All | TABU; Towards A Better Understanding
JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION: (HIDDEN-FOREIGN-TEXT-KNOWN-AS-DOG-LATIN) The Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:
They changed a lot on that website, last year. Took down many of the members list (like vandana shiva), articles etc. They started after many pointed out their site for facts. I know because I accesed it many times in the past. They have also other branches, club of budapest, club of madrid, where more other members are.
This is an excellent presentation by Dr. Coleman. You might want to see my review of his book Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 on my free blog Not-the-NWO Book Reviews ( I have a PhD in English literature so this is something I can do to contribute. I review books on the strategy, not tactics, of the cabal, focusing on the identities and organisation of the actors at the top. So for example I have not reviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s magnificent The Real Anthony Fauci, which should have won him a Nobel prize.
RFK Jr can't be trusted. There's a lot of backstory there I don't have time for. Deborah Birx, Trump and Robert Kadlec seem to have more to do with Covid. It was military brought on by government. I won't bother saying anything definitive and change my mind next week. I'm to a point where I have to consume mountains of information (usually video) to find something new. That's why I can't just send you somewhere to debunk RFK Jr (unless Brendon has a video on him). There is a YouTube video titled All Connected to Sacha Stone that showed links between people that made RFK Jr look bad, but I've never been able to authenticate the sources.
Thank you for your contribution. I'll check out your substack. As of late I've been getting info from Brendon O'Connell, TheDukeReport on Rumble that has George Webb on as a guest, George Webb's substack That last one is the only one I really trust and he only really looks at Q. The thing that I've learned from him is that almost all information we get is an operation. And that nobody bothers to look into things. Once you find things out you think "why did my sources never look into this before reporting on it for years?"
Thanks for that info. When you say 'almost all information we get is an operation,' I completely agree. There's a war on, and both sides are mixing feints with telling blows. RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci is incredibly well referenced, and gives me a great deal of faith in him. When evaluating a source I look for good referencing. I'm keeping an open mind on everything, however - we won't know the truth until the dust settles. You might want to have a look at Political Moonshine -politicalmoonshine.comA lot of very meticulous and rigorous work, especially on Covid. I also trust SG Anon, although like everyone he has made mistakes. Thanks for the suggestions, and I'll view the YouTube video you mention. Cheers.
Thanks. I put politicalmoonshine in my phone to check out later.
As per your comment about RFK Jr's book being so well referenced. I don't really understand this but hear me out. In science there is supposed to be a 2 step process to follow which should result in 2 results. Step 1. is, develop a hypothesis from observing reality. Every living organism does this already. Does this taste good? Is it warmer here? Step 2. search for disconfirmatory evidence even if you have to create experiments to do that. When everybody has searched exhaustively for disconfirmatory evidence and found non you have conditional proof.
The result should be 1. your theories are pretty much perfect. In other words, you don't have all sorts of situations where your theories just don't work. And 2. you can make predictions. As an aside, one of the strangest things about Covid was the ability of the anti-narrative medical scientists to make dead accurate predictions about Covid in general but especially about the effects of the gene therapies. This is extremely disturbing. Medical science has been arguably the biggest failure in reasoning in human history. The mercury and lead injections to displace disease, the holocaust and it's 20 year preamble to gain knowledge of the inferiors, the promotion of smoking, the attempted banning of breast feeding, the attempted mandating of statins, the proliferation of SSRIs etc. It's a shit show of murder and mayhem. And I forgot about the history of cancer research. Or the total lack of studies prior to the early 1960s. Or the current predicament where 2/3rds of drugs are withdrawn within 5 years. You could blame that on captured regulators but it still exposes the shallowness of medical science's knowledge or at least, the ability of their argument's to override nonsense. If I had to bet $20 on an integer estimate of medical science's knowledge I'd bet between 1% and 2%. If I had to bet and would be executed if I was wrong I'd bet 0% to 1%. Yet we had with the Covid gene therapies, predictions that were exactly correct from the moment the mRNA crap was proposed and that were all based on the science. Either medical science got near perfect in one narrow sphere of understanding or we're being conned.
I'm rambling but my point is that we only really have one true science which is chemistry. Even they don't do science correctly but "the variance of the variables that they work with is so low that they don't have to resort to sophisticated statistical analysis to make sense of their data" - Nassim Taleb. I'd argue there's more to it then that because statistics isn't everything but close enough.
So we live in a world were science is almost entirely fake. It's stamp collecting. They don't know how physics works but are just working things out mathematically then finding the curves through experiment that match the math. It's like reverse curve fitting. So even physics is just cutting edge engineering and it's the only real hard science other then chemistry. Actually physics is worse then that because the entire thing is based on precepts that are unprovable. So they start from unprovable speculation and build from there. The theories working proves nothing about the truthfulness of the theories.
Okay, so now to the opposite end of the theory of knowledge continuum. The weather is so complicated that no matter how smart we become and how powerful our computers get, we will never be able to predict the weather in one place a year ahead of time. Now imagine that the weather in different counties, cities, towns, states and countries was also controlled by selfish, proud personal self interests. So the weather itself would have the struggle for control. This is kind of like a simplified version of the world people have created.
So what do RFK Jr.'s references prove? We've got 7 billion people lying to themselves and everybody else to their own advantage. How do we know that (Fauci's grift) wasn't going on while at the same time the real issue was a military program? What if everything we know is fake in some way? I don't understand this and I don't have answers. I've just spent my whole life finding out one after the other that everything that I thought was true is in some way pure bullshit. George Webb claims that China and the US militaries developed Covid to alter human DNA for Track & Trace.
If I look back at my own life, I've had times where I rejected things as nonsense to find out later that they were true. It cost me a lot to be wrong about those things. Have you ever gotten into a disagreement with someone and have them use disconfirmatory evidence against you but where you felt that they were willfully cherry picking their evidence. Like these modern day debunkers working for the government. Totally lame ass arguments but for people that want to believe that it's acceptable.
So what I'm saying is we can't apply the scientific method to this domain of knowledge. RFK Jr.'s references are just evidence. It proves nothing even if it's all true, which I'm positive it is. I guess what I'm saying is we could know nothing because everything is manufactured and if it is then all we have to go on are holes in the fabric of reality. We intuit that something is massively wrong but we can never unravel it or explain it to another person in a persuasive manner if they don't already want to believe.
God. I could go on. Another of my recent hypothesis is that the total absence of reasoning ability seen in conspiracy theorists is actually universal in humans but we don't know it because the better educated are better at hiding it and that their areas of expertise are so specialized that outsiders cannot challenge them. I can't believe how much I've learned the last few months by digging into electromagnetism. The only think unique about them is I'm pretty certain they aren't part of an overt conspiracy. But they're doing the exact same bloody things.
I sadly agree,RFK is riding the climate change NWO psy-op.Carbon footprint blah blah blah,Pay your carbon taxes you carbon sinners.
Thanks for this, I read the Committee of 300 a little while back and thought... Hmmmm interesting... Definitely saw the wind back of industry over the years in the west, and though of Dr Coleman's book... Then the slow social debauchery and division of last ten to five years... But... Then in 2020, all this started, and OMG, full on... "It's happening" I thought to myself, I'd always considered this a far off thing, but they made their play, and many people fell for it.... The pain of knowledge to be trapped in this nightmare where most people have ZERO idea that they are being taken over is freaking me out... No matter how much I try some people are still trapped in the dream that everything is normal .. If more people were aware, they'd wake up quick... Thanks so much for this, so great to hear him speak these words... I must highly recommend the "Committee of 300" or his other book "One World Government"... Right now, very important books...
Take this great John Coleman video posted by Dr Ana, and this montage of the inhuman academic of the WEF, Yuval Noah Harari and you can see what's going on... If Yuval was on the news, people would be f*€#ing terrified...
Thank you Dr Ana for fighting on behalf of us all.
Thank you Steve. My husband and I have just this week been asking ourselves how have we been able to recognize these events (prophecies), but our families & friends don't, even though they are aware of what to expect just like we are. We are astounded at how fast the pace of events have come to fruition over the past 20+ years, and especially how they have sped up exponentially in the past 4-5 years. Since covid, we've tried talking to loved ones about what we see happening, and most of them just think we're watching the wrong news channels.
It 's the same situation here in Belgium; people are utterly oblivious as to what is happening. But then again, it IS all hard to believe, isn't it? I feel in the core of my bones that the unawareness might have psychological reasons; maybe, if we all would know at the same time, wouldn't humanity end up in a giant anarchistic panic mode? Is it just better for all of humanity that the awareness comes in layers? Hello from Belgium - (covered under fat chemtrails at the moment...)
While some people are oblivious, most are just sheep. They KNOW that their freedoms are being taken away. They don't care. Their instinct is to be taken care of. That's the scary part, because their needs are fundamentally different than ours: OUR most fundamental need is individual freedom. THEIR most fundamental need is to be safely back in the womb. We will never get them to change.
The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894
By the late 1800s, large cities all around the world were “drowning in horse manure”. In order for these cities to function, they were dependent on thousands of horses for the transport of both people and goods. In 1900, there were over 11,000 hansom cabs on the streets of London alone. There were also several thousand horse-drawn buses, each needing 12 horses per day, making a staggering total of over 50,000 horses transporting people around the city each day. To add to this, there were yet more horse-drawn carts and drays delivering goods around what was then the largest city in the world.
This huge number of horses created major problems. The main concern was the large amount of manure left behind on the streets. On average a horse will produce between 15 and 35 pounds of manure per day...Each horse also produced around 2 pints of urine per day and to make things worse, the average life expectancy for a working horse was only around 3 years. Horse carcasses therefore also had to be removed from the streets. The bodies were often left to putrefy so the corpses could be more easily sawn into pieces for removal.
****This problem came to a head when in 1894, The Times newspaper predicted… “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure.”***
It never happened. Why? The same reason Paul Ehrlicht, former catastrophic global cooler who became a catastrophic global warmer, just like Obama's absurd climate czar John Holdren (I have quotes from them claiming 50 years ago it was certain the next ice age was at hand, calling for - wait for it! - deindustrialization - and that reason is: *****MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS.***** In theology, this is called prevenient grace, or common grace given to all mankind.
And yes, you are indeed correct: The WEF, Schwab, Soros, Gates, etc are too utterly STUPID to figure this out. Oh yes, they are connected; they get by on cronyism; and some are indeed idiot savants - brilliant in one area, but retarded in all others, and worse, many are utterly amoral.
Similarly, Julian Simon bet Paul Ehrlich, the Malthusian, that a basket of goods price would go down rather than up. Famous bet. If you don't know about it, read about it here, just like the horse manure fanatics, lost. Ehrlich is in his 90s now, and still hasn't taken Obunglercare architect Zeke Emanuel's advice in the Atlantic Why I Hope to Die at 75
But then, NONE of them take Emanuel's advice, like Soros, ~ 95 yrs old, Kissinger ~ 100, the Clintons, now at least mid 70s, Biden ~ 80 etc. etc etc. But I don't blame them, as there is an actual, literal Hell, and shells of people do in fact go there (a good fictional example of this would be in CS Lewis' book The Great Divorce).
THEY are definitely retarding science and medicine!
I have a new take on lung physiology that dismisses the idea that gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide, are dissolved in our blood and are exchanged in the lungs.
My Substack article is titled: We breathe air not oxygen
I discuss the difference between air and oxygen and the cause of oxygen toxicity.
I discuss the role of salt - water must follow salt not lead in the equation of hydration
If we are to dismantle the multiple layers of medical retardation, this new way of viewing lung physiology must be explored robustly.
Underpinning my research is Peter Peterson’s free eBook available at smashwords
100 reasons water is not H2O
The corruption of how we are schooled to view water as a chemical equation is the MAJOR disruptor in science and medicine.
May curiosity be your friend
Search: Smashwords – 100 Reasons Water Is Not H2O – a book by Peter Peterson
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence
What is behind the global warming? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself.
Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, at French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them.
But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
So-called negative eugenicists even took things further, with some, like famed playwright George Bernard Shaw, calling for people to be called before a state-appointed board to justify their existence or be put to death.” The human response to this? Burgess Meredith put it simply in this 8 minute Twilight Zone episode, where Rod Serling notes in the world of what is today the WEF, “logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.”
PJ Media put it this way in 2022 in The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm “As Dennis Meadows claims in a recent interview with the leftist online magazine Resilience, “I don’t know what a sustainable population level is now, but it’s probably much closer to a billion people, or fewer.” The authors are skeptical of growth as a function of what they call “overshoot,” of “go[ing] beyond limits accidentally,” which can ultimately produce an “ecological footprint” that is unsustainable. They do not recognize that growth and its negative offshoots can be managed without employing drastic solutions — solutions that are themselves a product of overshoot. “If a profound correction is not made soon,” they warn, “a crash of some sort is certain.” The trouble is, they are the crash.”
Today’s power elites are now saying, “You may not have an abundant life. Or as Maurice Strong, chairman of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference – who promoted an agenda of population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment” said, about his radical ecologist agenda: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” At Rio in 1992 where he was chairman and General Secretary, Strong declared “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable. (emphasis added). Rockefeller Foundation official Alan Gregg, another outspoken globalist, recently declared that the world has cancer and that cancer is mankind – excluding himself, of course.
“We came up with the idea??” the Club of Rome asked? In other words, a conclusion had already been reached, and now they needed to create a “reason” to support their unsupported – and as Julian Simon provisionally demonstrated, possibly false - a priori assumptions. Do not try this technique in any school paper you may attempt, or you will be failed!
Everything is based on the utterly, and provably, false assumption of Malthusianism.
It is all as the Anglican Reverend Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) wrote in hs first edition of the 1799 Essay on the Principle of Population:“We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague.” And later, he added re. the lowborn: “I should propose a regulation to be made, declaring that no child born from any marriage taking place after the expiration of a year from the date of the law, and no illegitimate child born two years from the same date, should ever be entitled to parish assistance… The infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its place.”
(In opposition to this were, e.g. Leibniz and economist Henry C Carey, 1793-1879. As Matt Ehret writes about Carey, who advised Lincoln during the Civil War, limits to population growth could be changed by encouraging progress! Hearkening back to the debate between Newton and Leibniz a century and a half earlier, Carey exposed the fallacy behind Mathus – and in the 1900s, the Ehrlichs, Holdrens, etc. – by writing in his Unity of Law: As Exhibited in the Relations of Physical, Social, Mental and Moral Science (1872):“Mr. Malthus was led to invent a law of population by means of which to relieve the rich and powerful from all responsibility for the existing state of things; giving them assurance that the poverty and wretchedness by which they were everywhere surrounded had resulted from the fact that the Creator had sent upon the earth large numbers of people for whom He had provided no table at which they might be allowed to eat, no materials by aid of which they might be clothed; thus furnishing the theory by aid of which subsequent writers have been enabled, as they supposed, to prove that, in the British Islands, man had become “a drug” and “population a nuisance.” Of course, The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894 exposed that fallacy, as did the Simon/Ehrlich wager a century later, as well as their second following bet (which was rejected, but more nuanced). Simon’s worldview is simply summarized as “more people, more innovations, more value created, more abilities to deal with environmental problems.” Carey outlined a contrast with his two most influential works: Unity of Law and Harmony of Interests which is masterfully reviewed by Matt Ehret on his substack . Carey anticipated by 150 years the global warmers, citing that even back then to these types “man had become “a drug” and “population a nuisance.”
In contrast, the Carey, there is an interconnectedness of the powers of mind to the powers of nature: “The more his power of association, the greater is the tendency toward development of his various faculties; the greater becomes his control of the forces of nature, and the more perfect his own power for self-direction; mental force thus more and more obtaining control over that which is material, the labors of the present over the accumulations of the past…” Ehret summarizes this Malthus/Carey conflict thusly at “Where Carey and his collaborators placed value on the power of human creative thought which gives the human species a unique power and duty to leap beyond the limits to growth in the process of acting as co-participants of universal creation, his enemies saw value in the worshipping of money and acquisition of property (which included other people). In order to counteract the optimistic spread of this science of political-economy as understood by Carey and his co-thinkers around the world during the latter half of the 19th century, much effort made to re-enforce the closed Newtonian system and its Malthusian corollaries to a new science that came to be dubbed “entropy.” Or think the war by the controllers today against the pro-growth, pro-freedom movement against, e.g., Klaus Schwab.
the fallen are weakened by mockery, so has it always been, which means we have a lot of mocking to do to catch up!
words indeed are very important, becuase words are spells, when i read that people "fear" these times, that they "fear" these satanists i am concerned,
i am "concerned" by the actions of these satanists, but to infer "fear" would mean i have no Faith
I do have Faith in these dark times, we are in the closing stages of a spirtual intellingence test, those who allowed their dna to be corrupted, have sadly failed that test,
concerningly initiation of the willing is not sufficient for these monsters and now they turn their attentions on the faithfull.
i believe from what i have studied re freemasonry, the occult groups of 1890-1930 (crowley, golden dawn) that what we are witnessing is an attempt at a drawing down of a manifestation of core evil to access to our realm, such has been facilitated by the experiments at c.e.r.n and other such institutions.
in effect "they" in the absence of being able to escape this realm (musk etc) seek to dominate it, such behaviour is reminiscent of an image of an organised coup by pre-school infants on the carers, its almost "cute", bless em, little dears!
the loving arms of our Creator hold the exit doors firmly shut, but watch on in fascination and amusement as humanity still seeks to understand Consent
That said, being prepared on a spiritual, physical, emotional and practical level right now is paramount, because things still have a long way to play out.
Point in fact that many i know who were awakened by the crime of the "covid" con have returned to slumber having been fed the illusion of cesation and being weary of the struggle, as they depart so the weight of responsibility weighs further on the shoulders of those who remain, so be it
behind satan there is always yahweh/enlil monster flesh and blood being pulling the strings... look up mauro biglino who translated the earliest ancient hebrew bibles and how they match up with sumerian history....
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Years ago I read of a Russian scientist in the 1930's who found he could create plague in the human body by using radiowaves to create a negative form of pleomorphism, the same type of phenomenon that Raymond Royal Rife had witnessed changing viruses into bacteria and the bacteria into mold, but this Russian guy actually found a way to make that specific disease state with the accompanying pathogen, and working for the communists at the time, of course, that would be his natural demonic terrorist genocidal objective. This is how 5G is probably being used in combination with the cocktails of ingredients now found in the so-called mRNA COVID 'vaccines', mRNA-containing foods from animals that have eaten GM fodder, and the newer generation of mRNA COVID 'vaccine'-containing vegetables etc.
The only reason I skimmed through this post was the last paragraph:
"The elites protect themselves with herbal compounds mixed with sugar and the protection of low frequency radiation. Using the technology developed by the virologist Gurtjev (?) who proved that every living thing has a vibratory cycle. He was able to measure the vibratory cycle of deadly viruses. By vibrating them double their cycle you would kill them instantly. That is one of the defensive weapons they got that will kill the plague if they ever get it. The same technique will kill cancer cells. The medical profession run by the Rockefellers and pharmaceutical companies did not want you to know this."
So the elites have been using advanced and effective medical treatments that they somehow keep secret from all their underlings who are not allowed to get the treatments. Only the secret treatments of the elites are effective. That's a really far out conspiracy theory and I bet it has zero evidence to support it.
So the elites conspire to spread bioweapons on the earth with the knowledge that only themselves are protected. How does it feel to know that your treatments for COVID are likely not as effective as what the elites have? Does that described treatment sound plausible to you?
Alternative medicine has been around longer than the Club of Rome, founded in 1968. So what the elites are using is some kind of alternative medicine that does not sound all that advanced to me.
thank you, you got there before me, kudos! it is the miss-percerption of toxins that allow for the level of their effect upon our bodies, that said if you were jabbed and eating maccy dees and kay eff cees, using your "not so smart phone" and living (if it can be called that) in the city then time would not be on your side, which is why i would always choose a life of rural poverty over untold riches in the smoke :0)
the code within shakespeare sonnets which i once read denotes 2025 as the year that sees the return of the caspstone in the freemasonic "great work of ages", 2025 is also mentioned in various approximations of the closing of the "kali yuga" cycle, and it is at the end of the kali yuga that the "cataclysm" occurs, we were "informed" last year by astronomers that in the north sky a "new" star could be viewed and such star was the product of 2 stars combing far off in a Binary-solar-system.... they do so love to provide clues
The issue is we are seeing so many conflicting schemes and conspiracies that seeing the wood for the trees can be and is very difficult.
If we consider that one element of "covid" was the cesation of travel and commerce in the "developed world" the observant would have noticed that the materials kept on moving, as a tradesman who never stopped work for one day of the BS it was still evident that goods were being moved.... on very quiet roads, rails and skies.......
If knowledge is power and knowledge of a regular occuring catastrophic event were known then preparations could be made, but only for the "chosen", so given that the underground cities are now complete and the current "food crisis" is well underway, we may deduce that the cupboards of the underground cities are now being stocked? in readiness for what? not nuclear war, that is the red herring to keep your attention while we are fleeced (what an apt term?) yet further, understand that the bizarre willingness to comit evil by the complicit (politicians and others in positions of power) may be due to being on the "invitation list"..
the jab also allowed for the identification of a) the most biddable in society and b) the most un-biddable, so how do we feel about being an owned slave in an undeground city, a slave to psychopathic sociopathic retards?
fk that, i will be one of the ones hot wiring large excavators to block the exits ;0)
ultimately we all chose to be here at this time and as a result we can either open our eyes or close them,
and understanding that would also infer that you understand the "heavenly jerusalem" project to allow the kryptos to return home? an area currently being cleared of nasty orrid white folk in readiness for "new eden"
there is much confusion re roles in this situation, with it now becoming evident that a real Russian power is at work over and above puppet leaders who talked the talk, but do not walk the walk...
AnnR - Apr 26, 2023 - Edited
Att Viska
And for those who don't believe you, Dr. Mihalcea, all one has to do is go on the Club of Rome's website, peruse it a little bit and look at their publications. Honestly, just reading their home page gives me the shivers. And makes me want to vomit in fear. I would love an investigative journalist to identify every member and see where they are placed in world governments.
Blaise - Apr 29, 2023
Att Viska
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence The following paper is a study in this exact issue. What is behind the global warming? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, the Club itself.
Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them. But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
BlazeCloude3 - Apr 27, 2023 - Edited
Wikipedia has a full page Summary about each of Dr. John Coleman's books 'Conspiracy Heirarchy: The story the Committee of 300' found in Amazon or in 'One World Order's Socialist Dictatorship'. List of family names are not difficult to find in reference in 'Socialist Dictatorships', Summary Page, I believe it's in. The full and complete list of names and origin of 'House' is in a list of that book and this list Online in Bing...Although, I use Brave. INTERESTING...'The House of Guelph' originating in Italy is 'Windsor', now. Rothschild and the Central Banker Family Cartel is all a part of the 'Venetian Black Nobility' now led by the Windsors. The Windsor's aren't German...They ALL BEGAN IN ITALY FROM WAY BACK WHEN...The origin of the 'Middle/Dark Ages' when all people were kept sick, weak, starving, stupid, illiterate and virtually DEAD.
Paul Vonharnish - May 2, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Indeed, organizations such as the Club of Rome are still controlled by people. But who controls the people who work the controls? The reason law suits fail in the courts, is that the "suits" are formed within a "statute" brought against a straw man, or statue. This figure of a person is refereed to as a corporation. The company may exist, but the statue (figure of a person) remains invisible... It's all very clever...
Over 85% of historic data presented on the linked page are verifiable with a modest amount of work. Zeus Revelations once had an excellent video, but it has been exorcised from the net.
The Holy Grail of Who “They” Are That Rule Over Us All | TABU; Towards A Better Understanding
bio terry - Apr 27, 2023
I see they have a membership of 100. And South African Dr. Ramphele is also invited ......
Friar Tuck - Apr 27, 2023
Friar Tuck
JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION: (HIDDEN-FOREIGN-TEXT-KNOWN-AS-DOG-LATIN) The Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:
Eris - Apr 27, 2023
They changed a lot on that website, last year. Took down many of the members list (like vandana shiva), articles etc. They started after many pointed out their site for facts. I know because I accesed it many times in the past. They have also other branches, club of budapest, club of madrid, where more other members are.
Dr. Michael Buhagiar - Apr 26, 2023
Not -the-NWO Book Reviews
This is an excellent presentation by Dr. Coleman. You might want to see my review of his book Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 on my free blog Not-the-NWO Book Reviews ( I have a PhD in English literature so this is something I can do to contribute. I review books on the strategy, not tactics, of the cabal, focusing on the identities and organisation of the actors at the top. So for example I have not reviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s magnificent The Real Anthony Fauci, which should have won him a Nobel prize.
Sandra --- - Apr 27, 2023
Sandra ---
I just visited your substack and hope others do the same. Your reviews are very well done and helpful for those of us short on time.
Jamis6528 - May 4, 2023
Jamis6528’s Substack
RFK Jr can't be trusted. There's a lot of backstory there I don't have time for. Deborah Birx, Trump and Robert Kadlec seem to have more to do with Covid. It was military brought on by government. I won't bother saying anything definitive and change my mind next week. I'm to a point where I have to consume mountains of information (usually video) to find something new. That's why I can't just send you somewhere to debunk RFK Jr (unless Brendon has a video on him). There is a YouTube video titled All Connected to Sacha Stone that showed links between people that made RFK Jr look bad, but I've never been able to authenticate the sources.
Thank you for your contribution. I'll check out your substack. As of late I've been getting info from Brendon O'Connell, TheDukeReport on Rumble that has George Webb on as a guest, George Webb's substack That last one is the only one I really trust and he only really looks at Q. The thing that I've learned from him is that almost all information we get is an operation. And that nobody bothers to look into things. Once you find things out you think "why did my sources never look into this before reporting on it for years?"
Dr. Michael Buhagiar - May 5, 2023
Not -the-NWO Book Reviews
Thanks for that info. When you say 'almost all information we get is an operation,' I completely agree. There's a war on, and both sides are mixing feints with telling blows. RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci is incredibly well referenced, and gives me a great deal of faith in him. When evaluating a source I look for good referencing. I'm keeping an open mind on everything, however - we won't know the truth until the dust settles. You might want to have a look at Political Moonshine -politicalmoonshine.comA lot of very meticulous and rigorous work, especially on Covid. I also trust SG Anon, although like everyone he has made mistakes. Thanks for the suggestions, and I'll view the YouTube video you mention. Cheers.
Jamis6528 - May 9, 2023
Jamis6528’s Substack
Thanks. I put politicalmoonshine in my phone to check out later.
As per your comment about RFK Jr's book being so well referenced. I don't really understand this but hear me out. In science there is supposed to be a 2 step process to follow which should result in 2 results. Step 1. is, develop a hypothesis from observing reality. Every living organism does this already. Does this taste good? Is it warmer here? Step 2. search for disconfirmatory evidence even if you have to create experiments to do that. When everybody has searched exhaustively for disconfirmatory evidence and found non you have conditional proof.
The result should be 1. your theories are pretty much perfect. In other words, you don't have all sorts of situations where your theories just don't work. And 2. you can make predictions. As an aside, one of the strangest things about Covid was the ability of the anti-narrative medical scientists to make dead accurate predictions about Covid in general but especially about the effects of the gene therapies. This is extremely disturbing. Medical science has been arguably the biggest failure in reasoning in human history. The mercury and lead injections to displace disease, the holocaust and it's 20 year preamble to gain knowledge of the inferiors, the promotion of smoking, the attempted banning of breast feeding, the attempted mandating of statins, the proliferation of SSRIs etc. It's a shit show of murder and mayhem. And I forgot about the history of cancer research. Or the total lack of studies prior to the early 1960s. Or the current predicament where 2/3rds of drugs are withdrawn within 5 years. You could blame that on captured regulators but it still exposes the shallowness of medical science's knowledge or at least, the ability of their argument's to override nonsense. If I had to bet $20 on an integer estimate of medical science's knowledge I'd bet between 1% and 2%. If I had to bet and would be executed if I was wrong I'd bet 0% to 1%. Yet we had with the Covid gene therapies, predictions that were exactly correct from the moment the mRNA crap was proposed and that were all based on the science. Either medical science got near perfect in one narrow sphere of understanding or we're being conned.
I'm rambling but my point is that we only really have one true science which is chemistry. Even they don't do science correctly but "the variance of the variables that they work with is so low that they don't have to resort to sophisticated statistical analysis to make sense of their data" - Nassim Taleb. I'd argue there's more to it then that because statistics isn't everything but close enough.
So we live in a world were science is almost entirely fake. It's stamp collecting. They don't know how physics works but are just working things out mathematically then finding the curves through experiment that match the math. It's like reverse curve fitting. So even physics is just cutting edge engineering and it's the only real hard science other then chemistry. Actually physics is worse then that because the entire thing is based on precepts that are unprovable. So they start from unprovable speculation and build from there. The theories working proves nothing about the truthfulness of the theories.
Okay, so now to the opposite end of the theory of knowledge continuum. The weather is so complicated that no matter how smart we become and how powerful our computers get, we will never be able to predict the weather in one place a year ahead of time. Now imagine that the weather in different counties, cities, towns, states and countries was also controlled by selfish, proud personal self interests. So the weather itself would have the struggle for control. This is kind of like a simplified version of the world people have created.
So what do RFK Jr.'s references prove? We've got 7 billion people lying to themselves and everybody else to their own advantage. How do we know that (Fauci's grift) wasn't going on while at the same time the real issue was a military program? What if everything we know is fake in some way? I don't understand this and I don't have answers. I've just spent my whole life finding out one after the other that everything that I thought was true is in some way pure bullshit. George Webb claims that China and the US militaries developed Covid to alter human DNA for Track & Trace.
If I look back at my own life, I've had times where I rejected things as nonsense to find out later that they were true. It cost me a lot to be wrong about those things. Have you ever gotten into a disagreement with someone and have them use disconfirmatory evidence against you but where you felt that they were willfully cherry picking their evidence. Like these modern day debunkers working for the government. Totally lame ass arguments but for people that want to believe that it's acceptable.
So what I'm saying is we can't apply the scientific method to this domain of knowledge. RFK Jr.'s references are just evidence. It proves nothing even if it's all true, which I'm positive it is. I guess what I'm saying is we could know nothing because everything is manufactured and if it is then all we have to go on are holes in the fabric of reality. We intuit that something is massively wrong but we can never unravel it or explain it to another person in a persuasive manner if they don't already want to believe.
God. I could go on. Another of my recent hypothesis is that the total absence of reasoning ability seen in conspiracy theorists is actually universal in humans but we don't know it because the better educated are better at hiding it and that their areas of expertise are so specialized that outsiders cannot challenge them. I can't believe how much I've learned the last few months by digging into electromagnetism. The only think unique about them is I'm pretty certain they aren't part of an overt conspiracy. But they're doing the exact same bloody things.
John Vargo - May 15, 2023
John Vargo
I sadly agree,RFK is riding the climate change NWO psy-op.Carbon footprint blah blah blah,Pay your carbon taxes you carbon sinners.
Steve - Apr 27, 2023
Thanks for this, I read the Committee of 300 a little while back and thought... Hmmmm interesting... Definitely saw the wind back of industry over the years in the west, and though of Dr Coleman's book... Then the slow social debauchery and division of last ten to five years... But... Then in 2020, all this started, and OMG, full on... "It's happening" I thought to myself, I'd always considered this a far off thing, but they made their play, and many people fell for it.... The pain of knowledge to be trapped in this nightmare where most people have ZERO idea that they are being taken over is freaking me out... No matter how much I try some people are still trapped in the dream that everything is normal .. If more people were aware, they'd wake up quick... Thanks so much for this, so great to hear him speak these words... I must highly recommend the "Committee of 300" or his other book "One World Government"... Right now, very important books...
Take this great John Coleman video posted by Dr Ana, and this montage of the inhuman academic of the WEF, Yuval Noah Harari and you can see what's going on... If Yuval was on the news, people would be f*€#ing terrified...
Thank you Dr Ana for fighting on behalf of us all.
Liberty4all - Apr 27, 2023
Liberty4all’s Substack
Thank you Steve. My husband and I have just this week been asking ourselves how have we been able to recognize these events (prophecies), but our families & friends don't, even though they are aware of what to expect just like we are. We are astounded at how fast the pace of events have come to fruition over the past 20+ years, and especially how they have sped up exponentially in the past 4-5 years. Since covid, we've tried talking to loved ones about what we see happening, and most of them just think we're watching the wrong news channels.
Piki - Apr 27, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
It 's the same situation here in Belgium; people are utterly oblivious as to what is happening. But then again, it IS all hard to believe, isn't it? I feel in the core of my bones that the unawareness might have psychological reasons; maybe, if we all would know at the same time, wouldn't humanity end up in a giant anarchistic panic mode? Is it just better for all of humanity that the awareness comes in layers? Hello from Belgium - (covered under fat chemtrails at the moment...)
AnnR - Apr 27, 2023
While some people are oblivious, most are just sheep. They KNOW that their freedoms are being taken away. They don't care. Their instinct is to be taken care of. That's the scary part, because their needs are fundamentally different than ours: OUR most fundamental need is individual freedom. THEIR most fundamental need is to be safely back in the womb. We will never get them to change.
bio terry - Apr 27, 2023
If all knew, at least all would be angry and not necessarily fearful.
Liberty4all - Apr 27, 2023
Liberty4all’s Substack
You are probably right.
Hello Belgium! 👋
from USA
Piki - Apr 27, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Good afternoon USA!
Liberty4all - Apr 27, 2023
Liberty4all’s Substack
bio terry - Apr 27, 2023
Ignorance is a choice... sadly
Blaise - Apr 27, 2023
Att Viska
The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894
By the late 1800s, large cities all around the world were “drowning in horse manure”. In order for these cities to function, they were dependent on thousands of horses for the transport of both people and goods. In 1900, there were over 11,000 hansom cabs on the streets of London alone. There were also several thousand horse-drawn buses, each needing 12 horses per day, making a staggering total of over 50,000 horses transporting people around the city each day. To add to this, there were yet more horse-drawn carts and drays delivering goods around what was then the largest city in the world.
This huge number of horses created major problems. The main concern was the large amount of manure left behind on the streets. On average a horse will produce between 15 and 35 pounds of manure per day...Each horse also produced around 2 pints of urine per day and to make things worse, the average life expectancy for a working horse was only around 3 years. Horse carcasses therefore also had to be removed from the streets. The bodies were often left to putrefy so the corpses could be more easily sawn into pieces for removal.
****This problem came to a head when in 1894, The Times newspaper predicted… “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure.”***
It never happened. Why? The same reason Paul Ehrlicht, former catastrophic global cooler who became a catastrophic global warmer, just like Obama's absurd climate czar John Holdren (I have quotes from them claiming 50 years ago it was certain the next ice age was at hand, calling for - wait for it! - deindustrialization - and that reason is: *****MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS.***** In theology, this is called prevenient grace, or common grace given to all mankind.
And yes, you are indeed correct: The WEF, Schwab, Soros, Gates, etc are too utterly STUPID to figure this out. Oh yes, they are connected; they get by on cronyism; and some are indeed idiot savants - brilliant in one area, but retarded in all others, and worse, many are utterly amoral.
Similarly, Julian Simon bet Paul Ehrlich, the Malthusian, that a basket of goods price would go down rather than up. Famous bet. If you don't know about it, read about it here, just like the horse manure fanatics, lost. Ehrlich is in his 90s now, and still hasn't taken Obunglercare architect Zeke Emanuel's advice in the Atlantic Why I Hope to Die at 75
But then, NONE of them take Emanuel's advice, like Soros, ~ 95 yrs old, Kissinger ~ 100, the Clintons, now at least mid 70s, Biden ~ 80 etc. etc etc. But I don't blame them, as there is an actual, literal Hell, and shells of people do in fact go there (a good fictional example of this would be in CS Lewis' book The Great Divorce).
Jane 333 - Apr 27, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
THEY are definitely retarding science and medicine!
I have a new take on lung physiology that dismisses the idea that gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide, are dissolved in our blood and are exchanged in the lungs.
My Substack article is titled: We breathe air not oxygen
I discuss the difference between air and oxygen and the cause of oxygen toxicity.
I discuss the role of salt - water must follow salt not lead in the equation of hydration
If we are to dismantle the multiple layers of medical retardation, this new way of viewing lung physiology must be explored robustly.
Underpinning my research is Peter Peterson’s free eBook available at smashwords
100 reasons water is not H2O
The corruption of how we are schooled to view water as a chemical equation is the MAJOR disruptor in science and medicine.
May curiosity be your friend
Search: Smashwords – 100 Reasons Water Is Not H2O – a book by Peter Peterson
Richard - Apr 28, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Jane 333 - Apr 28, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Did you read my Substack article too?
Blaise - Apr 27, 2023
Att Viska
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence
What is behind the global warming? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself.
Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, at French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them.
But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
So-called negative eugenicists even took things further, with some, like famed playwright George Bernard Shaw, calling for people to be called before a state-appointed board to justify their existence or be put to death.” The human response to this? Burgess Meredith put it simply in this 8 minute Twilight Zone episode, where Rod Serling notes in the world of what is today the WEF, “logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.”
PJ Media put it this way in 2022 in The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm “As Dennis Meadows claims in a recent interview with the leftist online magazine Resilience, “I don’t know what a sustainable population level is now, but it’s probably much closer to a billion people, or fewer.” The authors are skeptical of growth as a function of what they call “overshoot,” of “go[ing] beyond limits accidentally,” which can ultimately produce an “ecological footprint” that is unsustainable. They do not recognize that growth and its negative offshoots can be managed without employing drastic solutions — solutions that are themselves a product of overshoot. “If a profound correction is not made soon,” they warn, “a crash of some sort is certain.” The trouble is, they are the crash.”
Today’s power elites are now saying, “You may not have an abundant life. Or as Maurice Strong, chairman of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference – who promoted an agenda of population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment” said, about his radical ecologist agenda: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” At Rio in 1992 where he was chairman and General Secretary, Strong declared “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable. (emphasis added). Rockefeller Foundation official Alan Gregg, another outspoken globalist, recently declared that the world has cancer and that cancer is mankind – excluding himself, of course.
“We came up with the idea??” the Club of Rome asked? In other words, a conclusion had already been reached, and now they needed to create a “reason” to support their unsupported – and as Julian Simon provisionally demonstrated, possibly false - a priori assumptions. Do not try this technique in any school paper you may attempt, or you will be failed!
bio terry - Apr 27, 2023
Is there a connection between the romi club and bilderbergers? They all are megalonanic and have money for brain cells
Viya - Apr 27, 2023
Regarding the last paragraph, please watch this special report. It'll rock your world:
Blaise - Apr 27, 2023
Att Viska
Everything is based on the utterly, and provably, false assumption of Malthusianism.
It is all as the Anglican Reverend Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) wrote in hs first edition of the 1799 Essay on the Principle of Population:“We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague.” And later, he added re. the lowborn: “I should propose a regulation to be made, declaring that no child born from any marriage taking place after the expiration of a year from the date of the law, and no illegitimate child born two years from the same date, should ever be entitled to parish assistance… The infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its place.”
(In opposition to this were, e.g. Leibniz and economist Henry C Carey, 1793-1879. As Matt Ehret writes about Carey, who advised Lincoln during the Civil War, limits to population growth could be changed by encouraging progress! Hearkening back to the debate between Newton and Leibniz a century and a half earlier, Carey exposed the fallacy behind Mathus – and in the 1900s, the Ehrlichs, Holdrens, etc. – by writing in his Unity of Law: As Exhibited in the Relations of Physical, Social, Mental and Moral Science (1872):“Mr. Malthus was led to invent a law of population by means of which to relieve the rich and powerful from all responsibility for the existing state of things; giving them assurance that the poverty and wretchedness by which they were everywhere surrounded had resulted from the fact that the Creator had sent upon the earth large numbers of people for whom He had provided no table at which they might be allowed to eat, no materials by aid of which they might be clothed; thus furnishing the theory by aid of which subsequent writers have been enabled, as they supposed, to prove that, in the British Islands, man had become “a drug” and “population a nuisance.” Of course, The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894 exposed that fallacy, as did the Simon/Ehrlich wager a century later, as well as their second following bet (which was rejected, but more nuanced). Simon’s worldview is simply summarized as “more people, more innovations, more value created, more abilities to deal with environmental problems.” Carey outlined a contrast with his two most influential works: Unity of Law and Harmony of Interests which is masterfully reviewed by Matt Ehret on his substack . Carey anticipated by 150 years the global warmers, citing that even back then to these types “man had become “a drug” and “population a nuisance.”
In contrast, the Carey, there is an interconnectedness of the powers of mind to the powers of nature: “The more his power of association, the greater is the tendency toward development of his various faculties; the greater becomes his control of the forces of nature, and the more perfect his own power for self-direction; mental force thus more and more obtaining control over that which is material, the labors of the present over the accumulations of the past…” Ehret summarizes this Malthus/Carey conflict thusly at “Where Carey and his collaborators placed value on the power of human creative thought which gives the human species a unique power and duty to leap beyond the limits to growth in the process of acting as co-participants of universal creation, his enemies saw value in the worshipping of money and acquisition of property (which included other people). In order to counteract the optimistic spread of this science of political-economy as understood by Carey and his co-thinkers around the world during the latter half of the 19th century, much effort made to re-enforce the closed Newtonian system and its Malthusian corollaries to a new science that came to be dubbed “entropy.” Or think the war by the controllers today against the pro-growth, pro-freedom movement against, e.g., Klaus Schwab.
Lioness3* - Apr 27, 2023
Words are important. We need to stop calling these psychopaths "the Elites" and start calling them what they really are, "the Unproductives."
duckman - Apr 28, 2023
the fallen are weakened by mockery, so has it always been, which means we have a lot of mocking to do to catch up!
words indeed are very important, becuase words are spells, when i read that people "fear" these times, that they "fear" these satanists i am concerned,
i am "concerned" by the actions of these satanists, but to infer "fear" would mean i have no Faith
I do have Faith in these dark times, we are in the closing stages of a spirtual intellingence test, those who allowed their dna to be corrupted, have sadly failed that test,
concerningly initiation of the willing is not sufficient for these monsters and now they turn their attentions on the faithfull.
i believe from what i have studied re freemasonry, the occult groups of 1890-1930 (crowley, golden dawn) that what we are witnessing is an attempt at a drawing down of a manifestation of core evil to access to our realm, such has been facilitated by the experiments at c.e.r.n and other such institutions.
in effect "they" in the absence of being able to escape this realm (musk etc) seek to dominate it, such behaviour is reminiscent of an image of an organised coup by pre-school infants on the carers, its almost "cute", bless em, little dears!
the loving arms of our Creator hold the exit doors firmly shut, but watch on in fascination and amusement as humanity still seeks to understand Consent
That said, being prepared on a spiritual, physical, emotional and practical level right now is paramount, because things still have a long way to play out.
Point in fact that many i know who were awakened by the crime of the "covid" con have returned to slumber having been fed the illusion of cesation and being weary of the struggle, as they depart so the weight of responsibility weighs further on the shoulders of those who remain, so be it
futurehumanity - Apr 26, 2023
behind satan there is always yahweh/enlil monster flesh and blood being pulling the strings... look up mauro biglino who translated the earliest ancient hebrew bibles and how they match up with sumerian history....
Kathy collier - Apr 27, 2023
No weapon formed against me will succeed, thank you Jesus!
Charlene Jones - Apr 27, 2023
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
mothman777 - Apr 27, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Years ago I read of a Russian scientist in the 1930's who found he could create plague in the human body by using radiowaves to create a negative form of pleomorphism, the same type of phenomenon that Raymond Royal Rife had witnessed changing viruses into bacteria and the bacteria into mold, but this Russian guy actually found a way to make that specific disease state with the accompanying pathogen, and working for the communists at the time, of course, that would be his natural demonic terrorist genocidal objective. This is how 5G is probably being used in combination with the cocktails of ingredients now found in the so-called mRNA COVID 'vaccines', mRNA-containing foods from animals that have eaten GM fodder, and the newer generation of mRNA COVID 'vaccine'-containing vegetables etc.
Doug Cragoe - Apr 27, 2023
Triumph Over Absurdity
The only reason I skimmed through this post was the last paragraph:
"The elites protect themselves with herbal compounds mixed with sugar and the protection of low frequency radiation. Using the technology developed by the virologist Gurtjev (?) who proved that every living thing has a vibratory cycle. He was able to measure the vibratory cycle of deadly viruses. By vibrating them double their cycle you would kill them instantly. That is one of the defensive weapons they got that will kill the plague if they ever get it. The same technique will kill cancer cells. The medical profession run by the Rockefellers and pharmaceutical companies did not want you to know this."
So the elites have been using advanced and effective medical treatments that they somehow keep secret from all their underlings who are not allowed to get the treatments. Only the secret treatments of the elites are effective. That's a really far out conspiracy theory and I bet it has zero evidence to support it.
So the elites conspire to spread bioweapons on the earth with the knowledge that only themselves are protected. How does it feel to know that your treatments for COVID are likely not as effective as what the elites have? Does that described treatment sound plausible to you?
Alternative medicine has been around longer than the Club of Rome, founded in 1968. So what the elites are using is some kind of alternative medicine that does not sound all that advanced to me.
Domcrin - Apr 27, 2023
Triumph Over Absurdity
Also the fact that no virus has ever been isolated!
duckman - Apr 28, 2023
thank you, you got there before me, kudos! it is the miss-percerption of toxins that allow for the level of their effect upon our bodies, that said if you were jabbed and eating maccy dees and kay eff cees, using your "not so smart phone" and living (if it can be called that) in the city then time would not be on your side, which is why i would always choose a life of rural poverty over untold riches in the smoke :0)
Richard - Apr 28, 2023
There is no such thing as a virus
Markker - Apr 27, 2023
Liberty4all - Apr 27, 2023
Liberty4all’s Substack
Do you mean adrenachrome?
Markker - Apr 27, 2023
Yes, was very late in the day when I replied! :-)
Liberty4all - Apr 27, 2023
Liberty4all’s Substack
I realized you probably had tired thumbs😊
Alison H. - Apr 26, 2023 - Edited
Sandra ---
I could not find the book, but there is a pdf of his title, "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" available on pdf:
Sandra --- - Apr 27, 2023 - Edited
Sandra ---
The Committee Of 300 - Fourth Edition by Dr. John Coleman
And here's another book of his on the Rothschild banking family--if you check the last page, he predicts that humanity will be plunged into brutal dictatorship by 2025
duckman - Apr 28, 2023
the code within shakespeare sonnets which i once read denotes 2025 as the year that sees the return of the caspstone in the freemasonic "great work of ages", 2025 is also mentioned in various approximations of the closing of the "kali yuga" cycle, and it is at the end of the kali yuga that the "cataclysm" occurs, we were "informed" last year by astronomers that in the north sky a "new" star could be viewed and such star was the product of 2 stars combing far off in a Binary-solar-system.... they do so love to provide clues
The issue is we are seeing so many conflicting schemes and conspiracies that seeing the wood for the trees can be and is very difficult.
If we consider that one element of "covid" was the cesation of travel and commerce in the "developed world" the observant would have noticed that the materials kept on moving, as a tradesman who never stopped work for one day of the BS it was still evident that goods were being moved.... on very quiet roads, rails and skies.......
If knowledge is power and knowledge of a regular occuring catastrophic event were known then preparations could be made, but only for the "chosen", so given that the underground cities are now complete and the current "food crisis" is well underway, we may deduce that the cupboards of the underground cities are now being stocked? in readiness for what? not nuclear war, that is the red herring to keep your attention while we are fleeced (what an apt term?) yet further, understand that the bizarre willingness to comit evil by the complicit (politicians and others in positions of power) may be due to being on the "invitation list"..
the jab also allowed for the identification of a) the most biddable in society and b) the most un-biddable, so how do we feel about being an owned slave in an undeground city, a slave to psychopathic sociopathic retards?
fk that, i will be one of the ones hot wiring large excavators to block the exits ;0)
ultimately we all chose to be here at this time and as a result we can either open our eyes or close them,
Richard - Apr 26, 2023
Every one of those “clubs” is controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.
duckman - Apr 28, 2023
and understanding that would also infer that you understand the "heavenly jerusalem" project to allow the kryptos to return home? an area currently being cleared of nasty orrid white folk in readiness for "new eden"
there is much confusion re roles in this situation, with it now becoming evident that a real Russian power is at work over and above puppet leaders who talked the talk, but do not walk the walk...
Blaise - Apr 29, 2023
Att Viska
In a word, Satan hates God, and everything in His image (yes, His).
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