Dr. Mihalcea, I mean no disrespect and I'm probably going to get raked over the goals and possibly even blocked from this Substack for saying this but I strongly feel led to say it.
Ok, we get the point. It's quite evident that we're under attack and are facing either a transhumanistic future locked in digital prison or an untimely death.
WHERE are the solutions? WHAT are your recommended antidotes? Because without them, your daily posts reminding us of the hell we face is nothing more than fear porn. We can't change what these evil psychopaths are doing but we CAN change how we respond and there ARE things we can be doing to offset the effects of this technology so that we can be the very best version of ourselves for as long as God decides to keep us here on earth.
Dr. Mihalcea, we are trusting in you to provide us with solutions.
Very well written. One thing I wish is that at the top of a post would be listed something like "best audience for this post." Could be "broad public." Could be "virologists" or "M.D.s". . . whatever. I couldn't learn enough about this topic to figure out what to do with the information . . . . I'm no scientist or researcher and maybe not the proper audience for the post. I was trying to figure out what I could tell my friend who is jabbing herself with insulin but I don't know enough to make sense of the topic. All I know is that I am OFF any and all needles.
Yes, I had to admit to myself, looking at the live blood videos, that I did not comprehend or understand what I was looking at. Some of the still shots are more clear to me.
That's good to know but it takes so much more than that to detox and then there's the "where/what do we do from here" to try to offset what they're doing to us.
I was targeted with these technologies BEFORE the official outbreak of Covid by a Lockheed Martin Research Scientist (Obama's Brain Initiative) and a ALD Nanosolutions that posed as friends.https://youtu.be/VyIOgFKrCB0
I'm a Targeted Individual (Ana knows about this program) and I have been detoxing since May 2021 when I detox'd this garbage in the tub:https://youtu.be/ENCcZsUwhVY
I'm much better than I was but I *STILL* struggle with symptoms in my brain/ears that I can't seem to kick for good. I feel like I'm about 6 months behind the rest of the population because again, I was targeted by these psychopaths.
Yes I understand about this and its real Lockheed Martin is evil and involved in many geoengineereing agendas. here is comprehensive REMEDY list
Teas ; Dandelion, White Pine needle tea, Star Anise, Nettle, Burdock, Horsetail, Lemon Balm, Mint, Comfrey, Rosemary
Tinctures; Usnea Lichen/Orgegon Grape root, Kalina/Elderberry/Pau D Arco , Usnea L./Oregon Grape root/ Garlic/Horseradish/Ginger, CATSCLAW, SHIZANDRA, Sweetwormwood, Licorice root
Supplements; NAC /GLUTATHIONE, Fulvic/Humic acid complex, Nattokinase , Vit .C , Vit D-3, coQ10, Axastanthin, Selenium , IODINE, NANO SILVER WATER.
Glycine/ VIT-C for Glyphosate detox, BLACK CURRANT/BLUEBERRY fermented enhanced VIT C, Acerola cherries/Rosehips VIT C,
Detox ; 20 mule team Borax in solution, CDS, Activated charcoal, Calcium/ Magnesium Bentonite Clay, Epsom Salts, Pure Baking soda, Raw ALOE GEL
Enough SLEEP in Em protected environment. Zeolite formula. Oil of Oregano, Wormwood/Black Walnut/Clove for Parasite cleanse
Here's everything I've been doing since May 2021 (not trying to promote because I have "paid subs" turned off. The whole point of my post is that people are suffering and we need solutions:https://godsgirl.substack.com/p/detox-protocol
Why do you expect only her to do, she and others have given many, IT IS UP TO ALL OF US to do this for our own personal and collective survival. Its only fear porn if you react to it that way. Rise up like a warrior and get active. Email me and Ill give you a comprehensive list.
Dear Tracy
In my opinion Dr Mihalcea is doing her part in the best way to help people. She listed many good tips (detox) on how we should help ourselves and WE MUST DO our part also!
She is a doctor only, and like us is new to this kind of nanotechnology that is merging with our bodies.
I know you feel helpless as being a targeted individual is something that 95 % of the people or more don't have any clue !!
I personally discovered 10 years ago about how this nanotechnology was almost everywhere , and the people who had morgellons disease were considered crazy by the Govern-Ment(is).
This technology is a military weapon , there is lots of secrecy around and maybe will take time until we find something to fighting back.
God will not come here to fight them, we must stand up and protect His Creation. Anyone has to do his own part! There is no way that one will work hard come with the "Solution" and save us all , especially the one that are sleeping 24h/7.
Thank you for your thoughtful response and for all the reminders. I'm trying so hard and I've invested so much time and money into feeling normal again ... 💜🙏
Why are there so many first responses to Dr. Ana’s posts lately that include an individual being skeptical and bringing in this targeted nonsense.
The whole point of Dr. Ana’s sub stack is to prove everyone is at risk. These tactics are called “the slide” and in general are supposed to be disruptive. And the paranoia is added to takeaway from Dr. Ana’s hard facts by blurring the lines. The good news here is that this is what you should expect to see in the comment section of someone on top of the truth.
I checked Tracy out and I feel certain that she is legit. I found her information helpful. If you didn't do the same you are being harmful instead of helpful with your caustic attitude.
And the sickest part of all of it is, they presented as friends - for YEARS.
So when people like "BobbyD" above make insensitive comments, I just have to forgive them because I know he doesn't understand. But he WILL, when the tech reaches far enough to effect him. 💜
Yep -- this is one of the two guys that targeted me and my family with similar technology:
and he creates technology used by Boulder Nonlinear Systems for The Brain Initiative:https://web.archive.org/web/20160326154804/http://bnonlinear.com/research-development/3d-phot
The other guy founded ALD Nanosolutions and leads the Chemical and Biological Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder.
If you knew the depths of what they did and how it effects me (and my family) today, you would be outraged ...
We should not expect this (great) substack (and others) not to get infiltrated by the enemy (not saying that the person who made the comment belongs to that group ...)
I know that Targeted Individuals (TI's) are difficult to comprehend. And when you speak to them, yes, they sound stark raving.
But imagine, if you will, what it would be like to have your entire home bombarded with microwaves? Or perhaps a sonic or even ultrasonic pitch that you cannot get rid of? For months, even years?
I don't know why TI's are targeted, nor do I understand it. None of the ones I've met were particularly dangerous to gov't or high profile. Some had only committed the crime of signing up for military service. However, often agencies do things just because they *can* - or to calibrate their equipment for better efficacy.
Have compassion for things you don't understand.
First - they came for the political dissidents, then they came for the inconvenient. As you point out @BobbyD, now it's all of us. We should listen to those they came for previously.
Well... I am thankful to Dr Ana Mihalcea, because without her we would not know probably anything, what is really going on these days... you call it a "fear porn" - is it better to live in daze knowing nothing? First step to problem solution is to know there is a problem, the more people know about it, the sooner we may find (I hope so) answers!
Thank you for your feedback -- I am thankful as well. I was just asking if we could sprinkle a little bit of hope in between the messages, that's all. God bless. 🙏💜
Off topic, I see you are a musician. Perhaps you might be interested in Tunedge Artist Music Portal: Portalhttps://portal.tunedge.com/
You can post your music and possibly get paid for it. People there to answer your questions. Best wishes.
Thank you for this and especially for mentioning diatomaceous earth, which i think is even better than ivermectin against parasites and has no known toxicity. It's the only thing i take regularly and it's the best detox agent i've found yet. I've often read that DE purifies the blood, maybe it's related to the silica, do you have any info on this ?
DE yar, good. Take care that it doesn't chelate your nutrients as well.
But I don't know of anything which will purify self-assembling nanotech. Dandelion was created millennia before this bs.
That's the article which mentioned the blood cleansing properties:https://draxe.com/nutrition/diatomaceous-earth/
About the negative charge .. Look at what they say in the article, it talks about silica particles carrying an electrical charge and binding to toxins:
"Silica works similarly to antioxidants found in high-antioxidant foods because it retains its traits as a stable particle even while continuously suspended in a liquid medium, allowing it to fight free radical damage. It’s broken down into a colloidal, which acts like a detoxifier for the blood since it carries an electrical charge that attaches to free radicals and other harmful toxins.
Silica particles can then neutralize the charge of free radicals and remove them from the body through sweat, urine and feces, which slows oxidative damage and has anti-aging effects."
I honestly think this stuff is worth looking into and might be key in fighting their toxic nanotech. It's abundant, cheap, natural, almost tasteless, easy to take ..
Dr. Mihalcea, I think we desperately need more information on the effectiveness of oral chelation compared to IV chelation. You touched on this in the SGT Report video. It'd be helpful to know the differences between capsule/liposomal/IV EDTA/Vitamin C. Our medical system makes it impossible for us to find treatment from a doctor like you near us!
I have been doing the EDTA cream. I duplicated the EZDTox formula exactly. For further absorption I lightly spray 70 % DMSO over that and rub in. It works very well, but according to Dr Cassar, the enema protocol is the most effective (after IV). I am going to start that shortly.
Judy, If you want to buy cream then the brand is EZDtox. They sell it at their website, Amazon, and Ona's Naturals. There is another brand called Kelacream also has a website and at Amazon. I make my own and I copied the EZDetox formula. I felt $70 was too expensive. I duplicated it for way under $10. I do have some experience in making cream formulations, though. But it is basically distilled water, coconut oil, an emulsifier, calcium EDTA. Let me get my recipe together in an easy to understand formula w/ directions and I will post it for those interested. If you make it and store it in the fridge there is no need for a preservative.
It is important to detox from the BioWeapn Shots, especially the heavy metal poisoning, spike proteins and parasites. I detoxed my 4 times injected 90 year old mother with daily doses of Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture in combination with 1 daily dose of Ivermectin Equine Paste.
My mother came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable. So far, all these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw help.
I believe Cat's Claw is removing the graphene oxide from my mom. The palms of her hands went from black to a healthy pink.
I believe Cat's Claw is tearing down the white amyloid scaffolding structures with in the veins and arteries of her legs. Her legs are no longer in pain or swollen.
Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Could it be stopping the mRNA process? Not only that, but it also stops cells from mutating in to cancer. My mother had a large tumor on her spine, CC removed it completely with in 6 weeks. Her thyroid was huge and abnormal looking, in about 8 weeks, it was back to normal.
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:https://draxe.com/nutrition/quercetin/
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It’s technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is exactly why it’s found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables.
I can not prove any of this as I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.
Cat's Claw Herb Uses,Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Drink CC tea 3 times per day, everyday for 3 to 4 months. Ivermectin every day, 1 dose per day for 3 to 4 months. If using equine Ivermectin, please follow package directions according to your weight.
If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP. No blood pressure medicine while taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin.
Died Suddenly:https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html1 hour
This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a cool, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight redish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_i8Cvuw5FI&t=1s8:00 min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:https://jillshomeremedies.com/2011/10/how-to-make-a-glycerin-tincture-video-preparing-for-the-winter.html
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw.
Amazon.com- $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:https://www.amazon.com/Dropper-Bumobum-Essential-Tincture-Measured/dp/B09ZP8NXCD/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?keywords=4%2Bounce%2Bdropper%2Bbottle&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable prices and delvers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.
Thank you so much.
Questions after reading the Jill article:
1) (question deleted)
2) (question deleted)
3) Where do you purchase your vegetable glycerine?
Back again. I purchase 1 gallon bottles of organic veg. glycerin fromAzureStandard.com:https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/nutritional-supplements/herbal-preparation-supplies/glycerine/vegetable-glycerin-food-grade-organic/31700?package=NS1776
I gave her an alcohol tincture of Ginko biloba, (also an AntiMutagenic herb) several times a day for her circulation, stop blood clotting and as a blood thinner: 'several compounds in Ginkgo biloba block thrombin, an enzyme that causes blood clotting:'https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322384#ginkgo-biloba
Why Cat's Claw? It is as though Heavenly Father made Cat's Claw for these times and for this BioWeapon specifically.
This is my go to Indian site for medicinal tropical herbs, it is run by Indian medical doctors:Herbpathy.com. As you know, in India, there is a wealth of exotic medicinal plants, Cat's Claw being one of them. The medical doctors in India combine conventional medicine with Ayurveda medicine which includes herbs.
Cat's Claw:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264
The self assembling circuit board razor blades must be made out of metals, Cat's Claw removes heavy metal poisonings. Cat's Claw is a Heavy Metal Poisoning REMOVER. Cat's Claw breaks the metals down on a nano and also atomic level. Then it whisks away the metals carrying them out of the body. Metals are not safe with Cat's Claw lurking around in the blood stream.
Cat's Claw must be dissolving the graphen oxide, morgellon threads, white amyloid scaffolding and amyloid plaque in the brain and removing them from the body.
Cat's Claw is a blood purifier and a blood cleanser. There are certain things that do not belong in your blood, if it does not belong in your blood, Cat's Claw will get rid of it.
Back to why Cat's Claw? How nice it would be for my ego if I were to tell you I knew what i was doing when I picked Cat's Claw, but that is not true.
My brother who is homeless in Los Angels told me his hands and arms were cold and numb making it hard for him to sleep at night. He also mentions he had ED. My brother was already vaxxed as he believed in the vax at the time. I made the Cat's Claw tincture and sent him some of it.
My mother would complain about her finger tips being numb, her arms feeling cold and numb. It seemed to be the best herb for her at the time. I knew it did much more, but I had no idea it would do so much against the BioWeapon Death Shots. My mother was getting better. Her hands went from black to pink. She could not breath well, she was breathing much better to the point of getting up and walking around the house with energy. My mother had Alzheimer's disease for 20 years prior to getting vaxxed. She seemed to be more cognizant with the Cat's Claw.
Juvenile and Adult Alzheimer's Disease from the Death Shots? Nothing Cat's
Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline?
By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH; Carrie Lam, MD; Jeremy Lam, MD
CV19 Vax DESTROYS HEART AND BRAIN of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/1 hour
By Greg Hunter On October 29, 2022 In Political Analysis
Cat's Claw does a lot for human health, (dogs too, probably many animals), but it does a lot against the BioWeapon.
Cat's Claw:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264
She also got the AntiShedding tea when ever she could stomach it, pinned on my page:https://gab.com/GenevaThatcher- Scroll through the post on the right side of the page for post on bioweapon remedies.
I am an autodidact herbalist. I studied herbs and natural cures while I tried to find out how to cure my self of Fibromyalgia and CFS.
With Father God's help, guidance and herbs, I was able to cure my self of an 'incurable' autoimmune disease, (what doctors told me) called Fibromyalgia and CFS and I had it bad. It took 12 years of research, hits and misses, herbs, homeopathic remedies, medical cannabis for pain, change in life style, change in diet, daily exercise, drank a gallon of water every day...I am 100% cured of Fibromyaligia and CFS for about 10 years now.
I am not sure what to tell you Edmond as I do not know how many of my thread post you have read. Perhaps it is best if i stick to your questions.
I have ADHD so I am all over the place, sorry about that.
Time for me to go water the garden and let the guineas out.
Good Morning Edmond Pare. No apologies necessary. Your questions are fine dear. There is much detail to communicate, I will do my best to communicate what is important.
Cat's Claw the only herb? No. When my mother came to visit me, she was in kidney failure, she was overdosing on her 30 Rx drugs, diarrhea non stop from the Rx drugs, heart problems, micro-clotting off the scale.
I gave her Cat's Claw right away because I know Cat's Claw dissolves blood clots.
For the kidney failure I gave her a medicinal herbal tea for kidneys.
I gave her Hawthorn Berry, Ginko biloba and Gotu kola for her heart, brain and circulation.
If you want details on the medicinal herbal teas, I will gladly give it to you upon request as it is a long list. Some of the herbs are in the herbal blends were 'AntiMutagenics.' When one is in crisis like my mother was, one must address the immediate conditions while at the same time giving her Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Her blood pressure was through the roof. Ivermectin raises blood pressure. I waited to give her Ivermectin until she had her heart herbal medicinal tea first.
I am sorry I have to go. We live on a small farm 5 miles from the Canadian boarder. I have morning chores t get to. I will continue to answer your questions a little later.
I apologize for asking you why you decided to use Cat's Claw. I'm going to delete that part of my post, leaving only my 3) question about where do you purchase the vegetable glycerine.
I'm trying to accomplish too much today. After I sent my post, I remembered that you explained in detail in your first post on this thread why you used Cat's Claw.
That's a very impressive herb. You sound like you've been doing herbal remedies for a long time and I see in your profile that you are a herbalist.
Do you live in Vermont? The reason I'm asking is that one of my cousins still runs my grandparents dairy farm, 10 miles from the Canadian border in East Enosburg, VT. That is where I preferred to spend my summers when I was young. (-:
Spending summers in Vermont while young, how wonderful. I've never been, but the pictures I see of Vermont, especially during the fall when the leaves change, what a magical, beautiful place.
We live in the Oakanogan Highlands of Washington State on a small 30 acre farm. Our mountains have all kinds of animals from Canada as I imagine is the same for Vermont. There is no cells phone reception, no 5G or G any thing around here. I suspect this is one of the reasons my mother got better with in 3 months of taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin daily.
I TOO am in your state but further S. , completely off grid self sufficient homestead. I make all our own medicines and tinctures and have used CAT CLAW for many years. Good you dont have 4g 5g , but it is being beamed from satellites and cell phones, and digital smart meters are just as dangerous. Did I send you my comprehensive remedy list , we are testing everything to deal with these horrible agendas forced upon us.
another Cat's Claw post from gab:
from my gab post:
Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are the Antidote to the covid Death Shots. Please see my post on Cat's Claw and Ivermectin healing my double vaxxed and double boosted mother. You can find it on my home pagehttps://gab.com/GenevaThatcher.
Cats Claw Benefits and Properties by: Herbazest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki_mXbjF2ro1:11 min.
Oct 24, 2019
Cat's Claw Benefits Against the Death Shots
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw Medicinal Properties
Health Benefits of Cat's Claw
Cat's claw's properties include anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory actions, which have been used in traditional Amazonian medicine for centuries. Modern scientific studies have validated some of these applications. Cat's claw's benefits have been shown effective for:
Reducing inflammation. The herb has been traditionally used to alleviate a number of inflammatory ailments. Studies have shown that cat's claw can alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis.1
Supporting the immune system. Thanks to its richness in medicinal compounds, cat's claw may enhance immune function, shielding the body against harmful microorganisms.2
While traditionally used for treating a variety of health conditions, some medicinal applications of cat's claw require further research. However, preliminary studies suggests that cat's claw may be useful for:
Treating dengue fever. Cat's claw's immunoprotective effects may help fight this tropical disease as well as other viral infections.
Repairing skin damage. Thanks to its antioxidants and other supporting compounds, it has been shown that cat's claw may prevent cell damage from UV radiation.3
Preventing degenerative diseases. The alkaloids contained in cat's claw bark are thought to be responsible for the herb's beneficial effect on memory impairment, helping prevent the onset of dementia and Parkinson's disease.
Eliminating bacteria. Cat's claw's antimicrobial properties have been found useful in root canal treatments and other bacterial infections.4
How It Works
Recent research into the mechanisms behind cat's claw's health benefits has revealed several potent phytocompounds, mainly uncarines, a type of oxindole alkaloids, which have been shown to modulate the immune response and exert neuroprotective effects. Proanthocyanidins, a class of antioxidants, as well as phenolic acids are believed to be behind cat's claw's anti-inflammatory properties.
Anti-inflammatory abilities are also present in devil's claw, dog rose, and turmeric, whereas cherry, cabbage, and the tea plant have the ability to enhance and protect immunity.
Cat's Claw Side Effects
While cat's claw toxicity has not been extensively studied, it appears to have few side effects. Some people have reported nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea while taking cat's claw. These side effects go away in many people after their body gets used to the herb.
Though cat's claw appears to be generally safe. People with chronic low blood pressure should be careful while taking this herb as Cat's Claw lowers your blood pressure. Ivermectin raises blood pressure. Please no blood pressure medicines while taking Cat's Claw and or Ivermectin. After taking Cat's Claw, listen to your body and how it feels. If you want more Cat's Claw then have more and continue to listen to your body and how it feels.
Cat's claw bark may interact with some prescribed drugs, such as immunosuppressants, blood thinners, diuretics, and blood pressure medications. Cat's Claw is a natural immune booster. Cat's Claw is also a natural diuretic so no diuretic medication while taking Cat's Claw. Cat's Claw is a blood thinner as well. It destroys micro-clotting and naturally thins blood.
Buying Natural Forms
Cat's claw bark can be difficult to find in temperate climates, though select specialized health stores may carry it as teabags. Online retailers such ashttp://herbco.com, provide the best chance of encountering supplies to fit individual wants and needs. While dried cat's claw bark allows for a greater flexibility when it comes to homemade remedies, there is a significant risk of accidentally lowering the herb's potency by destroying some of its compounds during the preparation process.
When making Cat's Claw tincture do not use 'alcohol' for making Cat's Claw tincture as alcohol destroys Cat's Claw effective medicinal benefits.
Use vegetable glycerin to make Cat's Claw tincture or make a Cat's Claw medicinal tea and enjoy it.
Herbal Remedies & Supplements
Herbal supplements that feature cat's claw are becoming more prevalent on today's market. These can often be found in capsule, tincture, and liquid extract forms in an increasing number of specialized herbal stores, as well as through many online retailers, which also provide valuable information about concentrations, dosages, and price points.
Drink CC tea 3 times per day, everyday for 3 to 4 months. Ivermectin every day, 1 per day for 3 to 4 months per your wt. No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
I prefer to ferment these for enhanced potency with apple cider vinegar/rice wine
combination. Testing these with Electro acupuncture shows they are enhanced.
Geneva, i'm getting some CC bark very soon. I have a question, in the description they talk about preparing a tea with the bark, by boiling the bark for 5 to 10 minutes. Have you tried making a tea with it and do you have any opinion on what's the most potent method of administration ? I'd expect the tincture to be more medicinal, the bark slowly releasing more of its content over time ? I'll try both anyway. Thank you.
Hi Marty McFly, The tincture is more potent and easier to carry around with you. I make my own. Avoid Cat's Claw Tinctures made with alcohol. Alcohol destroys some of the plant compounds. If you want to make your own, it is easy and you can do it.
Tea is fine too, I'd make the tea on the strong side. You do not want to boil any herb. To much heat destroys the plant phytochemical compounds, this goes for all herbs. Pour Boiling water over an herb, cover and steep for at least 10 minutes, with out heat. For barks, twigs, roots and seeds, you want to steep your tea for at least 20 minutes.
Here is how I make my Cat's claw Tincture
This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a dark, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight reddish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated, (not over heated) to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_i8Cvuw5FI&t=1s8:00 min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:https://jillshomeremedies.com/2011/10/how-to-make-a-glycerin-tincture-video-preparing-for-the-winter.html
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw.
Amazon.com- $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:https://www.amazon.com/Dropper-Bumobum-Essential-Tincture-Measured/dp/B09ZP8NXCD/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?keywords=4%2Bounce%2Bdropper%2Bbottle&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable prices and delvers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.
Hi Marty, when you have time, could you answer a few questions?
Did you ever got on Cat's Claw?
How are you doing on Cat's Claw?
Are you taking Ivermectin too?
Thank you Geneva, i did not know about Cat's Claw, that's amazing ! Maybe it could also help those affected by shedding.. Glad your mother's recovering from the shots.
It does help against shedding. My husband and I live rural in the mountains. We let our guard down, took no precautions at all. We don't see many people as our neighbors are miles apart. We had not been to town for 3 months living off the food we grow. We went to town to buy chicken feed. No customers in the store. We checked out. Weeks later, I went to the bath room and there was that smell. The same smell my 4 time vaxxed mother had when she came to visit me. That smell was coming out of me. I was infected. My husband got infected a few weeks later. His genetics and immunity have always been better than mine. Any way Cat's claw has been keeping the smell away. If I miss a does, the smell comes back, lightly. We are both taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Cat's Claw daily, Ivermectin twice per week. Ivermectin horse paste is limited.
There are also foods, herbs spices that get rid of the Spike Proteins if Ivermectin is hard to get.
from my gab psot
There are those who have told me Ivermectin is getting hard to secure.
Until Ivermectin is easily available with or with out an Rx, one can use other herbs and foods high in Shakimic Acid to stop the production of Spike Proteins in the body. Cat's Claw is also recommended as Cat's Claw stops the mRNA process, therefore no more messenger RNA giving instructions to cells to make Spike Protein.
Ivermectin reduces inflammation, binds to the Spike Proteins and kill parasites. Until Ivermectin is available, 'Herbs' such as Sweet Wormwood stop Spike Proteins, kill parasites, etc. are recommended.
The Best Home Remedies for Parasiteshttps://www.drberg.com/blog/the-best-home-remedies-for-parasites
Black Walnut Hulls
Diatomaceous Earth, (Drink lots of water as DE is drying on your system)
What Is Diatomaceous Earth? Benefits for Health & Home:https://draxe.com/nutrition/diatomaceous-earth/
15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx
Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021
By Jacqueline
Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein:
-Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) Identify your pine needles as edible. When drinking edible pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.
-Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid
-Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): When taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a gut blood purification process some call “interstitial dialysis”.
-Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
-DIY Peppermint extract (very high in hesperidin)
More Super herbs High in Shikimate Help Disable Spike Protein
Dr. David Wolfe’s list:
-Schizandra Berry
-St. John’s Wort (Hypericum androsaemum): shikimic acid is found in abundance
-I found testing of 5 bean sprouts are rich in shikimate (incl. red kidney bean, mung bean, and alfalfa). The highest content is during the sprouting process.
-Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
-Gingko Biloba Leaf
-Giant Hyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia)
-LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tincture or tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.
-Carrots and Carrot Juice
-Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (the young blades)
by: Deep Roots At Home
For more videos and full article information, please go to:
Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated"
"Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it."https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/shedding-concerns-it-looks-like-the3:00 MIN.
Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are both parasite, larvae and egg killers. Both reduce inflammation. Both work together really well for some reason. They seem to synergize each other against the death shots. Ivermectin stops the Spike Proteins where as CC does not. Unfortunately the price of Ivermectin is going up, up, up.
You need protection against the Spike Proteins and the mRNA, (CC) and who knows what else is being transferred. I heard people are getting parasites from the vaxxed.
As a parasite back up for CC, I've been combining CC and Pau d' Arco together in a glycerin tincture.
Pau d' Arco is an 'AntiMutagenic' Bark as well. CC and Pau d' Arco both kill paraisites, cancer, stop mRNA, stop tumors, remove heavy metal poisoning, malaria, MRSA, Heart Health, Candida, lowers HBP, Poor Blood Circulation, Numbness in Extremities, Antibiotic, Immunity Booster, Detoxicant and so much more.
15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx
Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021
By Jacqueline
Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein
Just going into a store where there are/were vaxxed people you can get infected with the aerosols ? especially with poor ventilation.. Thank you for the info, i've been using pine needle tea for years, it's god's medicine. I plan on buying some Cat's Claw bark and making some tincture, this stuff seems really powerful.
Excellent! Pine needle tea is very good to protect you from shedding. Cat's Claw will protect you too. You should be fine with both for protection.
Herbco.comhas reasonable prices and they deliver in a timely manner.
The Anti-Shedding Anti-Covid tea is good too. We drink it in the mornings as I put extra green tea in it, which is extra Epigallocatechin Gallate, EGCg in it. It wakes us up and protects us.
Here is the recipe in case you decide to try it:
Anti-Shedding Anti-Covid Anti-VENOM Tea has Suramin, HCQ, Shikimic Acid, EGCg, ZINC, Quercetine, Anti-Oxidants, Anit-Cancer, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Mutagenic, Vit. D, E, C, A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 to fight covid VENOM & shedding.
I have been giving my fully vaxxed and boosted, 90 year old mother Pau d Arco for her death shot symptoms. Since adding Pau d Arco mom's tea, she is a little better. I recommend Pau d Arco as an 'optional' choice.
It's taste is neutral.
I recommend powdered 'Edible' Pine Bark if you are sick and or injected. It is full of Suramin and Shakimic Acid. Pine Bark is also 'optional,' but recommend especially if you are injected.
3 tsp powdered pau d arco, (AntiCoagulant, Quinine, AntiCancer, Anti Inflammatory, AntiMalaria, AntiParasitic, AntiTumor, Blood Purifier, Immunity Booster, AntiViral, Blood Thinner, Heart, Poor Blood Circulation, Removes Graphene oxide Heavy Metal Poisoning and so much more)
1-3 tsp powdered 'EDIBLE' Pine Bark, ( I use White Pine bark, Improves Cognition, Reduces Neuroinflammation, Improves Vascular Function, Contains Suramin and Shakimic Acid, Combats Inflammation And Boost Immunity, Has Antioxidant Effects, Helps Lung Disease, Improves Kidney Function, Has Antimicrobial Effects, Combats Cancer Mechanisms and much more)
3 tsp powdered turmeric, (Antioxidants, AntiMutagenic stop the mRNA process and Cancer, AntiViral, Immune Booster, Detoxicant, Blood Clots, Heart conditions, reduces Inflammation, (and so much more)
2-3 tsp powdered Cat's Claw bark, (Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic)
2 tsp powdered black pepper, (black pepper helps absorb more curcumin from turmeric)
3 tsp powdered star anise, (Quercetine, Shikimic Acid kills spike proteins and VENOM)
1/2-1 tsp powdered orange peel, (HCQ for VENOM and tasty)
2 tsp powdered licorice root, (neutralizes covid, pharmacological actions, the ability to act against viruses belonging to different families, including SARS corona)
1-2 tsp powdered cardamon, (Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Viral properties and has the ability to kill viruses that cause flu)
1-2 tsp powdered green tea, (strong inhibitors against multiple proteins needed by SARS-CoV-2 to infect cells and to replicate in those cells. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg)
Antioxidant, antiangiogenic and antitumor agent)
3 tsp powdered whole cloves (AntiViral, AntiProtozoal, AntiParasitic)
Cloves contain powerful AntiMicrobial agents that travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites, parasitic larvae and eggs).
Powder herbal blend and mix together. You'll want to put it in a glass jar with a lid to keep it fresh. I personally put the tea together by table spoon fulls. You can change the amounts of the herbs according to your situation.
For Example: Are you always around people who are 'Shedding?' You'll want more Shakimic Acid and Suramin in your tea to protect you from Spike Proteins.
To make 1 cup of tea, depending on your taste, add 1,2 or 3 teaspoons of the powdered herb mix in to a pot, add 3/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of coconut milk, place lid and bring to a quick boil. Do not over boil it! Take off the heat immediately upon boil and let steep with lid on for at least 10 minutes. While the tea is steeping, add to your cup a sweetener or 2, (for sweetening synergy) such as agave and monk-fruit-sugar, or honey & stevia, add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to the pot. Ready to drink. This should be coconut milky rich, sweet, tasty medicinal tea. Children will enjoy it too.
If you are sick drink the tea 3 times per day or more. If you are not sick, drink tea once per day for protective maintenance.
Drink before and after going around sick and shedding people.
If you have extra green tea in your tea mix, I suggest drinking the medicinal tea through out the mornings only, be ye sick or not, you do not want to be awake during the night. Sleep is imperative to heal while sick.
Coconut oil, Coconut milk and Black Pepper helps the body with the 'Absorption' of the 'Curcumin' found in Turmeric.
Please Take Your Turmeric This Way to Get Full Absorption & Correct Results - Dr Mandell, D.C.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2SQr-26-0g&t=5s10:00 min
List of Anti-inflammatory Herbs
Click on the green + sign where it says 'More' for expansion of information.
List of AntiMutagenic Herbs Repertory
Click on the green + sign where it says 'More' for expansion of information.
SURAMIN, SHIKIMIC ACID and Science Dr. Judy Mikovits
https://www.brighteon.com/7c129e86-7e2b-47a7-bc74-dd19621e40421 hour
Shedding Woo by Clif High
https://www.bitchute.com/video/VJ4A4yu0veDA/37:00 min.
What's the recommended dosage for pets, and is there another way to give then the CC than with the tincture ? Raw milk thistle powder for example is often given to pets mixed with their (wet) food. Does Cat's Claw need to be heated to be active or can you just grind it and mix it with their food as is ? I'll look for information on the topic but i'd rather know from someone like you. Take care.
Hello Marty McFly,
For protection against the shedding, I give 1 ml of Cat's Claw Glycerin twice a day to my dogs. 1/2 ml to my cat twice a day. Since vegetable glycerin is sweet, the animals do not mind it. I have a separate, dedicated dropper bottle just for the animals.
I have replaced the glass dropper with one that is plastic to avoid animal biting down and breaking glass in their mouth. My animals do not bite down on the dropper, but I do it any way just incase.
I have given 2 ml of Cat's Claw, (CC) twice a day to my big dog for a tumor on her face for several months. It is all gone now and she is fine.
I do not know the recommended dose for dogs and cats. This amount seems to be fine for my dogs and cat for protection against Spike Protein Contamination.
I make my own Cat's Claw glycerin. It is easy and you can do it. Below addresses the 1 ml dispenser dropper.
Below has Video explaining the heating process of Cat's Claw herb and Article explaining how to make Cat's Claw glycerin.
This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a cool, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight redish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_i8Cvuw5FI&t=1s8:00 min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:https://jillshomeremedies.com/2011/10/how-to-make-a-glycerin-tincture-video-preparing-for-the-winter.html
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw.
Amazon.com- $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:https://www.amazon.com/Dropper-Bumobum-Essential-Tincture-Measured/dp/B09ZP8NXCD/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?keywords=4%2Bounce%2Bdropper%2Bbottle&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable Cat's Claw prices and delivers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.
My mother had Alzheimer's and passed away about a year ago. She was here for 7 months. She was very sick, we detoxed her, she got better for a few months and then she suddenly stopped eating and crossed over. She had Alzheimer's disease for 20 years before she got injected. She was among the first to get vaxxed. She was vaxxed for years, long enough for the vax to do it's irreversible damage to her brain and body. The BioWeapon caused her Alzheimer's to get worse, faster as it eats holes in the brain. She got her 4th booster before she came to visit in order to clear her to fly here to me. I did not know about the 4th booster until after she died. That was the nail in her coffin. I tell injected people, don't wait until you are sick and the damage is done to your body. Take action now, very few people listen.
There is a Mexican couple we buy our food from at the Farmer's Market. They are both vaxxed, but they do not want to hear about it. They are scared.
Funny but how true.
I’m sure we could come up with a bunch of cartoons that could be added to the list.
Sometimes one has to just laugh to keep from crying.
I’m wondering how this nanotechnology is affecting our pets and the wild animals.
Has anyone looked at the blood of dogs and cats that live in a household where some or all have been jabbed in comparison to non-jabbed households.
I am afraid our beloved pets have been affected as well. It would still be interesting to find out for sure.
Great question! And unfortunately, yes they are being effected. Pets are dying at an alarming rate and pets cancers are thru the roof. But nobody’s talking about it, why? Got a neighbor, quadruple vaxed, both of them, just lost 3 dogs in 6 months ages from 9 months to 7 years . All rapid onset cancers that killed before treatment could commence. Yet, I’m the one the call the conspiracy theorist. I’ve begged them to stop adopting any more as they will meet the same fate.
Then you got the Chemtrails, gawd knows what’s in them, yet animals are dying in droves. My sister has indoor outdoor cats. They are being sprayed on heavily in Indiana. She, just had to rush her 3 year old cat to the emergency vet for breathing problems! Diagnosis, pneumonia??????? In a cat?
I have 12 and owned many throughout my life and never had one with pneumonia. Upper respiratory problems, yes. Pneumonia, never.
While she was there they wanted to give this poor sick cat a Covid vax!!!!! WHAT?
The shedding or transference is very real and the vaxed are killing pets, children and anyone they come in contact with. If you read the pfizer documents, it’s there in black and white.
I had to stop caring for some family, because every time I got near them, I got some weird sickness or affliction.
This is one horrible sci-Fi movie I want just want to turn off.
Thanks for your response and information.
I was afraid that was the case. My wife and I are not vaxed and have been paying attention from the very beginning warning family and friends. Unfortunately very few listened and are now suffering the consequences and some have died.
I did lose one of my cats from cancer last year and the other one seems fine so far.
Hopefully we can use the information we are gathering to help us dodge these bullets coming at us from all directions.
Thanks again for your response and praying you and your family the best.
I'm afraid you're right about pets and the jabbed, the shedding affects them as well and can be fatal, imagine how such toxic poison can affect the small body of a cat or a dog ..
We are doing live blood analysis of a cat in a few weeks. I Will post it on my YouTube channel along with the rest. Here is a good one of my triple vaxxed business partner. You can see spike proteins, parasites nano tech etc.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcESuiZwRd8
Cats are mammals and their circulatory system isn't that different from humans, if they're contaminated i think we'd see the same type of thing in their blood that what we see in the blood of a human unjabbed affected by shedding.
My dogs are showing signs of infection as my husband and I are infected. The dog's noses are always dry indicating a fever I am guessing. I've been giving them Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture, Ivermectin Equine Paste and Colloidal Silver.
from my gab post:
Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture in combination with Ivermectin is working against the death shots!
My mom came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable. So far, all these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw help.
I believe Cat's Claw is removing the graphene oxide from my mom. The palms of her hands went from black to a healthy pink.
I believe Cat's Claw is tearing down the white amyloid scaffolding structures with in the veins and arteries of her legs. Her legs are no longer in pain or swollen.
Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Could it be stopping the mRNA process? Not only that, but it also stops cells from mutating in to cancer. My mother had a large tumor on her spine, CC removed it completely with in 6 weeks. Her thyroid was huge and abnormal looking, in about 8 weeks, it was back to normal.
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:https://draxe.com/nutrition/quercetin/
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It’s technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is exactly why it’s found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables.
I can not prove any of this as I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.
Cat's Claw Herb Uses,Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Thanks so much for your response and links. I will check it out and look into it further.
Hope your mother and your household, including your dogs, continue to get better.
Appreciate your concern and help.
Few are talking about self-assembling nanotechnology, still, especially our guilty politicians and media receiving big payouts by Big Pharma. Nobody is testing the COVID Bioweapons, including the criminals of the FBI and Justice Department, and so of course nobody’s willing to admit these Bioweapon Operating Systems are being secretly put into dozens of medicines, not just the bogus vaccines.
Also, I’m still trying to get farmers and veterinarians to “start” examining both vaccines, hormones and antibiotics—which most, if not all, farm animals do NOT require if raised on a healthy farm receiving proper diets, clean water, sunlight and exercise in the first place.
You may be correct. Please, allow me to pile a few additional thoughts...
The travesty is that “comprehension” of the whole truth of truths isn’t really all that necessary to “get it.” But not only are those who are compartmentalized within their specialties of making it all happen—such as all systems of control and genocide programs in development—the general population and the media are also divided up into their individual, closed-off groups and are also completely oblivious…and that’s what’s infuriating me the most.
I began my substack just seven months ago, just for the purpose of trying to be as simple-plain as possible with the realities to help they average individual, as well as seasoned researchers and doctors, pull their heads out of their dunk & cover caverns, and it’s worse than performing oral surgery on an alligator without sedation—as it’s trying to eat you in reaction for attempting to save it’s life. Add the extra frustration of short attention spans and monstrous-ignorance bordering blatant stupidity for their love of Jesus end-of-times—you may be correct in saying, “95 percent” will be murdered by less than 5% of their own politicians who actually have access to luxury bomb shelters to wait it out.
Take a look at my homepage. Center-stage publication contains everything one needs to know to wake up (about 60 hours of videos, audios, articles and books). Most goes right to the point—no fluff or filler—and all of it is 100% factual; no conspiracy “ perhaps or what-ifs.” My subscribers get it, but I’m guessing one out of three who visit turn away screaming into the night or probably head straight for the bottle to numb-off the realities. One percent hate my guts—blaming me for the words of others, like Rothschild, Rockefeller and Gates & company. But I’m a stubborn autistic data-dumping SOB that never turns off, not even when I “barely” asleep. And so, here we are.
O.K. this is real. Not a hologram, a stealth assault and Federal and Military employees had been forced. What it means is that we are all targeted. Do you know what that's like? Torture and pain to insure control.
It's our responsibility to let go of those things they've given us for our convenience. Towers and antennas are being installed and new cars put out frequency to keep us all connected. When you apply an app do you really know what you are doing? Want more, give us Barabas, give us easy.
I think humanity but mostly a person who is a man or a woman on earth and wants to own their experience should act like an adult. Start with the genius self you are embodied to be.
A monkey doesn't know better, a cookie in the jar that can threaten its life could be let go of, if it threatens health. Why do we carry such things around, they are in everyone's hands?
I'm facing the facts. You and I are targeted. This is the plan, not transhumanism. That's only a cartoon, Lucy moves the football, so you'll buy their idea of how we live but change nothing? We are so naive.
We are free to invent and explore how to heal. See it as a challenge, an adventure and get to work on it, research, experiment, share and do what you can, visualize where this lands. There's still time. No Fear, act instead.
We aren't that easy to kill, they added it into everything, Dr. Ana shares clues on how to conduct our way through this, proof, there is always a way. And if not, No Fear, still.
We'll know what to do, all you have to do is ask for the next right step, but you've got to step lively, man or woman! Your guidance will give you the way to go. And grace steps in at the last minute, amazing grace, she's always there.
That threatens them. Enjoy the ride. So what, we all die eventually.
No Fear, ever.
And now, a CDS enema, excuse me.
Dr Ana and Dr David Nixon, thank you for your ongoing work to find the nano/hydrogel in our environment and warning humanity. We appreciate all you are doing.
If you are really that desperate for a IV chelation you can do a 2 week health trip to Bangkok for example, which is very popular for medical tourism. I checked the prices for a hospital. 5 EDTA chelation sessions are 30 % cheaper than here in Berlin.
Getting an appointment in most Asian countries is a piece of cake. As a paying customer you instantly get a treatment. You can even get a online consultation for free. Nothing like here in Europe where you have wait+it's very expensive.
If you are concerned about the costs: Seriously, your life depends on it. If I hadn't spent all that money, time and energy in doing my own research I most likely would have been dead by now.
Cloud of drones, more likely. Did you hear there are now birds of prey that are trained to take out drones. It's pretty badass to see, but makes me sad for the birds. Probably wont go well for them.
An herbal answer for the insulin diabetes problem, while you are detoxing from the BioWeapon with Cat's Claw and Ivermectin you can take Gymnema sylvestre for diabetes:
Benefits of Gymnema slyvestre:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Gymnema-Sylvestre-Cid886
Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone
Dr. Sansone says not to stop your BioWeaponized Insulin, but I suggest looking at our options and stopping Insulin.
Unfortunately, I recently found out that my insulin has AI self assembling technology in it. I am basically getting C19 bioweapon injections against my will. This was apparently discovered in other people’s insulin too. Ana Mihalcea,http://M.SD., PhD has analyzed my Lantus and Humalog insulin. Using darkfield microscopy Dr. Mihalcea documents the AI self assembly occurring in the insulin in this video. She uses a Neurogenesis microscope which costs about $7000. This is the same self assembly that Dr. Mihalcea has documented in the blood of people as a result of C19 injections and from shedding. This research has been replicated by Dr. David Nixon.
On April first, I unexpectedly experienced congestive heart failure and went into the hospital because I could not breathe. On April 10th I had triple bypass heart surgery. Was this because of my insulin?
It is urgent that attention be brought to this, and that the insulin supply be cleaned up immediately. Those with diabetes, especially those of us with type 1 diabetes, have no choice, but to take their insulin to survive. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR INSULIN. It appears we are being held hostage and scheduled for early termination. Please click on this link or the image below to see Dr. Mihalcea’s excellent presentation on her findings of what is in the insulin.
Gymnema slyvestre. This herb literally healed my elderly neighbor of diabetes. She was unable to take her metformen Rx for diabetes, it made her very sick.
Gymnema herb is very bitter. Too bitter for tea. Best to take it in capsule form and or tincture form. My neighbor preferred Gymnema tea for some reason.
Dr. Axe
Gymnema Sylvestre: An Ayurvedic Herb That Helps Fight Diabetes, Obesity & More:https://draxe.com/nutrition/gymnema-sylvestre/
by: ResearchGate
Gymnema sylvestre for Diabetes: From Traditional Herb to Future’s Therapeutic
Diabetes has increased at an unprecedented rate and is fast emerging as a global threat worldwide. The focus on pharmacological studies pertaining to diabetes has seen a remarkable shift from conventional medicines to therapeutics employing bioactive phytomolecules from natural sources. The prospective effectiveness of natural products together with their low cost and minimal side effects has revolutionized the entire concept of drug discovery and management programs. One such beneficial herb is Gymnema sylvestre, possessing remarkable hypoglycemic properties and forms the platform of diabetes therapeutics in the traditional system of medication. The present article discusses the significance of G. sylvestre in diabetes management, the herbal-formulations from the herb together with its standardization and clinical trials on animal models, and why Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma (PPAR?) may serve as a prospective molecular target for Gymnemic acid analogs. Such studies would define the molecular basis of bioactive molecules which would aid in the development of natural product based therapeutics in the treatment of diabetes.
For the complete article go to:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/310021847_Gymnema_sylvestre_for_Diabetes_From_Traditional_Herb_to_Future's_Therapeutic
Planet Ayurveda
by: Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan
Hi there, I recently started drinking Guggul tea in the mornings for my HypoThyroid condition. It seems to be working well for me and my Thyroid. I put it in to the AntiShedding tea or Chocolate Chaga tea as it is very bitter.
So what exactly is Guggul?https://www.restartmed.com/guggul/
Guggul, or Guggul extract, is a special botanical (herb) which is made from the sap or resin of a special tree in India.
This particular extract has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, but only recently have we been able to find out about how this botanical works through scientific studies.
Conventional use for this herb was designed to treat weight gain and metabolic problems, patients suffering from low energy, patients suffering from thyroid disease, people with cholesterol problems, people with acne, and other inflammatory diseases.
Not surprisingly, many recent studies (1) provide evidence that guggul may help in the following ways:
Lower cholesterol or act as a hypolipidemic
Boost thyroid function
Help with weight loss
Fight acne
Reduce inflammation in arthritis
Act as an anti-inflammatory agent
Act as an antioxidant
Protect brain health
Inhibit and treat Ulcerative colitis
Protect against liver damage
Protect against cardiac damage
The active ingredient in Guggul extract is known as guggulsterone.
Guggulsterone appears to have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities at the systemic and cellular levels (2). These attributes have been shown to alter thyroid function, improve metabolism and treat various inflammatory diseases such as acne.
For the complete article:https://www.restartmed.com/guggul/
I use to take 'porcine' for my thyroid about 30 years ago. The Rx for porcine, (pig thyroid) made my thyroid worse. Avoid pharmakeia as much as you can.
Pharmakeia is not to be trusted. May I suggest: Trust God's perfect plant medicine, not man made crap.
For Example: by: DR. JOSEPH SANSONE
We are at War: OUR INSULIN IS BEING POISONED Unfortunately, I recently found out that my insulin has AI self assembling technology in it. I am basically getting C19 bioweapon injections against my will. This was apparently discovered in other people’s insulin too. Ana Mihalcea,http://M.SD., PhD has analyzed my Lantus and Humalog insulin. Using darkfield microscopy Dr. Mihalcea documents the AI self assembly occurring in the insulin in this video. She uses a Neurogenesis microscope which costs about $7000. This is the same self assembly that Dr. Mihalcea has documented in the blood of people as a result of C19 injections and from shedding. This research has been replicated by Dr. David Nixon. On April first, I unexpectedly experienced congestive heart failure and went into the hospital because I could not breathe. On April 10th I had triple bypass heart surgery. Was this because of my insulin? It is urgent that attention be brought to this, and that the insulin supply be cleaned up immediately. Those with diabetes, especially those of us with type 1 diabetes, have no choice, but to take their insulin to survive. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR INSULIN. It appears we are being held hostage and scheduled for early termination. Please click on this link or the image below to see Dr. Mihalcea’s excellent presentation on her findings of what is in the insulin.
Sorry, I am not trying to insult you. I mean no harm. No one has to die from any of this. When my mother came to visit me, she was in crisis as her kidneys where failing, her blood pressure was so high, i thought she was going to have a heart attack in front of me. Her heart was failing, she had trouble breathing, the micro-clotting was off the scale. I would normally of taken her to the hospital, but the hospitals were killing people. I gave her Cat's Claw immediately as Cat's Claw addresses so many of the C19 vax issues. She started to get better slowly at first.
She came with 30 prescription pills she was taking. I took her off of her pills immediately. No winging her off at all. Just stopped the pills cold turkey and replace the pills with herbs. If she was on pills for her heart, I replaced them with Hawthorn Berry, Ginko biloba,white pine bark tea. She also got daily doses of Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. I replaced all of her pills with herbal teas and tinctures. She never suffered any kind of negative effects from stopping her pills since I met her prescription needs with herbs.
Another example: My retired elderly RN neighbor got shingles. Her shingles went away but the pain persisted as she ended up with postetic neuralgia, (PHN). The doctor gave her a cream that made the pain worse. I replaced her cream with some essential oils, one of them being Bergomot which is good for shingle pain. I gave her an herbal blend for inflammation, for viruses, pain, to help her sleep, blood cleansing herbs and herbs to boost her immunity. When she finished the herbal blend, I gave her homeopathic remedies for postetic neuralgia. She is 98% better now. You can do the same.
I meant to post this article 'The Mysteries of Thyroid,' for you which I believe is an excellent article for you. I accidentally posted the insulin being poisoned article again, instead of the thyroid article. This was a misunderstanding. Sorry about that. Here is the article. I hope you will read it. It has a lot of good thyroid and alternative meds for thyroid information:
The Mysteries of Thyroid
Hi Alina. I am still drinking and reaping the benefits of Guggul aka Guggulu tea. I take a week or 2 break from it and drink some thing else in the way of tea as you are suppose to not take it for too long a period. Once my thyroid is better, I will no longer need it.
👉 Guggul is powerful good, but it does come with warnings. I am not sure if you are going to try Guggul or not. But in case you do, I wanted to be sure you are aware of the warnings. Comiphora Mukul General aka Guggulu.
I think this Indian site by Indian MDs covers a lot about Guggul including any warnings:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Guggulu-Cid536
Scroll down, down to the warnings.
Thank you so much. I will definitely read it. I am getting it. There are few different ones so I took time to explore my options.
Edit: One thing I don’t have to worry about is semen production 😂
Bless You Dr. Ana And Dr. David Nixon.
Your Hard Work is Much Appreciated.
Let me try to contribute...
by adding this recent, yet unrelated article from the Epoch Times...
New Evidence Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Transmission of Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated
The Epoch Times
Megan Redshaw, J.D. Aug 2 2023
New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study (pdf) published in ImmunoHorizons.
Extended mask requirements allowed scientists at the University of Colorado to evaluate whether vaccinated individuals could transfer aerosolized antibodies generated from COVID-19 vaccines. Aerosols are a manufactured or naturally occurring suspension of particles or droplets in the air, such as airborne dust, mists, fumes, or smoke, that can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled.
Researchers used a combination of tests to detect SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies from masks vaccinated lab members wore and donated anonymously at the end of the day. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system that circulate in the blood and neutralize foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.
Consistent with results reported by others, the researchers identified both immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies in the saliva of vaccinated individuals and on their masks.
Based on their observations, the researchers hypothesized droplet or aerosolized antibody transfer might occur between individuals, similar to how droplets and aerosolized viral particles are transferred by the same route.
To test their hypothesis, they obtained and compared nasal swabs from unvaccinated children living in vaccinated, unvaccinated, and COVID-19-positive households.
Results showed high IgG in the noses of vaccinated parents was “significantly associated” with an increase in intranasal IgG within the unvaccinated child from the same household, especially compared to the “complete deficit of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detected” in nasal swabs obtained from children in nonvaccinated families. A similar trend was found with IgA in the same samples.
In other words, their findings suggest aerosol transmission of antibodies can occur between COVID-19 vaccinated parents and their children—and the tendency for this transfer is directly related to the amount of nasal or oral antibodies found in those who received vaccines.
This type of shedding is called “passive immunization,” where antibodies—primarily IgA—are actually exchanged between individuals through respiratory droplets, Brian Hooker, chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense, who holds a doctorate in biochemical engineering, wrote in an email to The Epoch Times. “But this would provide minimal immunity for the ‘bystanders’ based on the fact that the original mRNA vaccines provide so little protection.”
Mr. Hooker said passive immunization could elicit autoimmunity and “all sorts of reactions” in bystanders due to a similar “molecular mimicry between the COVID-19 Ig [immunoglobulin] antibodies and human proteins.”
Studies have shown that molecular mimicry between the foreign molecules and human molecules can lead to an autoimmune response causing antibodies to function incorrectly and interact against human proteins. Autoimmunity refers to an immune reaction where the body attacks its own tissues, resulting in damage or disease.
Mr. Hooker said the study suggests that if Ig antibodies can be transmitted person-to-person, there is a possibility the spike protein generated by COVID-19 vaccines could be transmitted as well.
“This could cause immunization of the bystanders as well as problems associated with spike protein toxicity to bloodstream components and other tissues,” he added.
COVID-19 Vaccines Were Authorized Without Studies to Assess Transmission
COVID-19 vaccines using mRNA technology like Pfizer and Moderna were authorized globally without studies into the possible expression of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA or of the spike protein manufactured by the cells of a recently vaccinated individual.
A confidential Pfizer document (pdf) disclosed through a Freedom of Information Act request suggests an unvaccinated person could be exposed to the contents of COVID-19 vaccines through the air or skin of a vaccinated individual and references the possibility that an adverse vaccine reaction could result from such exposure.
A Pfizer Japanese biodistribution study showed COVID-19 vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site through the blood and accumulate in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and ovaries. Vaccine mRNA is present from the day of vaccination and can persist in the bloodstream weeks after vaccination.
According to a 2022 paper in Infectious Diseases Research (pdf) by French pharmacist and biologist Helene Banoun, LNPs from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can be excreted through body fluids and pass the transplacental barrier.
Spike proteins manufactured by the body after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine circulate as exosomes, or extracellular vesicles released from cells that transport spike protein through circulation, according to Ms. Banoun. Exosomes are found in saliva, blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. Considering that mRNA vaccines have been widely distributed, pharmacokinetic studies are warranted to determine how they’re excreted from the body and what components of COVID-19 vaccines can be transmitted by a vaccinated individual, she said
Tracy - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Kathy M.
Dr. Mihalcea, I mean no disrespect and I'm probably going to get raked over the goals and possibly even blocked from this Substack for saying this but I strongly feel led to say it.
Ok, we get the point. It's quite evident that we're under attack and are facing either a transhumanistic future locked in digital prison or an untimely death.
WHERE are the solutions? WHAT are your recommended antidotes? Because without them, your daily posts reminding us of the hell we face is nothing more than fear porn. We can't change what these evil psychopaths are doing but we CAN change how we respond and there ARE things we can be doing to offset the effects of this technology so that we can be the very best version of ourselves for as long as God decides to keep us here on earth.
Dr. Mihalcea, we are trusting in you to provide us with solutions.
Kathy M. - Aug 3, 2023
Kathy M.
Very well written. One thing I wish is that at the top of a post would be listed something like "best audience for this post." Could be "broad public." Could be "virologists" or "M.D.s". . . whatever. I couldn't learn enough about this topic to figure out what to do with the information . . . . I'm no scientist or researcher and maybe not the proper audience for the post. I was trying to figure out what I could tell my friend who is jabbing herself with insulin but I don't know enough to make sense of the topic. All I know is that I am OFF any and all needles.
Tracy - Aug 3, 2023
Kathy M.
God will tell you when to talk to your friend and what to say ... He will make a way, if you ask Him. You're very wise. 💜
Kathy M. - Aug 3, 2023
Kathy M.
Thanks. I'll remember that.
JC - Sep 5, 2023
Yes, I had to admit to myself, looking at the live blood videos, that I did not comprehend or understand what I was looking at. Some of the still shots are more clear to me.
scout - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Ana's offered several supplemental solutions and had the infrared wrap device, if I recall.
Tracy - Aug 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
That's good to know but it takes so much more than that to detox and then there's the "where/what do we do from here" to try to offset what they're doing to us.
I was targeted with these technologies BEFORE the official outbreak of Covid by a Lockheed Martin Research Scientist (Obama's Brain Initiative) and a ALD Nanosolutions that posed as friends.https://youtu.be/VyIOgFKrCB0
I'm a Targeted Individual (Ana knows about this program) and I have been detoxing since May 2021 when I detox'd this garbage in the tub:https://youtu.be/ENCcZsUwhVY
I'm much better than I was but I *STILL* struggle with symptoms in my brain/ears that I can't seem to kick for good. I feel like I'm about 6 months behind the rest of the population because again, I was targeted by these psychopaths.
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Yes I understand about this and its real Lockheed Martin is evil and involved in many geoengineereing agendas. here is comprehensive REMEDY list
Teas ; Dandelion, White Pine needle tea, Star Anise, Nettle, Burdock, Horsetail, Lemon Balm, Mint, Comfrey, Rosemary
Tinctures; Usnea Lichen/Orgegon Grape root, Kalina/Elderberry/Pau D Arco , Usnea L./Oregon Grape root/ Garlic/Horseradish/Ginger, CATSCLAW, SHIZANDRA, Sweetwormwood, Licorice root
Supplements; NAC /GLUTATHIONE, Fulvic/Humic acid complex, Nattokinase , Vit .C , Vit D-3, coQ10, Axastanthin, Selenium , IODINE, NANO SILVER WATER.
Glycine/ VIT-C for Glyphosate detox, BLACK CURRANT/BLUEBERRY fermented enhanced VIT C, Acerola cherries/Rosehips VIT C,
Detox ; 20 mule team Borax in solution, CDS, Activated charcoal, Calcium/ Magnesium Bentonite Clay, Epsom Salts, Pure Baking soda, Raw ALOE GEL
Enough SLEEP in Em protected environment. Zeolite formula. Oil of Oregano, Wormwood/Black Walnut/Clove for Parasite cleanse
bastringue - Aug 25, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
We need proof that those work. And by proof I mean live blood analysis before and after.
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 25, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Yes of course and we are doing that all of these have LONG PROVEN for many uses, but now we have others to prove .
bastringue - Aug 26, 2023
You need to prove them one by one. Simply posting a list without any double-blind study or live blood analysis to back it doesn't help at all.
Tracy - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Here's everything I've been doing since May 2021 (not trying to promote because I have "paid subs" turned off. The whole point of my post is that people are suffering and we need solutions:https://godsgirl.substack.com/p/detox-protocol
psychoNWO - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Hi Tracy,
i just noticed we have exchanged thoughts on another stack so I removed my original comment.
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Why do you expect only her to do, she and others have given many, IT IS UP TO ALL OF US to do this for our own personal and collective survival. Its only fear porn if you react to it that way. Rise up like a warrior and get active. Email me and Ill give you a comprehensive list.
Andrei Gherasim - Aug 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Dear Tracy
In my opinion Dr Mihalcea is doing her part in the best way to help people. She listed many good tips (detox) on how we should help ourselves and WE MUST DO our part also!
She is a doctor only, and like us is new to this kind of nanotechnology that is merging with our bodies.
I know you feel helpless as being a targeted individual is something that 95 % of the people or more don't have any clue !!
I personally discovered 10 years ago about how this nanotechnology was almost everywhere , and the people who had morgellons disease were considered crazy by the Govern-Ment(is).
This technology is a military weapon , there is lots of secrecy around and maybe will take time until we find something to fighting back.
God will not come here to fight them, we must stand up and protect His Creation. Anyone has to do his own part! There is no way that one will work hard come with the "Solution" and save us all , especially the one that are sleeping 24h/7.
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
CORRECT ALL THE WAY. This is our problem, we must find the solutions and survive the assaults.
Tracy - Aug 4, 2023
I have been working on this for 3 years, sir.
Tracy - Aug 4, 2023
Thank you for your thoughtful response and for all the reminders. I'm trying so hard and I've invested so much time and money into feeling normal again ... 💜🙏
Commoncents - Aug 3, 2023
Your welcome
BobbyD - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
ShortOnTime Newsletter
Why are there so many first responses to Dr. Ana’s posts lately that include an individual being skeptical and bringing in this targeted nonsense.
The whole point of Dr. Ana’s sub stack is to prove everyone is at risk. These tactics are called “the slide” and in general are supposed to be disruptive. And the paranoia is added to takeaway from Dr. Ana’s hard facts by blurring the lines. The good news here is that this is what you should expect to see in the comment section of someone on top of the truth.
Mike H - Aug 4, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
I checked Tracy out and I feel certain that she is legit. I found her information helpful. If you didn't do the same you are being harmful instead of helpful with your caustic attitude.
Tracy - Aug 4, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
Thank you, Mike.
Mike H - Aug 4, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
I've been there too.
psychoNWO - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
New World War - You Are The Enemy. Targeted Individuals Not Crazy After All...https://rumble.com/v34nf9y-new-world-war-you-are-the-enemy.html
Tracy - Aug 4, 2023
And the sickest part of all of it is, they presented as friends - for YEARS.
So when people like "BobbyD" above make insensitive comments, I just have to forgive them because I know he doesn't understand. But he WILL, when the tech reaches far enough to effect him. 💜
Tracy - Aug 4, 2023
Yep -- this is one of the two guys that targeted me and my family with similar technology:
and he creates technology used by Boulder Nonlinear Systems for The Brain Initiative:https://web.archive.org/web/20160326154804/http://bnonlinear.com/research-development/3d-phot
The other guy founded ALD Nanosolutions and leads the Chemical and Biological Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder.
If you knew the depths of what they did and how it effects me (and my family) today, you would be outraged ...
Marty - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
We should not expect this (great) substack (and others) not to get infiltrated by the enemy (not saying that the person who made the comment belongs to that group ...)
JC - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
I know that Targeted Individuals (TI's) are difficult to comprehend. And when you speak to them, yes, they sound stark raving.
But imagine, if you will, what it would be like to have your entire home bombarded with microwaves? Or perhaps a sonic or even ultrasonic pitch that you cannot get rid of? For months, even years?
I don't know why TI's are targeted, nor do I understand it. None of the ones I've met were particularly dangerous to gov't or high profile. Some had only committed the crime of signing up for military service. However, often agencies do things just because they *can* - or to calibrate their equipment for better efficacy.
Have compassion for things you don't understand.
First - they came for the political dissidents, then they came for the inconvenient. As you point out @BobbyD, now it's all of us. We should listen to those they came for previously.
Anak Svengork Karpit - Aug 4, 2023
Brave New World
Well... I am thankful to Dr Ana Mihalcea, because without her we would not know probably anything, what is really going on these days... you call it a "fear porn" - is it better to live in daze knowing nothing? First step to problem solution is to know there is a problem, the more people know about it, the sooner we may find (I hope so) answers!
Tracy - Aug 5, 2023
Thank you for your feedback -- I am thankful as well. I was just asking if we could sprinkle a little bit of hope in between the messages, that's all. God bless. 🙏💜
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Teas ; Dandelion, White Pine needle tea, Star Anise, Nettle, Burdock, Horsetail, Lemon Balm, Mint, Comfrey, Rosemary
Tinctures; Usnea Lichen/Orgegon Grape root, Kalina/Elderberry/Pau D Arco , Usnea L./Oregon Grape root/ Garlic/Horseradish/Ginger, CATSCLAW, SHIZANDRA, Sweetwormwood, Licorice root
Supplements; NAC /GLUTATHIONE, Fulvic/Humic acid complex, Nattokinase , Vit .C , Vit D-3, coQ10, Axastanthin, Selenium , IODINE, NANO SILVER WATER.
Glycine/ VIT-C for Glyphosate detox, BLACK CURRANT/BLUEBERRY fermented enhanced VIT C, Acerola cherries/Rosehips VIT C,
Detox ; 20 mule team Borax in solution, CDS, Activated charcoal, Calcium/ Magnesium Bentonite Clay, Epsom Salts, Pure Baking soda, Raw ALOE GEL
Enough SLEEP in Em protected environment. Zeolite formula. Oil of Oregano, Wormwood/Black Walnut/Clove for Parasite cleanse
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 7, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
Off topic, I see you are a musician. Perhaps you might be interested in Tunedge Artist Music Portal: Portalhttps://portal.tunedge.com/
You can post your music and possibly get paid for it. People there to answer your questions. Best wishes.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 7, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
Excellent post! Good information, all good and true! Thank you for posting.
Marty - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Thank you for this and especially for mentioning diatomaceous earth, which i think is even better than ivermectin against parasites and has no known toxicity. It's the only thing i take regularly and it's the best detox agent i've found yet. I've often read that DE purifies the blood, maybe it's related to the silica, do you have any info on this ?
Geneva Thatcher - Nov 26, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
In theory, DE binds to the Spike Proteins and removes them from the body.
JC - Sep 5, 2023
DE yar, good. Take care that it doesn't chelate your nutrients as well.
But I don't know of anything which will purify self-assembling nanotech. Dandelion was created millennia before this bs.
Marty - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
That's the article which mentioned the blood cleansing properties:https://draxe.com/nutrition/diatomaceous-earth/
About the negative charge .. Look at what they say in the article, it talks about silica particles carrying an electrical charge and binding to toxins:
"Silica works similarly to antioxidants found in high-antioxidant foods because it retains its traits as a stable particle even while continuously suspended in a liquid medium, allowing it to fight free radical damage. It’s broken down into a colloidal, which acts like a detoxifier for the blood since it carries an electrical charge that attaches to free radicals and other harmful toxins.
Silica particles can then neutralize the charge of free radicals and remove them from the body through sweat, urine and feces, which slows oxidative damage and has anti-aging effects."
I honestly think this stuff is worth looking into and might be key in fighting their toxic nanotech. It's abundant, cheap, natural, almost tasteless, easy to take ..
BobbyD - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I’ve been making silicade water check out this video and the book is about aluminum in our environment and how silicade removes it from our bodies. I highly recommend it.
Marty - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Thank you !!
Tony J - Aug 3, 2023
Julia B
Dr. Mihalcea, I think we desperately need more information on the effectiveness of oral chelation compared to IV chelation. You touched on this in the SGT Report video. It'd be helpful to know the differences between capsule/liposomal/IV EDTA/Vitamin C. Our medical system makes it impossible for us to find treatment from a doctor like you near us!
Julia B - Aug 3, 2023
Julia B
Tony J - Aug 4, 2023
Julia B
God bless you!
Julia B - Aug 4, 2023
Julia B
I have been doing the EDTA cream. I duplicated the EZDTox formula exactly. For further absorption I lightly spray 70 % DMSO over that and rub in. It works very well, but according to Dr Cassar, the enema protocol is the most effective (after IV). I am going to start that shortly.
Judy De Pasquale - Aug 5, 2023
Julia B
Does the cream help alone? And where do you get it?
Julia B - Aug 5, 2023
Julia B
Judy, If you want to buy cream then the brand is EZDtox. They sell it at their website, Amazon, and Ona's Naturals. There is another brand called Kelacream also has a website and at Amazon. I make my own and I copied the EZDetox formula. I felt $70 was too expensive. I duplicated it for way under $10. I do have some experience in making cream formulations, though. But it is basically distilled water, coconut oil, an emulsifier, calcium EDTA. Let me get my recipe together in an easy to understand formula w/ directions and I will post it for those interested. If you make it and store it in the fridge there is no need for a preservative.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
It is important to detox from the BioWeapn Shots, especially the heavy metal poisoning, spike proteins and parasites. I detoxed my 4 times injected 90 year old mother with daily doses of Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture in combination with 1 daily dose of Ivermectin Equine Paste.
My mother came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable. So far, all these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw help.
I believe Cat's Claw is removing the graphene oxide from my mom. The palms of her hands went from black to a healthy pink.
I believe Cat's Claw is tearing down the white amyloid scaffolding structures with in the veins and arteries of her legs. Her legs are no longer in pain or swollen.
Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Could it be stopping the mRNA process? Not only that, but it also stops cells from mutating in to cancer. My mother had a large tumor on her spine, CC removed it completely with in 6 weeks. Her thyroid was huge and abnormal looking, in about 8 weeks, it was back to normal.
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:https://draxe.com/nutrition/quercetin/
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It’s technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is exactly why it’s found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables.
I can not prove any of this as I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.
Cat's Claw Herb Uses,Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Drink CC tea 3 times per day, everyday for 3 to 4 months. Ivermectin every day, 1 dose per day for 3 to 4 months. If using equine Ivermectin, please follow package directions according to your weight.
If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP. No blood pressure medicine while taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin.
Died Suddenly:https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html1 hour
Edmond Paré - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Edmond Paré
Which cat's claw product is your mother ingesting and from what company does she purchase it?
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a cool, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight redish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_i8Cvuw5FI&t=1s8:00 min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:https://jillshomeremedies.com/2011/10/how-to-make-a-glycerin-tincture-video-preparing-for-the-winter.html
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw.
Amazon.com- $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:https://www.amazon.com/Dropper-Bumobum-Essential-Tincture-Measured/dp/B09ZP8NXCD/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?keywords=4%2Bounce%2Bdropper%2Bbottle&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable prices and delvers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.
Edmond Paré - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Edmond Paré
Thank you so much.
Questions after reading the Jill article:
1) (question deleted)
2) (question deleted)
3) Where do you purchase your vegetable glycerine?
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Back again. I purchase 1 gallon bottles of organic veg. glycerin fromAzureStandard.com:https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/nutritional-supplements/herbal-preparation-supplies/glycerine/vegetable-glycerin-food-grade-organic/31700?package=NS1776
I gave her an alcohol tincture of Ginko biloba, (also an AntiMutagenic herb) several times a day for her circulation, stop blood clotting and as a blood thinner: 'several compounds in Ginkgo biloba block thrombin, an enzyme that causes blood clotting:'https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322384#ginkgo-biloba
Why Cat's Claw? It is as though Heavenly Father made Cat's Claw for these times and for this BioWeapon specifically.
This is my go to Indian site for medicinal tropical herbs, it is run by Indian medical doctors:Herbpathy.com. As you know, in India, there is a wealth of exotic medicinal plants, Cat's Claw being one of them. The medical doctors in India combine conventional medicine with Ayurveda medicine which includes herbs.
Cat's Claw:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264
The self assembling circuit board razor blades must be made out of metals, Cat's Claw removes heavy metal poisonings. Cat's Claw is a Heavy Metal Poisoning REMOVER. Cat's Claw breaks the metals down on a nano and also atomic level. Then it whisks away the metals carrying them out of the body. Metals are not safe with Cat's Claw lurking around in the blood stream.
Cat's Claw must be dissolving the graphen oxide, morgellon threads, white amyloid scaffolding and amyloid plaque in the brain and removing them from the body.
Cat's Claw is a blood purifier and a blood cleanser. There are certain things that do not belong in your blood, if it does not belong in your blood, Cat's Claw will get rid of it.
Back to why Cat's Claw? How nice it would be for my ego if I were to tell you I knew what i was doing when I picked Cat's Claw, but that is not true.
My brother who is homeless in Los Angels told me his hands and arms were cold and numb making it hard for him to sleep at night. He also mentions he had ED. My brother was already vaxxed as he believed in the vax at the time. I made the Cat's Claw tincture and sent him some of it.
My mother would complain about her finger tips being numb, her arms feeling cold and numb. It seemed to be the best herb for her at the time. I knew it did much more, but I had no idea it would do so much against the BioWeapon Death Shots. My mother was getting better. Her hands went from black to pink. She could not breath well, she was breathing much better to the point of getting up and walking around the house with energy. My mother had Alzheimer's disease for 20 years prior to getting vaxxed. She seemed to be more cognizant with the Cat's Claw.
Juvenile and Adult Alzheimer's Disease from the Death Shots? Nothing Cat's
Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline?
By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH; Carrie Lam, MD; Jeremy Lam, MD
CV19 Vax DESTROYS HEART AND BRAIN of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/1 hour
By Greg Hunter On October 29, 2022 In Political Analysis
Cat's Claw does a lot for human health, (dogs too, probably many animals), but it does a lot against the BioWeapon.
Cat's Claw:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264
She also got the AntiShedding tea when ever she could stomach it, pinned on my page:https://gab.com/GenevaThatcher- Scroll through the post on the right side of the page for post on bioweapon remedies.
I am an autodidact herbalist. I studied herbs and natural cures while I tried to find out how to cure my self of Fibromyalgia and CFS.
With Father God's help, guidance and herbs, I was able to cure my self of an 'incurable' autoimmune disease, (what doctors told me) called Fibromyalgia and CFS and I had it bad. It took 12 years of research, hits and misses, herbs, homeopathic remedies, medical cannabis for pain, change in life style, change in diet, daily exercise, drank a gallon of water every day...I am 100% cured of Fibromyaligia and CFS for about 10 years now.
I am not sure what to tell you Edmond as I do not know how many of my thread post you have read. Perhaps it is best if i stick to your questions.
I have ADHD so I am all over the place, sorry about that.
Time for me to go water the garden and let the guineas out.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Good Morning Edmond Pare. No apologies necessary. Your questions are fine dear. There is much detail to communicate, I will do my best to communicate what is important.
Cat's Claw the only herb? No. When my mother came to visit me, she was in kidney failure, she was overdosing on her 30 Rx drugs, diarrhea non stop from the Rx drugs, heart problems, micro-clotting off the scale.
I gave her Cat's Claw right away because I know Cat's Claw dissolves blood clots.
For the kidney failure I gave her a medicinal herbal tea for kidneys.
I gave her Hawthorn Berry, Ginko biloba and Gotu kola for her heart, brain and circulation.
If you want details on the medicinal herbal teas, I will gladly give it to you upon request as it is a long list. Some of the herbs are in the herbal blends were 'AntiMutagenics.' When one is in crisis like my mother was, one must address the immediate conditions while at the same time giving her Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Her blood pressure was through the roof. Ivermectin raises blood pressure. I waited to give her Ivermectin until she had her heart herbal medicinal tea first.
I am sorry I have to go. We live on a small farm 5 miles from the Canadian boarder. I have morning chores t get to. I will continue to answer your questions a little later.
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 13, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Black Seed oil will work better than Ivermectin without the issues
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 14, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Wow, Black Seed Oil is amazing:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Black-Seed-Oil-Cid8107
Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
Make your own Black Cumin Seed Oil for very little.
$8.00 per lbs of BLACK CUMIN SEED
Edmond Paré - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Edmond Paré
I apologize for asking you why you decided to use Cat's Claw. I'm going to delete that part of my post, leaving only my 3) question about where do you purchase the vegetable glycerine.
I'm trying to accomplish too much today. After I sent my post, I remembered that you explained in detail in your first post on this thread why you used Cat's Claw.
That's a very impressive herb. You sound like you've been doing herbal remedies for a long time and I see in your profile that you are a herbalist.
Do you live in Vermont? The reason I'm asking is that one of my cousins still runs my grandparents dairy farm, 10 miles from the Canadian border in East Enosburg, VT. That is where I preferred to spend my summers when I was young. (-:
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Spending summers in Vermont while young, how wonderful. I've never been, but the pictures I see of Vermont, especially during the fall when the leaves change, what a magical, beautiful place.
We live in the Oakanogan Highlands of Washington State on a small 30 acre farm. Our mountains have all kinds of animals from Canada as I imagine is the same for Vermont. There is no cells phone reception, no 5G or G any thing around here. I suspect this is one of the reasons my mother got better with in 3 months of taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin daily.
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 13, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I TOO am in your state but further S. , completely off grid self sufficient homestead. I make all our own medicines and tinctures and have used CAT CLAW for many years. Good you dont have 4g 5g , but it is being beamed from satellites and cell phones, and digital smart meters are just as dangerous. Did I send you my comprehensive remedy list , we are testing everything to deal with these horrible agendas forced upon us.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
another Cat's Claw post from gab:
from my gab post:
Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are the Antidote to the covid Death Shots. Please see my post on Cat's Claw and Ivermectin healing my double vaxxed and double boosted mother. You can find it on my home pagehttps://gab.com/GenevaThatcher.
Cats Claw Benefits and Properties by: Herbazest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki_mXbjF2ro1:11 min.
Oct 24, 2019
Cat's Claw Benefits Against the Death Shots
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw Medicinal Properties
Health Benefits of Cat's Claw
Cat's claw's properties include anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory actions, which have been used in traditional Amazonian medicine for centuries. Modern scientific studies have validated some of these applications. Cat's claw's benefits have been shown effective for:
Reducing inflammation. The herb has been traditionally used to alleviate a number of inflammatory ailments. Studies have shown that cat's claw can alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis.1
Supporting the immune system. Thanks to its richness in medicinal compounds, cat's claw may enhance immune function, shielding the body against harmful microorganisms.2
While traditionally used for treating a variety of health conditions, some medicinal applications of cat's claw require further research. However, preliminary studies suggests that cat's claw may be useful for:
Treating dengue fever. Cat's claw's immunoprotective effects may help fight this tropical disease as well as other viral infections.
Repairing skin damage. Thanks to its antioxidants and other supporting compounds, it has been shown that cat's claw may prevent cell damage from UV radiation.3
Preventing degenerative diseases. The alkaloids contained in cat's claw bark are thought to be responsible for the herb's beneficial effect on memory impairment, helping prevent the onset of dementia and Parkinson's disease.
Eliminating bacteria. Cat's claw's antimicrobial properties have been found useful in root canal treatments and other bacterial infections.4
How It Works
Recent research into the mechanisms behind cat's claw's health benefits has revealed several potent phytocompounds, mainly uncarines, a type of oxindole alkaloids, which have been shown to modulate the immune response and exert neuroprotective effects. Proanthocyanidins, a class of antioxidants, as well as phenolic acids are believed to be behind cat's claw's anti-inflammatory properties.
Anti-inflammatory abilities are also present in devil's claw, dog rose, and turmeric, whereas cherry, cabbage, and the tea plant have the ability to enhance and protect immunity.
Cat's Claw Side Effects
While cat's claw toxicity has not been extensively studied, it appears to have few side effects. Some people have reported nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea while taking cat's claw. These side effects go away in many people after their body gets used to the herb.
Though cat's claw appears to be generally safe. People with chronic low blood pressure should be careful while taking this herb as Cat's Claw lowers your blood pressure. Ivermectin raises blood pressure. Please no blood pressure medicines while taking Cat's Claw and or Ivermectin. After taking Cat's Claw, listen to your body and how it feels. If you want more Cat's Claw then have more and continue to listen to your body and how it feels.
Cat's claw bark may interact with some prescribed drugs, such as immunosuppressants, blood thinners, diuretics, and blood pressure medications. Cat's Claw is a natural immune booster. Cat's Claw is also a natural diuretic so no diuretic medication while taking Cat's Claw. Cat's Claw is a blood thinner as well. It destroys micro-clotting and naturally thins blood.
Buying Natural Forms
Cat's claw bark can be difficult to find in temperate climates, though select specialized health stores may carry it as teabags. Online retailers such ashttp://herbco.com, provide the best chance of encountering supplies to fit individual wants and needs. While dried cat's claw bark allows for a greater flexibility when it comes to homemade remedies, there is a significant risk of accidentally lowering the herb's potency by destroying some of its compounds during the preparation process.
When making Cat's Claw tincture do not use 'alcohol' for making Cat's Claw tincture as alcohol destroys Cat's Claw effective medicinal benefits.
Use vegetable glycerin to make Cat's Claw tincture or make a Cat's Claw medicinal tea and enjoy it.
Herbal Remedies & Supplements
Herbal supplements that feature cat's claw are becoming more prevalent on today's market. These can often be found in capsule, tincture, and liquid extract forms in an increasing number of specialized herbal stores, as well as through many online retailers, which also provide valuable information about concentrations, dosages, and price points.
Drink CC tea 3 times per day, everyday for 3 to 4 months. Ivermectin every day, 1 per day for 3 to 4 months per your wt. No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Thomas Guitarman - Aug 7, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I prefer to ferment these for enhanced potency with apple cider vinegar/rice wine
combination. Testing these with Electro acupuncture shows they are enhanced.
Marty - Aug 6, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Geneva, i'm getting some CC bark very soon. I have a question, in the description they talk about preparing a tea with the bark, by boiling the bark for 5 to 10 minutes. Have you tried making a tea with it and do you have any opinion on what's the most potent method of administration ? I'd expect the tincture to be more medicinal, the bark slowly releasing more of its content over time ? I'll try both anyway. Thank you.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 7, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Hi Marty McFly, The tincture is more potent and easier to carry around with you. I make my own. Avoid Cat's Claw Tinctures made with alcohol. Alcohol destroys some of the plant compounds. If you want to make your own, it is easy and you can do it.
Tea is fine too, I'd make the tea on the strong side. You do not want to boil any herb. To much heat destroys the plant phytochemical compounds, this goes for all herbs. Pour Boiling water over an herb, cover and steep for at least 10 minutes, with out heat. For barks, twigs, roots and seeds, you want to steep your tea for at least 20 minutes.
Here is how I make my Cat's claw Tincture
This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a dark, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight reddish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated, (not over heated) to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_i8Cvuw5FI&t=1s8:00 min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:https://jillshomeremedies.com/2011/10/how-to-make-a-glycerin-tincture-video-preparing-for-the-winter.html
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw.
Amazon.com- $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:https://www.amazon.com/Dropper-Bumobum-Essential-Tincture-Measured/dp/B09ZP8NXCD/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?keywords=4%2Bounce%2Bdropper%2Bbottle&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable prices and delvers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.
Geneva Thatcher - Apr 28
Geneva’s Substack
Hi Marty, when you have time, could you answer a few questions?
Did you ever got on Cat's Claw?
How are you doing on Cat's Claw?
Are you taking Ivermectin too?
Marty - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Thank you Geneva, i did not know about Cat's Claw, that's amazing ! Maybe it could also help those affected by shedding.. Glad your mother's recovering from the shots.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
It does help against shedding. My husband and I live rural in the mountains. We let our guard down, took no precautions at all. We don't see many people as our neighbors are miles apart. We had not been to town for 3 months living off the food we grow. We went to town to buy chicken feed. No customers in the store. We checked out. Weeks later, I went to the bath room and there was that smell. The same smell my 4 time vaxxed mother had when she came to visit me. That smell was coming out of me. I was infected. My husband got infected a few weeks later. His genetics and immunity have always been better than mine. Any way Cat's claw has been keeping the smell away. If I miss a does, the smell comes back, lightly. We are both taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Cat's Claw daily, Ivermectin twice per week. Ivermectin horse paste is limited.
There are also foods, herbs spices that get rid of the Spike Proteins if Ivermectin is hard to get.
from my gab psot
There are those who have told me Ivermectin is getting hard to secure.
Until Ivermectin is easily available with or with out an Rx, one can use other herbs and foods high in Shakimic Acid to stop the production of Spike Proteins in the body. Cat's Claw is also recommended as Cat's Claw stops the mRNA process, therefore no more messenger RNA giving instructions to cells to make Spike Protein.
Ivermectin reduces inflammation, binds to the Spike Proteins and kill parasites. Until Ivermectin is available, 'Herbs' such as Sweet Wormwood stop Spike Proteins, kill parasites, etc. are recommended.
The Best Home Remedies for Parasiteshttps://www.drberg.com/blog/the-best-home-remedies-for-parasites
Black Walnut Hulls
Diatomaceous Earth, (Drink lots of water as DE is drying on your system)
What Is Diatomaceous Earth? Benefits for Health & Home:https://draxe.com/nutrition/diatomaceous-earth/
15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx
Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021
By Jacqueline
Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein:
-Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) Identify your pine needles as edible. When drinking edible pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.
-Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid
-Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): When taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a gut blood purification process some call “interstitial dialysis”.
-Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
-DIY Peppermint extract (very high in hesperidin)
More Super herbs High in Shikimate Help Disable Spike Protein
Dr. David Wolfe’s list:
-Schizandra Berry
-St. John’s Wort (Hypericum androsaemum): shikimic acid is found in abundance
-I found testing of 5 bean sprouts are rich in shikimate (incl. red kidney bean, mung bean, and alfalfa). The highest content is during the sprouting process.
-Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
-Gingko Biloba Leaf
-Giant Hyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia)
-LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tincture or tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.
-Carrots and Carrot Juice
-Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (the young blades)
by: Deep Roots At Home
For more videos and full article information, please go to:
Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated"
"Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it."https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/shedding-concerns-it-looks-like-the3:00 MIN.
Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are both parasite, larvae and egg killers. Both reduce inflammation. Both work together really well for some reason. They seem to synergize each other against the death shots. Ivermectin stops the Spike Proteins where as CC does not. Unfortunately the price of Ivermectin is going up, up, up.
You need protection against the Spike Proteins and the mRNA, (CC) and who knows what else is being transferred. I heard people are getting parasites from the vaxxed.
As a parasite back up for CC, I've been combining CC and Pau d' Arco together in a glycerin tincture.
Pau d' Arco is an 'AntiMutagenic' Bark as well. CC and Pau d' Arco both kill paraisites, cancer, stop mRNA, stop tumors, remove heavy metal poisoning, malaria, MRSA, Heart Health, Candida, lowers HBP, Poor Blood Circulation, Numbness in Extremities, Antibiotic, Immunity Booster, Detoxicant and so much more.
15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx
Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021
By Jacqueline
Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein
Marty - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Just going into a store where there are/were vaxxed people you can get infected with the aerosols ? especially with poor ventilation.. Thank you for the info, i've been using pine needle tea for years, it's god's medicine. I plan on buying some Cat's Claw bark and making some tincture, this stuff seems really powerful.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Excellent! Pine needle tea is very good to protect you from shedding. Cat's Claw will protect you too. You should be fine with both for protection.
Herbco.comhas reasonable prices and they deliver in a timely manner.
The Anti-Shedding Anti-Covid tea is good too. We drink it in the mornings as I put extra green tea in it, which is extra Epigallocatechin Gallate, EGCg in it. It wakes us up and protects us.
Here is the recipe in case you decide to try it:
Anti-Shedding Anti-Covid Anti-VENOM Tea has Suramin, HCQ, Shikimic Acid, EGCg, ZINC, Quercetine, Anti-Oxidants, Anit-Cancer, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Mutagenic, Vit. D, E, C, A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 to fight covid VENOM & shedding.
I have been giving my fully vaxxed and boosted, 90 year old mother Pau d Arco for her death shot symptoms. Since adding Pau d Arco mom's tea, she is a little better. I recommend Pau d Arco as an 'optional' choice.
It's taste is neutral.
I recommend powdered 'Edible' Pine Bark if you are sick and or injected. It is full of Suramin and Shakimic Acid. Pine Bark is also 'optional,' but recommend especially if you are injected.
3 tsp powdered pau d arco, (AntiCoagulant, Quinine, AntiCancer, Anti Inflammatory, AntiMalaria, AntiParasitic, AntiTumor, Blood Purifier, Immunity Booster, AntiViral, Blood Thinner, Heart, Poor Blood Circulation, Removes Graphene oxide Heavy Metal Poisoning and so much more)
1-3 tsp powdered 'EDIBLE' Pine Bark, ( I use White Pine bark, Improves Cognition, Reduces Neuroinflammation, Improves Vascular Function, Contains Suramin and Shakimic Acid, Combats Inflammation And Boost Immunity, Has Antioxidant Effects, Helps Lung Disease, Improves Kidney Function, Has Antimicrobial Effects, Combats Cancer Mechanisms and much more)
3 tsp powdered turmeric, (Antioxidants, AntiMutagenic stop the mRNA process and Cancer, AntiViral, Immune Booster, Detoxicant, Blood Clots, Heart conditions, reduces Inflammation, (and so much more)
2-3 tsp powdered Cat's Claw bark, (Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic)
2 tsp powdered black pepper, (black pepper helps absorb more curcumin from turmeric)
3 tsp powdered star anise, (Quercetine, Shikimic Acid kills spike proteins and VENOM)
1/2-1 tsp powdered orange peel, (HCQ for VENOM and tasty)
2 tsp powdered licorice root, (neutralizes covid, pharmacological actions, the ability to act against viruses belonging to different families, including SARS corona)
1-2 tsp powdered cardamon, (Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Viral properties and has the ability to kill viruses that cause flu)
1-2 tsp powdered green tea, (strong inhibitors against multiple proteins needed by SARS-CoV-2 to infect cells and to replicate in those cells. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg)
Antioxidant, antiangiogenic and antitumor agent)
3 tsp powdered whole cloves (AntiViral, AntiProtozoal, AntiParasitic)
Cloves contain powerful AntiMicrobial agents that travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites, parasitic larvae and eggs).
Powder herbal blend and mix together. You'll want to put it in a glass jar with a lid to keep it fresh. I personally put the tea together by table spoon fulls. You can change the amounts of the herbs according to your situation.
For Example: Are you always around people who are 'Shedding?' You'll want more Shakimic Acid and Suramin in your tea to protect you from Spike Proteins.
To make 1 cup of tea, depending on your taste, add 1,2 or 3 teaspoons of the powdered herb mix in to a pot, add 3/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of coconut milk, place lid and bring to a quick boil. Do not over boil it! Take off the heat immediately upon boil and let steep with lid on for at least 10 minutes. While the tea is steeping, add to your cup a sweetener or 2, (for sweetening synergy) such as agave and monk-fruit-sugar, or honey & stevia, add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to the pot. Ready to drink. This should be coconut milky rich, sweet, tasty medicinal tea. Children will enjoy it too.
If you are sick drink the tea 3 times per day or more. If you are not sick, drink tea once per day for protective maintenance.
Drink before and after going around sick and shedding people.
If you have extra green tea in your tea mix, I suggest drinking the medicinal tea through out the mornings only, be ye sick or not, you do not want to be awake during the night. Sleep is imperative to heal while sick.
Coconut oil, Coconut milk and Black Pepper helps the body with the 'Absorption' of the 'Curcumin' found in Turmeric.
Please Take Your Turmeric This Way to Get Full Absorption & Correct Results - Dr Mandell, D.C.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2SQr-26-0g&t=5s10:00 min
List of Anti-inflammatory Herbs
Click on the green + sign where it says 'More' for expansion of information.
List of AntiMutagenic Herbs Repertory
Click on the green + sign where it says 'More' for expansion of information.
SURAMIN, SHIKIMIC ACID and Science Dr. Judy Mikovits
https://www.brighteon.com/7c129e86-7e2b-47a7-bc74-dd19621e40421 hour
Shedding Woo by Clif High
https://www.bitchute.com/video/VJ4A4yu0veDA/37:00 min.
Marty - Aug 8, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
What's the recommended dosage for pets, and is there another way to give then the CC than with the tincture ? Raw milk thistle powder for example is often given to pets mixed with their (wet) food. Does Cat's Claw need to be heated to be active or can you just grind it and mix it with their food as is ? I'll look for information on the topic but i'd rather know from someone like you. Take care.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 8, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Hello Marty McFly,
For protection against the shedding, I give 1 ml of Cat's Claw Glycerin twice a day to my dogs. 1/2 ml to my cat twice a day. Since vegetable glycerin is sweet, the animals do not mind it. I have a separate, dedicated dropper bottle just for the animals.
I have replaced the glass dropper with one that is plastic to avoid animal biting down and breaking glass in their mouth. My animals do not bite down on the dropper, but I do it any way just incase.
I have given 2 ml of Cat's Claw, (CC) twice a day to my big dog for a tumor on her face for several months. It is all gone now and she is fine.
I do not know the recommended dose for dogs and cats. This amount seems to be fine for my dogs and cat for protection against Spike Protein Contamination.
I make my own Cat's Claw glycerin. It is easy and you can do it. Below addresses the 1 ml dispenser dropper.
Below has Video explaining the heating process of Cat's Claw herb and Article explaining how to make Cat's Claw glycerin.
This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a cool, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight redish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_i8Cvuw5FI&t=1s8:00 min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:https://jillshomeremedies.com/2011/10/how-to-make-a-glycerin-tincture-video-preparing-for-the-winter.html
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw.
Amazon.com- $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:https://www.amazon.com/Dropper-Bumobum-Essential-Tincture-Measured/dp/B09ZP8NXCD/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?keywords=4%2Bounce%2Bdropper%2Bbottle&sr=8-7-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable Cat's Claw prices and delivers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
My mother had Alzheimer's and passed away about a year ago. She was here for 7 months. She was very sick, we detoxed her, she got better for a few months and then she suddenly stopped eating and crossed over. She had Alzheimer's disease for 20 years before she got injected. She was among the first to get vaxxed. She was vaxxed for years, long enough for the vax to do it's irreversible damage to her brain and body. The BioWeapon caused her Alzheimer's to get worse, faster as it eats holes in the brain. She got her 4th booster before she came to visit in order to clear her to fly here to me. I did not know about the 4th booster until after she died. That was the nail in her coffin. I tell injected people, don't wait until you are sick and the damage is done to your body. Take action now, very few people listen.
There is a Mexican couple we buy our food from at the Farmer's Market. They are both vaxxed, but they do not want to hear about it. They are scared.
Thomas Lewis - Aug 3, 2023
Useless Liberal
Most Episodes Of "Scooby Doo"
Are More Believable
Than The Fake World That These People Are Living In.
- I Mean Dying In.
John Roberts - Aug 3, 2023
John Roberts
Funny but how true.
I’m sure we could come up with a bunch of cartoons that could be added to the list.
Sometimes one has to just laugh to keep from crying.
John Roberts - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
John Roberts
I’m wondering how this nanotechnology is affecting our pets and the wild animals.
Has anyone looked at the blood of dogs and cats that live in a household where some or all have been jabbed in comparison to non-jabbed households.
I am afraid our beloved pets have been affected as well. It would still be interesting to find out for sure.
Nanc - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited
Nanc’s Substack
Great question! And unfortunately, yes they are being effected. Pets are dying at an alarming rate and pets cancers are thru the roof. But nobody’s talking about it, why? Got a neighbor, quadruple vaxed, both of them, just lost 3 dogs in 6 months ages from 9 months to 7 years . All rapid onset cancers that killed before treatment could commence. Yet, I’m the one the call the conspiracy theorist. I’ve begged them to stop adopting any more as they will meet the same fate.
Then you got the Chemtrails, gawd knows what’s in them, yet animals are dying in droves. My sister has indoor outdoor cats. They are being sprayed on heavily in Indiana. She, just had to rush her 3 year old cat to the emergency vet for breathing problems! Diagnosis, pneumonia??????? In a cat?
I have 12 and owned many throughout my life and never had one with pneumonia. Upper respiratory problems, yes. Pneumonia, never.
While she was there they wanted to give this poor sick cat a Covid vax!!!!! WHAT?
The shedding or transference is very real and the vaxed are killing pets, children and anyone they come in contact with. If you read the pfizer documents, it’s there in black and white.
I had to stop caring for some family, because every time I got near them, I got some weird sickness or affliction.
This is one horrible sci-Fi movie I want just want to turn off.
John Roberts - Aug 4, 2023
John Roberts
Thanks for your response and information.
I was afraid that was the case. My wife and I are not vaxed and have been paying attention from the very beginning warning family and friends. Unfortunately very few listened and are now suffering the consequences and some have died.
I did lose one of my cats from cancer last year and the other one seems fine so far.
Hopefully we can use the information we are gathering to help us dodge these bullets coming at us from all directions.
Thanks again for your response and praying you and your family the best.
Marty - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I'm afraid you're right about pets and the jabbed, the shedding affects them as well and can be fatal, imagine how such toxic poison can affect the small body of a cat or a dog ..
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 3, 2023
Agent’s Substack
We are doing live blood analysis of a cat in a few weeks. I Will post it on my YouTube channel along with the rest. Here is a good one of my triple vaxxed business partner. You can see spike proteins, parasites nano tech etc.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcESuiZwRd8
Marty - Aug 5, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Cats are mammals and their circulatory system isn't that different from humans, if they're contaminated i think we'd see the same type of thing in their blood that what we see in the blood of a human unjabbed affected by shedding.
John Roberts - Aug 3, 2023
John Roberts
Thanks for your reply.
I watched the video and subscribed to your channel to watch for your findings on the cat.
Thanks again for sharing.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
My dogs are showing signs of infection as my husband and I are infected. The dog's noses are always dry indicating a fever I am guessing. I've been giving them Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture, Ivermectin Equine Paste and Colloidal Silver.
from my gab post:
Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture in combination with Ivermectin is working against the death shots!
My mom came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable. So far, all these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw help.
I believe Cat's Claw is removing the graphene oxide from my mom. The palms of her hands went from black to a healthy pink.
I believe Cat's Claw is tearing down the white amyloid scaffolding structures with in the veins and arteries of her legs. Her legs are no longer in pain or swollen.
Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Could it be stopping the mRNA process? Not only that, but it also stops cells from mutating in to cancer. My mother had a large tumor on her spine, CC removed it completely with in 6 weeks. Her thyroid was huge and abnormal looking, in about 8 weeks, it was back to normal.
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:https://draxe.com/nutrition/quercetin/
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It’s technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is exactly why it’s found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables.
I can not prove any of this as I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.
Cat's Claw Herb Uses,Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
John Roberts - Aug 3, 2023
John Roberts
Thanks so much for your response and links. I will check it out and look into it further.
Hope your mother and your household, including your dogs, continue to get better.
Appreciate your concern and help.
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
jeffrey p lubina
Few are talking about self-assembling nanotechnology, still, especially our guilty politicians and media receiving big payouts by Big Pharma. Nobody is testing the COVID Bioweapons, including the criminals of the FBI and Justice Department, and so of course nobody’s willing to admit these Bioweapon Operating Systems are being secretly put into dozens of medicines, not just the bogus vaccines.
Also, I’m still trying to get farmers and veterinarians to “start” examining both vaccines, hormones and antibiotics—which most, if not all, farm animals do NOT require if raised on a healthy farm receiving proper diets, clean water, sunlight and exercise in the first place.
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
jeffrey p lubina
Comment removed.
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
jeffrey p lubina
You may be correct. Please, allow me to pile a few additional thoughts...
The travesty is that “comprehension” of the whole truth of truths isn’t really all that necessary to “get it.” But not only are those who are compartmentalized within their specialties of making it all happen—such as all systems of control and genocide programs in development—the general population and the media are also divided up into their individual, closed-off groups and are also completely oblivious…and that’s what’s infuriating me the most.
I began my substack just seven months ago, just for the purpose of trying to be as simple-plain as possible with the realities to help they average individual, as well as seasoned researchers and doctors, pull their heads out of their dunk & cover caverns, and it’s worse than performing oral surgery on an alligator without sedation—as it’s trying to eat you in reaction for attempting to save it’s life. Add the extra frustration of short attention spans and monstrous-ignorance bordering blatant stupidity for their love of Jesus end-of-times—you may be correct in saying, “95 percent” will be murdered by less than 5% of their own politicians who actually have access to luxury bomb shelters to wait it out.
Take a look at my homepage. Center-stage publication contains everything one needs to know to wake up (about 60 hours of videos, audios, articles and books). Most goes right to the point—no fluff or filler—and all of it is 100% factual; no conspiracy “ perhaps or what-ifs.” My subscribers get it, but I’m guessing one out of three who visit turn away screaming into the night or probably head straight for the bottle to numb-off the realities. One percent hate my guts—blaming me for the words of others, like Rothschild, Rockefeller and Gates & company. But I’m a stubborn autistic data-dumping SOB that never turns off, not even when I “barely” asleep. And so, here we are.
kaal - Aug 3, 2023
Except that perhaps the reality is that it is the end of times. Something humans cant stop.
Ross S - Aug 3, 2023
What is ‘safe’ to take anymore?!?! It’s become a Bizarro World, headed straight to Hell with God knows what in our meds. 😢
Vonu - Aug 3, 2023
SV40 has been in most of the vaccines since the first one that monkey tissue was used to make.
420MedicineMan - Aug 3, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Certainly not glass or dust contamination.
Documenting slow genocide.
Rauwolfia Serpentina - Aug 3, 2023
Rauwolfia’s Substack
O.K. this is real. Not a hologram, a stealth assault and Federal and Military employees had been forced. What it means is that we are all targeted. Do you know what that's like? Torture and pain to insure control.
It's our responsibility to let go of those things they've given us for our convenience. Towers and antennas are being installed and new cars put out frequency to keep us all connected. When you apply an app do you really know what you are doing? Want more, give us Barabas, give us easy.
I think humanity but mostly a person who is a man or a woman on earth and wants to own their experience should act like an adult. Start with the genius self you are embodied to be.
A monkey doesn't know better, a cookie in the jar that can threaten its life could be let go of, if it threatens health. Why do we carry such things around, they are in everyone's hands?
I'm facing the facts. You and I are targeted. This is the plan, not transhumanism. That's only a cartoon, Lucy moves the football, so you'll buy their idea of how we live but change nothing? We are so naive.
We are free to invent and explore how to heal. See it as a challenge, an adventure and get to work on it, research, experiment, share and do what you can, visualize where this lands. There's still time. No Fear, act instead.
We aren't that easy to kill, they added it into everything, Dr. Ana shares clues on how to conduct our way through this, proof, there is always a way. And if not, No Fear, still.
We'll know what to do, all you have to do is ask for the next right step, but you've got to step lively, man or woman! Your guidance will give you the way to go. And grace steps in at the last minute, amazing grace, she's always there.
That threatens them. Enjoy the ride. So what, we all die eventually.
No Fear, ever.
And now, a CDS enema, excuse me.
Mary - Aug 4, 2023
Mary’s Newsletter
I'm beginning to wonder if nanotech is in all the meds. May be in the food, the water, the air and everything else.
Lisa - Aug 3, 2023
Dr Ana and Dr David Nixon, thank you for your ongoing work to find the nano/hydrogel in our environment and warning humanity. We appreciate all you are doing.
Okisuke - Aug 3, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
If you are really that desperate for a IV chelation you can do a 2 week health trip to Bangkok for example, which is very popular for medical tourism. I checked the prices for a hospital. 5 EDTA chelation sessions are 30 % cheaper than here in Berlin.
Getting an appointment in most Asian countries is a piece of cake. As a paying customer you instantly get a treatment. You can even get a online consultation for free. Nothing like here in Europe where you have wait+it's very expensive.
If you are concerned about the costs: Seriously, your life depends on it. If I hadn't spent all that money, time and energy in doing my own research I most likely would have been dead by now.
jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 3, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
When your government medical industrial complex wants you dead or damaged, what is an appropriate response?
Nanc - Aug 4, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
A drone at their complex.
jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 4, 2023
Cloud of drones, more likely. Did you hear there are now birds of prey that are trained to take out drones. It's pretty badass to see, but makes me sad for the birds. Probably wont go well for them.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
An herbal answer for the insulin diabetes problem, while you are detoxing from the BioWeapon with Cat's Claw and Ivermectin you can take Gymnema sylvestre for diabetes:
Benefits of Gymnema slyvestre:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Gymnema-Sylvestre-Cid886
Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone
Dr. Sansone says not to stop your BioWeaponized Insulin, but I suggest looking at our options and stopping Insulin.
Unfortunately, I recently found out that my insulin has AI self assembling technology in it. I am basically getting C19 bioweapon injections against my will. This was apparently discovered in other people’s insulin too. Ana Mihalcea,http://M.SD., PhD has analyzed my Lantus and Humalog insulin. Using darkfield microscopy Dr. Mihalcea documents the AI self assembly occurring in the insulin in this video. She uses a Neurogenesis microscope which costs about $7000. This is the same self assembly that Dr. Mihalcea has documented in the blood of people as a result of C19 injections and from shedding. This research has been replicated by Dr. David Nixon.
On April first, I unexpectedly experienced congestive heart failure and went into the hospital because I could not breathe. On April 10th I had triple bypass heart surgery. Was this because of my insulin?
It is urgent that attention be brought to this, and that the insulin supply be cleaned up immediately. Those with diabetes, especially those of us with type 1 diabetes, have no choice, but to take their insulin to survive. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR INSULIN. It appears we are being held hostage and scheduled for early termination. Please click on this link or the image below to see Dr. Mihalcea’s excellent presentation on her findings of what is in the insulin.
Gymnema slyvestre. This herb literally healed my elderly neighbor of diabetes. She was unable to take her metformen Rx for diabetes, it made her very sick.
Gymnema herb is very bitter. Too bitter for tea. Best to take it in capsule form and or tincture form. My neighbor preferred Gymnema tea for some reason.
Dr. Axe
Gymnema Sylvestre: An Ayurvedic Herb That Helps Fight Diabetes, Obesity & More:https://draxe.com/nutrition/gymnema-sylvestre/
by: ResearchGate
Gymnema sylvestre for Diabetes: From Traditional Herb to Future’s Therapeutic
Diabetes has increased at an unprecedented rate and is fast emerging as a global threat worldwide. The focus on pharmacological studies pertaining to diabetes has seen a remarkable shift from conventional medicines to therapeutics employing bioactive phytomolecules from natural sources. The prospective effectiveness of natural products together with their low cost and minimal side effects has revolutionized the entire concept of drug discovery and management programs. One such beneficial herb is Gymnema sylvestre, possessing remarkable hypoglycemic properties and forms the platform of diabetes therapeutics in the traditional system of medication. The present article discusses the significance of G. sylvestre in diabetes management, the herbal-formulations from the herb together with its standardization and clinical trials on animal models, and why Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma (PPAR?) may serve as a prospective molecular target for Gymnemic acid analogs. Such studies would define the molecular basis of bioactive molecules which would aid in the development of natural product based therapeutics in the treatment of diabetes.
For the complete article go to:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/310021847_Gymnema_sylvestre_for_Diabetes_From_Traditional_Herb_to_Future's_Therapeutic
Planet Ayurveda
by: Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan
Alina - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Do you know of anything I could take in place of artificial thyroid hormones? My thyroid is gone.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 9, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Hi there, I recently started drinking Guggul tea in the mornings for my HypoThyroid condition. It seems to be working well for me and my Thyroid. I put it in to the AntiShedding tea or Chocolate Chaga tea as it is very bitter.
So what exactly is Guggul?https://www.restartmed.com/guggul/
Guggul, or Guggul extract, is a special botanical (herb) which is made from the sap or resin of a special tree in India.
This particular extract has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, but only recently have we been able to find out about how this botanical works through scientific studies.
Conventional use for this herb was designed to treat weight gain and metabolic problems, patients suffering from low energy, patients suffering from thyroid disease, people with cholesterol problems, people with acne, and other inflammatory diseases.
Not surprisingly, many recent studies (1) provide evidence that guggul may help in the following ways:
Lower cholesterol or act as a hypolipidemic
Boost thyroid function
Help with weight loss
Fight acne
Reduce inflammation in arthritis
Act as an anti-inflammatory agent
Act as an antioxidant
Protect brain health
Inhibit and treat Ulcerative colitis
Protect against liver damage
Protect against cardiac damage
The active ingredient in Guggul extract is known as guggulsterone.
Guggulsterone appears to have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities at the systemic and cellular levels (2). These attributes have been shown to alter thyroid function, improve metabolism and treat various inflammatory diseases such as acne.
For the complete article:https://www.restartmed.com/guggul/
Alina - Aug 10, 2023 - Edited
Thank you! I am surprised and very thankful that there is someone who doesn’t even know me and cares! Really cares. Blessings! Lots of them!
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
I use to take 'porcine' for my thyroid about 30 years ago. The Rx for porcine, (pig thyroid) made my thyroid worse. Avoid pharmakeia as much as you can.
Pharmakeia is not to be trusted. May I suggest: Trust God's perfect plant medicine, not man made crap.
For Example: by: DR. JOSEPH SANSONE
We are at War: OUR INSULIN IS BEING POISONED Unfortunately, I recently found out that my insulin has AI self assembling technology in it. I am basically getting C19 bioweapon injections against my will. This was apparently discovered in other people’s insulin too. Ana Mihalcea,http://M.SD., PhD has analyzed my Lantus and Humalog insulin. Using darkfield microscopy Dr. Mihalcea documents the AI self assembly occurring in the insulin in this video. She uses a Neurogenesis microscope which costs about $7000. This is the same self assembly that Dr. Mihalcea has documented in the blood of people as a result of C19 injections and from shedding. This research has been replicated by Dr. David Nixon. On April first, I unexpectedly experienced congestive heart failure and went into the hospital because I could not breathe. On April 10th I had triple bypass heart surgery. Was this because of my insulin? It is urgent that attention be brought to this, and that the insulin supply be cleaned up immediately. Those with diabetes, especially those of us with type 1 diabetes, have no choice, but to take their insulin to survive. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR INSULIN. It appears we are being held hostage and scheduled for early termination. Please click on this link or the image below to see Dr. Mihalcea’s excellent presentation on her findings of what is in the insulin.
Alina - Aug 3, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
Thank you for your response. Yes, I clearly see that those of us who must take daily meds “are scheduled for early termination”. You put it well.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
Sorry, I am not trying to insult you. I mean no harm. No one has to die from any of this. When my mother came to visit me, she was in crisis as her kidneys where failing, her blood pressure was so high, i thought she was going to have a heart attack in front of me. Her heart was failing, she had trouble breathing, the micro-clotting was off the scale. I would normally of taken her to the hospital, but the hospitals were killing people. I gave her Cat's Claw immediately as Cat's Claw addresses so many of the C19 vax issues. She started to get better slowly at first.
She came with 30 prescription pills she was taking. I took her off of her pills immediately. No winging her off at all. Just stopped the pills cold turkey and replace the pills with herbs. If she was on pills for her heart, I replaced them with Hawthorn Berry, Ginko biloba,white pine bark tea. She also got daily doses of Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. I replaced all of her pills with herbal teas and tinctures. She never suffered any kind of negative effects from stopping her pills since I met her prescription needs with herbs.
Another example: My retired elderly RN neighbor got shingles. Her shingles went away but the pain persisted as she ended up with postetic neuralgia, (PHN). The doctor gave her a cream that made the pain worse. I replaced her cream with some essential oils, one of them being Bergomot which is good for shingle pain. I gave her an herbal blend for inflammation, for viruses, pain, to help her sleep, blood cleansing herbs and herbs to boost her immunity. When she finished the herbal blend, I gave her homeopathic remedies for postetic neuralgia. She is 98% better now. You can do the same.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 8, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
I meant to post this article 'The Mysteries of Thyroid,' for you which I believe is an excellent article for you. I accidentally posted the insulin being poisoned article again, instead of the thyroid article. This was a misunderstanding. Sorry about that. Here is the article. I hope you will read it. It has a lot of good thyroid and alternative meds for thyroid information:
The Mysteries of Thyroid
Alina - Aug 8, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
Thank you! Greatly appreciated. ❤️
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 8, 2023
Geneva’s Substack
You are welcome.
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Hi Alina. I am still drinking and reaping the benefits of Guggul aka Guggulu tea. I take a week or 2 break from it and drink some thing else in the way of tea as you are suppose to not take it for too long a period. Once my thyroid is better, I will no longer need it.
👉 Guggul is powerful good, but it does come with warnings. I am not sure if you are going to try Guggul or not. But in case you do, I wanted to be sure you are aware of the warnings. Comiphora Mukul General aka Guggulu.
I think this Indian site by Indian MDs covers a lot about Guggul including any warnings:https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Guggulu-Cid536
Scroll down, down to the warnings.
Alina - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
Thank you so much. I will definitely read it. I am getting it. There are few different ones so I took time to explore my options.
Edit: One thing I don’t have to worry about is semen production 😂
Geneva Thatcher - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Geneva’s Substack
You are hilarious 😆 with your semen comment.
Covid Revelations - Aug 3, 2023
Bless You Dr. Ana And Dr. David Nixon.
Your Hard Work is Much Appreciated.
Let me try to contribute...
by adding this recent, yet unrelated article from the Epoch Times...
New Evidence Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Transmission of Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated
The Epoch Times
Megan Redshaw, J.D. Aug 2 2023
New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study (pdf) published in ImmunoHorizons.
Extended mask requirements allowed scientists at the University of Colorado to evaluate whether vaccinated individuals could transfer aerosolized antibodies generated from COVID-19 vaccines. Aerosols are a manufactured or naturally occurring suspension of particles or droplets in the air, such as airborne dust, mists, fumes, or smoke, that can be absorbed by the skin or inhaled.
Researchers used a combination of tests to detect SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies from masks vaccinated lab members wore and donated anonymously at the end of the day. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system that circulate in the blood and neutralize foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.
Consistent with results reported by others, the researchers identified both immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies in the saliva of vaccinated individuals and on their masks.
Based on their observations, the researchers hypothesized droplet or aerosolized antibody transfer might occur between individuals, similar to how droplets and aerosolized viral particles are transferred by the same route.
To test their hypothesis, they obtained and compared nasal swabs from unvaccinated children living in vaccinated, unvaccinated, and COVID-19-positive households.
Results showed high IgG in the noses of vaccinated parents was “significantly associated” with an increase in intranasal IgG within the unvaccinated child from the same household, especially compared to the “complete deficit of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detected” in nasal swabs obtained from children in nonvaccinated families. A similar trend was found with IgA in the same samples.
In other words, their findings suggest aerosol transmission of antibodies can occur between COVID-19 vaccinated parents and their children—and the tendency for this transfer is directly related to the amount of nasal or oral antibodies found in those who received vaccines.
This type of shedding is called “passive immunization,” where antibodies—primarily IgA—are actually exchanged between individuals through respiratory droplets, Brian Hooker, chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense, who holds a doctorate in biochemical engineering, wrote in an email to The Epoch Times. “But this would provide minimal immunity for the ‘bystanders’ based on the fact that the original mRNA vaccines provide so little protection.”
Mr. Hooker said passive immunization could elicit autoimmunity and “all sorts of reactions” in bystanders due to a similar “molecular mimicry between the COVID-19 Ig [immunoglobulin] antibodies and human proteins.”
Studies have shown that molecular mimicry between the foreign molecules and human molecules can lead to an autoimmune response causing antibodies to function incorrectly and interact against human proteins. Autoimmunity refers to an immune reaction where the body attacks its own tissues, resulting in damage or disease.
Mr. Hooker said the study suggests that if Ig antibodies can be transmitted person-to-person, there is a possibility the spike protein generated by COVID-19 vaccines could be transmitted as well.
“This could cause immunization of the bystanders as well as problems associated with spike protein toxicity to bloodstream components and other tissues,” he added.
COVID-19 Vaccines Were Authorized Without Studies to Assess Transmission
COVID-19 vaccines using mRNA technology like Pfizer and Moderna were authorized globally without studies into the possible expression of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA or of the spike protein manufactured by the cells of a recently vaccinated individual.
A confidential Pfizer document (pdf) disclosed through a Freedom of Information Act request suggests an unvaccinated person could be exposed to the contents of COVID-19 vaccines through the air or skin of a vaccinated individual and references the possibility that an adverse vaccine reaction could result from such exposure.
A Pfizer Japanese biodistribution study showed COVID-19 vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site through the blood and accumulate in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and ovaries. Vaccine mRNA is present from the day of vaccination and can persist in the bloodstream weeks after vaccination.
According to a 2022 paper in Infectious Diseases Research (pdf) by French pharmacist and biologist Helene Banoun, LNPs from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can be excreted through body fluids and pass the transplacental barrier.
Spike proteins manufactured by the body after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine circulate as exosomes, or extracellular vesicles released from cells that transport spike protein through circulation, according to Ms. Banoun. Exosomes are found in saliva, blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. Considering that mRNA vaccines have been widely distributed, pharmacokinetic studies are warranted to determine how they’re excreted from the body and what components of COVID-19 vaccines can be transmitted by a vaccinated individual, she said
Bufus Alvarius - Aug 3, 2023
Spike is an electromagnetic device. There was no mRNA, namely no Phosphor nor Nitrogen in the shots
Nanc - Aug 6, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
This is beyond a travesty!
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