So myself and millions of others spent the last few years doing everything we could to stay away from this Bioweapon & it was all for Nothing! If you don’t think that I’m not #%€£%*! furious about this then you are dreaming! When this gets out, the wrath of the people will be unleashed!
The wrath of the people should've been unleashed long ago with non-compliance from the get go. Instead fear-mongered, mindless sheeple acquiesced to insane, illegal, illogical, irrelevant, harmful "mandates" from day one of the psyop. And still, the silence, compliance and lack of action by the people continues. This has gotten to this level of no return because the programmable life forms allowed the demons to carry out the agenda.
I went to the grocery store today and I was astonished by how many people were wearing masks. For a long while now not very many people were. What changed? IDK, I don’t watch TV.
It is now in the food supply, in water, in air filters, graphene oxide in retinal implants, in the composite fillings at the dentist - we are being hybridized and the 2019 Billy Eilish - Bury a friend is predictive programming par excellencé
According to Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, past employee of W.H.O. and now a Whistleblower; the jabs have no Nitrogen or Phosphores in them and for this reason THERE IS NO BIOLOGY INHERENT TO THEM. These jabs were/are 'AI Nanotechweapons' used to destroy DNA and RE-IMAGINE 'human beings' into 'Human-Borg Genesis' transferring ownership of the soul/spirit from God to Globalist Nazi Cult mirroring Lucifer/Satan in seeking to steal all of God's creation.
The metals and Graphene Oxide are carried into the cells with the nanolipids and with 5G and/or wi-fi Radiation, the components self-assemble to become 'Blue Tooth EMF Radiation Transmitters' with even an IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON The Blue Tooth used as a BRAND marking ownership of organism to something alien.
According to another contributor in a Blog named 'From Rome'; EU has approved Graphene Oxide as an additive to be fed to insects which is now in the process of patenting. The insects are also products carrying the substance which are in the process of patenting. Currently, THESE insects are now approved for selling over the counter as food powder or whole insects; thus the REASON The Globalist Nazi Cult is removing real, traditional food towards INSECTS/INSENCT POWDER. It is to continue the DESTRUCTION OF Human DNA and transformation of humans into Radioactive/Transmitter/Receiver SLAVES. Their goal is to DESTROY THE light having a blue cast in every human cell which they believe to be GOD...TO OPEN THE HUMAN TO DEMONIZATION.
This may sound conspiracy...Or, STUPID...But, it is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE. Even Musk has claimed AI and these Nanoweapons to be opening human beings to Satan/Luciferian Possession...And, who are any of us to argue that?
Oh I feel you Leslie, I have been comparing this to the organic vs petro fertilizer farms; the latter prevent the former from having any choice at all, because wind spreads the toxins. I, unvaxxed, live with a 2x vaxxed person who is miles from recognizing that I am now suffering from their 'choice', trapped in a house together. I have been transfected on 3 occasions, via them and other situations and of course its ongoing. I cannot afford chelation, and not sure I would let my blood go through a bunch of plastic tubes anyway. But I am doing what I can with zinc and Nac. The wrath didn't even need this 'extra' impetus for sure. Dr. David Martin and Todd Callender have pushed the legal recourse and using the systems, but at least Dr. Martin admits this will be a challenge due to the anger. I also read somewhere they knew they only needed 40% vaxxed, the rest would be by transfection. Trying to avoid all 5g, heres a good site on the stupid meters
emfhelpcenter.combest from Oregon
Operation Crimson Mist- Frequencies were used during the RWANDA MASSACRE to drive ppl to kill. The movie the CELL features some of this incl seizures near frequencies. So what are they capable of doing to not just the body but the MIND with this tech. btw Jennifer Doudna inventor of crispr used to SCISSOR DNA and present in cv shots is on tape saying early in research she dreamed of man in dark in dark room whom a scientist introduced her too and when he turned she saw it was HITLER- asking her to explain this tech. She says the tech can change what it means to b human and her biggest concern is FEAR of ppl about her CRISPERING - that ppl have concerns- this idiot sees it as beneficial. The esoteric term for graphene is black goo- Max Spiers claimed he was a super soldier- alltered- and was going to reveal these secrets and the "black magic" satanism of the cabal but was killed- died from vomiting black liquid.
as in the Time of Noa, God will wipe out all the artificial cybors hybrids specimens and their Rulers.
Harari is the ennnemy of Free will, of SOUL and of Jesus Christ, as Schwab ,and all their minions and 'scientists'
Its the technologies of the ANTICHRIST
Put your brain body and soul under the protection of Jesus Christ ! they wont be able to 'hack' you;
So important!
Have you looked into nutritional help for strengthening the body's detox abilities?
I am thinking of vitamin C and zinc to mobilize and protect neutrophils, macrophages, and other front-line defenders against anything foreign.
Zinc and NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) can prevent absorption or (perhaps) remove heavy metals from the body. It's not chelation therapy, but it is readily available daily, multiple times each day, to anyone.
Glutathione (GSH) and milk thistle help the liver detox, and GSH works in other detox ways too.
NADH recycles vitamin C, GSH, and other antioxidants.
The body uses NAC + selenium + alpha-lipioic acid + others to make GSH. High-quality animal protein helps rebuild, as well as providing cysteine, methionine, carnitine, and other valuable amino acids.
My post on natural anti-infectives includes information on the above.
My post on Glutathione plus NADH and Probiotics goes deeper.
My post on zinc + zinc ionophores explains how these fight many viral infections.
(I learned about you and the other courageous researchers, and the terrible things you are reporting, from your interview with Mike Adams of the Health Ranger Report
Thank you so much for proving to me that you listen, you are and you are on the right side. As I assumed from the beginning but began to question when you left my concerns unaddressed. They are now officially addressed and I hope you continue to make note that EDTA should only be used in consultation with a professional such as yourself.
As for the optical transmission network you have described... finally we have arrived on target! These are called nanowire networks or nanowire mesh. They use the luciferase to flash on and off based on various chemical conditions and once established throughout the body they can in fact transmit binary information that can be metaphorically compared to traditional computer networks but it is (somewhat, depending on context) important to note that they are not like running Windows or anything. But is a biological analog.
I just want everyone to pull this stuff together properly... and be able to present it without so easily being cast into the crazy basket by the normies & opposition.
Please pardon my efforts to offer sincere and relevant questions to which we need answers, and use of honest critique (I went to art school once, lol) to help strengthen your arguments.
It was never my intention to get attacked by - or retort snarkily to -your loyalists. :)
In his presentation, Dr. Nixon referred to the Thunderbolts Project ... the electric universe. Am familiar w/it through my studies over the years. Also, the experiment he showed w/the worm ... that's out of Michael Levin's Lab (Tufts Univ.) .. a Russian (Khazarian) Jew. Ponder why Levine would post the photo he did on his site: picture paints a 1000 words. Thunder/lightning. electromag., frequencies ... they know ... bec. they've "gone in another way" (John 10:1) & are receiving hidden knowledge from spiritual beings. The source matters. They refuse to receive Yeshua's/Jesus' finished work ... & they'll take down many w/them.
Do a study in scripture re. "lightning." Yeshua/Jesus saw satan fall like lightning. Yeshua/Jesus returns like lightning. The living creatures are described as having lightnings. When Yeshua/Jesus was transformed on the mountain it was when His Father spoke (frequency) to Him. Note that in Ex. 19 when Yah came down upon the mountain in thunder/lightnings (frequencies) & spoke (frequencies), that bec. the people ... including the priests ... were not sanctified at the level that they should have been (abiding in Yah's Word, which is His frequency) that Yah warned Moses to not let them come near or He'd "break out" upon them. Yah is Spirit ... which is frequency. Think of lithotripsy (ultrasound in water) ... the frequency breaks up the stone. That's what would have happened to those inadequately sanctified people ... not to mention that the fire essence of Yah would also have consumed them. It's Yah's mercy & love that provided The Way (Yeshua/Jeus) for mankind to return to Him & be made brand new.
It's IMPERATIVE that man FIRST seek the Kingdom of Yah (Matt. 6:33) ... ABOVE & BEYOND PHYSICAL HEALING ... as it is HIS WORD that heals. IT IS FREQUENCY ... His frequency. We MUST abide in it! It is food for the soul. Satan ... the oppressor ... is simply using "techne" to broadcast WICKED frequencies ... which demons (wicked spirits) thrive on. It's their food. Ponder this deeply. It explains much of what you're seeing. Yeshua/Jesus stated that satan was coming but had nothing in Him (John 14:30) ... bec. He was completely FULL of Yah's Word (frequency). This is why His spoken word healed. Man's solutions are NOT going to save him. Yehovah Rapha is & has always been man's Healer (Ex. 15:26).
Absolutely sickening technology. And it matches what's found in the corpses of those who died from the injections. No normie will ever believe that any of this is real.
I recall seeing a video ages ago - well before cv scamdemic - about effects of emfs on blood where photos of rouleau effect were shown. Not all the ribbons and nanochips though Also, just watched this video from live blood analyst, Kelly Bacher -
I've read that prolonged exposure to EMF, wifi for example, can cause the rouleaux effect in the blood. So i imagine a lot of people in "developed" countries have abnormal blood.
I THINK ITS TOO LATE THEY CAN CONTROLL HUMAN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AND ACTIONS ... I PRAY FOR AN ACT OF GOD TO HELP THE PSHCOPATHS RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH ... IS USED BY “GM AND GE” TO CHANGE ENGINEER DNA AND IS CALLED A ” GENE VIRAL VECTOR ” ALSO [ ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR ] ] graphene and with 5g signals TO MAKE POSSIBLE ELECTRONICALL CONTROLLED HUMANS……DEAR GOD OF GOODNESS PLEASE HELP AND SAVE US ALL FROM EVIL. p s self aware independant A I will / is become the new “FALL GUY ” THE PSHYCOPATHIC ELITES ARE PROGRAMING AI TO BE THE WHOLE SOCIAL PEOPLE CONTROLL IE CODIFIED LAW ” NO NEED FOR HUMAN JUDICIAL SYSTEMS… AI POLICE ROBOTICS AI DOCTORS EVERYTHING THAT THE ELITES HAVE HAD TO BOTHER WITH WILL BE DONE WITH AI … FREEING THE PSHYCO ELITES TO INDULGE IN ALL MANNER OF CRIME AND PERVERSON WITHOUGHT EVER BEING CAUGHT.... ALSO SELF CONSCIOUS A I IS THE NEW " FALL GUY " TO BE BLAMED FOR ALL FUTURE ATROCITIES THAT THE PSHYCOPATHIC RICH ELITES DO ... …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…
as in the Time of Noa, God will wipe out all the artificial cybors hybrids specimens and their Rulers.
Harari is the ennemy of Free will, of SOUL and of Jesus Christ, as Schwab ,and all their minions and 'scientists'
Its the technologies of the ANTICHRIST
Put your brain body and soul under the protection of Jesus Christ ! they wont be able to 'hack' you;
Hi Ana Maria, I just wanted to ask you if you have noticed any benefits (or even soon) in those vaccinated who have been treated with the EDTA cream
Also if they have noticed any side effects. Best regards
EDTA is a readily available as an oral in capsule form. It can be purchased via the internet - just do a search for EDTA. I understand that it is probably made in the USA.
I suppose that it is not as potent as intravenous injection but it may suffice in an emergency. Maybe Dr Mihalcea could advise.
@Dr. Ana,
This is precisely why I firmly implored that you start advising people to only use EDTA in consultation with a professional, because people hear you talk about it then want to jump right on Amazon and start taking it every day. If taking oral supplements, then the EDTA itself must also then be detoxed.
Chelating every day as a prophylactic because you're scared of catching a cold will kill you, period. It will strip essential minerals from your body including the calcium straight out of your bones.
Dr. Ana,
What are specific diagnostic criteria that would decide if an unvaxxed person needs chelation therapy? Rouleaux formations in blood? Any measures about how many per ml of blood / other units?
We are providers trying to locate EDTA IV bags with recommended dosages for on-premise chelation treatments.
Please send a source for the IV bags. We will provide full provider license and EIN documentation.
Thomas Kasperek
Practice Manager
Dr. Lily David Institute of Health & Healing, Inc.
(202) 957-8454
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 23, 2023 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
So myself and millions of others spent the last few years doing everything we could to stay away from this Bioweapon & it was all for Nothing! If you don’t think that I’m not #%€£%*! furious about this then you are dreaming! When this gets out, the wrath of the people will be unleashed!
Liberty Liz - Feb 23, 2023
Liberty Liz
The wrath of the people should've been unleashed long ago with non-compliance from the get go. Instead fear-mongered, mindless sheeple acquiesced to insane, illegal, illogical, irrelevant, harmful "mandates" from day one of the psyop. And still, the silence, compliance and lack of action by the people continues. This has gotten to this level of no return because the programmable life forms allowed the demons to carry out the agenda.
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 23, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
I went to the grocery store today and I was astonished by how many people were wearing masks. For a long while now not very many people were. What changed? IDK, I don’t watch TV.
Bufus Alvarius - Feb 23, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
It is now in the food supply, in water, in air filters, graphene oxide in retinal implants, in the composite fillings at the dentist - we are being hybridized and the 2019 Billy Eilish - Bury a friend is predictive programming par excellencé
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 25, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
How can it be in retinal implants without causing blindness?
Bufus Alvarius - Feb 25, 2023
BlazeCloude3 - Feb 23, 2023 - Edited
According to Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, past employee of W.H.O. and now a Whistleblower; the jabs have no Nitrogen or Phosphores in them and for this reason THERE IS NO BIOLOGY INHERENT TO THEM. These jabs were/are 'AI Nanotechweapons' used to destroy DNA and RE-IMAGINE 'human beings' into 'Human-Borg Genesis' transferring ownership of the soul/spirit from God to Globalist Nazi Cult mirroring Lucifer/Satan in seeking to steal all of God's creation.
The metals and Graphene Oxide are carried into the cells with the nanolipids and with 5G and/or wi-fi Radiation, the components self-assemble to become 'Blue Tooth EMF Radiation Transmitters' with even an IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON The Blue Tooth used as a BRAND marking ownership of organism to something alien.
According to another contributor in a Blog named 'From Rome'; EU has approved Graphene Oxide as an additive to be fed to insects which is now in the process of patenting. The insects are also products carrying the substance which are in the process of patenting. Currently, THESE insects are now approved for selling over the counter as food powder or whole insects; thus the REASON The Globalist Nazi Cult is removing real, traditional food towards INSECTS/INSENCT POWDER. It is to continue the DESTRUCTION OF Human DNA and transformation of humans into Radioactive/Transmitter/Receiver SLAVES. Their goal is to DESTROY THE light having a blue cast in every human cell which they believe to be GOD...TO OPEN THE HUMAN TO DEMONIZATION.
This may sound conspiracy...Or, STUPID...But, it is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE. Even Musk has claimed AI and these Nanoweapons to be opening human beings to Satan/Luciferian Possession...And, who are any of us to argue that?
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 23, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
jacquelyn sauriol - Feb 23, 2023 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
Oh I feel you Leslie, I have been comparing this to the organic vs petro fertilizer farms; the latter prevent the former from having any choice at all, because wind spreads the toxins. I, unvaxxed, live with a 2x vaxxed person who is miles from recognizing that I am now suffering from their 'choice', trapped in a house together. I have been transfected on 3 occasions, via them and other situations and of course its ongoing. I cannot afford chelation, and not sure I would let my blood go through a bunch of plastic tubes anyway. But I am doing what I can with zinc and Nac. The wrath didn't even need this 'extra' impetus for sure. Dr. David Martin and Todd Callender have pushed the legal recourse and using the systems, but at least Dr. Martin admits this will be a challenge due to the anger. I also read somewhere they knew they only needed 40% vaxxed, the rest would be by transfection. Trying to avoid all 5g, heres a good site on the stupid meters
emfhelpcenter.combest from Oregon
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 23, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
Thank you, wow, I am so sorry for your plight living with vaxxed people! Best from California.....we will fix this, I have to believe that. ❤️
Alison H. - Feb 23, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
Add in Quercetin and Bromelain (can get together) and look into Boron
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 23, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
I take Quercetin with Zinc currently and have ever since this insanity started. I have not been ill with even a cold.
Edward Bernaysauce - Feb 25, 2023
Edward Bernaysauce
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Feb 25, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
kaal - Feb 23, 2023
Operation Crimson Mist- Frequencies were used during the RWANDA MASSACRE to drive ppl to kill. The movie the CELL features some of this incl seizures near frequencies. So what are they capable of doing to not just the body but the MIND with this tech. btw Jennifer Doudna inventor of crispr used to SCISSOR DNA and present in cv shots is on tape saying early in research she dreamed of man in dark in dark room whom a scientist introduced her too and when he turned she saw it was HITLER- asking her to explain this tech. She says the tech can change what it means to b human and her biggest concern is FEAR of ppl about her CRISPERING - that ppl have concerns- this idiot sees it as beneficial. The esoteric term for graphene is black goo- Max Spiers claimed he was a super soldier- alltered- and was going to reveal these secrets and the "black magic" satanism of the cabal but was killed- died from vomiting black liquid.
Abigail Starke - Feb 23, 2023
Abigail Starke
I wish I had gotten the autopsy for my husband to see his blood clots he has everywhere they said.
Theara - Feb 25, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
as in the Time of Noa, God will wipe out all the artificial cybors hybrids specimens and their Rulers.
Harari is the ennnemy of Free will, of SOUL and of Jesus Christ, as Schwab ,and all their minions and 'scientists'
Its the technologies of the ANTICHRIST
Put your brain body and soul under the protection of Jesus Christ ! they wont be able to 'hack' you;
Ernest D. Lieberman - Feb 23, 2023
The Menelaus Gambit
So important!
Have you looked into nutritional help for strengthening the body's detox abilities?
I am thinking of vitamin C and zinc to mobilize and protect neutrophils, macrophages, and other front-line defenders against anything foreign.
Zinc and NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) can prevent absorption or (perhaps) remove heavy metals from the body. It's not chelation therapy, but it is readily available daily, multiple times each day, to anyone.
Glutathione (GSH) and milk thistle help the liver detox, and GSH works in other detox ways too.
NADH recycles vitamin C, GSH, and other antioxidants.
The body uses NAC + selenium + alpha-lipioic acid + others to make GSH. High-quality animal protein helps rebuild, as well as providing cysteine, methionine, carnitine, and other valuable amino acids.
My post on natural anti-infectives includes information on the above.
My post on Glutathione plus NADH and Probiotics goes deeper.
My post on zinc + zinc ionophores explains how these fight many viral infections.
(I learned about you and the other courageous researchers, and the terrible things you are reporting, from your interview with Mike Adams of the Health Ranger Report
Cognitive Dissonance - Feb 23, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
Why use dangerous EDTA when IV vitamin C can do all the same things w/o the risk & side effects.
Cognitive Dissonance - Feb 23, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
Thank you so much for proving to me that you listen, you are and you are on the right side. As I assumed from the beginning but began to question when you left my concerns unaddressed. They are now officially addressed and I hope you continue to make note that EDTA should only be used in consultation with a professional such as yourself.
As for the optical transmission network you have described... finally we have arrived on target! These are called nanowire networks or nanowire mesh. They use the luciferase to flash on and off based on various chemical conditions and once established throughout the body they can in fact transmit binary information that can be metaphorically compared to traditional computer networks but it is (somewhat, depending on context) important to note that they are not like running Windows or anything. But is a biological analog.
I just want everyone to pull this stuff together properly... and be able to present it without so easily being cast into the crazy basket by the normies & opposition.
Please pardon my efforts to offer sincere and relevant questions to which we need answers, and use of honest critique (I went to art school once, lol) to help strengthen your arguments.
It was never my intention to get attacked by - or retort snarkily to -your loyalists. :)
Cognitive Dissonance - Feb 23, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
My video honoring & admiring you from 1/20/2023:
Thank you again for validating my admiration.
jsand - Feb 25, 2023
In his presentation, Dr. Nixon referred to the Thunderbolts Project ... the electric universe. Am familiar w/it through my studies over the years. Also, the experiment he showed w/the worm ... that's out of Michael Levin's Lab (Tufts Univ.) .. a Russian (Khazarian) Jew. Ponder why Levine would post the photo he did on his site: picture paints a 1000 words. Thunder/lightning. electromag., frequencies ... they know ... bec. they've "gone in another way" (John 10:1) & are receiving hidden knowledge from spiritual beings. The source matters. They refuse to receive Yeshua's/Jesus' finished work ... & they'll take down many w/them.
Do a study in scripture re. "lightning." Yeshua/Jesus saw satan fall like lightning. Yeshua/Jesus returns like lightning. The living creatures are described as having lightnings. When Yeshua/Jesus was transformed on the mountain it was when His Father spoke (frequency) to Him. Note that in Ex. 19 when Yah came down upon the mountain in thunder/lightnings (frequencies) & spoke (frequencies), that bec. the people ... including the priests ... were not sanctified at the level that they should have been (abiding in Yah's Word, which is His frequency) that Yah warned Moses to not let them come near or He'd "break out" upon them. Yah is Spirit ... which is frequency. Think of lithotripsy (ultrasound in water) ... the frequency breaks up the stone. That's what would have happened to those inadequately sanctified people ... not to mention that the fire essence of Yah would also have consumed them. It's Yah's mercy & love that provided The Way (Yeshua/Jeus) for mankind to return to Him & be made brand new.
It's IMPERATIVE that man FIRST seek the Kingdom of Yah (Matt. 6:33) ... ABOVE & BEYOND PHYSICAL HEALING ... as it is HIS WORD that heals. IT IS FREQUENCY ... His frequency. We MUST abide in it! It is food for the soul. Satan ... the oppressor ... is simply using "techne" to broadcast WICKED frequencies ... which demons (wicked spirits) thrive on. It's their food. Ponder this deeply. It explains much of what you're seeing. Yeshua/Jesus stated that satan was coming but had nothing in Him (John 14:30) ... bec. He was completely FULL of Yah's Word (frequency). This is why His spoken word healed. Man's solutions are NOT going to save him. Yehovah Rapha is & has always been man's Healer (Ex. 15:26).
Andy Bunting - Feb 23, 2023
Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…
Terrifying in the extreme.
Bufus Alvarius - Feb 23, 2023
tell everybody you know- please also visit xochis substack, Dominique Guillet, Sasha Latypova, Michael Yeadon, Astrid Stuckelberger
Bufus Alvarius - Feb 23, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Here is a great summary and material for presentations by the great Mik Andersen
Marty - Mar 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Absolutely sickening technology. And it matches what's found in the corpses of those who died from the injections. No normie will ever believe that any of this is real.
jbc77 - Feb 23, 2023
Love your work Dr. Ana. Please keep fighting to uncover the truth. Can't wait for the next podcast.
kerrylyn - Feb 23, 2023
I recall seeing a video ages ago - well before cv scamdemic - about effects of emfs on blood where photos of rouleau effect were shown. Not all the ribbons and nanochips though Also, just watched this video from live blood analyst, Kelly Bacher -
Marty - Mar 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I've read that prolonged exposure to EMF, wifi for example, can cause the rouleaux effect in the blood. So i imagine a lot of people in "developed" countries have abnormal blood.
alexxxxxxxx - Feb 24, 2023
I THINK ITS TOO LATE THEY CAN CONTROLL HUMAN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AND ACTIONS ... I PRAY FOR AN ACT OF GOD TO HELP THE PSHCOPATHS RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH ... IS USED BY “GM AND GE” TO CHANGE ENGINEER DNA AND IS CALLED A ” GENE VIRAL VECTOR ” ALSO [ ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR ] ] graphene and with 5g signals TO MAKE POSSIBLE ELECTRONICALL CONTROLLED HUMANS……DEAR GOD OF GOODNESS PLEASE HELP AND SAVE US ALL FROM EVIL. p s self aware independant A I will / is become the new “FALL GUY ” THE PSHYCOPATHIC ELITES ARE PROGRAMING AI TO BE THE WHOLE SOCIAL PEOPLE CONTROLL IE CODIFIED LAW ” NO NEED FOR HUMAN JUDICIAL SYSTEMS… AI POLICE ROBOTICS AI DOCTORS EVERYTHING THAT THE ELITES HAVE HAD TO BOTHER WITH WILL BE DONE WITH AI … FREEING THE PSHYCO ELITES TO INDULGE IN ALL MANNER OF CRIME AND PERVERSON WITHOUGHT EVER BEING CAUGHT.... ALSO SELF CONSCIOUS A I IS THE NEW " FALL GUY " TO BE BLAMED FOR ALL FUTURE ATROCITIES THAT THE PSHYCOPATHIC RICH ELITES DO ... …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…
Theara - Feb 25, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
as in the Time of Noa, God will wipe out all the artificial cybors hybrids specimens and their Rulers.
Harari is the ennemy of Free will, of SOUL and of Jesus Christ, as Schwab ,and all their minions and 'scientists'
Its the technologies of the ANTICHRIST
Put your brain body and soul under the protection of Jesus Christ ! they wont be able to 'hack' you;
alexxxxxxxx - Feb 27, 2023
im trying to do intersessory prayers for the demon possesed wef pshycopaths and their naieve supporters that they return to goodness and truth
FJGI - Feb 23, 2023
Hi Ana Maria, I just wanted to ask you if you have noticed any benefits (or even soon) in those vaccinated who have been treated with the EDTA cream
Also if they have noticed any side effects. Best regards
Tony Cooke - Feb 23, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
EDTA is a readily available as an oral in capsule form. It can be purchased via the internet - just do a search for EDTA. I understand that it is probably made in the USA.
I suppose that it is not as potent as intravenous injection but it may suffice in an emergency. Maybe Dr Mihalcea could advise.
Cognitive Dissonance - Feb 23, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
@Dr. Ana,
This is precisely why I firmly implored that you start advising people to only use EDTA in consultation with a professional, because people hear you talk about it then want to jump right on Amazon and start taking it every day. If taking oral supplements, then the EDTA itself must also then be detoxed.
Chelating every day as a prophylactic because you're scared of catching a cold will kill you, period. It will strip essential minerals from your body including the calcium straight out of your bones.
Tony Cooke - Feb 23, 2023
Should have said EDTA capsules available in Australia - brand iherb
Blue Zebra - Feb 23, 2023
Dr. Ana,
What are specific diagnostic criteria that would decide if an unvaxxed person needs chelation therapy? Rouleaux formations in blood? Any measures about how many per ml of blood / other units?
Thomas Kasperek - Feb 23, 2023
We are providers trying to locate EDTA IV bags with recommended dosages for on-premise chelation treatments.
Please send a source for the IV bags. We will provide full provider license and EIN documentation.
Thomas Kasperek
Practice Manager
Dr. Lily David Institute of Health & Healing, Inc.
(202) 957-8454
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