Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 20, 2022 â Paid â Source
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This past week Dr. Andrew Wakefield spoke to us at Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics. He is a physician, author, and filmmaker. He graduated as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1985 and was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2001. He has published over 150 original scientific articles, books, book chapters, and invited scientific commentaries.
In the pursuit of links between childhood vaccines, intestinal inflammation, and neurological injury in children, he lost his job in the Department of Medicine at London’s Royal Free Hospital, his country, career, Fellowships, and his medical license.
Wakefield re-invented himself as a filmmaker. He is the co-founder of the Autism Media Channel, and the founder of 7th Chakra Films. He has written two books including the national bestseller Callous Disregard (now optioned for a feature film). He produced, directed and co-wrote VAXXED: from cover-up to catastrophe , a CDC whistleblower story confirming the MMR vaccine-autism link, and one of the top US documentary features of 2016. VAXXED is his second movie. In 2020 he released 1986: The Act , a docudrama story of the corruption behind liability protection for vaccine manufacturers. In 2022 he released Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda with Robert Kennedy Jr.
Meeting a physician who so many years ago, sacrificed his entire career to protect his patients and to uphold his oath, was a true inspiration. His courage to go against a system with such phenomenal resources and power as the vaccine industry, in my mind is heroic. I was deeply touched by this brave man and understood more what kind of strength it takes to be unbreakable against phenomenal odds. If we had more doctors with his determination, passion and love for their patients, we would not have had a plandemic. Anyone can criticize anybody, but can you walk in such footsteps or would you have been crushed by this adversity?
Listen to his journey and know there are still physicians in this world who deserve to carry this title, regardless if their license has been taken and their right to practice their art was denied. He still embodies what is means to be a noble, honorable healer, who deserves to be a steward to other human beings.
In the discussion, I ask him a very important question about the nano “contaminations” with many metals that have been found in all vaccines from every manufacturer. Here is the study I am referring to:
New quality-control investigations on vaccines: micro- and nanocontamination
We discuss the fact that physicians continue to give vaccines due to their pay for performance contracts with their employer. This exemplifies the opposite persuasion that Dr. Wakefield embodies, one that has allowed this plandemic to happen, where physicians love their paycheck more then the truth and the priority of protecting patients from adverse effects like autism in case of childhood shots or chronic diseases and death with the mRNA injections. The horrendous death toll of the C19 shots has proven this to an unfathomably tragic scale.
I have learned much from this beautiful human being. In my mind, we are divine spiritual beings who are having a learning experience on earth. My own near death experience has taught me this beyond any doubt. When we go against everything that wants to enslave us, a light emits from us that is radiant and inspiring. Dr. Andrew Wakefield is such a brilliant Light to the World.
Please click on this link to see the video presentation:
Please click on this link to see our Questions and Answers:
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Johannes - Aug 20, 2022
Hello Dr. Ana, do you have any experience treating patients with Thymosin beta4? I’m considering flying to the US to potentially receive treatment from you. Unfortunately my search for knowledgeable and willing doctors trying to help va*c Injured in Germany has been utterly disappointing. The large university clinic in Heidelberg simply told me „Vax injuries don’t exist“ and to get lost âšī¸
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