I commend you on your work. It is a big task and research along with solution, much needed. Is there an email one can reach you at, regarding further information I have.
Raine Dalrymple
Why doesn't the controlled opposition (Malone, Kirsch, Jessica Rose, etc. discuss the self-assembling graphene nanobots? You've been deplatformed by your own so-called allies!
I do not know any of them personally. I am grateful for anyone who stands up and says no to the great genocidal reset. I do think that the fabricated wars are smoke in mirrors. I don't get too involved in what other people do but I do what I can do. That work draws its own allies and momentum. There is no rule that says all scientists have to agree. Way too much energy is wasted. However, I also do not buy into a group of famous folks owning the narrative of the resistance. They don't. Freedom of speech means exactly that. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. I see that these nanobots are a real threat, and we still need to figure out if the mRNA story was just deception. It is clear that people are getting injected with poison that has many nefarious applications.
Thermographic abnormalities suspicious of blood clots in a preliminary study was proven via ultrasound in 47% of people to verify blood clots in deep veins ( not in C19 injected, this was prior to plandemic). We are discussing the correlation between abnormal live blood analysis and thermographic imaging as additional screening tools to identify asymptomatic people at risk for sudden death or other complications.
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Sep 10, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Raine Dalrymple - Jan 11, 2023
I commend you on your work. It is a big task and research along with solution, much needed. Is there an email one can reach you at, regarding further information I have.
Raine Dalrymple
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Oct 1, 2022
Joel’s Newsletter
Why doesn't the controlled opposition (Malone, Kirsch, Jessica Rose, etc. discuss the self-assembling graphene nanobots? You've been deplatformed by your own so-called allies!
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 1, 2022
Joel’s Newsletter
I do not know any of them personally. I am grateful for anyone who stands up and says no to the great genocidal reset. I do think that the fabricated wars are smoke in mirrors. I don't get too involved in what other people do but I do what I can do. That work draws its own allies and momentum. There is no rule that says all scientists have to agree. Way too much energy is wasted. However, I also do not buy into a group of famous folks owning the narrative of the resistance. They don't. Freedom of speech means exactly that. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. I see that these nanobots are a real threat, and we still need to figure out if the mRNA story was just deception. It is clear that people are getting injected with poison that has many nefarious applications.
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Oct 2, 2022
Joel’s Newsletter
Bull Dog - Sep 11, 2022
Bull Dog
This is amazing. Does this mean with this imaging, it can be seen that everyone that has been injected has blood clots forming??
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 11, 2022
Thermographic abnormalities suspicious of blood clots in a preliminary study was proven via ultrasound in 47% of people to verify blood clots in deep veins ( not in C19 injected, this was prior to plandemic). We are discussing the correlation between abnormal live blood analysis and thermographic imaging as additional screening tools to identify asymptomatic people at risk for sudden death or other complications.
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