From Swiss Pascal Najadi: in the name of Humanity
This is the two hour recording of our discussion initiated by Pascal Najadi, retired Swiss investment banker who filed criminal complaint against the President of Switzerland, regarding the WHO declaration of the Marburg pandemic. Guests with Pascal Najadi are Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD - physician from the USA, Dr. Astrid Struckleberger, MD former WHO physician from Geneva, Switzerland, and Ann Vandersteel, Co-Chair, The Zelenko Foundation, USA. We think you will find it very informative to watch.
From Pascal Najadi: “We will completely dissect the subversive terrorist WHO mass murder Organization that failed to do a Coup d‘Etat on our democracies. All bad evil actors of the UN, WHO, WEF, Pfizer, Pharma etc and respective Government members that conspired with them against the divine Humanity, us, will be meeting the wrath of Justice and will forget how their names are spelled, I promise this to all of you, for the Lord our creator will guide and protect us. We Humans are one, Divine. Please spread this to all corners of this world, fellow Humans like us need to know the Truth. Truth. Godspeed, Sincerely, Pascal”
Porn? Distraction? Why would he bother to go through all this trouble? Re-think! Pascal said that his present mission in his physical vaxx suffering far exceeds (in personal purpose and meaning in life) all his years serving as bank investor.
All of us should be selecting products that are used often or consumed on a basic level and having them tested either by Mike or any other lab we can trust. That includes vitamins, medications, all of it. I heard of a lab called Fry out of California but not sure. Would love a list of good labs. It may cost a bit but we can create a database, library, collection of results.
'I have huge gratitude for Mike, as being the only one who ever chemically analyzed the clots of vaccinated deceased showing self assembly carbon structures with metals' I am also grateful to Mike Adams, who is the only one - more than a year after Richard Hirschman went public - to have produced microscopy images of the embalmers' material, and to have undertaken mass spectrometry analysis. He did not however give any results for the amount of carbon in the material, nor any explanation for this rather glaring omission, so I do not see how he could have shown self assembly carbon structures. (, His results for Chlorine must be in error - 930,000 parts per million for the blood sample, 290,000 for the 'clot' sample. More than one have pointed this out in the comments, but these still stands uncorrected. The comparison he made with blood is crude - it is entirely normal for both pre-mortem thrombi and post-mortem clots to be formed from some constituents only of the blood - in particular red blood cells may be absent so that the iron content may be lower than for blood. There seems to be no appreciation that the presence of sodium and chlorine together is likely at least partly due to the presence of salt.
Meanwhile, Ryan Cole is claiming that the embalmers' material is composed largely of amyloid proteins - but he also provides no direct evidence, only showing that the spike protein (if it is being produced) could plausibly be creating unusual clots.
What we need is pressure and action to have the material analysed properly. The embalmers continue to extract it from the deceased and are more than willing to provide samples.
9 min. BREAKING NEWS: USA, Canada & Switzerland - 3 US Law Enforcement Agencies Activated - Ann Vander Steele and Pascal Najadi -
Dr. David Martin MURDER CHARGES and Global Terrorism Against Dr. Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Justin Trudeau and many others in connection with mRNA deaths and government mandates
Hello Everyone,
I am new to this newsletter, and after reading and watching some of the last topics, I remain with 2 questions:
1)Is there a known list of supplement brands, that are considered safe?
2)Does Blu Room therapy or Light Therapy that Dr Mihalcea speaks of. do anything beneficial when it comes to the cleansing of our blood/system?
Thank You Dr. Ana for keeping Carnicom's name on the front burner > Carnicom, the only Scientist to present isolation of DNA altering Transhumanist endocrine disruptors & neurotoxins found in ALL Living Organisms.
The jab is a consenting distraction as Biowarfare/involuntary exposure is the most pressing matter before Humanity & of course all but being ignored.
So are people outside of the U.S. having the same issues or is it the u.s.. population in particular that is being hit with this from spraying, food, etc.? Do gmo's play a role on the interaction besides just bad for our health? Elon Musk had stated years ago that the u.s. population was well on its way to becoming cyborgs. Have you compared organic consumers with those that are not? The list of poisons they are hitting us with is getting longer and longer and darker and darker.
I know the chemtrail spraying is going on world wide. I've seen pictures posted on other sm platforms. I know some other countries have banned GMOs in their foods, though.
Dr Ana, This Pt2 video out of Florida was posted yesterday clearly demonstrating that a substance falling out of the sky collected from a car windshield is magnetic (evidence of geoengineering claims) I have it set to start at 3:55... I also am including Pt1 from the day before: Deductive reasoning goes to the unvaccinated blood observations you are reporting. The nano-tech is everywhere. But so to is God! Jeremiah 20:9 Peter
Need to get the amalgams out... every time people drink something hot, its off gassing toxic mercury. Takes away the purpose of the detox and can pull mercury out of the fillings. Also the fillings are like a Battery and antenna....
could it be possible that the unvaxxed people doing the testing are really VAXXED and are saying they are unvaxxed to create fear and confusion for us unvaxxed since they are doomed? How has their vax status been determined? It would be better if Mike used his own blood to see if strange blood artifacts are in his unvaxxed blood.
I am retracting this statement, it was an over-reaction to your ban. I do think that you are a good person and are trying to do good. My primary intent has been, and is, two fold:
A) I really wish you would address the fact that you are an expert in chelation but that it is not safe for people to do on their own without proper guidance, especially for those that already have osteoporosis or similar. EDTA is a synthetic pharmaceutical and the way you talk about it will encourage many scared people to just go stock up on EDTA oral supplements and start taking them every day. As you should be well aware, this would be very harmful.
B) To help you clarify your understanding of the nanotech they are using on everyone. You seem to have a grip on some of it, but you also misconstrue quite a bit of it.
I only want to help stop the suffering they are inflicting upon us all,, but you refuse to address my valid intellectual and medical concerns. Maybe that's because some of your other commenters jump in before you can respond and start attacking me even though I am not talking to them and the conversation is well over their head...but it seems to me that you just don't want to answer any questions that are not in some way paying you homage.
Please reconsider addressing my concerns.
Misha - Feb 21, 2023
Misha’s Substack
From Swiss Pascal Najadi: in the name of Humanity
This is the two hour recording of our discussion initiated by Pascal Najadi, retired Swiss investment banker who filed criminal complaint against the President of Switzerland, regarding the WHO declaration of the Marburg pandemic. Guests with Pascal Najadi are Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD - physician from the USA, Dr. Astrid Struckleberger, MD former WHO physician from Geneva, Switzerland, and Ann Vandersteel, Co-Chair, The Zelenko Foundation, USA. We think you will find it very informative to watch.
From Pascal Najadi: “We will completely dissect the subversive terrorist WHO mass murder Organization that failed to do a Coup d‘Etat on our democracies. All bad evil actors of the UN, WHO, WEF, Pfizer, Pharma etc and respective Government members that conspired with them against the divine Humanity, us, will be meeting the wrath of Justice and will forget how their names are spelled, I promise this to all of you, for the Lord our creator will guide and protect us. We Humans are one, Divine. Please spread this to all corners of this world, fellow Humans like us need to know the Truth. Truth. Godspeed, Sincerely, Pascal”
StellaMaris - Feb 22, 2023
Thank you!!!! Is there a current David Martin video talking about this, as well....
ConcernedGrammy - Feb 22, 2023
David Martin's been talking about this lawsuit for close to two years now.
StellaMaris - Feb 22, 2023
Yes, I know...I have listened to many of his interviews...just wondering if there was a recent one.....
Misha - Feb 22, 2023
Misha’s Substack
I would appreciate knowing as well. His website
Misha - Feb 22, 2023
Misha’s Substack
Comment removed.
Misha - Feb 23, 2023
Misha’s Substack
Porn? Distraction? Why would he bother to go through all this trouble? Re-think! Pascal said that his present mission in his physical vaxx suffering far exceeds (in personal purpose and meaning in life) all his years serving as bank investor.
Fizzygurl - Feb 23, 2023
The irony though...the seat of the WEF.
Gayle Wells - Feb 21, 2023
Gayle Wells
All of us should be selecting products that are used often or consumed on a basic level and having them tested either by Mike or any other lab we can trust. That includes vitamins, medications, all of it. I heard of a lab called Fry out of California but not sure. Would love a list of good labs. It may cost a bit but we can create a database, library, collection of results.
EO 9066 - Feb 23, 2023
That is a really good idea.
Andrew Chapman - Feb 22, 2023
Undertakers and embalmers repor…
'I have huge gratitude for Mike, as being the only one who ever chemically analyzed the clots of vaccinated deceased showing self assembly carbon structures with metals' I am also grateful to Mike Adams, who is the only one - more than a year after Richard Hirschman went public - to have produced microscopy images of the embalmers' material, and to have undertaken mass spectrometry analysis. He did not however give any results for the amount of carbon in the material, nor any explanation for this rather glaring omission, so I do not see how he could have shown self assembly carbon structures. (, His results for Chlorine must be in error - 930,000 parts per million for the blood sample, 290,000 for the 'clot' sample. More than one have pointed this out in the comments, but these still stands uncorrected. The comparison he made with blood is crude - it is entirely normal for both pre-mortem thrombi and post-mortem clots to be formed from some constituents only of the blood - in particular red blood cells may be absent so that the iron content may be lower than for blood. There seems to be no appreciation that the presence of sodium and chlorine together is likely at least partly due to the presence of salt.
Meanwhile, Ryan Cole is claiming that the embalmers' material is composed largely of amyloid proteins - but he also provides no direct evidence, only showing that the spike protein (if it is being produced) could plausibly be creating unusual clots.
What we need is pressure and action to have the material analysed properly. The embalmers continue to extract it from the deceased and are more than willing to provide samples.
Misha - Feb 21, 2023
Misha’s Substack
9 min. BREAKING NEWS: USA, Canada & Switzerland - 3 US Law Enforcement Agencies Activated - Ann Vander Steele and Pascal Najadi -
Dr. David Martin MURDER CHARGES and Global Terrorism Against Dr. Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Justin Trudeau and many others in connection with mRNA deaths and government mandates
DaddyP - Feb 22, 2023
Hello Everyone,
I am new to this newsletter, and after reading and watching some of the last topics, I remain with 2 questions:
1)Is there a known list of supplement brands, that are considered safe?
2)Does Blu Room therapy or Light Therapy that Dr Mihalcea speaks of. do anything beneficial when it comes to the cleansing of our blood/system?
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 21, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Yes tungsten is a variable of EMF/nano activation according to Steele. For a back-to-basics understanding, feel free to read my primer here:
Bird - Feb 22, 2023
Thank you both for a great interview, and especially for tying this into the bigger picture including Morgellons.
Apologetic Yankee - Feb 23, 2023
Apologetic Yankee
Thank You Dr. Ana for keeping Carnicom's name on the front burner > Carnicom, the only Scientist to present isolation of DNA altering Transhumanist endocrine disruptors & neurotoxins found in ALL Living Organisms.
The jab is a consenting distraction as Biowarfare/involuntary exposure is the most pressing matter before Humanity & of course all but being ignored.
Yvonne - Feb 22, 2023
How long after the person was vaxd was the unvaxd were exposed?
Gayle Wells - Feb 21, 2023
Gayle Wells
So are people outside of the U.S. having the same issues or is it the u.s.. population in particular that is being hit with this from spraying, food, etc.? Do gmo's play a role on the interaction besides just bad for our health? Elon Musk had stated years ago that the u.s. population was well on its way to becoming cyborgs. Have you compared organic consumers with those that are not? The list of poisons they are hitting us with is getting longer and longer and darker and darker.
ConcernedGrammy - Feb 22, 2023
I know the chemtrail spraying is going on world wide. I've seen pictures posted on other sm platforms. I know some other countries have banned GMOs in their foods, though.
JoeyC - Mar 1, 2023
Other than EDTA Chelation, What are your top suggestions to detox from spike proteins and nanotech from vaccine shedding?
Peter70x7 - Feb 28, 2023
Dr Ana, This Pt2 video out of Florida was posted yesterday clearly demonstrating that a substance falling out of the sky collected from a car windshield is magnetic (evidence of geoengineering claims) I have it set to start at 3:55... I also am including Pt1 from the day before: Deductive reasoning goes to the unvaccinated blood observations you are reporting. The nano-tech is everywhere. But so to is God! Jeremiah 20:9 Peter
EO 9066 - Feb 23, 2023
Dr. Ana, would you please touch on the risks of chelation for people who also have silver/mercury amalgams (dental fillings)...??
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 23, 2023
Need to get the amalgams out... every time people drink something hot, its off gassing toxic mercury. Takes away the purpose of the detox and can pull mercury out of the fillings. Also the fillings are like a Battery and antenna....
Andy Bunting - Feb 23, 2023
Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…
Thank you Dr. Ana. Horrifying & terrifying this information.
Cathleen - Feb 22, 2023
could it be possible that the unvaxxed people doing the testing are really VAXXED and are saying they are unvaxxed to create fear and confusion for us unvaxxed since they are doomed? How has their vax status been determined? It would be better if Mike used his own blood to see if strange blood artifacts are in his unvaxxed blood.
Cognitive Dissonance - Feb 22, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Cognitive Dissonance - Feb 22, 2023
Cognitive’s Newsletter
I am retracting this statement, it was an over-reaction to your ban. I do think that you are a good person and are trying to do good. My primary intent has been, and is, two fold:
A) I really wish you would address the fact that you are an expert in chelation but that it is not safe for people to do on their own without proper guidance, especially for those that already have osteoporosis or similar. EDTA is a synthetic pharmaceutical and the way you talk about it will encourage many scared people to just go stock up on EDTA oral supplements and start taking them every day. As you should be well aware, this would be very harmful.
B) To help you clarify your understanding of the nanotech they are using on everyone. You seem to have a grip on some of it, but you also misconstrue quite a bit of it.
I only want to help stop the suffering they are inflicting upon us all,, but you refuse to address my valid intellectual and medical concerns. Maybe that's because some of your other commenters jump in before you can respond and start attacking me even though I am not talking to them and the conversation is well over their head...but it seems to me that you just don't want to answer any questions that are not in some way paying you homage.
Please reconsider addressing my concerns.
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