Dovezi ale crimelor impotriva umanitatii in…

Jun 8, 2024

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Dovezi ale crimelor impotriva umanitatii in sângele uman.


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 8

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Spread the light worldwide!


Dr. Joseph Sansone - Jun 9

Mind Matters and Everything Els…

I am just watching to listen to you speak Romanian. I don't know what you are saying, but you sound brilliant in that language too... :)


Tom Herzog - Jun 9 - Edited

Tom’s Substack

Beautiful! I'm fluent enough in Spanish that I can enjoy the challenge of picking up a word here and there. As you know both Spanish and Romanian are derived from Latin. So they share a common root language. (As do, for that matter, Portuguese, Italian and French as well as a few other minor languages spoken by only a few.)


Marianne Agnello - Jun 9

Marianne Agnello

So glad for you and we are humbled by your dedicated research for the rest of humanity


Daniel Peck - Jun 9

PuzzlPEACE Substack



Manuela - Jun 9

Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, vă iubim nespus de mult! Dumnezeu să vă aibă în paza Lui și Maica Domnului să vă acopere de tot răul, în fiecare zi!


Canadian Apple Pie - Jun 11

Canadian Apple Pie

I'm so glad to hear your Mother reads your Substack and that she and your Dad taught you their mother language❣Your Mom raised an amazing woman! Thank you to you and your folks, dear Doctor Ana❣You are a wonderful Earthly Angel; your Mom has every reason to be pleased, I gather❣😍

REPLY - Jun 9

I thought Dr. Ana's native language was Romanian, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Adriana - Jun 9


Apreciem tot efortul depus. O sa transmitem mai departe celor din Romania, cu speranta ca iau in serios toate informatiile cu privire la marea pacaleala.


Madge - Jun 11

Hello - the content from Dr Ana is invaluable. I so appreciate it! I do have an interesting observation to share. In my home, i have some water plants in tall vases. One is now a breeding space for mosquitoes. After online research, I added vegetable oil to the water, then hours later chlorine - they did not die. These mosquito larvae seem invincible. Tomorrow I will dump the water into sand to hopefully kill them. Has anyone observed this tenacity?



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