Jun 6, 2024
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Dr Marcela Santorrin and Lorena Diblasi’s research group results are very interesting and a huge step forward for the world to understand what is in the shots.
Bee Gee - Jun 6 - Edited
Bee Gee
Meh, who cares about magnetism in the infected? I personally could not care less, they made their decision and now they have to live with it.
A better question everyone seems afraid of is How and Why does that magnetism-like phenomenon shed to the unvaxxed, starting coincidentally right after the rollout?
And TBPH Im tired of fuggin pretending, it is NOT magnetism, its some kind of fucking telekinesis or alien DNA goddamn powers or something, since as some people Have realized, many things that stick to people are not metals, magnets or magnetic (ferrous).
Like coins or keys or Wood or Plastic. How the fuck do you explain That?
And why does nobody want to fucking talk about THAT?
We don't have the magnetism anymore but I know from experience that flying will cause us to get it again. In my case, as soon as I stepped off the fuggin plane, I had it again. The same with my wife, but months later. It did not cross shed between us and it went away again after a few weeks of supplements and total avoidance of the infected, but it absofuckinglutely came back immediately upon flying. No real science or million dollar fuggin scanning electron microscope needed to prove That, if only anyone Cared. Coin... Forehead. Yes. No.
And I would bet money Millions of people have it but no one knows or even tries it because no one will ever talk about it. Its not hard... Its not a secret or a magic trick, take a coin or key or slide it around your forehead or collarbone or sternum. If it sticks, You'll Know It. And if you have it, you can probably do the same thing with other things, like wooden popsicle sticks, matches, plastic rulers, on and on and on.
I get so irritated with all these people talking around the magnetism or just glossing over it in their presentations, like oh thats just normal that millions of people can now stick things to their friggin forehead, no need to even bother to talk about it.
Maybe ALL those people with 'turbocancer' Actually have the magnetism-like phenomenon but they are all dying because No One Tells Them... and then they go and get 7 high-energy scans in 2 days. And die that Very Day.
I think many Millions of people have it, Right Now, maybe Everyone. I personally found many people who had it but Thought they didnt... until they saw how to slide the coin or to flip it over.
Its not like sticking a strong magnet to a fridge, it doesnt magically slightly touch your skin and get so stuck on it takes force to remove, its much subtler than that, yet it registers on magnetometers/teslameters.... because its Real.
And some people actually Do know they have it, so maybe its time to actually be honest about it and stop bullshitting around the issue. We cannot save the infected but maybe its time to get serious about trying to save the former purebloods and stop playing pretend.
Rant over.
Chris - Jun 6
Wow. Interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Piotr Bein - Jun 7
Piotr’s Substack
Dr. Ana quoted Dr. Diana Wojkowiak's take on the pseudo-magnetism from torsion field physics. You will find some of your intuitions/premonitions coinfitmed.Radioactivity up there causes massive pilot & stwwrdess illness.
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
Its not the elevation, its the infected People and whatever they are shedding. You can have the same thing happen Without Flying... The flying was 2 Years after we first got the 'magnetism' like phenomenon.
Which we got from an unvaxxed person who was living in a household that got the very first massive public injections at the MS campus in Redmond the very first week they were available. She had the 'magnetism' too, then we found that many many Unvaxxed people in Western Washington had it, so I packed everything we owned and we left.
And I showed EVERYONE I met in that trip across the US, but then I found that many of them had it Too, and most of them were unvaxxed. Some I know like this truck driver couple had not flown in years, (as I had not back then) and some were hundreds of miles away from any 5g coverage, so that is unrelated too.
Its the Shedding, from the infected People.
Piotr Bein - Jun 7
Piotr’s Substack
I just directed you to Dr. Wojtkowiak work that illuminates the pseudo-magnetism. You lament lack of understanding, but yoursekf contribute to ignorance. Even Wojtkowiak does not know the elemental mechanism behind the phenomenon she links to chakra-like, mictobioreactor forces. Perhaps isotopes might be contributing.
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
You assume I did not and have not previously read any of her work, or your translation of her work, like the WIMPs-and-biological-nuclear-reaction-in-the-human-body.pdf... Dated August 2021.
After the jab rollout.
Two months after I figured out we were magnetic.
I do not believe in chakras and I would call it 19 pages of questionable science and some theories to say she has no idea what is causing it Either.
Im not going to go through all her work but let me know if she has some examples of magnetic people from Before the vaxx rollout.
Thanks for the reply though.
Piotr Bein - Jun 8
Piotr’s Substack
If you have scientific, onbjective proof how it works, you are a genious (or a cabal-bought scientist, they know much more than Diana and shut up for six digit salaries). If you did you would not need to rant.
Her website:torsionfield.eu
Before passing on more judgements, read her address for Polish parliament dummies, translate the sections I did not:
Kristin Schultz - Jul 31
Where can I get this lecture or paper or information about this!!!???
Kristin Schultz - Jul 31
It could be a lot of things. Alien. How about the frequencies as they can do a lot. Magnetism? Try waking up and fall over as the magnetism appears I cannot stand upright. How about feeling like tiny million particles pulsing in feet, legs, anywhere when watching tv or looking at a computer or using a cell phone. And more.
Kristin Schultz - Jul 31
Never had that shot. Yet I am being tortured approximately 2 years or more. It travels in ways somehow. I did the best to even stay away from people and now it appears all people are 'infected'. Accept for the ones who caused this.
Cos - Jun 7 - Edited
Bee Gee
So the behavior is the same as placing a ferrous object next to (or touching) a magnet for a period of time, the object becomes magnetized, but when removed and not in close proximity for a period of time, becomes demagnetized. Same behavior different characteristics and materials.
In light of how magnetism works in the above scenario, it isn't a far stretch maybe, assume other foreign materials within our bodies might be mimicking magnetism to attract non-ferrous materials, via the concoction that was injected??? Just spit balling.
So if electricity and magnetism was removed from the equation, would it still occur?
I am glad you wrote it in this context, it gives me something more to work with.
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
Other facts I discovered about it include that putting a nine volt battery on my tongue did not disable the magnetism like I hoped, no change.
Sometimes the 'polarity' would seem to shift though, like I would be sitting there with a key or coin on my forehead for 30 minutes or more and then it would just fall off. Then sometimes it would not stick again unless I flipped it over.
Also if I left keys or coins outside overnight, like ones that had fallen off that I hadnt picked up, they would not stick while they were still cold. We would have to hold them in our hand for maybe five seconds to allow it to heat up just slightly and then it would stick again. Leaving plastic tooth flossers out overnight had no effect, they would still stick immediately. I keep going back and forth between I and we because my wife was my gf back then and she did not live with me so I did a lot of experimentation by myself.
Also the guy three houses down from me had a Masters in Electrical Engineering and one in Computer Science and was going for his phD in one of them and he didnt believe it was true when I told him over the phone about it, so he just came over.
Then I stuck a 4 ounce solid brass pog slammer to my forehead and bent over and jumped up and down and it wouldnt fall off. He didnt know what it Was but he knew it wasnt Fake. He wouldnt try it either... he was unvaxxed too but some people dont want to know.
I have tons of pics and videos though of all kinds of things sticking to us, smartphones, tooth flossers, rulers, matches, popsicle sticks, ivermectin pills in the presspack, scissors, fabric shears, knives, zippos, brass knuckles, etc.
We don't have it anymore but I still think it is important or they wouldn't try so hard to hide it.
Mark Luersen - Jun 7 - Edited
Sun Drink Shadows
Playing the devil's advocate here, but are you sure it's not humidity that is affecting the coin stick? My half dollar coin is sticking to my forehead, but I am warm and kind of sticky right now on my top floor. Will the magnetometer show significant different readings on different days? Do you know of anyone out there that show pre-vaccination magnetic numbers compared to today?
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
Yes, I am sure. I could write 20,000 words about all the testing I have done, I have hundreds of pictures, many videos, pretty much everything that everyone always mentions and then some but in the end skin condition has no effect. Put some baby powder or corn starch on your skin and try it then.
You can often see it in people out in the world or on tv though when their cross chain or charm necklace is stuck unnaturally to their collarbone with the actual chain still dangling and their charm or cross will not come loose no matter how much they move or bend over.
Some people have even developed a nervous habit of fixing it unconsciously but then it just sticks again. Now my wife and I dont even have to say anything when we see it, but we cannot help but look for it because once you know its real, you dont forget it.
And its common, I go around people as little as possible and I still see it regularly, even in a fairly small city.
I dont actually own a magnetometer, I had thought about buying one but we do not have the magnetism anymore and no one cares anyway so its a waste when I need to be planning and prepping for the what-comes-next.
I am using other peoples millitesla/milligauss numbers but I am not aware of any magnetic testing or such things that occurred before the vaxx rollout.
Marty - Jun 8
Nano Ordo Mundi
I'm trying to find that video from la quinta columna where ricardo is measuring the magnetism in the body of someone (in Spain) who was recently injected, in the first months of the mass genocide campaign. Pretty sure he was using a magnetometer. He was scanning around the head of the man and the magnetism was abnormally high, and metals would stick to his arms and forehead. But i never thought the magnetism could be shed to others, until recently. I totally believe what you're saying about acquiring it from others, and a plane trip is a guaranteed shedding nightmare.
Bee Gee - Jun 9
Bee Gee
Yes, I have seen that video and most all of their early videos. I had actually been watching a now deleted video on the magnetism when I discovered I had it back in June 2021. They were saying that unvaxxed people were discovering they had it after they got a splitting headache. Well I almost never get headaches but that night I had one, so I went to the fridge to get some zerowater and thought Hmm, lets see. Took a magnet off the fridge, put it on my forehead and it stuck.
I was trying to find something to post here as well but I cant find it now. So America First Legal did a FOIA about the government censorship at the Very Start of the scamdemic but I dont think they even know what it means.
Its like 289 pages and its a bunch of communication between the government and big tech, when they were first setting up the chatrooms and workgroups and communication channels. Big Gov gave the tech companies specific examples of things they wanted censored about covid and the vaxxes, including general claims and specific example accounts.
Well Every Single One of those thing they specifically requested be censored has now been proven True... lab leak escape, human to human transmission, shedding, fertility issues, other truths I have forgotten.
However they also wanted the magnetism censored, and some of those specific accounts they provided as examples were unvaxxed people who had found they had the magnetism too.
Some of the unvaxxed magnetic people who ended up getting censored never even said the word magnetism, never mentioned shedding or the vaxxes, just straight video showing what was happening with zero words or commentary and those all got deleted too.
Not really Proof of anything in a court of law sense but it tells me Big Gov knew it was happening back then and still do... they didnt just want people who were talking the vaxx magnetism or vaxx microchips banned, they wanted Anyone who showed the magnetism banned, and they got it. I cant find the pdf though, AFL has so many now about censorship and I cant find the copy I downloaded.
Mark Luersen - Jun 7
Sun Drink Shadows
I will try the corn starch later. So by chance any videos of people using the same magnetometer and showing the magnetic difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed? And also possibly the unvaxxed number continuously increasing due to being near vaxxed (shedding)? Hopefully someone tried a methodical, scientific approach to all this. This reminds me of Mike Adams analysis of white fibrous blood clots where tin, sodium, and aluminum were really high. Have you also tried the UV black light? Any experience with the filaments (like Morgellon's)?
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
Both vaxxed and unvaxxed have it but different, IMPE the vaxxed get it in their arm/injection point and the unvaxxed always have it on their forehead, collarbone and sternum... places with thick bone and thin skin over it. Which leads me to believe it is in the bone marrow but just a theory.
I have done a great deal of experimentation on it but no 'real' doctors will admit it exists, even when you have a gallon ziplok bag of stuff that will stick to your head so I am not hopeful of any methodical scientific approach by anyone. The 'real doctors' already know it is happening though, he was not surprised at all and still offered us the vaxx... 'just in case that would help'.
He also wanted to give her an MRI, just as I predicted he would before we went in. So you 'don't know what it is', also 'it isn't happening' but here lets stick you in this big ass magnet.
After I discovered I had it (on June 10th 2021 at 10:38PM pacific time), I reached out to Everyone I could think of, every internet doctor, conspiracy theorist, independent journalist, etc etc. Dr Ruby, Stew peters, Dr Northrup, Dr Merritt, Dr Tenpenny, Alex Jones, Mike Adams, and Many many more. This was before I knew about Dr Ana, or her being down in Yelm or we would have just drove there to show her.
We already had a YT channel with a few thousands subs, and I created a Bitchute and Telegram and Gab and Minds and Rumble and many more I have forgotten.
Well, one of those many many emails was to Mike Adams, but I was also sending them to the email addresses on their domain registrations, as well as their publicly available emails that get a ton of spam.
His web guy actually replied, he seemed pretty freaked out because Im betting he tried it himself, and gave me what he said was a better email address that was monitored. Forwarded it and never heard from them again.
Eventually all my channels got deleted or banned or broken, and a few months later they locked me out of both the proton mail and tutanota I was using to contact people.
I did buy two forensic blacklights, on June 12th as part of my many experiments, but nothing obvious, we did not and still do not have morgellons fibers coming out of us.
There are still some good telegram channels that highlight what I am talking about, liket.me/SgTheMagneticGroup. He has meter readings of both vaxxed and unvaxxed going back a few years but Im pretty sure his start after the rollout too.
Ort.me/Magnet_Challengeis another good one with many many unvaxxed in Germany/Austria who are 'magnetic', but like many channels, the owner stopped responding or posting and its now a ghost ship channel.
Also I had multiple legal actions against me where they originally put my "crazy" magnetism claims in there, both civil and criminal but in every case, they quietly removed the 'magnetism' part Right before trial (as though I wouldn't notice), because they knew I was going to go into court and show everyone and then it would have to be entered into the legal record.
Its real alright, but I sure wish it wasn't... these days I am actually happy when I am wrong.
Mark Luersen - Jun 8
Sun Drink Shadows
So it sounds like whatever you had, and based on the reactions you received, your magnetic proof was almost indisputable? What was the heaviest object you stuck to yourself? And now you no longer have it, unless you fly? The air in a plane is recirculated, so probably not surprising. I wonder if this would still happen if you are in a room with multiple people for a few hours (similar to length of time in plane)? The fact your magnetism dwindled in power is a good sign, I think, unless these magnetic areas move around the body and some other part is magnetic that you are not aware of? Maybe there is a correlation with white fibrous clots and these aggregations just move around the body... assuming they are small enough to pass through tight bottle necks of smaller blood vessels. Your bone theory is interesting, you know stem cells are created in marrow, so this 'contamination' is probably using stem cells to get kickstarted. Do you do any health treatments other than herbs/supplements? Infrared, hyperbaric oxygen, ozone, saunas, Rife, etc....? God, so many questions, you really have me thinking about La Quinta stating this is all alien tech. Occam's razor.
Bee Gee - Jun 9
Bee Gee
Yes, to my mind it is a proven fact and I think I have enough evidence to back up that assertion. I think the heaviest object for me that I weighed was probably the brass pog slammer, which iirc was 4.3 ounces. Im sure some of the smartphones were heavier but I did not weigh them.
After we moved, I was showing a group of unvaxxed people and they had a thick-bottomed steel metal pan that would stick to my forehead, it was fairly heavy but I did not weigh it. All of those people that tried it Also had the 'magnetism', btw.
My collarbone and sternum were only very weakly attractive, and only very light objects like plastic tooth flossers would stick to my chestbones, no coins, no keys, nothing heavy.
My forehead had a Much stronger attraction, but it was the opposite with my wife. Her forehead was only very weakly attractive but her collar bone and sternum was Very attractive and could support heavy objects like some heavy fabric shears that weighed 12 or 14 ounces iirc. Or some brass knuckles, the same smartphones, the pog slammer, they would all stick to her chest. Even bent 90 degrees at the waist, she could lift heavy objects up to her chest and let go and they would stick no problem.
She could line up a bunch of change and stick it all along her collarbone and sternum so it looked kind of like a necklace of coins and they would not fall off but I could not do that, coins just fell right off my chest every time.
That also further supports my shedding theory because the person whom we got the shedding from touched my wife much much more, daily and most frequently at her chest level and I almost never had physical contact with this individual, maybe 2 forced hugs over months and some incidental contact like handing them something.
Yes, we no longer have it but also almost Never go around the vaxxed. The attraction never seemed to migrate around, I was surprised my shinbone was never magnetic since it is thick bone with thin skin over it but no, only ever the forehead and chestbones.
I dont do any of those types of treatments, just diet and supplements. We took glutathione and ALA/hempseedoil ever since I discovered we had it in June 2021 but added other things since. Now we primarily take oral EDTA, ALA/hempseedoil, sodium citrate, bromelain, and vitamins C, D and E. Nattokinase and curcumin also helps a lot, more than the glutathione IMO but they bind with EDTA so I havent bought anymore recently. They are all very mild chelators that cross the BBB, and bromelain gets into the reproductive system, which is important since the shedding migrates there as well.
We have well water that I disinfect with chlorine dioxide before I run it through a Zerowater filter, so we drink very clean water and eat a very healthy limited diet with very little processed anything.
LQC may be right, it would seem that it is something outside our current knowledge, like possibly alien something, since it disregards what we previously knew as the 'laws' of physics on this planet.
One experiment I was going to do when I still planned on getting a magnetometer was to see if something stuck to someone Also has a measurable magnetic field, like the plastic ruler stuck to my forehead. Does the full length and the ends have a magnetic field extended around them? Is the magnetic field from someones forehead still measurable Through metal or plastic or wood? Enough sources have confirmed people do have magnetic measurements in separate parts of their body that I believe it to be true but thats one of the many questions I still have.
It doesnt help my experimentation that we no longer have it, but based upon my own experiences across this country, I have personally witnessed approximately 50 unvaxxed people in the flesh that had it.
Thats not counting people we see out in public that have a cross or charm stuck to their collarbone, we do not bother to try to tell them but all of the other people I actually spoke with about it, even if it was just for a minute at a gas station or rest stop.
Yet as you say, occams razor, it seems the most likely cause is something outside our current understanding, like perhaps alien technology or some extraterrestrial protein they found in one of these 12,000 year old ruins they have found but never talk about, like in Syria. I think it more likely they did serial passage through many mammals and grafting human diseases onto it in order to make it something that humans Could accept, rather than it just killing them immediately. Of course again only my theory.
But Billions of people getting injected with a bioweapon with proven technological aspects and many people who did not get the injection getting some phenomenon that disregards the known laws of physics on Earth is not a coincidence, IMO.
I should probably just start a substack about it and see if it lasts, since I keep making these long ass comments on Dr Anas threads when she mentions magnetism.
I think it is important info to get out though, many bad things are happening today in this world that could prevent any of this knowledge from spreading any further, fwiw.
Other times I wonder why I even bother to beat a dead horse no one want to hear about but we cannot forget... C'est la vie : )
Cos - Jun 7
Bee Gee
Might be a stupid and annoying question, but is that un-vaxxed and un-swabbed, or just un-vaxxed?
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
We are unvaxxed and unswabbed, I dont know about all the other unvaxxed people I found with it, I did not think to ask them if they had been swabbed.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 7
crapshoot farmer
Bee, I'm sorta surprised proton deleted your account...but maybe not that surprised considering the censorship is everywhere. I was trying to get away from goofel (sp) but it's likely pointless.
Bee Gee - Jun 7
Bee Gee
I dont remember which was which, I had proton and tutanota but one of the emails totally deleted the account and it said no such account existed when I tried to signin. Then it would not let me create another account with the same email address and said it was already taken.
The other one just no longer accepted the password that I know was right, a very long very secure password so that could be a third party that just changed the password so I could no longer access it, it might not have been the company themselves.
I try not to use google either, I knew during the lockdowns that they were lying about tracking peoples phones but yeah, I think its pointless, they are all compromised and there are no secure connections or apps or services anymore.
I do wish I would have started a substack back then, they have a limited hangout feel with their intentionally defective search but at least people are still allowed to discuss such things here, unlike multiple physics forums or friggin 4chan Paranormal, where my magnetic posts all got deleted.
No shit, one of the posts right below mine on 4chan paranormal was "Is My Dad a Werewolf?" and they had like hundreds of replies discussing it. Yet my post with pics was fully deleted within hours. So I made another one, same result but even quicker that time.
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 6
Klaus Hubbertz
Thanks for all your efforts and life-time experience to bring these facts to a wider audience.
Hopefully some will understand their implications.
Just waiting for big-pharma starting to file patents and claim royalties from their vaxxed human-victims ...
Liberty Liz - Jun 6
Liberty Liz
Well, since (in 2013) SCOTUS ruled that those who are genetically-modified (via injection or otherwise) are, indeed, owned by the patent holder(s) of the "modification", it's more about no longer being classified aa "human", but rather as a commodity, without bodily sovereignty or any rights. In short, the patent holders own you, and therefore, can do with you as they wish. You're a mere patented "object". 🤷♀️
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 7
Klaus Hubbertz
Y E S S S S !!!
Which means, hacking your mind for entire control will be fully legal (and sooo much fun) ...
Eric Arthur Blair will be spinning with hypersonic revs. in his grave.
Liberty Liz - Jun 7
Liberty Liz
Indeed. Hacking your mind (which we can see in this article has been done) and everything else, including owning your AI "digital twin". Given what's going on in the body now, the genetically-modified, patented "human" is basically a battery, just another energy source for the demonic psychos.
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 7
Klaus Hubbertz
{...patented "human" is basically a BATTERY...}
Remember the wired-up human bodies suspended in the slimy blobs in the opening images of the Matrix ???
We're getting closer by the day ...
The only open question is: 3.7 or 4.2 DC volts ...🤣🤣🤣
Thaddeus Robinson - Jun 7
Thaddeus Robinson
The science is pretty much above my understanding, but I appreciate what you do, keeping me informed as to what the planetary murderers are up to.
Lisa - Jun 7
These chemicals must be in the cocktail that makes up our engineered clouds, fog and rain because I feel like garbage and we have been pummeled over and over and over with chem air.
Chris - Jun 6
For control, can we see the test results from something five years ago? Ten years ago? Twenty years ago? It would be helpful.
Piotr Bein - Jun 7
Piotr’s Substack
We have clues, e.g. the cabal's scandalous disregard for nuclear pollution they organised via post-war nuclear bomb test race and the biggest disasters since WW2. Fuku was history's most catastrophic globally. World-wide, allowable emission limirss were raised doe all isotopes by 100s and 1000s-fold! As if the canal knew they would need the goodies in environment for the present bioweapon and/or covering it up?
I trust Dr. Ana will find a lead sooner than later on that. Otherwise the deliberate nuclear pollution looks plain stipid by any stretch of the imagination.
Piotr Bein - Jun 7
Piotr’s Substack
We have clues, e.g. the cabal's scandalous disregard for nuclear pollution they organised via post-war nuclear bomb test race and the biggest disasters since WW2. Fuku was history's most catastrophic globally. World-wide, allowable emission limirss were raised doe all isotopes by 100s and 1000s-fold! As if the canal knew they would need the goodies in environment for the present bioweapon and/or covering it up?
I trust Dr. Ana will find a lead sooner than later.
Little.Lambsie - Jun 6
D’s Substack
Kristin Schultz - Jul 31
Hello, How can I get this EDTA as I do not have anyone who will IV me. At least, I have no idea where or if I could even find any doctor. I have been taking EDTA orally but I do not feel any different. Thank You
FJGI - Jun 8 - Edited
Magnetite was systematically detected in autopsies of deceased persons at the end of the last century. This may explain many of the magnetic phenomena in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. It is postulated that the cause is due to atmospheric pollution (airplanes, cars ....) although other more obscure origins are not ruled out. The resonance frequency for magnetite is 1.3 Ghz. A very common frequency in many commonly used electronic devices.
TreeTomato - Jun 7
Arlene’s Newsletter
When I consider the type of person who will spend every second of every day tryig=ng to be as evil as possible, trying to cause pain, debility and even eath - gangstalkers, especially those who dispense gas into people's homes, I am struck by the contrast between them and those fighting to save humanity.
The latter spend all their time, thoughts and efforts, money and sometimes their freedom fighting to enlighten, help, support the afflicted and potentially afflicted public.
As I write, my demented gangstalker neighbours are creating fields in my home, firing their lasers at various terminals/nodes in order to do so and then dispatching gas bombs of nanotech into my home.
The difference couldn't be more striking between the perps and everyone else.
Roll on Nuremberg II.
Paul Black - Jun 7
Paul Black
My dad died with prostate cancer so my GP suggested a PSA Blood test which was high. No symptoms. Was sent for an MRI scan, refused the "dye" as it uses Gadolinium which crosses blood brain barrier. Allegedly found some abnormal cells so they booked a biopsy which would involve going through the perineum. I cancelled it and have decided to go down a naturopath route rather than risk their barbaric diagnostic methods. No slash and burn oncology for me. I will be seeing a urologist to discuss. I will be forthright about allopathic medicine. My father in law was murdered by midazolam and morphine so I look forward to a calm measured conversation.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 7
crapshoot farmer
Paul, TonyP has a rec. for prostate management (search Bitchute, maybe the one titled Silica) and he recs. magnesium citrate 40 grams, 10 grams pure aspirin (Veterinary type-farm store or, Ebay, etc. I bought Anaprin, pure salicylic acid. Do not use Bayer, etc.) and 10 grams cayenne pepper. Blend well-he recs. a blender for 30 secs. and put the mix in capsules.
Sorry my notes don't tell me the # of to take but one a day to start and maybe if you find the video it'll show you. But it works...for maintaning at least. Good luck
Paul Black - Jun 7
Paul Black
Thank you brother. Am looking at prophylaxis as not confirmed as prostate cancer yet. Either way, got a ton of solutions to evaluate.
Pamela Raditsch - Jun 7
Pamela Raditsch
I'm so glad you found Lorena Diblasi and her research!! Leaving down here where we do I appreciate her very much and would have loved to have brought her to your attention, but now you already know about her and Dr. Santorini! 😊
Joe - Jun 7
Joe’s Substack
Didn’t we already Hurd this, we know these are nano bots that build nano blocks and polymers to give off signal to possibly 5G and satellites to control population and population control…but how do we stop it is the hard answer…how do the elite get rid of them
Gary - Jun 7
Gary’s Substack
You likely have heard that NAC as well as Humic/Fulvic acid degrade the Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide components.
A doctor whom I know, bought a case of NAC for this purpose. For a while Amazon was trying to block NAC sales. That is interesting too.
Joe - Jun 10
Joe’s Substack
Yes but nac won’t stop polymers that cause blood clots
Liberty Liz - Jun 7
Liberty Liz
Thank you for your constant excellent information. So many other "truth doctors", some of whom appear to have gotten hundreds of thousands of dollars from big pHARMa, are still pushing the "virus", "vairant", "spike protein", etc narratives, and now the "bird flu" psyop narrative, while maintaining paxlovid, antibiotics, and nattokinase are all you need to "detox" or to "protect" yourself. Can't thank you enough for being truly honest and digging deeper, with actual findings and real science, instead of going along with the BS narratives. You are truly a Godsend.
TheyLied - Jun 6
TheyLied Substack
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
Raise Public Awareness
Take Action
Joe - Jun 7
Joe’s Substack
Public awareness is at all time high, we need the antidote like the elites..knowing will only do so much
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