Digital Twin Development Through The…

Dec 26, 2023

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The Role of Digital Twin in Healthcare


theodore Mainzer - Dec 26, 2023 - Edited

The antithesis of artficial is real. While life is being snuffed out again by the elohim, Ana is cleaning up the genome, increasing life force, doing spectroscopy on the elements to determine their frequency, researching how to regrow telomeres, and spreading love and grace across all humanity. No accolades are sufficient to describe the love and beauty Ana has for humanity. Thank you Ana from the bottom of my heart.


John Galt - Dec 26, 2023

John’s Substack

I'm more thankful every day that I decided to dump smartphones after my Nexus One.
Retired computer analyst. I think quantum computing is a no show dead end and artificial intelligence is impossible if you define it as a computer obtaining awareness. Ones and zeroes, millions of ones and zeroes cannot become intelligent. Computers are stone dumb and very good at following instructions.


Kathy M. - Dec 26, 2023

Kathy M.

Amen! You can feel the pressure "out there" to make us believe they can "bestow" life on these machines. I have some curiosity over "do they themselves believe they can/will be able to do this?"


John Galt - Dec 26, 2023

John’s Substack

Do they believe their own bullshit? You can ask that question about so many things.
Flat Earth? no. Climate crisis? no. The singularity? They haven't got a clue.


GENDUN LAMA - Dec 26, 2023

GENDUN’s Substack



anna burns - Dec 27, 2023

John’s Substack

eventually, you will be forced to get a smart phone.


John Galt - Dec 27, 2023

John’s Substack

How do you expect that to manifest?


Geotom - Nov 23

Geotom’s Substack

Digital money, could be limited to use of Smart Phones only. Other than bartering, you would not be able to by or sell without it.


Lauri Maniccia - Feb 2

Lauri Maniccia

For access to many things, it is already a necessity. To purchase travel tickets is one example.


Patricia Knudsen - Jan 4, 2024

Geotom’s Substack

Thank you for your comment. What do you use in lieu of a smartphone now? I still have one and want to get rid of it believe it or not it's a life is good 4G


Geotom - Nov 23

Geotom’s Substack

I believe it requires 5G, so don't get rid of your 4G phone yet.


John Galt - Jan 4, 2024

John’s Substack

I have a land line.


Stephan - Dec 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

I don't take my phn with me to work or shopping and many other times. Even tho my car has Tracking features, The demons can't make me carry a phn.


Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

That's why in x yrs it will be replaced by e-circuits inside your brain and body. Whatever you remove with this ot that, will be repaired with self-replicatind, self-assembling components.
So you do use a smartphone... How do you know what window they need to access you. Besides, they can influence you by things like modulation of your favourite music.


Angie - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited


" It should also be noted that a PDT might be hijacked by the healthcare institution/government transforming it into a police enforcement agent. Any deviation of behavior by the physical twin from one instructed to the PDT can be immediately reported to the authority. This is clearly in the Orwell path and may raise more than one brow. "
This is absolutely happening already. There is a massive gangstalking apparatus (search Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde's Chapter 18) being weaponized against corporate whistle-blowers and it's paid for by your tax dollars.
Nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band) involve the crimes of warrantless search and seizure contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada and Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (US 4th Amendment) which guarantees us the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
These are de facto crimes.


Apologetic Yankee - Dec 27, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Minority Report Anyone? Can also insert Palantir ....Thiel another whose worked hard at keeping a relatively low profile (pun INtended) ...scarry what's being done with PayPal Mafia $$$$


Kathy M. - Dec 26, 2023

Kathy M.

This is a powerhouse of a video. Just want to acknowledge that, even before I finish following your every word!


Charlie - Dec 26, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

My mood swings as the big ugly is upon humanity. Family members in hospice. Divorce with threats of suicide. All going on around me in my circles. My wife and I are totally grounded clear and free.
WTF kinda of a world will it be upon entering the hyper novelty upon us soon?
So much unfettered low vibes. And yes it is not anything but what we make of it. But seriously dog shit is dog shit. Eating all the Christmas goodies for comfort...


Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Merry Christmas Charlie!
" it is not anything but what we make of it" -- Exactly. Why would whistleblower Duncan be allowed to divulge strategic secrets? Rather, he seems a disnfo agent who himself is duped inside darpa compartmentalisation. Who would believe his stories on nanotech, foe example, when already ca. 2019 amateur ignorant in the subject, I fished out much more advanced stuff from descriptions of darpa projects and science databases?
Re. AI and quantum computer. Reading official descriptions of state of the art on Wiki, it's no art nor state: development bogged down in algebra of errors impossible to solve (garbage in will always produce garbage out), the goalpost every year moves to "15 yrs from now", like the cold fusion does. Unless the cabal employs a diff tech than Wiki cites, e.g. based on info-carrying torsion firlds, the AI talk is a PsyOp, used already to what the cabal does best: milking goys of money-- remeber a recent spell of "investment" schemes for sheeple trusting MusX, who is featured in ads by the fraudster firm?


RobinD - Dec 27, 2023

Robin’s Substack

I'm with you Dr. Ana. Thank you for your excellent observations and experiences and hard work. I stopped using my de-Googled Android phones a month ago, because they emit too much EMR, which cause me hypertension and brain fog. I used to be a tech junkie. No more. I've had enough. If you want to get well and stay well, dump the wireless tech, which I now consider the cause of all diseases.


Alexis Rodriguez - Dec 26, 2023

Thank you, Doctor. I entirely agree with you. This is aberrant. Good night!!✨✨✨


Gas Axe - Dec 27, 2023

Gas’s Substack

I'm not signing up for any of this shit.
I have often considered doing a phone exchange.
I swap mine with my neighbor for a week.. he sends it to his 17 year old son for a week.( Lots of porn)
The corner store Chinese cashier calls his family for a week on it.
Then I get it back.
AI might think it's smart but doing this will sure fk with the hard drive.


Lauri Maniccia - Feb 2

Lauri Maniccia

Like James Corbit always advises, Put a wrench in the monkey works at every possible opportunity. No matter how small it may seem, if everyone fucks with them, it might at least slow things down. For some, it may be all they CAN do. But I think it does give people who would other wise do nothing and feel helpless have some hope. And like anything else, the more information on any given subject you have, the less fear there is. And fear is their greatest weapon.


anna burns - Dec 27, 2023

Yesterday, Dec 26, I got an email from my health insurance company, United Health Care that they are going digital. They wanted me to receive their digital ID card and put it on my smart phone. At this time, it's an option, but I think that in the not too distant future it will be mandatory. I had a very bad feeling seeing that email. Of course, I will not accept it.


Un-silent - Dec 27, 2023


Wow, who would have thought that the "Stepford Wives" was actually predictive programming. This keeps getting more and more creepy. No weapon formed against me shall prosper!


Lauri Maniccia - Feb 2

Lauri Maniccia

Pretty much EVERYTHING is predictive programming!


nobody's - Dec 27, 2023


I also believe the devil is an A.I. Both the old devil and the new one they've created.


ron vrooman - Dec 27, 2023

Ron’s Newsletter

Ana you are publishing all sorts of information. So, steep learning curve. We have the: This is “the diversion that kept us from returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.This was lawfully done on Oregon last year 2022... One step at a time for the last 5 years. 1st Amendment Assembly, ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon's Constitution circa 1859 aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the provisional government on Oregon, thru 6 (six) Grand Juries, 5 (five) Civilian Courts of record aka Article III Amendment VII of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859, Oregon's well regulated 2nd amendment militia. We have notified the FEDS DOJ, FBI, USMS, USMC; notified-tried-convicted the de facto, color of law, incorporated, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON, Salem oligarchy of judiciary, executive, legislative, 36 Sheriffs, 38 Prosecutors. We have proof of service of all our documents, they have all been acquiesced to multiple times. 6 Grand Juries with Presentments and True Bills, 5 Article III Amendment VII jury trials with verdicts. One governor, 2 US Senators, one House Rep. 89 Oregon Legislators convicted, the entire Judiciary and 36 Sheriffs without oath or honor and unfit for a position of trust. All signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published at www,orsja.orgWe are atwww.orsja.organd ready to help.


jeffrey p lubina - Dec 27, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Personally, I’m a big fan and investor of technology, AI, quantum computing…so long as it’s all open-sourced and completely controlled by the people-individuals—NOT technocratic dictators; trans-human slavers. These technologies, if they weren’t being developed in secret to kill and control people, could already be used to end disease rather than trap people to it. Cancers, loss of one or more senses, organ damage, loss of a limb, paralysis…all could have been eradicated or corrected by now improving the lives of billions of people with one or more illnesses or disabilities. Technology, just like guns, are not the problem. People using these tools as offensive weapons to kill and control people is the problem.


Apologetic Yankee - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Makes Star Trek look Decades behind the curve > just think IF the Technofascist's actually used all the latest tech at their disposal for truly meaningful Human welfare narratives > they allow maybe 10% to actually filter down to/for meaningful Mass Public benefit while reserving the 90% balance only for nefarious technocratic purposes > yes, I'm pulling figures out of my regressing DNA ass there ...but it sure "feels" like We're receiving little benefit from what is promoted & shoved down our throats as the latest & greatest healthcare tech available to/for the welfare of Humanity


Cornelia Mara Susie - Dec 29, 2023

Think Arnold
Schwarzenegger robot Terminator movies to zoom past Star Trek


Tiptriptrap - Dec 27, 2023

Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter

At work there is a phone we share taking turns a week at a time. That will be one confused Tri- racial PDT multiplied by the number of us using it.


Gene - Jan 1, 2024

How do you deal with txt'ing?



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