Devastation Waiting To Happen: European…

Feb 25

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Video: Pfizer BioN Tech liposome with swarming nano and microrobots.


Bill - 3d - Edited


Its time for people to step up and finally say you can approve what poison you want, we are not taking it.. Its obvious you want to kill us..


Miss Parker - 3d - Edited

Miss’s Substack

"... we are not taking it"
We don't have to take it, but, unless you and loved ones can live in hermetically sealed bunkers with a lifetime of supplies, they're going to give it to you, like it or not.
We should NOT give them permission to approve whatever poison they wish to, because the current tech sheds, and the new tech will replicate more exponentially and shed.
Willing dupes will shed on you, and authorities and corporations (redundant, I know) will put it into your food and water and spray it into the air. While this is already happening, the self-replicating nature of this new and improved anti-life tech will make it so much easier for them to accomplish the culling.
Hey, maybe this will help the current cost-conscious Administration save a few off-book budgetary bucks and we'll get rebate checks for dying faster.


Bill - 3d


Never give up never ever give up.. EVIL always perishes.. GOOD always goes on.. They are just EVIL men and women who have finally gotten the technology to finally match their EVIL... They will always FAIL.. We just need FAITH in GOD to win...


Matt Nicholas - 1d

Indeed. Fight the good fight.


JMarie.58 - 1d

JMarie.58’s Substack



Neil D - 2d

Neil D



V's Things - 1d

V's Substack

Jee-Sus MFing Chriss.
We are doomed.


joe stuerzl 85 - 3d

joe’s Substack

But what if they force us to take it ,by putting it in our food ? Shedding will do the rest . They worked out our extermination to a fine science we can't cope with .


Bill - 3d


We just need FAITH in GOD to win. If GOD is your protection there is nothing man can do.. We have faith in man and EVIL men's power at that.. That is our problem.. If you have FAITH in GOD, they can put it in your food or anywhere else.. GOD is your protection.. EVIL men and women cannot go against the protection of GOD...Believing in man has gotten us into this mess now.. GOD rules, we have to go to GOD, put our FAITH in GOD, and never ever lose it no matter what.. Its why its called FAITH..


Neil D - 2d

Neil D

I like the way you think.
Once again: amen.


V's Things - 1d

V's Substack

Thank you, Bill.


Bill - 1d


Thank GOD...


P. Brooks McGinnis - 3d

P.’s Substack

All War is Evil. No More War


Roman S Shapoval - 3d

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

The name "Arcturus" has Greek origins and is derived from the phrase "Arktouros," which means "Guardian of the Bear"...they are rubbing it in our face - how they are our false protectors, and AI is replacing mama bear.
It's never been more important to take care of one's health on the individual front!


LONG In The TRUTH - 3d

Hamish625’s Substack

Yep - I even REFER to her AS, 'Mama Bear" (what 'Ursula' actually MEANS.....)


Darrell Thompson - 3d

Darrell Thompson

Sooner or later, the United States will have to restrict all travel to and from Europe and Japan, and any other country that has the self replicating mRNA. When this is loose on the planet you will see a mass die off very quickly. Unlike the original mRNA bio weapon this is designed to kill very quickly, and transmission is easy between species. From human to animal and animal to human all life on earth will cease. This is the ultimate weapon to de-populate the planet into a cold, dead biosphere.


the LastManStanding - 3d

Rusyn’s Substack

I think you may not understand this issue; the item in question is a product which a USA base firm - Arcturus Therapeutics - has developed in conjunction with Japan's Meijii Corp., and has now received FDA approval for clinical trials to begin, then they file Biologics License Application with the FDA ....which will be followed by approval for USE IN THE USA.
It's pretty much a lock that they are ready to go with the BIRD FLOO SCAM PART 2 - the news is full of poultry culls and supposed transmissions to humans. So, just like in 2009, although it seems memory-holed for most, they will have a "vaccine" ready for the purpose of 'never letting an opportunity go to waste;' and guess what "vaccine" it's gonna be?!?
Yup. Replicon is here. As first announced by Dr Daniel Nagase right here on substack... August & September of last year... saMrna tech is ready to give Donnie's Warped Speed 2.0 just the right push in the direction of the required extinction event he was {s}elected to oversee by his "billionaire philanthropist" donors. Go with the GO! May the FARCE be with ye's


Neil D - 3d

Neil D

If the gray goo scenario is realised, we won't be able to contain it geographically. It will blow in to every country via trade winds.
If you have never heard of the gray goo, it comes from a sci-fi/horror short story (can't remember who wrote it). Not sure if I recommend looking it up actually: it's pretty dismal.
Another example of someone warning us of certain dangers that insane people with unlimited funding then go and create.


the LastManStanding - 3d

Rusyn’s Substack

There's no doubt at all - predictive programming in the form of book & movie references has 'guided' every step on the road to our current situation. Even skipping over older references... like the (original/not the remake)Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or some of the old Rank Studios films,
we have Dean Koontz dropping hints about "Wuhan virus" in the 1980's as well as some extremely interesting 'influences' from his "Phantoms" as well.
Now having 'primed the pump' with the KOVID KAPER part one, it would appear that the perps are ready to produce the sequel.
Which may follow a 'script' astonishingly similar to the one which Vincent Price performed to in the classic "LAST MAN ON EARTH." ... a strange virus has 'escaped' and killed everyone on earth, save for attacking zombies and some 'mutants'....


Neil D - 3d

Neil D

Grim (as opposed to the Brothers Grimm).


V's Things - 1d

V's Substack

The Blob.


The BarefootHealer - 3d

Rusyn’s Substack

Yes, but the c19 shot was a soft launch, or "proof of concept"- it's been self amplifying for 4+yrs now..
Jablowski is a fool if he honestly believes, "...with the traditional COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, “at least there is some solace in knowing the original mRNA will break down and stop production of the spike proteins.”
That's BS. It's still persisting in individuals.
They just stopped tracking after 2-3yrs, because the studies funding ran out and no one was particularly keen to continue, given it was bad enough that it's was shown to persist 780 days.
This ARC150 or whatever, is not "new", not "novel", and not good. Whatever this is, it is not JUST self amplifying.
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised


the LastManStanding - 3d

Rusyn’s Substack

Whether novel or new may be tangential to the way that the sa-mRNA work; mRNA vaccines exploit the structures found in cells, giving them the information necessary to produce specific antibodies against a particular virus; sa-mRNA vaccines do not perform this step because they have genes that allow them to self-replicate, that is, to directly produce antibodies in cells autonomously and in greater quantities.
Nagase packages that distinction into it's (under-studied)implications:
"Since Replicon type vaccines are based on alphaviruses, the species they are most likely to recombine with is other alphaviruses. Because alphaviruses in the wild cross species into other animals and mosquitoes, any human who gets a Replicon injection can transmit Replicon genes not just to other people, they can transfer Replicon genetic material to other species. This can happen either through a mosquito, or through recombination when a Replicon patient gets an infection with another species like coronavirus, influenza virus or other alphavirus species."
This (potential)causal chain seems to be invisible to the 'researchers' who bring this tech to the table as an 'improvement' over the mRNA shots; and it's true - the sa-mRNA indeed DO contain many of the same toxic ingredients as the BionTech/Pfizer/Moderna.
What's hard for folks to grasp about the Phase One shots is that it's not the spike protein's continuance that is creating the somatic havoc but the 'payloads' of GO which the LNP carrier delivered to targets both below AND above the neckline. With that item in place, and self-powered by it's luciferase component the bioweapon is able to extend it's 'control of networks' design purpose indefinitely.
Kostaive will 'capitalize' on that existing structure and create even more 'havoc' by making the damn thing 'transmissible' between people, animals, and other lifeforms. Tis all a cheap B grade horror film come to 'waking nightmare reality.'


Darrell Thompson - 3d

Darrell Thompson

You’re correct. The United States is complicit in its role and is actually the main force behind the science to enable these bio labs to produce these weapons. This has been in the works for decades. The mRNA replicon is not new. It’s been sitting in the refrigerator of the United States bio weapons labs for years. The advancement and technology is far beyond what we actually have been allowed to know or see. The idea of so-called pure bloods is no longer a probability. Although there may be some, the fact that we’ve been injected with so-called flu shots for decades Should be an eye opening for all. Because people’s trust in their government is a broad and accepted idea, the government has been able to continue its work towards destroying or in the very least manipulating the human gene pool. In the world of cancer treatments with the chemo’s and the radiation and all the other experimental treatments towards a cure has been a cover to be able to manipulate the DNA and gather more critical information on the human genome and how it reacts to these drugs. So yes, I do understand what you’re talking about in the timeline involved here. I don’t always say everything that needs to be said because people sometimes are overwhelmed by the information. I will take the subject matter at hand and respond to that item particularly. I thank you for saying what you did and in the way you said it towards me. People are burnt out with information regarding current condition of the world and its population. Very few actually know and the majority of people just don’t want to.


Neil D - 2d

Neil D

Never took a flu shot or a COVID shot. However, in a moment of mental weakness, I took a HepC shot, just before COVID started. That HepC shot probably had all the crap in it so I'm likely no longer a pure blood.
When you take into account shedding, are any of us pure bloods anymore?
Once that replicon vaccine comes to a country near you, there won't be any pure bloods left!
Dear Father in heaven,
Please look kindly upon us all. You promised that You would never forsake us, and if we believe in You (and Jesus Christ) with faith and love then you will keep us safe and no man will be able to separate us from You God.
Bless all of our oppressors here on earth (as we should do also) that they may tune in to the Holy Spirit and hence change their ways by realising that what they are doing is evil, allowing them to truly repent and so join our ranks in what is really looking like it may be the beginning of the final battle between good and evil.
I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


tRuth - 2d

tRuth’s Substack

Very few actually know and the majority of people just don’t want to.
Very few actually THINK and the majority of people just don’t want to THINK!


Guy Fawkes - 3d - Edited

Guy Fawkes

May God rebuke them, but as I Christian I will fight them until my last breath. Trump is not going to be able to save you, what are YOU doing with your life RIGHT NOW, to save the human race and all the poor innocent children?


Darrell Thompson - 3d

Darrell Thompson

We must still go about doing the work of God by spreading the word of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the Cross in the shedding of his blood for salvation for eternity. That is the real mission. Our life is a vapor in this world and we must remember that this is temporary. The pain and suffering here in this world is real and it is devastating when we lose loved ones from the evil that has been loose on the world. Preaching the message of Jesus Christ is what is most important. But I like you will not go down without a fight. This is just as much a spiritual warfare as it is a physical warfare in this realm. We must be prepared to fight both and be engaged in the fight. May God bless.


Cellularly Erased - 3d

TheElephantIsInsideYou’s Substa…

Forgive me as I have never had the benefit of religious teachings but..
I read very often now about these nefarious characters sacrificing people or children and of their evil rituals and I really don't like the similarity that Jesus had to sacrifice his blood to save us. This sounds like something he had to do, but it sounds like it legitimises the importance of sacrificing blood?


Neil D - 2d

Neil D

I'm not an expert as I am new to being a Christian, but I believe it is for this reason:
Adam and Eve fell from grace by eating the forbidden fruit (forbidden to them by God) and, at this moment, they realised that they were naked.
God had then to sacrifice an animal (or two) to use the skins as clothing. So began animal sacrifice to atone for their lost grace.
This continued on down the generations, despite it not being part of God's original intention, as a way of making the people right with God (sin cannot be ignored, and so at this time animal sacrifice was the only way to anul the sun that everyone has since Adam and Eve fell from grace.
God then sent Jesus as a final blood sacrifice, once and for all, that no further sacrifices are needed (animal or human) if we accept/believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He died for our sins - if we do these two things, our sins are washed away and we will have ever-lasting life with God in heaven in the next life.
I know it sounds gruesome, and for Jesus Himself it was gruesome, but it was an end for all time for any sacrifices as far as God is concerned. Jesus' last words were "It is finished" and this means that if we accept Jesus into our lives, all our sins are washed away in the spirit (God sees us in the spirit realm, so he then sees us as pure and free from sin; down here on earth, we.still sin but our desire to sin reduces with help from the Holy Spirit).
I'm sure someone will correct me if I've blundered here 🤔


Darrell Thompson - 2d

Darrell Thompson

I will respond to you in a day or two. I just didn’t want you to think that I wasn’t going to. It’s important for you to understand the difference in the meaning of the blood and sacrifice. I love the fact that you are interested. I’ll text you here real soon. Thank you.


Gwendolyn Jones - 3d

Gwendolyn’s Substack

Hi Darrell
I really love your comment and I read my Bible as well. However, I’m interested in knowing what you’re doing to shield yourself from these bioweapons?


Darrell Thompson - 2d

Darrell Thompson


Neil D - 3d

Neil D

I have to admit: not enough.


JulesUSA - 3d - Edited

Neil D

Handing out vax info business cards, that's


Neil D - 3d - Edited

Neil D

Back in the day, I told many, many people about it... and had a 100% failure, ie every single one of them decided to get it.
I got banned from my job, shopping centres, medical clinics, Christmas parties, and I decided to just keep my head down after that: God gives everyone free will, so I cannot force people to not take it.
I don't like the situation we're all in, but God backed my decision and, after a 4 month holiday, I got my job back. Boy, did my colleagues look sheepish when they realised that, in fact, it was a pandemic of the vaccinated. Well, we learn best by making mistakes, providing they are not fatal.


Bee Gee - 3d

Bee Gee

You can only lead a human to the knowledge, you cannot make them Think.


Neil D - 2d

Neil D

This is so true. Also, I lacked credibility in their eyes while the authorities had the perceived authority.
This despite my having a PhD in science and having worked for almost a decade in the biomedical field. Admittedly, most people were unaware of those facts as I tend not to brag (except on Substack forums).


Erich - 3d

Miss’s Substack

Humans do not learn from success. Success only reinforces what one has already learned. Humans learn from failure. Problems arise when humans repeat the same failed behavior over and over and over. That's a psychological problem where the human refuses to accept reality.


Miss Parker - 2d

Miss’s Substack

Yet, on a collective level, how do we learn from past mistakes when history has been and continues to be highly fictionalized?


tRuth - 2d

tRuth’s Substack

So correct and true!
Employee for almost 18 years in a family owned music venue, prevented from walking out last year, then on a busy matinee just two days ago, stressed management placed insufficient staff on rota, (victims of their own decision), on 3 occasions over 75 minutes, I was ridiculed. May they realise and learn from their own errors, but, as the saying goes, ‘leopards don’t change their spots’. Hopefully, for me, walking away, is moving on. Yet, for far too long, I ignored many obvious warning signs and my loyalty was taken for granted. Please…


JulesUSA - 2d - Edited

Neil D

I refused to test regularly when employer "required" it. They had me take time off which was fine with me, got to use some of my vacation time. Then the requirement was called off, and everyone realized they submitted the stick up their nose and giving personal genetic info for nothing.


Neil D - 2d

Neil D

Yes, and the 'medical staff' were instructed to really jam those sticks up the nose hard, so as to risk breaking through to the brain (those untrained people had no idea what they were doing was very dangerous I suppose).
I never did that, never took a RAT, never wore a mask: it was infuriating to the zombies I can tell you!


JulesUSA - 2d

Glad God backed you! Amen!


37 - 3d


People have a choice, and if they haven't figured it out by now they never will.
People have been trained like circus animals to put their faith blindly in men and Mammon.


Aunt Ohm - 3d

Aunt Ohm

The thing is....our millions of years old biology, physiology, genetics and epigenetics will not just "accept" willfully all this fake crap. It's going to make most people very sick or die. I think most people would rather just take their chances with natural immunity and homeopathy, etc. I pray ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine will be OTC at your local drug store soon....


Thomas Lewis - 3d

Useless Liberal

My favorite parts of Covid:
The Frenzy of Fear
Has shown us one thing.
It takes the mind to fail first …
And the body will soon follow.
This is a Tough Life Lesson
For the Vaccinated.
( Don’t expect their minds to recover - in your lifetime )


Te Reagan - 3d

Te Reagan

How the hell do we fight this?


37 - 3d


You don't. You either figure out who Christ is, and not the version heretically preached in a majority of the corporations that we call churches, one clasping weaponry and prone to war and genocide and stating that the US is in any way, shape, or form "Christian" in nature, particularly when the polar opposite is true as Israel's bitch, and align with him, or ultimately perish.
But the same ilk that pilots this satanic express to hell has trained the world to think that goodness is actually distasteful.
So here we are, with front row seats to the destruction of humanity!
I will say that it is absolutely beyond fascinating to watch it all unfold.
Matt. 7:21-23 comes to mind.


JulesUSA - 3d

spread the word that the pcr is a sham and fake.


Gwendolyn Jones - 3d

Gwendolyn’s Substack

You can take Dr. Mihalcea’s regimen of EDTA, Vit C, malic acid, methylene blue, etc


crapshoot farmer - 2d

crapshoot farmer

Do a bit more searching on methylene blue. I have and just threw 3 bottles in the trash. Couldn't find anything worth dyeing blue.
Benzene is one of it's ingredients. Which is in gasoline also.


Bee Gee - 2d

Bee Gee

Yes, we fight this by becoming educated and taking the things that are Proven to work.
And then you can tell people how well they work or find better ways to take them or other things that help...
for all the good it will do. Most people will do nothing until it directly impacts their life though.
And at that point you are fighting an uphill battle because their blood already looks like shit.
Im not dying until Im dead though. I plan on living and Im not just planning, Im Doing.
To each their own but that makes the most sense to me.


Gary Johnson - 3d

Gary Johnson

Grim it will be, but "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. "Matthew 24:22-24
He will cut back the time allocated for it to play out because of the elect.. But who are the elect?. .or even better, who are the electrons? The electrons are those empowered by the
Spirit. The Electron ( mother spirit ) sits at the left hand of the Father/Neutron, the Proton ( Son ) sits at the right hand of the Father/Neutron. The righteous remnant of those times
become powerful Electrons when the mother pours out her spirit all over and in them.
The basic blue-print of creation, the Atom explains it beautifully. But it's not a trinity. It
is one single entity with 3 faces. He plays us like that fiddle.
But be aware that according to 2 Thessalonians 3:3 "For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of LAWLESSNESS/TORAHLESSNESS is revealed—the one who brings destruction." This is the antichrist!!!
The whole world will fall this character including many from the New Age adjustment. As the world is falling apart from the bottom up, this guy, a human, empowered by the Sitra Achra will present himself as Jesus and the whole world will love him. What better way to spit in the face of God.
So, "how do we fight this?"....Electrons.


Irene-Marie - 2d


Start studying how to go to 5D while you are still in this 3D world. I could use different words, but I use these for sake of simplicity. Detach, release, meditate, tame you chatterbox, spend time without screens, get rid of the wifi and cable instead, use your cell phone only when necessary, don't carry it on you, etc.


Mitch Santell - 3d

Living My Life in WiFi

Praying for peace.


Kim - 3d


Oh my goodness. These Satanic maniacs are relentless in their effort to kill and destroy God's creation of humanity. This battle isn't necessarily against us. It is a war between Christ and Satan. We just happen to be in the way.


Neil D - 3d

Neil D

Stop the world, I want to get off!
Yes, I know of the Gray Goo scenario, more terrifying even than AI generated photo-realistic images with body parts in various places where they should not be.
If this doesn't convince people to come to Jesus, I can't imagine what will!
May our Father in heaven keep us during this transitional period into a slimy gray goo. Bless one another while you still can.


Phyllis B - 3d

Phyllis B



TimFelger - 3d

TimFelger’s Newsletter



Fred - 3d

Liberty Liz

And so the Blind leading the Blind continues along with the ever flowing river of stupidity, ignorance, and never ending levels of BS. Is there any stopping this madness....


Liberty Liz - 3d

Liberty Liz

It's not blindness; it's intentional depopulation.


Neil D - 3d

Neil D

If gray goo is realised, the so-called-Elites will also have nowhere to run. 100% depopulation.


Lioness3* - 3d


We never imagined that they were actually smart.


Jorge Carlin - 3d

Jorge Carlin

Also vis a vis black goo, there was an x-files movie that featured it, and the ALIEN movie PROMETHEUS had it too.


Neil D - 3d

Neil D

Gray goo is worse than those black goos you refer to.


Nick - 3d


Yep - the black goo in that X-Files movie, came from ‘aliens’ and infected humans.


David Merrill - 3d

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I took Replicon down. I have disabled the exponential mathematics.
You are amazing Dr Ana Maria MIHALCEA! I was reading around Page 180 of II Transhuman. - Truly amazing intuitive and experiential insight.


Mark peter - 3d - Edited

Mark peter

The nations of the world that have any sense at all will just have to bomb these scum and wipe them off the map before it spreads worldwide. Are there any governments that care about their nation? Are they all fooled or in on it?


Liberty Liz - 3d - Edited

Liberty Liz

It's pretty safe to conclude they're all in on it, esp the US since these bi0technological weap0ns are developed/run by the U S D0D. Deagle Report, anyone? They haven't reached their depop numbers yet which they've established must happen during 2025 (2/3 U S population reduction); so the amplification of eliminating the useless eaters must be accelerated.


Nick - 3d - Edited


Yup, agree, Liberty.
As well as Deagel, NASA’s ‘The Future Is Now’ report, forecasts mass global depopulation in 2025.
Hold on to your hats, folks!


Lioness3* - 3d - Edited




Nick - 3d


I’ve got it somewhere in my iPhone deletes. I don’t know how to link that here. But it’s real, a 30 min video about how the report was on NASA’s website, published in 2011. I’d do a search. I take it and Deagel report seriously.


Lioness3* - 3d


I take Deagel very seriously, as do you. Hence the request for a link for "The Future Is Now." Links give others the opportunity to explore leads on their own. Always much appreciated. Be well.


Liberty Liz - 2d

Liberty Liz

Start with something more recent and do your due diligence.


Liberty Liz - 2d - Edited

Liberty Liz

The Deagle Report which has been up for years has been taken down/buried once more people started noticing it and talking about it the last several years. (The Wayback Machine likely has it archived.) You should still be able to find it in C|A docs/archives. And you can certainly look at the WEF website, The Rockefeller Papers, the books written by these psychopaths, people like Schwab, Harrari, etc... you should have no problems finding more information to support these well-known, decades-long facts and agendas the psychos have clearly outlined and stated publicly (and in their books, papers, websites, etc) too many times to count. If you can't research yourself, therein lies the problem.


Lioness3* - 2d


Yep, I've looked at all of these.


Miss Parker - 3d

Miss’s Substack

"eliminating the useless eaters must be accelerated"
There is, indeed, a movement called "accelerationism" which, among other things, supports faster technological change and transhumanism to get those of us remaining to the Singularity sooner to participate in AI driven post-human possibilities.


Nick - 3d


The ruling cult, controlled by a non-human force owns every Government. Any dissident will be punished.



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