No longer muck around with commercial products and questionable quality supplements.
Make my own teas from raw materials.
Gone totally shaman. They have all the vitamins too.
Tea from Wormwood, Mexican Marigold for Lutein, Green Tea Gunshot, Dandelion Root Tea for the liver, Essiac Tea for cancer, Ginger, Turmeric, Wheatgrass Teas.
Also, baking soda for the ph and bentonite clay.
When I did a blood draw the nurse was from Peru she said that their government teaches them to mix a bunch of raw parsley with raw garlic..... mix it together once a month and eat it to kill all the parasites in their body! So I've been adding it to my meatloaf and salmon Loaf and hamburgers!
Been on a parasite cleanse the last 10 months and also taken diatomaceous earth in the morning a big tablespoon and Ivermectin in the evenings five times a week.
Yes, and thank you.
Planted garlic for the first time and looking forward to it come the end of summer or so.
Also, Just made another large jar of garlic w some skins and covered it with raw honey to preserve it. Works well for our family and LOTS of benefits
L-ascorbic cannot be absorbed, which is why 90 percent of synthetic vitamin C supplements are rapidly excreted by the body soon after they are consumed. That should suffice to prove that the human body does not want synthetic vitamin C!
I use pure Ascorbic Acid Powder to quiet coughs, as an antihistamine and for Chelation. I wouldn't have gotten through the past 4 years as well without it. Life saver and comfort bringer for me and my loved ones. B12 injections stop HPV breakouts in their tracks and work as a preventive for me. B12 also brang on late periods in my early menopause. Vitamin D3 I use. I have a spring chest cold running through my household. Used lots of Vitamin C. The kid is back to school after being off last week. Now I'm using the Vitamin C and Organic Oregano Oil and Nascent Iodine for my cold. Works great as Supportive Therapy! Symptoms are lessened for hours with each dose of Ascorbic Acid Powder.
Sounds Iike a very sickly situation.
Could be environmental.
I can't remember being sick.
Nutrition through diet is key for me. What is your food source for B12? I look up food sources for all vitamins
All vitamins are in food.
I have the widest variety. Would never take toxic D3 as long as the sun shines. Even sitting near a window is helpful.
Thank you! Breathe deeply, any natural herbs you might suggest? The paranoia comes from the fact that no one really knows what they are doing and what solutions there might be....God would be the one to give us all wisdom, peace and calm!
Dr. Ana, I am sure someone might have raised this query: What to do when you must have certain dental work but do not want the corrupted anesthetic injections? Thank you!
I went through this issue a couple of months ago for a cavity that did not require a root canal. I took a pain killer before the appointment and toughed it out. Doc said she could do freezing during procedure but it was unnecessary.
According to “Practical Medicine for Every Household Home Doctor,” wild lettuce (boil down into a decoction by harvesting the aerial parts; chop the stems and leaves and add to a pot with 2 cups of the water and boil down until 1 cup is left, strain, cool and bottle. Drink 1 oz. every 4 hours as needed), valerian root (make a tincture with chopped roots, fill a glass jar with them and completely cover them in 80+ proof alcohol to infuse for 4-6 weeks before straining. Take 5-10 ml of tincture under the tongue every 4-6 hours as needed), toothache plant (apply the bud directly to the area of pain and/or crest a tincture), ginger (create a tincture, infuse for 4-6 weeks, and take 2-3 droppers every 2 hours as needed), and white willow (to make a tincture, fill a jar with the inner bark shavings, cover with alcohol, infuse for 4-6 weeks, strain and bottle. Take 2 droppers full every 2-4 hours as needed. For an even stronger tincture, use the strained tincture to cover more inner bark shavings in a jar and out again after 4-6 weeks). What’s interesting about white willow is that the farma industry caught onto it and discovered that the compound in the bark responsible for relieving pain is called salicin.
This is good! In a pinch, Gaia Herbs makes Turmeric for pain, that has wild lettuce leaf in it, and a friend got off of her pain meds by taking this in ten times the amount dosage, I have taken it and it really works!
A friend of mine told me he thinks they're putting hydrogel in these medications also I was on Eliquis for a couple months and I looked up the ingredients and there's aborted fetus DNA in it which is from a company called senomyx!
This was extremely disturbing if you Googled the article "Stop eating foods with aborted DNA fetuses in it ' it will come up. Written by the Constitution mobile.
It's in most foods that have natural flavors the only thing I was eating with it it in it was some organic mustard so I switched that out but it's in all potato chips from large manufacturers !
I'm having hip surgery this November and every now and then need to take pain medication so I'm trying to get off of all pills I think they're tainted!
There's Satanist they want you to be cannibals like them. They're used as food enhancers for your taste buds is what they say Senomyx is the company !
The name of the article was stop eating foods with aborted human fecal tissue. From the Constitution mobile it has a list of all the foods drugs and drinks that have DNA from aborted fetuses in it
Many articles on dental anesthetics prior to 1920s that I’ve found thus far seem focused on the unhealthy discoveries vs. the old ways. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies lists plantain (direct application), arnica (mash it and apply to the area), arrowleaf balsamroot (chewing on the root), bleeding heart (chew the root and place on the tooth), red root bark decoction (swish and hold it in the mouth for a few minutes), chaparral or creosote bush (heat the young shoot tips to produce sap and drip the sap resin into the tooth cavity to seal and stop pain), and cattails (the jelly-like sap that seeps from the lower stems can be rubbed on the sore spot).
Had a tooth done. Pains was not bad.
Need an extraction of a molar but it does not bother me
Made a judgment that if there is no pain, leave it be.
Sometimes you might have a pain, but give it some time and it will go away. It could be just a Saturn transit.
Thank you... wim hof's breathing technique (YT) is also wonderful 30 breaths and then Breathe Out Hold the last one for 30 seconds to a minute and a half then breathe in deep push the air up into your brain and then 30 more reps.... three sets
My latest thought on the dental is get your dental work done then do a cleanse for Nano bots etc..., with EDTA chelation & mega vit C, to cleanse out the metals & nano bots
You will have to do a search for EDTA chelation in your area. Not all chelation clinics carry EDTA, but there will be some that do. The cost for my area is around 300., but it’s worth it. It’s a good idea to have the EDTA lotion & some suggest the pills to use as a sublingual method. It’s just something we must do at this time to stay healthy.
The best of luck to you
I read up on Dr. Royal Rife, and Dr. Georges Lakhovsky. Both men really did have substantial clinical evidence of curing cancer. Not treating it- curing it.
Both Rife and Lakhovsky were destroyed by mainstream “medicine” but Rife at one time had one of the best equipped labs on the West Coast. Lakhovsky was a contemporary of Louis Pasteur - and had he been more politically connected- medicine today would be completely different- and far superior. I didn’t believe it either- research them yourself. Absolutely mind boggling.
If you have cancer- or know someone who does- you must read: The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes.
Have you seen the interview from Greg Reese and Dr Lee Merritt. She goes into detail about the Rife machine and how it's 1,550 magnifying power was taken out of the history books .
Www.knowthecause.comDoug Kaufman is a fungus expert in his been saying that fungus has been causing cancer for the last 25 to 30 years. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins are in all grains especially nuts peanut butter anything with a shell that can create mold.
He's got the phase one diet which is basically meat and low glycemic index vegetables
Dr. Robert Young is my guru.
They threw the book at him when he dared to heal cancer patients with his ph diet.
His book " Sick and Tired" has the real science.
They will never allow cancer to be cured.
Too much $ in the dangerous treatments
Young's interview on Maria Zeeemedia.comtipped the scales for me. Young has a website that gets attacked.
Cold water.
Take on an empty stomach.
Usually I do it if I wake in the middle of the night 2:00 am ?
I have a 8 oz glass, some say 4 oz.
3-5 oz of bicarbonate. 1/2 to 1 top.
Usually you are acid early in the am.
Get ph strips from Amazon.
Aim for 8.5 ph.
Diseases flourish in acidic environments.
Yeah, we dubbed it “Paulette’s list” 😁
The programs in the generator also has EDTA as well. Among many other things that can be emulated. Lots of heavy metal remove/detoxes.
I've been taking biotoxin binder from cell core and they have another fulvic and humic acid out called HM ET binder. It stands for heavy metals and environmental toxins binder it's good to take 2 hours away from any parasite cleanse protocols like diatomaceous earth charcoa or l clay.Cellcore.comif you are interested!.
I think many might like to see samples of Medfive, Ultimate Methylene Blue and New restore under the microscope when combined with blood and/or RO water.
so if you take methylene blue or edta, for example, it binds heavy metals and excretes them via urine. Do I understand correctly that filaments, chips and nanobots are also bound and excreted?
Filaments can become large, they are in the bloodstream. What happens when they are really several centimeters long? Are they dissolved?? or is it no longer possible to get them out?
We have to assume that the entire bloodstream is full of these robots. Do they stay in the bloodstream? Or do they also escape into the intestine and are excreted?
Dogs are getting the rouleau and sludgy blood too! One friend's dog, upon entering his fully shotted up parents home, layed down immediately instead of exploring as usual, stayed that way for their entire visit then suddenly died two days later.
Poor doggy 😢
Yeah, we haven’t heard a whole lot about pets deaths. But most people don’t make the connection. I knew it had to be happening to pets if it was affecting and killing babies too.
hi- I think a pup could handle EDTA (just educated guess)(if you can figure out good dose) --- and a good parasite cleanse for pup and also many animals like red light/NIR light
Also people are giving CDS to pets (in small doses)
Also diatomaceous earth sprinkled on some food daily can help too!
Thank you for the comment! I have been doing CDS and she drinks right up! I have also been doing red light, and I can't tell any results from it. I have also been doing Natto Kinase and she loves that. Been doing chlorella as a chelator.
I've been using charcoal coconut shells with fulvic humic and ulnic acid ...called Black brew together. I met a man from the Philippines who won the equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize there for curing people's prostate and other cancers with this concoction. My full protocol I posted it above below 60 megahertz.
I get the chelation ( IV) EDTA & when needed use the edta lotion. I Wouk’s think the pill form should go under the tongue, that way you absorb more before it hoes to your stomach. I do plan to add the pills to my medicine chest.
Speaking of shows or movies etc... I watch METV and the invaders they show which is an old show about UFO invaders, but now I see it as a warning about these Gangstalkers and what not invading us. From within too...
Michael Folks - Jun 1
Michael’s Substack
With shedding from Vaxxed to unvaxxed, Chemtrails, and in Foods, Dairy, Meats, and majority of the population oblivious. What a fight.
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
No longer muck around with commercial products and questionable quality supplements.
Make my own teas from raw materials.
Gone totally shaman. They have all the vitamins too.
Tea from Wormwood, Mexican Marigold for Lutein, Green Tea Gunshot, Dandelion Root Tea for the liver, Essiac Tea for cancer, Ginger, Turmeric, Wheatgrass Teas.
Also, baking soda for the ph and bentonite clay.
Nona 104 - Jun 2
Key’s Substack
All of these look good. I agree. Don’t forget raw garlic, though. Preferably homegrown. It’s powerful.
Key of David - Jun 4
Key’s Substack
When I did a blood draw the nurse was from Peru she said that their government teaches them to mix a bunch of raw parsley with raw garlic..... mix it together once a month and eat it to kill all the parasites in their body! So I've been adding it to my meatloaf and salmon Loaf and hamburgers!
Been on a parasite cleanse the last 10 months and also taken diatomaceous earth in the morning a big tablespoon and Ivermectin in the evenings five times a week.
E.C. - Jun 2
Yes, and thank you.
Planted garlic for the first time and looking forward to it come the end of summer or so.
Also, Just made another large jar of garlic w some skins and covered it with raw honey to preserve it. Works well for our family and LOTS of benefits
E.C. - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Where do you buy your Wormwood tea please?
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Confirmed organic by SCS Global Services.
Grown in Bulgaria.
Distributor in Texas I believe.
E.C. - Oct 10
Thank you.
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
Comment removed.
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
Detoxing is key with all of the toxins from unexpected sources.
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
Comment removed.
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
L-ascorbic cannot be absorbed, which is why 90 percent of synthetic vitamin C supplements are rapidly excreted by the body soon after they are consumed. That should suffice to prove that the human body does not want synthetic vitamin C!
Canadian Apple Pie - Jun 4
Canadian Apple Pie
I use pure Ascorbic Acid Powder to quiet coughs, as an antihistamine and for Chelation. I wouldn't have gotten through the past 4 years as well without it. Life saver and comfort bringer for me and my loved ones. B12 injections stop HPV breakouts in their tracks and work as a preventive for me. B12 also brang on late periods in my early menopause. Vitamin D3 I use. I have a spring chest cold running through my household. Used lots of Vitamin C. The kid is back to school after being off last week. Now I'm using the Vitamin C and Organic Oregano Oil and Nascent Iodine for my cold. Works great as Supportive Therapy! Symptoms are lessened for hours with each dose of Ascorbic Acid Powder.
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
Bard Joseph - Jun 4
Joseph’s Substack
Sounds Iike a very sickly situation.
Could be environmental.
I can't remember being sick.
Nutrition through diet is key for me. What is your food source for B12? I look up food sources for all vitamins
All vitamins are in food.
I have the widest variety. Would never take toxic D3 as long as the sun shines. Even sitting near a window is helpful.
Jodi Elliot - Jun 1
Excellent summary of what is happening and what is needed🙏 Thank you Dr. Mihalcea!! You are a true hero, working endlessly to save humankind ♥️
Misha - Jun 2
Misha’s Substack
Thank you! Breathe deeply, any natural herbs you might suggest? The paranoia comes from the fact that no one really knows what they are doing and what solutions there might be....God would be the one to give us all wisdom, peace and calm!
Froggy - Jun 2
Fermented cabbage 🥬 prayer cleaned me right out . I’m a new Viking.. I dont trust M. blue ..
Misha - Jun 2
Misha’s Substack
Dr. Ana, I am sure someone might have raised this query: What to do when you must have certain dental work but do not want the corrupted anesthetic injections? Thank you!
Canadian Apple Pie - Jun 4
Canadian Apple Pie
I went through this issue a couple of months ago for a cavity that did not require a root canal. I took a pain killer before the appointment and toughed it out. Doc said she could do freezing during procedure but it was unnecessary.
Misha - Jun 4
Misha’s Substack
What do you understand by "freezing"? Thank you
Canadian Apple Pie - Jun 5
Canadian Apple Pie
It is an injectable dental anesthetic that stops pain during the tooth repair.
Webe1 - Jun 2
According to “Practical Medicine for Every Household Home Doctor,” wild lettuce (boil down into a decoction by harvesting the aerial parts; chop the stems and leaves and add to a pot with 2 cups of the water and boil down until 1 cup is left, strain, cool and bottle. Drink 1 oz. every 4 hours as needed), valerian root (make a tincture with chopped roots, fill a glass jar with them and completely cover them in 80+ proof alcohol to infuse for 4-6 weeks before straining. Take 5-10 ml of tincture under the tongue every 4-6 hours as needed), toothache plant (apply the bud directly to the area of pain and/or crest a tincture), ginger (create a tincture, infuse for 4-6 weeks, and take 2-3 droppers every 2 hours as needed), and white willow (to make a tincture, fill a jar with the inner bark shavings, cover with alcohol, infuse for 4-6 weeks, strain and bottle. Take 2 droppers full every 2-4 hours as needed. For an even stronger tincture, use the strained tincture to cover more inner bark shavings in a jar and out again after 4-6 weeks). What’s interesting about white willow is that the farma industry caught onto it and discovered that the compound in the bark responsible for relieving pain is called salicin.
imagine7generations - Jun 2
Key’s Substack
This is good! In a pinch, Gaia Herbs makes Turmeric for pain, that has wild lettuce leaf in it, and a friend got off of her pain meds by taking this in ten times the amount dosage, I have taken it and it really works!
E.C. - Jun 2
Key’s Substack
Wild lettuce tincture has not helped my husbands lower back pain but i will be making it again this year.
Key of David - Jun 4
Key’s Substack
A friend of mine told me he thinks they're putting hydrogel in these medications also I was on Eliquis for a couple months and I looked up the ingredients and there's aborted fetus DNA in it which is from a company called senomyx!
This was extremely disturbing if you Googled the article "Stop eating foods with aborted DNA fetuses in it ' it will come up. Written by the Constitution mobile.
It's in most foods that have natural flavors the only thing I was eating with it it in it was some organic mustard so I switched that out but it's in all potato chips from large manufacturers !
I'm having hip surgery this November and every now and then need to take pain medication so I'm trying to get off of all pills I think they're tainted!
E.C. - Jun 4
Key’s Substack
What is the purpose of putting in aborted fetal cells in our foods/meds?
Key of David - Jun 6
Key’s Substack
There's Satanist they want you to be cannibals like them. They're used as food enhancers for your taste buds is what they say Senomyx is the company !
The name of the article was stop eating foods with aborted human fecal tissue. From the Constitution mobile it has a list of all the foods drugs and drinks that have DNA from aborted fetuses in it
E.C. - Jun 4
Thank you for this information. I am going to look it up to see what we should not be purchasing. Appreciate it.
Key of David - Jun 4
Key’s Substack
What exactly is the combination of herbs wild lettuce and turmeric for pain relief? Thank you
E.C. - Jun 4
Maybe Gaia Herbs site would say.
Said her friend (above) took TEN TIMES the dose to get off her pain meds.
E.C. - Oct 10
Thank you for all that. What do u know about adding a little food grade glycerin to tinctures to make them 30% more bioav ailable?
Webe1 - Jun 2
Many articles on dental anesthetics prior to 1920s that I’ve found thus far seem focused on the unhealthy discoveries vs. the old ways. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies lists plantain (direct application), arnica (mash it and apply to the area), arrowleaf balsamroot (chewing on the root), bleeding heart (chew the root and place on the tooth), red root bark decoction (swish and hold it in the mouth for a few minutes), chaparral or creosote bush (heat the young shoot tips to produce sap and drip the sap resin into the tooth cavity to seal and stop pain), and cattails (the jelly-like sap that seeps from the lower stems can be rubbed on the sore spot).
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Had a tooth done. Pains was not bad.
Need an extraction of a molar but it does not bother me
Made a judgment that if there is no pain, leave it be.
Sometimes you might have a pain, but give it some time and it will go away. It could be just a Saturn transit.
Misha - Jun 2
Misha’s Substack
Thank you, I am so paranoid of all these things they are inflicting on the world.....
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Key of David - Jun 4
Key’s Substack
Thank you... wim hof's breathing technique (YT) is also wonderful 30 breaths and then Breathe Out Hold the last one for 30 seconds to a minute and a half then breathe in deep push the air up into your brain and then 30 more reps.... three sets
Misha - Jun 2
Misha’s Substack
Saved it, thanks!
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Natural herbs 🌿 can't be bad.
Paranoia saps the energy and breathing.
Healing is in the breath.
Red Hawk - Jun 2
Misha’s Substack
My latest thought on the dental is get your dental work done then do a cleanse for Nano bots etc..., with EDTA chelation & mega vit C, to cleanse out the metals & nano bots
Misha - Jun 2
Misha’s Substack
Thank you, this is a good thought. Do you have any links as to instructions/cost of how/where to do this?
Red Hawk - Jun 3
You will have to do a search for EDTA chelation in your area. Not all chelation clinics carry EDTA, but there will be some that do. The cost for my area is around 300., but it’s worth it. It’s a good idea to have the EDTA lotion & some suggest the pills to use as a sublingual method. It’s just something we must do at this time to stay healthy.
The best of luck to you
Nick - Jun 4
Hi Red Hawk. I have EDTA capsules. How is the best way to use?
E.C. - Jun 2
See Dr Ana Mihalcea's posts for chelation info. She does it in WA ST.
or find a Holistic MD as most do vit c and edta chelations in their office.
Mrnobody - Jun 1 - Edited
This device also has a program that runs Methylene Blue. Paulette has been instrumental in my decision to get a Rife generator of my own.
Gary - Jun 2 - Edited
Gary’s Substack
I read up on Dr. Royal Rife, and Dr. Georges Lakhovsky. Both men really did have substantial clinical evidence of curing cancer. Not treating it- curing it.
Both Rife and Lakhovsky were destroyed by mainstream “medicine” but Rife at one time had one of the best equipped labs on the West Coast. Lakhovsky was a contemporary of Louis Pasteur - and had he been more politically connected- medicine today would be completely different- and far superior. I didn’t believe it either- research them yourself. Absolutely mind boggling.
If you have cancer- or know someone who does- you must read: The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes.
Key of David - Jun 2
Key’s Substack
Have you seen the interview from Greg Reese and Dr Lee Merritt. She goes into detail about the Rife machine and how it's 1,550 magnifying power was taken out of the history books .
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Essiac Tea was the pre Rockefeller remedy.
Cancer is a fungus.
Keep a balanced ph with baking soda.
Key of David - Jun 6
Key’s Substack
Www.knowthecause.comDoug Kaufman is a fungus expert in his been saying that fungus has been causing cancer for the last 25 to 30 years. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins are in all grains especially nuts peanut butter anything with a shell that can create mold.
He's got the phase one diet which is basically meat and low glycemic index vegetables
Bard Joseph - Jun 6
Joseph’s Substack
Dr. Robert Young is my guru.
They threw the book at him when he dared to heal cancer patients with his ph diet.
His book " Sick and Tired" has the real science.
They will never allow cancer to be cured.
Too much $ in the dangerous treatments
Young's interview on Maria Zeeemedia.comtipped the scales for me. Young has a website that gets attacked.
E.C. - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
How much baking soda into how much water? Warm or cold water? Best time to take? Thank you.
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
More on ph.
E.C. - Jun 3
Thank you.
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
Cold water.
Take on an empty stomach.
Usually I do it if I wake in the middle of the night 2:00 am ?
I have a 8 oz glass, some say 4 oz.
3-5 oz of bicarbonate. 1/2 to 1 top.
Usually you are acid early in the am.
Get ph strips from Amazon.
Aim for 8.5 ph.
Diseases flourish in acidic environments.
Therisa - Jun 2
Yeah, we dubbed it “Paulette’s list” 😁
The programs in the generator also has EDTA as well. Among many other things that can be emulated. Lots of heavy metal remove/detoxes.
Key of David - Jun 2
Key’s Substack
I've been taking biotoxin binder from cell core and they have another fulvic and humic acid out called HM ET binder. It stands for heavy metals and environmental toxins binder it's good to take 2 hours away from any parasite cleanse protocols like diatomaceous earth charcoa or l clay.Cellcore.comif you are interested!.
Cos - Jun 3
I think many might like to see samples of Medfive, Ultimate Methylene Blue and New restore under the microscope when combined with blood and/or RO water.
michael68 - Jun 2 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
so if you take methylene blue or edta, for example, it binds heavy metals and excretes them via urine. Do I understand correctly that filaments, chips and nanobots are also bound and excreted?
Filaments can become large, they are in the bloodstream. What happens when they are really several centimeters long? Are they dissolved?? or is it no longer possible to get them out?
We have to assume that the entire bloodstream is full of these robots. Do they stay in the bloodstream? Or do they also escape into the intestine and are excreted?
E.C. - Jun 2
What is Dr. Ana's amounts in IV Vit C and IV EDTA?
imagine7generations - Jun 2
Can dogs do EDTA? Can dogs do Methylene Blue?
imagine7generations - Jun 2
Dogs are getting the rouleau and sludgy blood too! One friend's dog, upon entering his fully shotted up parents home, layed down immediately instead of exploring as usual, stayed that way for their entire visit then suddenly died two days later.
Therisa - Jun 2
Poor doggy 😢
Yeah, we haven’t heard a whole lot about pets deaths. But most people don’t make the connection. I knew it had to be happening to pets if it was affecting and killing babies too.
gertieA - Jun 6
hi- I think a pup could handle EDTA (just educated guess)(if you can figure out good dose) --- and a good parasite cleanse for pup and also many animals like red light/NIR light
Also people are giving CDS to pets (in small doses)
Also diatomaceous earth sprinkled on some food daily can help too!
imagine7generations - Jun 6
Thank you for the comment! I have been doing CDS and she drinks right up! I have also been doing red light, and I can't tell any results from it. I have also been doing Natto Kinase and she loves that. Been doing chlorella as a chelator.
Kathryn - Jun 2
Kathryn’s Substack
Will charcoal work. Ingesting it . Will it detox the body of heavy metals?
Key of David - Jun 2
Key’s Substack
I've been using charcoal coconut shells with fulvic humic and ulnic acid ...called Black brew together. I met a man from the Philippines who won the equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize there for curing people's prostate and other cancers with this concoction. My full protocol I posted it above below 60 megahertz.
E.C. - Jun 2
I use charcoal too🥥
Red Hawk - Jun 4
I get the chelation ( IV) EDTA & when needed use the edta lotion. I Wouk’s think the pill form should go under the tongue, that way you absorb more before it hoes to your stomach. I do plan to add the pills to my medicine chest.
Doug - Jun 3
Doug’s Substack
Speaking of shows or movies etc... I watch METV and the invaders they show which is an old show about UFO invaders, but now I see it as a warning about these Gangstalkers and what not invading us. From within too...
Doug - Jun 3
Doug’s Substack
Any way to lower the price to the Metfive EDTA
Nick - Jun 4
Agree, it is very expensive!
Bard Joseph - Jun 2
Joseph’s Substack
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