Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 22, 2025 ∙ Source
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This is an interesting find in the declassified library of the CIA - why would these writings be classified in the first place? They explain how the futurists predict and create the future by dreaming it into being. As we see our world transformed by technocratic transhumanism and many people are incredulous as to the technological advancements that form the infrastructure of global 4th Industrial Revolution, it is important to understand this long term planning strategy. First, technocrats embrace Marxist ideology as we have seen in to the extreme during the Biden administration. But beyond that, the next step consists clearly of an electromagnetic control grid as seen in all the illustrations as a radiating 5G tower. Multinational corporations flourish in wealth, while the population is shown as submissive, either in mind control rehabilitation camps like in China, or via UN military paroling the streets of cities, while the population is visualized as half naked slaves who bow to the oversized larger than life techno aristocrats. Of course, depopulation is part of their picture, as outlined below - and of course diseases, hunger and war are all artificially created. Inject the population with COVID19 biological weapons of mass destruction, kill all birds and vaccinate all animals with more of the same biological weapons, spray toxic chemicals from the air and create fake conflicts and forever wars where someone son’s and daughters get killed, not to speak of the weather warfare that initiates earthquakes, deluges, droughts, volcanic eruptions at will. This is how they manifest their “dreams”.
The modality of seeing the future in retrospect is a classical way of manifestation - these people know occult knowledge.
Multinational corporations own the world, pollute the athmosphere, and you can see those radiation towers so needed to keep the mind control of the masses going.
Technocrats love the Chinese Communist Totalitarian Regime and consider it the role model for global human enslavement. They are aware of truly demonic forces that make Orwell’s visions kindergarden play. Technocrats want to control freedoms of humanity.
Note the prominent 5 G tower drawn in 1978 - now actualized by the 5 eyes intelligence network grid and the global 5 G surveillance through biosensors. This also included HAARP ELF mind control. Combine that with the brain computer interface via the COVID19 bioweapon self assembly nanotechnology and the smart dust sprayed via geoengineering and you have perfect zombification or Cyborgification of humanity, that willingly stand in line and worship the political figures as Gods.
Humans are seen as slaves to the oversized Technocrats, the real rulers of the world.
In 1911 the living room of of the future was conceptualized as digital entertainment of course for mind control purposes. The more stupid you get by being programmed from mindless soap operas, the real party of world dominance can continue behind the people’s back. By having a perpetual calendar of the future, the construction of that reality is continually reinforced. Why do you think the WEF has the brightest economists, scientists, engineers, physicists, doctors and they call themselves disruptors of the status quo and futurists? Because regardless of who is in power in governments they control the economic infrastructure of all countries and its future technological progress. So their agenda carries on. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild said: “ Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” In other words, money owns all the politicians, lawyers, judges anyhow, exactly as we have seen displayed in our own country for so long.
Smart cities were already in planning, and only electric cars and bicycles allowed:
Carbon and electrical consumption tax was already in planning and if you think Klaus Schwab’s “Build back better” was original, think again. You will “own nothing and be happy” is as old as the hills in Technocratic literature.
The process of future predictions is constantly assessed, for some things occur faster, others take longer. The futurist keep track of “time” and manifestation to adjust their efforts continually.
In 1978 automation of workplaces and work from home that was pushed via the COVID19 plandemic already existed.
How about underwater dwellings and Ghislaine Maxwell’s and cohorts obsession with populating the Ocean floor. Original Idea? No, its a technocratic plan, decades old.
How about Elon Musk’s Colonize Mars that President Trump just endorsed?
Yes, technocratic plan, long in the making:
Oh wait, if in1978 they were talking about more advanced technologies than space shuttles, could it be that in the secret space-programs they already had antigravity propulsion? And they are telling you, UFO’s don’t exist. Space colonies have long been actualized and they have already been to Mars, just as neuralink was not the first brain chip implanted in humanity.
Elon Musk is a technocratic posterchild. I don’t know what exactly he means by him saying he is pro human while pushing for humanoid robots, automated vehicles, brain chips and more. Don’t get me wrong I think it is great what he is doing, but the technocratic plan also says we no longer need governments by the people, let the technocrats rule nations.
Elon’s technocratic father, Errol Musk said: "If you are a Technocrat, are you doing all that you can to extend the Organization and discipline yourself to meet its objectives?"
Precision medicine was already planned, we are a couple decades behind. Post physician healthcare means automated telemedicine plus inside the body diagnostics - we know that is done via biosensors today. Remember this was written in 1978.
The list goes on. This document contains 193 pages. You can read about the planned future - but understand this, technocrats do not care about humanity.
Jeffrey Epstein was a technocrat, collecting scientists like he did underage girls to trap the political, scientific and economic future of our nation. Remember these perverts who are inspired by Satanism as we have heard from Illuminati Insider Leo Zagami, are about open marriage and pedophilia.
Rituals of Satanic magic happen around the time of maturity of children. They want to share sex with their children.
While many of these perverts want to normalize pedophilia, which is a long time satanic practice, I propose that as a society we should institute the death penalty for those who rape a child. There is no greater crime then to rob a child of their innocence and the damage done to their soul is unfathomable. There is no greater crime to the future of humanity, than to rape a child, especially in Satanic rituals.
That alone would clean out much of the deep state players in politics, law enforcement, intelligence, and churches. Imagine if instead of the cover up of the rapists by the Vatican we would put them on death row? Maybe going to church for a child would become safe again, and not be a nest of preditors ready to assault. Billions of dollars have been paid by the Vatican for this coverup of tens of thousands of raped children. That does not include the raping of each other and the nuns. As of October 2024 sexual assaults continue as always:
Catholic Church Must Do Better Job on Compensating Abuse Victims, Says Vatican Commission
"It doesn't focus on the central and devastating realities: that children in the Catholic Church are still being sexually assaulted by clergy, and that universal church law still allows these priests to be reinstated if certain conditions are met," she told Reuters.
What kind of a society would have then?
A civilization that preys on their own children is doomed to destruction.
Technocracy has been long planned and marches on. Read their manuals - you can find their plans everywhere. This is the Silicon Valley elite that supports our administration, so watch carefully. The editor of the magazine, Edward Cornish also wrote the book “Futuring - The Exploration of the Future”. I also recommend the books by Futurist James Canton “ The Extreme Future”, “Technofuture”, “Future Smart” - you can read about how nanotechnology will replace everything about humans and push us into the post human future - unless we resist and start to take serious part of the conversation on how we desire our future to be.
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Claudia - 6d
Sadly, pedophiles are found everywhere, not in some Catholic churches only. They cloak themselves in religions of many denominations.
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BlazeCloude3 - 6d
Going to require MORE, by far, than simple conversation to stop this explosion of evil at every turn from consuming all organic life on Earth. 'Words walk and action talks.'
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