Aug 29, 2023
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Video: 100x and 200x magnification, initial observation Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a reader-supported publication.
Barngirl - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
Dispatches from Reality
What is your assessment of seeing the unvxxd live blood showing the same structures and formations? Is it a 'shedding' problem or simply that so much of what we are now exposed to is contaminating us all?
Scipio Eruditus - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
Dispatches from Reality
My team and I are still finding healthy blood amongst the unvaccinated. This includes healthcare workers and those who took PCR swabs during 2021, so people who theoretically would be exposed to this bioweapon on a frequent basis.
Our sample size is small, but we have found an unvaccinated female who had sexual intercourse with vaccinated males; she later showed signs of nanotechnology infection.
Shedding is clearly a real phenomenon, but the totality of its infection vectors are still unknown.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I too still see some vakd people with reasonably good blood, but when i take a sample with crystal clear tape from the lower leg area I always find the fibres and tech there, usually a lot more than the unpoked.
Scipio Eruditus - Aug 30, 2023
Dispatches from Reality
That makes sense, thanks for the idea we will definitely pursue that.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Thanks, full description on my sub if you are interested.
ieye - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
Dispatches from Reality
What otc supplements can detox this?
Scipio Eruditus - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Dispatches from Reality
In a few weeks or so I will I have a better answer for you. Were still early in our research, but in general: Antioxidants, such as Green Tea Extract and N-Acetyl Cysteine; Amino Acids, such as L-Methionine; Natural chelators, such as cilantro and garlic, in addition to activated charcoal. I would also recommend as much fasting as you can tolerate, whether that be a week, 3 days, or 18 hours. There are a lot health benefits to fasting in general, which this article does a good job of explaining:
Honestly a healthy diet of whole foods, not processed poison, does a great deal to heal the body. We need all these supplements because our food has been stripped of these vital nutrients.
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
As an artist ■ I chose EDTA in the morning an hour before eatting or drinking any nutrients, then at evening I put half a dropper of Fulvic Acid/essential minerals in grape juice. I am around no vaccinated; but have exposures to metals, so I detox all I can. I personally take Selenium, Vit D3, K2 and Krill oil/helps remove venoms. I find myself chewing Nicotine gum when my head feels like I need to detox. I choose to tea up for about two days with a total of 3 hot teas of 1/2 teaspoon of wormwood/lemon/honey. M
Deb M - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Deb M
Is there a particular EDTA that you take? TIA
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
1000mg tablet ■ Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid Detox. You want to do a Fulvic Acid in the evening, it detoxes and aids the spot, whereas EDTA removes and leaves the spot available.
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
Where do you get your EDTA?
Cyn - Aug 30, 2023
Thank you.
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
Where do you obtain your Fulvic Acid.
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Fulvic Acid, +72 Trace Minerals ■ The Healthy Life 4 Me, Maximum Strength, Natural Flavor, 72 Trace Minerals Complex 325 mg, Fulvic Acid Solution 275 mg; Amazon.
Joseph Robinson - Sep 5, 2023
I use a product called Shilajit, discovered I believe by Tibetan monks. It’s found in the Himalayan mountains and other very high altitude environments, and the resin is probably resulting from a very slow reduction of organic matter. It’s available on line, and quality varies with price.
Paul Barbara - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Barbara
When you say 'tea up for two days' do you mean you have nothing else for two days, or just that you have the three teas as well as normal food and drink?
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Paul - Wormwood I grow and air dry inside my home, I enjoy it as a tea detox along with my daily intake of food and beverages. ■ Taking it daily for several months/'2 or 3 months' can cause organ/s, liver [d]amage/failure; I find adding three cups over two days to be personally beneficial by evidence of restored quality of life; it is my approach to the drug Ivermectin, and I consider it to be a parasite detox. M
Emma - Sep 2, 2023
Or is it Artemisia annua?
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Margie Chism: Yes. Wormwood is an excellent modality. You might benefit from reading this study: >
Also this:
I occasionally take the above in encapsulated form - about 2 grams with meals, twice a day. Thanks for posting.
Sep 2, 2023
Comment removed.
Alan Tan - Aug 30, 2023
Alan’s Substack
I take nattokinase, bromelain, turmeric and liquid zeolite. Also I use terahurtz light frequency therapy twice a day to break down any clots in my body. It also activate yr stem cells and fix any health problems you have. I also drink Mms.
I am not jabbed but suffer thru shedding from others. These days the crime with so much poisoning done to humans., one has to be prepared
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
where do u get terahertz light frequency?
Cyn - Aug 30, 2023
Is this anything like low infrared light therapy?
Cyn - Aug 30, 2023
I’m using an Anodyne light therapy for treating neuropathy; increases circulation, heals nerve tissue, promotes improved cellular function.
Alan Tan - Sep 14, 2023
Alan’s Substack
Alan Tan - Sep 14, 2023
Alan’s Substack
It's in the infra red spectrum but works better in the frequency range.
Alan Tan - Sep 14, 2023
Alan’s Substack
You can buy it from here, they work on network marketing, so they are not allowed to sell them on ebay, amazon,aliexpress etc. Those you see there are imitation. Just mention Healthguru sent you...
BB - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
What is MMS?
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Miracle mineral solution. look up chlorine dioxide solution. Or go to comusav english for more info and testimonials.
Paul Barbara - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Barbara
'How to make Chlorine Dioxide by Andreas Kalcker':
Clear instructions, but remember it is sodium chlorite (not 'chloride'). I use Citric Acid rather than Hydrochloric Acid.
Follow instructions carefully, and voila - you have CDS.
Search other articles for usage protocols. See Andreas Kalcker's website.
Alan Tan - Sep 14, 2023
Alan’s Substack
You can join the chat group in telegram... unfortunately, YouTube, Facebook and Google took their pages down and tout it to be a bleach but it's more than that.
Janet Newman - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Janet’s Substack
I've been taking advanced TRS, it is a spray you use orally twice a day and is the size of a nano particle so it can go wherever the vaccine goes, it attaches to metal and is said to detoxify the body from vaccines containing metal. I was not tested before I just have autoimmune problems like gluten intolerance and my husband took the jab unfortunately, so I thought it would be a good idea. It must be doing something because I feel a little goofy after I use it, at least the first week I did, itchy skin. We are really bombarded with so much shit this is going to be a long process detoxifying. That's just one of the many things I've been doing, hope this helps.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Seeking Truth
be careful with zeolite. I read today if dumps aluminum
LW - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Seeking Truth
Do you have a link to what you read on zeolite? Ver been using a spray 3x daily for at least a year.
BobbyD - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Mike Adams did some testing on it years ago and had some bad things to say about it.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
It was in a private FB group. It came from a German prominent Dr.
I can’t mention his name .
Marty - Aug 30, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Great post, "The forced evolution of humanity", it's excellent, i didn't know that last quote from Tesla, it's indeed an horror beyond our comprehension.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
Good news!
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
These technologies have no off switch. They will continue to randomly self assemble until Nature finds a way to cope with the infection... Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that is the truth of the situation.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Comment removed.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
I saw the same levels of denial when attempting to inform the public regarding electromagnetic exposures about 14 years ago. Rather than address the reality of corporate and governmental corruption (the driving force behind deployment) they bought stupid "protective" pendants, painted walls with blocking paints, and attempted to avoid exposure. Electromagnetic crap is everywhere now...
In terms of "nano-technology" the cards have been on the table for many years. Here's what the Royal Society of Great Britian had to say about nano tech circa 2004.
Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties
Published by the Royal Society & The Royal Academy of Engineering
Nanoscience and nanotechnologies - July 2004
Erm..... About that "uncertainties" thingy... .. .
John Vargo - Aug 30, 2023
John Vargo
EMF protection is now necessary,the corruption goes back hundreds ofyears.Youknow what David Icke has been saying about the "Royals"for 3 decades.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
Comment removed.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
They will look at you like you’re crazy
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
Comment removed.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
I spoke to an RN from React C19 who said substack is not science & if it came from Dr. McCoullough she would trust it. She said Dr. Ryan Cole said there’s no graphene oxide & he has presented all over the world.
How do I respond to this? Im sure other healthcare providers will respond the same. Most went along with the mandates- I can’t see them helping .
bastringue - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Ernie Rockwell
We get it, Ana. It's everywhere. Now what can be done? That should be our only priority right now. Let's assume everyone is contaminated and work on a protocol.
Ernie Rockwell - Aug 30, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
In spite of it turning my stomach I appreciate the continued spectroscopy analysis. Infuriating that they are getting this sludge into bloodstreams.
Robert - Aug 30, 2023
Robert’s Substack
TOO TRUE. PEOPL WITH THE DFM can u please test 4 cures. Get some butchers meat blood add cure and test after 4 hours under DFM Anyone try themedfive.
DyingOnThisHill - Aug 30, 2023
Just there a reason why you or anyone in comment section write in 'shorthand'? PEOPL? U? 4? There's no word count limit here so isn't it important not to limit words.. that in my view is part of the goal of Twitter? Limiting words, limits thoughts. Right out of 1984. Take a look at the Oxford dictionary...let's try to expand not contract our vocabulary as an act of rebellion against the great reset.
Robert - Aug 30, 2023
Robert’s Substack
Robert - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Robert’s Substack
Oh and the oral edta of MFIVE OR other. FOCUS O nproveable cures people wake up please
Robert - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Robert’s Substack
PEOPLE WITH DFM. Please get meat blood add suggested cures leave 4 hours and DFM let's go.also poster about bandaid test what's link. Ttoo start. We need proof people. ASAP. SCI.METHOD
Michael Wachocki - Aug 30, 2023
Michael Wachocki
And that's the rest of the story.
bastringue - Aug 30, 2023
Comment removed.
bastringue - Sep 1, 2023
"may" is the key word.
We need a protocol that work and has been tested and proved to work!
vicky - Aug 29, 2023
Do you feel therapeutic apherisis would benefit? I had 4 pneumovax shots in one year to prove to insurance I need ivig. Almost killed me. Stroke. Seizures. Heart block. Dropped 30 lbs almost ended up on feeding tube. This was 9 yrs ago and I’m still fighting it.
mary green - Aug 30, 2023
Many Pherisis donors have taken the vax, although their donations are designated as to whether the donor was vaxxed or not. You would have to request blood products from an unvaxxed donor.
vicky - Aug 30, 2023
No this is not donated blood. They clean your blood in series of passes. It’s used for certain medical conditions and I’d heard it was being used to treat long covid
Frank Deez - Aug 30, 2023
Frank Deez
At this point I'm wondering if there is any substance you can exam with this technique that doesn't show the hydrogel construction and blinking quantum dots? Please test something you believe free from contamination like sterile lab mice blood and see if there are similar results. This seems to now be the rule not the exception and if that's the case the entire planet's biosphere has been corrupted. Why would the global cabal do that if they just want humans dead and gone with the small number remaining packed into a few 15 minute cities so the owners can enjoy their continent wide wildlife preserve free of dirty humans, they've ruined everything unless they have an antidote.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I am running at about 50% clear on meds at present. But thats without using culturing techniques.
Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 30, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I was thinking today about the prenatal vitamins. I think they are contaminated. I really do think so.
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
If you were to culture, what media would you use and what organisms would you be trying to test for?
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Home made and tested distilled water and testing for Cross domain bacteria aka morgellons aka those pesky modern blue fibres, and qdots.
Lisa - Aug 30, 2023
Matt, have you tested saline solution from the pharmacy?
stardot - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
stardot’s Substack
Season 10, X- Files, Tad O'Malley, four episodes predicted all of this in 2016.
My struggle pt. 1
My struggle pt. 2
My struggle pt. 3
My struggle pt. 4
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 30, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Building our own body's exclusion zone with structured water is something we all can do , it's nature's own hydrogel:
Lisa Rene - Aug 29, 2023
Lisa Rene
I have some humira pens to test if you're interested. I've been trying to figure out if they poisoned my infusions, but given what we've seen thus far I think it's safe to assume they have. I'm experiencing horrible symptoms and am unjabbed. I have EIGHT full humira pens to donate to the cause. Please contact me as I'm having trouble contacting you.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Lisa,
go to Dr Nixons substack , Nixonlabs , or mine and organize to send 2 there. It will be looked at then.
Thanks, matt.
Lisa Rene - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
Oh Thank You so much!
Stephanie - Aug 30, 2023
Stephanie’s Substack
Amazing. I too am unvaccinated and feel horrible, 32 months now with “long covid “
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
Have you tried augmented NAC?
vicky - Aug 30, 2023
Is that from compounding or will stuff off Amazon work?
bastringue - Sep 1, 2023
Same here. What are your symptoms Stephanie?
Mine are :
- Shortness of breath and shallow breath;
- Extreme fatigue that won't go away;
- Dizzy when standing up;
- Brain fog...
Unagnu - Aug 30, 2023
Non vaxxed. Taking alot of NAC, VitD3, K1/2, Quercetin and IVM, Black Seed oil. Some sea salt / Iodine and of course Borax water every 3 to 4 weeks. All bought prior to the 2021 ramp up and def. before 2022. I also use an Alexapure on the tap water. Beyond that I am starting the Cardioflow/EDTA based pills. On occasion I use a nicotine patch for 7 days - a 6mg dose. Seems to help. But I feel best after the IVM. I do notice just recently a lot more floaters which I've had since a kid. And I have recently started to try to make structured water.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Aug 29, 2023
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
vicky - Aug 29, 2023
Lisa Rene
I kind of wonder what’s in my ivig. Lately when I urinate post infusion tons of bubbles and burning. Lots of pain.
Lisa Rene - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
I have what seems like hard plastic coming out of my pores and my ears are all messed up. I'm almost totally deaf now except for the pinging and humming and buzzing and my ears are leaking fluid..... heavy. It's gross. My skin hurts so bad.
vicky - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
Do you have any lesions? Where is your WiFi stuff in house? Can you turn it off overnite? Epsom salt bath with dawn dishsoap, infared sauna, edta, etc. very important you find out if you have mold problem too. Don’t handle mulch etc with bare hands. Get to a lyme literate doctor for treatment. There are groups on Facebook for morgellons. Check them out and FIRM protocol.
Lisa Rene - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
Thank you. I don't use wifi here and I live in the woods. They've been very busy installing 5g towers here.
Reply (1) - Aug 30, 2023
Comment removed.
Lisa Rene - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
All of the above.
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023
Margie Chism
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the [s]eed 'of men': but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
The Divine Kingdom
44And in the days of 'these kings' shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall [n]ever be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
45Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. ■ Daniel 2:43-45, KJV, blueletterbible
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 30, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Top-Secret EYES-ONLY documents reveal, 98 percent of Americans have been infected with nanotech since at least 2014. Project.NANO.DOMESTIC.QUELL. research on Russian search Most US Search Engines are compromised by the .C.I.A.... including duck, duck go.. Nano Tech Vectors included Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola. Desani water, City water systems in Chicago, LA, Atlanta etc> Intel Courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Yes ■ Read/saw a few years ago that the DoD had nanoparticles to be in Pepsi and Coke, that Pepsi was to have about twice as many nanoparticles. Once reading that document, I [s]top drinking these products. What type of business takes orders from DoD to 'no informed consent' to trick people to be contaminated? It is time for accountability. Hiding behind some 'alpha'bet will have it's end. Pepsico is also listed in products tested by HEK293; why continue to abuse a murdered child? I do not buy nor eat such products. No sale, hell no. M
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
These technologies have been in development for decades. Now that they've been released into the environment, they will continue to self assemble and proliferate until Nature finds a way to cope with the corrupted state. ALL life forms on the planet are eventually affected. Here are a couple very dated presentations that have been ignored for over a decade. >>>
Nano-assembly - current science - 2011 >>> Who Made Morgellons? >>> Skizit Gesture
Be sure to click the “more” button in the gray headers for more reference material. >>>
Hydrogel Drug Release Systems >>> Skizit Gesture >>> June 28, 2010
Paul - Aug 29, 2023
Top Slide: The movement in the beginning of film is clearly directional, using a sigmoid motion to enhance and or maintain momentum, such as water does coursing initially through unlevel terrain. The latter movements of particulates, at end of film on right side, again have direction, tho' slightly slower. Neither appear Brownian in character. Nice Work !!
Lisa Rene - Aug 29, 2023
Lisa Rene
Do you have any colleagues you trust in Montana or Northern Idaho? I need my blood analyzed because I believe they poisoned my humira.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Lisa Rene: I've read many of your posts, and believe your symptoms may be related to mold exposures and/or combined with possible Lyme infection. I've had both, in spades and recovery was difficult. Ryan Cole has investigated the vaccine issue in depth > may not be testing for other pathologies. You may want to check out this page from IGeneX Labs >>>
Lisa Rene - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
Thank You. Both of those are strong possibilities here. I've been going through everything in the house and last fall I moved some totes out of storage into my house. I opened them up and found two moldy rugs. I also found mold in my keurig machine, which I rarely use. I've been trying to sanitize everything since. Do you think that's the cause?
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello again Lisa. Yes. Very possible. I lived in a mold ridden environment for over 14 years. Didn't know it, but the crawl space under my cabin was heavily molded and toxic. I also contracted Lyme disease twice, but was unaware until the second infection nearly killed me...
I have quite a lot of information, but you will want to do your own research. Here's a potentially germane piece of information. >
Blue Republic - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
(*If* I'm remembering correctly) I think Dr. Ryan Cole has tended to discount the existence or importance of nano tech, hydrogels & such as vax issues. That said, he has been willing to go off-narrative WRT many Covid issues and is a highly experienced pathologist with his own pathology lab.
And is based in Idaho. If you can't come up with an alternative in your area maybe you should consider consulting him.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
I have heard he is saying there is no GO but clearly it has been found. So what’s his deal?
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
A good question for all to ask....
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
I don't trust.
Lisa Rene - Aug 30, 2023
Lisa Rene
Thank You. I'll try to contact him.
Linda D - Aug 30, 2023
Thank you, Dr. Mihalcea, for all that you do.
ieye - Aug 30, 2023
What can detox this in the unvaxed who had shedd exposure?
Marian Anang - Aug 29, 2023
Dr how do we contact you? Am interested in a dark field analysis
Theara - Sep 12, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
and please read this very important question for you :
the Q DOts we see in DR LER video ( on dental anesthetic mixed with blood )
are they the SAME that the ones you see in the VAXs?
what is your assessment on the toxicity of DentAnesthe.. compared to the terrible vaxs ?
1 ) Is the technology THE SAME ONE ?
2 )or do we have hope if we are not vaxxed not swabbed, ( never ) but HAD a dental Anesth... in our gums , full of graphene and making Nano bots according to Dr LER experience,?
This question is for Everyone concerned, aka EVERYONE. !
because we sometimes need Dental anesthetic in spite of our will , to dextract a tooth , and they are ALL full of ribbons at microscope already , that is SURE
I wrote this , but im not a doctor, i dony have microscope
thank you
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