Dr. Ana...this is Insane.
Please understand I'm not saying it's not real....
I think I'm saying that if this proves real..we are dealing with a level of insanity I can barely grasp, much less contemplate without going insane myself.....
for quite some time I was disturbed and confused about the content of Dr. Ana's postings. Not being able to figure out whether this could be true or not.
Things changed when Dr. Ana cited scientific papers in which quantum dots were mentioned. Okay, now I became aware, that probably most or everything which Dr. Ana shows us should be regarded as being true. A crime much too big and monstrous to be comprehensable to an everyday's human brain.
Juval Harari with fascination has mentioned several times "surveillance under the skin" - he is clearly not talking rubbish.
A quotation from Mark Twain makes this evil monstrous crime more comprehensable (sorry, I have to retranslate it into English). Goes like this. "Fiction necessarily is limited by the range of imagination und conceivableness. Whereas reality does not know any such restrictions."
It is worth thinking about it. By doing so distraction may and will turn into anger. And anger is an energy. An energy which may and will blow these philantropaths to hell. Be aware of one thing: they are very very much afraid - for good reason.
You may perhaps not be practised in taking action. Try to do one step. Then learn how to do it better. As Bertold Brecht said: In times like these artifice is necessary to spread the truth.
There are many many possibilities. (In case you don't find any suitable counsel you may at least even ask me about what can be done.)
thank you for your attention
kind regards
See La Quinta Columna channel on BitCHUTE & other platforms.
Also look up WBAN & Hope Girl Channel
& Sabrina Wallace, you surely will understand after spending some time
with these experts. I did anyhow. Good luck . Its real & is crucial to understand.
Sabrina Wallace is the real deal!!! A lot over my head, but I still love her intelligence. I took this Enbrel back in 2000 where I was given these small kits for each application that had everything separate, like the powder was mixed with the liquids and I drew my own syringe out of what I mixed up. I pray they didn’t know anything about this crap back then. I have chosen my whole life to stay away from any medicine with harsh side effects. Which is unheard of in 2024.
This Country is so horrible to us that I call us “Slaves” all the time. And I do believe it. It’s totally unacceptable what has happened to us. Especially with Covid. I walk around and thank God all the time that I knew not to take that shot!! But my family is the opposite! It’s been a hard 4 years since for me. Living on a fixed income is the worst life you can imagine. What they are making folks live like right now is so sad! And I make double of what some real old people make. And they live high on the hog while we suffer!! I’m so disgusted! Reading stories like this with a medicine that I’ve previously taken makes it come even closer to home! God Bless you!
Yes this was known and being tested in 2000 but that does not mean for certain that what you used contained it, BUT we are all being sprayed, or in food/water supplies with many horrific things, might be good to have your blood checked on dark field scope Yes Sabina W .is the real deal, but so are YOU now that you know . I have followed he work all these people from the beginning and have known Dr Ana M.M. for 15 years, and working on remedies But what was shown in this most recent post is different than what I have seen before. WE MUST ALL take our disgust, anger, pain , and loss and transmute it into ACTION, or we go extinct
Yes I probably did not have that in my Enbrel. I meant to say that. I have been in action for 8 years waking people up to what is being pulled over our eyes! Just quit complying!
Just quit complying does not alone stop this , I have never complied with anything, BUT they did NOT ask us , have our consent or consider our rights in any fashion by waging war against ALL LIFE with insane GEOENGINEERING TRANSHUMANIST/POSTHUMANIST AGENDAS . This is a war on all levels , we simply cannot win or survive by non compliance. Total starvation , and poisoning , and war along with CBDC s forcing total enslavement coming next. How will non compliance stop that. Most are completely unprepared for even the slightest of hard times. As a preparedness consultant for 3 decades , I guarantee you this is true
Couldn't agree with you more, I feel like I am reading something I would share when I read your post. Keep stocking up there will be food shortages for sure the owners are seeing to that. HUNGER GAMES. Have a water filter & Life Straws for sure if you end up having to be on the move. Most people are not aware that China has threatened Japan with a firey end & Russia's Putin has said now USA is sending weapons & arms to Ukraine that have attacked them this gives them the right to attack the USA UK & supporting NATO nations. We need to prepare for war. Really....Get Iodine or even seaweed sheets to snack on to keep your thyroid saturated so if there is radiation you won't absorp it. God bless & good luck. The cabal are also attempting to foement Civil war in the U.S. around election time.
Please tell us or show us some more action in particular, and evidence of them being afraid , why would they be , we have stopped nothing yet, everyone afraid to even mention who should be targeted and how , and how to create mutiny withing the military role in ALL THIS ? And how a very small number of billionaires pull this off against billions of targeted real humans
Dear Thomas, thank you for your reply. From my point of view battle is not over yet. But we defeated the enemy at crucial points and we keep gaining ground. Here in Germany in April 2022 pharmafia/governement tried to install mandatory vaccination. They failed. Because democratic resistance against their plan was stronger than they were. I think in many other countries it was the same. Have a look at the WHO-treaty and the IHR-treaty. They wanted to install a global dictatorship through WHO. They failed. WHO-treaty being cancelled completly. IHR-treaty quite the same. Even so critical content being reduced almost completly how many nations worldwide agreed to the treaty? No more than 36 out of 194. Of course neither MSM-TV nor newspapers are telling us this fact. Have a look at these WEF-Davos guys. When did you hear Klaus Schwab for the last time claiming "you will own nothing an be happy" - years ago. What are they claiming now? "rebuilding trust" Have a look at the streets. A friend of mine whom I admire very much went onto marketplace here in the town where I live, each and every day (!) having with him some hundred posters and memes about plandemic-topics and politics. In 2022 people called him names and even reacted agressive to his posters. He stood his ground being a very eloquent, sophisticated, empathic and tough guy. With the year passing aggressions against him grew fewer. In 2023 atmosphere had changed completly. "Only very few of them are still around and none of them dares to speak out against me any more" he reported to us.
And just to mention one small action I took myself. Owning a small company (printig industry) I am a mandatory member to a worker's compensation board. This organisation is publishing a monthly newspaper on topics of employment protection. In 2021 it made me angry seeing that nasty covid-vaccine advertising was published in that newspaper. Wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief. An angry letter. Sent it as a copy to twentyfive other members of the organisation as well (adding significant and disturbing printed information on vaccine-riks to it). Told editor-in-chief I did not agree to him in using my mandatory fees to publish fake news about dangerous experimental shots. Told him not to do so again! Otherwise his acting would be regarded as being willful causing legal action against him from my side. Got no reply to my letter. But succeded. From that day on no more vaccine-advertising was published in that newspaper.
Do you want to know more? Please let me know.
would like to add one more instant, - highlighting on how elites are feeling.
Some ten years ago I read an article in German business magazin brand eins. Author being a full professor on innovative technologies at a university in Germany. Professor being requested to give a private lecture with subsequent discussion outside of university. As fees being acceptable he agreed. Arriving at the place he was led to a room with five men sitting at a table. Of course professor assumed preliminary talk was about to take place. Wrong. These five men were his audience. Being billionaires who wanted to know how to make more money by using innovative technologies.. - be aware, - the more interesting part is still to come...
In subsequent discussion billionaires expressed being very much concerned of what might happen if things would get worse. Especially on how they could make sure safety guards would stay loyal to them. They had allready made plans how to construct code-secured small shelters outside of bunker containing small portions of food. In order to give safety guards access to food by code only if they stay loyal. But they felt not quite safe with that idea asking professor for consult.
Professor told them in order to make sure security staff staying loyal to them they should treat them as being part of the family. Impossible!! Unimaginable!!
- Professor could not help billionaires with their problem...
Lmbo!! So true! This was all about greed! They were paid Billions. But, they will never be able to use it if they had anything to do with Crimes Against Humanity. Several had lost every Asset they have because they messed with Children.
At the top this is WAY beyond greed They ALREADY HAVE AND OWN EVERYTHING. This is war on greater levels . Way back in 1917/18 Rudolf Steiner told the world and predicted all of this , they want and are disconnecting real humans from their soul and the divine within them. Even the death shots are designed to do that.
The global elite, the cabal, the UN, WEF, WHO, CDC, IMF, CFR......ALL the same jet setter Genocidal psychopathic pedophiles for the most part. They are the minion of satan literally. Did you ever realize the vatican is a giant crowned double headed serpent? Or that they sing to lucifer donning his own creation in services & that Christ is lucifer's son? LOL The serpent race in human skin, the fallen angels who rebelled & came to earth as they wanted to experience sex, power, rulership, the carnal flesh. Angels do not have sex or families we are the fallen. I've spent decades looking into this with information from all over the world throughout the ages. The "church" & Govts are not our friend & although they claim to be godly & richeous neither are. WE certainly DO have real enemies. God bless you & yours Anna. Cheers from a Canadian in Oz.
Yes ,mostly true and courageous to state but to consider us all the fallen will play into their agendas that is what they want us to believe so we dont rise to our true greatness and potential , that is their fear , that we wont be their cash cows, and energy milking slave races, THAT IS WHAT ALL THIS IS ABOUT
Yes and that is why its happening , they know most of humanity is "like deer in the headlights " with all this , and they are so convinced they can pull this off. Imagine what it is like for me to have known and been warning for decades about these agendas, and no one wanted to listen or believe. Now almost too late. But be wary of the reaction you speak of, THAT IS PART OF THE MIND CONTROL as well QUELLING the necessary rebellion and action. WE ARE DEALING with non human influence and infiltration as well. Most of these elite psychopaths at the top are either non human, non human controlled or demonically controlled. THIS IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION ANYMORE
I don't have to Imagine…I know now..exactly how you felt. I've only done 4 years….but I hear the click ticking …ten months..then the election..they will turn off the grid..and we will have Deagels 65 percent reduction in us population.
Maybe , maybe not , there are always other timeline potentials, but we must move to them and activate them. Deagel is disinfo agent, and psyop agent But it could occur unless we move to stop them, yes the evil ones want this
I worked at the Amgen RI facility which produces Enbrel. There was no step in production which inserted nanobots into the final product and all processing is done in clean rooms with positive pressure and standard containment procedures for clean room production. I can't speak about other facilities for Enbrel production or about changes in process after that time. The production of this injectable is a clean and controlled procedure. There must be some very creative process to account for the introduction of the nano structures. The fermentation tanks are all high quality stainless steel produced in the USA (at that time). I don't know where the needles are being produced so that is one consideration but aside from weaponized needles, it is a real head scratcher for me to guess how this happens. Enbrel is a large molecule so all of the filtration steps would not filter out something as small as nano structures but I don't see how they could have been introduced into the product to begin with and Enbrel production is not under EUA non regulation as far as I know, the production of Enbrel is clean and controlled and monitored so is not so straight forward to say that Pfizer or Amen is knowingly doing this.
So, if the production is clean but the end product is contaminated by nano, then there's a nefarious step that takes place without anyone knowing before it's shipped.
it is my opinion that I was slightly damaged by a PCR test. 4 days after I experienced a rash and muscle cramps in my leg.
After about 5 days but I still experience intermittent muscle cramps
We have seen a lot of circular antennae (double array yagi type) with clear transceivers at the edge visible when looking under microscope at the tips of the Chinese Jiangsu PCR tests. How it assembles and functions under water and what powers it is a mystery but it could be the antennae for the MAC addresses seen in many after the jabs
Or if an extra step is part of the manuf. process and is being added by someone without the knowledge of anyone else at a specified time when others would not know or see that it is happening
Yeah maybe exactly that. But i guess even during production. I'm thinking about colloids and what sort of metals and particle size you could pull off a stainless steel surface. I think you have up to 100 micron size and maybe up to 220 and still make it through the filter.
then that is certainly a vulnerable place and possibility AND as someone else said you can quantum frequency it into WATER at it informational stage water being the ultimate transducer of information
It could be in a component of the product if as little as one part of the final product is purchased and imported from an outside sorce or purchased separately to being manufactured on site.
Is this a possibility?
"Etanercept is produced by recombinant DNA technology in a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mammalian cell expression system. It consists of 934 amino acids and has an apparent molecular weight of approximately 150 kilodaltons."
You see right? 150 Kda gets through the filter as a final product and this is the scale at which the production is calibrated. The backbone of the science used to produce recombinant proteins by tricking Chinese hamster ovarian cells maintains ignorance of things at the nano scale.
What if the molecule itself [Enbrel] is broken into little machine parts when hit with the right radiation?
It is a large and probably not very stable conformation.
You wouldn’t know if there was nanoparticles/nanotechnology in it. I don’t think there is any other way to know except by looking at it under a microscope.
The cell line are contaminated with..... hold on, it's not really contamination because it is a recurring part of the process to INCLUDE recombinant viruses into cell lines. The viruses are not filtered out so if the cell line has nano bits then they also would not be filetered out like the viruses. Im just guessing about the ability for nano bits to be persistent within the cell lines just like viruses but at this point it might be easier to convince people of cell lines contaminated with nano bits than of cell lines contaminated with human gamma retroviruses.
I would like to see one of those plastic bag contents analyzed prior to the product being sorted for distribution into the syringes or the vials. I feel like that is the next step in troubleshooting.
Did the final product require mixing of more than one substance and put in the plastic bag?
I recently used a skin scope (not a microscope) and looked at tissue, napkins, paper towels, bandages, cotton balls, bread and found “microplastics” on all of that. They were blue, black and red “fibers.” You can’t see them with your naked eye. I can’t think of any reason those would be on there. They had to be put there deliberately. They were even in bread that was sourced from a local bakery.
All that can be there because it has been SPRAYED in GEOENGINEERING PROGRAMS FOR DECADES likely everywhere. Air , soil , water ,food , plants, animals.
The final product is just the recombinant protein mixed with Water For Injection in those same plastic blood bags.????? I think bags, syringes, needles, and glass vials need consideration.
Yes everything MUST BE CONSIDERED , anyone who would put this stuff in DENTAL ANESTHESIA and infant vaxxes will do anything and everything to accomplish their evil.
The grow media is a bag of animal guts that comes from somewhere else but now I'm wondering if the CHO cell line is contaminated like the other human injectable cell lines. They harbor all sorts of recombinant viruses why not nano bits too?
At that time all of the steel for the tanks and skids was sourced in the USA. the final injectable product prior to packaging is held in a plastic bag and I couldn't say where those were sourced nor where the needles come from, but yes I agree with your question, we have to get creative about looking for the source.
No other explanation, other than needles themselves (more unlikely, as there are different factories, while only 2 or 3 in the world for WFI), I assume.
It,s In med pills, part of food supply: Grind and check with magnet
Yes. Afraid so. If you go to Sabrina Wallace's psinergy Odysee channel she explains how what has been injected is in fact billions of biosensors working as an operating system in conjunction with the biosensors all around us in our air, food, water etc (as the result of geoengineering aerosol spraying probably for the last 3 decades). This is very sophisticated military dual purpose technology that is being marketed commercially as a medical breakthrough (WBAN) connecting all life to "the cloud" already involving possibly millions of people in jobs in an industry already worth billions of $. In the wrong hands all along however it has been deployed as a bioweapon not only to track and trace but both cause and heal dis-ease potentially at the click of an app or keystroke on a computer within a "cybersecure" infrastructure.
This is all true. That group where the commemt has been deleted is researching people who are aware of it inside them. There is a current that is pulsing through the bloodstream and the nervous system. It moves like a race car on a rally track and can be felt by standing and doing stretching on cold stone, doin stretches lifting the back of the legs up with lying on the stomach and other basic yoga poses such as stretching over the legs. There is a voice to akull that speaks words inside the human skull as if the persons own. The biosensors move as natural emotions or intuitive program
They mimic the human emotion then reprogram it into the body. It can't program real love
Yes see all my comments above , but its not to heal anything or anyone except maybe the controllers who want life extension from it. So we need someone 's inside smart enough to hack and destroy the operating system control.
it needs to be hacked and destroyed, someone knows how to do this so for the sake of keeping real humans from extinction , long before we reach our potential , it MUST BE DONE.
WBAN and EMF and radio frequencies can because it has been sprayed everywhere movement, minds, emotions, behavior, soon the slaves wont even know they are slaves and completely controlled , how else do you think Klaus can say "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY AND EAT BUGS"
Dr Ana
Thank you for the information that you provide us.
I am interested in the detox you provide. I live in Houston Texas. Would you recommend a place I can go to that you trust.
Thank you.
When we consider that big pharma has caused Auto Imune diseases with vaccines!!! So all along they have been using humans as guinea pigs all along for their demented amusement and siphoning the money from humanity for their coffers
I am very grateful for the websiteTheylied.ca. I just inquired at Staples today on the cost of business cards. I have already downloaded the pdf. Stickers and magnetic strips will be ordered on Monday by telephone. TheTheylied.cawebsite is not good for online ordering at the moment. Many thanks to those who are responsible for this encyclopedia of information.
How sinister to target people with autoimmune diseases. Energy harvesting, for who, for what purpose ? Humanity is ruled and preyed upon by another species.
Im fairly certain that is part of the story but has been for a long time what seems different is this extermination campaign and turning the real human in machines.
No words can express the awfulness of this. Injecting this stuff into people with autoimmune diseases and other medical conditions is just beyond the pale. 😡
You are perfect and I have something to inject you with for free and it will make you everything and all things you have ever dreamed of and did I say it is free?
The medication can be made without the nano in it. Also Type 1 Diabetics have no choice. They require insulin to live. I know a young man who got type 1 diabetes out of the blue and never had one immunization in his whole life.
I have been working for Wyeth then Pfizer then GSK and recently Haleon Pharmaceutical for close to 20 years. If I remember correctly, they were the makers of Enbrel and Centrum vitamins which contains Stearic Acid in powdered form.
Enbrel marketed as easy to deal with your own immune system attacking your own body. Turns out Enbrel has nanotech that jacks with your immune system which compounds diseases. Plus can cause cancer. Sounds like typical cabal fckrs!
Not sure if Dr Anna will see this. But have been an Anti Vaxxed since childhood. Raised by an old school Asian mother who believed that the body can heal itself.
My question is I had neck surgery and it failed since then received steroid injection in my spine. 1st felt great could move work etc. 2nd one next day aoat passed out at the store.
Rapic heartbeat. Now get winded easily can work. Been told have Myocarditis a long with bones, joints wanting to fuse. Given Embrel which I refuse. Has nanotechnology been found in steroids injections??
Duchess - Jun 8 - Edited
Dr. Ana...this is Insane.
Please understand I'm not saying it's not real....
I think I'm saying that if this proves real..we are dealing with a level of insanity I can barely grasp, much less contemplate without going insane myself.....
Carol Guajardo - Jun 8
Carol Guajardo
I feel exactly the same way.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
see reply above
Stefan Otto - Jun 8 - Edited
Stefan’s Substack
for quite some time I was disturbed and confused about the content of Dr. Ana's postings. Not being able to figure out whether this could be true or not.
Things changed when Dr. Ana cited scientific papers in which quantum dots were mentioned. Okay, now I became aware, that probably most or everything which Dr. Ana shows us should be regarded as being true. A crime much too big and monstrous to be comprehensable to an everyday's human brain.
Juval Harari with fascination has mentioned several times "surveillance under the skin" - he is clearly not talking rubbish.
A quotation from Mark Twain makes this evil monstrous crime more comprehensable (sorry, I have to retranslate it into English). Goes like this. "Fiction necessarily is limited by the range of imagination und conceivableness. Whereas reality does not know any such restrictions."
It is worth thinking about it. By doing so distraction may and will turn into anger. And anger is an energy. An energy which may and will blow these philantropaths to hell. Be aware of one thing: they are very very much afraid - for good reason.
You may perhaps not be practised in taking action. Try to do one step. Then learn how to do it better. As Bertold Brecht said: In times like these artifice is necessary to spread the truth.
There are many many possibilities. (In case you don't find any suitable counsel you may at least even ask me about what can be done.)
thank you for your attention
kind regards
Sandi Dinsdale - Jun 9 - Edited
Sandi Dinsdale
See La Quinta Columna channel on BitCHUTE & other platforms.
Also look up WBAN & Hope Girl Channel
& Sabrina Wallace, you surely will understand after spending some time
with these experts. I did anyhow. Good luck . Its real & is crucial to understand.
Susan Banks - Jun 9 - Edited
Susan’s Substack
Sabrina Wallace is the real deal!!! A lot over my head, but I still love her intelligence. I took this Enbrel back in 2000 where I was given these small kits for each application that had everything separate, like the powder was mixed with the liquids and I drew my own syringe out of what I mixed up. I pray they didn’t know anything about this crap back then. I have chosen my whole life to stay away from any medicine with harsh side effects. Which is unheard of in 2024.
This Country is so horrible to us that I call us “Slaves” all the time. And I do believe it. It’s totally unacceptable what has happened to us. Especially with Covid. I walk around and thank God all the time that I knew not to take that shot!! But my family is the opposite! It’s been a hard 4 years since for me. Living on a fixed income is the worst life you can imagine. What they are making folks live like right now is so sad! And I make double of what some real old people make. And they live high on the hog while we suffer!! I’m so disgusted! Reading stories like this with a medicine that I’ve previously taken makes it come even closer to home! God Bless you!
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Yes this was known and being tested in 2000 but that does not mean for certain that what you used contained it, BUT we are all being sprayed, or in food/water supplies with many horrific things, might be good to have your blood checked on dark field scope Yes Sabina W .is the real deal, but so are YOU now that you know . I have followed he work all these people from the beginning and have known Dr Ana M.M. for 15 years, and working on remedies But what was shown in this most recent post is different than what I have seen before. WE MUST ALL take our disgust, anger, pain , and loss and transmute it into ACTION, or we go extinct
Susan Banks - Jun 9 - Edited
Susan’s Substack
Yes I probably did not have that in my Enbrel. I meant to say that. I have been in action for 8 years waking people up to what is being pulled over our eyes! Just quit complying!
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Just quit complying does not alone stop this , I have never complied with anything, BUT they did NOT ask us , have our consent or consider our rights in any fashion by waging war against ALL LIFE with insane GEOENGINEERING TRANSHUMANIST/POSTHUMANIST AGENDAS . This is a war on all levels , we simply cannot win or survive by non compliance. Total starvation , and poisoning , and war along with CBDC s forcing total enslavement coming next. How will non compliance stop that. Most are completely unprepared for even the slightest of hard times. As a preparedness consultant for 3 decades , I guarantee you this is true
Sandi Dinsdale - Jun 10
Sandi Dinsdale
Couldn't agree with you more, I feel like I am reading something I would share when I read your post. Keep stocking up there will be food shortages for sure the owners are seeing to that. HUNGER GAMES. Have a water filter & Life Straws for sure if you end up having to be on the move. Most people are not aware that China has threatened Japan with a firey end & Russia's Putin has said now USA is sending weapons & arms to Ukraine that have attacked them this gives them the right to attack the USA UK & supporting NATO nations. We need to prepare for war. Really....Get Iodine or even seaweed sheets to snack on to keep your thyroid saturated so if there is radiation you won't absorp it. God bless & good luck. The cabal are also attempting to foement Civil war in the U.S. around election time.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Yes great resources of truth and courage.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Please tell us or show us some more action in particular, and evidence of them being afraid , why would they be , we have stopped nothing yet, everyone afraid to even mention who should be targeted and how , and how to create mutiny withing the military role in ALL THIS ? And how a very small number of billionaires pull this off against billions of targeted real humans
Stefan Otto - Jun 9
Stefan’s Substack
Dear Thomas, thank you for your reply. From my point of view battle is not over yet. But we defeated the enemy at crucial points and we keep gaining ground. Here in Germany in April 2022 pharmafia/governement tried to install mandatory vaccination. They failed. Because democratic resistance against their plan was stronger than they were. I think in many other countries it was the same. Have a look at the WHO-treaty and the IHR-treaty. They wanted to install a global dictatorship through WHO. They failed. WHO-treaty being cancelled completly. IHR-treaty quite the same. Even so critical content being reduced almost completly how many nations worldwide agreed to the treaty? No more than 36 out of 194. Of course neither MSM-TV nor newspapers are telling us this fact. Have a look at these WEF-Davos guys. When did you hear Klaus Schwab for the last time claiming "you will own nothing an be happy" - years ago. What are they claiming now? "rebuilding trust" Have a look at the streets. A friend of mine whom I admire very much went onto marketplace here in the town where I live, each and every day (!) having with him some hundred posters and memes about plandemic-topics and politics. In 2022 people called him names and even reacted agressive to his posters. He stood his ground being a very eloquent, sophisticated, empathic and tough guy. With the year passing aggressions against him grew fewer. In 2023 atmosphere had changed completly. "Only very few of them are still around and none of them dares to speak out against me any more" he reported to us.
And just to mention one small action I took myself. Owning a small company (printig industry) I am a mandatory member to a worker's compensation board. This organisation is publishing a monthly newspaper on topics of employment protection. In 2021 it made me angry seeing that nasty covid-vaccine advertising was published in that newspaper. Wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief. An angry letter. Sent it as a copy to twentyfive other members of the organisation as well (adding significant and disturbing printed information on vaccine-riks to it). Told editor-in-chief I did not agree to him in using my mandatory fees to publish fake news about dangerous experimental shots. Told him not to do so again! Otherwise his acting would be regarded as being willful causing legal action against him from my side. Got no reply to my letter. But succeded. From that day on no more vaccine-advertising was published in that newspaper.
Do you want to know more? Please let me know.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 10
The Pasco Rrupt
This is encouraging but a lack of support for WHO will not affect the PHEMCE.
Stefan Otto - Jun 10
Stefan’s Substack
would like to add one more instant, - highlighting on how elites are feeling.
Some ten years ago I read an article in German business magazin brand eins. Author being a full professor on innovative technologies at a university in Germany. Professor being requested to give a private lecture with subsequent discussion outside of university. As fees being acceptable he agreed. Arriving at the place he was led to a room with five men sitting at a table. Of course professor assumed preliminary talk was about to take place. Wrong. These five men were his audience. Being billionaires who wanted to know how to make more money by using innovative technologies.. - be aware, - the more interesting part is still to come...
In subsequent discussion billionaires expressed being very much concerned of what might happen if things would get worse. Especially on how they could make sure safety guards would stay loyal to them. They had allready made plans how to construct code-secured small shelters outside of bunker containing small portions of food. In order to give safety guards access to food by code only if they stay loyal. But they felt not quite safe with that idea asking professor for consult.
Professor told them in order to make sure security staff staying loyal to them they should treat them as being part of the family. Impossible!! Unimaginable!!
- Professor could not help billionaires with their problem...
Jocelico - Jun 9
Susan’s Substack
If you believe those in Power are psychopathic then most probably they are NOT afraid ... But YOU should be ...
Susan Banks - Jun 9
Susan’s Substack
Lmbo!! So true! This was all about greed! They were paid Billions. But, they will never be able to use it if they had anything to do with Crimes Against Humanity. Several had lost every Asset they have because they messed with Children.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
At the top this is WAY beyond greed They ALREADY HAVE AND OWN EVERYTHING. This is war on greater levels . Way back in 1917/18 Rudolf Steiner told the world and predicted all of this , they want and are disconnecting real humans from their soul and the divine within them. Even the death shots are designed to do that.
Sandi Dinsdale - Jun 10
Sandi Dinsdale
Hear Hear
The shots were not designed for the ScamDemic of Fear.
The Planned Demic was designed to get the masses to get the shots.
Anne Marie Smith - Jun 8
Sandi Dinsdale
We've got real enemies.
Sandi Dinsdale - Jun 9
Sandi Dinsdale
The global elite, the cabal, the UN, WEF, WHO, CDC, IMF, CFR......ALL the same jet setter Genocidal psychopathic pedophiles for the most part. They are the minion of satan literally. Did you ever realize the vatican is a giant crowned double headed serpent? Or that they sing to lucifer donning his own creation in services & that Christ is lucifer's son? LOL The serpent race in human skin, the fallen angels who rebelled & came to earth as they wanted to experience sex, power, rulership, the carnal flesh. Angels do not have sex or families we are the fallen. I've spent decades looking into this with information from all over the world throughout the ages. The "church" & Govts are not our friend & although they claim to be godly & richeous neither are. WE certainly DO have real enemies. God bless you & yours Anna. Cheers from a Canadian in Oz.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Yes ,mostly true and courageous to state but to consider us all the fallen will play into their agendas that is what they want us to believe so we dont rise to our true greatness and potential , that is their fear , that we wont be their cash cows, and energy milking slave races, THAT IS WHAT ALL THIS IS ABOUT
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Yes and that is why its happening , they know most of humanity is "like deer in the headlights " with all this , and they are so convinced they can pull this off. Imagine what it is like for me to have known and been warning for decades about these agendas, and no one wanted to listen or believe. Now almost too late. But be wary of the reaction you speak of, THAT IS PART OF THE MIND CONTROL as well QUELLING the necessary rebellion and action. WE ARE DEALING with non human influence and infiltration as well. Most of these elite psychopaths at the top are either non human, non human controlled or demonically controlled. THIS IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION ANYMORE
Duchess - Jun 9
I don't have to Imagine…I know now..exactly how you felt. I've only done 4 years….but I hear the click ticking …ten months..then the election..they will turn off the grid..and we will have Deagels 65 percent reduction in us population.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 10
Thomas’s Substack
Maybe , maybe not , there are always other timeline potentials, but we must move to them and activate them. Deagel is disinfo agent, and psyop agent But it could occur unless we move to stop them, yes the evil ones want this
Lisa - Jun 9
It is real and we all have to shift our way of thinking to survive this holocaust.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8 - Edited
The Pasco Rrupt
I worked at the Amgen RI facility which produces Enbrel. There was no step in production which inserted nanobots into the final product and all processing is done in clean rooms with positive pressure and standard containment procedures for clean room production. I can't speak about other facilities for Enbrel production or about changes in process after that time. The production of this injectable is a clean and controlled procedure. There must be some very creative process to account for the introduction of the nano structures. The fermentation tanks are all high quality stainless steel produced in the USA (at that time). I don't know where the needles are being produced so that is one consideration but aside from weaponized needles, it is a real head scratcher for me to guess how this happens. Enbrel is a large molecule so all of the filtration steps would not filter out something as small as nano structures but I don't see how they could have been introduced into the product to begin with and Enbrel production is not under EUA non regulation as far as I know, the production of Enbrel is clean and controlled and monitored so is not so straight forward to say that Pfizer or Amen is knowingly doing this.
Marty - Jun 8
Nano Ordo Mundi
So, if the production is clean but the end product is contaminated by nano, then there's a nefarious step that takes place without anyone knowing before it's shipped.
jacquerowe14@gmail.com - Jun 9
it is my opinion that I was slightly damaged by a PCR test. 4 days after I experienced a rash and muscle cramps in my leg.
After about 5 days but I still experience intermittent muscle cramps
Matahi - Jun 9
We have seen a lot of circular antennae (double array yagi type) with clear transceivers at the edge visible when looking under microscope at the tips of the Chinese Jiangsu PCR tests. How it assembles and functions under water and what powers it is a mystery but it could be the antennae for the MAC addresses seen in many after the jabs
jacquerowe14@gmail.com - Jun 9
Or if an extra step is part of the manuf. process and is being added by someone without the knowledge of anyone else at a specified time when others would not know or see that it is happening
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
Yeah exactly!!! Interesting mystery.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
How can this be? Its in there it got there somehow could it be quantum frequency transmission AFTER PRODUCTION?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Yeah maybe exactly that. But i guess even during production. I'm thinking about colloids and what sort of metals and particle size you could pull off a stainless steel surface. I think you have up to 100 micron size and maybe up to 220 and still make it through the filter.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
then that is certainly a vulnerable place and possibility AND as someone else said you can quantum frequency it into WATER at it informational stage water being the ultimate transducer of information
jacquerowe14@gmail.com - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
It could be in a component of the product if as little as one part of the final product is purchased and imported from an outside sorce or purchased separately to being manufactured on site.
Is this a possibility?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Yes. Grow medium is from outside and cell line is from Chinese Hampsters. You can't trust those guys.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Those little Chinese hampsters I mean.... shifty eyes.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
"Etanercept is produced by recombinant DNA technology in a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mammalian cell expression system. It consists of 934 amino acids and has an apparent molecular weight of approximately 150 kilodaltons."
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
You see right? 150 Kda gets through the filter as a final product and this is the scale at which the production is calibrated. The backbone of the science used to produce recombinant proteins by tricking Chinese hamster ovarian cells maintains ignorance of things at the nano scale.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
What if the molecule itself [Enbrel] is broken into little machine parts when hit with the right radiation?
It is a large and probably not very stable conformation.
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
Also unless you looked at all the substances each step of the way under a microscope then you wouldn’t know.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
You cant see nano without electron scope UNTIL its forms much larger formations
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
So what is the diameter of the different structures? Virus, molecule, nabobot? Are they all about the same size?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
Wouldnt know what?
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
You wouldn’t know if there was nanoparticles/nanotechnology in it. I don’t think there is any other way to know except by looking at it under a microscope.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
Yes, I agree although they seem to admit at the same time if they say they monitor patients.
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
Except for spectroscopy to find metals
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
Were any of the substances produced in China?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
Oh, right. The cells do come from Chinese hamsters.......
Does that count?
Tiptriptrap - Jun 9
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Just takes One self assembling nano particle
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
The cell line are contaminated with..... hold on, it's not really contamination because it is a recurring part of the process to INCLUDE recombinant viruses into cell lines. The viruses are not filtered out so if the cell line has nano bits then they also would not be filetered out like the viruses. Im just guessing about the ability for nano bits to be persistent within the cell lines just like viruses but at this point it might be easier to convince people of cell lines contaminated with nano bits than of cell lines contaminated with human gamma retroviruses.
Christine Mealer - Jun 9
Christine Mealer
So are you saying that Enbrel is full of retroviruses?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
I don't know but all the cell lines for injectable used to manufacture vaccines ARE.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
I would like to see one of those plastic bag contents analyzed prior to the product being sorted for distribution into the syringes or the vials. I feel like that is the next step in troubleshooting.
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
Did the final product require mixing of more than one substance and put in the plastic bag?
I recently used a skin scope (not a microscope) and looked at tissue, napkins, paper towels, bandages, cotton balls, bread and found “microplastics” on all of that. They were blue, black and red “fibers.” You can’t see them with your naked eye. I can’t think of any reason those would be on there. They had to be put there deliberately. They were even in bread that was sourced from a local bakery.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
All that can be there because it has been SPRAYED in GEOENGINEERING PROGRAMS FOR DECADES likely everywhere. Air , soil , water ,food , plants, animals.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
The final product is just the recombinant protein mixed with Water For Injection in those same plastic blood bags.????? I think bags, syringes, needles, and glass vials need consideration.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Yes everything MUST BE CONSIDERED , anyone who would put this stuff in DENTAL ANESTHESIA and infant vaxxes will do anything and everything to accomplish their evil.
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
Water is contaminated
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
The grow media is a bag of animal guts that comes from somewhere else but now I'm wondering if the CHO cell line is contaminated like the other human injectable cell lines. They harbor all sorts of recombinant viruses why not nano bits too?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 8
The Pasco Rrupt
At that time all of the steel for the tanks and skids was sourced in the USA. the final injectable product prior to packaging is held in a plastic bag and I couldn't say where those were sourced nor where the needles come from, but yes I agree with your question, we have to get creative about looking for the source.
Jocelico - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Where did the "Raw Material" for your Bath (BPO) come from ?
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
I don't know. If you are talking about the bags of blood.... I didn't have to ever work with those.
me - Jun 9
In the "WATER FOR INJECTION" IS the n ano tech, I read from guru before detected.
Couple factories only, that,s why it is in every injectable, so far.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Go on, what???? Are you saying my theory about WFI leeching nano metals for assembly had merit?
me - Jun 10
No other explanation, other than needles themselves (more unlikely, as there are different factories, while only 2 or 3 in the world for WFI), I assume.
It,s In med pills, part of food supply: Grind and check with magnet
Reply (1) - Jun 8 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Jun 8 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
People in this group didn't get the "injection" but are affected ? To master body movement ? So this tech can (remotely) control people's movement ?
Tom - Jun 9 - Edited
quinn’s Substack
Yes. Afraid so. If you go to Sabrina Wallace's psinergy Odysee channel she explains how what has been injected is in fact billions of biosensors working as an operating system in conjunction with the biosensors all around us in our air, food, water etc (as the result of geoengineering aerosol spraying probably for the last 3 decades). This is very sophisticated military dual purpose technology that is being marketed commercially as a medical breakthrough (WBAN) connecting all life to "the cloud" already involving possibly millions of people in jobs in an industry already worth billions of $. In the wrong hands all along however it has been deployed as a bioweapon not only to track and trace but both cause and heal dis-ease potentially at the click of an app or keystroke on a computer within a "cybersecure" infrastructure.
quinn - Jun 9
quinn’s Substack
This is all true. That group where the commemt has been deleted is researching people who are aware of it inside them. There is a current that is pulsing through the bloodstream and the nervous system. It moves like a race car on a rally track and can be felt by standing and doing stretching on cold stone, doin stretches lifting the back of the legs up with lying on the stomach and other basic yoga poses such as stretching over the legs. There is a voice to akull that speaks words inside the human skull as if the persons own. The biosensors move as natural emotions or intuitive program
They mimic the human emotion then reprogram it into the body. It can't program real love
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Gulp! Love your nano bots!
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Yes see all my comments above , but its not to heal anything or anyone except maybe the controllers who want life extension from it. So we need someone 's inside smart enough to hack and destroy the operating system control.
quinn - Jun 9
quinn’s Substack
Yes, the nanotech is being programmed by a software program that attempt to be the person from within them
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
it needs to be hacked and destroyed, someone knows how to do this so for the sake of keeping real humans from extinction , long before we reach our potential , it MUST BE DONE.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
Love your nano bots! Happy nano bots!
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
WBAN and EMF and radio frequencies can because it has been sprayed everywhere movement, minds, emotions, behavior, soon the slaves wont even know they are slaves and completely controlled , how else do you think Klaus can say "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY AND EAT BUGS"
TOSHI’s Substack
Dr Ana
Thank you for the information that you provide us.
I am interested in the detox you provide. I live in Houston Texas. Would you recommend a place I can go to that you trust.
Thank you.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 8
Thomas’s Substack
WOW this is some new formations and images this is diabolical tech alteration of real human beings
Marianne Agnello - Jun 8
Marianne Agnello
When we consider that big pharma has caused Auto Imune diseases with vaccines!!! So all along they have been using humans as guinea pigs all along for their demented amusement and siphoning the money from humanity for their coffers
Ken MacPhee - Jun 8
Ken MacPhee
If the structures are sending out data, what frequencies are the data being sent out as and how are they being collected?
Duchess - Jun 8
I think maybe Sabrina Wallace on twitc tv gave us the frequency...
Kyle Young - Jun 8
the secular heretic
Your cell phone.
TheyLied - Jun 8
TheyLied Substack
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
Raise Public Awareness
Take Action
Kallie Miller - Jun 8
I am very grateful for the websiteTheylied.ca. I just inquired at Staples today on the cost of business cards. I have already downloaded the pdf. Stickers and magnetic strips will be ordered on Monday by telephone. TheTheylied.cawebsite is not good for online ordering at the moment. Many thanks to those who are responsible for this encyclopedia of information.
Antoine - Jun 8
Very helpful resources. I will share w the injured I encounter everyday.
Travis Christian Lau - Jun 9
The Pasco Rrupt
If the Chinese Hampster Ovarian cell line used to produce Enbrel is itself contaminated with nano structures.....
Marty - Jun 8
Nano Ordo Mundi
How sinister to target people with autoimmune diseases. Energy harvesting, for who, for what purpose ? Humanity is ruled and preyed upon by another species.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 9
Thomas’s Substack
Im fairly certain that is part of the story but has been for a long time what seems different is this extermination campaign and turning the real human in machines.
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
No words can express the awfulness of this. Injecting this stuff into people with autoimmune diseases and other medical conditions is just beyond the pale. 😡
Craig - Jun 8
Daniel Parks
No one held them down
Daniel Parks - Jun 9
Daniel Parks
You are perfect and I have something to inject you with for free and it will make you everything and all things you have ever dreamed of and did I say it is free?
Christine Mealer - Jun 8
Christine Mealer
The medication can be made without the nano in it. Also Type 1 Diabetics have no choice. They require insulin to live. I know a young man who got type 1 diabetes out of the blue and never had one immunization in his whole life.
Kyle Young - Jun 8
the secular heretic
Thank you for the links to the studies that back up the videos.
Good stuff.
Kathleen Pimentel - Jun 8
Kathleen Pimentel
Raptiva was taken off market because of incidents of correlation to get cancer.
Jocelico - Jun 9
I have been working for Wyeth then Pfizer then GSK and recently Haleon Pharmaceutical for close to 20 years. If I remember correctly, they were the makers of Enbrel and Centrum vitamins which contains Stearic Acid in powdered form.
Daniel Parks - Jun 9
Daniel Parks
Is there a professional lab capable of identifying biological human samples that traditional labs will not for C19 injected individuals?
Lou - Jun 8
Enbrel marketed as easy to deal with your own immune system attacking your own body. Turns out Enbrel has nanotech that jacks with your immune system which compounds diseases. Plus can cause cancer. Sounds like typical cabal fckrs!
JP Spatzier - Jun 8
JP Spatzier
Wolfe - Jun 12
Not sure if Dr Anna will see this. But have been an Anti Vaxxed since childhood. Raised by an old school Asian mother who believed that the body can heal itself.
My question is I had neck surgery and it failed since then received steroid injection in my spine. 1st felt great could move work etc. 2nd one next day aoat passed out at the store.
Rapic heartbeat. Now get winded easily can work. Been told have Myocarditis a long with bones, joints wanting to fuse. Given Embrel which I refuse. Has nanotechnology been found in steroids injections??
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