Excellent work Dr. Ana, this should be the main focus of EVERY Doctor and Scientist on the planet. Finding a way to save Humans from becoming BORGS seems like a good side hustle to me? The researchers' husband and wife team Hope and Tivon out of Morrocco used a EMP PULSE with some success in disabling the Nano Tech, you might want to take a gander here...... Intel Courtesy of your boy!!!!!.....Agent Midnight Rider.https://www.holistichealthonline.info/covid-vax-genocide/
I don’t even know why people are calling those bio weapons MRNA anything?! There’s no mRNA in any of this. Because mRNA is too delicate first of all and second of all, it is supposed to be kept at 80 Below Zero, which was the original narrative at the beginning of all these lies. then I guess they think everybody forgot about that? They were complaining that only certain facilities could do that and I’m sure when people were standing in some long line of cars in front of the CVS and sticking their arm out the window like a fool, there’s no mRNA or 80 below zero freezer on property there. 🙄 people need to start wising up and paying attention to what people say and what they don’t say because all that information was from a long time ago and it’s all false
La quinta or anyone else just suggest this. No one has any proof aliens created it. I have no idea why they keep making claims without evidence other than they think it's alien? Anyone?
Hello Karl.C: Heh... My guess is that the Universe is rather small to those who pound the "alien" drums. As if Earth is not immersed in the enormity of time and space... Ah well. Let the children enjoy their spooky fantasies...
I was thinking yesterday....Hannah Arendt's definition of "the political" as "the space of appearance" has been turned inside out. Anything that "appears" ...to the GAZE...on these scrimming mirrors become "the political". The less real, the more so.
The only problem with that is Dr. GREER already spilled the beans that they use. reverse engineered UAP's and even fake alien bodies or robots to conduct human abductions worldwide. he also testified to congress under oath under penalty of prison. you should check out his testimonyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrSAqOgBKEc
Appreciated. That's my take on it. Aliens are just a bit too much like "humans" for me to buy the tale. But I was shown decades ago, in a dream, when I was a complete atheist of "spaceship", that yes, the folks will line up to be taken aboard and "saved". the "spaceships"...uh, hey, my magic carpet!! not a ship! but airplanes are....were huge, elongated, rectangular while helicopters.
Notice the sudden preponderance of white vehicles that has come along with the "fires" of devastation? White repels all light, all inquiry. Evil evil evil.
What they speak off is known as loose theories based on corralating questionable sources. That is not what one calls evidence by any means at all. It certainly isn't proof in my eyes and I believe proof when it is provided. It has a strong psyop ring to it. It doesn't ring out proof of any kind by a factual and historical uses of proof. Surely you can see that. I was a huge follower of la quinta from the start, some of their stuff now has me completely pickled. They haven't proved all the structures in the vaccine yet, but they have had time to prove aliens invented it? My bs detector is blowing of atomicly. The fact they don't have any tangible proof and are inferring they do is always my first red flag. Never failed me once yet. If it were true the proof would replace the great show and attempt to use movies, stories, cultural relics and more to convince you. That's proof in its self that something is wrong. I smell a rat.
One tip, the BEST way to find out if something is true or not is to watch what GOOGLE and some other search engines try to HIDE. Try this experiment. Search [joseph moseh] ongoogle.com,bing.comduckduckgo.comand finallyyandex.com... next try the keyword. *Covid and Alien Technology" Google was a CIA MK ULTRA MIND control platform from DAY 1. Information Warfare has replaced conventional warfare, because without the RIGHT information you will always make the WRONG decision and if you don't believe me ask the 5 billion people who injected themselves with a BIO-WEAPON for a virus that doesn't exist.....Why use NUKES, when you can PSY-OP your enemies to kill themselves and you don't have to irradiate the planet and you get to steal all their nice and pretty things at the same time. GENIUS RAMONE!!!!.... intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Riderhttps://libya360.wordpress.com/2023/10/02/how-cia-and-nsa-created-google/
I understand your point, the problem with any alien claims is that there is no way to prove it, In the intelligence community we use several techniques to determine hard to prove theories one of them is triangulation. Where more than two parties make the same claim, and you seek the third. Rational being how could three people who are not connected make the same claim. Second one is Future proves past. This is where a whistleblower makes a claim that later in the future turns out to be true. The first person i heard of to make credible claims of alien life was navy intelligence officer William Cooper. One of his statements besides seeing huge aircraft craft carrier size UFOS coming out of the ocean while serving aboard submarines, He states that the movies ET and close encounters were based on real life events. He also told us the club of Rome would try to depopulate the world using a vaccine that attacks the immune system. He also predicted they would have a false flag and blame Osama bin Ladin 2 months before it happened. Two months later he was executed by the feds in his own yard. My other piece of the ALIEN triangle comes from Dr. Deagle and his 4-hour lecture on secret government programs from 2006. He accurately predicted nano tech in the vaccines and many more things. and recently D.R GREER repeated that close encounters was a real event. This is my blog on Aliens and Covid. for further research. The main reason i believe that aliens are doing this, is because they are terraforming the entire planet at once with nano tech. it's in the plant's food, water, animals, No way a human would do that to themselves and their own family. just my logic. let me know what you thinkhttps://redemperorcbd.com/covid-and-aliens/
Riccardo from La Quinta Columna is a bio statistician, not someone versed in what is 'alien' lol.. Rider has been on the pipe too much and believes in anything that gives him a rise, even if it's crackpot lunacy lol
I think aliens have something to do with the egyptians{the S+I] race. And the book of REVELATION we are in has something to do with the old testament again with symbolic spiritual revelations. SEE Johnathon Kleck.
J Santorelli, what do you think of people like Dr Peter McCullough...do you think he believes in the spike protein, or could he also be a fraud in all this? He has a vax protocol of nattokinase, bromelain, & curcumin. I ask because sadly, my 21 year old son, after a year of listening to me, decided to no longer listen to me, & in early 2022 he got two moderna jabs to get into a dumb concert. I’ve been treating him w/ McCullough’s protocol, but I’m hearing the docs who say no mRNA is found in the jabs. ??
I would say mccullough’s protocol is ‘healthy’ but not going to do the trick >in my opinion< since the clots being seen are rubbery. Typical blood thinners don’t resolve rubbery substances. They are good for my normal micro clotting I believe. High dose Liposomal vitamin-c, nac, liposomal gluthiothone, nitric oxide and definitely edta. If you do edta you must take minerals as well so the edta doesn’t rob your body of minerals. Btw…….dumb move shots for concerts. I don’t care if god was in concert. I’d have refrained from attending. That being said, I’m sure your son is young and doing some dumb moves BUT if he wants to live a nice life ongoing and go to future concerts, he better wake up and realize the world is a total shithole right now. You can let him read this too!! I also suggest routine bloodwork to ensure things aren’t going haywire inside. And obviously eat good and get rid of the junk food if he does all that. Read all labels in grocery stores carefully……..no vegetables with apeel!!! Call your grocer and ask if they sell any vegetables with apeel. Organic is still best or grow your own.
McCullough and other truther docs will not get near this news of nano and hydrogel. Are they complicit? Unaware? Instructed not to do so? Or $$$ ?
You choose.
But I understand that a doc with this info was at a meeting, stood up and starting talking about this and was hushed by one of these men.
The protocol they offer is helpful to some extent I believe.
I’m not a medical professional.
The Nitric Boost atInfoWarsstore.comis very good. The EDTA cream or suppositories you can get on Amazon. Make sure to take a mineral supplement with the EDTA.
Especially in third world countries where there is no control on many things... the word mrna was just a magic word for us fools to be able to think it is going to do the magic trick and to forget about the spike effect.
Attack the Message, not the Messenger, EMP has been known to disable ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, and since these NANO CREATURES are made out of metal it might be a good experiment, they are not the ONLY ones who reported using EMP devices to disable the Bluetooth signals coming from the bodies of the vaccinated.
Understood. Just warning of the snake oil salesman syndrome going on vastly. So many mixed messages, so much confusion as to what can possibly be done. I pray by the Grace of God we find something to stop this in its tracks!
ChristineT: If you study the opposition, you'll find the "Mixed Messages" are part of their strategy. Confusion multiplies the (controlling) effect of FEAR. Likewise, when you take the correct approach and Pray for God's Grace don't forget the next step: To listen for the answer! You'll find that process at work at many of the replies here, not to mention Dr Ana's exceptional work. Which is in a large part due to her personal encounter with the Red Dragon (Satan). The answers, protocols, strategies (etc) are coming through loud and clear - once we ask the Heavenly Father for help. Fear is the only thing that can block you from receiving the answers, so pray with confidence that we already KNOW how to stop this evil!
yeah, there are a LOT of those going on. like #AgentCOVIDcatLady. we have narrowed down some cures but need more testing. Hard to do when the entire environment is contaminated. You could detox today eat a hamburger tomorrow and be reinfected. see my test of meat at Walmart with a regular coin....https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kV0s9BKW9XIwtf does that tell you???
There's no end to "technology to deal with technology". No end of "war to deal with war".
Can anyone still deal with living on the earth as it was GIVEN? Or has living naturally within the limitations of the planet become too "low caste/class"?
So what did you actually find yourself? You found nothing, you did nothing, you know nothing. you're a groupie at best. You don't even own a microscope lol. please stop talking it's dangerous!
This is intel? wow you learned how to use google.. incredible work mate.. You're amazing lol Agent of idiocy and stroking your own ego. You certainly are a boy that's for sure.
Having had experience with other bioweapon-derived synbio organisms, it appears that a tiered multi pronged approach is required. For example, using EDTA (will rectal administration work?), with scalar wave frequencies, other light therapies (infra red?), ionic food baths, cell salts (homeopathic), enzymes, and removal of offending toxics (EMFs, pesticides, metals, etc.) might eliminate the technology. Somehow their biofield needs to be disrupted. If individuals were to meditate simultaneously and raise the collective frequency, that also might help. Thank you for your inspired work, Dr. Ana. 💕
Copper wire as well .....there are videos out and about showing how people have taken copper wire and wound it around plastic buckets to create an electrical circuit, then putting water with borax and other things in it to draw out all the technologies. The water turns slimy with all kinds of crap fairly quickly while the feet are in the bucket.
I think one should be very careful about that one Dr Kay, firstly coming from most homes would be dirty electricity, then your creating a very strong EMF field with dirty electricity, I know some very smart EE guys who told me they had heart issues from their exposure over the years, and their hearts could have real problems with those type devices Im working on something that would not have those issues.
I went an did this once, and noticed...how could I not? ...that what came out into the water was basically the rust on the coil. Technology is "magic" for humans, eh? Another religion.
Well.....the thing isn't plugged into electrical sockets and it doesn't use any current from the grid, from what I remember; the old dude was in a shack and I am pretty sure that he used some sort of a battery to run the charge through the coils. I completely get what you're saying about EMF; very harmful, and this is an acknowledged concern among the people who are into this kind of diy.
Dr Perro, I strongly concur with your multi-tiered approach. Everything (even alien technology <g>) has a resonant frequency that absorbs energy, so there IS a frequency that will disable or deactivate the SynBio, Organisms, Technology, Bioweapon, or whatever you want to call it. For starters, I would recommend 44 Hz, which will help block the Corpus Callosum "Gateway" where the demonic entities and government agencies get access to your mind. Dr Ana found it was at 4 Hz, and Dr Anthony Holland shows that 11x a frequency (such as cancer) is "The Antidote." So, start with 44 Hz as the first step in installing a Spiritual Firewall to your mind.
Next on your list of therapies, I would suggest Near Infrared Light frequency. That's based on the work of the Midwestern Doctor (Forgotten Side of Medicine), who has published some ground breaking work on the "Cell Danger Response," and how to exit and return to normal cellular function. Scalar Waves and Near Infrared Frequencies.
Meditation? Sure! It helps or enables you to reach the Higher Realms when you listen to certain types of music, such as EquiSynch's Theta (or Delta) Brainwave Entrainment. Dr Joe Dispenza also has some excellent meditations and methods to engage. There are of course a number of herbs that will help, but we'll save those for another discussion <g>.
What I'm getting the most success with doing Engineer Level Research: A multi-tiered approach using about 7 independent modalities. At the moment it is Sound Tones, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI-850), Pulsed Electromagnetic Field, Near Infrared, Rife Frequencies, Scalar Waves, and of course the best protocol of all - Prayer.
To go along with that daily regimen (and research), every few months I get an EDTA Chelation by IV, a Diflucan IV (fungus/sugar), a Myers Cocktail IV, and run through the full profile of POTS therapy (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) with an FSM machine, which is really good for CFS and Long COVID type of issues. Trust me, the Red Dragon and his team don't stand a chance!
Thank you for contributing your thoughts. There are some excellent suggestions and other research such as the iTeraCare Wand (Tanja), and the anti-nano particle triangle by Tony Pantalleresco. I have 'em both but found the Spooky2 Rife machine was much more effective.
(I have no commercial ties to anyone. Just doing self funded research...)
That's what I'd like to know. And does he see one doctor for all these treatments or 12 doctors all over the place? I think the rife machine is a few thousand alone.
I have mixed feelings about the rife machine and the triangle/bucket devices. Some people are saying any electric current will make the nanobots assemble faster and grow. The bots are lodged in brain and all body tissues, not just our blood and top layers of skin.
I have to thank you for solving a mystery of mine - no-one to date has explained to me. What you said above re: the frequency "multiplier" being x 11....that is why Dr Buttar has it as being his most significant number - and the logo of his collection of work. Cancer was a big issue of his practice. THANKYOU !!! now I know why he used it. I asked many times, and he was just about to tell us what the number's significance was for him.
I've suffered from Morgellons for several years. It developed shortly after I was censored across the internet for my 'stack, which I began writing here 3 years ago. About a year ago I began taking fulvic acid in the form of shilajit (which I get in bulk). I noticed an immediate improvement. About 8 months ago I began taking nattokinase. Several months later I had several significant eruptions culminating in the largest fiber growth ever. Since then my symptoms and eruptions have declined to almost nothing. I've maintained the shilajit and nattokinase to keep them at bay.
I'm thinking the combination of these two powerful biological elements may be working synergisticly to help break down the tech components and buff out the immune system.
A clean diet and getting plenty of sun (wide spectrum D) also helps.
Wow, Kyle, impressive results and glad to hear about your healing. I've been trying this enzyme for people, but do not have enough experience with it yet to know if it is truly beneficial. It does contain nattokinase:https://arthurandrew.com/products/neprinol.
That looks like an effective formula. I've never tried lumbrokinase but I've heard good things about it in this regard. Have you considered adding that to your protocol?
Thank you for the information Rob.
I'm censored on fb so I can't use it.
Do you have Morgellons?
I've not heard it called Pythiosis. Had to look that up. While there are similarities to Morgellons none of the sources I looked at talked about the fiber formation that I and others have experienced.
Those sources also talk about it being common in areas with standing, stagnant water - the southern US and tropical areas. I live the the desert of Arizona - no such conditions here.
I'd like to learn more about the perfusion index and how it relates to oximeters. Can you point me to some good sources?
Thanks to the complexities of individual biology and food combinations, the topic of nitrates and nitrites is complex.
Although my shilijit is the black kind and originates in the Himalayas, I get it in bulk (just got a half gallon) from a friend locally who has been selling it for many years.
Hello there, I like your thoughts on disrupting their bio field. In particular meditation to raise the collective frequency…as I am part of dr Buttar’s group where we do this weekly as a group manifestation to do this specifically. On 11th Nov we are planing to do a huge number 1100 ppl target - in honour of his memory. If interested see Aaron Grosskopf on DrB’s websiteclickview.comfor details. Oh and it really makes a noticeable difference to us/healing wise too.
Thanks, Koppykat! I cannot make it on the 11th because I'm traveling, but I will try. I do believe in the power of + collective frequencies, particularly in honor of Dr. Buttar. And that is my long-deceased dad's birthday, so I will try.
If I'm not mistaken, this self replicating Nano technology, looks very simular to the stuff of morggellons decease, which has been around quite a while, and one doctor, whilst viewing some of the technology under a microscope, got around to trying a couple of powerful magnets, which he brought together in a reverse magnitism configuration, so they repealed each other, and used this reverse magnitism force on the specimen on the slide, and it actually made it explode, splattered all over the lense of his microscope, he then went on to build a machine, a high powered DC voltage with a spark gap, so it could be pulsed In, and the two rows of Teslar coils, facing each other, Patient walks between, and gets hit with high powered DC pulsed voltage. High enoght to blow the very weak circuitry of the Nano technology up, but not the patient,
Anyway this machine was very effective, this was proven by taking blood samples from before and after treatment, but you can also just use two very powerful magnets, just bring them together to create a reverse magnitism force field, and run that all around the body,, I have two 600Kg fishing magnets, wrapped in socks for a bit of protection, from them slamming together if you make a mistake, but they have enoght power to penentrate the whole body,
It needs trying out on the injectables under a microscope.
But I'm preety sure them long fiberouse yellow clots, are the same stuff as part of the morggellons decease, which they had down to what was being sprayed on us from chemtrails,
I do hope this has been helpful in some way bye.
Right. But I’m asking about the actual placement of the mags on the body. For example, placing one mag under each calf. I am thinking maybe one pos and one neg. That is what I am after.
Yes, one side positive, the other negative, bring together and they will repel each other, use this force field, although the positive to positive can be used aswel, but is not as effective, but may have some applications so can't be ruled out.
I think you are correct on both points. I have read of exactly the effect of the magnets - as you described in blowing up the morg's. I recently read that the morgellons substance itself is intended as "the glue" between the nanotech components. Of course in some ppl it grows out of control to those massive clot structures. And I also recall when Mike Adams did same thing using acid? with a sample of the big fibrous clot - it too exploded.
You really need a microscope to know for sure, but I am taking the word of the doctor. who descovered that it worked, and who went on to build the machine with the Tesler coils, he had to move over the border from US into Mexico to administor treatment, they wouldn't let him do it in US, but he had plenty of customers, because it was working for the morgellons, and its the same NANO technology, whatever form it takes, it needs power and must have circuitry, and it makes sense that it could be overloaded and blown up, and the magnets are so simple, that anyone can use them, and they need to be using something to stop the Nano taking over the body, in so many different ways, that it's going to lead to desaster, especially when they turn up and change the frequency ranges, or the ariels, and then we have the Musk satalites, so even if the ariels were dismantled, we would still have them,,
Best if you blow it up in the body, or even before for food and drink that can be magnatised before consumption, and different size magnets can be used on wrist and ancles, just use stresch wristbands and put magnets on each side, for clearing blood, and use bigger one as I described for getting right into the body, probably better to be cautious at first, but I have used them for years and never had any real problems.
come to think of it, ppl have been generally doing this for decades that I can recall. Like you said, on their wrists and I even remember when a novel magnetic underlay came out for ppl to put on top of their mattress to sleep on this.
The sale of the iTeraCare TeraHerzt Wand in Canada has become illegal. A friend of mine sells the device and told me about this. Maybe it has an effect on nanotechnology. It would be great if someone could test whether it has an effect.
I'll try mine when I get a minute. I'll pull out the Wand and the Anti-Nano Triangle & Bucket I have from Tony P. They are all gathering dust now <g>. Some of the iTeraCare problems might be related to other issues. I paid over $400 for the first one I received (from Canada), and then found an identical machine for $13 on E-Bay. Lots of them for sale at the time. We'll see if it helps fight the NanoTech.
Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots: This Luciferase system is intended to power up the production of these nanobots! The light being emitted is at 450 nm (blue light) which is 666 Tera Hz!! I have never ever seen anything like this before!! BUT IT'S IN Vitaliano’s PATENT!
Read this in this article todayhttps://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/6g-engineered-to-be-powered-by-human?publication_id=1905845&post_id=138515531&isFreemail=
So we need to find a frequency that is strong enough to disrupt the signaling of then nanobots or cancel out their frequency, maybe a higher red light frequency?
If I'm not mistaken, the author of that article you sent a link to, the "Luceferase powers nanobots", was asked by someone from France if that terrahertz wand was okay for use. The man had obvious benefits from using it, and was keen on continuing with it The author however said that it wasn't good, and confirmed Sabrina Wallace's verdict that it was't good to use. Believe the science, it was said. But now that you mentioned that it had been banned in Canada plus the health benefits the man was observing, makes me think twice, and remind myself of the fact that the Powers to Be always play both sides.
So many of the researchers who contributed the most intel on the nanites (such as Staninger), they totally end up going off radar. Up until about 2018 or so, Staninger was posting on her YouTube channel and on blogtalk, but the majority of these key people (people who understood it from the Gulf Spill / Corexit put into the oceans, bays, etc. / the speakers Staninger would have regularly on her broadcasts) have gone off radar, disappeared from public postings, with the exception of Carnicom. Rense also did many important broadcasts with these individuals.
kaal-- Yes, Craig Venter was the key figure involved in the development of the COREXIT that was put into the water in connection with the Gulf spill. What was in COREXIT was a Beta iteration of the franken-synbio "nanobots", yes.
I plan to test this theory on blood specimens as well but utilizing the electromagnetic frequency from the P.R.I.S.M machine (similar to RIFE tech) and see if the change in the fequency of the air causes the cells and other particles in the blood to react differently. I haven't been able to afford one yet. Once I do I'll definitely be sharing it.
As a fellow morgie sufferer, I get the most releif in a faraday cage. The hard truth is all over the air frequency cell towers, smart meters and cell phones must be banned. The 2.45 gigahertz and above feed the slime nanobots growth. Recognizing that these nanobots are chemtrailed in the air, over time this creature will grow into a monster that will encompas the earth. Mold growth is also accelerated by wifi by 600%. Mold also creates fine wires in its body and is conductive. Mold also has a survival instinct and consciousness. Black molds role in the equilibrium of life is decomposition and death. If left to run amuk, over time, the two combined, nanobots and mold equal an uninhabitable earth. All efforts must be focused to stop the increased proliferation of 5g by the fcc and evil cia, and reverse the current dependency of wireless everything. Wisedom must prevail. The cell towers and satelites must come down. Its common sense.
Oh my god! A coherent comment!!! I must be hallucinating. Morgellon syndrome is *definitely* enhanced via electromagnetic broadcast. (Ask me how I know.) The idiots continue to buy cell phone subscriptions and saturate their environments with wi-fi. The enhancement of mold growth has been well documented for over a decade.
The introduction of multiplex radio signals in the late 1960's and the addition of pulsed digital broadcast in the late 1990's have reduced human cognitive skills by over 15% > as a conservative estimate. The results are obvious... Read the comments. Thank you Adrian.
Everything works on frequency. If someone can determine at which frequency (ies) these things operate at, it seems Rife machines could be used to destroy them?
Thanks but I wish I could afford to just buy the bucket and the triangle thing. I don't know anything about working with electricity. If I make a mistake I may electrocute myself.
This one looks more simplified. You can contact him personally for a complete bucket at $600.00 or just wire it yourself and get a laptop power supply and order the pulse controller from him for $95.
You need to use 500 ft of 14AWG insulated wire. Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
Have a few banana connector available to couple the wire to the pulse controller and power supply and you're good to go.
Check out the youtube:
and can contact him at his site:
Basic instructions on how to wire the bucket:
Link above contains the solution you need too.
I like the bigger bucket on the first video. Seems like your feet will be more comfortable in that one.
Good luck with it all.
I’m watching the video where he winds the wire around the bucket. Looks interesting, but pretty labor-intensive. Elsewhere I saw a picture of a triangle, wires covered by insulation, that was apparently used in the same or similar manner. Do you know anything about that? Thanks, and for the links .
This one looks more simplified. You can contact him personally for a complete bucket at $600.00 or just wire it yourself and get a laptop power supply and order the pulse controller from him for $95.
You need to use 500 ft of 14AWG insulated wire. Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
Have a few banana connector available to couple the wire to the pulse controller and power supply and you're good to go.
Check out the youtube:
and can contact him at his site:
Basic instructions on how to wire the bucket:
Link above contains the solution you need too.
I like the bigger bucket on the first video. Seems like your feet will be more comfortable in that one.
This one looks more simplified. You can contact him personally for a complete bucket at $600.00 or just wire it yourself and get a laptop power supply and order the pulse controller from him for $95.
You need to use 500 ft of 14AWG insulated wire. Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
Have a few banana connector available to couple the wire to the pulse controller and power supply and you're good to go.
Check out the youtube:
and can contact him at his site:
Basic instructions on how to wire the bucket:
Link above contains the solution you need too.
I like the bigger bucket on the first video. Seems like your feet will be more comfortable in that one.
Thanks! I was checking out the wire at the store and wondering how much wire I would need. Seems easy enough to make, and I have a laptop power supply, so all I’d need is a new bucket, clips and wire. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Make sure your laptop power supply is adequate
Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
and contact Steffan at the link for the pulse controller. 500ft of insulated 14 AWG will probably run about $130.00 and power supply $30, a bucket $10 and then the pulse controller is $95. 4 bannana connectors about $5.00 and probably a day to put it all together. I'm waiting for the pulse controller to arrive. Will post more later...
here's a video from Yannis showing what he's pulled out of bodies
I watched that previously, maybe I missed it but I see the wire, but no mention of the type of wire. Seems easy enough but not sure where and what to get for wire.
BTW 666 terahertz = 450.13882583 wavelength in nanometres... 450nm color wavelength is the color called Royal Blue. This is the color the undamaged roofs in Lahaina were painted in. The blue roofed houses did not burn and neither did blue T-shirts and blue trashcans and blue umbrellas. I since then call it Lucifer's Blue...
Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots: This Luciferase system is intended to power up the production of these nanobots! The light being emitted is at 450 nm (blue light) which is 666 Tera Hz!! I have never ever seen anything like this before!! BUT IT'S IN Vitaliano’s PATENT!
Read this in this article todayhttps://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/6g-engineered-to-be-powered-by-human?publication_id=1905845&post_id=138515531&isFreemail=
Thnx for yr research, great finding about quantum scalar wave. Wondering if you can look at Iteracare, a more affordable product for people. It's suppose to work in the same frequency as our healthy cells and anything that's below it gets blasted away..And from testimonies in Facebook sources, many seems to benefit from it..
Also can you test on chlorine dioxide and hypochlorous acid? Thanks.
The Nuremberg Code Society ■ Today is November 3, 2023 and amazingly there is
still only one place where people can go to put
their hands a copy of the Nuremberg Code.
That's "The Nuremberg Code: 75th Anniversary
Commemorative Edition" with commentary by
Holocaust survivor, historian, and activist
Vera Sharav, available in both print and electronic
form at Amazon here:https://rb.gy/9qjc01
* Important news from America
A judge has agreed to hear a legal case
against a hospital, doctors, nurses, and
other medical staff who murdered a
disabled young woman under the cover
of "COVID protocols".
This is a major legal breakthrough for
all of us who'd like to see ALL the
medical murders that took place
under cover of COVID in the US and
around the world brought to trial.
Here is the press release from the plaintiff,
her father.
In front of a packed crowd this Monday in Appleton, WI’s Outagamie County Circuit Courthouse, our landmark wrongful death lawsuit Schara v. Ascension et al. (Case Number 2023CV000345) prevailed over one final attempt by the defense at dismissal—securing a first-of-its-kind jury trial set to redefine the impact of intent in medical death cases.
“Our case simply surviving today should send shockwaves across the nation, because we showed how to pierce the medical malpractice veil with a legal brief. Winning this claim will create a tidal wave—and a game-changing legal precedent.” — Scott Schara
As it speeds toward trial, our legal battle has now become a case of national—and increasingly political—importance. Click here to read the complete press release on this week’s crucial courtroom victory.
Click this link to download a PDF of the full Plaintiff’s Brief in Opposition, which secured our chance to win a breakthrough precedent at our upcoming November 2024 jury trial.
Your continued support has been critical to get us this far. Now the real work begins.
God keeps leading the way! To Him be all the glory!
If you’d like to schedule an interview with Scott, please contact him via email atscott@ouramazinggrace.net.
- The Nuremberg Code Society
I have read about the use of electro magnetism against the nanotechnology. Has anyone else read about this? I have read that a man from Canada developed a triangular shaped electro magnet device that uses about 19 v DC and pulsed to establish electromagnetic fields. This he claims has been successful in deactivating the nanotechnology so it can be expelled from the body. Others have replicated these devices and used these with positive results. We should be looking at every possible method. Dr. Ana mentions that Rife frequencies can not affect the hydrogels. But can those frequencies help to remove heavy metals? If so then this could be a therapy in addition to EDTA chelation and other chelation methods.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Excellent work Dr. Ana, this should be the main focus of EVERY Doctor and Scientist on the planet. Finding a way to save Humans from becoming BORGS seems like a good side hustle to me? The researchers' husband and wife team Hope and Tivon out of Morrocco used a EMP PULSE with some success in disabling the Nano Tech, you might want to take a gander here...... Intel Courtesy of your boy!!!!!.....Agent Midnight Rider.https://www.holistichealthonline.info/covid-vax-genocide/
John - Nov 3, 2023
J’s Substack
I don’t even know why people are calling those bio weapons MRNA anything?! There’s no mRNA in any of this. Because mRNA is too delicate first of all and second of all, it is supposed to be kept at 80 Below Zero, which was the original narrative at the beginning of all these lies. then I guess they think everybody forgot about that? They were complaining that only certain facilities could do that and I’m sure when people were standing in some long line of cars in front of the CVS and sticking their arm out the window like a fool, there’s no mRNA or 80 below zero freezer on property there. 🙄 people need to start wising up and paying attention to what people say and what they don’t say because all that information was from a long time ago and it’s all false
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 3, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Its ALIEN technology see. highly respected research group La Quinta Columna tell you EXACTLY Where it comes from. I CONCUR.....https://truthcomestolight.com/they-are-introducing-nanotechnology-into-all-sorts-of-injectable-products/
Karl.C - Nov 4, 2023
Karl.C’s Substack
La quinta or anyone else just suggest this. No one has any proof aliens created it. I have no idea why they keep making claims without evidence other than they think it's alien? Anyone?
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 4, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Karl.C: Heh... My guess is that the Universe is rather small to those who pound the "alien" drums. As if Earth is not immersed in the enormity of time and space... Ah well. Let the children enjoy their spooky fantasies...
Un-silent - Nov 4, 2023
In this case, I think it is more like interdimensional helpers not little green men.
kaal - Nov 4, 2023
the helpers part is the delusion. not the demonic part.
Un-silent - Nov 5, 2023
No delusion, the demons help to get rid of us.
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
They have an "alien invasion" op planned. The next popular "horror movie", to entertain the plebes.
Karl.C - Nov 4, 2023
Karl.C’s Substack
Yep the distractions run deep
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
I was thinking yesterday....Hannah Arendt's definition of "the political" as "the space of appearance" has been turned inside out. Anything that "appears" ...to the GAZE...on these scrimming mirrors become "the political". The less real, the more so.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 4, 2023
Agent’s Substack
The only problem with that is Dr. GREER already spilled the beans that they use. reverse engineered UAP's and even fake alien bodies or robots to conduct human abductions worldwide. he also testified to congress under oath under penalty of prison. you should check out his testimonyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrSAqOgBKEc
RALOS - Nov 18, 2023
No he didn't.. he crapped on with new age woo woo and bs. Bet you can't explain any of it in your own words! Go for it sister lol
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Appreciated. That's my take on it. Aliens are just a bit too much like "humans" for me to buy the tale. But I was shown decades ago, in a dream, when I was a complete atheist of "spaceship", that yes, the folks will line up to be taken aboard and "saved". the "spaceships"...uh, hey, my magic carpet!! not a ship! but airplanes are....were huge, elongated, rectangular while helicopters.
Notice the sudden preponderance of white vehicles that has come along with the "fires" of devastation? White repels all light, all inquiry. Evil evil evil.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 4, 2023
Agent’s Substack
you want evidence??? I THINK they heard that. take a gander,
Karl.C - Nov 4, 2023
Karl.C’s Substack
What they speak off is known as loose theories based on corralating questionable sources. That is not what one calls evidence by any means at all. It certainly isn't proof in my eyes and I believe proof when it is provided. It has a strong psyop ring to it. It doesn't ring out proof of any kind by a factual and historical uses of proof. Surely you can see that. I was a huge follower of la quinta from the start, some of their stuff now has me completely pickled. They haven't proved all the structures in the vaccine yet, but they have had time to prove aliens invented it? My bs detector is blowing of atomicly. The fact they don't have any tangible proof and are inferring they do is always my first red flag. Never failed me once yet. If it were true the proof would replace the great show and attempt to use movies, stories, cultural relics and more to convince you. That's proof in its self that something is wrong. I smell a rat.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 4, 2023
Agent’s Substack
One tip, the BEST way to find out if something is true or not is to watch what GOOGLE and some other search engines try to HIDE. Try this experiment. Search [joseph moseh] ongoogle.com,bing.comduckduckgo.comand finallyyandex.com... next try the keyword. *Covid and Alien Technology" Google was a CIA MK ULTRA MIND control platform from DAY 1. Information Warfare has replaced conventional warfare, because without the RIGHT information you will always make the WRONG decision and if you don't believe me ask the 5 billion people who injected themselves with a BIO-WEAPON for a virus that doesn't exist.....Why use NUKES, when you can PSY-OP your enemies to kill themselves and you don't have to irradiate the planet and you get to steal all their nice and pretty things at the same time. GENIUS RAMONE!!!!.... intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Riderhttps://libya360.wordpress.com/2023/10/02/how-cia-and-nsa-created-google/
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 4, 2023
Agent’s Substack
I understand your point, the problem with any alien claims is that there is no way to prove it, In the intelligence community we use several techniques to determine hard to prove theories one of them is triangulation. Where more than two parties make the same claim, and you seek the third. Rational being how could three people who are not connected make the same claim. Second one is Future proves past. This is where a whistleblower makes a claim that later in the future turns out to be true. The first person i heard of to make credible claims of alien life was navy intelligence officer William Cooper. One of his statements besides seeing huge aircraft craft carrier size UFOS coming out of the ocean while serving aboard submarines, He states that the movies ET and close encounters were based on real life events. He also told us the club of Rome would try to depopulate the world using a vaccine that attacks the immune system. He also predicted they would have a false flag and blame Osama bin Ladin 2 months before it happened. Two months later he was executed by the feds in his own yard. My other piece of the ALIEN triangle comes from Dr. Deagle and his 4-hour lecture on secret government programs from 2006. He accurately predicted nano tech in the vaccines and many more things. and recently D.R GREER repeated that close encounters was a real event. This is my blog on Aliens and Covid. for further research. The main reason i believe that aliens are doing this, is because they are terraforming the entire planet at once with nano tech. it's in the plant's food, water, animals, No way a human would do that to themselves and their own family. just my logic. let me know what you thinkhttps://redemperorcbd.com/covid-and-aliens/
RALOS - Nov 18, 2023
Riccardo from La Quinta Columna is a bio statistician, not someone versed in what is 'alien' lol.. Rider has been on the pipe too much and believes in anything that gives him a rise, even if it's crackpot lunacy lol
kaal - Nov 4, 2023
I think aliens have something to do with the egyptians{the S+I] race. And the book of REVELATION we are in has something to do with the old testament again with symbolic spiritual revelations. SEE Johnathon Kleck.
kaal - Nov 4, 2023
serp and inse race
Thomas Guitarman - Nov 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I think so as well
Monica M - Nov 3, 2023
J’s Substack
J Santorelli, what do you think of people like Dr Peter McCullough...do you think he believes in the spike protein, or could he also be a fraud in all this? He has a vax protocol of nattokinase, bromelain, & curcumin. I ask because sadly, my 21 year old son, after a year of listening to me, decided to no longer listen to me, & in early 2022 he got two moderna jabs to get into a dumb concert. I’ve been treating him w/ McCullough’s protocol, but I’m hearing the docs who say no mRNA is found in the jabs. ??
John - Nov 3, 2023
J’s Substack
I would say mccullough’s protocol is ‘healthy’ but not going to do the trick >in my opinion< since the clots being seen are rubbery. Typical blood thinners don’t resolve rubbery substances. They are good for my normal micro clotting I believe. High dose Liposomal vitamin-c, nac, liposomal gluthiothone, nitric oxide and definitely edta. If you do edta you must take minerals as well so the edta doesn’t rob your body of minerals. Btw…….dumb move shots for concerts. I don’t care if god was in concert. I’d have refrained from attending. That being said, I’m sure your son is young and doing some dumb moves BUT if he wants to live a nice life ongoing and go to future concerts, he better wake up and realize the world is a total shithole right now. You can let him read this too!! I also suggest routine bloodwork to ensure things aren’t going haywire inside. And obviously eat good and get rid of the junk food if he does all that. Read all labels in grocery stores carefully……..no vegetables with apeel!!! Call your grocer and ask if they sell any vegetables with apeel. Organic is still best or grow your own.
Carol B - Nov 5, 2023
Carol B
McCullough and other truther docs will not get near this news of nano and hydrogel. Are they complicit? Unaware? Instructed not to do so? Or $$$ ?
You choose.
But I understand that a doc with this info was at a meeting, stood up and starting talking about this and was hushed by one of these men.
The protocol they offer is helpful to some extent I believe.
I’m not a medical professional.
Monica M - Nov 4, 2023
J’s Substack
John S, thank you. 🙏🏻
Monica M - Nov 4, 2023
J’s Substack
Or John. John S?? Whichever one is right. Thank you.
John - Nov 5, 2023
J’s Substack
Both! Lol
Seeking Truth - Nov 4, 2023
Seeking Truth
what kind of edta? and nitric oxide?
Un-silent - Nov 4, 2023
The Nitric Boost atInfoWarsstore.comis very good. The EDTA cream or suppositories you can get on Amazon. Make sure to take a mineral supplement with the EDTA.
John - Nov 3, 2023
J’s Substack
My local integrative physician uses bromelain he told me. I’ll have to ask him what that’s supposed to do.
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
It's from pineapple skin, and it's both for digestion and along with turmeric, to reduce inflammtion.
bio terry - Nov 4, 2023
Especially in third world countries where there is no control on many things... the word mrna was just a magic word for us fools to be able to think it is going to do the magic trick and to forget about the spike effect.
Christine T - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
They’re always trying to sell some miracle cure/detox.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Attack the Message, not the Messenger, EMP has been known to disable ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, and since these NANO CREATURES are made out of metal it might be a good experiment, they are not the ONLY ones who reported using EMP devices to disable the Bluetooth signals coming from the bodies of the vaccinated.
Christine T - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Understood. Just warning of the snake oil salesman syndrome going on vastly. So many mixed messages, so much confusion as to what can possibly be done. I pray by the Grace of God we find something to stop this in its tracks!
RBI - Nov 3, 2023
ChristineT: If you study the opposition, you'll find the "Mixed Messages" are part of their strategy. Confusion multiplies the (controlling) effect of FEAR. Likewise, when you take the correct approach and Pray for God's Grace don't forget the next step: To listen for the answer! You'll find that process at work at many of the replies here, not to mention Dr Ana's exceptional work. Which is in a large part due to her personal encounter with the Red Dragon (Satan). The answers, protocols, strategies (etc) are coming through loud and clear - once we ask the Heavenly Father for help. Fear is the only thing that can block you from receiving the answers, so pray with confidence that we already KNOW how to stop this evil!
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
yeah, there are a LOT of those going on. like #AgentCOVIDcatLady. we have narrowed down some cures but need more testing. Hard to do when the entire environment is contaminated. You could detox today eat a hamburger tomorrow and be reinfected. see my test of meat at Walmart with a regular coin....https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kV0s9BKW9XIwtf does that tell you???
RALOS - Nov 18, 2023 - Edited
LOL you cannot be this daft bro? You don't know about plastic and electrostatic cling? I guess not..
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
There's no end to "technology to deal with technology". No end of "war to deal with war".
Can anyone still deal with living on the earth as it was GIVEN? Or has living naturally within the limitations of the planet become too "low caste/class"?
Dr. Heith Root - Nov 3, 2023
Dr. Root’s Newsletter
That’s amazing. Definitely looks like a worthwhile side hustle. What frequency/type/waveform of pulsed EMP seems to work?
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Whatever is claimed, of course.
RALOS - Nov 18, 2023
So what did you actually find yourself? You found nothing, you did nothing, you know nothing. you're a groupie at best. You don't even own a microscope lol. please stop talking it's dangerous!
This is intel? wow you learned how to use google.. incredible work mate.. You're amazing lol Agent of idiocy and stroking your own ego. You certainly are a boy that's for sure.
Thomas Guitarman - Nov 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Excellent thanks
Michelle Perro, MD - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Having had experience with other bioweapon-derived synbio organisms, it appears that a tiered multi pronged approach is required. For example, using EDTA (will rectal administration work?), with scalar wave frequencies, other light therapies (infra red?), ionic food baths, cell salts (homeopathic), enzymes, and removal of offending toxics (EMFs, pesticides, metals, etc.) might eliminate the technology. Somehow their biofield needs to be disrupted. If individuals were to meditate simultaneously and raise the collective frequency, that also might help. Thank you for your inspired work, Dr. Ana. 💕
Dr Kay - Nov 3, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Copper wire as well .....there are videos out and about showing how people have taken copper wire and wound it around plastic buckets to create an electrical circuit, then putting water with borax and other things in it to draw out all the technologies. The water turns slimy with all kinds of crap fairly quickly while the feet are in the bucket.
Thomas Guitarman - Nov 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I think one should be very careful about that one Dr Kay, firstly coming from most homes would be dirty electricity, then your creating a very strong EMF field with dirty electricity, I know some very smart EE guys who told me they had heart issues from their exposure over the years, and their hearts could have real problems with those type devices Im working on something that would not have those issues.
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
I went an did this once, and noticed...how could I not? ...that what came out into the water was basically the rust on the coil. Technology is "magic" for humans, eh? Another religion.
Dr Kay - Nov 4, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Well.....the thing isn't plugged into electrical sockets and it doesn't use any current from the grid, from what I remember; the old dude was in a shack and I am pretty sure that he used some sort of a battery to run the charge through the coils. I completely get what you're saying about EMF; very harmful, and this is an acknowledged concern among the people who are into this kind of diy.
John A George - Nov 3, 2023
I've seen those videos as well!
RBI - Nov 3, 2023
Dr Perro, I strongly concur with your multi-tiered approach. Everything (even alien technology <g>) has a resonant frequency that absorbs energy, so there IS a frequency that will disable or deactivate the SynBio, Organisms, Technology, Bioweapon, or whatever you want to call it. For starters, I would recommend 44 Hz, which will help block the Corpus Callosum "Gateway" where the demonic entities and government agencies get access to your mind. Dr Ana found it was at 4 Hz, and Dr Anthony Holland shows that 11x a frequency (such as cancer) is "The Antidote." So, start with 44 Hz as the first step in installing a Spiritual Firewall to your mind.
Next on your list of therapies, I would suggest Near Infrared Light frequency. That's based on the work of the Midwestern Doctor (Forgotten Side of Medicine), who has published some ground breaking work on the "Cell Danger Response," and how to exit and return to normal cellular function. Scalar Waves and Near Infrared Frequencies.
Meditation? Sure! It helps or enables you to reach the Higher Realms when you listen to certain types of music, such as EquiSynch's Theta (or Delta) Brainwave Entrainment. Dr Joe Dispenza also has some excellent meditations and methods to engage. There are of course a number of herbs that will help, but we'll save those for another discussion <g>.
What I'm getting the most success with doing Engineer Level Research: A multi-tiered approach using about 7 independent modalities. At the moment it is Sound Tones, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI-850), Pulsed Electromagnetic Field, Near Infrared, Rife Frequencies, Scalar Waves, and of course the best protocol of all - Prayer.
To go along with that daily regimen (and research), every few months I get an EDTA Chelation by IV, a Diflucan IV (fungus/sugar), a Myers Cocktail IV, and run through the full profile of POTS therapy (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) with an FSM machine, which is really good for CFS and Long COVID type of issues. Trust me, the Red Dragon and his team don't stand a chance!
Thank you for contributing your thoughts. There are some excellent suggestions and other research such as the iTeraCare Wand (Tanja), and the anti-nano particle triangle by Tony Pantalleresco. I have 'em both but found the Spooky2 Rife machine was much more effective.
(I have no commercial ties to anyone. Just doing self funded research...)
Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
How much money do all those treatments require, by the way?
curious butterfly - Nov 4, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
That's what I'd like to know. And does he see one doctor for all these treatments or 12 doctors all over the place? I think the rife machine is a few thousand alone.
Reply (1) - Nov 17, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Comment removed.
curious butterfly - Nov 17, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
I have mixed feelings about the rife machine and the triangle/bucket devices. Some people are saying any electric current will make the nanobots assemble faster and grow. The bots are lodged in brain and all body tissues, not just our blood and top layers of skin.
Michelle Perro, MD - Nov 3, 2023
I appreciate your thorough, and clearly researched response! Thank you.
Thomas Guitarman - Nov 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Please contact me I would like to share ideas of mine as well and what we are working on
koppykat - Nov 17, 2023
I have to thank you for solving a mystery of mine - no-one to date has explained to me. What you said above re: the frequency "multiplier" being x 11....that is why Dr Buttar has it as being his most significant number - and the logo of his collection of work. Cancer was a big issue of his practice. THANKYOU !!! now I know why he used it. I asked many times, and he was just about to tell us what the number's significance was for him.
kaal - Nov 3, 2023
there was a guy who explained the frequency of ufo's but i forget who / what it was.
Kyle Young - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
the secular heretic
I've suffered from Morgellons for several years. It developed shortly after I was censored across the internet for my 'stack, which I began writing here 3 years ago. About a year ago I began taking fulvic acid in the form of shilajit (which I get in bulk). I noticed an immediate improvement. About 8 months ago I began taking nattokinase. Several months later I had several significant eruptions culminating in the largest fiber growth ever. Since then my symptoms and eruptions have declined to almost nothing. I've maintained the shilajit and nattokinase to keep them at bay.
I'm thinking the combination of these two powerful biological elements may be working synergisticly to help break down the tech components and buff out the immune system.
A clean diet and getting plenty of sun (wide spectrum D) also helps.
Michelle Perro, MD - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
the secular heretic
Wow, Kyle, impressive results and glad to hear about your healing. I've been trying this enzyme for people, but do not have enough experience with it yet to know if it is truly beneficial. It does contain nattokinase:https://arthurandrew.com/products/neprinol.
Kyle Young - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited
the secular heretic
That looks like an effective formula. I've never tried lumbrokinase but I've heard good things about it in this regard. Have you considered adding that to your protocol?
Reply (1) - Nov 17, 2023
the secular heretic
Comment removed.
Kyle Young - Nov 17, 2023
the secular heretic
Thank you for the information Rob.
I'm censored on fb so I can't use it.
Do you have Morgellons?
I've not heard it called Pythiosis. Had to look that up. While there are similarities to Morgellons none of the sources I looked at talked about the fiber formation that I and others have experienced.
Those sources also talk about it being common in areas with standing, stagnant water - the southern US and tropical areas. I live the the desert of Arizona - no such conditions here.
I'd like to learn more about the perfusion index and how it relates to oximeters. Can you point me to some good sources?
Thanks to the complexities of individual biology and food combinations, the topic of nitrates and nitrites is complex.
Although my shilijit is the black kind and originates in the Himalayas, I get it in bulk (just got a half gallon) from a friend locally who has been selling it for many years.
Margie Chism - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Agreed. ■ Prayers continuously. M
koppykat - Nov 5, 2023
Hello there, I like your thoughts on disrupting their bio field. In particular meditation to raise the collective frequency…as I am part of dr Buttar’s group where we do this weekly as a group manifestation to do this specifically. On 11th Nov we are planing to do a huge number 1100 ppl target - in honour of his memory. If interested see Aaron Grosskopf on DrB’s websiteclickview.comfor details. Oh and it really makes a noticeable difference to us/healing wise too.
koppykat - Nov 5, 2023
This was to Dr Michelle Perro
Michelle Perro, MD - Nov 7, 2023
Thanks, Koppykat! I cannot make it on the 11th because I'm traveling, but I will try. I do believe in the power of + collective frequencies, particularly in honor of Dr. Buttar. And that is my long-deceased dad's birthday, so I will try.
PURUSHA - Nov 3, 2023
Tony’s Substack
If I'm not mistaken, this self replicating Nano technology, looks very simular to the stuff of morggellons decease, which has been around quite a while, and one doctor, whilst viewing some of the technology under a microscope, got around to trying a couple of powerful magnets, which he brought together in a reverse magnitism configuration, so they repealed each other, and used this reverse magnitism force on the specimen on the slide, and it actually made it explode, splattered all over the lense of his microscope, he then went on to build a machine, a high powered DC voltage with a spark gap, so it could be pulsed In, and the two rows of Teslar coils, facing each other, Patient walks between, and gets hit with high powered DC pulsed voltage. High enoght to blow the very weak circuitry of the Nano technology up, but not the patient,
Anyway this machine was very effective, this was proven by taking blood samples from before and after treatment, but you can also just use two very powerful magnets, just bring them together to create a reverse magnitism force field, and run that all around the body,, I have two 600Kg fishing magnets, wrapped in socks for a bit of protection, from them slamming together if you make a mistake, but they have enoght power to penentrate the whole body,
It needs trying out on the injectables under a microscope.
But I'm preety sure them long fiberouse yellow clots, are the same stuff as part of the morggellons decease, which they had down to what was being sprayed on us from chemtrails,
I do hope this has been helpful in some way bye.
eyes open - Nov 3, 2023
eyes open
What do you mean by “reverse” magnetism field? You mean placing one on positive and one on negative?
Mike H - Nov 3, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
If you flip magnets in the right direction they will push against each other instead of attract each other.
eyes open - Nov 3, 2023
eyes open
Right. But I’m asking about the actual placement of the mags on the body. For example, placing one mag under each calf. I am thinking maybe one pos and one neg. That is what I am after.
PURUSHA - Nov 4, 2023
Tony’s Substack
Yes, one side positive, the other negative, bring together and they will repel each other, use this force field, although the positive to positive can be used aswel, but is not as effective, but may have some applications so can't be ruled out.
eyes open - Nov 4, 2023
eyes open
Thanks. I think the magnets approach is worth pursuing and appreciate your insights.
curious butterfly - Nov 4, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Fascinating idea with the magnets. How far away do you hold them from the body and for how long? Would something like this be powerful enough if you are kind of skinny?https://www.amazon.com/Fishing-1000LBS-Double-Sided-Neodymium-Protective/dp/B07TW4QQ52
koppykat - Nov 17, 2023
I think you are correct on both points. I have read of exactly the effect of the magnets - as you described in blowing up the morg's. I recently read that the morgellons substance itself is intended as "the glue" between the nanotech components. Of course in some ppl it grows out of control to those massive clot structures. And I also recall when Mike Adams did same thing using acid? with a sample of the big fibrous clot - it too exploded.
PURUSHA - Nov 17, 2023
Tony’s Substack
You really need a microscope to know for sure, but I am taking the word of the doctor. who descovered that it worked, and who went on to build the machine with the Tesler coils, he had to move over the border from US into Mexico to administor treatment, they wouldn't let him do it in US, but he had plenty of customers, because it was working for the morgellons, and its the same NANO technology, whatever form it takes, it needs power and must have circuitry, and it makes sense that it could be overloaded and blown up, and the magnets are so simple, that anyone can use them, and they need to be using something to stop the Nano taking over the body, in so many different ways, that it's going to lead to desaster, especially when they turn up and change the frequency ranges, or the ariels, and then we have the Musk satalites, so even if the ariels were dismantled, we would still have them,,
Best if you blow it up in the body, or even before for food and drink that can be magnatised before consumption, and different size magnets can be used on wrist and ancles, just use stresch wristbands and put magnets on each side, for clearing blood, and use bigger one as I described for getting right into the body, probably better to be cautious at first, but I have used them for years and never had any real problems.
koppykat - Nov 22, 2023
come to think of it, ppl have been generally doing this for decades that I can recall. Like you said, on their wrists and I even remember when a novel magnetic underlay came out for ppl to put on top of their mattress to sleep on this.
PURUSHA - Nov 22, 2023
Tony’s Substack
Yes and there is Cody's kitchen on YouTube, check out my other post. He has a couple of good magnetic devices.
tanja bauer - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
The sale of the iTeraCare TeraHerzt Wand in Canada has become illegal. A friend of mine sells the device and told me about this. Maybe it has an effect on nanotechnology. It would be great if someone could test whether it has an effect.
RBI - Nov 3, 2023
I'll try mine when I get a minute. I'll pull out the Wand and the Anti-Nano Triangle & Bucket I have from Tony P. They are all gathering dust now <g>. Some of the iTeraCare problems might be related to other issues. I paid over $400 for the first one I received (from Canada), and then found an identical machine for $13 on E-Bay. Lots of them for sale at the time. We'll see if it helps fight the NanoTech.
tanja bauer - Nov 3, 2023
Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots: This Luciferase system is intended to power up the production of these nanobots! The light being emitted is at 450 nm (blue light) which is 666 Tera Hz!! I have never ever seen anything like this before!! BUT IT'S IN Vitaliano’s PATENT!
Read this in this article todayhttps://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/6g-engineered-to-be-powered-by-human?publication_id=1905845&post_id=138515531&isFreemail=
So we need to find a frequency that is strong enough to disrupt the signaling of then nanobots or cancel out their frequency, maybe a higher red light frequency?
tanja bauer - Apr 2
532 nm Green Diode Laser with 4D Sacred Geometry destroys Quantum Dots!!!
You get laser here:https://www.elfet.org/pain-relief/
John A George - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
I have one (US) and love it.
Antoine - Nov 3, 2023
what do use it for?
John A George - Nov 3, 2023
Helps a lot with my back, also do the general treatment, also energize water with it.
koppykat - Nov 17, 2023
like the snake
Janna - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited
If I'm not mistaken, the author of that article you sent a link to, the "Luceferase powers nanobots", was asked by someone from France if that terrahertz wand was okay for use. The man had obvious benefits from using it, and was keen on continuing with it The author however said that it wasn't good, and confirmed Sabrina Wallace's verdict that it was't good to use. Believe the science, it was said. But now that you mentioned that it had been banned in Canada plus the health benefits the man was observing, makes me think twice, and remind myself of the fact that the Powers to Be always play both sides.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
So many of the researchers who contributed the most intel on the nanites (such as Staninger), they totally end up going off radar. Up until about 2018 or so, Staninger was posting on her YouTube channel and on blogtalk, but the majority of these key people (people who understood it from the Gulf Spill / Corexit put into the oceans, bays, etc. / the speakers Staninger would have regularly on her broadcasts) have gone off radar, disappeared from public postings, with the exception of Carnicom. Rense also did many important broadcasts with these individuals.
kaal - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
craig venter?
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
kaal-- Yes, Craig Venter was the key figure involved in the development of the COREXIT that was put into the water in connection with the Gulf spill. What was in COREXIT was a Beta iteration of the franken-synbio "nanobots", yes.
Christine T - Nov 3, 2023
Holy mother of god...
kaal - Nov 3, 2023
Comment removed.
kaal - Nov 4, 2023
limited info wiki
Thomas Guitarman - Nov 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
oH MY what a nightmare
Rogue Researcher - Nov 3, 2023
The Truth Awaits
I plan to test this theory on blood specimens as well but utilizing the electromagnetic frequency from the P.R.I.S.M machine (similar to RIFE tech) and see if the change in the fequency of the air causes the cells and other particles in the blood to react differently. I haven't been able to afford one yet. Once I do I'll definitely be sharing it.
Adrian - Nov 4, 2023
As a fellow morgie sufferer, I get the most releif in a faraday cage. The hard truth is all over the air frequency cell towers, smart meters and cell phones must be banned. The 2.45 gigahertz and above feed the slime nanobots growth. Recognizing that these nanobots are chemtrailed in the air, over time this creature will grow into a monster that will encompas the earth. Mold growth is also accelerated by wifi by 600%. Mold also creates fine wires in its body and is conductive. Mold also has a survival instinct and consciousness. Black molds role in the equilibrium of life is decomposition and death. If left to run amuk, over time, the two combined, nanobots and mold equal an uninhabitable earth. All efforts must be focused to stop the increased proliferation of 5g by the fcc and evil cia, and reverse the current dependency of wireless everything. Wisedom must prevail. The cell towers and satelites must come down. Its common sense.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 4, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Oh my god! A coherent comment!!! I must be hallucinating. Morgellon syndrome is *definitely* enhanced via electromagnetic broadcast. (Ask me how I know.) The idiots continue to buy cell phone subscriptions and saturate their environments with wi-fi. The enhancement of mold growth has been well documented for over a decade.
The introduction of multiplex radio signals in the late 1960's and the addition of pulsed digital broadcast in the late 1990's have reduced human cognitive skills by over 15% > as a conservative estimate. The results are obvious... Read the comments. Thank you Adrian.
John A George - Nov 3, 2023
Everything works on frequency. If someone can determine at which frequency (ies) these things operate at, it seems Rife machines could be used to destroy them?
Jesse James - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
curious butterfly - Nov 4, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Thanks but I wish I could afford to just buy the bucket and the triangle thing. I don't know anything about working with electricity. If I make a mistake I may electrocute myself.
Jesse James - Nov 12, 2023
This one looks more simplified. You can contact him personally for a complete bucket at $600.00 or just wire it yourself and get a laptop power supply and order the pulse controller from him for $95.
You need to use 500 ft of 14AWG insulated wire. Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
Have a few banana connector available to couple the wire to the pulse controller and power supply and you're good to go.
Check out the youtube:
and can contact him at his site:
Basic instructions on how to wire the bucket:
Link above contains the solution you need too.
I like the bigger bucket on the first video. Seems like your feet will be more comfortable in that one.
Good luck with it all.
curious butterfly - Nov 12, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Your comment was just what I needed. Thanks! I want to try building it myself.
Ernie Rockwell - Nov 3, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
I’m watching the video where he winds the wire around the bucket. Looks interesting, but pretty labor-intensive. Elsewhere I saw a picture of a triangle, wires covered by insulation, that was apparently used in the same or similar manner. Do you know anything about that? Thanks, and for the links .
Jesse James - Nov 12, 2023
This one looks more simplified. You can contact him personally for a complete bucket at $600.00 or just wire it yourself and get a laptop power supply and order the pulse controller from him for $95.
You need to use 500 ft of 14AWG insulated wire. Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
Have a few banana connector available to couple the wire to the pulse controller and power supply and you're good to go.
Check out the youtube:
and can contact him at his site:
Basic instructions on how to wire the bucket:
Link above contains the solution you need too.
I like the bigger bucket on the first video. Seems like your feet will be more comfortable in that one.
Ernie Rockwell - Nov 12, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
Ginger Kesler - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
What kind of wire do they use? I can’t tell and no one ever specified what kind it is?
Jesse James - Nov 12, 2023 - Edited
This one looks more simplified. You can contact him personally for a complete bucket at $600.00 or just wire it yourself and get a laptop power supply and order the pulse controller from him for $95.
You need to use 500 ft of 14AWG insulated wire. Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
Have a few banana connector available to couple the wire to the pulse controller and power supply and you're good to go.
Check out the youtube:
and can contact him at his site:
Basic instructions on how to wire the bucket:
Link above contains the solution you need too.
I like the bigger bucket on the first video. Seems like your feet will be more comfortable in that one.
Ginger Kesler - Nov 12, 2023 - Edited
Thanks! I was checking out the wire at the store and wondering how much wire I would need. Seems easy enough to make, and I have a laptop power supply, so all I’d need is a new bucket, clips and wire. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Ginger Kesler - Nov 12, 2023 - Edited
Ooh and that pulse controller!
Jesse James - Nov 12, 2023 - Edited
Make sure your laptop power supply is adequate
Power supply is 12 V, 12.5 amp output
and contact Steffan at the link for the pulse controller. 500ft of insulated 14 AWG will probably run about $130.00 and power supply $30, a bucket $10 and then the pulse controller is $95. 4 bannana connectors about $5.00 and probably a day to put it all together. I'm waiting for the pulse controller to arrive. Will post more later...
here's a video from Yannis showing what he's pulled out of bodies
Ginger Kesler - Nov 12, 2023
Thank you!!
Jesse James - Nov 3, 2023
Ginger Kesler - Nov 3, 2023
I watched that previously, maybe I missed it but I see the wire, but no mention of the type of wire. Seems easy enough but not sure where and what to get for wire.
Jesse James - Nov 3, 2023
Ginger Kesler - Nov 3, 2023
That’s what I was thinking but it doesn’t look copper. Thanks!
Jesse James - Nov 3, 2023
Michael Wachocki - Nov 3, 2023
Michael Wachocki
Gracias Doc!
Good info!
Yal NA - Nov 3, 2023
Can you for my curiousity pulse them with 666 nm and 450 nm?
Yal NA - Nov 3, 2023
BTW 666 terahertz = 450.13882583 wavelength in nanometres... 450nm color wavelength is the color called Royal Blue. This is the color the undamaged roofs in Lahaina were painted in. The blue roofed houses did not burn and neither did blue T-shirts and blue trashcans and blue umbrellas. I since then call it Lucifer's Blue...
tanja bauer - Nov 3, 2023
A red light frequency should be able to cancel the blue light 450nm color wavelength.
tanja bauer - Nov 3, 2023
Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots: This Luciferase system is intended to power up the production of these nanobots! The light being emitted is at 450 nm (blue light) which is 666 Tera Hz!! I have never ever seen anything like this before!! BUT IT'S IN Vitaliano’s PATENT!
Read this in this article todayhttps://shawnpaulmelville.substack.com/p/6g-engineered-to-be-powered-by-human?publication_id=1905845&post_id=138515531&isFreemail=
Tracy A. - Nov 4, 2023
Where is Dr. Hildegarde Staninger now? And is she still scanning targeted individuals for non-consensual implants emitting frequencies?
Alan Tan - Nov 4, 2023
Alan’s Substack
Thnx for yr research, great finding about quantum scalar wave. Wondering if you can look at Iteracare, a more affordable product for people. It's suppose to work in the same frequency as our healthy cells and anything that's below it gets blasted away..And from testimonies in Facebook sources, many seems to benefit from it..
Also can you test on chlorine dioxide and hypochlorous acid? Thanks.
Margie Chism - Nov 3, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
The Nuremberg Code Society ■ Today is November 3, 2023 and amazingly there is
still only one place where people can go to put
their hands a copy of the Nuremberg Code.
That's "The Nuremberg Code: 75th Anniversary
Commemorative Edition" with commentary by
Holocaust survivor, historian, and activist
Vera Sharav, available in both print and electronic
form at Amazon here:https://rb.gy/9qjc01
* Important news from America
A judge has agreed to hear a legal case
against a hospital, doctors, nurses, and
other medical staff who murdered a
disabled young woman under the cover
of "COVID protocols".
This is a major legal breakthrough for
all of us who'd like to see ALL the
medical murders that took place
under cover of COVID in the US and
around the world brought to trial.
Here is the press release from the plaintiff,
her father.
In front of a packed crowd this Monday in Appleton, WI’s Outagamie County Circuit Courthouse, our landmark wrongful death lawsuit Schara v. Ascension et al. (Case Number 2023CV000345) prevailed over one final attempt by the defense at dismissal—securing a first-of-its-kind jury trial set to redefine the impact of intent in medical death cases.
“Our case simply surviving today should send shockwaves across the nation, because we showed how to pierce the medical malpractice veil with a legal brief. Winning this claim will create a tidal wave—and a game-changing legal precedent.” — Scott Schara
As it speeds toward trial, our legal battle has now become a case of national—and increasingly political—importance. Click here to read the complete press release on this week’s crucial courtroom victory.
Click this link to download a PDF of the full Plaintiff’s Brief in Opposition, which secured our chance to win a breakthrough precedent at our upcoming November 2024 jury trial.
Your continued support has been critical to get us this far. Now the real work begins.
God keeps leading the way! To Him be all the glory!
If you’d like to schedule an interview with Scott, please contact him via email atscott@ouramazinggrace.net.
- The Nuremberg Code Society
John - Nov 3, 2023
I have read about the use of electro magnetism against the nanotechnology. Has anyone else read about this? I have read that a man from Canada developed a triangular shaped electro magnet device that uses about 19 v DC and pulsed to establish electromagnetic fields. This he claims has been successful in deactivating the nanotechnology so it can be expelled from the body. Others have replicated these devices and used these with positive results. We should be looking at every possible method. Dr. Ana mentions that Rife frequencies can not affect the hydrogels. But can those frequencies help to remove heavy metals? If so then this could be a therapy in addition to EDTA chelation and other chelation methods.
Ginger Kesler - Nov 3, 2023
I have a spooky2 and they have many heavy metal detox frequencies. A whole protocol based on detoxing from all sorts of toxins. People swear by them.
John - Nov 3, 2023
Thanks I was looking into that as well.
Ginger Kesler - Nov 12, 2023
Check out this Substack.
Paul F. - Nov 3, 2023
Try a negative charge. See what happens.
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