Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows…

Jul 26, 2023

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In this brief video of Lantus Microscopy you can see nanorobots assemble hydrogel clot formation.


DF - Jul 26, 2023


I reckon they've been putting this crap in medications for years!


BlazeCloude3 - Jul 26, 2023


Am curious about exactly when they began this experimentation on society using these Ai/Bioweapon formulas in medication.


Robert - Jul 26, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Go to Rumble. Search Celeste Solum and synthetic biology. It’s been years


Danna - Jul 26, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Yes, she is amazing! It's definitely a NAA.


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

i have just looked at saline (fizza) from 2005. it appears to be salt 2.0 as per Dr Nixons substack. i have recently posted a x2000 image on my sub. have a look and decide for yourself, but i suspect a long time. Dr Nixon has posted the papers / references to the tech in salt on his salt post.


Reply (1) - Jul 26, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Comment removed.


Danna - Jul 26, 2023

Danna’s Substack

It's just an ad now.


Danna - Jul 26, 2023

Danna’s Substack

And it's an ad for military food. Probably put my ios on a banned search engine result. They're tracking some links now, per Tim Truth's findings. We must be careful what we click on even!


BobbyD - Jul 26, 2023

One of my questions now that we learn a little more everyday about what has been going on is whether this hydrogel application into our bodies is solely to make us sick/die or whether there is a drive to turn us into borgs, such as Karen Kingston talks about.


kaal - Jul 26, 2023


Pasheen Stonebrook on substack posted a tweet DR Deagle from yrs ago saying chemtrails have synthetic life forms not of this world that are self aware. Among other nasty stuff.


bio terry - Jul 26, 2023


Thank you! Very insightful bimeo camelot project video of Dr. DEAGLE, with follow up podcast putting a direct link to wuhan virus 2019 and under the desription it says: This update followed the special Ukraine report from a doctor in a Kiev hospital (click here to read: don't miss this). Bill Deagle focuses most of this new interview on the H1N1 situation and the serious implications of the D225G genetic change recently reported by the WHO and identified in Ukraine, Norway, Canada and several other countries.
Shockingly scary!!!!


kaal - Jul 26, 2023


I dont think you listed any links.although this is for stronger ppl to pursue. its probably not of this world. dr deagle said it yrs ago. he listed all the chemtrail ingredients.


Joe - Jul 28, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Cure? Solution? Or die?


DF - Jul 28, 2023

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" Mathew 10:28


James Hill, MD - Jul 26, 2023

James Hill MD’s Newsletter

This appears to be a nightmare.


SoCalGal - Jul 26, 2023

Oh it’s definitely a nightmare!


Viking - Jul 26, 2023


You are correct Dr. What they are doing is CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! My wife has stopped taking her insulin for the last 2 months after switching to a plant based Diet 2 weeks later she THANK GOD no longer needed that poison!! I am sorry that your Mom is still in need of it! I try to remain calm but my blood boils every day unfortunately with what these DEVILS are doing to humanity.


bio terry - Jul 26, 2023


Even in plants.they put this shit. The other day we found mangoes on our shelves directly from Bill Gates farm, distributed under another name of course and all the fruit were injected all around (you could see the injection holes). That was shortly after they made it international law now that we, the public do NOT need to know the history of the fruit or vegetable, and also we do NOT have to know its gmo status.


Viking - Jul 26, 2023


Pure Satanic Evil 👿!!!!!!!!!!!


Karen Amos - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited

Karen Amos

My heart is broken. My son is type 1 diabetic & injects both short & long acting insulin daily...for 6+ years now. He didn’t get any c19 shots, as he didn’t trust them. Seems he’s already been screwed over by pharma no matter what. Now that I’ve learned more the past few years, I believe it’s highly likely that the childhood vaccines are what induced his autoimmune disease to begin with. I hope so very much that you figure out a treatment...but how can we get these murderers to stop putting this in insulin & other injectable drugs? Treating it won’t help if these victims have to keep injecting it daily. 😢😡💔


Nostradamus X - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Contact Dr. Paul Marik for help. He stopped using insulin after 20 years by switching to fasting!
 64-Year-Old Doctor Cures Himself of Type 2 Diabetes | Dr. Paul Marik (EXCERPT)
Insulin natural alternatives:


Melissa T - Jul 26, 2023

Melissa T

This is for type 2 diabetes not type 1?


Karen Amos - Jul 26, 2023

Karen Amos

Yes…type 2 is largely curable, not type 1. I’m rather obsessed with searching for legitimate cures for type 1. 😞




Maybe Dr.Ardis.comhas something for Type 1 Diabetes




I have been listening to Dr.Ardis.comand he talks about type 2 diabetes and that insulin is blocking the beta cell from producing insulin in the Pancreas and that we have nicotine-sensitive receptors that are found in the Beta cells which has a normal release of insulin and that a reduced number of receptors leads to a decrease in insulin secretion, and the cause is insulin, follow the money to keep people sick.


PatriotinCarolina - Jul 26, 2023

KEVIN’s Newsletter

Dr. Ana thankfully confirmed EDTA + Vit-C / NA etc. chelation therapies can manage these symptoms. un-clumps red blood cells and removes the hydrogel spheres. Frequency/need varies by person of course but pls research. From there, if you continue to be exposed to vaxxed people on a regular basis, shedding will continue to occur based on EMF exposure, food, insulin/drugs, etc. This requires repeating the healing cycle at some level I'm sure. Regardless, my prayers that my/our lord Jesus relieves us from this sickness and EVIL very soon!


Deni B - Jul 26, 2023

Linda’s Substack

Finding the EDTA Chelation therapy is the difficult part. We have suspected for sometime about the insulin. My husband has been getting worse rather than better for the past 2 years. He is on insulin.


Linda Redman - Jul 26, 2023

Linda’s Substack

Try the Tahoma Clinic in Tukwila, WA


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Comment removed.


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

100%, these products need to be cultured as per Carnicoms electric or blue light methods to ensure they are not contaminated. the scope is not enough unfortunately.


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023


Would like to hear more. thx!


Leon - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Matt; please clarify (or give the link) on 'to be cultured'. Thanks.


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Hi Leon, there is no link as such but if you go to the Carnicom institute you can download decades of Cliffs research, plus all his hand written notes. its in there somewhere! i know one man who has built his own culture / microscope to replicate some of cliffs work. i have bought the bits to assemble and its a project on my back burner at present. when done i will post it on my sub.


Leon - Jul 27, 2023

Thanks for the reply.


Cat Arnold - Jul 26, 2023

I got my doctor to give me EDTA it´s at home in my fridge, I´m going to look at it under microscope


Nemes - Jul 26, 2023

Test with the magnet too


Cat Arnold - Jul 26, 2023

good point thank you


Nemes - Jul 29, 2023

What did you find?


Cat Arnold - Jul 29, 2023

Doesn´t seem to look good but I can´t post examples here. I asked for an email to share with Dr Ana


Nemes - Jul 30, 2023

Test vit C too. Ask Dr Ana how could we make EDTA and vit C at home. If you get an email pls share it with me, I want to ask for other vax to be tested.


Cat Arnold - Jul 31, 2023

Ok will try ask - my doctor who gave it to me when I showed her what is in my blood and the EDTA got very angry and told me not to get crazy... the problem is injectables are good profit for some and to say they are all contaminated creates a big issue... we need a leading nanotech specialist to confirm all our findings


Linda Redman - Jul 26, 2023

Linda’s Substack

I have seen an ingredient that I think was polyethylene glycol in almonds at Starbucks a few years ago. Also I think this chemical is what is in the preparation kit for people who do a colonoscopy these days.


Yal NA - Jul 26, 2023

Susan’s Newsletter

Its in miralax an over the counter laxative.


Susan Skinner - Jul 26, 2023

Susan’s Newsletter

Are you positive about that with data to prove it?


kaal - Jul 26, 2023


yes. read the label.


Fizzygurl - Jul 26, 2023

Renee Marie

This is crazy! I just read that a stool test is much safer and less invasive but just as effective as a colonoscopy.


Renee Marie - Jul 26, 2023

Renee Marie

The colonoscopy is given to make money! What else is new?


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023


Cologard test. Agreed, do not get a colonoscopy or any invasive procedure. Limit x-rays and all radiation. Rockefeller knew x-rays and mercury caused cancer back in the 1920's.


Nancy Groves - Jul 26, 2023

Propylene glycol from DOW Chemical.


Joy Lucette Garner - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

This turned up in the Dental Injections no later than early 2021. THANK YOU for covering this.
High animal fat carnivore diet eliminates the need for insulin. MANY people are reporting that it reversed their diabetes. For me, it reversed my arthritis.


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

as a long term meatarian i fully support this. only eat fruit in the day and one meal of high fat steak or lamb at night. feeling good.


Joy Lucette Garner - Jul 26, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Smart. You understand. It's pretty hard to argue with the results.
If tons of plants are so good for us, why then do they wreck our health?


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited


If people saw what I see in plants under the microscope, they would not eat them. There is a reason people are healing on the carnivore diet. And equally so, there is a reason the elites are going after eating meat.


BobbyD - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited


What are you seeing and in what plants and where? I’m waiting on a scope to arrive because I want to look at plants. Any insight you have would be helpful, thanks.


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited


You can reach out to me via email.


Alice - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited


Lisa, have you read this?https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/stew-peters-interview-nanotech-found?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fmeat&utm_medium=reader2


Alice - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited


and thishttps://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/contaminated-food-supply-contributing


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited


Yes, I've seen these. I read all of Dr Ana's posts. What I'm seeing is hm...shocking, not what I expected to see at all. It explains why everyone is so sick. What I've seen in and on vegetables (organic) is um, shocking.


Chelie - Jul 26, 2023


This would be a KETO diet?


HG - Jul 26, 2023



Joy Lucette Garner - Jul 26, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

yes. but without the plants.


Tracy - Jul 26, 2023

The silver lining has GOT to be right around the corner ... I can almost taste it.


Chelie - Jul 26, 2023


I worked in Wound care and hyperbaric medicine for years. Our patients were predominantly type 1 & type 2 diabetics. It’s astonishing to read your work and the big pharma profits healthcare & insurance profits that are involved here let alone & there has to be exacerbation of Diabetic foot ulcers, arterial and venous insufficiency related problems because of the covert use of hydrogels. HBOT used to help move oxygenated blood to extremities with compromised blood flow. Wonder if that has any impact? So many are insulin dependent. How long have they been using hydrogels in insulin? I’m no longer working in the field. I left during Covid. I have asked former colleagues if they are seeing an increase in problems in this patient population but haven’t heard back. I’d love to hear feedback from vascular surgeons to hear what they have seen as well.


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 26, 2023

Agent’s Substack

That thing is making some type of LIFE FORM.. watch it move inside the body of a 17 year old patient in Australia.https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dr0ZcAeEfaU


Kathleen Pimentel - Jul 26, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Viewed and shared. Diabolical. We fight.
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


Renee Marie - Jul 26, 2023

Renee Marie

Amen! ✝️
37:40 “The Lord helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.”


Kathleen Pimentel - Jul 26, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Yes and The Almighty will keep His word. Amen
I recommend a powerful weapon in these times:
The Rosary.


Renee Marie - Jul 26, 2023

Renee Marie

Yes Kathleen! I have a beautiful Rosary I got at a church in Italy.
The Rosary.


Kathleen Pimentel - Jul 26, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

...and the Woman shall crush his head....) Genesis
How very nice you have one,
Kathleen Rene
Ave Maria


JimB - Jul 26, 2023

Genesis 3: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
It is the seed of the woman ( Jesus) who did the head stomp ( crucifiction )


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023


Amen. He is our refuge and strength.


Renee Marie - Jul 27, 2023

Renee Marie

Psalm 91 all the way!




It changes your DNA


kaal - Jul 26, 2023


pasheen stonebrook on substack posted a tweet of dr deagle saying yrs ago chemtrails are synthetic self aware life forms not of this world among other nasty stuff like blood plasma etc


Monnaie - Jul 26, 2023

Imago Indie Research and Relear…

has anyone had the ability to check epidurals?


Okisuke - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

That's what I call dedication. Another reason to question everything I learned about GMP. It's a fraud. Some companies are manufacturing really useful products such as Vitamin D3 tablets have it extra hard, because the regualtors favours those who bribe them. I've seen it with my own eyes and it disgusts me to this day.


Viking - Jul 26, 2023


These Devils in charge of this eugenics project must have an antidote for themselves. Hopefully someone finds it quick for humanity.


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 26, 2023

matt’s microscopy

i have seen 2 things recently that could be the answer, one is:
From John Lukash
* Aeon-213 Capsule
and the other was a professional therapist who found swedish bitters to work for him and his patients.
both seem very credible.


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023


Would love to hear more.


Rauwolfia Serpentina - Jul 28, 2023

Rauwolfia’s Substack

I'll let you know, I'll be taking it because of a visit to a dentist in 2021, I think something got into me. Will check back after I start to give progress. It's a shot in the dark, someone has to try this stuff out.


Cat Arnold - Jul 26, 2023


Hi D Ana I´m half way through my Darkfield Mic and Live blood analysis course with NatureAcademy in London. Could you recommend to me what Microscope to purchase. I´m an integrative Quantum Medicine teacher and practitioner and would like to start analysing this in addition and would love to be part of what you are doing but just need advice on the best microscope. Any guidance is hugely appreciated thank you xoxo


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023


Does one have to have a certified medical licensure of some kind to get training in live blood anaylsis? More of us need to do this. We can have an army of citizen live blood analyzers.


Cat Arnold - Jul 26, 2023


Yes and the microscope unless you can share with someone. Here is who I am studying through -https://naturecureacademy.thinkific.comAnd yes we need an army to heal our local areas


Lisa - Jul 26, 2023


That would be great if every community had someone to help others in their community. Thanks for the link.


Nemes - Jul 26, 2023



Linda Redman - Jul 26, 2023

Linda’s Substack

And when you do research I encourage you to have Mike Zachman of FB with the Point Church or other successful Holy Spirit healers to validate their prayers can make a difference. (But we need to bring the darkness into the light as well.)


Cat Arnold - Jul 26, 2023

Actually it´s interesting you are bringing this up. I´m testing prayers and quantum healing on blood - lots to do!!


2FollowHim - Jul 26, 2023

2FollowHim related topics

Dr. David Martin on London Real? EvenmRFK Jr, and I wouldn't give up on Dr. Malone. He'll come along.
I ASSUME it's in 'vaxed' blood? Is the 'unvaxed blood' due to proximity to vaccinated people?
Is this world wide? Can you get world findings somehow?
I think researchers are finding similar but this needs a center to report.
Brian Rose, London Real is very concerned himself, might
know or be able to set up this to help.
RFK Jr. cares!! This is clear.
Of course Naomi Wolf is up on this, too.
Was it Dr. Bhakti?? in Germany? But they're trying to put him in prison.
Hope I don't sound stupid but does different kinds of music help your mom?
Is this drug company all corrupt, do you think?
Or infiltrated?
I wonder about China connection.
I think there's collusion.
You read about the 3 'types' of 'Covid' vaccines?
Why 1/4 to 1/3 of population got NOTHING. So there's no virus
or 'germs'.
We don't speak truth to destroyers or darkness.
Each person must come up with why they 'can't ' have vaccine.
I don't confront, I sidestep.
In our case, we have loads of 'evidence' for not having 'vaccine'.
I'm not above becoming dramatic, because it's true.
Meanwhile, I pray for YOUR protection, and I hope
you will, too.
Aside? Too bad you can't SOMETIMES give your mom
something else?
Our health suffers because of childhood vaccines and antibiotics.


Meta - Jul 26, 2023

Left in a position where we can only hope someone is praying for one's own protection, speaks to THE problem.
Fear brings on the problem. Belief and faith are active investments in The Most High's power.
For me, this means the Christ. But others with differing beliefs can access a form of power that might Trump or disable or mitigate fear.
The Darkfield Live Blood Analysis shows what is already established as foundational information in the Holy Bible; precisely that the devil roams the Earth seeking out those whom he can suck the vitality out of until they are mere husks.
The LBA shows one form of the arsenal of weaponry that the demonic realm has; contamination of the blood and the resulting cellular degradation.
This is but a fraction of that lethal arsenal.
One concept made clear in Holy scripture is that believers empower whatever they focus on.
Fear will undermine our bodily structures.
Trust in the Most High Christ's leading, is healing and protection.
There are many authentic testimonial experiences documenting this phenomenon.


Christine - Jul 26, 2023 - Edited

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

Thank you so much for the work you do. I was taken to hospital with what was diagnosed as covid (it was really collapse due to 5G in my opinion). I came out diagnosed with late onset type 1 diabetes. They managed to get my blood sugar UP to 25mmol/L which is pretty bad - and which kept going up with their treatments while I was in hospital. I discharged myself from hospital against advice, after 14 days, which was the earliest I was allowed to leave my prison cell, otherwise known as ICU, because of covid quarantine. I refused to take insulin with me when I was discharged and was warned that I would collapse and be back very quickly and potentially dead. That did not happen. Once home, my blood sugar was high but dramatically lower than it had been in hospital. I took two other drugs they prescribed, Januvia and Metformin, but I started suffering increasingly painful legs. So I stopped the Januvia first, with no change at all in my sugar levels, which were still going steadily down. But the pain did not got away so I stopped the metformin and replaced it with berberine. The specialist kept warning that my pancreas would stop functioning soon, when the "honeymoon period" was over. My numbers continued to drop until my A1C has been is less than "7" for 9 months now. A year later the specialist officially diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes when my A1C had been in the pre-diabetic range for 9 months.
I tell this story because something very odd was going on regarding my diabetes diagnosis. They had me on two drugs and insulin before every sugar laden hospital meal, but at no time did they test my pancreas for any aspect of pancreatic functioning. Why not?
About 6 months earlier a friend was admitted to hospital for prostate trouble. He also came out of hospital diagnosed with some form of diabetes that needs insulin. He accepted the drugs and took them until he started experiencing hypoglycemic episodes at which time he stopped the lot at once. His sugar stabilised immediately in the 4-6 mmol/L range and has stayed there with just the occasional short term spike if he eats something stupid.
So what is going on here? Is it normal for a body in shock for some other reason to shut down sugar metabolism? Could doctors have expected that someone nearly dead from fluid build up because of a blocked prostate, or nearly dead from pneumonia (my friend and myself) would experience potentially dangerous disruption to our sugar metabolism?
So my questions lead to even worse questions. How many people are being diagnosed as late onset type 1 diabetics or type 2 diabetics, and sent home to kill themselves with insulin? Just a question. IS this over diagnosis or mis-diagnosis? Have you noticed an upswing recently in cases of diabetes that are being attributed to covid? Is there a way of getting temporary blood sugar metabolism issues corrected when the cause of the stress of the body is gone?
And another wild card - could blood sugar metabolism issues be caused by 5G?
(Note that I am unvaxxed and do not have close contact with anyone who is vaxxed.)



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