Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I continue my project of looking at vaccines that are given to children - here is the Hepatitis A vaccine. The microscopic structures seen are similar to all other vaccines. In the below video you can see some blinking lights I call Quantum Dots. The granular material accumulates over time to build classic filaments and hydrogel structures.
Below is a filament structure that has been built:
Observation time was about 20 minutes in to build these filaments. None of them are present when the drop is put on the microscope slide initially:
Approx 400x magnification shows classic filament structure:
Another filament with multiple hydrogel satellites seen and classic spherical construction site:
Approx. 400x development of hydrogel islands
Accumulation of Quantum Dot structures building aggregation:
Classical sphere building hydrogel filament, approx 1600x
Other hydrogel structures self assemble:
More filaments seen:
Another filament construction site from the original substrate material:
More construction with many blinking lights:
This was taken after about 40 min of observation:
The construction happens on a minute level, you can barely see little particles that are part of self assembly moving:
Here is another example. You cannot follow everything that is going on the slide at once, but while you observe in one area, somewhere else, more structures have assembled:
Again consistent findings, self assembly of classical filaments we see in the blood, some Quantum Dots also captured. All vaccines contribute to humanities blood contamination with self assembly hydrogel and biosensing Quantum Dot structures.
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Nathalie - Sep 14, 2023
Atrocious 😡 These are criminals devoid of any form of redemption.
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William Mark Spann - Sep 14, 2023
These filaments can easily grow to 3, 4, or even 6 inches. I pull dozens out of Morgellons lesions every single day.
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