First, I thank you for taking the time to look at this vaccine for dogs. My 9 yr old healthy Havanese got the shot in late April and was diagnosed with Lung cancer in late June. He was looking sick by early June. The tumor was the size of a babies fist. Not like I can do anything now, but I will never give a pet a jab again. It was heartbreaking to see him suffer with cancer.
Sorry to hear about your dog.
The last three dogs and the last two cats that I have had all died from cancer tumors halfway through their normal lifespans. Now I think I know why.
I quit giving my current cat shots a few years back based on what we have all been learning. Hopefully he will be able to live a longer and healthier life.
If anyone including my pets get cancer or any other dreadful disease I would do my best to do an anti-parasitic protocol on them. May not work, but maybe it would.
It’s so heartbreaking that our pets and families suffered due to our trust in the system. I had even told my husband no more shots for Bosco, but he forgotten during the yearly physical.
Hopefully he won’t forget next time around.
Hope Bosco lives a long and healthy life.
A commenter gave me this link to a veterinarian that uses natural remedies to help our pets stay healthy. I subscribed to his newsletter and he has a ton of information about how to take care of your pets and has some classes one can use to learn more about how to do so. You might find it helpful.
Unfortunately Bosco could not be saved. 😢But never again for a family member or a pet. We skipped the CV jabs and will continue passing on anything else related.
It's my pleasure, Sir! I have been following Dr. Falconer for quite a long time through his Newsletter and, of course, Substack. Thank you for mentioning his site !!
Rachel, I am so sorry, I know how you are feeling... I have just been though the same thing and feel so guilty. Take care , they are with us 24/7 and that keeps me going, I'm old now almost 82 and she was all I had. :-(
We rescued a puppy from the side of the road and she's now about 16 months old and is very healthy.
However...I was insisting on no vaccines and the vet we saw agreed with me but strongly suggested the distemper/Parvo vax, so I let it happen. Now, she's still healthy and does zoom runs like a rocket but, what can we do at this point? EDTA?
I sometimes put a small amount of sodium borate decahydrate (borax/boron) in the food as Dr. Mercola suggested for us. He states it decalcifies the pineal gland and removes fluoride from the system.
Our two older dogs are still going strong at 16 and 14 yrs. and they had all their shots years ago, so who knows.
Any ideas?
Now that’s really playing dirty!!! Nano bots for our puppies, really really evil, of course I have heard they want us to not have pets or anything else that brings us joy & comfort. Remember the little squirrel that man in New York had rescued after the mama was run over & left the baby in the road. THEY broke into his house, took it, & killed it. Sooo don’t put your pet pics out there anywhere.
There are several ways in which I could respond to your comment, but let me say, first, that I do not, necessarily, disagree with your basic thought. I do not have sufficient evidence to reach the conclusion that any of the "people" are, in fact, space aliens, so I am unwilling to go that far. At the moment, though, I can go as far as concluding that the Globalists/Marxists ARE a death cult that, quite probably, worships, as gods, space aliens that, openly, ruled the planet at some time in the past. There is in that, admittedly, quite a bit of conjecture, but it is a leap of logic that I entertain and can go along with, until more evidence arrives. That they are a death cult is an obvious conclusion -- how much relates or derives from space alien intervention is the part that requires conjecture. I notice that your Substack has much to say about that, so I WILL be checking into your thinking.
Aside from that thought about your comment, I have this to say, also: I used to farm, raising meat animals and poultry, for sale, as food, to the consuming public. Our beliefs required that our approach mimic nature as completely as possible, offering our animals, while they were under our care, the chance to be "themselves" for as long as they lived. We were organic, biodynamic, pasture-based (even for the poultry and the hogs), and, even, gave all of them names, as we interacted with them as individuals, despite having a milking herd of more than 50 cows, another milking herd of more than 75 goats, as well as all of the meat animals, both breeding stock and slaughter animals.
To an extent, I can agree with your intention (as I read it) in your comment about "the same way that we treat cows and livestock". Yes, we are higher up the food chain; yes, we do not think of "production" animals as equal to us, for reasons that vary with each person's beliefs about animals; yes, I have no moral dilemma in eating animals further down the food chain, which is what nature intends. When you look at it,dispassionately, "natural" deaths are "unnatural" within the natural world! Most animals -- and plants -- die under duress, usually at the will of another animal, higher up the food chain, or frequently because of lack of available food. So, it is actually possible to view the life, and death, that we gave to our animals as "good", since they lacked for little, food-wise and health-wise, and died in the least stressful way possible (which I will not discuss, here, as this is already too long). Thus, I do not see what I did as "evil".
On the other hand, when applied to "industrial agriculture" (an oxymoron, if there ever was one), I completely and unequivocally agree with the intent of your comment! Industrial agriculture is EVIL -- full stop.
It is not that they do not want us to have joy and comfort. It is that we are not to use any more of "their" resources. That is why we are referred to as, "useless eaters". And, if WE are "useless eaters", just how much more "useless" our pets must be considered to be!
Remember, this is Neo-feudalism. They are the feudal lords and we are the owned serfs. So, anything we own, they, ultimately, own -- at least, in their view of the world.
While my dog was at Doggie Daycare yesterday, they called and told me he was due for his annual flu shot. After recently finding out that the evildoers are putting that crap in our pets' vaxes too, I told them he would not be getting any more vaccines. Yesterday was his last day at Doggie Daycare. He only goes one day a week and he loves it, but no more. It's really sad. My son's German Shepherd got bone cancer in a hind leg. He had to have his leg removed. They told him his dog needed chemo and that it might give him six more months. He decided against the chemo, he quit vaccines and he's feeding him a super healthy diet along with some supplements. That was two years ago and he's doing great.
Many of my friends have the same indoor pets as we do. Over the years I’ve observed that my friends that get their pets vaccinated regularly, especially dogs, have shorter lives than those of us that are successful in avoiding or minimizing routine vaccinations, especially rabies.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so. —Bertrand Russell
My little JR "Poppy" was having her monthly pipits for flees etc., NO JABS since she was 1 year, she was 12 and a few months ago I had to let her go ,she developed a very fast kidney disease... she was a healthy little puppy aged 12 years, the light of my life for 12 years, I am 81 and am so very lost without her. My heart is in bits. It must have been those pipits from the vets for mites /worms/fleas... sometimes she was sick after having them on her neck. I wish I could turn the clock back :-(
I think you can give a dog BluBrain, it's amazing, I take it, google it but don't listen to the Fact checkers they will tell you it's poisonous. (I'm not jabbed and am disgusted I allowed my little dog only once to take the poison. SAD. I just lost her to kidney disease, she was a healthy little thing before all this. (I put the pipits on her neck every month from the vets. That's probably the same as the vax.)
Giving pets water with a very small amount of chlorine dioxide in it is very helpful and cheap.
And can reverse or prevent many cancers. And at low ppms, they may never even notice.
Also ivermectin and fendbendazole (sp?) can cure some cancers in animals too, but dosing can be complex.
Many vets have darkfield microscopes though, if they tried to give my pet an injection, I would have them put it on a slide and look at it under the scope first.
And then I would say "Whats That?"
Well if you dont know, Im not injecting it into my pet.
It's too bad wives didn't consider the possibility of this Covid thing being what many knew in the very beginning, a democide program. I have lost so many husband pals whose wives demanded they get the shots, at least twice with one booster, and they are no longer with us. This goes for your pets too!
Well then maybe you should tell them.
Dr Malone got the jab and gave it to his family as well, so hes obviously a genius, and IMO highly unlikely to admit that there is nanotech in the jabs (or himself) though.
I think anyone that got the jab is mentally programmed to deny anything negative about it is really happening, like shedding or the nanotech self-replication in the blood.
And besides, have they never heard of Microscopes?
Why do You need to tell them?
I know if I heard something like this, I would Check it out for Myself, I wouldn't need someone to tell me to do it..... yet NONE of them Do.
I like McCullough alright but he is selling products that are far too weak to help, like spike support. Many people are taking it and just keep getting sicker, because it sucks.
Im not sure who the other one is but by all means, Tell Them All and ask them to weigh in.
I wish you luck.
I credit our host for referring a while ago to the long Quinta Columna presentation of a while ago, in which the main presenter referred to health issues with dogs and suspicions about what's in their shots. This must have been a principal avenue for involuntary testing for some time, no one picking up on it despite likely increase in dire pet effects, so one facet of go ahead for the atrocity of covi-shots and sequels.
When it came to advocacy I was deeply involved in for years anti-e-smog dangers, we mused that if relatively few people seemed to care for the effects on themselves - ""Until there are bodies in the streets," he said, "I don't think anything is going to change"" [A Frey quoted in still best mainstream mag article on e-smog, 2010,] - maybe effects on their pets might get their attention?
Don't you suppose that you might be looking at the AI; not the I/O?
I always presume the perspective that you feel you expose the I/O - not the AI.
In other words, as you discover it is in virtually anything that we are putting into human blood, by whatever means (including chemtrails) you are looking at it like it is product, or raw materials to fabricate product; nanocircuitry for sensory/surveillance IoT (Internet of Things) sort of stuff. Try viewing your observations as you the Witness watch Higher Evolution unfold.
Or maybe two Higher Evolutions - the one being a clumsy human spoof of the natural one. CHRIST and ANTICHRIST developing (competing for attention/intention) together at the same time?
Sometimes it pays to step off the battlefield long enough to hear yourself Whisper:
Mitochondria modulation. Basically theft of the energy systems of the body. Worse than neremburg...
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, for those who don't realize that. Absolutely no, I did not give permission for this rape and robbery- I don't know anyone who did. Immediately trials, strip of all assests and titles, throw them in the deepest darkest dungeons forever. Fully vexxed and fully masked. Strip them of everything- they could not be human.
May the Lord grant them a full and swift conversion of hearts, wd pray. Amen!
EDTA and ascorbic acid stops that energy theft.
Which is why people who take them both while fasting for a few days feel Great.
Not like a little great, like Tony The Tiger Greeeat!!
I keep trying to tell people, if you take them correctly, it will make a HUGE difference.
Much more than anything else I have found and I have taken many many things for 3 years now.
That helps me develop my point to Ana Maria.
You keep estimating intention to create the nanotech is emanating from people - a cabal or criminal syndicalism. I am working through her second Transhuman book, and do not see her getting anywhere - even in the court forum. That usually indicates a failed Problem Identification. - Primary to engineer a solution.
I can send you down a bunny trail with the Chief Judge in DC:
Flip to Page 11 and look at the top new member:
My point is that JEB simply does not have the wherewithal to be conducting operations in nanotech blood infestation. Nobody does. We are observing a verb and labeling it a noun; then putting faces on the noun.
In other words when 3/4 of the human population rolled up their sleeves even though the Control Group was extinguished after six weeks, humankind killed science. Science became whatever Big Pharma wants. Science is dead. The people who rolled up their sleeves, Mandate or not, are who killed Science.
Musk was talking about the evolution of man w all the space exploration and moving people there. Also, w all the fog and lights and drones we've been seeing, some are saying it sends energy and warmth up to space. We'll, isnt that what they need to (possibly) make space liveable?
I don't trust him. So many good ideas, and do many very bad ones too.
Dr Carrie MADEJ has not posted the video yet; she is a couple weeks behind due to the Holidays? Around December 20 she interviewed a fellow (delusional) saying he was to be the Poster Elon MUSK but was pulled as he approached the initial stage stairs. He claims that gloss and special effects are composing Elon, the genius.
Rachel Kuhrt - Jan 9 - Edited
John Roberts
First, I thank you for taking the time to look at this vaccine for dogs. My 9 yr old healthy Havanese got the shot in late April and was diagnosed with Lung cancer in late June. He was looking sick by early June. The tumor was the size of a babies fist. Not like I can do anything now, but I will never give a pet a jab again. It was heartbreaking to see him suffer with cancer.
John Roberts - Jan 9 - Edited
John Roberts
Sorry to hear about your dog.
The last three dogs and the last two cats that I have had all died from cancer tumors halfway through their normal lifespans. Now I think I know why.
I quit giving my current cat shots a few years back based on what we have all been learning. Hopefully he will be able to live a longer and healthier life.
Dee - Jan 9
If anyone including my pets get cancer or any other dreadful disease I would do my best to do an anti-parasitic protocol on them. May not work, but maybe it would.
Dana Sauder - Jan 11
Dana Sauder
Try colloidal silver too... order from Nature's Sunshine (best brand) called 'silver shield'
Rachel Kuhrt - Jan 9 - Edited
John Roberts
It’s so heartbreaking that our pets and families suffered due to our trust in the system. I had even told my husband no more shots for Bosco, but he forgotten during the yearly physical.
John Roberts - Jan 9 - Edited
John Roberts
Hopefully he won’t forget next time around.
Hope Bosco lives a long and healthy life.
A commenter gave me this link to a veterinarian that uses natural remedies to help our pets stay healthy. I subscribed to his newsletter and he has a ton of information about how to take care of your pets and has some classes one can use to learn more about how to do so. You might find it helpful.
Rachel Kuhrt - Jan 9 - Edited
John Roberts
Unfortunately Bosco could not be saved. 😢But never again for a family member or a pet. We skipped the CV jabs and will continue passing on anything else related.
John Roberts - Jan 9 - Edited
John Roberts
So sorry you have lost your dear friend Bosco. I can relate.
Hope you and your family stay safe and healthy.
Reply (1) - Jan 11 - Edited
Comment removed.
Reply (1) - Jan 10 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 10
crapshoot farmer
Tinnitus cure? Right.
Irma - Jan 9
Irma’s Substack
John Roberts - Jan 9
John Roberts
Thanks for adding this great linked article and adding to the conversation.
Irma - Jan 10
Irma’s Substack
It's my pleasure, Sir! I have been following Dr. Falconer for quite a long time through his Newsletter and, of course, Substack. Thank you for mentioning his site !!
tessa coltman-connorton. - Jan 9
Rachel, I am so sorry, I know how you are feeling... I have just been though the same thing and feel so guilty. Take care , they are with us 24/7 and that keeps me going, I'm old now almost 82 and she was all I had. :-(
Rachel Kuhrt - Jan 9
I pray you find a wonderful new pet to love and cherish. We finally rescued a cat and the joy he brings has quenched most of the pain
KikiKennedy - Jan 10
Bless your heart. I’m praying for you, sweet Tessa. It’s so hard. 🙏🏼
Nick - Jan 10
Sorry to hear that Tessa
Diana - Jan 10
crapshoot farmer
I haven't v@xxed my pets since 2020 when the pandemic hit. I had a feeling ...
crapshoot farmer - Jan 10
crapshoot farmer
We rescued a puppy from the side of the road and she's now about 16 months old and is very healthy.
However...I was insisting on no vaccines and the vet we saw agreed with me but strongly suggested the distemper/Parvo vax, so I let it happen. Now, she's still healthy and does zoom runs like a rocket but, what can we do at this point? EDTA?
I sometimes put a small amount of sodium borate decahydrate (borax/boron) in the food as Dr. Mercola suggested for us. He states it decalcifies the pineal gland and removes fluoride from the system.
Our two older dogs are still going strong at 16 and 14 yrs. and they had all their shots years ago, so who knows.
Any ideas?
Red Hawk - Jan 9’s Substack
Now that’s really playing dirty!!! Nano bots for our puppies, really really evil, of course I have heard they want us to not have pets or anything else that brings us joy & comfort. Remember the little squirrel that man in New York had rescued after the mama was run over & left the baby in the road. THEY broke into his house, took it, & killed it. Sooo don’t put your pet pics out there anywhere.
Rebal - Jan 9’s Substack
I am still in such disbelief of their actions. Who does that?
FringeLunatic - Jan 9
Evil does that.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 10
Agent’s Substack
Its not evil to THEY because THEY are not Human. Same way we treat cows and livestock...
FringeLunatic - Jan 10
There are several ways in which I could respond to your comment, but let me say, first, that I do not, necessarily, disagree with your basic thought. I do not have sufficient evidence to reach the conclusion that any of the "people" are, in fact, space aliens, so I am unwilling to go that far. At the moment, though, I can go as far as concluding that the Globalists/Marxists ARE a death cult that, quite probably, worships, as gods, space aliens that, openly, ruled the planet at some time in the past. There is in that, admittedly, quite a bit of conjecture, but it is a leap of logic that I entertain and can go along with, until more evidence arrives. That they are a death cult is an obvious conclusion -- how much relates or derives from space alien intervention is the part that requires conjecture. I notice that your Substack has much to say about that, so I WILL be checking into your thinking.
Aside from that thought about your comment, I have this to say, also: I used to farm, raising meat animals and poultry, for sale, as food, to the consuming public. Our beliefs required that our approach mimic nature as completely as possible, offering our animals, while they were under our care, the chance to be "themselves" for as long as they lived. We were organic, biodynamic, pasture-based (even for the poultry and the hogs), and, even, gave all of them names, as we interacted with them as individuals, despite having a milking herd of more than 50 cows, another milking herd of more than 75 goats, as well as all of the meat animals, both breeding stock and slaughter animals.
To an extent, I can agree with your intention (as I read it) in your comment about "the same way that we treat cows and livestock". Yes, we are higher up the food chain; yes, we do not think of "production" animals as equal to us, for reasons that vary with each person's beliefs about animals; yes, I have no moral dilemma in eating animals further down the food chain, which is what nature intends. When you look at it,dispassionately, "natural" deaths are "unnatural" within the natural world! Most animals -- and plants -- die under duress, usually at the will of another animal, higher up the food chain, or frequently because of lack of available food. So, it is actually possible to view the life, and death, that we gave to our animals as "good", since they lacked for little, food-wise and health-wise, and died in the least stressful way possible (which I will not discuss, here, as this is already too long). Thus, I do not see what I did as "evil".
On the other hand, when applied to "industrial agriculture" (an oxymoron, if there ever was one), I completely and unequivocally agree with the intent of your comment! Industrial agriculture is EVIL -- full stop.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 10
Agent’s Substack
Reptilians ***Space Jews***. They Hate your Dogs because they can detect them and will attack them by smell.......>>Agent Freak Nasty
FringeLunatic - Jan 9
It is not that they do not want us to have joy and comfort. It is that we are not to use any more of "their" resources. That is why we are referred to as, "useless eaters". And, if WE are "useless eaters", just how much more "useless" our pets must be considered to be!
FringeLunatic - Jan 9
Remember, this is Neo-feudalism. They are the feudal lords and we are the owned serfs. So, anything we own, they, ultimately, own -- at least, in their view of the world.
Charlene Jones - Jan 9
While my dog was at Doggie Daycare yesterday, they called and told me he was due for his annual flu shot. After recently finding out that the evildoers are putting that crap in our pets' vaxes too, I told them he would not be getting any more vaccines. Yesterday was his last day at Doggie Daycare. He only goes one day a week and he loves it, but no more. It's really sad. My son's German Shepherd got bone cancer in a hind leg. He had to have his leg removed. They told him his dog needed chemo and that it might give him six more months. He decided against the chemo, he quit vaccines and he's feeding him a super healthy diet along with some supplements. That was two years ago and he's doing great.
Dee - Jan 9
I didn't know they gave flu shots to dogs.
Charlene Jones - Jan 10
Yes, just like humans, they require them once per year.
Beth Burton - Jan 9
Beth Burton
Wow, that comment from you Charlene could have easily come out of my mouth…
Larry Arnold - Jan 9
Larry Arnold
Many of my friends have the same indoor pets as we do. Over the years I’ve observed that my friends that get their pets vaccinated regularly, especially dogs, have shorter lives than those of us that are successful in avoiding or minimizing routine vaccinations, especially rabies.
Dee - Jan 9
As I read your comment, I remember I had a cat that lived to be almost 19. I didn't vax her. Hmmmm...
TriTorch - Jan 9
Out Here On the Perimeter
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so. —Bertrand Russell
John Roberts - Jan 9
John Roberts
Probably one of the reasons most people still don’t see or want to see because they want to stay in their happy place ???
TriTorch - Jan 9
Out Here On the Perimeter
Yes, but they can only keep their eyes wide shut for so long before reality hits them, unprepared, like a freight train at maximum tilt.
John Roberts - Jan 9
John Roberts
Agreed !!!
Red Hawk - Jan 9
tessa coltman-connorton. - Jan 9
My little JR "Poppy" was having her monthly pipits for flees etc., NO JABS since she was 1 year, she was 12 and a few months ago I had to let her go ,she developed a very fast kidney disease... she was a healthy little puppy aged 12 years, the light of my life for 12 years, I am 81 and am so very lost without her. My heart is in bits. It must have been those pipits from the vets for mites /worms/fleas... sometimes she was sick after having them on her neck. I wish I could turn the clock back :-(
Brian O’Neill - Jan 9
Brian’s Substack
My heart goes out to you Rachel !
Rebal - Jan 9’s Substack
Why haven't these tyrants been knocked back down to h e l l yet? What loons!
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 9
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Why do they want to kill all of Womanity?
Red Hawk - Jan 9
Well we must use the same prodacol that humans use to get rid of nano bots 🧐
tessa coltman-connorton. - Jan 9
I think you can give a dog BluBrain, it's amazing, I take it, google it but don't listen to the Fact checkers they will tell you it's poisonous. (I'm not jabbed and am disgusted I allowed my little dog only once to take the poison. SAD. I just lost her to kidney disease, she was a healthy little thing before all this. (I put the pipits on her neck every month from the vets. That's probably the same as the vax.)
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 10
Agent’s Substack
You would have known that a year ago if you follow the Spanish Research Group La Quinta Columna.
Bee Gee - Jan 10
Bee Gee
Giving pets water with a very small amount of chlorine dioxide in it is very helpful and cheap.
And can reverse or prevent many cancers. And at low ppms, they may never even notice.
Also ivermectin and fendbendazole (sp?) can cure some cancers in animals too, but dosing can be complex.
Many vets have darkfield microscopes though, if they tried to give my pet an injection, I would have them put it on a slide and look at it under the scope first.
And then I would say "Whats That?"
Well if you dont know, Im not injecting it into my pet.
David Pfaff - Jan 9
David Pfaff
It's too bad wives didn't consider the possibility of this Covid thing being what many knew in the very beginning, a democide program. I have lost so many husband pals whose wives demanded they get the shots, at least twice with one booster, and they are no longer with us. This goes for your pets too!
Aunt Ohm - Jan 9
Aunt Ohm
I would like Dr. Nicholas Hulscher, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Robert Malone to weigh in on all these nanobots in everything....
Bee Gee - Jan 10
Bee Gee
Well then maybe you should tell them.
Dr Malone got the jab and gave it to his family as well, so hes obviously a genius, and IMO highly unlikely to admit that there is nanotech in the jabs (or himself) though.
I think anyone that got the jab is mentally programmed to deny anything negative about it is really happening, like shedding or the nanotech self-replication in the blood.
And besides, have they never heard of Microscopes?
Why do You need to tell them?
I know if I heard something like this, I would Check it out for Myself, I wouldn't need someone to tell me to do it..... yet NONE of them Do.
I like McCullough alright but he is selling products that are far too weak to help, like spike support. Many people are taking it and just keep getting sicker, because it sucks.
Im not sure who the other one is but by all means, Tell Them All and ask them to weigh in.
I wish you luck.
dyr - Jan 9
I credit our host for referring a while ago to the long Quinta Columna presentation of a while ago, in which the main presenter referred to health issues with dogs and suspicions about what's in their shots. This must have been a principal avenue for involuntary testing for some time, no one picking up on it despite likely increase in dire pet effects, so one facet of go ahead for the atrocity of covi-shots and sequels.
When it came to advocacy I was deeply involved in for years anti-e-smog dangers, we mused that if relatively few people seemed to care for the effects on themselves - ""Until there are bodies in the streets," he said, "I don't think anything is going to change"" [A Frey quoted in still best mainstream mag article on e-smog, 2010,] - maybe effects on their pets might get their attention?
David Merrill - Jan 9 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Don't you suppose that you might be looking at the AI; not the I/O?
I always presume the perspective that you feel you expose the I/O - not the AI.
In other words, as you discover it is in virtually anything that we are putting into human blood, by whatever means (including chemtrails) you are looking at it like it is product, or raw materials to fabricate product; nanocircuitry for sensory/surveillance IoT (Internet of Things) sort of stuff. Try viewing your observations as you the Witness watch Higher Evolution unfold.
Or maybe two Higher Evolutions - the one being a clumsy human spoof of the natural one. CHRIST and ANTICHRIST developing (competing for attention/intention) together at the same time?
Sometimes it pays to step off the battlefield long enough to hear yourself Whisper:
Rebal - Jan 9’s Substack
Mitochondria modulation. Basically theft of the energy systems of the body. Worse than neremburg...
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, for those who don't realize that. Absolutely no, I did not give permission for this rape and robbery- I don't know anyone who did. Immediately trials, strip of all assests and titles, throw them in the deepest darkest dungeons forever. Fully vexxed and fully masked. Strip them of everything- they could not be human.
May the Lord grant them a full and swift conversion of hearts, wd pray. Amen!
Bee Gee - Jan 10
Bee Gee
EDTA and ascorbic acid stops that energy theft.
Which is why people who take them both while fasting for a few days feel Great.
Not like a little great, like Tony The Tiger Greeeat!!
I keep trying to tell people, if you take them correctly, it will make a HUGE difference.
Much more than anything else I have found and I have taken many many things for 3 years now.
David Merrill - Jan 9
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
That helps me develop my point to Ana Maria.
You keep estimating intention to create the nanotech is emanating from people - a cabal or criminal syndicalism. I am working through her second Transhuman book, and do not see her getting anywhere - even in the court forum. That usually indicates a failed Problem Identification. - Primary to engineer a solution.
I can send you down a bunny trail with the Chief Judge in DC:
Flip to Page 11 and look at the top new member:
My point is that JEB simply does not have the wherewithal to be conducting operations in nanotech blood infestation. Nobody does. We are observing a verb and labeling it a noun; then putting faces on the noun.
In other words when 3/4 of the human population rolled up their sleeves even though the Control Group was extinguished after six weeks, humankind killed science. Science became whatever Big Pharma wants. Science is dead. The people who rolled up their sleeves, Mandate or not, are who killed Science.
Rebal - Jan 9’s Substack
Musk was talking about the evolution of man w all the space exploration and moving people there. Also, w all the fog and lights and drones we've been seeing, some are saying it sends energy and warmth up to space. We'll, isnt that what they need to (possibly) make space liveable?
I don't trust him. So many good ideas, and do many very bad ones too.
David Merrill - Jan 9
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Dr Carrie MADEJ has not posted the video yet; she is a couple weeks behind due to the Holidays? Around December 20 she interviewed a fellow (delusional) saying he was to be the Poster Elon MUSK but was pulled as he approached the initial stage stairs. He claims that gloss and special effects are composing Elon, the genius.
tessa coltman-connorton. - Jan 9
Well I also believe they are duplicating people... it sounds crazy but they have so many many years of technology. Also they are all psychopaths.
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