Darkfield Microscopy And A Dark Agenda With Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Dr. Joseph Sansone, and Dr. David Meiswinkle - Making Sense Of The Madness With Jason Bermas

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Dr. Joseph Sansone, And Dr. David Meiswinkle join the broadcast to talk DARPA, Hydrogel, Bio-Nano Tech, Tyranny, and much more!

This was an awesome interview… Jason Bermas is on it! My colleagues from National ARM are also on fire! Support the movement by getting the grand jury petitions to your attorney general, prosecutors, law enforcement. Somewhere, in some state, there must be a prosecutor and judge that has not been bought by the system and will bring justice… help us find those heroes who will investigate the COVID crimes against humanity. My recent symposium with Dr. Nixon and Dr. Ber has been added as evidence to the exhibits.

Don’t be a bystander, get involved in saving our country, species and planet. Here is the Ban the Jabs resolution. Take it to your county. Don’t be cynic or apathic. Nothing has ever been achieved with that attitude. Be a doer, a bringer of the future we all want to see in your neighborhood. Get the shots banned as the biological and technological weapons they are!

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Joy Lucette Garner - Oct 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

BEFORE they rolled out the warp speed death jabs, over 90% of the deadly and disabling conditions suffered by Americans (in 2020) were a direct result of the old vaccines, i.e., the "soft kill."
Banning ONLY the covid jabs will not save us.

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scoopkeefe@yahoo.com - Oct 14, 2023

Amazing Anna Maria I was just watching the Dark Agenda podcast and you mentioned the book The Last Waltz of the Tyrants by Ramtha. iI too read all the Ramtha books in the 1980's and that same book lead to my awakening. Thank you for verifying that. Much love and blessings, Arlene Oneill

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