Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of An…

May 2, 2024

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Image: 400x magnification, C19 un-injected blood, construction site with polymer growth


TimeIsNear - May 2 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

The beef I get from my ranching neighbors have 0 vaccines. They feed off the land. If they're spraying, then both the cow and I are inhaling it. There's not much we can do at this point.


E.C. - May 2

Ar’s Substack



Christian - May 2

Ar’s Substack

ridicule !


Effra - May 3


Only Jesus can fully defeat nanotechnology.


Christian - May 4

Ar’s Substack

and the Virgin Mary in this case !


Christian - May 3

Ar’s Substack

Lol ! quels pouvoirs attribués à cet hébreu ! grotesque...


JulesUSA - May 2 - Edited

Kay and the blue teapot.

Diffuse vinegar outside. Vinegar (acetic acid) eats the metals that are sprayed. See Chemtrails Cleared on YT, and Vinegar Blue Skies on YT. It's science and it works.


Piki - May 2 - Edited

Kay and the blue teapot.

I have tried this numerous times. It does not seem to make a difference. I see the fatty grey smog sky does not open up...


JulesUSA - May 3 - Edited

Have you watched the videos on those channels? It works for me and it's a scientific fact that it works. But it has to be done right because vinegar is watered down, so there are specific methods on how to do it.


Adrian - May 2


How? Vinegar in a thermal fogger?


JulesUSA - May 2

I'm not sure what a thermal fogger is. Please see the channels I mentioned, there are various ways to utilize it. It works, I've seen it work.


Lisa - May 2


We've done this but you cannot out-do the most nefarious cloud warfare. It's impossible. We've tried. Yes, keep doing it, you'll get the light chems, but not the heavy duty ones.


JulesUSA - May 3

I have to disagree with you.


matt. j.a.o.b - May 4

matt’s microscopy

The agenda wants to stop us eating meat. I don't support the agenda and will eat more.


Jai - May 4


Possibly, that's what it seems like. But they also want a "vegan diet" that is artificial/GMO/mRNA fruit and veggies. Maybe would be interesting to see under the scope one on high meat diet and then organic fruit fast, to test it.


rachel - Jun 26


The animals would be grateful if you did not. They do not want to die for our meals. They endure a constant cycle of breeding and using females. Many animals sent to slaughter
are pregnant and carrying a fetus. Certainly you do not want to take part in that abuse.


Jay Skywatcher - May 17

Jay’s Substack

They decimated the bison to destroy the native Americans. Those that farmed had their crops and villages burned. Food is the easiest to eliminate.


rachel - Jun 26


Farm animals concentrate plants into their body. It takes about 20-25 pounds of plants
to create 1 pound of flesh. Its' a very very inefficient conversion, even if the animals are
consuming plants that we cannot!. They also do not want to be killed for our meals, this
from an 'ex' omnivore. I prefer the just eat the plants; beans, grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds.


TimeIsNear - May 2

Comment removed.


TimeIsNear - May 2

I think it was Karen who mentioned this. Too much information out there to keep up. What I get comes vacuumed sealed. The processors are not using any of the Styrofoam or padding. This is the way we get our beef and chicken. We get dairy, eggs and honey from our neighbors. We grow a lot of veggies and some fruits. I turn to neighbors to supplement. It took a while to get this in place. I started working on this before covid because I knew our food was already toxic. I urge everyone to go out to their farmers markets to make connections and find real food. Just the taste alone is worth it along with the nutrition. I have fresh raspberries and blackberries being picked every day. The organic berries in the store can't compare. Also, microgreens are a great source of food and nutrition. I have millions of seeds now. In fact, I have to start new trays this afternoon. I was watching a video a while back and I can't remember who it was or where I watched it, but I downloaded it. I will have to look for it since I have countless videos downloaded. The speaker knew about the hydrogels, and he mentioned chlorophyll rids the body of it. I haven't seen any proof of this but thought it was interesting. I went to look into it further and found our blood is very similar to chlorophyll. High concentration of chlorophyll can be obtained by eating wheatgrass. I've been growing this as a microgreen and adding it to my daily smoothie. Regardless of if it works or not, wheatgrass is loaded with nutrition.


Hazel - May 2


Carnivore diet cures a lot of things. Vegans are sickly


Lynette Devries - May 2

Little Bird

Partly right but the cattle get lots of hormones to make them grow faster, vaccines and God knows what else. Check out Creeping Death's comment. It is quite an eye opener. There is no way to get clean meat these days. I love meat of all kinds.


JulieBelzeski - May 2

Little Bird

You really do have to get regeneratively raised beef…it’s as close to natural as exists…grass fed/pasture raised…


JulesUSA - May 2

Did you read the article??


moando - May 2


Comment removed.


moando - May 3


A hunter that I know in Indiana avoids the meat - the critters roam through glyphosate soaked corn and soy fields.


Webe1 - May 2


They’re finding that crap in both domesticated and wild animals. It would seem the nefarious have thought of everything. Suckerberg just built a 20 million dollar self-sustaining, underground compound...


Don Lewis - May 21

Psychological deterioration from long term solitary confinement in a plush prison and come out into a world with the entire planet's ecosystem destroyed by themselves? ? Any Buddha would warn that Karma is a real Bitch.


JulesUSA - May 2

Are you serious? Did you read the article??


scout - May 2

Pirate Eyes

Ana, from a couple sources, I suspect mRNA nanos and chem nanos, are sparked by 5g and higher. You, or Carnicom, have probably run a quick and dirty 5g hit then checked blood before and after....Be interested in results. Fasting to rid on nanos, without another variable, doesn't make sense, UNLESS immune system DOES have a method to purge the bugs, or some other variable.


Pirate Studebaker - May 5

Pirate Eyes

There is a great French documentary on fasting and how the natural cells protect themselves during a fast thus starving the unwanted cells to death. As Dr. A and others have demonstrated, the synthetics are feeding off the RBCs. When fasting they can't. Watch the video and it will be clear how our bodies do this. It's not the immune system.
THE SCIENCE OF FASTING Stream on Rumble. Or buy a copy on Vimeo.


Alan Tan - May 2 - Edited

Alan’s Substack

I am taking limonene, made from orange peel oil. It suppose to dissolve plastic.. Think that document in on pubmed...


Jules. - May 2


Thank you so much for this information.
I have heard all these carnivore stories, and have thought about it, but since every thing is literally getting attacked one way or another, seems like more fasting , prayers and detoxing.
Appreciate the un vax blood work pics. And the shedding.
I am alone and surrounded by vaxxed. I was warned about this.
My 90 year old father in law was in a coma for 6 months, In 2020, now rambling on again. Strong guy. He'll be 93.


Jules. - May 2


Comment removed.


Jules. - May 2


I was just thinking about no more market mystery meats, but specialty shops or local farms.
Most of ours were outsourced years ago. To China.
My dad was in the meat business as was his dad before him.
Just sad what was slowly happening, now speeding up, or is it that because of social media, we are now more aware.
Thank you!


Jules. - May 2


Comment removed.


Jules. - May 2


I kinda laughed, the thought of going out to eat anymore.
Used to do a lot of that.
We did go out to a restaurant some time ago, and I didn't feel too good for a few days after. Swelling. 5 people got gout. Really bizarre.
Oh, had a friend say they saw a burger for $1.99.
Makes you wonder what it is. Or not.


Jules. - May 2


Comment removed.


Jules. - May 2


Laughing so hard I almost spit out my tea. (Parsley tea helps with swelling or inflammation. Just fyi. )
Daughter asks what's so funny, told her and she goes, probably healthier too. I'm still chuckling.
Every thing is so messed up, it's nice to laugh a bit.
Agreed tho. Home cooked every thing.
Used to think my grandparents were a bit much, canning, storing deer, elk and what not in the cellar. Come to find out, I am now them.
Baking soda for the teeth, which at 20 I thought was so gross. Along with canned salmon. But no more.
Nice! I have wild strawberries. Nothing like um. Or tomatoes, corn, all of it. Parsley grows like crazy. I have it out back and dill.
And fruit off the tree, forget store bought. When you know what things should really taste like, you stop bothering with the rest.
Tuna fresh caught off the boat, oh my goodness. Nothing better.


Roman S Shapoval - May 2

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Best way to counter the mesh network of our body is to remove the mesh network all around us:


Leon - May 2

First - check out:https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/telecoms-weaponized-5g-caught-in
See for yourself:https://pauljhurtado.com/US_Composite_Radar/


Jules. - May 2


Comment removed.


Jules. - May 2


They truly don't. And it isn't for the speedy networks either.


moando - May 3


Smartphones are in the hands of every teenager. When we're in town and the kids empty out on streets for lunchtime, everyone is on their phone - they're not even conversing with their classmates walking next to them!


Roman S Shapoval - May 2

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I hear you. When did you learn of the hazard? Not sure where you're located, but we're doing a free webinar on EMF shielding tonight 7pm EST if you're interested!


Lenmor1776 - May 2


It seems it has come down to a race for time. No one is going to admit and/or stop this madness while we are sitting ducks whether we took the death jab or not.


Cristina - May 2

El Substack de Cristina

The polymer filaments shown by Dr. Mihalcea are very similar to those found by me in the blood of my cats.


Christian - May 2

Ar’s Substack

Comment removed.


Christian - May 2

Ar’s Substack

Propagande chrétienne sioniste odieuse !


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 2

Brandon’s Substack

Here is an interesting article in Epoch publication that people may find of interest. That said the synthetic biology is doing a lot of the damage if it is not being properly managed.
I have not heard of anyone specifically removing "yeast" from their diet, but I have and feel a lot better consuming only unleavened breads (e.g. without yeast) and chips.
I have also not heard of anyone not mixing dairy and meats. I have heard of people not consuming meats (supplementing with B12) as well as people consuming dairy and cheese, but not meats.
I've basically been eating vegetarian for a year and every now and again have some meat (that is Kosher style and pre-treated with peppers, pineapple in a marinara sauce for hours to days) as the bromelain from the pineapple helps to digest the proteins. Regarding removal of synthetic biology from meats, etc. there is a technique that concentrates the nanotechnology and it is based on this brief here:https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/bioenergetics-117-toroid-properties
So, I'm working on a pre-treatment step to purge the concentrated synthetic biology from the meat using this technique and rife to bioresonate via pulses with spiked leading edges out of the meat using a phased array electronic beam steering. Think of it as "washing your vegetables" but this time it is "new physics washing".
Basically, Dr. Ana is correct regarding the synbio integrates within the biological tissue. However, if you are in an low EMF environment and use a pulsed square wave rife frequency transmitter at high enough amplitude it can move the synbio out of the tissue and into other concentrated nerve tissue regions for removal. Therefore, there are ways to stay clean of synthetic biology, but it takes a fuller understanding of the physical world and energy systems unseen that run the world (some call this grace, which I agree with). However, I don't appreciate being blinded.


Jules. - May 2


Brandon, as a dieter most of my life, I remember hearing, not to have starch with meat or vegetables. Good topic to bring up.
Loved my meat, potatoes and bread tho.
BUT, I have been doing so much reading, due to health issues. I have had to change.
I am now 3 veggies a plate gal and what a difference. Also unleavened bread or no yeast separate. Cus we need the carbs.
I've found most women have been lied to about dieting. Along with everything else.
No dairy, or white flour, sugar, salt for me. No processed box stuff, and now I find myself questioning fresh.
I now grow my own or support our local growers as much as possible.
Seasoning, kosher salt, olive/avocado oil, parmesan cheese on vegetables are really good. I can't believe I actually like brussel sprouts now.


Lisa - May 2


I definitely feel better when I remove yeast from the diet.


crapshoot farmer - May 3

crapshoot farmer

Brandon, would Brewer's yeast fall into the category you speak of?
We've been using it for decades, lol


AncientLoveLover - May 2

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

The environmental contamination is way worse everywhere, I don’t think we can attribute this to the diet alone. I have had morgellons symptoms very manageable up until the last 4 weeks or so. Symptoms have flared worse than usual in these recent weeks. I’ve had to change up my mitigation strategies, and fight some relapses that mostly occurred on my chin. All good may be contaminated, not just meat. Plants get watered with ground water and will be full of contamination also. Cyclical fasting should be implemented…still what do we do when every form of sustenance is contaminated


Lisa - May 2


This is the truth. It's everywhere. Yet, we have to do what we can. Can I ask the general area where you live? My struggles sky rocketed in April. I work so hard to mitigate but I have to keep changing it up. Perhaps they are attempting to accelerate the carnage. April's chem weather was just so damaging.


AncientLoveLover - May 2

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I am west US but as a person who is in contact with a large network of morgellons suffers, I’ll tell you it is not exclusive to any area. Everyone seems to be battling harder now.


Lisa - May 2


Bingo. We are on the east coast and were hammered in April. It's everywhere. I can look back and see which months we got a little break and which ones we were worse. I think it's related to climate in general. They take advantage of the daily temperature and humidity levels in a region.


Summer Eve - May 2


Comment removed.


Summer Eve - May 2


Food grade sodium citrate? Since it’s powder, how much did you take?


Summer Eve - May 2


Comment removed.


Summer Eve - May 2


Thank you so much for your reply and info. Will do… so very helpful.


Summer Eve - May 2

Comment removed.


Summer Eve - May 2

Will do. I bought both so I will try own then the other.


me - May 2


Comment removed.


me - May 4


How to assess the urine? With a UV flash light? (To see if glows?)


David - May 2 - Edited

David’s Substack

The rouleaux formations are formed when blood has gone from a negative (natural) voltage to neutral followed by positive voltage. Therefore grounding works be beneficial. There is no way cells can clump during grounding. The earth's natural electric field is much stronger and transfers through the skin to blood and RBCs. Grounding may even be the cure. It's possible they can't advance the construction.
I've been looking at blood bio electrification. It seems the inventions always had between 99-100% success which bothered the illuminati controllers. Some even had patents.
Here's some EVIDENCE
And here's some VIDEO of microorganisms getting ZAPPED!
I'm actually going to build a few of these. But in the meanwhile chlorine dioxide. It works by oxidizing material not consistent with body's electric field. Outside material like plastics, metals, bad germs, and chemicals, even fluoride get broken down into something the body can expel. But because of their ongoing attack on us2 things:
1.We The People keep running and hiding and changing diets and dying
2. We need to have a global consensus on eliminating the REAL "disease" . Basically the elite and all the politicians w/o burning down the country or rioting. No violence. We all have to go back to work to our buildings and places. Once the disease is gone the chemtrails and Disease and ALL crisis' will end.
I'm convinced humanity will begin communicating like those 90s modems signing in to AOL. No feelings. No families.
It's way more of us then them and they're afraid they're even making laws taking away our rights. Protesting is free speech and the Palestinian people need help like EVERY SINGLE DAY UNTIL THE WAR AND WITH URGENCY. FROM EVERYONE. The elite are using illuminati actors to cause violence so Americans can hate Palestinians. They want a divide and its working. Another distraction from while they advance their agendas.
Thank you Dr Ana Maria for your work.


candtalan - May 2


Thank you for the mention of chlorine dioxide, it is rarely mentioned in Dr Anna's comments columns.


Jai - May 4


Ive been researching trying to find information on how High Voltage DC Negative polarity electrostatic Fields may effect the SynBio and all its forms. Would also be like super charged "grounding". Hard to find direct information. Possible other solution? Tony P and Michael chapalla talk about Getting rid of the Synthetic Biology using Pulsed Magnetic field to take out it's System processing function. I wonder if a HV negative polarity Static Field can do something similar. Spencer Feldman talks about breaking down crystals which he has a device he calls "electron charger" this is also called from another company pyroenergen, amd others call it High Potential Therapy. Feldman uses a spark gap in one of his setups to create a "pulse"... One aspect of this shit they are spraying are these synthetic Nemetic Seed Crystals. If you've seen also the Teslaphoresis and how it can trigger self organisation in CNTs and few other nanos... But something ive been looking into is "Voltage and static Pull in Instability" this is when You hit the Voltage (or static) Threshold that the nano MEMs or NEMs electrodes can handle and they snap together and breakdown due to instability. Question is with the HV is it hitting that Nano Meter threshold. But also with the negative statics I'm trying to find what the effects would be, as it's said this tech steals electrons from us to power itself once it gets in. But if flooding our system and the HV component possibly it could fry the circuitry. For CNTs/fullerenes IDK, cause I've seen in the TeslaPhoresis at 100kv level it was still self organising. But this component would be like the synthetic Nervous system of the SynBio, which would connect the Micro electromechanical biosensors and the qDot grids. So if the processing components are fried this may help significantly in getting it out. But they have developed protection coatings on much of these things. Is hard to find studies tho on the "Static Pull-in instability".. but, even if this shit starts to self organize it's using positive and negative charges to cross-link together.


Jai - May 4


The High Voltage DC static field has very little current. Most of the units sold operate at 18kv and are priced over 1k. But I have a setup that's 50kv rating for under 200€.. It's a Static Negative Charged Field. When your feet are on the Electrode plate the Negative charged source would be greater at this point. But the entire body is enveloped in a Negative Charged static field, if we weren't dealing with this nano shit this therapy is profound with many benefits. Question is what's the effect to the SynBio. (One byproduct of this field is Negative Ions.) but anyways, if the SynBio Crosslinks utilise a Negative and Positive charge, would this highly charged negative potential field disrupt the cross links? It's a possibility. I've tested out the "pulse" with a Spark Gap. It seems the static effects are still present continuously yet whenever the spark gap arcs in pulses you can notice your hair Jumps up and pulses with each SG arcing. Another technique Feldman shares is to run the electrode into a bucket of water to pull positive charged material from the body into the bucket. Thus wouldn't take everything out but may help with some of it. What does everyone think? Does this have potential?


Bee Gee - May 3 - Edited

Bee Gee

Chlorine Dioxide does not cure the shedding, even in high doses for multiple days straight it only makes a temporary improvement in the blood that will return on its own, even without additional shedding contact.
I do not believe grounding helps either, these hydrogels/nanobots seem to have their own magnentic charge that is coming from within the structures themselves, not from an external field. I go without shoes all the time but I'm not cured.
For example many times when you see a darkfiled picture, all the red blood cells are actually super compressed on one side of the hydrogel and slightly repelled on the Other side.
Perhaps all rouleaux since 2020 is actually some type of magnetism like phenomenon within the red blood cells, since they stack and compress like disc magnets as it progresses.
This attracted/repelled delineation is actually occurring over and over and over again, for example in many of Dr Anas images. Or the other day in many of Dr Corlett's images.
No one wants to talk about or focus on the magnetism-like phenomenon but I cant stop thinking it is Very Very Important to this whole riddle for humanity.
A previously unknown physical phenomenon in humans and an unknown technology getting injected into humans that can shed to people who didnt take it isnt a coincidence.


Sharon Oz - May 5

Sharon’s Substack

You are onto it. No they don't want to talk about it that is for sure. To learn more head over to Sabrina's channel on odysee. Targeted individuals have known way more on what is going on for years than those who have just come to the forefront since the 2020 saga. They also know a bit more about what has been switched on as well, we are in the 4th industrial revolution currently and it's WW3 on the population.https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f


bastringue - May 4

Do you have more information about chlorine dioxide? Many people talk about it and I even checked the "inventor" website, but still not convinced and not sure how it works. Thanks.


JulesUSA - May 2

Do grounding mats for the bed, have to be plugged into an outlet?


JulesUSA - May 2

Do grounding mats for the bed, have to be plugged into an outlet?


Amy N. - May 2 - Edited

Thank you, my biggest question is if your unvaxxed patients are sleeping with or living with vaxxed people?- as this must contribute to the nanobot situation. I have eaten what was supposed to be quality meat recently and had nightmares beyond comprehension. My favorite energy philanthropist recommended an important number to meditate on -to restore our DNA to its original function: 333 333 1731 1731 4837 4499 8888 999.


JulesUSA - May 2 - Edited

Interesting! That is fascinating!


Jdn - May 2

Comment removed.


Jdn - May 2

How do you block emf?


Thomas A Braun RPh - May 2 - Edited


Big Pharma companies have Veterinarian divisions! You have to do a deep dive to discover what RNA injections they are pushing to convince the animal farmers how to maximize their return on investment! Time to go vegetarian to stay alive!


JulesUSA - May 2 - Edited


A report by Karen Kingston shows that they talked about and most likely already, growing lettuce and tomatoes with "mRna". Built in.


Thomas A Braun RPh - May 2

We are lost!


Jules. - May 2 - Edited


Yes, I have heard and seen something on this. Why does my tomato need omega 3? When I can get it from an avocado?
Also when buying meat or chicken, make sure there is a bone or skin.
No petri dish food, but we see that is their next step. In progress. And that new apeel cover on fresh fruit and vegetables. I now soak everything in vinegar.
Man made or should I say evil made food does not agree with our natural bodies.
Reckon that's their point, not ours. The burning down of certain factories. So many animals destroyed is just sickening.


Webe1 - May 2


Nothing I’ve read this far rids fruit and veggies of Apeel...whether you peel the item or not.


Jules. - May 2


Really? Thank you. I don't think I have either.


JulesUSA - May 3 - Edited


I heard that we should be vocal in telling produce dept managers that we will not purchase our produce there if they are "Apeeled". And tell others of course.


Jules. - May 3


Yep. I agree. The art of saying NO! Starts with us.
Until then I will continue supporting local farmers, while I can. And growing.


Thomas A Braun RPh - May 2

Comment removed.


Thomas A Braun RPh - May 2

Yea! A friend 60 years ago loved rare filets! He had them about 3 times a week at lunch. DES was being injected at that time and it caused cancer. He died of stomach cancer! Lilly paid out millions because they were the main culprit pushing the drug! RNA injections are on a scale at least 100 times worst and the clowns in DC don’t give a damn!


Mary Lou Tringali, PhD - May 2 - Edited

Mary Lou Tringali, PhD

It’s so hard to avoid. I try to find bottled water not in plastic. Perrier is nice to avoid plastic.


Alan Tan - May 2 - Edited

Alan’s Substack

Most bottled water contains micro plastics and perrier too. Get a good filter water jug like Zero filter.


E.C. - May 2

Reverse osmosis


Lisa Rene - May 2 - Edited

Lisa Rene

Comment removed.


Lisa Rene - May 2 - Edited

Lisa Rene

My well water is milky white. In the Montana Mountains.


Lisa - May 2 - Edited


We distill our well water. I've looked at it under the microscope before and after. I will only drink distilled.


Lisa Rene - May 2 - Edited

Lisa Rene

I need to. I've been boiling and filtering it but it's still scary. My pans I use to boil water are now covered in what looks like a layer of white plastic that is harder than cement.


Lisa - May 2


It's so sad, isn't it!? They sell a decent distiller on Amazon. My friend got it and has used it for years. I can get you the name of it.


Lisa Rene - May 2

Lisa Rene

Thank You, yes Please. I've been looking at some and they're not very expensive but I'd appreciate a recommendation.


Lisa Rene - May 2

Lisa Rene

Comment removed.


Lisa Rene - May 2

Lisa Rene

Neither are options here. Thank You, nonetheless.


JulesUSA - May 2

crapshoot farmer

Comment removed.


JulesUSA - May 2

This is a serious question! What about a filtered water dispenser like Primo, or the reverse osmosis machines at Whole Foods?


crapshoot farmer - May 3

crapshoot farmer

I saw one filter reviewer on yt that showed a Berkey increased the aluminum content after filtering.
Been using an Aqua Rain for years now- I think it's superior.
And was it beegee that recommended the Pure filter altho it's a pitcher type..?


Xmen442002 - May 2 - Edited


The ingestion of essential oils is risky business.
We have no testing telling us what it does to the gut microbiome and it is pretty safe to assume that concentrated oils will have a harsh affect upon the liver and kidneys.
The safest and most powerful way to use essential oils is through direct inhalation by inhaler or nebulizer.
Inhaling immediately affects the oxygen in the bloodstream and allows it to cross the BBB within one minute and can have a major impact(especially upon inflammation) with uptake as needed.
If your goal is the microbiome, then it's better to work with a clinical aromatherapist who understands suppository delivery of oils.
Again, we have no safety studies on the impact of the gut microbiome.
Also ,I would not put all my faith into Young Living oils, as they have failed at least 6 tests(since I last checked) in composition, adulteration or mislabeling.
I am a Level 1 Certified Aromatherapist, CNHP and owner of essential oil distillations in Indonesia.


Jai - May 5 - Edited


What do you think of OZOL therapy assisting removal of the SynBio? It's Ozone inhalation from a nebuliser that has mix of essential oils which then form Ozonides with the terpenes in the oils.


Xmen442002 - May 5 - Edited


Aromatic medicine is very powerful and not many understand the possible implications it can achieve and quickly by using it.
The oxygenated blood makes a revolution in the blood and crosses the blood brain barrier within one minute of inhalation.
Essential oils in combination are very powerful and it depends upon the combination?
A simple inhaler may work as well for constant uptake.
Do you have the oil combination? I will run this by a clinical aromatherapist I know.
You have to be very careful with hat oil sources you choose today as 85% of the world supply sees adulteration.
This is my business in Indonesia(distillation of oils), and I am also a Level 1 certified aromatherapist and CNHP.


Jai - May 5


Nice. Yes we need some high quality oils. Atm have some organic bio oils from a local Bio store, no clue the process they went through. But we have been using a cold corona Discharge for the Ozone within a tube that feeds the air pump, then up into a Nebuliser containing Tea tree and Oregano oil within a 9x purple bamboo salt solution.


Xmen442002 - May 5


Unless the oils are third party GC/MS tested, then there is no way to verify purity.
Only two oils?
In what ratio?
Both oils are rather irritating to mucous membranes.
Where does the salt come into play?
How long for inhalation?
Cajeput may make a less irritating solution than the tea tree.(they are related).
Cajeput is directly applied to newborns and infants bodies in SE Asia and seen as a tonic.


Jai - May 6


Have just been using 2 drops in about 12ml. The salt is used as the carrier solution for the nebuliser. Aswell 9x purple bamboo salt has many benefits, antioxidants, negative ORP, highly alkaline. About 10 minutes.


me - May 3


Can we inhale 2 drops on wrist also?


Xmen442002 - May 3

Might as well do it directly from the bottle.


E.C. - May 2

HE is coming. HE will not allow his creation to be demolished. My relatives in FL, TN, and WA ST. feel the same⚔️. We dont even read the same articles or even talk often to one another. It is some kind of "knowing" and it is strong and peaking. Pray as often as you can. Thank you Dr Ana Mihalcea for your work💥



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