Darkfield Live Blood Analysis of COVID19…

Feb 10

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Figure: red blood cells electromagnetically attracted to a micellar polymer construction site.


Cindy Camille - Feb 10


Dr Ana, thank you for your continued amazing work. Have a few questions I am hoping you can address within your work and post about it:
1.) What about the fact Methylene Blue contains Benzene, a known cancer causing agent? What are your thoughts about this?
2.)Can you please do a test to see how the nanotechnology in people’s bodies reacts to a IV of food grade hydrogen peroxide?
What about an IV of glutathione?
3.) Can you please do a test to see how the nanotechnology in people’s bodies reacts to ozone? Such as an ozone IV, versus an ozone insufflation (perhaps rectally), versus ozone steam to the body (a HOCATT treatment or ozone steam cabinet, for instance).
4.) Any new info on where to find clean dental lidocaine?
Thank you again for your work


Akgrrrl - Feb 10


I wish there was a button for "X1000" your requests to Ana


Bee Gee - Feb 10

Bee Gee

Glutathione is part of the standard IV EDTA and ascorbic acid she and many other chelation practitioners give...
the place I talked to called it a glutathione 'push' but you dont find that out until you talk to them.


Fibro Vision - Feb 11

FibroVision by Jessica

So can we trust IV vitamins?


Bee Gee - Feb 12

Bee Gee

I dont think we can just ‘trust’ anything and David Nixon and MattC have found the nanotech in all the salines they examined.
Yet Dr Ana and many others have still found (And Proven) that IV EDTA and ascorbic acid helps to clean someones blood like nothing else can. And I would imagine that those things deactivate the nanotech in saline, just like they do in people.
Seems like it would have been easy enough to test, if I had already found the nanotech in saline. Drop, Drop… Yes, No.
Meh, I guess not though, to each their own. And thats why I think oral chelation and solutions are so important, not everyone can afford or get to an IV place and then there is the contaminated saline to think about if you are getting an IV of something that Doesnt deactivate it, like EDTA and ascorbic acid plainly does.


TruthGleaner - Feb 10


Dr. Ana, you and your work are PRICELESS...ENDLESS GRATITUDE!!!


Tyler Moody - Feb 10 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Ana, I am unvaccinated but had a relationship with a girl who was vaccinated and I have had so many of the vax injury symptoms for months now. Who should I contact to give my blood/body to research?? Please advise ❤️


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 10

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

You may want to check out Neo on substack


Tyler Moody - Feb 10

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thank you brother 🙏


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 10

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Absolutely - here's a link to one of the articles (of many)https://substack.com/home/post/p-153980267


Kim C at the Sea - Feb 11


So sorry. Same exact. X-fiance was shot and boosted and ever since (2-1/2yrs) I've been afflicted/poisoned feeling.


Tyler Moody - Feb 11


What did you do to help it? Still affected?


Kim C at the Sea - Feb 11


NAC, EDTA, meth blue, C, nicotine, bromelaine, circumin, ivermectin, hawthorne, fruit anthocyanins, nattokinaise, lumbrokinaise, humic & fulvic, resveratrol, C infusions, and uber expensive EDTA infusion and EBOO transfusion with hemealumen. 2-1/2yrs. I have bouts/flare-ups every couple weeks that last for a week or so. Twitches, voodoo doll stabbing pains, tinnitus, electric brain and chest zaps, skin problems. I blame spike protein, nano, venom thru covid and/or shot shedding. Still trying, won't give up! But it's fubar lol.


Akgrrrl - Feb 11


Do Not Give Up.
I have at least TWO instances where, had I believed the word of the needlepushing medics, I would be dead. One, where a 2story fall crushed away my left forearm and wrist, right wrist broken use 2fingers "lost", both knees surgeried, skingrafts arrrgh and possible head trauma, collapsed retina, then while casted fingertip to shoulde,r caretaker abuse added PTSD.
A team of 7 orthopedics told me I would never be able to hold a gallon of milk.
Watch me.
In 20 months of bodybuilding with real steel, I won a Fitness Contest in my age class. (Old, by their standards)
Do Not Give Up.
Consistency changes your brain. When the brain gets the message of the goal, your miracle will happen.


Mrnobody - Feb 12


Check out Paulette's substack, she uses rife technology remotely


Reply (1) - Feb 10 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Feb 10

Bee Gee



Transformative Visions - Feb 10

Transformative Visions

Good morning Dr Mihalcea,
Have you considered doing any tests using DMSO or CDS to see what the impact on these clots might be too? With CDS oxygenating blood and DMSO restructuring cells; I have been incredibly curious as to the effect it might have on these clots.
I love your work and thank you!


Akgrrrl - Feb 11


Yes yes this this!


melinda melindahood.com - Feb 10

Bee Gee

Hello Dr. Ana, I have a question for you. Given that vax'd and unvax'd seem to all be having contaminated blood and that the contamination is coming from a wide variety of sources, not just vaccines and booster do you think it still matters for an unvaxed person to avoid sexual contact with vaxed? I have held the line for many years now, but starting to wonder about that. I gave up a serious relationship in holding the line. Your thoughts? I welcome anyone else's responses from their experience or wisdom.


Bee Gee - Feb 10

Bee Gee

Yes, I would continue not having relations with the infected. Body fluid transfer or extensive skin contact make whatever they are shedding much much worse.
And we now know that some unvaxxed women who have had extensive body fluid transfer with their vaxxed/infected spouse or partner have begun emitting bluetooth MAC ID's, just like the vaxxed.
Its not easy but personally I think you making the right decision.


melinda melindahood.com - Feb 11

Thank you Bee Gee.


Greg's - Feb 11

Greg’s Substack

Question should be rephrased: Does density of Rouleuxe blood cell clumping and density of nano tech both increase as well as key different types of nanotech (over 20 identified) increase with vaxxed sex vx non vaxxed sex as both will likely increase it..
Next question by what avg approx percentage increase please and can you post that asap for world already at year 5 among other dozen top relevant such blood cleanse questions being failed on by microscopy leaders since stats just sitting there for years not compiled yet in the like 2 hours it would take to do that one! The little people without the labs who can't afford naturalpath clinics thank you for getting to us one fine day!


jsinton - Feb 10


The vaxxed are polluted with heavy duty stuff. I had a fully vaxxed victim/test subject and they emitted bots like a bot factory.


Greg's - Feb 11

Greg’s Substack

Hey Jsinton,wondering how the magnets are working? Have you posted anywhere films or more info on how we can duplicate your methods and who else is comparing at your level with magnets..any supplements or other gaskets getting results you like Glad your healthy,I'm getting ready to try it ,need help..Greg


jsinton - Feb 11


I'm sorry I ignored you. I got overwhelmed.
I avoid mentioning the magnet thing because I want to get it right and I don't want people harming themselves with it. You were right, too many unknowns.
If you are gonna do it, here's what you do:
Attach magnets to the bottom of your feet. Tape them on for sleep, affix them with velcro inside your shoes. The more magnets, the better. My whole shoes are filled.
My working theory is this: Your body is a magnet. Add magnetic nano particles and irradiate with microwaves and your body is a stronger magnet. Your head it the north pole, feet are the south pole.
By placing magnets on your feet (all aligned properly) you flip polarity of your body. All nanotech is dependent on delicate magnetic forces. By reversing polarity, you cause it all to turn inside out. All the hydrogel disintegrates and goes out the digestive tract, etc. Magnetic particles flow out the bottom of your feet, turning your feet and socks brown and black.
I can't find any evidence to support my theory other than it works like crazy in practice. Can feel it sucking out my head for weeks. I nearing the end I think.


melinda melindahood.com - Feb 11


That sounds amazing and like you might be on to something!


jsinton - Feb 11


Yes, I think this is huge. I got huge chunks of stuff out.


melinda melindahood.com - Feb 11

Have you tried the ionic footbath to get at this stuff, or might it be counter productive? There is some kind of magnetic thing going on with it.


Kim C at the Sea - Feb 11

through your feet pores??


Greg's - Feb 12

Greg’s Substack

Seems combining w ionic foot baths might help...are you still doing wrist draws? Any signs of vein damage or skin holding metals? What's your daily protoculbl look like? What microscope using?


jsinton - Feb 12


There is no damage or even irritation to the skin, oddly enough. Just discoloration which disappears easily. No noticed damage. I quit doing any of the EDTA or anything. Just some vit C, hydrogen ion water, maybe some ozone ion water for laughs. I don't use the wrist anymore.
The big effect has been on my head. It totally feels like it drains out. You can feel the different parts of your brain as the pieces are moving. No doubt there is plenty of brain damage just from having all this stuff in there, not to mention pull the pieces out of behind the brain blood barrier. But my head feels GOOD! And I get deep sleep like never before. Deep sleep is when the brain does repairs and takes out the garbage.
Here is my microscope. It's good enough to see self assembling routinely. I also use a 4k HDMI microscope camera and watch on the big screen. That's how you can do time lapse video and see what the little buggers are really up to.


Greg's - Feb 13

Greg’s Substack

How do you access the hydrogen and ozone water? Do you feel its difference or just dodging bad?
What's most you've seen pull out and what your avg now ie enough to coat your pinky nail or thumb one thin layer or is it more like up to a 1/2 tspn or ?
So in 7 sessions like a tbspn or ?...
Can you send me some photos
Are you still doing daily and how clean are you under microscope?
.Did you have clumping, Rouleuxe cells beginnings..? When really bad they collapse to quarter size and turn brown crap color from red!
or better video clips sometime?
I guess I'm less concerned with stoke or death from pooling but next concern is your binding out attached minerals,brain components we need and that eventually you'll be depleted,just don't know how magnetically attached minerals are to metals,I'll try n research cuz we need them, relates to our electrical amperage we generate that also generates our aura and health balance is key I'll try to find guy who instructs on measuring and upkeeping high amps so you have that...


Greg's - Feb 12

Greg’s Substack

WOW Jsinton,you rarely fail to amaze with your creative ingenuitys always applied,always looking for a different angle, hidden angle...that's the way I think and react now to . .to a suddenly much more predatorial scenario then I thought but I confess mainly just talk,I've only done a half dozen supps and some grounding but recently developed mid level edema in my lower legs ie a growing condition,suspect nano is a factor and I'm ready to start stuff..Where else are you commenting so I can put together your best stuff? Still doing the helmet? What supplements? How often,how long sessions,what type +strength magnets,still start slow or?
Have you found any like magnet expert sites or other blogs of people trying this stuff..who's your top researcher innovators?
My plan is to study all this a week please send me what you can.If it all works out I'll owe you and or can send my best developing soon...thnx!
What about like reign or Hulda Clark electrical devices?


melinda melindahood.com - Feb 11

Thank you ...Unless seriously convinced differently I won't do anything different and will tow the line.


Fibro Vision - Feb 11

FibroVision by Jessica

I've just upset someone by saying no won't do a double vaxxed person


Daisy (Kathlyn) Hinesley - Feb 10


I see those a lot in my LBA work too. I also took an Live Blood Analysis course with Neogenesis Systems. I would have described the 'Mesogens' as 'Protoplasts,' because of a darkfield image in the Neogenesis Manual that looks almost identical to the 2nd photo you showed. Protoplasts can have colored bits in them as well. How do you differentiate 'Mesogens' from 'Protoplasts' in your work. I assume that Nanotechnology could easily be affecting ordinary blood anomalies and structures, but I'm curious about information and tools others are using to see the differences.


jsinton - Feb 10


I call mesogens "shit crystals" since I see the bots drag smart dust, filaments, and other assorted salvaged hand-me-down nanotech together, and assemble the mesogen out of it, wire it up with nanowires, and cement it all together with hydroget and polyester. You can see the "garbage" in the translucent mesogen when it's done.


Daisy (Kathlyn) Hinesley - Feb 10


In the training I took, those things (which I was told to call 'Protoplasts,' are just accumulations of excess protein, waste and fat. I would imagine that the body would consider nanotech waste, which is another possible reason for it being drawn to a protoplast. Dr. Ana does have some amazing pictures of obvious nanostructures next to or becoming part of protoplasts, but I'm not sure we can assume the entire construction is man-made. My thought is that we're all really still learning here, because this tech invasion is relatively new. That includes me. I'm not in a position to say I absolutely know what those are, but when.things conflict with what I've been taught, (which, of course, could be wrong), I feel like asking questions is in order. It could be helpful to me, and could even be helpful to a famous person like Dr. Ana. A subscriber to my substack just enlightened me to something I didn't fully comprehend. I really appreciated it, because that's hard to do sometimes.


jsinton - Feb 11


I think what you say is really interesting, and it's quite possible what I am seeing sometimes is protoplasts. I certainly no expert here.
I've literally watch bots drag stuff around and position it precisely in place, they make adjustments. Then they fill it in via 3D printing, which is also visible. Bots jump around back and forth, seemingly in an uncoordinated fashion. Time laps video reveals it is 3D printing. Reminds one of a stop motion video of a skyscraper going up sometimes.


Daisy (Kathlyn) Hinesley - Feb 11


That's really interesting too. I know very little about 3D printing, so I wouldn't notice that.


jsinton - Feb 11


Since you are into microscopes (I think) perhaps I can suggest some other things you might look at to familiarize yourself with the nano tech.
I believe one of the primary sources of nanotech contamination in humans is just ordinary water. Water is the one thing humans cannot live without for very long (sorry oxygen too), so it makes sense to check it, no?
Bots are funny things. As soon as they smell your breath, they will drop everything and swim toward you to contaminate you. I think they can smell blood or something. That's my initial test for bot contamination on a blood slide under LBA... breath heavy on the slide. All the bots present in the blood will immediately swim towards the source of your smell... no joke. I can tell how contaminated a blood sample is by breathing on the slide and watching the bots jump and move all the blood! No lie. And there is no lag time either.... it's like a quantum physics thing, maybe magnetic.
Anyways, getting back to the water.... it's all totally polluted with nanotech. My well water far out in the swamp. The municipal water in town. My reverse osmosis water.... POLLUTED!
I tell you all this because I want you to test your water in your microscope using darkfield. It is water where you can view beautiful assemblages of things which look identical to motherboards with chips on it, just like inside your desktop computer, only a couple million times smaller. Everything perfectly square with hard 90 corners, and perpendicular and parallel lines. So if you want to see the nanotech and have no doubt as to whether it is computers or not, try your tap water. Total red pill.


Daisy (Kathlyn) Hinesley - Feb 11


I never heard about the breath thing, but I'm extremely familiar with nanotech shapes. I have a Substack called 'Nanobots in Us,' where you can see my articles and images showing Nanotech in blood, fruits and vegetables, saline, etc. I've been doing this for the past 2 years and have a darkfield microscope. I started testing water 2 years ago, and you're quite right about how much nanotech is in it. I have a local nanotech testing business in a semi rural community. People bring me their water, medications, etc. to test. What I've seen is horrifying, and that's putting it mildly!


Akgrrrl - Feb 11


Ostensibly, even groundwater is contaminated as the chemtrails are laden with thousands of pounds of fibers. I would be interested to see if my well water, from glacier meltwater is contaminated. We get one big chemtrail fairly regular, right along the coast where only 50K live in 200sq miles


Greg's - Feb 13

Greg’s Substack

Can you post video of that?


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Feb 10 - Edited


I am C-unvaccinated and C-untested, but have contact with C-tested and C-vaccinated people.
After my first contact with a C-vaccinated individual, I think it was in 2022, I suddenly had a nosebleed when I got home. I didn't find out about the C vaccination until much later.
At the moment I'm observing a strange phenomenon. Early in the morning, immediately after waking up and in the still dark room, I briefly see very bright, mostly yellow elements in a kind of ring. They seem to be right in my eyes. They are no longer visible when I'm fully awake. Has anyone had similar experiences?


CoS - Feb 10 - Edited


There have been other people mentioning similar, flashing lights etc. The problem is almost all people put this down to other factors and accept it as normal, then it is given a 'title' in main stream, so you never hear about it.
I myself have been experiencing these flashing lights upon waking (passing through 3-5Hz), and mostly after being around the vax'd or a heavy spray event. There are other symptoms, like hearing and experiencing 'pings' and 'ticks',
As you mentioned after waking up, same for me, and this appears to be when brain activity increases from sub 4Hz to greater than 10Hz for daily functions. My theory is the brain is busy with it's own vibrant electrical functions above 4-5Hz, hence better at repelling external interference's, where as when we sleep we leave our brain unprotected. This also explains the vivid dreams created from outside hacking. This could be inverted also.
I also theorize the 4Hz range is a possible connecting/disconnecting frequency range, which could explain the flashing and pings.
What also comes with this, and I don't know if you experience it yet, is what has been 'titled' exploding head syndrome, where upon trying to fall asleep you hear a loud noise, which startles you awake and causes a massive Cortisol dump and keeps you awake for hours.
I am rarely around people for this reason. The herd are dragging everyone into the horror.


Akgrrrl - Feb 11


Isnt this curious, as my generation living in Oklahoma learned that all the farmers with ruminants vax 1/3 of their herd so their exhale and close contact vaccinates the other 2/3s.


CoS - Feb 11


I never new that, any info like that is very useful. 1/3 vax's all, that's frightening.


Greg's - Feb 13

Greg’s Substack

Can you get name of that oaklahoma farmer or study,it's very important evidence!!!


Akgrrrl - Feb 13


Hi Greg. I guess I wasnt clear. There is no specific farmer, and no study. You think cattlemen, sheep/ goatherders consult "a study" to prevent a disease from spreading in a herd? Vaccinations are a part of an annual management plan for livestock. I am saying it was common knowledge. COMMON. Like, you get a rooster for your hens if you want to replenish the flock with baby chicks. Common.


Greg's - Feb 13

Greg’s Substack

Oh! Silly me,well in that case NEVERMIND , HAHA!


Linda Tanner - Feb 11

Linda Tanner

I meant to post this as a reply, so am duplicating it here (from a few minutes ago):
About 10 years ago I began seeing something I'd never, ever seen in my life. When I wake up in the morning, if it's just starting to get light, I see on the ceiling and walls what resembles the lines on graph paper. It is horizontal and vertical lines and all together it looks as I am looking at gigantic graph paper walls and ceiling. I can see it for many minutes and as soon as it gets lighter and lighter, whether the sun is coming up or it's cloudy, it starts to appear to fade in the light.
On rare occasion the lines will be slightly distorted, and also on other occasions the lines will be spaced farther apart than usual, thus making larger "boxes". I don't know what it represents but ever since it started, it has never disappeared.


Fibro Vision - Feb 11

FibroVision by Jessica

So is it safe to take the calcium disodium long term or are we using it for a set period and then repeating.
I've had reactions to vaxxed people already.
Last week one turned up with a cough, I didn't know they were double vaxxed. The cough was passed off as water vapor in lungs from pressure washer.
The cold made me feel like I was dying and has now morphed into something else, chest infection I think.
It's the weirdest illness I've caught. No sore throat, very odd. feeling like I've been poisoned. I'm starting to think he'd have been manufacturing excess spike due to being ill.
So nearly 2 weeks now and I can't take much more


Kim C at the Sea - Feb 11

So many sick right now. I've always said it feels like I've been poisoned. Maybe add nico per Ardis for venom...


Marian Wilson - Feb 11

Greg’s Substack

Could someone please provide scientific research demonstrating that the nano gold in the Ultimate Methylene Blue supplement (Recommended by Dr. Mihalcea) has been shown to be safe in the long-term?
Some short-term effects seem to indicate benefits, eg. [1]https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10006034/and [2]https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8911979/
However, I have noticed nano-formulations of several type of supplements from different brands during the past two years and am concerned about whether supplements are being tested for biocompatibility and long-term cytotoxicity.


Greg's - Feb 13

Greg’s Substack

Meth.blueis coming back about 40 percent excessive side effects and lacking clearings of EDTA ETC..it dyes your insides blue and akk dyes coming back w brain effects too strong into negative also brain dye>Ana is a Blue color worshipper and has a Greek pillar portal blue room and belongs to a channeling Ram-tha spirit cult ie possession advocate..very anti Christian ,playing conflicting roles like hyonotized- she must be playing w those card's..brilliant aspect...won't free her! I follow her work as she and her team touch on all aspects so some relevant but severely tainted dyed wrong,BIZZARE even..will and intelligence can be swept away if you give permission to strange spirits to channel into you...voodoo ceramamony w lab twist summarizes...more common then you'd think - cern well known for it in conspiracy videos= wrong side of the tracker yelling directions to right side...what could go wrong that!?


Danna - Feb 18

Danna’s Substack

Well. Houses with blue roofs don't burn.
Maybe blue bodies won't be attacked, either 😉


Fibro Vision - Feb 15

FibroVision by Jessica

I e been looking at MBlue for a long time, the more I see the more I don't think we should be using it.
Am now concerned about Ana advice re Calcium disodium EDTA, see link below.


J.-J. - Feb 10

Dear Dr. Ana, I didn't have the opportunity to comment on your marvelous interview on IL GUARITORE COSCIENTE La Medicina della Luce. I was moved to tears listening to your profound experiences and they so resonated to what I am presently going through. So I wanted to thank you with all my heart for your kindness and generosity.


Greg's - Feb 11

Greg’s Substack

More can be done to confirm to disbelievers it's nanotech that forms the intense lights and thats by simply measuring the lights color,hue and exact frequency and trying to match it to known micro,nano lights led or not and the labs that make them,has to be limited number there under say a hundred in likelihood.
Far too little attention is put on the nano optic fibres I sense are involved here being labeled filament sometimes wrongly.Efforts to reach nano size on the fibres I saw prevalent online prior to nano bots over a decade back...potential cover up on this track of technology...all focus on other nano types seems...and seems strange..Some of the photos Ana has clearly show a wormy thick structure 30-80x in length the size of a cell glowing intensely inside but with a unmistakeable probe light at head lighting up area in front submarine style and matching nano optical proposed designs I read of like 14 years back..For it's size per nm must be brightest light in the world, entire vein is lit up ahead !ie beats "Fantastic Voyage" Version.
Disappointing Ana and other replyers missing these elephants at year 5 post vaxx start,at least to big stated to public degrees..
Requesting comments here to agree with me and encourage more focused studies at this point.
1) ROULEAUX STAGE stage 1 to 6
2)How many nanotech types in blood:
3)Density of nanotech avg ie in a given standard space,say 10 NM or 100 NM,how many and avg size ie length vs width
4) overall blood contamination rating 1 to 10,5 avg: patient scored 7.5 score overall on contamination and rouleaux blood health factors
Types of nanotech ie over 20 with 7 most common.state number identified and unusual ones if any to rough idea patients status from avg ie; example: patient: Had 9;nano types ,3 unusual were a.b.and c.
Also the rouleaux forms should be categorized by typical stages ,I see at least 6 main stages from full size cells lightly clumping w spacings to other extreme collapsed to 1/4 size mutated cells of altered color ie red to brownish typically seems,not fully recognizable as cells...so when referencing a case we can say has 4 types of nano tech , at level ,7 density,stage 5 rouleaux and scores 7.5 for overall blood health.. After treatment patients rouleaux improved to stage 2 and types diminished to 1 at stage 1.5 density,allowing a improved 2.3 score for general health.
Something like that so also replyers can write in after doing their own microscopy,tell us their rating status and how improved with Fancy new method so we don't miss the best cures out there in what works to clear nano tech Land .
Those who are doing microscopy please reply here and make your own suggestions to create a quick diagnosis of nano tech in blood chart.



CLIVE’s Newsletter

check out and read carefully a petition atcotizengo.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be awareits a worldwide petition igt can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizengo are an independent organisation which simply means that no government can interfere with censor ir suppress this petition FACT..it currently has 130,097 signatures


Fibro Vision - Feb 11

FibroVision by Jessica




CLIVE’s Newsletter



Catherine - Feb 10 - Edited

Catherine’s Substack

Stop!!!! Focus on the fibrin!!! That is why us Long Haulers are so sick!! Our organs/tissues not oxygenating like they should due to the fibrin!! We can deal with the nanotechnology later— fibrin/amyloid killing us now!!!


Bee Gee - Feb 10

Bee Gee

Bromelain, nattokinase and curcumin is the answer to the fibrin issue.
Take each one like the label advises every 12 hours, except the nattokinase, double whatever the label says.
Many people are taking up to 20,000fus of nattokinase per day with no issue, as long as you are not allergic to soy of course.
You can also get a Lot more bromelain from fresh pineapple than bromelain pills, I talk about it extensively in other comments.


Greg's - Feb 11

Greg’s Substack

So I'm guessing part of oxygenation equation is blood cell Rouleuxe clumping, collapsing to brownish from red diminishing fibrin...grounding reduces fast but only holds hours..please lengthen your knowledge relay here Catherine,what do you know to help us reduce fibrin..ie white clots you mean...don't be a riddler!


Kamii Neko - Feb 11 - Edited

I went with the recommendation from this vid after looking further into the product and its dosages - which was Neprinol (AFD) Advanced Fibrin Defense by Arthur Andrew, as was already aware of Nattokinese (watch and make up your own mind) for my 75 year old mother who was vax injured too, but Dr's tried to gas lit her making out it was instant onset Parkinsons, yet strangely only had her on blood pressure meds...
Got her onto that Neprinol and it quite quickly reduced all symptoms and cleared brain fog. She still shakes but nowhere near as badly, and all other side effects from the other meds are gone (swollen feet etc)
I also got her to try the Floraphage from them as its a Probiotic boosting phage, due to the apparent link to gut health with a lot of these issues.
The above video maker also recently sent off samples of many nattokinese to an independent lab and AAM rated well above stated dosage along with a few others. Good luck.


Catherine - Feb 10

Catherine’s Substack

Per microscope dark field evaluation— does not work!!


J.-J. - Feb 10

Thank you again for this essential information, Dr. Ana. So many would benefit if they took your protocol and yet, people continue ignoring any suggestion to do so, invoking whatever ridiculous reason. Exasperating!


Jeffrey Staples - Feb 10

Demagnification may neutralize these abnormal activities, but how? My understanding - heating anesthetic carpules prior to injection starts a chemical process that initiates (unleashes?) the magnetic properties which then can be magnetically directed to the end of the carpule for safety (non-injection), or the entire carpule can be passed through a demagnetizer rendering the nano machinery as neutral foreign bodies.
Unvaxxed here, diabetic with 2 strokes so far. I treated my severe Rouleaux with oral (IV) Ivermectin 0.2mg/Kg for 9 weeks which completely normalized the RBCs, then quit and Rouleaux returned fully 2 weeks later. Trying ASEA now and Rouleaux fixed within a few days. Continuing use now out of fear. Appreciate post! Thanks


Luc Lelievre - Feb 10 - Edited

Luc Lelievre

As a matter of fact, this essay steadfastly purports that humanity is doomed.


jsinton - Feb 10


It's not how we die, but rather what we did while we were here anyways.


Bee Gee - Feb 10 - Edited

Bee Gee

I disagree, this article shows us that Humanity Yet Lives.
And your comment shows that You should be Trying Harder.
To find solutions, to actually Take solutions and to educate others.
The only ones that are doomed are quitters and I'm not dying until I'm dead.



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