Dear Dr M I don't understand most of this scientific jargon but what I do understand is we're screwed as humans. It seems like for longer than we know, these Dr Frankenstein chemists have been looking for ways to control humans and sadly, it looks like they found it with polymers and UV colors etc. Chemistry is like the double edge sword which cuts both ways. Unfortunately, the psychopaths who want to turn us into obedient slaves have access to the best (or worst) scientific minds and are using their knowledge for all the wrong reasons. Thank you Drs Ana and CC for trying explaining to us exactly how they're turning us into human cyborgs đąâšī¸
Balance of Nature is being corrupted by the researchers that want to reprogram the genetic make up of all living things. Can someone explain where the contamination is coming from in the unvaxxed? Is it shedding or from food sources that have been altered by the RNA injections. How do slow down or stop this snowball rolling down hill to hades?
It's coming from our food, water and even the very air we breathe. Every living thing on Earth is now embedded with the nano assault. Their goal is to control all life and all matter.
I keep thinking and asking ,if everything is contaminated ,air water ,food ,medicines ,the blood of all humans ,as Dr. Mihalcea is showing us ,than how does the elite cabal avoid what seems anavoidable for us ?? Are they not human like us ?? If the blood of Gates or Schwab could be looked at through a microscope ,would it be clean ?? Dr Ana ,is there a way you can obtain blood from these two criminals,for testing .??
If they are practicing the dark religions, they have a death wish and want to destroy everything by God the Creator. This could be a sacrificial ritual.
Danna ,I ask if everything on earth is saturated with the inescapable poisons ,that seems to be true ,how do the poisoners avoid what is meant for our extermination .?? If we could learn what it is we can escape our seemingly hopeless fate .
Dr Ana posted a video from Dana Ashley's YouTube channel and an interview with one of those "in the know". It was called, "What they don't want you to know" or sumilar. The guest gave an antidite of something simple, I think it was borax or boron and water. Seems too simple, right? I wish Dr Ana could do a trial on someone whose blood is sludge and full of nanos and then give them this drink, as recommended, and see if it clears out and red blood cells regain healthy round, free flowing shapes. Other than that, these psychopaths may actually not even be human. See Phil Schneider's Last Speech on Briteon fmi.
Technology is programmable. It can either be coded to do nothing, or they likely have a method of making it inert. Probably a nightly advanced EMP type of thing.
Could even have more advanced nano that fights off the "pleb nano."
The answer may be ,that they are not humans like us .Our opponents act and live like they are a different species ,that branched off and is as different from us as day and night .
Agree. I've seen many interviews by Dr Bill Deagle, Phil Schneider, Laura Eisenhower on SGT Report, etc that speak of reptilians. I KNOW it sounds insane, but these people are highly trained, highly intelligent people with very high security clearances. Dwight D Eisenhower met with some, etc. I believe we have been under influence and attack for thousands of years. Sounds insane, I know, but these men speak of things that will make you seriously wonder.
I read that about Balance of Nature too. I am trying to get the link so I can show the other companies that have been corrupted as well.
To answer your question, the main sources of contamination are through the air we breath via geoengineering which, in turn makes its way into our water and food supply since all animals eat the grains, etc., and the water which comes down in the rain contaminates the soil and every living thing. There is also the shedding as Dr. Ana has been showing in the blood of the unvaxxed subject to being around the vaxxed. It is in the patents and literature that this is a "self-spreading" "vaccine" that sheds from one person to another.
I know that this is a tall order, but I would recommend going to Dr. Ana's Substack and start at the bottom (her FIRST videos and articles) and start there. Then you will be able to get caught up to where we are now.
I haven't seen PROOF that the nanoparticles spread "somehow" (respiration or touch?) between vaxxed and unvaxxed people. Rather, as you state, it is in the environment, so we'd ALL be exposed by eating, drinking, breathing. And it is in simple products like Sunscreen. That might be a carrier
I think the evidence that convinces me is how I FEEL after being around people who are vaxxed.
For instance, yesterday my son and daughter-in-law came over for Mother's Day and my DIL has had FOUR shots and my son, one.
After they left, I started feeling like I was coming down with something. I was laying in bed and my lungs felt "heavy." All I could think about was how people who got "covid" would say that it was in their lungs, and it felt like a gorilla was sitting on their chests. and it progressively got worse until they were having trouble breathing. So, I got up and took Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Quercetin and Zinc. And I feel okay this morning. Now maybe it was all in my mind, but I really don't think so.
This also happens to me after being out and around a lot of people so I think it is quite real and I think that is proof enough for me.
You don't have to have "proof" after getting the flu that the flu is real and you believe that it is contagious because you get sick, so it kind of seems like this is the same thing.
Thats her mission. to keep you HYPTONOTIZED with shit nobody can understand expect for college level scientist and doctors. Meanwhile the CURE has been in front of your face the ENTIRE TIME>..... See.
Serrapeptase is the enzyme that the silk worm uses to dissolve the silk cocoon it can dissolve any organic non living material. EDTA chelation can clean out any metal including the soft metal calcium from arteries, that is called hardening of the arteries, if not dissolved . It was discovered during WWll that the use of it in ship painters suffering lead poisoning also took away heart conditions. God forbid they ever let that be common knowledge to the sheep.
This is what I take, and it is an ORAL treatment of EDTA that is recommended by Dr. Ana. It also contains vitamin C, along with other things that help renew the cellular membrane. Oral EDTA needs to be in a form that bypasses the stomach acid. Medfive is enteric coated so it does not get absorbed until it reaches the small intestine.
According to the information on the website, it is recommended to be taken for 4-6 months, and then can be taken indefinitely, as maintenance, of one pill per day.
You do have to supplement with essential minerals though, as the Medfive chelates these metals as well.
It is kind of expensive, but I think it is worth it. We have to try and do something to mitigate what has been done to us.
I do have one other option that you might want to consider that might be cheaper but I can't vouch for it because I haven't used it, and it doesn't also have the Vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid and the other ingredient that the Med Five has. Global Healing has a liposomal Calcium Disodium EDTA. Here is the link.
You can read all of the information on both supplements and see what you think.
Can you share any changes or effects that you’ve experienced with the EDTA chelation? I am interested in it, but I want to know if it actually does anything.
I have been taking the Med Five for about 3 months now. I don't notice any dramatic effects but I don't feel the issues I used to feel like the heart palpitations and sensitivity to EMF (feelings of anxiety, or feelings of stress). My sleep has improved but I also have done other things to help alleviate my exposure to wifi and cell phone radiation so I am not sure how much is due to what. I guess the only true way to tell is to stop taking the Med Five and see what I feel like. I haven't noticed any side effects either so I am able to tolerate it. So, I don't know how much help I have been.
I do trust what Dr. Ana is showing in the blood from before and after the IV chelation, and I can't overlook the fact that EDTA is mentioned in the Moderna patent as the antidote.
I think at this point, knowing what we know so far, everyone should be trying to do whatever they can to stop this stuff from replicating inside us.
Thanks for the reply! I wonder if you can get an independent blood analysis now just to see what your metal levels are or to see if you’re low in anything like iron, etc. Of course Dr. Ana is the only one who can do the real blood analysis microscopy that we need to see if there are less of these self-assembling filaments than other blood samples.
I imagine that you can get blood work done to check levels of certain minerals, etc. But, again, the issue becomes trying to find a practitioner who is on-board with the knowledge of this technology. It is very difficult trying to get someone (especially a mainstream doctor) to see something that they are not looking for or don't understand.
I ran into that issue with my dentist while trying to tell them why I didn't want the dental anesthetic. Most of them either don't know, or they don't want to know because the implications are more than they can handle. Especially when it comes down to the issue of informed consent.
I have learned at this point to trust my own body and go with how I feel. If something doesn't feel right, I no longer run to the doctor (because most likely, I am not going to want to do what they are telling me to do anyway). I try and figure it out for myself.
I think the most important thing anyone can do for themselves is to support and try and keep your immune system as healthy as possible. It really is the key to everything because it inherently knows what to do, and the body will try and do everything to heal itself...if we will just let it.
I'm from Slovenia. A man aged around 60 died a month ago, he only ate raw meat and large amounts of sea salt, that's what he had and I think he's still being advised by a nutritionist on Facebook. He was a big fighter against "vaccines", now but he was buried by a diet with abnormally high doses of salt.đ
I just order from Amazon, wish it was more available locally ,but alas they are the go to for Dr.s Best Serrapeptase and the EDTA chelation. 90 days took my hardening of the arteries away and my friend’s kidney troubles away with the 90 day supply. I think every 5 years if you are on a SAD diet . (Standard American Diet) he also took white pine needle tea for Vit C.
I only season my beef with smoked sea salt. Animals supply organic minerals from the plants they eat that turn inorganic minerals into organic minerals
This is the FirstFitness product Cardio 1st that does EDTA chelation. I used to do it years ago but got out of the habit. I am going to test my blood and if I have these nano-critters running around I'll be doing Cardio 1st until they're gone.
Looks like Rumble is censoring it.
Go to this website:
Do a search “EDTA” click on the product and scroll down, it will show the video.
You can sign into Rumble, or find it on the Doctors website:
Do a search “EDTA” click on the product and scroll down, it will show the video.
That is GREAT information about the Serrapeptase as a means of dissolving the spider silk!! I mean, if you can't trust a silk worm to know how to dissolve silk, what can you trust? Thank you!
10 days of chelation and 9 days of vit C and Oxygen in Germany... I still do have hydrogel/Graphene construction sites in my blood ! after 13 sessions, it was much better... I had a pause, and 7 more sessions later, it got worse ! My doctor thought it was Candidas Albicans... it is not ! I am lost !
Keith ,if a substance can be found or is available to dissolve the unwanted structures forming in our blood vessels, would it not also dissolve the blood alongside the hideous formations .? We see that long tough plastic like stuff is bulled out of blood vessels of the dead .
Absolutely! That has been a query of mine as well! Are these unjabbed sharing body fluids with jabbed people ie: sex, kissing, eating and drinking after each other etc. I would think it would be a huge variable in this study.
We need to get this message out to all power/electric companies around the World. How many really know the true intended threat? Educate, send them this Video and Book:
David A Hughes | University of Lincoln
Thank you Ana Maria Mihalcea and David Hughes!
As always Dr. Ana has demonstrated that she is digging deeper into already published scientific research relevant to our dilemma. This new information on all the various types of dyes "they" are using in the polymers makes sense--each type of dye presumably has one or more specific functions, possibly overlapping with those in other dyes in other polymers. One question I've had for some time (maybe it has already been asked?) is has Dr. Ana or any of the handful of worldwide researchers tried to categorize the blood results in such a way as to document not only C19-vaxxed vs. C19-unvaxxed, but blood from "unvaxxed/untested" vs. "unvaxxed/tested". In other words, is there a difference in the blood of those who were subjected to nasal swab for PCR testiing, in which the swab was inserted into the upper reaches of the nasal cavity (so as to be millimeters from the brain), vs. the blood of those never tested in such manner?
For those who don't completely understand a lot of this due to terminology of organic chemistry that is unfamiliar to most people, stick with this, as Dr. Ana can summarize this for us, but I feel it's important that she include these excerpts from patents, as well as from published research, so that the naysayers can't claim she's "making this stuff up"! Thanks again, Dr. Ana.
After familiarizing myself with my new microscope (but still have a ways to go) I went back outside and within 10 min. had a blood sample from some sharp wire. Put a couple drops on a slide and at 1000 magn. I could make out red blood cells but saw nothing else. (Unjabbed, tested by a lab twice by them drawing a drop of blood) so that is encouraging. So far, anyway.
No strands, no rouloux...but I think we're still screwed.
Are you able to elaborate? How close contact and for how long, exchange of bodily fluids or just in their vicinity?
What form did the contamination take? Have you had blood analysis done or just felt weird or ill? Have you had a 3 foot white clot removed from your leg, or developed myocarditis?
close body contact means sexual relation without condom. i did suffer from neurological, blood disorder, skin reaction. on live blood analysis i had long nanotubes, hydrogel area and lots of graphen, exactly as on Dr Ana post. im following now Drt Ana detox protocole, and my condition is improving, as i can see on the weekly blood analysis im doing. i was like you, i did NOT want to trust shedding. and now, im facing the hard reality. its REAL.
Adler, minmal exposure with jabbed people but still, in the supermarket and paying for gasoline, etc. it's unavoidable. Haven't flown in several years and we live somewhat remote but are not hermits.
I cringe when we occaisonally want to get hugged by vaxxed people but what can you do?
I think it's for real...I just got a book called "Walking Among Us" the alien plan to control humanity, and will start it soon. I think someone here recommended it..
Hi, thanks for the extra info.
I know what you mean about hugging the vaxxed, but that’s what makes me wonder if the whole shedding story is just a psy-op to keep us scared of each other, divide and conquer etc.
There is NO WAY to determine if SHEDDING of the VACCINE is real because we have ALL had this technology in our bodies for a LONG TIME.... Research Operation Domestic Quell
I agree that Dr. Ana explains everything in such a way that even I can understand it. Plus, at this point, I think that Dr. Ana is pretty much showing that ALL people have this technology in their blood now. I think that is the whole point of her testing un-vaxxed people in general. To show that it doesn't matter. It is in the food, it is in the water, it is being sprayed in the air via geoengineering, it is being spread from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed through shedding.
But if there's no difference between the jabbed and unjabbed why the insane push to get everyone injected, I mean, if we're all eating and breathing this shite anyway why go to all the bother of making up some new sickness and scaring everyone into rolling up their sleeves?
First of all, they (the perpetrators) want CONTROL of the masses, and one of the best ways to do that is through FEAR. Then there is the monetary reasons for it (greed). Big Pharma and the globalists make a LOT of money pushing these "vaccines." And then there is the TRANSHUMANISM AND DEPOPULATION agenda. I just saw this article. Maybe it might help explain some of it.
Plus, just based on that article, don't think for one minute that the Covid-19 "vaccine" was the END of the vaccine push. It was just the beginning. I think that there will be many more efforts to get a needle into every arm.
And, we don't fully know yet what their whole plan is. You can tell from that article that there is still much that we don't know yet.
I would imagine that it is a far more potent biotech cocktail when it is injected directly into the blood without the normal support that digestion gives in carrying away wastes.
When it is inhaled from chemtrails or nano dust it is most likely less potent.
I do wonder what is contaminating everyone so aggressively- is it chemtrails or vaccine shedding? I know that most of us unvaxxed are probably physically close with family members, friends or even coworkers who’ve been vaxxed.
In my case as a TI I always figured the home break-ins were used to spread nanodust throughout my home.
Jenny, tell me more about you being a TI. I am very interested in this because I hear Dr. Ana talking about them being able to target any of us without our knowledge. How did you know that you were being targeted? What happened and what kinds of things do you experience (if you don't mind telling me)?
The problem is that once it is in your body, no matter how it got there or in what amount, it replicates. That is why we need to take some action to try and mitigate it or prevent it from assembling in the first place. That is the only course of action we can do at this point. Metals, particularly aluminum and one other one (I think titanium, but I could be wrong about that), are needed to begin the polymerization of the hydrogels, so if the metals are not available, the assembly or polymerization is lessened. That is the whole point of the EDTA (along with Vitamin C and some other molecules) which chelates (binds) metals.
From what I understand, the methylene blue seems to not only help prevent the assembly but more importantly, it helps dissolve the hydrogel.
I agree that it seems that those who got injected would HAVE to have more of it. That just makes sense. But Dr. Ana says that in the blood she is seeing, at this point, there really is no difference between the vaxxed and the un-vaxxed.
Excellent, fantastic question. The whole scamdemic cost and still is costing billions if not trillions to each participating country. As you pointed out, there was an insane push to get people to succumb to the shite, via the arm spears. If they could just chuck a few litres of the crap in a reservoir. Sprinkle it on our cornflakes and aerosolise it in chemtrails, why the huge pantomime of ‘Convid 19’?
It makes no sense whatsoever.
When someone comes forward and claims ALL human blood is contaminated with nanotechnology but ISN’T selling a product or service claiming to eliminate the same shite from the body, I’ll start paying attention. đ¤
Hi Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of C19…
ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD... Yes I have observed these colored fibers in old blood slides... There were not there when the blood was taken... They developed on the slide weeks and months later. One thing is for sure the hydrogel is a shape shifter... The fibers do not degrade months later what there made of synthetic polimers. Like the hydrogel there is more than one type of fibers... See my substack and watch the dancing horsehead fiber. RR
That was also my first question. I take methylene blue as recommended by Dr. Ana, so I looked it up. Apparently, methylene blue is a different type of dye. It is an organic chloride salt, and classified as a "phenothiazine." I am not exactly sure how this differs from the ones described in this article by Dr. Ana, and I am hoping that she addresses this difference.
Here is some information that I found helpful about methylene blue.
SAMs Substack showed that methylene blue was growing the nano tech and I've put my consumption of it on hold until there is more study. I'll post the link
I do know that taking the methylene blue increases my energy and oxygen production and utilization (I have more oxygen to do work) as well as it seems to increase my ability to think clearly (ie., more oxygen to the brain).
I take 20 drops twice a day, once in the morning, and again around 2pm, which is only 20mg/day. I don't want to take it too close to bedtime because I don't want it keeping me awake.
Here is the link.
As I have already said, I take 20 drops twice daily, in water, which is 20 mg (20 drops=10 mg). Dr. Ana recommends a dose of 10-50mg/day. You will know what works best for you.
Be careful with it. though, because it will stain everything. It is a dye. It will also make your urine a greenish color. Some say blue, but I say it is more like green since if you mix blue with yellow (urine), you get green.
Here is another good recommendation from my dental hygienist, and a funny story.
I had gone to the dentist to get a new crown, and they put a "temporary" one on while I was waiting for the permanent one. The temporary one was made of material that is more porous. Apparently, it took up the dye from the methylene blue, and I had to explain to the hygienist why my temporary crown was BLUE. BUT, in the course of that embarrassment, she recommended that I drink the methylene blue through a STRAW. So, that is also how I take the methylene blue now.
Just to put your mind at ease, the methylene blue won't stain your natural teeth or any ceramic or porcelain crowns. It will, however, make your tongue blue but it comes off with brushing and with time. I have never had anyone ask me why my tongue is blue.
I do know that methylene blue is an electron DONOR which I think means that it donates a POSITIVE charge in a chemical reaction. Negative charges also would contribute to the electricity. I can't even begin to understand what it all means but it would seem that it would increase electricity but again, I am not totally sure. I thought about that fact myself as it doesn't seem wise to increase electricity when we know that this technology grows in the presence of electromagnetic frequencies. I also don't know if electricity and frequencies are the same thing.
However, I also have to weigh the fact that the methylene blue appears to be able to not only stop the replication of the nanotechnology, but also appears to be able to dissolve the rubbery clots as Dr. Ana has shown. So, in my mind, which is worse, increased electricity or increased hydrogel (rubbery clots)?
I looked up Dr. Ana's Substack on the methylene blue and here is the link.
NEWFLASH!!!, Doctor or Scientist telling you that shedding is real are either an AGENT or RETARDED. Do you want to know why??? This ALIEN NANO TECH has been in our bodies since birth and probably goes back 20,000 years. Don't Believe me??? Ask the Spanish Research Group La Quinta Columna what was found in Napoleons Body when they dug it up to test for poison. See:
Plus the NANO TECH dropped in chemtrails since the 90s
Plus Operation Domestic NANO QUELL where they laced all coke, Pepsi our city water and nestle products with NANO DUST from at least 2010
NEWSFLASH!!!! All of the INTEL Agents want you to think they are targeted.
Examples. Alex Jones, Laura Loomers, James O Keefe Dr. Jane Ruby , WAKEY WAKEY
If I am a Disinformation Troll Tell Me Why I'm the ONLY Person ALIVE on the PLANET to solve the Vegas Shooting???? Google ***Agent Freak Nasty***
I think you are a disinformation troll. You are leading people astray. Dr. Ana is a targeted individual and she wouldn’t be targeted unless her mind and research are a real threat.
We ALREADY KNOW the solution. Some of these SO-CALLED doctors should KNOW too.. Its been in front of their FACE since 2020......Thanks for the compliment ...#AgentMidnightRider
I imagine a lot of the contamination is in water.
Water we drink and water livestock would drink.
As well as in the air.
Also, body fluid which unfortunately is probably on gas pump handles and handles of all sorts.
Toulet seats and vented into public buildings through air conditioning.
The modes are endless.
My question is, how is it the these nasty criminals escape it?
In my mind it must mean there is SOME SORT of antidote. ?
We need to just assume its everywhere and now just focus on solutions to it.
We need to keep the positive vibes and RISE ABOVE.
I have been following Dr Ana's research for around 2 years and a bit surprised that someone has not pointed out that the incidence and nature of venous and arterial blockages, the heart failures, the incidence of 'micro dots' etc etc all all symptoms are absolutely consistent with poisoning via snake venom. I note that the 2 people who developed the mRNA vax have included in their documentation, the use of venom! So what's the big mystery?
Another bit for you Dr Ana in case you've never come across it...
Cellfood inventor
Everett Storey
Everett Storey is the inventor of Cellfood, a supplement that has been around for over 50 years. According to his autobiography, “Beyond Belief,” published in 1982, Storey was engaged in an exhaustive process, exploring the fundamental laws of matter. He worked tirelessly at creating a water-splitting technology, which is a process by which the electron bonds that held oxygen and hydrogen molecules together in water would become weakened, thus releasing the two vital gases into the body.
Storey’s work on water-splitting technology led to the creation of Cellfood, which he referred to as “an electromagnetic equation” because of its ability to split water molecules into their component parts without the use of a normally-required electrical current. According to Storey’s autobiography, Albert Einstein himself acknowledged Storey’s scientific accomplishments.
Storey’s motivation for creating Cellfood was to combat the radiation poisoning that he and his fellow colleagues were suffering from after years of working on the Manhattan Project. He discovered and cultivated a non-radioactive isotope of hydrogen, deuterium sulphate, which he used to create a supplement that could build rather than destroy human cells.
Over the years, Cellfood has been manufactured by NuScience Corporation, a company that is committed to producing high-quality supplements that are safe and effective. Today, Cellfood is still widely used as a supplement to promote overall health and well-being.
Liz G - May 4 - Edited
Liz G
Dear Dr M I don't understand most of this scientific jargon but what I do understand is we're screwed as humans. It seems like for longer than we know, these Dr Frankenstein chemists have been looking for ways to control humans and sadly, it looks like they found it with polymers and UV colors etc. Chemistry is like the double edge sword which cuts both ways. Unfortunately, the psychopaths who want to turn us into obedient slaves have access to the best (or worst) scientific minds and are using their knowledge for all the wrong reasons. Thank you Drs Ana and CC for trying explaining to us exactly how they're turning us into human cyborgs đąâšī¸
Thomas A Braun RPh - May 4 - Edited
Danna’s Substack
Balance of Nature is being corrupted by the researchers that want to reprogram the genetic make up of all living things. Can someone explain where the contamination is coming from in the unvaxxed? Is it shedding or from food sources that have been altered by the RNA injections. How do slow down or stop this snowball rolling down hill to hades?
Danna - May 4 - Edited
Danna’s Substack
It's coming from our food, water and even the very air we breathe. Every living thing on Earth is now embedded with the nano assault. Their goal is to control all life and all matter.
joe stuerzl 85 - May 4 - Edited
joe’s Substack
I keep thinking and asking ,if everything is contaminated ,air water ,food ,medicines ,the blood of all humans ,as Dr. Mihalcea is showing us ,than how does the elite cabal avoid what seems anavoidable for us ?? Are they not human like us ?? If the blood of Gates or Schwab could be looked at through a microscope ,would it be clean ?? Dr Ana ,is there a way you can obtain blood from these two criminals,for testing .??
DeNeice Kenehan - May 13
DeNeice Kenehan
If they are practicing the dark religions, they have a death wish and want to destroy everything by God the Creator. This could be a sacrificial ritual.
joe stuerzl 85 - May 4
joe’s Substack
Danna ,I ask if everything on earth is saturated with the inescapable poisons ,that seems to be true ,how do the poisoners avoid what is meant for our extermination .?? If we could learn what it is we can escape our seemingly hopeless fate .
Danna - May 7
Danna’s Substack
Dr Ana posted a video from Dana Ashley's YouTube channel and an interview with one of those "in the know". It was called, "What they don't want you to know" or sumilar. The guest gave an antidite of something simple, I think it was borax or boron and water. Seems too simple, right? I wish Dr Ana could do a trial on someone whose blood is sludge and full of nanos and then give them this drink, as recommended, and see if it clears out and red blood cells regain healthy round, free flowing shapes. Other than that, these psychopaths may actually not even be human. See Phil Schneider's Last Speech on Briteon fmi.
DeNeice Kenehan - May 13
DeNeice Kenehan
Rewatching. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. I'd forgotten it.
Kieran Jaegar - May 5
Kieran Jaegar
Technology is programmable. It can either be coded to do nothing, or they likely have a method of making it inert. Probably a nightly advanced EMP type of thing.
Could even have more advanced nano that fights off the "pleb nano."
joe stuerzl 85 - May 5
joe’s Substack
The answer may be ,that they are not humans like us .Our opponents act and live like they are a different species ,that branched off and is as different from us as day and night .
Danna - May 7
Danna’s Substack
Agree. I've seen many interviews by Dr Bill Deagle, Phil Schneider, Laura Eisenhower on SGT Report, etc that speak of reptilians. I KNOW it sounds insane, but these people are highly trained, highly intelligent people with very high security clearances. Dwight D Eisenhower met with some, etc. I believe we have been under influence and attack for thousands of years. Sounds insane, I know, but these men speak of things that will make you seriously wonder.
Reply (1) - May 6
Danna’s Substack
Comment removed.
Danna - May 7
Danna’s Substack
Says, "not available".
Kim - May 4
I read that about Balance of Nature too. I am trying to get the link so I can show the other companies that have been corrupted as well.
To answer your question, the main sources of contamination are through the air we breath via geoengineering which, in turn makes its way into our water and food supply since all animals eat the grains, etc., and the water which comes down in the rain contaminates the soil and every living thing. There is also the shedding as Dr. Ana has been showing in the blood of the unvaxxed subject to being around the vaxxed. It is in the patents and literature that this is a "self-spreading" "vaccine" that sheds from one person to another.
I know that this is a tall order, but I would recommend going to Dr. Ana's Substack and start at the bottom (her FIRST videos and articles) and start there. Then you will be able to get caught up to where we are now.
DeNeice Kenehan - May 13
DeNeice Kenehan
I haven't seen PROOF that the nanoparticles spread "somehow" (respiration or touch?) between vaxxed and unvaxxed people. Rather, as you state, it is in the environment, so we'd ALL be exposed by eating, drinking, breathing. And it is in simple products like Sunscreen. That might be a carrier
Kim - May 14
Did you see this most recent Substack by Dr. Ana on the shedding?
I don't know how much more proof we need than this:
Kim - May 13
I think the evidence that convinces me is how I FEEL after being around people who are vaxxed.
For instance, yesterday my son and daughter-in-law came over for Mother's Day and my DIL has had FOUR shots and my son, one.
After they left, I started feeling like I was coming down with something. I was laying in bed and my lungs felt "heavy." All I could think about was how people who got "covid" would say that it was in their lungs, and it felt like a gorilla was sitting on their chests. and it progressively got worse until they were having trouble breathing. So, I got up and took Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Quercetin and Zinc. And I feel okay this morning. Now maybe it was all in my mind, but I really don't think so.
This also happens to me after being out and around a lot of people so I think it is quite real and I think that is proof enough for me.
You don't have to have "proof" after getting the flu that the flu is real and you believe that it is contagious because you get sick, so it kind of seems like this is the same thing.
Rob - May 5
Basically this technology spreading from person to person
Agent Midnight Rider - May 4
Agent’s Substack
Thats her mission. to keep you HYPTONOTIZED with shit nobody can understand expect for college level scientist and doctors. Meanwhile the CURE has been in front of your face the ENTIRE TIME>..... See.
Kim - May 4
Comment removed.
Kim - May 4
Against our will!!
Keith Coolidge - May 4 - Edited
Keith Coolidge
Serrapeptase is the enzyme that the silk worm uses to dissolve the silk cocoon it can dissolve any organic non living material. EDTA chelation can clean out any metal including the soft metal calcium from arteries, that is called hardening of the arteries, if not dissolved . It was discovered during WWll that the use of it in ship painters suffering lead poisoning also took away heart conditions. God forbid they ever let that be common knowledge to the sheep.
Babel - May 4 - Edited
How, where, can you find this therapy and how often is this EDTA therapy necessary?
Kim - May 4 - Edited
This is what I take, and it is an ORAL treatment of EDTA that is recommended by Dr. Ana. It also contains vitamin C, along with other things that help renew the cellular membrane. Oral EDTA needs to be in a form that bypasses the stomach acid. Medfive is enteric coated so it does not get absorbed until it reaches the small intestine.
According to the information on the website, it is recommended to be taken for 4-6 months, and then can be taken indefinitely, as maintenance, of one pill per day.
You do have to supplement with essential minerals though, as the Medfive chelates these metals as well.
It is kind of expensive, but I think it is worth it. We have to try and do something to mitigate what has been done to us.
Jenny - May 7 - Edited
I think I’ll try it out still. I have nothing to lose- I will try anything at this point.
Kim - May 7 - Edited
I do have one other option that you might want to consider that might be cheaper but I can't vouch for it because I haven't used it, and it doesn't also have the Vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid and the other ingredient that the Med Five has. Global Healing has a liposomal Calcium Disodium EDTA. Here is the link.
You can read all of the information on both supplements and see what you think.
Jenny - May 7 - Edited
Can you share any changes or effects that you’ve experienced with the EDTA chelation? I am interested in it, but I want to know if it actually does anything.
Kim - May 7 - Edited
I have been taking the Med Five for about 3 months now. I don't notice any dramatic effects but I don't feel the issues I used to feel like the heart palpitations and sensitivity to EMF (feelings of anxiety, or feelings of stress). My sleep has improved but I also have done other things to help alleviate my exposure to wifi and cell phone radiation so I am not sure how much is due to what. I guess the only true way to tell is to stop taking the Med Five and see what I feel like. I haven't noticed any side effects either so I am able to tolerate it. So, I don't know how much help I have been.
I do trust what Dr. Ana is showing in the blood from before and after the IV chelation, and I can't overlook the fact that EDTA is mentioned in the Moderna patent as the antidote.
I think at this point, knowing what we know so far, everyone should be trying to do whatever they can to stop this stuff from replicating inside us.
Jenny - May 7 - Edited
Thanks for the reply! I wonder if you can get an independent blood analysis now just to see what your metal levels are or to see if you’re low in anything like iron, etc. Of course Dr. Ana is the only one who can do the real blood analysis microscopy that we need to see if there are less of these self-assembling filaments than other blood samples.
Kim - May 8 - Edited
I imagine that you can get blood work done to check levels of certain minerals, etc. But, again, the issue becomes trying to find a practitioner who is on-board with the knowledge of this technology. It is very difficult trying to get someone (especially a mainstream doctor) to see something that they are not looking for or don't understand.
I ran into that issue with my dentist while trying to tell them why I didn't want the dental anesthetic. Most of them either don't know, or they don't want to know because the implications are more than they can handle. Especially when it comes down to the issue of informed consent.
I have learned at this point to trust my own body and go with how I feel. If something doesn't feel right, I no longer run to the doctor (because most likely, I am not going to want to do what they are telling me to do anyway). I try and figure it out for myself.
I think the most important thing anyone can do for themselves is to support and try and keep your immune system as healthy as possible. It really is the key to everything because it inherently knows what to do, and the body will try and do everything to heal itself...if we will just let it.
Keith Coolidge - May 4
Keith Coolidge
I use sea salt on my carnivore diet. Beef only now plus eggs , cream .
Nataša Jurca - May 5
Keith Coolidge
I'm from Slovenia. A man aged around 60 died a month ago, he only ate raw meat and large amounts of sea salt, that's what he had and I think he's still being advised by a nutritionist on Facebook. He was a big fighter against "vaccines", now but he was buried by a diet with abnormally high doses of salt.đ
Keith Coolidge - May 7
Keith Coolidge
I only use a pinch for flavor . Not a fan of over salting .
Long viet - May 4 - Edited need to find a clinic next to you providing EDTA IV. if not then go on amazon and by EDTA food supplement or cream
Keith Coolidge - May 4
Keith Coolidge
I just order from Amazon, wish it was more available locally ,but alas they are the go to for Dr.s Best Serrapeptase and the EDTA chelation. 90 days took my hardening of the arteries away and my friend’s kidney troubles away with the 90 day supply. I think every 5 years if you are on a SAD diet . (Standard American Diet) he also took white pine needle tea for Vit C.
Charles A - May 5
Keith Coolidge
Be careful to Not deplete other important minerals and metals. You can over do it.
Keith Coolidge - May 5
Keith Coolidge
I only season my beef with smoked sea salt. Animals supply organic minerals from the plants they eat that turn inorganic minerals into organic minerals
Messenger - May 10
Messenger’s Substack
This is the FirstFitness product Cardio 1st that does EDTA chelation. I used to do it years ago but got out of the habit. I am going to test my blood and if I have these nano-critters running around I'll be doing Cardio 1st until they're gone.
Sharing and Caring - May 4 - Edited
Sharing and Caring
Dr. Ardis Explains EDTA:
Babel - May 4
I have a Rumble account and could not access it either- says not found
Sharing and Caring - May 4
Sharing and Caring
Looks like Rumble is censoring it.
Go to this website:
Do a search “EDTA” click on the product and scroll down, it will show the video.
Liz G - May 4 - Edited
Liz G
The video is restricted. How do I get past that?
Sharing and Caring - May 4 - Edited
Sharing and Caring
You can sign into Rumble, or find it on the Doctors website:
Do a search “EDTA” click on the product and scroll down, it will show the video.
Sandy K - May 4
Sandy K
I also highly recommend "Healing Through the Ages" videos on Ardis' website. It has excellent info.
Kim - May 4 - Edited
That is GREAT information about the Serrapeptase as a means of dissolving the spider silk!! I mean, if you can't trust a silk worm to know how to dissolve silk, what can you trust? Thank you!
Marty - May 5
Nano Ordo Mundi
I use serrapeptase, the best of the best, anti-inflammatory, breaks down fibrin, excellent for cardiovascular diseases ...
Christian - May 6
Ar’s Substack
10 days of chelation and 9 days of vit C and Oxygen in Germany... I still do have hydrogel/Graphene construction sites in my blood ! after 13 sessions, it was much better... I had a pause, and 7 more sessions later, it got worse ! My doctor thought it was Candidas Albicans... it is not ! I am lost !
joe stuerzl 85 - May 4
joe’s Substack
Keith ,if a substance can be found or is available to dissolve the unwanted structures forming in our blood vessels, would it not also dissolve the blood alongside the hideous formations .? We see that long tough plastic like stuff is bulled out of blood vessels of the dead .
Keith Coolidge - May 5
Keith Coolidge
Serrapeptase only works on non living organic material
Jeff Piotrowski - May 4
Jeff’s Substack
Dr.’s -Dr. could there be a connection of all this discovery to the black street lights that are being installed around the country?
Pamela Burns - May 4
Pamela Burns
đ God help us All! Thank you & God Bless Your Efforts Dr. Ana!
Idesgirl - May 4
Humans as antennas and harvesting energy. Article in Popular Mechanics:
Wolf-Steppen - May 4
Jeez, it sounds like the Matrix movies may be being made more real than even the red-pilled realized!
Oj - May 4
Can you post this unvaccinated Blood. You should also inquire about The relationship with vaccinated people
Babel - May 4
Absolutely! That has been a query of mine as well! Are these unjabbed sharing body fluids with jabbed people ie: sex, kissing, eating and drinking after each other etc. I would think it would be a huge variable in this study.
Sharing and Caring - May 4
Sharing and Caring
We need to get this message out to all power/electric companies around the World. How many really know the true intended threat? Educate, send them this Video and Book:
David A Hughes | University of Lincoln
Thank you Ana Maria Mihalcea and David Hughes!
Jay R. Taylor - May 4
Oxford With Love
I’m sure this article is important, but would you please rewrite it so that humans can read it? I only have an MBA…
Jeff Piotrowski - May 4
Jeff’s Substack
Hahahaa! I would have to look up every other word also. But you get the jist don’t you?
Wolf-Steppen - May 4
Linda Tanner - May 4 - Edited
Linda Tanner
As always Dr. Ana has demonstrated that she is digging deeper into already published scientific research relevant to our dilemma. This new information on all the various types of dyes "they" are using in the polymers makes sense--each type of dye presumably has one or more specific functions, possibly overlapping with those in other dyes in other polymers. One question I've had for some time (maybe it has already been asked?) is has Dr. Ana or any of the handful of worldwide researchers tried to categorize the blood results in such a way as to document not only C19-vaxxed vs. C19-unvaxxed, but blood from "unvaxxed/untested" vs. "unvaxxed/tested". In other words, is there a difference in the blood of those who were subjected to nasal swab for PCR testiing, in which the swab was inserted into the upper reaches of the nasal cavity (so as to be millimeters from the brain), vs. the blood of those never tested in such manner?
For those who don't completely understand a lot of this due to terminology of organic chemistry that is unfamiliar to most people, stick with this, as Dr. Ana can summarize this for us, but I feel it's important that she include these excerpts from patents, as well as from published research, so that the naysayers can't claim she's "making this stuff up"! Thanks again, Dr. Ana.
crapshoot farmer - May 4 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
After familiarizing myself with my new microscope (but still have a ways to go) I went back outside and within 10 min. had a blood sample from some sharp wire. Put a couple drops on a slide and at 1000 magn. I could make out red blood cells but saw nothing else. (Unjabbed, tested by a lab twice by them drawing a drop of blood) so that is encouraging. So far, anyway.
No strands, no rouloux...but I think we're still screwed.
Adler1919 - May 4 - Edited
Do you live with or ever associate with jabbed folk? I’m wondering if this whole shedding thing is real or just bunkum.
Long viet - May 4 - Edited
its real. i have been contaminated by close body contact with vaxxed . and most of dr Ana picture are from unvax.
Adler1919 - May 5 - Edited
Are you able to elaborate? How close contact and for how long, exchange of bodily fluids or just in their vicinity?
What form did the contamination take? Have you had blood analysis done or just felt weird or ill? Have you had a 3 foot white clot removed from your leg, or developed myocarditis?
Christian - May 6
Ar’s Substack
Youare a novice on the subject... go and see my unvaxxed blood... alas in march, my blood got worse again after a chelation...
Long viet - May 6 - Edited
close body contact means sexual relation without condom. i did suffer from neurological, blood disorder, skin reaction. on live blood analysis i had long nanotubes, hydrogel area and lots of graphen, exactly as on Dr Ana post. im following now Drt Ana detox protocole, and my condition is improving, as i can see on the weekly blood analysis im doing. i was like you, i did NOT want to trust shedding. and now, im facing the hard reality. its REAL.
crapshoot farmer - May 5
crapshoot farmer
Adler, minmal exposure with jabbed people but still, in the supermarket and paying for gasoline, etc. it's unavoidable. Haven't flown in several years and we live somewhat remote but are not hermits.
I cringe when we occaisonally want to get hugged by vaxxed people but what can you do?
I think it's for real...I just got a book called "Walking Among Us" the alien plan to control humanity, and will start it soon. I think someone here recommended it..
Adler1919 - May 5
Hi, thanks for the extra info.
I know what you mean about hugging the vaxxed, but that’s what makes me wonder if the whole shedding story is just a psy-op to keep us scared of each other, divide and conquer etc.
Christian - May 6
Ar’s Substack
Vous êtes ridicule !
Adler1919 - May 7
Yep, no idea what you said, don’t speak Portuguese
Agent Midnight Rider - May 4
Agent’s Substack
There is NO WAY to determine if SHEDDING of the VACCINE is real because we have ALL had this technology in our bodies for a LONG TIME.... Research Operation Domestic Quell
Christian - May 6
Ar’s Substack
It is real !!! I have poisoned by anesthesics and by a professional vaxxed masseur !
Adler1919 - May 7
“Masseur” đ¤
Christian - May 7
Ar’s Substack
Oui, Masseur, not an escort, mon chéri !
Kim - May 4 - Edited
I agree that Dr. Ana explains everything in such a way that even I can understand it. Plus, at this point, I think that Dr. Ana is pretty much showing that ALL people have this technology in their blood now. I think that is the whole point of her testing un-vaxxed people in general. To show that it doesn't matter. It is in the food, it is in the water, it is being sprayed in the air via geoengineering, it is being spread from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed through shedding.
Eli Elliott-Dilly - May 5 - Edited
But if there's no difference between the jabbed and unjabbed why the insane push to get everyone injected, I mean, if we're all eating and breathing this shite anyway why go to all the bother of making up some new sickness and scaring everyone into rolling up their sleeves?
Kim - May 5 - Edited
First of all, they (the perpetrators) want CONTROL of the masses, and one of the best ways to do that is through FEAR. Then there is the monetary reasons for it (greed). Big Pharma and the globalists make a LOT of money pushing these "vaccines." And then there is the TRANSHUMANISM AND DEPOPULATION agenda. I just saw this article. Maybe it might help explain some of it.
Plus, just based on that article, don't think for one minute that the Covid-19 "vaccine" was the END of the vaccine push. It was just the beginning. I think that there will be many more efforts to get a needle into every arm.
And, we don't fully know yet what their whole plan is. You can tell from that article that there is still much that we don't know yet.
Jenny - May 8 - Edited
I would imagine that it is a far more potent biotech cocktail when it is injected directly into the blood without the normal support that digestion gives in carrying away wastes.
When it is inhaled from chemtrails or nano dust it is most likely less potent.
I do wonder what is contaminating everyone so aggressively- is it chemtrails or vaccine shedding? I know that most of us unvaxxed are probably physically close with family members, friends or even coworkers who’ve been vaxxed.
In my case as a TI I always figured the home break-ins were used to spread nanodust throughout my home.
Kim - May 9 - Edited
Jenny, tell me more about you being a TI. I am very interested in this because I hear Dr. Ana talking about them being able to target any of us without our knowledge. How did you know that you were being targeted? What happened and what kinds of things do you experience (if you don't mind telling me)?
Kim - May 8
The problem is that once it is in your body, no matter how it got there or in what amount, it replicates. That is why we need to take some action to try and mitigate it or prevent it from assembling in the first place. That is the only course of action we can do at this point. Metals, particularly aluminum and one other one (I think titanium, but I could be wrong about that), are needed to begin the polymerization of the hydrogels, so if the metals are not available, the assembly or polymerization is lessened. That is the whole point of the EDTA (along with Vitamin C and some other molecules) which chelates (binds) metals.
From what I understand, the methylene blue seems to not only help prevent the assembly but more importantly, it helps dissolve the hydrogel.
I agree that it seems that those who got injected would HAVE to have more of it. That just makes sense. But Dr. Ana says that in the blood she is seeing, at this point, there really is no difference between the vaxxed and the un-vaxxed.
Adler1919 - May 7
Excellent, fantastic question. The whole scamdemic cost and still is costing billions if not trillions to each participating country. As you pointed out, there was an insane push to get people to succumb to the shite, via the arm spears. If they could just chuck a few litres of the crap in a reservoir. Sprinkle it on our cornflakes and aerosolise it in chemtrails, why the huge pantomime of ‘Convid 19’?
It makes no sense whatsoever.
When someone comes forward and claims ALL human blood is contaminated with nanotechnology but ISN’T selling a product or service claiming to eliminate the same shite from the body, I’ll start paying attention. đ¤
Richard Rader - May 4
Hi Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of C19…
ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD... Yes I have observed these colored fibers in old blood slides... There were not there when the blood was taken... They developed on the slide weeks and months later. One thing is for sure the hydrogel is a shape shifter... The fibers do not degrade months later what there made of synthetic polimers. Like the hydrogel there is more than one type of fibers... See my substack and watch the dancing horsehead fiber. RR
Sharing and Caring - May 4 - Edited
Sharing and Caring
Methylene Blue? Anyone know the story with this Vibrant Blue Dye and human consumption?
Kim - May 4 - Edited
That was also my first question. I take methylene blue as recommended by Dr. Ana, so I looked it up. Apparently, methylene blue is a different type of dye. It is an organic chloride salt, and classified as a "phenothiazine." I am not exactly sure how this differs from the ones described in this article by Dr. Ana, and I am hoping that she addresses this difference.
Here is some information that I found helpful about methylene blue.
Kim p - May 4 - Edited
Triumph Over Absurdity
I used to take methylene Blue, but recently I read this book that said that it actually makes it worse because it speeds up the electrical charge
Domcrin - May 4
Triumph Over Absurdity
SAMs Substack showed that methylene blue was growing the nano tech and I've put my consumption of it on hold until there is more study. I'll post the link
Kim - May 4 - Edited
I do know that taking the methylene blue increases my energy and oxygen production and utilization (I have more oxygen to do work) as well as it seems to increase my ability to think clearly (ie., more oxygen to the brain).
I take 20 drops twice a day, once in the morning, and again around 2pm, which is only 20mg/day. I don't want to take it too close to bedtime because I don't want it keeping me awake.
Jenny - May 8 - Edited
Where do you get your methylene blue?
Kim - May 8 - Edited
Here is the link.
As I have already said, I take 20 drops twice daily, in water, which is 20 mg (20 drops=10 mg). Dr. Ana recommends a dose of 10-50mg/day. You will know what works best for you.
Be careful with it. though, because it will stain everything. It is a dye. It will also make your urine a greenish color. Some say blue, but I say it is more like green since if you mix blue with yellow (urine), you get green.
Here is another good recommendation from my dental hygienist, and a funny story.
I had gone to the dentist to get a new crown, and they put a "temporary" one on while I was waiting for the permanent one. The temporary one was made of material that is more porous. Apparently, it took up the dye from the methylene blue, and I had to explain to the hygienist why my temporary crown was BLUE. BUT, in the course of that embarrassment, she recommended that I drink the methylene blue through a STRAW. So, that is also how I take the methylene blue now.
Just to put your mind at ease, the methylene blue won't stain your natural teeth or any ceramic or porcelain crowns. It will, however, make your tongue blue but it comes off with brushing and with time. I have never had anyone ask me why my tongue is blue.
Kim - May 4 - Edited
I do know that methylene blue is an electron DONOR which I think means that it donates a POSITIVE charge in a chemical reaction. Negative charges also would contribute to the electricity. I can't even begin to understand what it all means but it would seem that it would increase electricity but again, I am not totally sure. I thought about that fact myself as it doesn't seem wise to increase electricity when we know that this technology grows in the presence of electromagnetic frequencies. I also don't know if electricity and frequencies are the same thing.
However, I also have to weigh the fact that the methylene blue appears to be able to not only stop the replication of the nanotechnology, but also appears to be able to dissolve the rubbery clots as Dr. Ana has shown. So, in my mind, which is worse, increased electricity or increased hydrogel (rubbery clots)?
I looked up Dr. Ana's Substack on the methylene blue and here is the link.
Domcrin - May 11
Triumph Over Absurdity
I don't trust Ana, just heavy duty fear mongering which in itself will cause sickness.
Agent Midnight Rider - May 4
Agent’s Substack
You want the CURE? here it is. Q-
Agent Midnight Rider - May 5 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
NEWFLASH!!!, Doctor or Scientist telling you that shedding is real are either an AGENT or RETARDED. Do you want to know why??? This ALIEN NANO TECH has been in our bodies since birth and probably goes back 20,000 years. Don't Believe me??? Ask the Spanish Research Group La Quinta Columna what was found in Napoleons Body when they dug it up to test for poison. See:
Plus the NANO TECH dropped in chemtrails since the 90s
Plus Operation Domestic NANO QUELL where they laced all coke, Pepsi our city water and nestle products with NANO DUST from at least 2010
Agent Midnight Rider - May 8 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
NEWSFLASH!!!! All of the INTEL Agents want you to think they are targeted.
Examples. Alex Jones, Laura Loomers, James O Keefe Dr. Jane Ruby , WAKEY WAKEY
If I am a Disinformation Troll Tell Me Why I'm the ONLY Person ALIVE on the PLANET to solve the Vegas Shooting???? Google ***Agent Freak Nasty***
Jenny - May 8
I think you are a disinformation troll. You are leading people astray. Dr. Ana is a targeted individual and she wouldn’t be targeted unless her mind and research are a real threat.
Christian - May 6
Ar’s Substack
Quel mépris !
Christian - May 6
Ar’s Substack
you are not more intelligent than others... we are all looking for solutions...
Agent Midnight Rider - May 7
Agent’s Substack
We ALREADY KNOW the solution. Some of these SO-CALLED doctors should KNOW too.. Its been in front of their FACE since 2020......Thanks for the compliment ...#AgentMidnightRider
Shawn - May 4
Agent’s Substack
I imagine a lot of the contamination is in water.
Water we drink and water livestock would drink.
As well as in the air.
Also, body fluid which unfortunately is probably on gas pump handles and handles of all sorts.
Toulet seats and vented into public buildings through air conditioning.
The modes are endless.
My question is, how is it the these nasty criminals escape it?
In my mind it must mean there is SOME SORT of antidote. ?
We need to just assume its everywhere and now just focus on solutions to it.
We need to keep the positive vibes and RISE ABOVE.
Agent Midnight Rider - May 4
Agent’s Substack
I'm SO GLAD you ASKED for the TOP SECRET ANTIDOTE used by the ELITES.... Agent Doctor Feel Good.
You want the ANTIDOTE here it is. Q-
John Seymour - May 4
I have been following Dr Ana's research for around 2 years and a bit surprised that someone has not pointed out that the incidence and nature of venous and arterial blockages, the heart failures, the incidence of 'micro dots' etc etc all all symptoms are absolutely consistent with poisoning via snake venom. I note that the 2 people who developed the mRNA vax have included in their documentation, the use of venom! So what's the big mystery?
Poetry or so they say - May 4
S.L.’s Substack
: ^)
LM2 - May 5
Nano Ordo Mundi
Another bit for you Dr Ana in case you've never come across it...
Cellfood inventor
Everett Storey
Everett Storey is the inventor of Cellfood, a supplement that has been around for over 50 years. According to his autobiography, “Beyond Belief,” published in 1982, Storey was engaged in an exhaustive process, exploring the fundamental laws of matter. He worked tirelessly at creating a water-splitting technology, which is a process by which the electron bonds that held oxygen and hydrogen molecules together in water would become weakened, thus releasing the two vital gases into the body.
Storey’s work on water-splitting technology led to the creation of Cellfood, which he referred to as “an electromagnetic equation” because of its ability to split water molecules into their component parts without the use of a normally-required electrical current. According to Storey’s autobiography, Albert Einstein himself acknowledged Storey’s scientific accomplishments.
Storey’s motivation for creating Cellfood was to combat the radiation poisoning that he and his fellow colleagues were suffering from after years of working on the Manhattan Project. He discovered and cultivated a non-radioactive isotope of hydrogen, deuterium sulphate, which he used to create a supplement that could build rather than destroy human cells.
Over the years, Cellfood has been manufactured by NuScience Corporation, a company that is committed to producing high-quality supplements that are safe and effective. Today, Cellfood is still widely used as a supplement to promote overall health and well-being.
Marty - May 5
Nano Ordo Mundi
Very interesting ! Why isn't water-splitting used for hydrogen production instead of (energy-intensive) hydrolysis ?
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