Darkfield Live Blood Analysis C19…

Jan 24, 2024

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Image: C19 unvaccinated blood exposed to shedding


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 24, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

With all due respect, why would anyone believe what the FDA or Pfizer say?


Nostradamus X - Jan 24, 2024

Nostradamus X

It depends on your definition of FDA.
๏ถ The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide
ABIM = Association of Barbarians for Inquisition in Medicine
ACIP = Assisted Crimes by Immunization from Pandemonium
ACOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists in Gynecopathy
ACOOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists and Obscurantists in Gynecopathy
AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association
AMA = American Murder Association
CDC = Center for Death and Corruption
DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex
DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services
FDA = Fraud and Death Association (Approves Harmaceuticals)
HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services
MD = Mad Doctors
NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas
NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
WEF = World Enslavement Forum (https://files.catbox.moe/r074u2.jpg)
WHO = World Homicide Organization


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 24, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

You left out TLA


jenna - Jan 24, 2024



Susan Skinner - Jan 29, 2024

Susan’s Newsletter



Renee Marie - Jan 24, 2024

Renee Marie



Karen Darnell - Jan 24, 2024


Conditioning from childhood to trust authorities.


Ned B. - Jan 24, 2024


We have been betrayed by those we were taught to trust. The realization is heart breaking.


Karen Darnell - Jan 25, 2024

Thank you for sharing that. I'm happy to have been released from the false security.


GreaterIsrahell - Jan 24, 2024

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

Witout ANY respect, why would anyone believe what the FDA or Phizer says?


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 24, 2024

joe’s Substack

Bodysnatchers ,Are you sure the murderous destructive exterminator gang like the F.D.A. and Pfizer deserve any due respect ??


GreaterIsrahell - Jan 24, 2024

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

That's why I replied like i did. Not with due respect, but without ANY respect. Comprende?


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 25, 2024

joe’s Substack

My response was not directed at you .Comprende??


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 24, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

I was referring to Dr Ana - certainly not to the drug cartels.


Joan Thomas - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited


I don’t know about my unvaccinated blood. My body gets a physical reaction from some people. If they hug me. Other times bad headache for three days. Just from being in a vehicle too long with a vaccinated person.


Chris - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited


That's fascinating. I am not vaccinated, but have not noticed that phenomenon. I wonder if that means I am contaminated as well.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

joe’s Substack

I'm not vaxxed ,but my wife is ,even though I begged her not to do it .I do experience several of the problems you describe .Problems I did not have ,before my wife took the injection .She is not the same anymore ,it is like we became strangers since then .It seems to me if husband and wife have differences that mean life or death ,it would be wise to separate and go our own ways ,before harm is done .For me it's most likely too late .


Chris - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited


Right there with you. My wife also took the jab--several in fact--and she has gone downhill since. It is very noticeable and very distressing.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Yes Chris ,it's downhill with our health and relationship .,both are close to destroyed in my case .What happened in the last four years is a catastrophe .Life on this planet will never be the same again for the survivors


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

No it won't & scary thought to even survive this. What will happen to those people?


LAE - Jan 25, 2024

‘Til death do you part”....that was my vow and I plan to honor and keep my vow. It is like my honor storm oath testimony and honor to serve my country. I am happy my husband as he and I are on same page with this. Could not imagine going through life without him. Wish the best for you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Comment removed.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Sadly for me it is like talking to the wind .Often when driving or sharing time together ,there is silence for hours ,because if I say what's on my mind there is most likely an argument and no understanding .Blessed are the ones who where lucky to have the right partner in life .


Julie Stander - Jan 25, 2024

Writing from the Heart Jewel

In my late 70's and I never found the right partner. I did rediscover my own great heart, which I knew as a child before I went to public school.
In response to Dr. Ana's post, I'm un-jabbed but aging more rapidly - less strength and memory, constipation, worse tinnitus and skin wrinkling.


Susan Skinner - Jan 29, 2024

Susan’s Newsletter

I think that problem you are having is # 75...
Aging after 75. I have the same disease and so do many of my friends. The medicine for it is,
“Roll with the punches.”


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Comment removed.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

joe’s Substack

My other half refuses to read ,what i see in front of my eyes or listen to any warnings ,that is mainstream on the alternative news ,from Doctors and nurses ,who have quit or where fired ,because they refused to murder on command ,like injections or in hospitals ,with the protocols that kill most patients like my brother .I wrote about many times before .There is nothing one can do even as we watch how they harm and destroy their health and life .. I think even if God himself came out in the sky and told the world not to be so foolish and to come to their senses ,they would not believe him ,claiming he is fake .


Nicole Hansen - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

The Midwestern Doctor is writing about shedding now
He says some individuals are more sensitive to it than others.


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

I would agree to that. I do deliveries to hospitals, funeral homes and nursing homes. I picked up the mini blue light air purifier that Dr. Jane Ruby & Stew Peter’s promote. I also have the ultimate Methylene Blue that Dr. Ana Mihaleca promotes in this post. 5 drops in purified or distilled 6 oz. Of water every other day according to my friend Dr. Blaylock, MD. Drink down with a straw so you don’t get the blue month. Probably best to take the dye when you will be in a relaxed state for an hour or so.


Chris - Jan 24, 2024


I struggle to get myself to drink what is essentially blue dye. Do you feel better? What do you notice since taking it?


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 25, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

I understand how you, but when Dr. Blaylock told me he was taking in and it is safe and Dr. Mercola promotes it for mitochondria energy production I thought ok. I feel fine, but I do only take in a relax state after a meal!


Julie Stander - Jan 25, 2024

Writing from the Heart Jewel

That's a low dose. Does it help?


LAE - Jan 25, 2024

Susan’s Newsletter

Yep. You are. The air...look at our skies...nothing is natural anymore...cross hatching then a dispersement of cloud cover; meat in the supermarket; the list is long and we are screwed.


Susan Skinner - Jan 29, 2024

Susan’s Newsletter

Sweet Heaven awaits. Be sure to make peace with God, so the gate will be unlocked for you. You don’t want to end up with Trudeau, Biden, the Clintons, Shumer, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Satan’s captain himself. FAUCI. Fall on your knees fast. ๐Ÿคช. That eternal Lake of Fire they are going to will be beyond misery! And it’s true.!!!!!! Knowing that brings peace to my soul.


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Dr Ana Mihaleca, my wife and I go weekly to get IV injection. We feel great & are unvaccinated. Thank you for your information!


anna burns - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Are you talking about EDTA infusions?


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Yes! IV injections. Dr Adris has a liposomal EDTA that my friend just ordered. She has the blood clots and was double vaccinated. As Christians was have a duty to try to help the poor souls who are now carrying this nanotechnology in their blood, but do so without harming yourself in the process. Biological weapons were supposed to be unlawful to use on civilian populations, because of this spreading issue. The nanotechnology industry to this point seems to have slipped under the radar. It is now effecting everyone to a degree, especially in the mitochondria production of energy. Clearly, Dr. Ana Marie Mihaleca & the late Dr. Arnie Burkhardt were the first to pathologists/ medical doctors to indicate that what we are seeing with these micro clots and or rubbery elastic clots is a condition of cardiac amyloidosis.
Why the others in the health freedom movement refuse to acknowledge this evidence is another form of medical bias in my opinion! This is now a humanity problem that needs the grace of God to help show us a way forward. The angel doctor in this Substack is doing just that for us all. God Bless,Dr. Ana Marie Mihaleca.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

Can you link where you get this lipsomal EDTA? My daughter was vax injured & Id like her to try it.


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 25, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Dr. Ardis


Smurf - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Bernie how are you? U live in Maryland? Where in Maryland weekly IV thanks.


Smurf - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

I'm in PG thanks!


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 24, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Well, it is actually in Bedford Township in Pennsylvania! Maryland is very restrictive, but I heard that there is a doctor in Columbia, Maryland who also does IV’s. You may want to check Virginia & Pennsylvania down in your area. I live in Frostburg, Maryland. Bedford is an hour north of us. You would have about a 31/2 hour drive one way. I know of someone from Hagerstown that works in Frederick that does the trip. The EDTA, Magnesium, B-12 with the extra Gluthione bag afterwards really makes me feel good. I am currently pulling out some heavy metals and then I will be switching back to Plaquex by spring! Good luck.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

what IV injection?


Bernie_miltenberger - Jan 25, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Intravenous into your bloodstream!


Beedledee Beedledum - Jan 24, 2024

Beedledee Beedledum

I had never heard of hydrogel - and am new to reading this substack, but when I was looking online for something with wound healing properties for my cat - who has developed a terrible skin condition - hydrogels were pushed, HARD. They made it sound like a panacea and that Hysdrochlorous acid was a miracle substance. Then they electrify the water - not sure how.
I had bought some spray wound healing with that in it through Chewy pet store, and now I deeply regret it and immediately stopped using it on my poor cat. So it seems they are up to no good with our pets as well as other animals.
I see I have a lot of catching up to do. For myself, I've been using ivermectin prophylactically - if I have to be around people a lot I take one about every 5 days; more if in closer proximity. Will look into EDTA but I am poor so am having to rely on low cost solutions.
Your slides of the blood were terrifying - watching the nanobots was chilling. Must not let fear get the best of me and keep looking for solutions- and not let the genocidal maniacs win over my mind as well as my body. Thank you for your work.


gr8H8er - Jan 24, 2024


Animals are getting sick. Avoid Purina and many of the top brands, Blue Buffalo, etc. I’ll find a link for you.
I soak green black walnut in water for 10 days and save the poured off water for my pets skin issues. Also have you changed laundry soaps or softeners prior to your poor kitty’s reaction? Stay away from vaccines, as well!


Beedledee Beedledum - Jan 25, 2024

Beedledee Beedledum

thank you, no changes that I know of - No worries on the vaccines; gave those up awhile ago once I knew better. He is old - 18 or 19. Has kidney disease and hyperthyroid, which I treat. I try to find alternatives in all I do for him but I also use allopathic - like for the thyroid. Mostly, I just love on him as much as possible.


T. - Jan 31, 2024


Commercial pet foods are sickening our pets


Christian - Jan 24, 2024

Ar’s Substack

Try Sublingual Edta... you emphysème à capsule and kéep it under thé tongue for 6 mn


Beedledee Beedledum - Jan 24, 2024

Beedledee Beedledum

thank you. Can EDTA be found over the counter in the USA? I will find it if so. Appreciate the response.


Christian - Jan 24, 2024

Ar’s Substack

According to m'y german doctor. Suppos work more.
Read you EMPTY...


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 24, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Yes it can.


T. - Jan 31, 2024


Ive had great success with our dogs and cats using your standard betadine solutiin from any drug store. Stuff works wonders. All i use on myself now, besides hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, or witch hazel. Betadine has been a lifesaver


AncientLoveLover - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I had all these symptoms as a still unvaccinated person beginning in November 2020. I believe Dr Leigh Merrit’s suggestion was correct (also the plan of Mad scientist Dr James Giordano outlined in his weapons of mass disruption speech *must watch if you haven’t search his name with mad scientist*) that the hydrogel bio weapon was dispersed in towns along heavily traveled interstates like I-80/90 and I-95. I was in Toledo Ohio then. Every female I knew started developing similar symptoms. I was in the music world, and I believe hydrogel nanotech tainted the party drugs, cocaine in particular. We shouldn’t focus on one route of toxicity, or argue over treatment recommendations. There are a lot of things that mitigate and work to help us retain functionality while we await the return of our Deliverer Jesus Christ. Endure to the end.


Christian - Jan 24, 2024

Ar’s Substack

Hé will Never come Back.


AncientLoveLover - Jan 27, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Look for me and I’ll look for you on that day. I will give you a wink while we are all on our knees in His presence.
I am a lucky human being because I have heard Gods voice whether anyone believes my account or not is not for me to fear...many can’t bring themselves to believe me.... but if I can give one person hope, I share the story…. for what it’s worth....
About 3 1/2 years ago, when I was a literal gangster dealing drugs and playing rock and roll in the festival scene out East living a life of unadulterated decadence (just before I got sick) I experienced my first a foreboding vision of the future. I was sitting fairly sober (a little pot and beer) with friends at a camp site and they asked me to play some songs. I was handed a guitar when I started feeling a terrible sense of dread creeping in. Everyone was waiting to hear me but I went to play my songs I couldn’t remember a word I wrote. I couldn’t remember any song at all.
Music was my life. I tried to jog a memory by remembering why I wrote them. I tried picturing a place in time that I treasured with my children knowing it would trigger the songs I poured my soul into. Still I couldn’t remember a single thing about my kids, not their faces not even their names. I stood up to go back to the car with my BF and felt the most strange detachment to my spiritual essence and I perceived that every one around me was trapped in hollow vain repetition and being piloted by reptilian urges void of love or memories. Blank eyes blank expressions.
I had the impression their bodies were driven by something dark.
I hurried back to the car and was on the verge of tears trying to explain what was happening to my BF. I couldn’t even move the car a few parking spaces down away from the bright lights at the entrance because the world felt foreign. My BF was cruel to me with no compassion or patience when I told him I felt like I was going to die. Probably to shut me up He finally offered me some empathy and hugged me in the parking lot after I had told him to tell my kids I loved them because I must be dying.
The sounds started trickling in from the parking lot and I realized what I got was a glimpse of the future. It was strongly impressed on me that this was a foreshadowing of our imminent loss of free will, our genetic memories, and LOVE.
A world without love is like a soul vacuum. It is the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced, it felt worse than I could imagine hell being. I was never religious, but I spent the next 4 hours playing 2 measures of “this little light of mine” until I could remember all the words of the song. I felt only light could keep that horrifying darkness from coming back.
This was the beginning of a transformation in me. I began to contemplate the soul, the truth, and seek after real pure actual goodness and the answer to what would deliver me from that future I glimpsed
I had several other waking visions after that. Similar to an out of body experience or NDE.
In one, I was folding clothes, and organizing some cool antiques I got with a full house of festival hangovers from the last show. Then I didn’t quite believe in Jesus Christ’s message but also didn’t discount it. I at least thought he was a righteous dude who said some good and wise things.
By association really I chose not to pursue outdated spiritual concepts. I instead leaned to more progressive concepts of Source/God. I was a decadent partier, a careless woman. I didn’t feel there was anything wrong with the way I was living nor had any desire to change it.
I did always know there was a God. Im not low IQ and I recognized that humans systems, along with every species, are just too incredibly complex and wonderful to have been some random accident. No matter how many billions of years you insert into the equation, something so amazing just doesn’t come from nothing.
While I was cleaning, as I had made custom to do since my frightening experience, I directed some grateful tidings to The Creator, for my cute house, vintage clothes, instruments, my animals, my music and boyfriend/band, family & friends... I had just said “I feel like this could be heaven, thank you God”. Now, I’ve always been an empath. Highly intuitive very sensitive I had joyful tears in my eyes in appreciation and love for the goodness of creation.
Not a few seconds later I saw a beautiful golden chalice appear above me and out of it was flowing shining cascades of water as I fell to my knees it came over my head and surrounded me, and I heard a voice that said “I am your Father, I am the living water. Drink and you will be filled and you will never again hunger or thirst.” I was on my knees and could faintly hear my friends laughing at me.
Up until then, I had been waiting hungrily for spaghetti to get done cooking, but after Brian brought me my portion I took a bite and was completely filled. I felt satiated as I never had before , a smoker not wanting to smoke, a cocaine abuser not wanting a fix, a pot head not eager for the joint being rolled, an alcoholic not thirsty for my liquid friend a servant of mammon not thinking of $. It was such a foreign and overwhelming feeling.
I set my spaghetti down for the dog to eat and told her were never going hungry again, I went to retreat to my room so I could escape the giggling around me. I put my hand on the door handle and that’s when I heard a trumpet sound. This dimension melted away, like a background reverting to green screen, and my life was flashing before my eyes.
Every beloved person, blessing, hardship, failure, Intention, longing or unfinished mission. I was able to reflect on my choices from a perspective outside of the delusion of emotion/ fear incorrect assumptions or confusion. I was moved greatly with sympathy for myself like a mother to a child and I was able to recognize the presence of the Holy Father throughout these scenes like an artists signature.
I saw Him shining through at all the darkest times of my life and I realized it was Him I had been longing and searching for in so many imperfect earthen vessels. I was so relieved to be fully in the presence of pure goodness, untainted by the darkness of the world, ready to remain there eternally.
I became confused by the realness of the experience. I truly thought I had been transfigured and it was the second coming. I found myself suddenly at the right hand of an Angel (whom I instinctively knew was Micheal). He was wrestling with a great dragon. The dragon was in chains lashing about causing ripples through the 3rd dimension like earthquakes.
The Angel spoke to me and said the dragon was “the devil, the serpent, the father fear and of lies” I saw myself as a warrior successfully fighting and defeating the darkness side by side with a host of mighty angels. Michael told me “You have everything you need” I thought that meant physical possessions. I would later find out that was not the meaning.
I was shown a great delusion that was going to fall over the earth. Greedy medical murderers, and physical bodies being disintegrated a molecule at a time. I saw people in fear and confusion succumbing to a great evil because of fear greed and cowardice, and because they believed lies.
I was out side the situation watching myself in it living it as everyone all at once. The events were still to come yet though I was reflecting on it, It’s hard to explain timelessness but it did not feel odd to reflect on the future in that plane as if I had already emerged from the battle ahead victorious along side Jesus Christ. Everything is really all at once, the multiverse is real. Very hard to articulate...it does exist as free will.
I saw Satan defeated by formidable angels, and I was part of them. The experience was so real to me that I really thought evil had been conquered in the world. I spoke later to my couch surfing hippie friends, as if the secrets of the universe had been revealed “wow that was hard, but we dirtnapped the devil!” “We just needed the truth and not believe the lies and fuck being afraid.” It was so real threw away my dogs lead because I thought there were no more threats to her safety in this new world...
However the realization came soon that all I had seen was a premonition… when I went outside everything was normal, no one was rejoicing that evil had been defeated it was hard to swallow. I cried because I knew the immensity of the struggle was still before us but also I knew God wins.
I left everything behind to pursue The Truth of God. Many more events have occurred since that one but I left behind the hollow pursuit of a chemical reaction in my brain to follow after Lasting fulfillment, and it’s there for everyone. I don’t know why God chose me (a total screw up) to understand these mysteries in such a powerful way, but anyone can find Him. There is no temporary relief through sensation on earth that is worth losing love for eternity. Gods laws are not a cage keeping us from happiness but a sure path to freedom from our own shackles.


Deanna Kline - Feb 2, 2024

Deanna Kline

๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ Amen all praise to Him Who holds Victory eternal! His rules are not rules they are ‘my child, don’t.. you’ll hurt yourself’. Some of your visions align with The Word, blessed sister. Until the Day. ๐Ÿงก


Piotr Bein - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

The c19 weapon was deployed for sure with the PCR fake "covid tests" (gel in graphene nanotubes, discovered in the swabs by Slovak scientists), possibly also in some batches of face masks, and earlier in "mRNA flu shots" (e.g. in Italy and US army).


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Giulia filippelli loewy

Thank you Dr Ana!
I am unvexed: had Cov19 at the very beginning April 2020 a minor symptoms and I got over with azithromycin, vitamin C,D3, zinc, aspirin .
In 2020 I was drinking a lot of pine needle tea with fennel seed and anise .. then I started adding high dose of quercitin; and eventually started ozone therapy, and IV of C and curcumin: last year I started IVs of methylene blue ... what a change!
I can definitely tell when I get shedded or if I am in a heavy EMF area like Milan - and immediately take IVM and go for ozone and methylene blue ..
Your studies are so so helpful !
A massive thank you


Piotr Bein - Jan 25, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

The c19 weapon was deployed for sure with the PCR fake "covid tests" (gel in graphene nanotubes, discovered in the swabs by Slovak scientists), possibly also in some batches of face masks, and earlier in "mRNA flu shots" (e.g. in Italy and US army).


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

Where are you that you have easy access to those modalities?


Noren O Drisc - Jan 24, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

Great you have found a way to alleviate the symptoms of being shedded on - I have no idea where I will find methylene blue IVM etc I am in the UK. I had very serious Covid but am not injected & take NAC, CBD oil zinc but have not tried aspirin or other things you mention. Nattokinase apparently helps also but I have not tried it. I hope some of the experts treating people might make a list of places around the world where these treatments are available. If I lived near Dr Ana I would probably visitor her for treatment. Her incredible work to uncover the genocide of the human race by these psychopaths who are the richest most powerful in the world & those complicit such as MSM, many doctors etc. Do you treatment from a clinic or administer yourself?


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 24, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

Hi Noren
I live in London UK and I found all that in a wonderful Natural Clinic run by a proper MD of German origin who is quite picky about quality of products she is using. She also uses her Microscope. I first went there to do ozone therapy as I had read that it was used in Italy (where I am from) for severe C19 cases.
I am jabbed and I did Cov back in April 2020.. never had anything since! But I defiantly can feel when I am shedded - I feel some of the symptoms I had like chest pain and tachicardia .
The clinic in London is
The London Natural Therapies
At 29 Waymouth st


Noren O Drisc - Jan 24, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

Thankyou Giuilia! Brilliant news and very kind of you to help. Some of my family live in London so I go there regularly. I am glad you found help after the 'vx' & hope I might be able to have energy again. My daughter who is mid twenties is innocent about the injections (she had 3) and gets rather annoyed if I mention but she seems to be ok apart from she has become more easily angered since the injections I noticed but my views are not welcome for now with her so I do not mention when we meet so we can get along. I am not sure if shedding has affected me. Wishing you health and happiness always.


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 24, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

I am not vaxed .. I have been just protecting myself from shedding and in general boosting my health!
Good luck


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 24, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

And thank you for your kind words


Noren O Drisc - Jan 29, 2024

Very welcome:)


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 24, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

Also - I can tell you that US environment is more toxic than Europe .. my husband’s kids live there and every time we meet them or we go to US is very heavy shedding .. in respect of Europe where we live


Lisa - Jan 24, 2024


Do you get pounded with toxic air? Our air is continually contaminated here; we get dark, low, smokey clouds. I wear a mask when I go outside and we live in the country where, in theory, the air should be clean.


AncientLoveLover - Jan 24, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Same in my city. It’s a disgrace. Really. So obviously unnatural.


Lisa - Jan 24, 2024


I'm sorry, AncientLoveLover. As one living it, it's so terrible. We are in PA. God have mercy on us.


RingmasteroftheSShow - Jan 24, 2024


I am a Med Tech by trade, spent decades looking at slides like this. Dr Mihalcea, how were these slides prepped? Was this blood drawn with or without coagulation? Are the slides and coverslips sterile and used in a sterile environment for viewing? Because I saw this all the time if you just put blood drawn from a syringe (no anticoagulant used) onto a slide with a cover slip. You get contamination and artifacts. LOTS of them. Not discounting what you are saying here, but would like more data to explain what we are looking at. For the uninitiated - Blood drawn without anticoagulants (that's what EDTA is) will start to clot once it's outside the body. And can give the appearance of rouleaux. Any bacteria or contaminant present will give you that moving, blinking appearance as it flows on the slide.....as everything flows and moves on slides with coverslips.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 24, 2024

Patti’s Substack

I have seen very normal blood on slides without anti clotting EDTA on the slide. However these persons were taking Nattokinase and or Lumbrokinasebwith Methylene Blue and other nutrients.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

So Nattokinase does help?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 25, 2024

Patti’s Substack

It has the ability to undo hypercoagulation. Read up on it. A lot has been published about this. I have read thar it also can remove plaques in vessels. I use it myself.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 24, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Most of us using a microscope are doing wet mounts from a fingerstick like diabetics do in the am. Precleaned slides and cover glass.


Doug - Jan 24, 2024

Doug’s Substack

Joel 3:21
“For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.”


Christian - Jan 24, 2024

Ar’s Substack

How can tou béliève in this evil jewish entity ?


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


Does anyone know which dental anesthetics are bad and is it the hydrogel in it? If so, why is the hydrogel bad? What specifically do we avoid? I'm so confused and I have dental surgery coming up. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


AncientLoveLover - Jan 24, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Can’t avoid, unless you forgo anesthesia. Best bet would be to plan a detoxification program after the visit. My boyfriend had to get the anesthesic and we just did a detox plan after. We are exposed to a lot of this daily. Can’t avoid all of it, it’s like cleaning house, you gotta do maintenance cleanse.


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


I was hoping there was a safe one. I understand it's in the skies, products, food supply but doing the best I can to limit it for eventual detox. Thank you for your reply!


William Robertson - Jan 24, 2024


Can't trust any! I had to get dental work just last week. Dentist in UK used Articaine also known as Artidontal. I had expressed my concerns beforehand however you get the usual lip service and hollow reassurance. Had to take it. Went home waited a couple of hours and checked my jaw area with a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) app on my iPhone . Detected several UUID's (Unique User ID's) device addresses . Been trying to detox since, however I don't think I can get rid of the device :(


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


I had the discussion with my dentist and he didn't know anything about it but was open to learning more because his family all had the vax and his father got myocarditis from it. He actually gave me three different vials to check out. After hearing your story and other comments, I don't want to do it but really can't forgo surgery. I still don't know what's in the anesthetic hydrogel... graphene? At this point, I'm pretty sure it's already in me so I guess we just need to figure out how to detox it out. What a nightmare!


William Robertson - Jan 24, 2024


Post by Anna M M on Rumble regarding Anaesthetics.https://rumble.com/v3xti7w-electron-microscopy-of-comirnaty-moderna-c19-shots-dental-anestetics-and-pn.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


Thanks so much for the link, William.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

how did you detect?


AncientLoveLover - Jan 24, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

There may be a safe one still, I guess I’m jaded at this point and any pHARMa is sus. I had a huge reaction to the heparin shots (before I knew about any of this) when I had a hospital stay for a burn. All along my belly where the nurse gave me heparin shots (which felt way too frequently . This was in June 2021I had a major morgellons reaction. Not pretty. 10 cm by 6 cm open weeping sore that pumped out black fibers and granules. Sucks that we can have no faith in medicine.


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through.
Yes, it's sad that we can't trust the medical industry or the govt. It's horrible being ill or needing a dentist and having to figure things out yourself.
My sister had Morghellons back in the 90's and still has scars all over. The mental toll it took at the time was bad, but it eventually went away. It's scary to see that it's back though I realize it's been here all along. Prayer and faith keeps me going. All the best to you. ๐Ÿ™


AncientLoveLover - Jan 24, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

What has changed is now many of us aren’t falling for their stranglehold on so called “healing”. Natural medicine is the way to go, but everyone needs a dentist now and again. I’m hoping from this awakening there will spring up a new honest institutions of common sense practitioners using diet and Gods phenomenal creation to help our fellow men. I have learned a lot in this path, and realize God put me aside to help people find hope in the fallout of this insanity. I believe all disease is curable, especially with faith in our Great Physician. He made me whole again, in so many ways.


AncientLoveLover - Jan 24, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Bless you also, thanks for chatting.


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


My thoughts exactly. ๐Ÿ’•


Seeking Truth - Jan 27, 2024

Seeking Truth

what kind of detox did he do?


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

what was the detox plan afterwards?


AncientLoveLover - Jan 27, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

10-20 drops lugols 2% iodine
5000iud Vitamin D3+K2
A pea sized amount of brown Shilajit resin
3-5g sodium citrate 2x a day for 5days
1/4-1/2 teaspoon Gum spirits of turpentine
Followed by 1tsp organic castor oil for 5days
1 hour later take 2 capsules activated charcoal.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024


I had very serious problem at the end of 2019. I copy paste an older comment:
Something private:
Shortly after I returned home in 2021 after visiting relatives, I had a nosebleed that wasn't severe, but didn't stop for minutes. I only had a nosebleed once or twice as a child.
About six months later, two of my relatives explained that they had 6 months before secretly gotten "vaccinated" to keep their jobs, even though I had strongly advised them, knowing what was happening, not to get tested or vaccinated under any circumstances and not to wear masks.
The two of them, including my mother, have now had extensive dental treatment, and I have the impression that all three of them have deteriorated extremely in health since then, but especially my mother.
I had repeatedly and urgently advised them not to accept the usual anesthetics or painkillers injected under any circumstances, but rather to ask the doctor about nano tech-free alternatives, which they didn't want to do because they were afraid of being drawn into pointless discussions with one possible treatment stop as a result.
So far, every time I've been with the two or three of them, I haven't felt well afterwards, and I've felt tired, listless, loss of appetite and somehow sick for days on several occasions afterwards.
I myself was at the dentist at the end of 2019 and had a total health breakdown the evening after I was first given an anesthetic injection and then had X-rays taken. I absolutely couldn't explain that breakdown at the time. I had no sleep for 120 hours straight, combined with a slight fever and the constant feeling of dying if I didn't breathe very quickly and very deeply. Sleep was impossible.
Today I can only explain this collapse in connection with the nano tech stuff in the injections and the subsequent X-ray procedure, as well as the fact that at the time a huge 5G transmission tower was going into operation 150 meters from my apartment at the time.


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


I'm sorry to hear that. I experienced health issues also after several dental appts. back in 2020 and living with a vaccinated person. The thing is, we'll never know what the cause was because everything happened at once and that was part of their plan. Between the dentist, stress cell towers, spraying us from the air, and shedding from many sources including the dentists how can we know? This must end. All the best to you. ๐Ÿ™


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024


Thanks, I'm fine again.


Piotr Bein - Jan 25, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Do you feel that the X-ray procedure somehow interacted with the nanotech?


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 25, 2024


At that time I knew nothing about nanotechnology in anesthetics. In retrospect, the only way I can explain it is that the body tried to cope with the stress for half a day, but couldn't, which was then followed by the near-collapse.


Piotr Bein - Jan 25, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Thank you, am sorry about what you went through.
I asked because X-ray, nuclear radiation and torsion field particles remain factors unmentioned in the literature I glanced and therefore not researched by our microscopists in their research on self-assembly and other nanotech processes.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 26, 2024


Magnetobiology, didn't Joe Imbriano said that, too? They keep it secret, because it's one of their secret weapons.


Piotr Bein - Jan 27, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Link to Joe Imbriano, pls.
Magnetobiology: re "magnetism" in the vaxed, Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak gave an explanation that puts to rest La Quinta Columna's speculation that it allegedly originates in Annunaki (or ET?) ancient mind control tech imposed on humans.
The source of this "magnetism" is earthly: the micro bio-nuclear reactors everybody has by the tens of thousands, the seven largest agglomerations are called chakras.
See Dr. Diana's article featured in Dr. Ana's:https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/torsion-spectroscopy-evaluation-of
A link to full translation of Dr. Diana's article:


John Lawton - Jan 24, 2024

John Lawton

This has been discussed before. See my comment regarding La Quinta Columna:https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/discussion-of-microscopy-of-dental/comments#comment-41994683


Piotr Bein - Jan 25, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Which batch, when? What stops a manufacturer to add nanotech at any time?
LQC showed negligence when grotesquely overinterpreting Prof. Madrid's results of Pfizer vial analysis for graphene, a study LQC themselvels commissioned!


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

Has general anesthesia been looked at?


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


Thank you for the link.


Shelly - Jan 28, 2024


I am scheduled for dental surgery too. I had a dentist look at some vials under a microscope. She didn’t see anything weird. But I believe the junk is only activated when it’s mixed with blood. If you find any safe alternatives please lmk


Carol_007 - Jan 28, 2024


Well, I read about hydrogels and it's in everything... face fillers, medicine, chemo, injections, etc. Graphene is not magnetic unless it's a certain type. The LPN is the delivery system and they are using it in certain things. I don't think we'll ever know which ones are safe because there's no disclosure.
You really have to be a scientist to know what to look for. We need to form a group that analyzes and puts out reports of what to use and not to use, but at this point, we've probably all got it in us one way or the other. I'll certainly share it if I find a safe one.


Shelly - Jan 28, 2024


I agree about forming an analytical group. That’s crazy how many products are compromised. My husband is not jabbed and it showed up in his blood during a live blood analysis. I just do not feel good about knowingly having it injected. ๐Ÿ˜–


Carol_007 - Jan 28, 2024


I know. I've done everything to avoid all of this (no vaccine, no Covid) and to find out about the dental injections is devastating. I already had some last year. I'm so angry that we don't have any knowledge of what they're putting in us.
After the dental surgery, I'll be doing the live blood analysis and Detox, though not sure where to go.


Shelly - Jan 30, 2024


It really is devastating. I know during the pandemic some states allowed dentists to give the covid vaccine due to a shortage of healthcare workers. I wonder now how dentists are legally able to give injections if there is jabber junk in it. Especially without our informed consent. I’m in PA. If you are nearby I can refer you to where I go for live blood analysis. There is a guy on FB that I follow. He says supplements also have this stuff in. Stay away from any that say nano.


Carol_007 - Jan 30, 2024


That's a good point. I forgot about the dentists giving the vax.
I'm in California but could you tell me what type of LAB you went to? Also, I've recently been wondering about supplements.
I take a ton. Does the guy on Facebook have a group I could follow? This just keeps getting worse.
Thanks, Shelly.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

I have to decide local or general anesthesia


Piotr Bein - Jan 27, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

I have had similar decision to make re. eyedrops. After "R.Q." on this forum assholishly refused to look up names of untainted eyedrops in a database he knows and has access to, I simply explained to the doctor why I don't want any eyedrops. she referred me to eye exam not requiring eyedrops. Today, the doctor said my retina is damaged of old age, am unfit to drive anymore.
While slandering me, jerk (hate-/gatekeeper?) R.Q. also publically suggested here that I lie every word of my way. a.o. about my old age LOL I reported to Dr. Ana's admin repeatedly, in vain. The rascal likely returned as "Cov-id". Am not as active on the forum anymore because of the gatekeepers.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

I do too


Piotr Bein - Jan 27, 2024

Piotr’s Substack

Isn't it a patient's right to demand a guarantee from the medical practitioner that risk-free medical supplies are used? Today, I reprimanded a tecniciuan who tried to bully me to accept her eyedrops, told her about the nanotech, she shrugged. She did the eyeball pressure exam anyway, w/o her f__g drops! It did not hurt at all. why do they push the drops repeatedly in the course of extensive exams.
It's the mediacal practitioner's duty to make sure they use fluids (incl. tapwater) w/o biosynthetic nanotech? This is frigging worse situation than Auschwitz!


gr8H8er - Jan 24, 2024


If you can convince your doctor to expose the vial to a magnet and avoid the bottom of the vial when he draws the liquid, you will get less injected into you. There are YouTube videos by doctors showing how.


Carol_007 - Jan 24, 2024


I'll try to find the videos. Thank you for the information.


Stegiel - Jan 24, 2024

The Journal of Lingering Sanity

I am 66. I reside in San Francisco. We have lost over 26% of our population since Covid but not only from this new Nakba. Rents are high and jobs are few.
My thought comes from a different direction regarding what transpires with our health. The human being is remarkably resilient. Degrading and sickening the human person takes a lifetime unless injected. A life of vigor and health is usually forgotten by 55 in the USA in any case so it begs the question in this population of adults who forget to live their life why invest in what you do not want-health-you just want to be alive.


Christian - Jan 24, 2024

Ar’s Substack

What ?? 26 % have dièd ?


Stegiel - Jan 24, 2024

The Journal of Lingering Sanity

No. Population loss from all causes. Of course sirens are routine. Homeless increasing. Stores closing. A wasteland growing.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 24, 2024

joe’s Substack

Are the migrants not filling in for the losses .?? In Vancouver half of the population is migrants .Housing filled to overflowing into tents or under bridges .


Stegiel - Jan 25, 2024

The Journal of Lingering Sanity

Not really. We have drug issues with our homeless, meth mainly, alcohol less. Migrants - well I do not take a census of the homeless, I note what I see, and yes a few migrants but the bulk are very damaged by drugs and a black and white population with white male majority. Possibly the Mission and Excelsior have the Latin homeless. Excelsior has a large number of Chinese who hang out in front of a cafe on Geneva and Mission looking for work, older guys, over 60 mainly but vagrants not that I have seen.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 25, 2024

joe’s Substack

Stegiel ,Migrants get the red carpet treatment ,They go from the plane to hotels and newly build high rise buildings ,and given everything free for a comfy living .The ones you see in tent camps or under bridges are not migrants ,they are often the result of the migrants occupying anything being build ,for free .


Stegiel - Jan 25, 2024

The Journal of Lingering Sanity

Not so much in SF. Plenty of vacant property. The City bleeds for homeless not much murmuring about migrants other than praise. Housing in SF is tight, and costly and wait lists long for subsidized housing.


Lisa - Jan 24, 2024


If the particles are small enough to transfer from another person, then they can easily be gotten from breathing contaminated air.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024


They aren't even visible in the air. Think of chemtrails. With every breath we take millions of this stuff into our body.


Nostradamus X - Jan 24, 2024

Nostradamus X

Add that to Disease X!
Maybe SARS-COV-3 is designed to clean up the toxins from SARS-COV-2 + its nanotech.
๏ƒ˜ “Disease X” : New LETHAL BIO-WEAPON SARS-COV-3 Built and Hid by CHINA’s ARMY
Very Dangerous Research on Chimeric Virus Military Medical Doctors' Did. 100% kill rate!


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024




Nostradamus X - Jan 24, 2024

Nostradamus X

The onus is up to you to prove the contrary to the Chinese military, not to me.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 24, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Kill rate is not 100 percent but is still high at 60 percent.


Seeking Truth - Jan 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

Is nano found in general anesthesia?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 25, 2024

Patti’s Substack

I dont know this from microscope work. I hear reports but don't know which drugs.


Seeking Truth - Jan 27, 2024

Seeking Truth

is it in lidocaine? I need oral surgery


William Robertson - Jan 29, 2024

Dr Ana Talks about her findings in Lidocaine here:https://rumble.com/v2orsm4-hydrogel-in-injectable-medications.html?start=1192


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 28, 2024

Patti’s Substack

They use Carbocaine a lot now. Don't know about Lido..maybe?


Dr. Hubris - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Tomaž’s Substack

Hello Dr. Mihalcea,
I have 3 questions:
1. How can you tell that the formations you are showing are sensors? What proof do you have and what exactly are they sensing?
2. If shedding such particles is so common, doesn't this also mean that the a significant part of such particles are released into the outside world, meaning that the density decreases in the body of the "vaccinated"? Because such particles are not co-opted from existing biological material, we can only assume that.
3. If such "sensors" (as you call them) have the predilection of leaving their designed "hosts" through shedding, what is the significance of them "sensoring" anything at all? It would just become a random data point into an unknown "host"...


Tomaž Štamcar - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Tomaž’s Substack

They've been chemtrail shedding nanoparticles from airplanes for 20 years, and what's up with that? They can activate their effects with 5G frequencies.
Is chlorine dioxide as a medicine even for nano particles unknown or dangerous?


Dr. Hubris - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Tomaž’s Substack

Exactly! The findings are likely NOT related to hackccine shedding. Just like most people post the Imperial war on Korea have Teflon in their blood... the environment becomes more toxic every day...


Tomaž Štamcar - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Tomaž’s Substack

If she doesn't mention chemtrails, then she's probably really wrong and I hope not on purpose. It is necessary to warn her and it will be seen why she is silent.
Every day in Ljubljana, I record these white tracks, and they spray us even behind the clouds and at night for at least 15 years. Most people don't care, but they forced a muzzle on me. Really crazy people.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited


"…the FDA and Pfizer has about their awareness of the phenomenon…"
In Germoney it's in the law. Those, who wrote the law, knew very well, what they did. Check if your Covid infection prevention law (Infektionsschutzgesetz) is similar phrased:
IfSG § 21 Vaccines
In the case of a vaccination ordered on the basis of this law or a vaccination publicly recommended by the highest state health authority or a vaccination in accordance with Section 17a paragraph 2 of the Soldiers Act, vaccines may be used that contain microorganisms that can be excreted by the vaccinated person and absorbed by other people. The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.
— Law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases in humans (Infection Protection Act - IfSG)
(translated with Google Translate)
In the past classical infections with so called viruses etc. could have never been proved. See Dr. Thomas Cowan and Boston Experiments. So knowing that almost always everything the system does is upside down you can only come to the conclusion, that this law is an not infection prevention law but exactly the opposite, an infection law. Oh man, this is sick, twisted and criminal.
IfSG § 21 Impfstoffe
Bei einer auf Grund dieses Gesetzes angeordneten oder einer von der obersten Landesgesundheitsbehörde öffentlich empfohlenen Schutzimpfung oder einer Impfung nach § 17a Absatz 2 des Soldatengesetzes dürfen Impfstoffe verwendet werden, die Mikroorganismen enthalten, welche von den Geimpften ausgeschieden und von anderen Personen aufgenommen werden können. Das Grundrecht der körperlichen Unversehrtheit (Artikel 2 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Grundgesetz) wird insoweit eingeschränkt.
— Gesetz zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten beim Menschen (Infektionsschutzgesetz - IfSG)


Christian - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Sie sind Deutsch ?


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited


Deutscher, ja.


Christian - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Ja. Richtig... ich bin Franzoser.


Jay Skywatcher - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Jay’s Substack

I have no doubts that they are air spraying us with both virus and nanoparticles. The snow kind of cleared up the air around here.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024




Saxxon Creative - Jan 24, 2024

Saxxon’s Newsletter



Tomaž Štamcar - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited

Tomaž’s Substack

They can activate their effects with 5G frequencies.
Is chlorine dioxide as a medicine even for nano particles unknown or dangerous?


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited


I take CDS daily, but ask Dr. Ana…


Tomaž Štamcar - Jan 24, 2024

Tomaž’s Substack

How should I ask her? It is in everyone's interest she connect with Mr. Andreas and test the effectiveness of CDS. Can you write more about how it is prepared and used?


Mezei Ildiko - Jan 24, 2024

Mezei’s Substack

In Germany they already have a law for the Bundeswehr where shedding is officially allowed and human rights are deleted โ€ผ๏ธ
Infection Protection Act
Section 4
- Prevention of communicable diseases (SS 15a -23a)
S 21
1 Vaccines containing microorganisms that can be excreted by the vaccinated person and ingested by other persons may be used in the case of a vaccination ordered on the basis of this Act or a vaccination publicly recommended by the supreme state health authority or a vaccination in accordance with S 17a para. 2 of the Soldiers Act. 2 The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2 para. 2 sentence 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.
Version based on the law on sustainable
strengthening the personal commitment of the
of the Federal Government



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