What Is Happening To Our Water? Plastic…

Mar 26, 2024

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Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea


Dave aka Geezermann - Mar 26 - Edited

Dave aka Geezermann

What are "plastic" tea bags? The ones I use are paper. But I am concerned about the water I use. I recently bought a distiller to make distilled water from my tap water. I have not drank tap water, or used it for tea or coffee or cooking for years now. I have always bought jugs of distilled water at the supermarket. But it is better I have my own distiller.


curious butterfly - Mar 26

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

I bought a box of 500 empty tea bags that said "eco friendly" on the label. I didn't think much about the material. One evening I put the tea bag with my sleepy time herbs into a pot of boiling water and it melted! I didn't get how a paper eco-friendly teabag could melt. It never happened before. Did I imagine it? I went to Amazon and looked up brands of empty tea bags to see what they are made from. Turns out it's nylon, a synthetic polymer! And still being sold as non-toxic eco friendly!!! I was being so careful about reducing my exposure to plastics. I switched to paper straws. I drink out of a ceramic mug. I make my own distilled water from spring water, but the tea bags slipped right by me. I used more than half of the pack, so over 250 of these toxic plastic tea bags. I am going back to a stainless steel tea ball for my homemade blends and I will be super cautious about store bought tea "paper" tea bags from now on.


Dave aka Geezermann - Mar 26

Dave aka Geezermann

Thanks for sharing, I would not have known.


curious butterfly - Mar 26

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

You are most welcome.


Anto - Mar 29

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

imagine with coffee pods and coffee filters.


curious butterfly - Mar 29

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Omg it's an endless rabbit hole! 🐇😮


Erin J. Morgart - May 15



Hazel - Mar 28


Paper straws are toxic


Hazel - Mar 28


They contain more forever chemicals/PFAS than plastic straws!


curious butterfly - Mar 28

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Oh no, this is very bad news. Are you sure there are no straws that are just chemical free paper? Or are you saying paper in general is made with chemicals and is toxic? Thank you for the warning.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15



Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Copper straws (real, not plated copper) would be an alternative. Being healthy is expensive but worth it.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

I can attest to this (re: paper straws are toxic). After what seems like a 4-year constant research project, I should have two PhD’s by now! 😎🤣 I already have my MS in Clinical Psychology and in Undergrad Majored in Psychology, Minored in Biology, English Lit and French. Even NOW I’m working on my MS to PhD in CyberPsychology! I am the bane to all of my lesser-educated relatives’ existence. I have TRIED.


Jay Skywatcher - Mar 26 - Edited

Jay’s Substack

I am thinking of buying a wood fired distiller. In the event of grid collapse it will be the only kind that works. Water filters won't remove plastics and other chemicals.
I often punch a vent hole in a metal can lid and heat canned food over a campfire. A friend informed me that metal cans are plastic lined.
They spray weed killers on GMO crops and some root plants to kill the top growth. Nothing much is safe to eat any more unless we grow it and can it ourselves.


Dave aka Geezermann - Mar 26

Dave aka Geezermann

Sad but true. I also have begun sprouting seeds. I get the non-GMO seeds for sprouting. I also started using a glass mason-type jar to sprout lentils. Just a half inch in the bottom to start, rinsed daily, yield a full jar in about five days.


Sarah - Mar 26


Heirloom non gmo is ideal. Heirloom can harvest seeds in produce harvested and grow those seeds ! Gmo seeds have been engineered to ENSURE DEPENDENCY while non or heirloom ensure YOUR INDEPENDENCE


Erin J. Morgart - May 15


I like the Heirloom brand as well!


Sarah - May 15


Give a Man a Fish, Feed him For a Day.... TEACH a Man to Fish, Feed him For Life1 Which on would help, not further oppress????
The Body Shop - before it sold its soul, promoted brilliance like this concept.
I loved that message so much, I bought a tshirt stating this from TBS decades ago.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15



Bee Gee - Mar 26 - Edited

Bee Gee

Some water filters Do remove microplastics and chemicals, as many many many test results can conclusively Prove.
Distillers aka boiling water does not remove microplastics or many many chemicals, like everything with a boiling point below 212. Like Liquor.
This is elementary level science and EASILY proven.
Put some alcohol in your distiller and taste the alcohol in the water that comes out.
Or use a basic TDS meter to measure the water that comes out.... still stuff in it.


Sarah - Mar 26


I distill my own water and it does remove a TONNE of junk. I dont get it lab tested to Know exactly what but def fluoride, bromide: my proof is in whats left over.
I am constantly citric acid cleaning it. it's disgusting!!!
Distill your water, some elimination is better than NOTHING!!!


Bee Gee - Mar 27 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Mar 27 - Edited

Bee Gee

I use Zerowater pitchers/filters because they are the best. I have been using them for years and have several of them, the big glass one on my counter, one in the fridge, one downstairs, etc.
I am on well water so I just wash and fill up the sink with water and throw in a chlorine dioxide tablet then use that water to put in my zerowater pitchers.
It almost doubles the usable life of my filters and otherwise the pitchers that arent refrigerated get a fishy smell after 3 or 4 weeks.
By using chlorine dioxide to kill the biologicals in the water first I am getting 6-7 weeks out of my filters. And even once I no longer drink the water out of a filter, I still use it to filter the water I use for my plants because it still Works, just not as well once the filter starts measuring 0.06 when they say to replace it.
For what many people pay for more expensive less effective filters, they could have bought multiple zerowater pitchers and a whole bunch of replacement filters.
Or if you only have $30, start with one and still have better water right now. For the price and the water quality, there is no better filter.
Thats my recommendation.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15


I use the Zero Water system as well. Have the large container and bought two of the smaller containers for use in bathrooms. My relatives think I’m crazy. However, when I go to their homes and bring “my” water filter and then test “their” water, they freak out BUT -- they do NOTHING!!!! They’re so apathetic and they just don’t care (AND they’re vaxxed which of course has injected a HUGE wedge between all of us as I have been the research expert on all things medical/dental/health, you name it and THEY can’t stand it). To make things more abrasive, most of my relatives are RN’s, pharmacists, in the military, etc. and they have YET to apologize/acknowledge ANY of the wrongdoing, nor have they YET said to me, “We’re sorry for not listening to you”. It KILLS me. One of my relatives is an RN named .... KAREN. Yep. I asked her three years ago if she had to go into the vaers system to log in any CV injuries/adverse effects. She said, “What’s THAT?” 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Sarah - May 15


Praise your willingness to stand outside the crazy crowds!!
Normies only know how to "normie" check out sabrina wallace who is talking about the Wireless Body Area Network among others (IOT, IOB, etc) But the power of Love has massive impacts.
Thank you for the empirical reference for folks like me, concerned about the water I consume.


Sarah - May 15


I've see the zero water jug, wondered if it was similar to a berkey or what the water "tastes" like. Thank you for putting that back on my radar!!!
I am eager to treat my consumable water at the origin point. What is all this good for if you are showering/bathing in steam aerosolized h2o....


ron vrooman - Mar 26

Ron’s Newsletter

Consider finding your Jural Assembly and taking action.www.orsja.org


Debra - Mar 26


Rishi is an organic brand of tea and they use biodegradable sachets (tea bags).


ron vrooman - Mar 26

Ron’s Newsletter

Consider finding your Jural Assembly and taking action.www.orsja.org


Karen Brennan, PhD - Mar 26

Trufoods Newsletter

A paper teabag can contain microplastics. I wrote about this in a substack post recently. Also, for tea drinkers, the younger the tea leaf, the less aluminum content. Drink loose leaf tea preferably.


TreeTomato - Mar 26

Arlene’s Newsletter

This may be a dumb question, but how do we know that distilled water doesn't contain constituents of the plastic, in much the same way that brandy or whiskey contain constiiiiiituents of the wine they are distilled from? I've been toying with the idea of getting a distiller, but would like this clarified first!


Dave aka Geezermann - Mar 26

Dave aka Geezermann

That's a good question. I have not seen that discussed. But the steam distillation process is the best way to achieve a "pure" water, imo. One can use tap water or well water or other bottled water in the distiller. I didn't think I could afford one, but the one I got last week from Amazon was only about $60. It produces about a gallon in 3-4 hours.


TreeTomato - Mar 26

Arlene’s Newsletter

Thanks for that I wonder if using MSM could be a better option to disillation, or perhaps be used in conjunction. Of course, it may do nothing to smart dust/graphene or hydrogel.


Debra - Mar 26


None of this is new. For those of us who have been researching for quite some time, we've known that their are microplastics everywhere even in the sea salt that people consume which is supposed to be clean. So, those of us that have known this stuff, we've had to search for even better quality foods (not an easy task). Even the organic foods have some level of toxins from the air, the water that sprayed on them, the copper sulfate that's sometimes used on them which is a known toxin [side note: beware if you're feeding your dogs or cats "foods" with added copper (most likely from china) in them especially copper sulfate because it's causing liver damage and cancer which means death for your beloved family member]. The ignorance and corruption is endless and has been for probably a century when they started using chemicals in everything. They believe and act like they own ALL the food, water (let's not talk about Nestle and how they believe they deserve to own ALL the water), air, etc. Remember what kissinger said, "“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
We eat organic food 99.9% of the year (1 or 2 times/year we get some delicious ethnic food and unfortunately the ingredient are crap) and even with that, I tested the level of glyphosate in me out of curiosity and there is some, not much but enough to be pissed about it. Glyphosate is a known carcinogenic, is pure poison but yet people don't care enough. I had someone say to me about organics, "Once you touch the organic food, it's no longer organic, right?" I almost dropped to the floor by the level of ignorance. This person somehow learned about heavy metals in baby foods so she asks the companies that she get baby food from for her child whether they've tested that or not. However, in her ignorance with organics and her lack of caring (because I tried to explain the importance of it) and the fact that her child is eating foods with glyphosate which chelates (binds to and removes) desperately needed minerals from everybody, does it really matter that he's eating foods that might or might not have heavy metals? He won't have the necessary minerals his organs needs to neutralize any heavy metals because the glyphosate chelated them out. It's not just heavy metals but ALL toxins that we need to be filtering out as best as we can. If most people cared, these psychopaths wouldn't be able to do what they're doing (read kissinger's quote above, again). It's that simply really. Most people I know, either don't care or think they care and are too stupid to know they haven't got a clue. They'll say they eat organic but they don't because they tell me what they buy. It's mind blowing the level of ignorance. I digress.


ron vrooman - Mar 26

Ron’s Newsletter

Consider finding your Jural Assembly and taking action.www.orsja.org


Debra - Mar 26


What does that mean?


ron vrooman - Mar 26

Ron’s Newsletter

you must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. read the prompts or contact me.ronvrooman38@proton.me;www.orsja.org; 503 641 8375


Erin J. Morgart - May 15



Erin J. Morgart - May 15

ron vrooman

Is this just applicable to the State of Oregon? I just went to the site you referenced.


ron vrooman - May 15

ron vrooman

The United States of America happens when a quorum of the several states meets in a Congress Assembled. A re-Constitution or Original jurisdiction occurs when there is no de facto in appearance. It is all de jure. The best way out is straight ahead. Knowing what came preceedent as juxtaposed to post or amended, is quite handy. Precedent also.
Now, is a good time to think about the Electoral College. It elects our Chief Executive. That would be the President of the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and perpetual Union that combines the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776. So, we know the critical 14 that must move forward to achieve 20 for a quorum. And it does it with unelected people, unfettered from the several states. That number is 33, a quorum that also includes South Carolina re-Constitutes a de jure government.
The United States of America is dated 1777; the USMC is dated 1775. Oregon the state is dated 1859 and is number 33 with full faith and credit among the several states and territories. Oregon has re-constituted; completed in November 2022. Now, we know 15 states. Any additional 5. The United States of the Constitution 1859, was usurped by the Lieber Code. It is no longer a 10 mile square. That is U.S. Army, Blue Coats, Federal, un-Constitutional as in no standing Army. It should be militia. The Electoral College makes the Next Commander and Chief of the United States the de jure provisional government. Provenance, Pedigree, Protocol, de jure, do you have your bona fides in order? We will have a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and Nature’s God included. This year, 2024.
We have a de jure, up and running Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction operating in our Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record, whose jury verdict in common law has no appeal in fact. In cases of over $20.00 there is no judge involved. We have a Jury pool of several hundred men and women and have Presentments and True Bills from eight (8) Grand Juries. We have verdicts from seven (7) Trial Juries of Article III Amendment VII courts. We implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. We offer this with full faith and credit. This is a de jure remedy signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service, published atwww.orsja.org
Assemblies and Jural Assemblies and Grand Juries abound and have been cycling around for a long time. Currently the option that is functioning is Article I Section 1 the social compact of our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka the provisional government on Oregon. The paperwork to re Constitute a provisional government on a state, commonwealth or territory takes 30 days, 15 hours work, 100 bucks for postage, 40 bucks for a seal, done by 5 people with their bona fides in order. You will need a Jury pool of men and women large enough to respond and appear when called. Tonja called our 1st Grand Jury when we had a jury pool of 45. Now we are several hundred.www.orsja.org.


Susan Hojdik - Mar 26 - Edited

Susan Hojdik

ANOTHER dumb idea. Plastic teabags! Whatever happened to tea balls?


Bruce Hartnett - Mar 27 - Edited

Bruce Hartnett

IF I were making a full pot of Tea, I would use my Tea Ball! However, when making only 1 large cup of tea, I use a Tea Spoon, which takes about 4 minutes to steep. I can get at least 3 good cups out of each Tea Spoon.
Per Coffee, I use the Prince Castle Cold Filtron system, like my mother started with in the 1960s. 1 Lb of Coffee Grounds in the container, 60 Oz of water in the upper water container seeped through a pinhole into the Grounds. It soaks 9 to 24 Hrs. Then, you pull the cork on the bottom & the strong Coffee Filters through a 3/8" Pad into your Storage Bottle. Then, a 2nd Batch with less water, for another 9 to 24 hours. Mix the 2 together for a couple quarts+ of liquid Coffee Concentrate. Use a small Coffee measure, normally per cup & add Hot Water. You can make it as strong as you desire. The Cold process makes only 10% to 20% of the Caffeine than Heat percolated & all the Caffeine you need. It also Filters out all the acids and oils, which makes a really smooth cup of coffee.
And, for water, I have a Deep Farm well, 3 miles from the nearest small town & 18 miles from the nearest small city.
I also have a countertop pitcher water filter as well as a filter for my refrigerator water & ice.


SIRIUS - Mar 26

SIRIUS ispod struje

Coffee is much better in any case. One just has to know how to drink it ...
Just as with tea.
Guarana is better than tea as well. At least from my experience.


curious butterfly - Mar 26

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

I wonder how much microplastics are filtered out by the process of making coffee. Maybe some of it is absorbed into the coffee grounds and doesn't make it through to the liquid part we drink?


Mark.Kennard - Mar 26

Healthcare, not Medicine

It’s the metals in our food and water which are the biggest risk
We are fed metals to eat and to drink. We are given metals to brush our teeth with and rub into our skin and wash ourselves with. We are injected with metals and they are also implanted into our bodies.
This talk of micro plastics is the metals industry trying to avoid the limelight and avoid liability


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 26

subdoris’s Newsletter

The chemtrails are metallic salts.


Mark.Kennard - Mar 27

Healthcare, not Medicine

The atmosphere is also full of metal salts from the manufacturing industry. The scientists that study this are particularly concerned about titanium dioxide in the atmosphere as it now surrounds the entire planet and they believe it’s responsible for the huge increase in autoimmune disorders and certain cancers worldwide. This was research prior to the gene therapy vaccine obviously. It’s believed that there is not one person on the planet who doesn’t have detectable levels of titanium dioxide in their bodies, not even the most remote tribespeople can escape it.


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 27

subdoris’s Newsletter

Thanks, Mark. This is really terrible. What is the matter with people?


Mark.Kennard - Mar 27

Healthcare, not Medicine

Money comes before values in the west. That’s what’s wrong with people.


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 27

subdoris’s Newsletter

Looks like you are correct. Love of money all the way to irrevocable planetary suicide....or at least mammals suicided, maybe vertebrate suicide...maybe only plants left?


Erin J. Morgart - May 15



Mark.Kennard - Mar 27

Healthcare, not Medicine

The ema also recently reclassified titanium dioxide as unfit for human consumption and are banning it in foods. It’s in a lot of medications too, and in a lot of people’s mouths in their modern dental work. Composite fillings for example. Then there’s also tooth implants with titanium dioxide in them. I’m allergic to titanium from an orthopaedic implant. It’s happened a few times and i have had to get both implants removed


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 27

subdoris’s Newsletter

Mark, you had your orthopedic titanium removed? Did you have to have it done as a major surgery? What did they replace the titanium with? Can you refer me to a source for more info? do you still have ongoing problems after the removal? Thanks.


Mark.Kennard - Mar 28

Healthcare, not Medicine

My first implant was a lumbar implant in 2005 to fix a prolapsed disc. They did a discectomy and fused one disk as well. The implant was titanium alloy, 90% Titanium 6% aluminium and 4% vanadium but it caused titanium allergy symptoms. It also had a galvanic reaction with my amalgam fillings which degraded them and made them leak more mercury. When they removed the implant it didn’t have to be replaced with anything as it’s only job was stabilisation while the fusion was healing. I also had to get my amalgams removed
The best source for info would be Melisa diagnostics to start with. Look in the menu on their page for the titanium info page. They also do a quarterly newsletter you can see all the back issues for. They’ve been testing people for 20 years for type 4 delayed type hypersensitivty reactions to metals


Mark.Kennard - Mar 28

Healthcare, not Medicine

After the first implant was removed most of the systemic symptoms vanished immediately and my facial appearance returned to normal. I had some new symptoms though because metal fragments and a piece of surgical rod were left in me which they covered up for years. I could get no relief from the excruciating pain I now had. Sitting, lying or standing still would make it quickly become unbearable. They caused lots of pain and I had to have CT scan guided steroid injections every three months to be able to work.
It’s best to avoid surgery if you can. Find another way to fix the problem and there are other ways that work
I had to get another implant in 2019 as I fractured a vertebra which wouldn’t heal. The surgeon removed it ten months later as it caused my allergy issues to resurface which we expected would happen
But I still have bad symptoms from the PMMA bone cement they put in me which has alumina in it which I’m allergic to


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Healthcare, not Medicine

I had one implant put in two years ago. I have had no allergic reactions to the titanium. As far as fillings go, composite only. If more is needed, honestly the best kind of crown is porcelain fused to gold (real gold). More longevity, safer and adjusts to your bite better. Of course, ANYTHING Dental is $$$$$, esp. crowns or implants. I have the most holistic dentist that I could find and trust. However, the issue of Septocaine and Lidocaine has come up. A few times. 😟


Mark.Kennard - May 15

Healthcare, not Medicine

You can also have a Type 4 hypersensitivity reaction to gold. Titanium symptoms are different than other metals and characterised by malfunctions of the autonomic functions of the body. So the body starts working differently
It’s those with gene mutations which mean they don’t detox properly who are at risk. I had to have all my composite fillings removed a year ago. They have alumina and other metals in them. Removing them stopped the cardiac symptoms and dementia symptoms. Alumina is a huge risk. Good luck


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Healthcare, not Medicine

I am SO glad that I got this far on this Stack to keep reading comments!!! What divine timing!!! I was going to ask Dr. Ana what the best alternative would be when getting dental work done as TODAY I was to have gone in for a crown prep and I used to manage a Dental Practice in Southern California. Before that, while getting my MS in Psychology, I had a PT position working for an Oral Surgeon and a Periodontist. I know ALL of the ins and outs regarding all things dental, including reading X-rays, periodontal disease (I actually have the lovely juvenile periodontitis gene which I have had much work done to save my gums, teeth, bone mass, etc.) I have assisted in several implant surgeries, Perio surgeries and many other assorted procedures.
HOWEVER - I also started watching all of the La Quinta Colonna videos years ago when they would test ALL “injections”, including Septocaine and Lidocaine! Knowing THIS, I carefully mentioned about six months ago to my very good friend and lifelong Gen Dentist (NOT vaxxed so we have much in common)


Mark.Kennard - May 15

Healthcare, not Medicine

Metal free ceramics are the best. I used saremco brand. There will be other brands. If metals in a crown are different to other metals anywhere else in the body it will cause a galvanic reaction. Metal free is the safest way to go.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Continuing..... I mentioned to the doc about the recent findings of graphene oxide being found in virtually ALL injectables. This was the first time dic had heard of this (?). Anyway, I sent doc a link to one of the studies and recently I asked doc kindly if they had received it and reviewed it. Doc said that Septocaine has been in use for over twenty years. I again gently referred another more recent study. Said study is being ignored. Dear @DrAna, what do you suggest I do? I suggested to doc to buy a microscope for the office to do their own testing. I personally bought a high-powered dark-field microscope for home use (best way to test things on your own). As well, I took microbiology, organic chem and have recent updates to all of the medical guidelines/pharmaceuticals. I would like to know - what is the alternative? Thank you in advance, @DrAna! I am a paying subscriber as well 😊


Alexandra - Mar 26

Alexandra’s Substack

Thank you, Dr. Ana for helping us to see.


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 26 - Edited

subdoris’s Newsletter

I have avoided teabags for many decades. Make your own linen bag and buy whole tea leaves to put in it. I avoid all plastic as much as possible. Most clothes are pure linen, cotton, wool, silk. I use linen or cotton for all food bags, strainers, cheesecloth, etc. I distill my water because of harm from fluoride. Now they're poisoning the air - Morgellons? Research Griffin CarnicomCarnicomInstitute.org. He found a 0.9 micron coccoid synthetic bioform in all the chemtrails!


curious butterfly - Mar 26

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Making your own linen tea bags is a great idea, thanks. My tea bags were nylon plastic and it just occurred to me my nut milk bag could be.


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 26

subdoris’s Newsletter



Roman S Shapoval - Mar 26 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thoughts anyone on the Berkey system?
I use diatomaceous earth as well to structure our water in the presence of Sunlight (infrared builds the EZ zone of water):https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/water-insulates-emf


LamedVav disavows all vaxes. - Mar 26

subdoris’s Newsletter

I just got the cheapest one at Walmart and it was $70 and it works fine. It makes 1 gallon of water in four hours. The 1 gallon jug is plastic so it’s good to replace it with glass.


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

In closing, the life of Berkey filters is unmatched by any of the competitors and considering the American military uses them when in the field I( think I will stick with them.


Gary McCollom - Mar 30 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

With the amount of detox items you and I take if there is a little aluminum from Berkey we get rid of it just as quick.
I have seen 2 reviewers who did new reviews and barely found any aluminum.
So far as zero water goes, its the cheapest for a reason.
Here is Why You Should NOT Invest In ZeroWater
This article was originally a glowing review of this product but has since been updated to reflect that I no longer recommend ZeroWater.
Having personally used ZeroWater for over 1 year (and changed the cartridge as instructed), I encountered the following problems:
Red Cross
The cartridge and therefore water eventually starts to smell like mould. My family members who also purchased this (based upon my recommendation) also had the same problem so I know I didn’t just get a faulty device.
The water starts to taste weird as a result too.
Although the water has zero TDS (total dissolved solids), it might still have other ‘non-solid’ contaminants. For instance, I noticed that it didn’t do anything to fight limescale and my brand new kettle is full of white scales.


Roman S Shapoval - Mar 30 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

thanks for this info Gary - gotta go with our instincts sometimes, eh?


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Hi Roman, had not been to your page in some time and just wanted to say you have some interesting stuff lately.
What have you found in regards to iodine and emf poisoning?
We just started experimenting with Lugols.
Everything I have seen so far says iodine is the best supplement to take for emf/radiation exposure. protection.


Roman S Shapoval - Mar 30

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks so much Gary! Appreciate your support. I haven't done an article on iodine, but I do know that it helps flush out fluoride out of our thyroid, and is essential in helping our metabolism run efficiently. Lugol's is good, but can stain the teeth. I have tablets I take (high dose) every week or so. When we have enough iodine in our thyroid, this doesn't allow for other metals to come in its place....emfs magnetize to metals etc.
Does that help give clarity?
I'll look into writing about iodine in the near future.


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

Absolutely and its what I knew already but the more confirmation one gets the better as none of us know everything.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

I bought the iodine drops from, of all places as Mike Adams even recommended them, the Alex Jones store! That, plus the Brain Force.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

My very good friend Chris Langan has been using Berkey for YEARS (well, since 2012 when we first met on LinkedIn).


Bee Gee - Mar 26 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Mar 26 - Edited

Bee Gee

I keep trying to tell people that but they keep believing boiling water removes plastics, as though thats not stupid. Apparently none of these distiller fans have ever heard of a TDS meter either.
Zerowater for the win.
Also this tea study plainly shows boiling water Does Not remove or even reduce microplastics... obviously.
Who ever thought that was even a real thing? People need to stop listening to chinese scientists, they are plainly part of the plan to kill us all.


Dave aka Geezermann - Mar 26

Dave aka Geezermann

I would prefer to drink only spring water from a trusted source, regardless of its mineral content, but that is not a feasible option for me. So distilling my tap water is the best I can do. Normally I go through 25-30 gallon jugs of store-bought distilled water a month, since I use it even for boiling pasta or potatoes. I can't always drive the half hour away to buy them, and then there is the lugging them in from the car, lol.
My sister used to buy jugs of water too, but now her family uses an AlexaPure water filter.


Dave aka Geezermann - May 15

Dave aka Geezermann

Update - A month ago I purchased a home distilling unit. It works great, and I can make one or two gallons a day. No more buying from the store and lugging them home.


SIRIUS - Mar 26 - Edited

SIRIUS ispod struje

yes, but , pure water being a solvent...
means it is good only for the detox function!


Bee Gee - Mar 26 - Edited

Bee Gee

What kind of sense does that make? So you are saying that your body does not use 'pure' water just like it would use magic 'structured' water? I have drank pure water every day for Years, literally gallons a day and I am fine... you would think if pure water was bad I might be a little dehydrated by now or something but maybe I should start playing classical music to my water to make it happy before I drink it.


Debra - Mar 26 - Edited


It's minerals that actually hydrate the body in the real sense.


Bee Gee - Mar 26 - Edited

Bee Gee

Any food item you eat has more mineral content than anything you are adding back into water. By a Massive margin. And if you think minerals real sensically hydrate you better than pure water, why dont you just eat salt instead of drinking water? Or why cant humans just drink salt water?
Because its fake, just like boiling water to remove microplastics. Pure water Does hydrate you, and you dont need to add anything to it, as the literal Thousands of gallons of it that I drink prove. I never add any minerals to pure water, because then it would be unpure water.
And you really have no idea what is in the mineral additives except for what they tell you is in it. Did you send those mystery minerals out to a lab and get it tested for actual content and lack of contamination?
Of course not... Its actually pretty basic water filtration science, Im not sure why people havent figured this out yet.


SIRIUS - Mar 26 - Edited

SIRIUS ispod struje

distilled will just pull the toxins and pass through you.
pure spring water has some mineral content and body then can utilize it.
and so does tap. but tap also is dead and full of toxins.
eating proper food also hydrates the body.
machines can not make proper structured water. the process of it has to include a consciousness which is doing it.


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

A great example would be celery and even better celery juice.


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

Bee Gee

You get what you pay for.
Here is Why You Should NOT Invest In ZeroWater
This article was originally a glowing review of this product but has since been updated to reflect that I no longer recommend ZeroWater.
Having personally used ZeroWater for over 1 year (and changed the cartridge as instructed), I encountered the following problems:
Red Cross
The cartridge and therefore water eventually starts to smell like mould. My family members who also purchased this (based upon my recommendation) also had the same problem so I know I didn’t just get a faulty device.
The water starts to taste weird as a result too.
Although the water has zero TDS (total dissolved solids), it might still have other ‘non-solid’ contaminants. For instance, I noticed that it didn’t do anything to fight limescale and my brand new kettle is full of white scales.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Wow!!! More info!


Bee Gee - Mar 30

Bee Gee

I dont think you Do get what you pay for, because more expensive filters work worse. You can spend hundreds or thousands for less water filtration of bad things, which is what I buy a water filter for.
No water filter lasts forever, which is half the scam of crap filters no one ever replaces. I bought this really expensive filter, and never change it.
Even zerowater filters go bad, which is why I put chlorine dioxide in my water before I put it through the filter, it kills all the biologics and makes the filter last longer but I guess one year wasnt long enough for you to figure that out on your own.
You seem like another crap chinese filter rebrander selling a crap $40 filter from amazon for $400 and trying to tell people how great it is, since you also neglected to tell us which model of "you get what you pay for" water filter you use that is so much better... because its Not.
Its not a better water filter and its not less expensive but you seem like the perfect audience for the 'boiling water removes microplastics' scam.
It Doesnt, and its Stupid fake advice but hey, to each their own, feel free to choose to have a worse water filter and choose not to test it with an actual meter.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

I can tell immediately when the Zero Water filter needs to be changed - so can my son (hyper-aware of smells and tastes).


Gary McCollom - Mar 30 - Edited

Bee Gee

What Does a TDS Meter Not Measure? Because TDS is an aggregate measure of charged compounds in water, uncharged things like motor oil, gasoline, many pharmaceuticals, and pesticides do not contribute to a TDS measurement. For example, a glass of deionized water with Glyphosate (the herbicide known as RoundUp) dissolved into it at 100 times higher concentration than allowed by the EPA for drinking water will have a TDS reading of 000.


Bee Gee - Mar 30 - Edited

Bee Gee

So I guess you think using No meter is better than using a meter, because no one has a magic detect everything meter?
So measure some stuff or measure no stuff... hmm, I think I will take measure some stuff thanks. There are many problems with TDS measurements, as anyone can read for themselves but there is no better solution.
And its funny how all the people bashing zerowater are actually using a Worse filter. Its the best there is though.
There is no perfect water filter and no perfect meter, nothing removes or detects everything but then most people trying to sell water filters are just overcharging for a crap amazon filter anyway, its not their own product and all those chinese filter ratings and certifications are fake anyway.
Do what you want but there is no better filter technology than zerowater and no better way of quick testing water than a TDS meter. And never buy a 'water filter' from a rebranded chinese outfit.
And for people who really care about testing their water, invest in a higher quality meter that can test EC as well as TDS, pure water has an electrical conductivity that can detect impurities as well but there is no perfect solution that finds everything.


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Our first filter was Britta and even then the water tasted funny. So I switched to Zero Water. Maybe I’ll just have to stock up on red wine from Sicily or even better, Sardinia, and drink that and bathe in it, too 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Erin J. Morgart - May 15

Wow! (I am rushing through these comments so please forgive the odd interjections). I use Zero Water but almost switched to Berkey!!!


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

If you take any preventative measures regarding toxic metals then if there is a bit of aluminum you will get rid of it quickly.


Gary McCollom - Mar 30

It is NOT crap, for heavens sake people use your bloody brain.
Is there maybe some aluminum from the white filters, perhaps but with all the antioxidants I take and maintenance dose of zeolite to remove metals I am not the least bit concerned.
The filter life alone is worth the investment.


Agent Midnight Rider - Mar 26 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

We have the CURE and have the DETOX of this BIOWEAPON, it's been in FRONT OF OUR FACE the entire TIME. A lot of these so-called Doctors and Scientist are LEADING you away from the CHEAP and EASY cure that was ALEADY GIVING TO US SEVERAL TIMES BY YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT.
They Might Not even know they are doing it because 99 percent of them could be BUGGED/MK-ULTRAED, if you get my drift... How is it possible they could have gotten millions of doctors to go along with OBVIOUS GENOCIDE??? We thought they were all corrupt or blackmailed or greedy. Thats not it.!!!! Let me tell you a little SECRET. The Government has officially come out in front of Congress and admitted that they have had UFO technology and Bodies since the 40's.
What have they been doing with that so called ADVANCE TECHNOLGY??? Do you see any flying cars? any spaceships??? and free energy???? Here is a HINT, There MIND CONTROL technology is a LOT MORE POWERFUL than you could EVER IMAGINE, and now WE KNOW THEIR SECRET.
They could have MK-Ultraed these doctors and scientist and they don't even know it. Thats there MISSION. Either make it complicated and expensive so the average person can't afford it Or Keep posting scientifical complicated articles to keep your ass HYPTOTIZED when you could be curing yourself and your family right now for a less than a 50 dollars treatment.
I challenge ALL these Front-Line Doctors and Scientist. That includes Dr. Michalea, Dr. Young, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Peter Mcculough and the rest of them so called TRUTH TELLERS to DEBUNK this Protocol that was given to us in 2020 by OUR COMMANDER IN CHIEF.......DJT> The media has gone through a LOT of trouble to demonize this man for this VERY reason. We thought it was about him being President, but it is WAY BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE....Now we now WHY.
Now you know why he said the VACCINE CURES CANCER on Truth Social Last week and everybody went BAT SHIT CRAZY don't you children's???? HE WASNT LYING and we have PROOF!
The TRUTH will put 99 percent of you in the hospital, and I don't mean THE MENTAL HOSPITAL, hint hint hint
Welcome to the Great Awakening Welcome To Ascension. My name is Commander Baines with United States Navy Intelligence.
When you are ready to EXIT the Matrix, tune your little antennas to radio station........ >https://redemperorcbd.com/the-covid-kill-switch-by-agent-freak-nasty/
Intelligence Courtesy of your boy!!!!!..........#AgentMidnightRider


Dave aka Geezermann - Mar 26 - Edited

Dave aka Geezermann

Of course though, it was Biden who said "vaccines cure cancer", not Trump. Trump was quoting him. The actual vaxx was not a vaccine but a bioweapon death jab.
I assume you are implying that the "vaccine" is either regeneron, ivermectin or HCQ. We know now that ivermectin and fenbendazole do cure cancer.
I also assume you know that Devolution is in place.


Agent Midnight Rider - Mar 27 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Wrong Bughttps://health.news/2024-03-15-trump-brags-about-role-operation-warp-speed.html
exactly what trump Posted last week.
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!
Everybody needs to stop what there doing right now, and watch this video on HydroChorloquine posted by Dr William Makis MD. THE GAME IS OVER, WE have not only the Treatment BUT THE CURE.....
And the Trump Vaccine Q , also known as Qui.nin.e. used to treat MALARIA safely for over 40 years. Reason why all these ..PAR.ASITE dr.ugs works, cause that's what they INEJECTED you with ....Q-


Gary McCollom - Mar 29 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

I had mentioned this more than a few times but was just my common sense working, I said they were injecting most of the people with parasites to keep the fear and plandemic going while only 5-7% of the injections were the true medical experiment on humans.
The only reason I arrived at this thought was because of how IVM worked on so many.


Agent Midnight Rider - Mar 30 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Yeah, i don't think everybody got the KILL SHOT, the reason why they are finding nano tech in EVERBODY is because its probably been in us sense we were born AND our parents' grandparents etc. We assumed the tech is NEW, but in actuality it is ancient ....Q-


luc bleckmann - Mar 27

luc bleckmann

Please watchhttps://patents.google.com/patent/US5188738A/en
15 dollars to get your blood clean


Joe - Mar 27

Joe’s Substack

just use loose tea and filter the water not complicated


Douglass Hetherly - Mar 27

This is all true and if we do not start policing our water, food, electricity, roads, transportation, and all other areas of commerce and functionality, America will be lost.
The deep state would rather destroy everything rather than give up power.
Is it time to string up these enemies on light poles?


Claudia - Mar 26


I’m trying to understand how boiling tap water can remove many microplastics, but steeping teabags does not. Could you please explain … Is there a particular process for boiling teabags so that the plastics released from the teabags can be removed? Sincere thanks for sharing insights on these pollutants and how best to mitigate them.


al jenkins - Mar 27

al jenkins

Apparently , Claudia , some tea companies are using a tea bag made of fine nylon mesh (non paper) tea bag - - it's suggested in the comments to purchase tea in paper bags. Also , one can just put one's favorite loose tea in a stainless steel 'tea ball' and steep it using that method. cheers


JC - Mar 27

If boiling removes plastics, then would not the plastics be in the water vapor? It has to go somewhere. If true then you are breathing in the plastics and chemicals.


Nnikk - Mar 27

Read the article (Dr. Ana's) about the boiling removal of (some of) the MP and NP particles. In summary, to the extent the water is "hard" and thus contains minerals (calcium carbonate?, I forget) as it boils and precipitates (that stuff that clings to the pot's walls) some of the plastic particulate is "captured" in the crystallization process and thus also precipitated out along with the minerals that are "removed".


ron vrooman - Mar 26

Ron’s Newsletter

This is correct, without equivocation.
A solution A remedy To the Color of law governance on Oregon. It applies to all of us on the several states.
It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is no justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. We are they. My brother is on the de facto side. It will not be peaceful until the medical, military and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while.
Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.
We need a few definitions to start with. Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantle of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” read the opening paragraph again.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Punlished 1776. Then the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto: operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
We are sovereign!!!
(seehttps://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, and other governments. See also de facto page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. We are de jure lawful and Constitutional page 416. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.
So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can. It will take a conversation or maybe 10 to get comfortable with what causes Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome et alia.
The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough the originals are hidden or destroyed, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. The initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it throughwww.orsja.org.
Lincoln’s E.O 100 Lieber Codehttps://duckduckgo.com/?q=Lincoln%27s+EO+100+Lieber+code&atb=v382-1&ia=web, It is still in effect 2018 US Army’s Martial law plan.
Ex parte Milliganhttps://duckduckgo.com/?q=ex+parte+Milligan&atb=v382-1&ia=web,
Mookini 303https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mookini+303&atb=v382-1&ia=web, They hid our Article III courts.
The United States of Americahttps://duckduckgo.com/?q=The+United+States+of+America&atb=v382-1&ia=web, That is our name for the several states named in 1777. Britannica lies on this link
United States located in Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings the government service company for the several states. It has morphed into United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc
It tookwww.orsja.org4.5 years as a social compact. By taking it one step at a time as we figured it out. The paperwork to establish a Constitutional de jure provisional government on each of the several states and commonwealths and territories can be accomplished in 30 days by Jural Assemblies of 5 people on each state; 15 hours of work; 100 bucks for postage and 40 bucks for a seal. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —


ron vrooman - May 16

ron vrooman

The United States of America happens when a quorum of the several states meets in a Congress Assembled. A re-Constitution or Original jurisdiction occurs when there is no de facto in appearance. It is all de jure. The best way out is straight ahead. Knowing what came preceedent as juxtaposed to post or amended, is quite handy. Precedent also.
Now, is a good time to think about the Electoral College. It elects our Chief Executive. That would be the President of the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and perpetual Union that combines the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776. So, we know the critical 14 that must move forward to achieve 20 for a quorum. And it does it with unelected people, unfettered from the several states. That number is 33, a quorum that also includes South Carolina re-Constitutes a de jure government.
The United States of America is dated 1777; the USMC is dated 1775. Oregon the state is dated 1859 and is number 33 with full faith and credit among the several states and territories. Oregon has re-constituted; completed in November 2022. Now, we know 15 states. Any additional 5. The United States of the Constitution 1859, was usurped by the Lieber Code. It is no longer a 10 mile square. That is U.S. Army, Blue Coats, Federal, un-Constitutional as in no standing Army. It should be militia. The Electoral College makes the Next Commander and Chief of the United States the de jure provisional government. Provenance, Pedigree, Protocol, de jure, do you have your bona fides in order? We will have a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and Nature’s God included. This year, 2024.
We have a de jure, up and running Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction operating in our Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record, whose jury verdict in common law has no appeal in fact. In cases of over $20.00 there is no judge involved. We have a Jury pool of several hundred men and women and have Presentments and True Bills from eight (8) Grand Juries. We have verdicts from seven (7) Trial Juries of Article III Amendment VII courts. We implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. We offer this with full faith and credit. This is a de jure remedy signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service, published atwww.orsja.org
Assemblies and Jural Assemblies and Grand Juries abound and have been cycling around for a long time. Currently the option that is functioning is Article I Section 1 the social compact of our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka the provisional government on Oregon. The paperwork to re Constitute a provisional government on a state, commonwealth or territory takes 30 days, 15 hours work, 100 bucks for postage, 40 bucks for a seal, done by 5 people with their bona fides in order. You will need a Jury pool of men and women large enough to respond and appear when called. Tonja called our 1st Grand Jury when we had a jury pool of 45. Now we are several hundred.www.orsja.org.


John P. Wallis - Apr 28

John P. Wallis

Are you aware what brands use “Plastic” tea bags?


Heather H - Apr 3

So ingesting these plastics doesn’t destroy this tech?? It makes it into the blood?? I’m screwed!! I use organic coffee pods for my coffee. Probably the worst thing one can do. Ugh. How can a person detox? I live in a chelation desert. I found one place that does it but she’s not certified.



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