Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and…

May 16, 2023

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I am posting this paper because people need to understand how our military has moved forward on studying the creation of Cyborg Human Machines.


420MedicineMan - May 16, 2023 - Edited

420MedicineMan’s Substack

A countermeasure to cyborgs would be weaponized EMP devices, even directional EMF weapons.
Why do any of it at all?
It's all just for control. TPTB hate freedom.
It's really gross and unnecessary for humanity to go down this path of destruction.
Calling it Satanic Transhumanism is no understatement at all.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

Correct, EMPs and DEWs when focused can disrupt people with this junk in them. Keep that tech ready to be deployed when ChinaCCP weaponizes their Tik Toker army that they're building through surrogates in many country's shores. Cause that'll be your target to keep you and your family safe. The mesogen junk trains on what people consume (digitally), e.g. Tik Tok pushes low brow content, and misleading information that now directly brain washes people that have mesogens in them... India completely banned Tik Tok in 2020 from their entire country for this specific reason. What is taking America so long? ChinaCCP utilizing our "free market" as an attack vector on uninformed people. If you know someone with Tik Tok get them to delete the app immediately and communicate this to everyone in your surrounding community. Has to be ground-up community level. Else be prepared with DEW and EMP non-kinetic weapons to take them offline when they get activated and weaponized by either a phone call or an app notification, which is all it takes (pulsed tone or sequence of tones to activate a latent dormant perch mode preprogrammed mesogen subnet). The military's term for this weapon system with surrogates is called "NeuroStrike" look it up, get informed and update others.


Michelle - Oct 23, 2023

Amen MedicineMan. Why do ANY of this at ALL????
It IS gross; it's SICK.
And I can attest to it, it is VERY REAL AND ALREADY HAPPENING.


ConcernedGrammy - May 16, 2023

Doug’s Substack

I personally don't believe they'll get that far along with subverting God's ultimate creation. "As in the days of Noah..." Time is running short for satan and his minions.


Doug - Oct 22, 2023

Doug’s Substack

yeah we are being turned or trying to turn us into the hybrids the pre-flood world had.
The fallen angels did it then by mating with women now they are doing it this way...
I also thing the argument of a third temple brick and mortar temple and some yahoo sitting in that temple calling himself God is null and void...
I also think the argument of whether the Giants were from Seth's and Cains offspring is null and void too now it was fallen angels.
Once they fell they were no longer held to the rules of heaven they could mate...


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

This mesogen stuff was in people back then, if you read the bible carefully with a scientific discerning eye. How do you think Moses' was glowing when returning from Mt. Sinai to his people after spending 40 days and 40 nights with Jehovah/Jaweh/Allah?


Veronica Evans - May 27, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Time is running short for humanity! Dr. Ana has already said that we are at the tail end of the trans-humanism implementation. The bio-weapon shots coupled with the increased chem-trail
deployments, along with the 5G towers & “blucifer” street lights, are a good indication that we are NOT winning as most of the public is ignorant about the actual & potential dangers of all these technologies which are surely synchronistic.
The complete destruction of the island of Atlantis was supposed to have been caused by an all out war between good & evil. (It is believed that the story of Noah & the Ark details how the destruction eventuated - via a flood). Can’t help feeling that history shall repeat itself. Surely a Great Battle will ultimately unfold between Cyborg Super-humans & natural humans who chose not to interface with machines. These Cyborgs will constitute the new Giants of old, a modern type of Nephilim.
Don’t believe me? Look at this! People are worshiping this “thing”. But wait till the “kill-switch” is activated & lasers start shooting from its eyes. Sobering nightmare!


ConcernedGrammy - May 27, 2023

Predictive programming for sure.
From the comments, this was a Svedaliza concert. THis is another gem from this "artist".
This song is based on a mythology of women that will be so irresistible above the waist that men will not see the hooves and legs and they’ll lure the men into a cave and eat them. Apparently, many cultures have a myth similar to this.
We living in the End Times, for sure. But, there'll be no flood this time, though. It'll be fire and brimstone raining down from the heavens.


hivemind exodus - Aug 10, 2023

no the singer is emulating Pan, god of nature or the animal mind, human literally means hue=spirit manas=mind which is transcendent of Pan. The video writer/director shows there are no humans in the audience which is separate from the artist whose lyrics illustrates how man is confused what a human is, she herself is Pan beyond the character she plays. Its multi layered meaning, the brilliance is from the director of video and they are the real artist, the entertainer who sings is a part of the art probably unknowingly. Once long ago artist understood this symbology and rituals but are now more concerned with $ which is Pan like again illustrated by the writer of the video.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Agreed, people easily duped and mislead and as the bible says Satan is the great deceiver. That said, be careful of what you consume and watch and think when this junk is in you cause it communicates to other mesogen networks without you willing it. Also, probably basis for the whole X-men series and the change of twitter to X .... XNA .... Craig Venter left Synthetic Genomics in La Jolla CA (e.g. $250,000,000 XOM funded startup) to do XNA about a decade ago.


Momma Bear - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Momma Bear

This excellently presented article by the indefatigable, Dr. Ana, highlights truly epic Super Solidier scenarios, which many in the Secret Space Program Disclosure/truth movement have spoken about. The details here discussed leads to a goal that is blatantly obvious for those with critical thinking skills still intact -- total surveillance and control of human bodies for the benefit of a corporation and government synthesis. The suggestion that these DOD agenda policy makers are seeking to engage the Media and Entertainment community to market this goal into an ATTRACTIVE and MORALLY and ETHICALLY OK Goal -- is truely Evil in all it's appalling cold blooded, and immoral way. Yes, let's take our eyeballs off and have implants instead. All of this is graphically illustrated in the Predictive Programing which asks us to RESIST this -- in the stories of Star Trek Voyager and their encounters iwth the BORG -- Human/Cyborg society. Much of this is graphically brought alive for us to see. Although some of these technologies will not be so "obvious"....Thank you for posting this. We need to BE ON HIGH ALERT. DO NOT ALLOW the Military to continue this program. They have been doing this for over 50 years, and now they just want to make it "acceptable" and "open to all"...


420MedicineMan - May 16, 2023 - Edited

420MedicineMan’s Substack

That latest terminator movie where one of the Heroines was an advanced cyborg type with Nano technology. Cyberpunk Anime is a genre of this also.


Momma Bear - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Momma Bear

Thanks for that note. More than movies, we need constant vigilance and creative peaceful protests or public forums held in an entertaining way. If we have movies on this theme, I want to see a movie about the grandeur, beauty of a spiritually evolved human being, with the super powers that come from evolving our spiritual gifts. And how much more exciting and beautiful a society of such beings are, than this vision of a data collecting, efficient killing machines and genetics factory in human/Cyborg, "hive" of soul-less beings in a primarily machine society, that has little if any Divine Source connection....That's what I liked about the Star Trek Voyager's exploration of this very theme.


420MedicineMan - May 16, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

You're 100% correct. :)
Loving your vision of the future. Spiritually evolved human beings who can heal themselves and others with the humming of their chanting vibrational frequency.
Using remote viewing, to save civilian and soldiers lives rather then sacrificing them for political or pharmaceutical Corporate profits.
Much better then what the psychopaths in the IMF, WEF and DOD have planned.


Momma Bear - Aug 14, 2023

Momma Bear

Thank you Medicine Man for comment! You state the future so many of us are envisioning and taking steps to create now!


Unagnu - Jan 2, 2024


Men who stare at goats, LOL


Unagnu - Jan 2, 2024


Worse yet, they write trashy romance / sex novels where the dreamy hunk is a cyborg! No joke. I can see them pushing the normalization of this to women of course who will then see nothing wrong with loving the robot... its in the trash that passes for culture. Authors get money for this garbage.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

In all honesty, you'd need to leave planet earth to avoid this self replicating nano technology. it is unavoidable at this point in time. The best thing anyone can do is to relocate to a remote location away from cities, where this stuff is forming integrated AI networks.


Unagnu - Jan 2, 2024


Well even then the smart dust is everywhere. Best to on load board what preventatives you can find, to slow it down, the EDTA the Borax and the Sodium Citrate. Starve the EFM as much as possible (cable, wifi etc) and protect yourself as you can...


Michael Folks - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Michael’s Substack

Do people know what a MAC address is,?( Media Access Control), go to the internet, get a MAC software sensor download for your phone, Nano Technology is in Foods, Dairy Products, Meats, and many items, on a hunch, a Man went to his local Cemetery, with the sensor software, and picked up MAC requests from Coffins...


ConcernedGrammy - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Not sure this would work as you describe it.
A MAC address is a worldwide unique identifier of the network adapter on a device that connects to the internet. It's like your house address, it tells the data packet where to go on a network. A MAC address is assigned by the hardware manufacturer. A MAC address scanner app on your phone will detect MAC addresses of devices that are connected to the same network you're connected to over wifi. If you're using Mobile Data, the app will find local wifi networks (MAC addresses of routers) in close vicinity, if they are advertising their MAC addresses.
Now, if Bluetooth is running on a device, your phone's Bluetooth scanner will pick up those MAC addresses of other devices around you that are also running Bluetooth and advertising their MAC address. But then, there's really no way to determine WHAT is sending that Bluetooth signal. You'd have to get everyone around you to power off their phones, and anything hardware that might be sending out a MAC address via Bluetooth (smart phones, smart TVs, games consoles, cars, etc) and see if you can then pick up any unidentified MAC addresses. (Which is what LaQuinta Columna in Mexico did...and maybe the cemetery guy, too, but I'm not familiar with that story.) Then, you'd need to run any "stray" MAC address through a "MAC address lookup" to see if it's registered by a manufacturer like Dell, Samsung, Apple, etc.
I understand these "stray" MAC addresses detected in vaxed people are not listed in any manufacturer's database. I've not been in a situation around vaxed people, where there is no chance of picking up MAC address from other devices, tho, so I have been unable to personally try it.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

You have to use Kali Linux or variant flavor. Microsoft and others hide this as they've built into their operating systems neurotechnology links since the 1990s.


Inactive Account - May 16, 2023

Inactive Account

Here is a hypothesis: shoot it down, or try to falsify it. Nanoscale technology found in mRNA jabs assembles into a micro-scale chips and it has been shown under a microscope beyond a reasonable doubt. In vivo, nanoscale particles cross the blood-brain barrier, and once inside the brain tissue, assemble into a micro-scale chips. This is the only way to get that size chips inside the brain in a “non-invasive” fashion - to ship them across the BBB, and let them assemble inside the CNS into larger functional chips. We are always asking ourselves what’s the ultimate goal of this technological invasion, and this might be the answer. They are sneaking technology inside our brains by sending parts across the highly controlled semipermeable barrier that protects our brains from most large molecules. Ta-da!


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

100% correct. If you want to get the junk out of your brain once it has formed, go into a EMF vacuum environment, get a signal transmitter at low amplitude, pulse a square wave that vibrates the synbio "mesogens, graphenes and nano tech" at its' critical resonance frequency and let it slowly peel off your brain, your optogenetic visual cortex and other CNS components in your brain and body. Then you can chelate it and get rid of it.
However, be very very careful entering an EMF vacuum (e.g. faraday SCIF unit) if you've never done so before, cause this is not natural for your body since you've lived in a world with signals everywhere in and around your body.
Len Ber MD, have you tried the method above to see if that helps you?
Keep in mind if your mesogens, graphenes and nano tech formed while you were around other people's brains and animal brains then they can link and communicate together, such that you have a brain linked to you and will bug the crap out of you. Also, if you have been hit with a DEW it amplifies and grows the mesogens, graphenes and nano tech such that it creates a malformed glob of the junk that also rips and shreds your biological tissue at the same time... so the entire globual of mesogen junk that was malformed needs to be peeled off with a transmitter (safely not abruptly) then the biological tissue needs to heal.


/\/€u Th@/_/ght - May 16, 2023

/\/€u Th@/_/ght

What we’re not addressing is why the need for this human conversion, more aptly, perversion. Yes, we can look to the Bible and the days of Noah would give us insight. So from this we’d simply surmise it’s an evil conversion of God’s creation. But, these possessed ones - they deserve not to be referred as human - have all the technology they need to completely eradicate us from this world. So why are we still important? They have the ability to also replace us with their robots, but again, that will come to keep us in control. Another viewpoint is they need to completely transform us from human form to some quasi-demon being. It’s as if they know that God will not intervene; perhaps that God has washed his hands of the human situation. Ever fund your own demise? Well, that’s what’s happening. If God hasn’t given up, then perhaps it’s Satans final insult to God; knowing of his demise, to pervert God’s creation to such a degree that even God wouldn’t recognize us or has no choice but to condemn his own children to a non-life fate. If you’ve lost one child, especially young, you’d know the feeling. That’s the feeling Satan intends to inflict unto God multiplied by all the perversions he’s going to do unto us. What we’re caught-up in is the most gruelling spiritual war ever in God’s existence. That’s the assumption. Just one point-of-view.


John H. - May 16, 2023

John H.

It's an evil perversion of God's original creation. Lucifer/Satan has attempted to usurp the position of God and is using extremely evil and controlled humans to accomplish it. Those who resist the enemy will undoubtedly be eliminated such that Christ's statement in Luke 18:7-8, "And will not God vindicate his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you; he will vindicate them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes (return of Jesus Christ in glory to judge the living and the dead), will he find faith on earth?” becomes much more understandable.


/\/€u Th@/_/ght - May 16, 2023

/\/€u Th@/_/ght

So you agree. But “Will he (God) delay long over them?”


John H. - May 16, 2023

John H.

I don't know because with God, a day is as a thousand years and vice versa.
We know how the world ends. We know the general season we are in, but we can't know the day or hour of His return. Even though the eschatological sequence outlined by Jesus Christ in 3 of the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) seems well underway, some of the necessary prerequisites are still missing (e.g., appearance of the antichrist on the world stage as leader of the final one world government and some of the severe astronomical events prophesied. The "mark of the beast" [Revelation 13:16-17] necessary to buy and sell is apparently being finalized through the CBDC/social credit system and the universal digital ID which appears to be part of the jab program).
Each day we get closer, and nothing has been done (or likely will be) to stop the inexorable descent into a literal "hell on earth" which would track with the description Christ gave in Matthew 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21. We were told what to look for by Christ so as to be able to recognize the season when it arrived. "He who perseveres to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:13. Part of that is rejecting/opposing everything associated with the Beast System.


/\/€u Th@/_/ght - May 16, 2023

/\/€u Th@/_/ght

The answer then is “yes.” He will delay. It will please him to see our attempts, our works, to deal with a situation that we are responsible for, because we allowed these things to happen unto us. He will intervene when the enemy has lost its control, mostly by declaring itself “god.” He will send his son to put and end to the nonsense.


Mark The AntiSatan - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

Anyone who thinks this Earth will last until 2050 is not rooted in reality.
I give it no longer than 2030 before Jesus The Christ returns and this Earth is replaced.
" ..the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise,
and the elements shall melt with fervent heat,
the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
"..according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

2030 is when this stuff will have reached and been programmed at critical mass, such that majority of people left will be all linked to a global AI mind.


John H. - May 16, 2023

John H.

That's how I see it as well.


Michelle - Oct 23, 2023

Yes. 2030-2035. I think Dr. Ana is very correct in saying we've already gone over the waterfall and the raft is about to hit hard water. And people "will be eating and drinking and marrying..."


Moose - May 17, 2023 - Edited

At His 2nd Coming, Jesus will rule the world with peace for 1,000 years. Then Satan is let out of the bottomless pit for "a little season" (time allotted not known - could be hundreds of years or another 1,000 yrs.). Then comes one more battle against Jerusalem at which time God will rain down fire on their enemies who surround Jerusalem to do battle and finish them off. THEN God calls 'time' and starts the Great White Throne Judgment. After that He creates a new Heaven and Earth. So we have a ways to go before all that.


Mark The AntiSatan - May 23, 2023 - Edited

So just who exactly is going to be stupid enough to side with Satan after being personally taught by Jesus for 1000 years? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
If Satan hasn't already been "neutered" for 1000 years, then how did Christianity explode worldwide with him fighting it real time with violence ect as he does now?
Jesus has already been teaching humanity for "1000 years". Either directly in some manner, through The Bible and/or through people preaching/teaching and testimonies.
Holy Spirit has been quite active in that area also.
Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus will return twice? You're saying He ascends back to Heaven after 1000 years just to turn around and return for a second time? That also makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
People often make the mistake of thinking parts of Revelation apply to now instead of having already occurred.
If you don't see we're in the middle of Satan's last stand before he is cast into The Lake of Fire, I ask Father, if it's His Will, to open your eyes to where we're at in "time".
Jude 1:14 -- It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
That's speaking about Jesus's one and only "return", not a second one.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 16, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you, Ana, for confirming what I've been conjecturing for over two years.
This article inspired my article for today:


Inactive Account - May 16, 2023

Inactive Account

Time to connect the dots. What can be used to enhance brain activity, can be used to degrade brain activity. It’s only a matter of time that we will find out that our own government has been experimenting on its own citizens to finesse neurological weapons. These people call themselves Targeted Individuals.


Kari - May 24, 2023

Hi Len, I used an EMF detector and got a 979.9mG reading off my forehead area and repeated it multiple times with little variations in the numbers each time. Is this normal? I have had a very weird feeling for awhile that I have some kind of brain computer interface implanted inside me but I’m hoping maybe there is another explanation for this? I have digital and journal notes that go back in time where I am describing symptoms of those like Havana Syndrome-but I had never heard of it at the time I started describing the symptoms.


John H. - May 16, 2023

John H.

Abomination of Desolation (desolating sacrilege) seems like an apt term for Cyborg "humans", aka human/machine fusion. See Mark 13:14,19-20 for a metaphorical description.


Thru The Veil - Jul 31, 2023

Thru’s Substack

Let the record show I have watched humanity transition from human to transhuman in the span of my lifetime which is a short 49 years.
I do not consent. My soul and my heart belong to Jesus Christ. For now and forever.


The Watchman - May 16, 2023 - Edited

The Watchman's Substack

Thank you for sharing will be linking this tomorrow@


ConcernedGrammy - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Did you know that on CBS Radio, their tag line slogan is "There's always something new under the sun." 😡 Reminds me of their demonic nature.


Kari - May 16, 2023

I think they have already been experimenting with this on citizens without consent, barring some kind of neurological oddity that impacts my eyes or brain that would otherwise explain it I think I can demonstrate what is happening, especially with the right type of equipment that could measure it. Is there any kind of device that the average person could afford that would clearly show and measure different light wavelengths, or whatever it is?


La Gata Politica - Jul 31, 2023

Vilma’s Substack

Dr. Carrie Madej has been warning us about what she saw under the microscope when she analyzed the mRNA transfections about two years ago - she was ahead of selected "leaders" of the MFM - and was rewarded by her private plane crashing, in an attempt to shut her up. Thank God she survived. Certain "leader" of the MFM is on video mocking her and stating that she was wrong, turns out he's been misguiding the fools who elevated him to hero status.


zolesz - May 16, 2023

10 years and Christ will come back


Dr Kay - May 16, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

Wouldn't it be crazy to find that all of this has been a long game by an intergalactic race of artificial intelligence beings from a galaxy far, far away who have been subverting humanity for years and years with the end-goal of assimilating everyone into a Borg collective?
- Even lower level military know that aliens are among us and have been for years. It's not a secret, only to the general public who exist on a steady diet of media mind-control programming. To insist that there is only one narrative, only one group of aliens (zeta grays) vying for control seems a bit like tunnel vision.......just sayyin



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