Cybernetic Hive Mind Via Magnetic Nanorobots For Human Brain/ Cloud Interface +Largest Light Emitting Microrobot Captured To Date In C19 Uninjected Blood

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 24, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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We know that DARPA has been working to combine human brains for military purposes and has succeeded over a decade ago. This Hive mind concept is what technocrats want to achieve by creating a global cybernetic hive mind. The problem is what I have been discussing previously - that once your thoughts are remote controlled, this would in fact create Zombies as Ray Kurzweil, AI Google engineer has explained in this book.

Please see my previous posts about the subject on Ray Kurzweils books here.

Astonishing Darkfield Live Blood Footage Of Nano/Microrobots In C19 Unvaccinated Blood And What did Ray Kurzweil Say About Nanorobots And the Singularity?

"The Singularity Is Nearer - When Humans Merge With AI"By Ray Kurzweil. Nanorobots Replacing Every Cell In Our Bodies, Zombies, And Fusing Our Brains With AI.

DARPA has been working on linking human brains - this is an article from 2012:

DARPA combines human brains and 120-megapixel cameras to create the ultimate military threat detection system

After more than four years of research, DARPA has created a system that successfully combines soldiers, EEG brainwave scanners, 120-megapixel cameras, and multiple computers running cognitive visual processing algorithms into a cybernetic hivemind. Called the Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System (CT2WS), it will be used in a combat setting to significantly improve the US Army's threat detection capabilities.

There are two discrete parts to the system: The 120-megapixel camera, which is tripod-mounted and looks over the battlefield (pictured below); and the computer system, where a soldier sits in front of a computer monitor with an EEG strapped to his head (pictured above). Images from the camera are fed into the computer system, which runs cognitive visual processing algorithms to detect possible threats (enemy combatants, sniper nests, IEDs). These possible threats are then shown to a soldier whose brain then works out if they're real threats -- or a false alarm (a tree branch, a shadow thrown by an overheard bird).

The soldier is linked into the computer system via an EEG (electroencephalogram) brain-computer interface that continually scans his brains for P300 responses. As we've discussed previously (see: Hackers backdoor the human brain ), a P300 response is triggered when your brain recognizes something important. This might be a face of someone you know or the glint of a sniper scope -- it doesn't matter. P300 responses are very reliable and can even be triggered subconsciously.

In short, CT2WS(Opens in a new window) taps the human brain's unsurpassed ability to recognize objects. In testing, the 120-megapixel camera, combined with the computer vision algorithms, generated 810 false alarms per hour; with a human operator strapped into the EEG, that drops down to just five false alarms per hour. The human brain is surprisingly fast, too: According to DARPA, CT2WS display 10 images per second to the human operator -- and yet that doesn't seem to affect accuracy. The total overall accuracy of the system is 91% -- but that will improve as DARPA moves beyond the prototype stage.

Moving forward, once our computers are suitably power efficient (or there's a breakthrough in battery efficiency ), the ultimate goal is to create binoculars or head-up displays (HUD) with threat detection technology built in. It's very tiring for a soldier to be constantly on the lookout for threats -- but such a system could monitor the surroundings, and then flash up images of potential threats for the soldier to act upon, significantly lowering his workload. With a large enough sensor and the right lenses, such a system could allow the soldier to see for miles in every direction.

The goal is to create a global hive mind. This article below is from 2019 - with the exponential growth and advancement of technology you can be assured that in the last 5 years this technology has made much progress.

Scientists propose putting nanobots in our bodies to create ‘global superbrain’

A team has proposed using nanobots to create the ‘internet of thoughts’, where instant knowledge could be downloaded just by thinking it.

An international team of scientists led by members of UC Berkeley and the US Institute for Molecular Manufacturing predicts that exponential progress in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, artificial intelligence (AI) and computation will lead this century to the development of a human ‘brain-cloud interface’ (B-CI).

Writing in Frontiers in Neuroscience , the team said that a B-CI would connect neurons and synapses in the brain to vast cloud computing networks in real time.

Such a concept isn’t new with writers of science fiction, including Ray Kurzweil, who proposed it decades ago. In fact, Facebook has even admitted it is working on a B-CI.

However, Kurzweil’s fantasy about neural nanobots capable of hooking us directly into the web i s now being turned into reality by the senior author of this latest study, Robert Freitas Jr.

This new concept proposes using neural nanobots to connect to the human brain’s neocortex – the newest, smartest, ‘conscious’ part of the brain – to the ‘synthetic neocortex’ in the cloud. The nanobots would then provide direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells.

“These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among, or even within, brain cells,” explained Freitas. “They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction.”

Things get even wilder when you consider the fact that this could allow for a Matrix -style ability to download reams of information into the brain. The B-CI could even enable us to create a future ‘global superbrain’, according to the team, connecting networks of human brains and AI to form a hive mind.

Dr Nuno Martins, lead author of this latest research, said such mass collective thought could revolutionise humankind. “This shared cognition could revolutionise democracy, enhance empathy and ultimately unite culturally diverse groups into a truly global society,” he said.

How many nano and microrobots can you see swimming in this COVID19 unvaccinated blood?


Here is the actual article and please note below in bold the polymers, metals, carbon nanotubes we have found in the COVID 19 injections and in human blood. One of the authors is Robert Freitas, a leader in Nanotechnology, Cybernetics, Brain Computer Interface, Cryogenics and other radical life extension technologies - and he is extensively quoted by Ray Kurzweil in his books:

Human Brain/Cloud Interface

The Internet comprises a decentralized global system that serves humanity’s collective effort to generate, process, and store data, most of which is handled by the rapidly expanding cloud. A stable, secure, real-time system may allow for interfacing the cloud with the human brain. One promising strategy for enabling such a system, denoted here as a “human brain/cloud interface” (“B/CI”), would be based on technologies referred to here as “neuralnanorobotics.” Future neuralnanorobotics technologies are anticipated to facilitate accurate diagnoses and eventual cures for the ∼400 conditions that affect the human brain. Neuralnanorobotics may also enable a B/CI with controlled connectivity between neural activity and external data storage and processing, via the direct monitoring of the brain’s ∼86 × 10 9 neurons and ∼2 × 10 14 synapses. Subsequent to navigating the human vasculature, three species of neuralnanorobots (endoneurobots, gliabots, and synaptobots) could traverse the blood–brain barrier (BBB), enter the brain parenchyma, ingress into individual human brain cells, and autoposition themselves at the axon initial segments of neurons (endoneurobots), within glial cells (gliabots), and in intimate proximity to synapses (synaptobots). They would then wirelessly transmit up to ∼6 × 10 16 bits per second of synaptically processed and encoded human–brain electrical information via auxiliary nanorobotic fiber optics (30 cm 3 ) with the capacity to handle up to 10 18 bits/sec and provide rapid data transfer to a cloud based supercomputer for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction. A neuralnanorobotically enabled human B/CI might serve as a personalized conduit, allowing persons to obtain direct, instantaneous access to virtually any facet of cumulative human knowledge. Other anticipated applications include myriad opportunities to improve education, intelligence, entertainment, traveling, and other interactive experiences. A specialized application might be the capacity to engage in fully immersive experiential/sensory experiences, including what is referred to here as “transparent shadowing” (TS). Through TS, individuals might experience episodic segments of the lives of other willing participants (locally or remote) to, hopefully, encourage and inspire improved understanding and tolerance among all members of the human family.

In my last article, I mentioned that I think these people are lunatics. Did you read what was said about transparent shadowing? That if someone is now sharing all of your thoughts and become you neurologically that will hopefully improve tolerance among all members of the human family? Fact is they did testing on linking 6 human brains and it almost drove people insane. To sugarcoat these sinister technologies with huge ramifications and risks of mind control, loss of independent thought and free will is breathtaking. Not even to speak of the effects on the connection with our own soul and spirit. These people are educated enough to know about the basic principles of Quantum Physics, that clearly establishes that Consciousness is primary to physical matter, in fact observation of potentials in the Quantum Field creates matter. Our observation upon the Quantum field creates reality, hence the danger of mind control and cybernetic hive mind is the misuse of our creative power to manifest “their” desired reality. This is why mind control is so important in the first place and is spiritual warfare by definition, because it collapses a potential reality into physical form. Whoever controls observation of the masses, manifests their agenda. The whole point of this is that we are CREATORS of reality by sheer observation, meaning we are powerful spiritual beings. Quantum Physics is the science that had to admit this fact, yet the technocrats wish to diminish its importance. As do religions, by the way, in order to keep our power on some outside source. The kingdom of heaven, however, is indeed within every single one of us - it is called the Quantum Field of potentials.

In my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity I have quoted preeminent Physicists who explained their view on Consciousness and the Observer effect:

Physicist David Bohm in his book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, explains: “The proposal for a new general form of insight is that all matter is of this nature: That is, there is a universal flux that cannot be defined explicitly but which can be known only implicitly, as indicated by the explicitly definable forms and shapes, some stable and some unstable, that can be abstracted from the universal flux. In this flow, mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of one whole and unbroken movement.”

Other prominent physicists have written about the implications of the Observer and mind over matter. Henry Stapp stated, “We have known for almost a century that this theoretical creation of the human mind called ‘classical physics’ is a fiction of our imagination.” John Wheeler said, “Observation is the mechanism of Genesis. The Observer is the creator.” Max Planck stated, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.”

Back to the article:

Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, and Nanodots

One promising near-term technology that may enable an interface with brain-based neural networks is magnetoelectric nanoparticles, which may be employed to enhance coupling between external magnetic fields and localized electric fields that emanate from neural networks ( Yue et al., 2012 ; Guduru et al., 2015 ). Magnetoelectric nanoparticles might also induce nanoparticles to traverse the blood–brain barrier (BBB) by applying a direct-current magnetic field gradient to the cranial vault. Magnetoelectric nanoparticles have already been utilized to control intrinsic fields deep within the mouse brain and have permitted the coupling of external magnetic fields to neuronal electric fields. A strategy developed for the delivery of nanoparticles to the perineuronal environment is expected to provide a means to access and eventually stimulate selected populations of neurons ( Freitas, 1999b ).

The delivery of nanoparticles into the human brain will indeed pose a formidable challenge. For intravenous injection, at least 90% of nanoparticles have been observed to be sequestered within tissues and organs prior to reaching the brain ( Calvo et al., 2001 ), so intra-arterial injections might be more reliable. Steering nanoparticles to selected brain regions may also be achieved using external magnetic fields ( Li et al., 2018 ). Since it has been shown that certain customized nanoparticles may damage dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems, a further detailed analysis of the biodistribution and metabolism of nanoparticles will be required. Further, the risk of infection, inflammatory reactions, potential immunogenicity, cytotoxicity, and tumorigenicity must be effectively addressed prior to the in vivo application of nanoparticles in humans ( Cupaioli et al., 2014 ).

The use of carbon-nanotube-based electrical stimulation of targets deep within the brain has been proposed as a novel treatment modality for patients with Parkinson’s disease and other CNS disorders ( Srikanth and Kessler, 2012 ). This strategy utilizes unidirectional electrical stimulation, which is more precise and avoids the surgical risks associated with deep macroelectrode insertion, used with current methods of deep brain stimulation ( Mayberg et al., 2005 ; Taghva et al., 2013 ) that employ long stereotactically placed quadripolar macroelectrodes through the skull. When intended for use as a component of a B/CI system, carbon-nanotube-based electrical stimulation would also require a two-way information pathway at single-neuron resolution for neuronal electrochemical information recording.

Injectable “Neural Lace”

A recently proposed technology for the potential integration of brain neural networks and computing systems at the microscale is referred to as “neural lace.” This would introduce minimally invasive three-dimensional mesh nanoelectronics, via syringe-injection, into living brain tissue to allow for continuous monitoring and stimulation of individual neurons and neuronal networks. This concept is based on ultraflexible mesh nanoelectronics that permit interfaces with non-planar topographies. Experimental results have been reported using the injection and unfolding of sub-micrometer-thick, centimeter-scale macroporous mesh nanoelectronics through needles with diameters as small as 100 μm, which were injected into cavities with a >90% device yield ( Liu et al., 2015 ). One of the other potential applications of syringe-injectable mesh nanoelectronics is in vivo multiplexed neural network recording.

Plug-and-play input/output neural interfacing has also been achieved using platinum electrodes and silicon nanowire field-effect transistors, which exhibited a low interface contact resistance of ∼3 Ω ( Schuhmann et al., 2017 ). Dai et al. (2018) also demonstrated “stable integration of mesh nanoelectronics within brain tissue on at least 1 year scales without evidence of chronic immune response or the glial scarring characteristic of conventional implants.” This group also showed that the activities of individual neurons and localized neural circuits could be monitored and stimulated over timelines of eight months or more, for applications such as recording of alterations in the activities of specific neurons as the brain ages ( Dai et al., 2018 ).

Neural Dust

Future human B/CI technologies may preferably require long-term, self-implanting in vivo neural interface systems, a characteristic that is absent from most current BMI technologies. This means that the system design should balance the size, power, and bandwidth parameters of neural recording systems. A recent proposal capable of bidirectional communication explored the use of low-power CMOS circuitry coupled with ultrasonic delivery of power and backscatter communications to monitor localized groups of neurons ( Seo et al., 2013 ). The goal was to enable scalability in the number of neural recordings from the brain, while providing a path toward a longer-duration BMI. This technology currently employs thousands of independent free-floating 10–100 μm scale sensor nodes referred to as “neural dust.” These nodes detect and report local extracellular electrophysiological data, while using a subcranial interrogator that establishes power and communications links with each of the neural dust elements. Power transmission is accomplished ultrasonically to enable low-efficiency (7%, 11.6 dB) links, yielding ∼500 μW of received power (>10 7 higher than the ∼40 pW EM transmission available at a similar-size scale) with a 1 mm 2 interrogator, which may eventually provide ∼10 μm sensing nodes.

Brain–Machine Interface (BMI)

Brain–machine interface technology is currently being pursued via invasive neural interfaces composed of neural microchip sensor arrays that contain a plurality of electrodes that can detect multicellular signals. These are available for several brain areas (e.g., visual cortex, motor cortex neuroprosthetics, hippocampus, and others) ( Berger et al., 2005 ; BrainGate, 2009 ).

There are currently two different types of BMI systems. One type samples the neural activity of a single brain and unidirectionally controls an external device ( Lebedev, 2014 ), while the other type (sensory BMI) includes sensory feedback from the device to the brain ( O’Doherty et al., 2011 ). Non-invasive neural BMI interface strategies include the use of EEG, magnetoencephalography (MEG), fMRI ( Miyawaki et al., 2008 ) and optical strategies, including fNIRS ( Naseer and Hong, 2015 ). One 8-channel EEG signal-capture platform, built around Texas Instruments’ ADS1299 analog front-end integrated circuit, may soon be printable at home, thus democratizing low-resolution brain-data-extraction technologies ( OpenBCI, 2019 ).

Neurophotonics integrated with prosthetics, which links artificial limbs and peripheral nerves using two-way fiber-optic communications to enable the ability to feel pressure or temperature, is expected to permit high-speed communications between the brain and artificial limbs. Neuralnanorobots are anticipated to optimize interfaces using advanced touch-sensitive limbs that convey real-time sensory information to amputees, via a direct interface with the brain ( Tabot et al., 2013 ).

At the cellular level, attempts to achieve a direct junction between individual nerve cells and silicon microstructures are being pursued. Neuron-silicon junctions were spontaneously formed using the nerve cells of a mammalian brain, which permitted direct stimulation of nerve cells ( Fromherz and Stett, 1995 ; Offenhausser, 1996 ; Vassanelli and Fromherz, 1997 ; Schätzthauer and Fromherz, 1998 ). Currently, nanoelectronics devices utilizing carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires can detect and identify neuronal biomolecular chemical secretions and their bioelectrical activities ( Veliev, 2016 ). An array of nanowire transistors can detect, stimulate, or inhibit nerve impulses and their propagation along individual neurites ( Freitas, 1999b ; Zeck and Fromherz, 2001 ; Patolsky et al., 2006 ). To demonstrate experimental minimally invasive neuron cytosolic recording of action potentials, a nanotransistor device was placed at the tip of a bent silicon nanowire to intracellularly record action potentials ( Tian et al., 2010 ; Duan et al., 2011 ). Vertically arranged gold nanowire arrays have been used to stimulate and detect electrical activity at the nanoscale from simultaneous locations within neurons ( Saha et al., 2008 ). High-density arrays of nanowire FETs enabled mapping signals at the subcellular level – a functionality that is not possible with conventional microfabricated devices ( Timko et al., 2010 ).

In principle, neuralnanorobotics may empower a near-optimal BCI with long-term biocompatibility by incorporating silicon, platinum, iridium, polyesterimide-insulated gold wires, peptide-coated glassy carbon pins, carbon nanotubes, polymer-based electrodes, silicon nitride, silicon dioxide, stainless steel, or nichrome ( Niparko et al., 1989a , b ; Edell et al., 1992 ; Yuen and Agnew, 1995 ; Huber et al., 1998 ; Malmstrom et al., 1998 ; Decharms et al., 1999 ; Normann et al., 1999 ; Mattson et al., 2000 ; Kristensen et al., 2001 ; Parak et al., 2001 ; Freitas, 2003 ). Neural electrodes can be implanted without producing any detectable damage beyond the initial trauma and brief phagocytosis, which are typically limited to the edges of the electrode insertion pathway ( Babb and Kupfer, 1984 ) ( Freitas, 2003 ). S everal types of neural electrodes are presently employed to interface with the brain via cochlear implants at scala tympani electrode arrays, and in potential CNS auditory prostheses, retinal chip implants, semiconductor-based microphotodiode arrays placed in the subretinal space, visual cortex microelectrode arrays, and other neural implants intended for the mobilization of paraplegics, phrenic pacing, or cardiac assistance ( Haggerty and Lusted, 1989 ; Niparko et al., 1989a , b ; Lefurge et al., 1991 ; Burton et al., 1996 ; Heiduschka and Thanos, 1998 ; Guenther et al., 1999 ; Normann et al., 1999 ; Peachey and Chow, 1999 ; Kohler et al., 2001 ; Mayr et al., 2001 ; Pardue et al., 2001 ; Shoham et al., 2001 ; Freitas, 2003 ; Mannoor et al., 2013 ). Each of these electrodes interface with very diminutive and specific brain regions, and are always confined to the surface areas of highly localized domains.

Early “neural dust” proposals for providing BCI access to specific human–brain regions (e.g., neocortex) had several inherent limitations ( Seo et al., 2013 ). Conversely, neuralnanorobotics technologies may possess the appropriate scale for optimally enabling BCI, exhibiting suitable mobility, being minimally invasive, imparting negligible localized tissue damage, and possessing robust monitoring capabilities over distinct information channels without requiring conventional surgical implantation.

Neuralnanorobotics may also be massively distributed, whereas surgically introduced neural implants must be positioned in one or several specific locations. These shortcomings suggest that neuralnanorobotics may be a preferred solution to the formidable challenges ahead in the development of B/CI technologies.

I will end this article with the largest blue light emitting microrobot I have captured in COVID19 unvaccinated blood to date. The estimated size is 4-5 microns. Much smaller nanobots are also seen blinking in the background.



Scientific literature and military research clearly shows the use of magnetic nanorobots for the brain computer interface with the goal of creating a Global Cybernetic Hive mind controlled by AI. It is my concern that I am already recording the evidence that this process is currently underway and that the technologies have been achieved and deployed against humanity in a stealth fashion via the COVID19 bioweapons as well as other “vaccines” and injectable drugs by the healthcare system. Under the guise of healthcare and safe and effective vaccines, the military cognitive warfare program and transhumanist technocratic vision of creating AI controlled automatons is in full force. Immediate halt of the bioweapons and a moratorium on unregulated self replicating nanotechnology deployed against the civilian population without their consent needs to be initiated, before human brains have been irreversibly changed by fusing with this Artificial Intelligence nanotechnology.

You can read about further evidence here:

Militarized Cognitive Warfare: Human Brains Under Attack In Post Covid Era And Natural Treatment Ways To Resist And Reverse Cognitive Deficits

Calcium Disodium EDTA

Methylene Blue

Dr Tennants Restore, Cellular Electric Regeneration

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Thru The Veil - Jul 24

Thru’s Substack

Based on the amount of cognitive dissonance I see, I'd say for the majority of the population, the hive mind already exists.

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John - Jul 24

J’s Substack

Funny! I posted that on my Facebook page and they removed it, but I will outsmart them. I’ll start another post with arrows down and put it in the comments.!

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