Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 05, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Join us on March 15th for this important event featuring the Covid 19 vaccine injury crisis. I am honored to be discussing self assembly nanotechnology in the C19 shots and mitigation strategies.
Speakers will include:
Dr. Marivic Villa - physician for 2000 vaccine injured individuals at the Villages in Florida
Attorney Warner Mendenhall, who represented Brooke Jackson in the 3.3 Trillion Dollar Trial against Pfizer
Attorney Todd Callender, founder of Disabled Rights Advocates, and is the attorney of record on the Department of Defense lawsuit against vaccine mandates for the US Military.
Attorney Rachel Rodriquez, CEO of Vires Law, who filed a criminal complaint against Fauci and five other high ranking officials - Floridians Seek Justice!
Dr. Joseph Sansone, Author of the Ban the Jabs Resolution and Board Member of National American Renaissance Movement
Dr Lee Vliet - CEO of Truth for Health Foundation
Chuck Barham - Chief Marketing Officer of Freedom Square
Others include: Nick Caturano , Dr. Michael Uphues, Dr. Brian Haack
Featured Covid shot victim speakers include Michelle Utter, Danielle Baker, RN, Cody Hudson, Lyndsay House, Lynette Milakovich, Steve Odonia, Dedra Long, Lyndsay Briones, Drew Outstanding, Karolina Stancik, and Earnest Ramirez. And more.
Mark your calendars and do not miss this powerful event!
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Thomas Lewis - Mar 5
Useless Liberal
The Press Likes Violence.
Let’s Just Re- Brand
Vaccine Injury
Vaccine Violence.
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Tom Johnstone - Mar 5
no known cure for replicating nanobots with graphene in them..
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