“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy - New Book By Dr. David Hughes

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 03, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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You can download the book here:

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy

If you would like to buy the author coffee as a thank you for his service to humanity you can do this here: Dr Hughes Buy Me A Coffee

I am pleased to share with you the new book of Professor Dr David Hughes. We were part of an international group that investigated the contents of the C19 bioweapons vials and their related technology for a while. He is the author of the 133 page summary paper “What is in the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines”? Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity”. You can see our interview here:

What is in the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines”? Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity - My Interview with Dr. David Hughes

In this new book, he discusses the permanent counterrevolution and global war of technocracy, mind control, weaponized deception and confusion, militarized self assembly nanotechnology in the shots as a weapon system. He explores the connection between Big Pharma and the military:

Former DARPA Director Regina Dugan recalls “a pivotal moment in 2010” (the breakthrough year above), when Dan Wattendorf asked: “What if we have a global pandemic and it’s a novel pathogen? That will be catastrophic. We can’t wait the normal 3–10 years for a vaccine. And what if instead we could use mRNA to create a vaccine in days and weeks […]?” (“How DARPA Seeded the Ground for a Rapid Covid-19 Cure,” 2020 ). The context for Wattendorf’s question is not provided, but it is easy to imagine a DARPA brainstorming session on how to provide for injecting as many people as possible, at speed, with a revolutionary new military technology whose proof of concept had just been established. In December 2013, DARPA awarded Pfizer $7.7 million for research to “cut response times to pandemic or bioterrorism threats by eliminating several of the steps currently needed to confer immunity,” though “details of the research are scarce” (Taylor, 2013 ).

Moderna was founded in September 2010 and operationalised in 2011. In 2012, “despite being years away from testing its science in humans,” and with no scientific publications to its name, $40 million of venture capitalist funding flowed into the company (Crunchbase, n.d. ), plus $240 million from AstraZeneca for the rights to mRNA drugs that did not yet exist (Garde, 2020 ). On October 2, 2013, DARPA awarded Moderna

$25 million of research funding (Moderna, 2013 ). On October 24, 2013, Moderna was named a WEF “global growth company” and heralded as “an industry leader in innovative mRNA therapeutics.” In 2014, the company achieved the rare “unicorn” status (a $1 billion stock valuation for a private startup), even though it was offering a “fledgling drug tech- nology” that had still not been tested in humans (Dolgin, 2015 ). None of this makes any sense from a commercial perspective, and the fingerprints of the deep state are not difficult to detect.

I hope you download the book and read it.

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BlazeCloude3 - May 4 - Edited


Dugan has been summarily reinforced; albeit horizontally, with her breakthrough with all the Psychopaths sitting around thinking shit up about how best to murder, sterilize and digitally enslave all God's creation. It's an old story as all KNOW Satan/Lucifer's only priority in being has been to STEAL ALL OF GOD'S CREATION INCLUDING MAN.
She was promoted from DARPA and FACEBOOK R and D to Glaxo's Wellcome Trust to replace another banner employee in the position of CEO of Wellness Trust, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, of the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's by being the Director of W.H.O's R and D in Geneva, Switzerland...NEUTRAL SWITZERLAND NOW FILLED WITH FACILITIES/INSTITUTIONS OF OLD WWII NAZI DESCENDENTS, that is.
If THIS among other Psycho/Demonic Breakthroughs brought such wonderous reward...EXACTLY WHAT DID GLAXO'S WELLCOME TRUST UNDER Jeremy Farrar do? The City of London with The Crown Corporation is that once known as The Venetian Black Nobility with their 'Committee of 300' and their surrogates in all aspects of WWIII continuously re-direct attention away from the true DISEASE located in London, Switzerland and numerous BUNKERS IN DUG-OUT MOUNTAINS AROUND THE WORLD.

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Gary - May 4

Gary’s Substack

Regina’s statement was probably more along the lines of: “ we have this great way to exterminate people …. how can we convince these billions of useless eaters that this is actually a beneficial vaccine and scare them sufficiently to kill themselves”?

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