Thank you, dr. Ana. You are one of the few shining examples of doctors who don't stop their education. We will all have to become experts in nanotechnology, meta materials, and computer networks, and you are not shying away from acquiring new knowledge. "I am not inexpert in this area" is not an excuse for you, which cannot be said about many mainstream doctors. This is their "go to" excuse. You are leading my example, and I am following into your steps!
A professional who enlarges his/her knowledge horison onto forbidden territory, faces two conflicts: departing from the science "paradigm" that underlies the specialty, and loss of livelihood and possible persecution and loss of health and life, should he/she chose to remain honest. Too many go the evil way for mammon's and personal security sake. God bless you both. Dr. Ana and Dr. Ber.
Piotr I have used fuel stabilizers over the years because of shellac that forms in fuel when you don't. Brand I use is PRI- D for diesel and PRI-G for gasoline. Keeps it fresh for 5 years. Can be used at the end of 5 years again. Prevents clogging of fuel lines when vehicle or gas can sits a long time.
Many thanks to Dr Ana and DR Ber for all your actions and work in raising awareness of TI. Great respect for your courage, we do not have such doctors yet, they are either intimidated or bribed.
Too much material to absorb by the uninitiated, much of it known for years to the initiated (to whom TIs do belong).
If sheeple can't see the microelectronic chips develop from nanoribbons under microscope, nothing will convince them.
They are pulling Humanity into oblivion -- the purpose of maintaining debilitation via dumb smartphones and nascent in-body circuits.
From Prof. Roman Zieliński's Dec 15, 2020 interview, this translation for Dr. Ana Mihalcea's forum will hopefully further her and colleagues' cooperation with independent Polish scienrists and will widen Humanity United Now initiative's reach. Polish source:,8953,zalacznik-nr-10-prof-zw-dr-hab-roman-zielinski-szczepienia-inzynieria-genetyczna-sars-cov-2.pdf,8953,zalacznik-nr-10-prof-zw-dr-hab-roman-zielinski-szczepienia-inzynieria-genetyczna-sars-cov-2.pdf
Prof. Zieliński is biology professor in genetics with over 40 years' research and teaching experience. He supervised 36 bachelor's, 49 master's, and 9 doctoral theses; published 110 scientific articles in peer-reviewed int'l journals, 45 conference reports (30 at int'l conferences), and numerous reports for European Commission; and consulted for private and state entities. By the end of 2020, Prof. Roman Zieliński was cited 363 times.
He set up University of Olsztyn's (Poland) genetics department at a new faculty of biology, where by 2014 he created internationally recognized research unit for molecular genetics. His teaching embraced genetics, medical diagnostics, human genetics, cytogenetics, cell biology, medical biology, cytophysiology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, molecular evolution, population genetics, mutagenesis, and legal ramifications of biotech.
A full professor by 2007, he set up U. of Szczecin's Department of Genetics from scratch, one of Poland's first to introduce PCR analysis. By 1998, professor at U. of Poznań. where the Department of Genetics he headed hosted 14 interns from European countries and a dozen from Poland in 2004-2007. The Department cooperated with 41 foreign partners and coordinated or partnered in 19 int'l research consortiums. His unit's esteem brought numerous internship requests in molecular methods. Zieliński studied biology specialization in genetics at the U. of Poznań, 1971-1976.
Prof. Zieliński speaks "virus" but disclaims at the interview's end: "Unreliable PCR tests for coronavirus diagnostics aim to authenticate the non-existent pandemic of this virus, if it exists at all. Many scientists believe that SARS-CoV-2 may be a computer-generated virus based on previously sequenced SARS viruses. [...] to date, the SARS-CoV-2 virus obtained from cell culture has not been sequenced." The interview covers mRNA vaccines, genetic engineering, and SARS CoV-2 "virus". I will post here translated sections..
The mRNA vaccines
Professor Roman Zieliński calls Poland's National Vaccination Plan "The National Plan to chase society with a needle and syringe". In 2020 he edited two group appeals addressed to the government of Poland regarding the plan. He recalls: "Consultations on this bizarre document, which looks more like an advertising bulletin than a government expert study, lasted three days. I don't think any comments will be considered. Yet the proposed mRNA technology has never been used in humans. We don't know the side effects that may appear after many months or years. Government pseudo-experts assure that the product is safe, but provide no proof. Yet, the manufacturer was released from liability, so they made something they're unsure of."
The government responded to the first appeal of Novr 30, 2020. "It should be emphasized that the mRNA administered in the vaccine replicates in the cytoplasm, without reaching the cell nucleus, and therefore cannot integrate with human DNA."
Professor Zieliński: "Thus we learned that [...] the "vaccine" is genetically engineered as a recombinant RNA construct. Its task is to stimulate our immune system to produce antibodies to coronavirus S protein, and to replicate in our body. In other words, foreign genetic entity, super virus being a construkt mRNA will engage our body's translation apparatus to produce S protein, and our replication apparatus to multiply active viral mRNA particles."
Prof. Zieliński: mRNA "vaccine" "step further" than GMO
"The authors of this "modern technology" went a step further than previous GMO makers. To obtain GMOs, a DNA construct with a foreign gene is introduced into plant or animal cells. From that moment on, this construct takes on a life of its own, which the experimenter no longer can influence.
This construct, however, neither replicates in the cytoplasm nor undergoes translation. It merely integrates with the host genome at arbitrary locations and number of copies, resulting in changes in gene expression and their mutations. Moreover, in response to the stress from the foreign DNA construct, transposons are activated in the recipient's genome, which can also change gene expression and have mutagenic effects.
The "vaccine's" mRNA construct can be incorporated into the human genome to cause effects similar to those found in GMOs. The introduced mRNA particles will additionally be subject to replication and translation. In the "vaccine" we will get aa supposedly beneficial, but an imvasive particle, similar to a malignant virus or malignant cancer cells.
People who still hesitate to accept this genetic "vaccine" should realize that after taking it, they will introduce a parasitic mRNA molecule into their body, similar to viroids that have so far only been detected in plants. Plant viroids are called transcription parasites because they hijack their host's transcription apparatus, killing the host or making it ill."
Sterilising effects of mRNA "vaccine"
"[Pfizer's] leaflet of the anti-C-19 preparation clearly states that the effect of this product on fertility has not been studied. So we don't know whether there may be side effects or not. German doctors point out that the virus protein to be produced by our body is similar to syncytin, a protein necessary for embryo implantation. This similarity raises the risk that the antibodies produced may also attack syncytin and thus affect fertility. Syncytin is only produced for a short time during the implantation.
Since no research has been conducted on this issue, the possibility cannot be confirmed or ruled out. This may be why the manufacturer does not recommend administering the mRNA construct to pregnant women, and clinical trial participants were instructed not to conceive for the next two months.
[...] Syncytin is also highly expressed in human sperm. At the same time, syncytin 1 receptors are expressed in human oocytes. This indicates an important role of syncytin in cell fusion, including the fusion of the sperm and the egg. Thus, syncytin 1 is not only important for embryo implantation, but also for proper functioning of sperm. Investigation of the impact of C-19 construct on male and female fertility should be mandatory before any introduction of this product to the market.
Syncytin 2 is also produced, to weaken the mother's immune reaction against the embryo implanted in the uterine mucosa. There is homeostasis between syncytin 1 and syncytin 2, which are reproductively related proteins. It has been shown that syncytin is also secreted during influenza virus infection. This delicate homeostasis can be significantly disrupted.
Coronavirus S proteins are homologous to syncytin proteins and there is a justified concern that antibodies produced to the S protein of the virus will also bind to syncytin, which may disrupt embryo development , inhibit sperm development and impede effective fertilization. An autoimmune reaction may also occur, as antibodies may be directed to S proteins that will be found on the cell surface."
Prof. Zieliński's Dec 15, 2020, interview - part 2
Can mRNA of the "vaccine" affect human DNA?
"The question refers to the issue of Watson and Crick's Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. They received the Nobel Prize for developing the double-stranded DNA model. According to their Dogma, the basis of molecular biology, genetic information is transmitted both from DNA through RNA to protein, and from RNA to DNA. This information circulates between these two nucleic acids. This means that any RNA particle that finds itself in the cell's cytoplasm can be converted into DNA and incorporated into the genome.
This actually takes place, as exemplified by retrotransposons of viral origin being incorporated into the human genome, which constitute approx. 60% of the human genome. Similarly, tRNA and mRNA move to the nucleus. The cell contains enzymes called reverse transcriptase that enable the transcription of RNA into DNA. They include human telomerase and reverse transcriptase of viral origin.
The process of reverse transcription, i.e. rewriting ribonucleic acid in the cell deoxyribonucleic acid, is an evolutionarily old mechanism. It would be strange if mRNA particles introduced into our cells along with this one were excluded from this "vaccine" process. Many threats are associated with the introduction of this mRNA construct. One is the possibility of its inclusion in the human genome and the associated impact on changes in gene expression and their mutations.
The potential of the transgene's impact on the genome cannot be overstated, as evidenced by the results of genetic research on GMOs in plants. Their mutagenic effect on the genome is even stronger than after the use of chemical mutagens.
Beside the very likely interference with our genome, the self-replicating RNA molecules contained in the "vaccine" may also cause many other unfavorable effects. This genetic construct must cross the cell membrane to enter the cell. For this purpose, it is surrounded by a lipid shell containing polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is insoluble in the cell and has a toxic effect on it. Viral RNA particles located in the cytoplasm are very reactive and can recombine with other viruses, both in the process of homologous and heterologous recombination.
This may apply to the vaccine's mRNA construct, too, since it may be identified as a foreign mRNA because the host mRNA is appropriately marked, possibly resulting in an autoimmune reaction. Stability of the mRNA construct is ensured by the modified nucleotides inserted for this purpose, with a toxic effect on the cell.
Cellular RNA participates in numerous signaling pathways, and a foreign mRNA construct may interfere with these pathways. Generally, our knowledge of signaling pathways in the cell is very modest and therefore the possible effects of this genetic manipulation after taking the "vaccine" should be viewed with great concern."
Will the vaccinated spread SARS Cov2 virus?
"For the SARS Cov2 mRNA vaccine, the immune response is to be triggered only by a single antigen, one S protein, produced by our body on the viral matrix. The latest research indicates that such a vaccine, e.g. in cats, increases their morbidity and mortality, and similar may concern humans.
The vaccinated against SARS Cov2 will not protect themselves against coronavirus infection, and may even have more serious covid-19 symptoms, and therefore will breed this virus."
Build your own immunity
"Those in power lock seniors in their homes, to their destruction. And then they wonder that the number of deaths goes up. But lifestyle, not age, is the chief risk factor. Our grandmothers knew this, they were rarely sick, ate home-made products from vegetables picked in their gardens. Today, few people can afford such luxury.
We live in small mortgaged apartments, crammed into blocks of flats, busy and deprived of sleep, under constant stress that worsens the course of any infection. [...] Covid does not pose much of a threat to a healthy body, even of a slightly older person. The threat comes from comorbidities that result from an unhealthy lifestyle, such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. [...]
In Covidianism era, the centuries old principle was forgotten. P;oicy contradicts ancient knowledge and the essence of humans. A ban on leaving the house, masks, excessive sterilization -- these policies increase susceptibility to illness. The recommendations are a death sentence for older people in particular. [...]
Policies that contradict existing knowledge of resistance to diseases are more like eugenics than a concern for the public interest. Governments should be held to account for these actions, since they have endangered the health and lives of thousands of people.
The decline in public health caused by the so-called countermeasures led
to a sharp increase in deaths in the fall. We have a serious disease called chronic medical service failure syndrome, and a reduced immunity from wearing microorganism incubators on our faces for many months, staying at home and limiting our vitamin D intake.
Health is about the body's ability to protect itself from viruses, not about creating a sterile body. Cultivation in sterile conditions always leads to high mortality when organisms cultured in this way come into contact with the natural environment. Today, governments have turned people into organisms grown in vitro, and it is hardly surprising that such people, after contact with the environment, are unable to defend themselves against it.
Let's not go crazy, lead a healthy lifestyle without masks and with full exercise. I have already started by preparing 30 kg of sauerkraut. If necessary, I will survive the winter by supplementing myself with a self-made "vitamin bomb".
The entire society has fallen victim to psychopaths, and has been led to believe that the common cold is a deadly virus, and the only way to protect yourself is complete extermination of society. [...] The sole purpose is to degrade, break the spine, destroy the will to fight and turn a person into a "zombie" who does not think or feel.
Such person becomes a puppet. Orders to wear masks making breathing difficult and constituting a breeding ground for microorganisms, the ban on walking, singing, dancing and meetings, combined with forced unwanted treatments and threatening with vaccines is unprecedented violence leading to the de facto death of a significant part of the population, comparable only to similar WW2 practices, especially regarding specific population groups, or with the activities of sects enslaving people.
The majority of society acceptes this unprecedented violence and meekly adapts to the immensity of cruelty inflicted by traitors. Society is behaving as if in a collective Stockholm syndrome. It agrees to the lawlessness imposed by government torturers and seemingly cooperates with them, leading to yet greater human losses.
Where are the eloquent scientists and professors who now remain silent in the face of destruction? Why are medics, biologists, psychologists and sociologists silent? Why are voices of reason not common? We do have pseudo-experts proving with every word they sold themselves for a few silver pieces. Why do the s.c. elites close their eyes to the violation of the dignity of the human person and his/her right to live in accord with own beliefs, the right to the inviolability of his/her body?
Not even a real epidemic gives the right to ruin people's lives or to prohibit the use of the goodness of Nature. [...] In October, the number of deaths already increased due to postponed surgery, lack of cancer diagnosis, directing all medical activities to a not very dangerous virus. Later, the number of deaths will continue to rise after months long negligence. Autumn and winter usually see a sharp increase in the number
of flu cases, flu-like conditions and colds, deemed to be due to the coronavirus.
Instead of treating colds with home remedies, many people will turn themselves to be subject to experiments with unproven therapies behind barbed wire. Some will give up in panic, for others the cold will last a bit longer, with slightly stronger symptoms, incl. acute ones, due to drastic immunity reduction of the society.
People over 70 are already slowly euthanized due to the ban on leaving home, a policy that went unnoticed. [...] Is this different from on-ramp segregation? [...] No rational voices speak to masked crowds that go to slaughter sheep-like.
The masked ones have lost their immunity. Those with limited walking and physical activity are to blame for the increase in deaths and overcrowded hospitals, because they significantly reduced vitamin D content in their bodies and became more susceptible to diseases. Crowds on beaches and swimming pools sunbathing in masks -- we owe further restrictions to them.
The pandemic is a lie. Restrictions on masks, social distancing and quarantine are anti-health. There is no justification for spreading panic and using biomedical terror in the the presence of the cold virus, of which 80% of us are asymptomatic. Vaccines are unnecessary. Viruses are everywhere, always. To build your own immunity is the only effective defense. [...]
Universal vaccination, i.e. for everyone and for everything, is pharmaceutical industry's dream. They want us to become weaker and completely dependent on drug therapy. They manipulate vaccines, inventing drugs that are harmful to us, for which they invent pandemics. Flu vaccine's 20-year patent protection had ended, the flu had to disappear. Covid appeared in its place More pathogens and diseases are in preparation."
Prof. Zieliński's Dec 15, 2020, interview - part 3
PCR test procedure for coronavirus diagnosis
"[My geneticist professor wife and I] have been saying since March-April: this test is unreliable and should be withdrawn immediately. This is what we teach students, this is the ABC of molecular biology. We were surprised that no Polish scientist agreed, while assuming we are ignorant. It is a waste of money for such science and such scientists.
PCR test involves a very precise molecular reaction. Factors such as performer of the thermal cycler, where the reaction is carried out, or the supplier of the reagents play an important role. It's a very complex reaction, especially when the starting genetic material is RNA and not DNA. This is the case with the coronavirus, whose RNA must first be converted into cDNA in the reverse transcription (RT) process and then multiplied using PCR reaction.
Two reactions, referred to as RT-qPCR, are performed for this virus. RT stands for the conversion of viral RNA into cDNA, using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, and "q" stands for the quantitative measurement of cDNA multiplication using PCR. Another feature of this reaction is its great sensitivity, which allows DNA to be multiplied with a small number of particles. A necessary condition for the proper performance of the PCR reaction is DNA purity, because otherwise other genetic material may also be multiplied.
In laboratory practice, this reaction is optimized for the analysis of each research object, e.g. another species or when another marker system is used. The ability to manipulate the parameters of this reaction is part of its optimization. Therefore, erroneous readings can be obtained without fully knowing the biochemical mechanism of this reaction, or by making errors in its execution, or by failing to meet the requirements regarding the purity of the matrix used for its amplification in the PCR reaction.
All these errors often accumulate in coronavirus diagnostics. They can also be intentionally generated by changing reaction parameters, incl. manipulating thermal profiles or the number of DNA multiplication cycles. Invreasing multiplication temperature decreases the possibility of detecting DNA particles in the sample since primers used for this multiplication lose the ability to attach to the template.
Conversely, at lower temperature the reaction becomes less specific, resulting in an
increased ability to detect foreign DNA. The primers also have a significant impact on the specificity of the reaction. They must meet certain requirements regarding the amount of G+C bases, the content of which should exceed 50%. Otherwise they will attach to the matrix non-specifically.
The problem with obtaining reliable results in diagnosing coronavirus infections using the RT-qPRC test is that the biological sample, a nasopharyngeal swab, contains a mixture of nucleic acids, from various pathogens present in it, and human genetic material. Multiplication of foreign genetic material is possible since it contains sequences homologous to the primers used.
The non-specificity of the RT-qPCR reaction is inherent in the tests used to diagnose the presence of coronavirus. This is evidenced by the way the primers were constructed, which do not meet the requirements to be specific because the G+C bases are present at less than 50%. The creators of patents for coronavirus tests, whose shareholder is the American CDC, stipulate that these tests can also detect other microorganisms, a positive test result does not mean coronavirus infection, and a negative result includesf its presence.
CDC estimates the reliability of its coronavirus diagnostic tests at 35%. Currently, there are other reliability estimates of approx. 10%. So why use these tests? The answer: their intention is not to detect the presence of coronavirus in the nasopharyngeal swab test, because these tests are not suitable for this purpose. Their purpose is to add credibility to the coronavirus pandemic. Hinging on the analysis parameters, the tests, may or may not detect something, making it possible to manipulate the course of the pandemic on political demand.
We had examples of this in testing miners in Silesia region. Similar examples came from US counties tested 100% positive. PCR test results are not correlated with disease symptoms, and no differential diagnosis is made, e.g. for flu virus infection. One should try to avoid this testing. "
Sure wish I had your intellect - reading Polymer Chemistry on your break. Seriously, thanks so much for doing the heavy lifting and breaking it down so we can somewhat understand it.
I opened "Our team" Young happy ppl.
I remember around April or May 2020, top class EU genecist Prof. Roman Zieliński spilled the beans on mRNA vax: horror. With difficulty and slowly in the new territory, independents uncovered the presence of "mRNA nanogel" in PCR test swabs and vax, and speculated about the effects.
Where were "Our team" of all the firms involved in the tech to join Humaniity's defense against the bio-weapon?! Is our society so corrupted by mammon that MAJORITY go heartlessly along the devillish schemes? Or is it compartmentalisation overlapping the rockefellerian schooling, professional science "paradigm" and ignorant pop culture that create such monsters in our midst?
Just some light reading over Christmas, eh? Glad you can dissect and report to us afterwards. Just corroborates what we are learning on many levels. Thank you for your diligence. You are appreciated more than we can say.
The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to Dr. Ana Mihalcea's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Well, we can always Hope these sick effers end up as pig chow in the near future:/ No sense popping a gasket. They love that stuff. Remember , revenge is a dish best served cold and with great clarity. God Wins.❤️👍
I would like to share some info! I don’t have equipment to do studies, but according to many existing studies gum spirits of turpentine relieves every single side effect from the jabs. I can tell you it greatly reduced my long covid effects on its own,
....but just recently I have tried alternating gum spirits with a chelator (sodium citrate) and also iodine I feel so incredibly clear headed, energized and connected to the Holy Spirit like never before. Also my last few stubborn lesions (morgellons) have dried up, my joint pain and asthma is gone the age spots and discolorations on my skin are fading away.
2.5 grams sodium citrate 3x a day for 1 day, then next take 1/2 tsp gum spirits directly followed by 1/2-1 Tblsp castor oil. This relieves the liver and kidnreys from the taxation the elimination of thenano causes, it does exit thru the urine. below is a link to some great study results on the active compounds in gum spirits, scroll down and you will find that A/B pinenes relieve every single issue and point of inflammation caused by the jabs. From heart attack and stroke to neurological issues seizures... Anyone care to notice??? I hope.
Nothing is a silver bullet, it’s balance and a conscious effort to detox. There are many other avenues than the one I am sharing to mitigate this, but these two together are powerful and plentiful.
By gum spirits I’m assuming you are referring to turpentine, yes? This is one of the best cleanest sources for ingestion:
4 Oz 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine
Thank you for your testimony. So happy for you and gives all of us hope. I for one want to be closer to the Holy Spirit. There are doctors who teach on this protocol (gum spirits). People can research it and find it.
There is a company in the US that sells slash pine turpentine. It is very pure. It's called Georgia Pine Gum Spirits of Turpentine. Diamond G Forest Products is the company that makes it. I got mine on Amazon. Their website has videos on how it's made.
So I have looked up key words gum spirits of turpentine and synthetic biology, and am going from memory turpentine causes higher penetration or uptake in interstitial fluid, so I believe it will only improve the bioavailability of vitamins and chelators. Just from experience, I’ve been taking this with a
Variety of other natural vitamins and salts and have never had any worse symptoms that going to the bathroom more often, but I honestly feel it is in everyone’s best interest to open the elimination pathways as optimally as possible. METHYLCHAVICOL look that up guys along with turpentine and dig into it. I’m just too tired I had 5 hours of band practice.
Also I’m wondering if our country is being flooded with ppl because the 10 tribes of Israel are being called out of their bondage. Perhaps our real job is proselytizing and pulling our brothers and sisters out of the fire. I never learned a different language except for music. Just something that popped in my mind today.
Holy Shit! Do you know who that guy is??? Thats Bill Binney former head of the technical division of the NSA.....and my former boss....#Agentmidnightrider
Thats right! I'm an International Super Spy!!!! and if you don't believe me take a gander........>
We need your help, sir, to reverse engineer the heck out of this mess, both from a biological POV and also a coding POV.
What would Midnight Rider do first, if he were channeling the brilliant Bill Binney?
Even though you are quick to belittle, why should I not believe your grandeur? You have a minority complex, AMR? Thanks no thanks, I prefer real scientists.
Light reading, eh, Ana? You are a delight.
Thank you for your service to humanity.
I have come to believe, “Fear, hate, rage, despair, hopelessness, vengeance” is food for the these sadistic animals. What kind of world have they carefully and intentionally orchestrated for us for decades now?
I’ll tell you.
Lack, sickness, divisiveness, dumbing down, destroying the family unit, promiscuity, deceit, blurring sexuality, corrupting our youth and children, and so much more.
We are powerful, individually and collectively.
Do not submit, do not comply, hold your ground, spend time in nature, find peace, live in gratitude.
Find your beauty, do what you love, dream, imagine.
Remember, fear is their food.
Refuse to vibrate at a low frequency.
Refuse to allow their implants to exert power over your mind, spirit, or body. Say, “no.”
" for decades now" -- since ca.1775 when rothschild's NWO plan was accidentally discovered.
"Refuse to allow their implants to exert power" -- Good guy with great spirit Bill Binney couldn't. The tech is so devillish.
What do you read for heavy? I dropped out of school ⅔ of the way through the 4th form, back in the day before 4 school terms so not sure what level 4th form equates to now. The point I want to make here is that this all rings so true. I'm only once tested, with RAT, and fully Un-jabbed, refused to wear a mask, retired since turning 65, (now 73) have been accused of being irresponsible, uncaring, a spreader, a Conspiracy Theorist, (I retort Realist) and have been involved in presenting the the revelatory downloads I believe have come to me from my Creator since the 2010's, a colleague and myself receiving downloads regarding aerial implants via Graphene and hydrogel
I should have had a cane before jabbing began, to fend off the fear-zombified. Face diapers on, eyes out of orbit, obediently spaced by floor stickers, they disciplined "anti-maskers" where ppl proximity is inevitable.
On a bicycle trip, I stopped at a market to get directions. I had to walk along a longish lineup. Ppl leaned backwards over produce bins, others lombasted. I got the road directions and exited, amid "You spread covid!" "You are so selfish!" "Get the hell out!". I shouted back for all to hear: "You're opening the gate to New World Order".
"So selfish" was also at a restaurant with entry posting "Masks are ineffective against the covid-19 virus". An arriving customer had to wear a mask while the others were eating mask off LOL
At hardware supermarket, a zombie assaulted me verbally while violating the distance and moving his mask nose to mouth. "Where is your mask, you better than us or what!". Security showed up, likewise violating mask and distance rules, "Sir, you're a risk to our staff and customers, you must leave." Me: "For sure not, am here for life-dependimg tire chains for tomorrow's trip. Call the police, I'm not moving. " Manager yielded, zombie questioned my more important life, staff showed up and served me.
I had fun in busy public toilets. Unable to scold because of elimination pressure, zombies showed signs of internal torture: fear in their eyes, clinging to the wall when ppl passed by.
Is this zombism a soft type, induced by the fear of dearh psyop, or perhaps a hard-wired one via bio-weapon "covid" present in PCR "test" swabs since the beginning of the scamdemic?
Walked away empty-handed from food store. The manager: "No mask?" Me: "Exempt". After an hour's Easter shopping, manager directs me to three RCMP dudes waiting at the cashiers: black mafia garb, masks on, no id badges, weapons on the belts. They demand my id. The day before, RCMP imposters robbed elderly couple's home, killed, and fled. So I ask for id, in reply they threaten to handcuff . After id'ing they pimp "masks" for the exempted, incl. welder-type shield and a lose bandana on one of them! I refused and there went my groceries, incl. a packet on which one of them scribled her id.
Walking behind me the wrong way, disregarding "covid rules", they rushed and pushed me (too slow with my hip pain). I know savagery of the police thugs in other episodes with the psychppaths' willing helpers. A year ago an honest, oldtimer RCMP offcier summed up: now the corrupt officers dominate the force, the remainder are a few silent ones who must feed the familty.
Are the officers mc'ed somehow or mammon is sufficient factor?
Thanks you, Scj!
I have a "declaration" written into my God-given soul, no need to declare before psychos and socios who would treat it with warm pee. I declare by ACTING.
Declaration's Author seems a "priest" who NewAgeishly invokes everything but God. Her references appear likewise confused, naming quantum and energy and thus revealing ignorants unaware of torsion fields, advanced physics appropriated by the cabal to Humanity's control and demise. These non-energetic fields regulate life processes, contrary to mantra about energy and EMFs.
If the above is correct, the Author is the cabal's unwitting asset. True spiritual healer serves all, charges those who can afford, heals the needy for free. I know such healers. Money is not the goal, and they still have good results with God's help, e.g. curing "terminal cancer" as attested repeatedly by Gretaer Vancouver (Canada) oncologists.
Pretty sure the mac address coming up on my phone is "me". I didn't take the covidvax, but had nasal swabs (not deep, just in my nose) to get into a nursing home to visit.
The PCR Test swabs had 2 purposes:
1 - Harvest the DNA of billions of travellers,
2 - Implant the nanosensors for tracking purposes.
I refused the injectable bioweapon and the PCR Test for 4 reasons:
1- The PCR Test CANNOT detect a virus
2- The PCR Test documents recommend not to use CT setting > [xxx] but the CDC was recommending 2x [xxx]. I found it suspicious
3- The FDA Act forbids mandating medical products in EUA to any body without informed consent.
4- There are 6 patents showing that the spike protein is a bioweapon. The first one was filed by Pfizer in 2002.
I don't know why people even tried these injectables when the patents are publicly available!!!
5. No viruses exist.
6. Slovak researchers found some hydrogel loaded intographene nanotubes in PCR "test" swabs..
Ppl tried b'cause they were uninformed and/or psyoped into deadly fear of death.
Piotr I have found large tubules growing out of blood pools on a slide that sat for just a short time and continue to grow and connect to each other for days forming random grids.
What do you believe it is? Does it resemble the nanotubes Slovak researchers documented in PCR swabs ca. 2020, or what Kurt C, David Nixon, Dr.Ana or others see under their microscopes?
Ir looks like you should join the microscopers. I use diluted urine in truly organic gardening. Wonder what happens to the xenobiota in the soil and if it's uptaken by plants, earthworms and cultivars.
What happens to "it" in sewer systems, dumps, and in receiving bodies of water (lake, river, sea, acquifer, groundwater, well...).
Is "it" developing in farm animals that we eat and whose manure is massively used in agriculture.
As Ana has been pointing out, there is no "mrna" in the covid vaxx, just nano tech! And she also said non vaxxed people too have the tech in them... found in swabs.
In Vaers some 6% of vax batches showed adverse effects incl. death. I imagine these were the "mRNA" and other lethal ingredients. The rest contained nanotech to build structures and circuits for WBAN?
You shouldn't panic for people who got the shots until you know exactly what they got.
1. In Australia, a senate hearing unveiled that the country was receiving 3 types of quackcines from the same manufacturer (Schizer in this case):
a) commercial batches for the sheeple
b) clinical batches for Schizer's employees
c) placebos for select politicians!
2) It's now official that 40% of products distributed in the EU were placebos.
That's why some people analyze vials without recording the batch number and believe that they know what Schizer was selling.
If you know the batch number you can use "how bad is my batch" website to see if your shot has killed and maimed people or not.
Obviously, if you got placebos, you may not have a Mac Address.
Below is the website that has the instructions on how to detect your Mac Address (if you got the real payload):
o How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)
One way to get them out if they are sick and need treatment for C19 is to have the doc write an order for hospice. In US they can't stay in Nursing home once that order is written. Then they can be taken home and treated properly.
It was my neighbor, and she was better off there, where they could take care of her physical and hygiene needs. I helped get her in there! I did the swab against my better judgement, but love and care for my friend outweighed my own health, I guess... there was no evidence, just theories at that time and I rolled the dice. I still believe I'll be OK, and this will eventually detox out of my body.
God bless you, Gregory. Care/nursing homes were in the cabal's focus to scare the rest of society to death (literally in the unfortunate "covid" cases).
They may be available but do you really think that the average person in any country who knows very little about how their own body works is able find that info. Especially if they are not in healthcare or the sciences. I'm not knocking anyone here I'm just asking the question.
I do believe this to be true because even our brain waves can travel beyond our bodies. I have noted that in the presence of a vaxed individual I have become very sensitive. It used to take an hour for me to start a reaction. Now it takes under a minute if I don't have my nicotine patch on. Dr. Brian Ardis DC, PhD has spoken a lot about why this works.
Whar does the nicotine patch do?
I don't know Dr. Ardis' version (link please), but according to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak (top scientist in torsion fields, featured by Dr.Ana) c19 "magnetism" attracts ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and non-metal materials, too. It's chakra-like phenomenon owing to micro-bionuclear reactors we have tens of thousands in our body, chakras being the main clusters.
I wonder if the vaxed's aura triggers a nano self-assembly reaction in the unvaxed.
As I understand it the spike proteins bind to the nicotine acetylcholine receptors in back of the brain. Nicotine by patch, gum or smokers bump the spike proteins off the binding sites because it's more concentrated in these products and fills the sites..displaces the spike proteins. That part of the brain manages, smell, taste and breathing. It seems to be able to recover Long Covid patients.
"Long covid" = acute poisoning by xenonano-bioweapon. Spike protein = CRISPR created/edited xenoprotein capable of self-assembly/replication in presence of other nanobots from vax. See my comments under "Russian paper" on Dr.Ana's stack.
Before I started figuring out the plandemic, an acquaintance felt from early 2020 that there's no SARS Cov2 virus. He kept saying his heavy smoking protects him from fictional S protein.
What's the mechanism of health damage by the same xenobioentity in other organs?
There are articles on the idea of self-propagating (shedding) vaccines pre-dating c19 fraud. Pfizer reveals it in veiled wording in a report from testing the bio-weapon.
The only blessing in this mess: those who did not take? Are also more likely to be attempting to heal them selves and look for solutions/mitigations. Also they BELIEVE) in the fact the jabbed shed. Dr. Vernon Coleman wrote about this way back in 2022. It has been known for long time. The method of transfection not known, the 'thing' that hits the non jabbed... from the jabbed BUT I still say, much safer to not be jabbed. I'd prefer NOT to work with jabbed/public but that is my job. :( a fully remote role would be GREAT if I could land one. AND there must be something to control disrupt the Nano. Sodium Citrate, Sodium Tetra Borate (Borax) seem to work similarly. Gum Spirits Pine Turpentine, (pine oil turpentines? hum, was not white pine needle tea recommended?) essential oils orange and cinnamon and others? Otherwise the perps of this genocide of human race would themselves be dying and you KNOW they would NEVER do that!
Dr. Coleman, the one that believes in germ theory and viruses :)
"Way back" 2022 LOL was late when years earlier publications admitted self-proagating vax and Pfizer's confirmation in a vax testing report, followed by discussions by our independents. Coleman is a joke, but British Expose publishes his graphomania.
Yes pine needles in lieu of invermectin and similar banned in scamdemic. Onion peels in lieu of quercetin, grape and lemon peel white in lieu of hydtoxychloroquine. I believe they handle "S protein", ie. the biosynthetic part of c19 weapon.
Likely, the cabal has simple, widely available antidotum, not be that hard to spy on. Easier than microscoping til our researchers drop (before cataloguing all tech and figuring it out for effective counters).
Sabrina Wallace is starting to summarize what has been done to the human race, for command and control of our free will, bodies, and souls through deception from DARPA...
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a speed reader! I read Mauro Biglino The Naked Bible this weekend. Does put into perspective what is happening today. Just another of the great resets perpetrated by the elohim, who don't want their slave race to evolve.
thousands of awake communities are all now aware of the latest news published by dr David Nixon & Karl C & others
Demonstrating clearly that sodium citrate is the answer we all have been waiting for !! It clears the blood of every thing & returning our blood cells back to beautiful round spaced out cells with no other debris in the blood ..simply by adding it to water & drinking it ...
We are all so confused as to why our highly respected champion for returning our blood to its natural state
dr Anna is remaining silent on this ??
Thousands of people via email texts & telegram & what apps groups all asking why this LATEST & most powerful blood cleanser is being ignored ?
Also Borax Water - Sodium Tetra Borate... that was the original aid for Morgellon's suffers and Morgellon's was the beginning of this nightmare of nano devices.
Inactive Account - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Inactive Account
Thank you, dr. Ana. You are one of the few shining examples of doctors who don't stop their education. We will all have to become experts in nanotechnology, meta materials, and computer networks, and you are not shying away from acquiring new knowledge. "I am not inexpert in this area" is not an excuse for you, which cannot be said about many mainstream doctors. This is their "go to" excuse. You are leading my example, and I am following into your steps!
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
A professional who enlarges his/her knowledge horison onto forbidden territory, faces two conflicts: departing from the science "paradigm" that underlies the specialty, and loss of livelihood and possible persecution and loss of health and life, should he/she chose to remain honest. Too many go the evil way for mammon's and personal security sake. God bless you both. Dr. Ana and Dr. Ber.
Reply (1) - Dec 29, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Comment removed.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 30, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Comment removed.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 31, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Piotr I have used fuel stabilizers over the years because of shellac that forms in fuel when you don't. Brand I use is PRI- D for diesel and PRI-G for gasoline. Keeps it fresh for 5 years. Can be used at the end of 5 years again. Prevents clogging of fuel lines when vehicle or gas can sits a long time.
Zofia Filipiak - STOPZET - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Zofia’s Substack
Many thanks to Dr Ana and DR Ber for all your actions and work in raising awareness of TI. Great respect for your courage, we do not have such doctors yet, they are either intimidated or bribed.
Piotr Bein - Dec 29, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Dec 30, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Too much material to absorb by the uninitiated, much of it known for years to the initiated (to whom TIs do belong).
If sheeple can't see the microelectronic chips develop from nanoribbons under microscope, nothing will convince them.
They are pulling Humanity into oblivion -- the purpose of maintaining debilitation via dumb smartphones and nascent in-body circuits.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
From Prof. Roman Zieliński's Dec 15, 2020 interview, this translation for Dr. Ana Mihalcea's forum will hopefully further her and colleagues' cooperation with independent Polish scienrists and will widen Humanity United Now initiative's reach. Polish source:,8953,zalacznik-nr-10-prof-zw-dr-hab-roman-zielinski-szczepienia-inzynieria-genetyczna-sars-cov-2.pdf,8953,zalacznik-nr-10-prof-zw-dr-hab-roman-zielinski-szczepienia-inzynieria-genetyczna-sars-cov-2.pdf
Prof. Zieliński is biology professor in genetics with over 40 years' research and teaching experience. He supervised 36 bachelor's, 49 master's, and 9 doctoral theses; published 110 scientific articles in peer-reviewed int'l journals, 45 conference reports (30 at int'l conferences), and numerous reports for European Commission; and consulted for private and state entities. By the end of 2020, Prof. Roman Zieliński was cited 363 times.
He set up University of Olsztyn's (Poland) genetics department at a new faculty of biology, where by 2014 he created internationally recognized research unit for molecular genetics. His teaching embraced genetics, medical diagnostics, human genetics, cytogenetics, cell biology, medical biology, cytophysiology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, molecular evolution, population genetics, mutagenesis, and legal ramifications of biotech.
A full professor by 2007, he set up U. of Szczecin's Department of Genetics from scratch, one of Poland's first to introduce PCR analysis. By 1998, professor at U. of Poznań. where the Department of Genetics he headed hosted 14 interns from European countries and a dozen from Poland in 2004-2007. The Department cooperated with 41 foreign partners and coordinated or partnered in 19 int'l research consortiums. His unit's esteem brought numerous internship requests in molecular methods. Zieliński studied biology specialization in genetics at the U. of Poznań, 1971-1976.
Prof. Zieliński speaks "virus" but disclaims at the interview's end: "Unreliable PCR tests for coronavirus diagnostics aim to authenticate the non-existent pandemic of this virus, if it exists at all. Many scientists believe that SARS-CoV-2 may be a computer-generated virus based on previously sequenced SARS viruses. [...] to date, the SARS-CoV-2 virus obtained from cell culture has not been sequenced." The interview covers mRNA vaccines, genetic engineering, and SARS CoV-2 "virus". I will post here translated sections..
The mRNA vaccines
Professor Roman Zieliński calls Poland's National Vaccination Plan "The National Plan to chase society with a needle and syringe". In 2020 he edited two group appeals addressed to the government of Poland regarding the plan. He recalls: "Consultations on this bizarre document, which looks more like an advertising bulletin than a government expert study, lasted three days. I don't think any comments will be considered. Yet the proposed mRNA technology has never been used in humans. We don't know the side effects that may appear after many months or years. Government pseudo-experts assure that the product is safe, but provide no proof. Yet, the manufacturer was released from liability, so they made something they're unsure of."
The government responded to the first appeal of Novr 30, 2020. "It should be emphasized that the mRNA administered in the vaccine replicates in the cytoplasm, without reaching the cell nucleus, and therefore cannot integrate with human DNA."
Professor Zieliński: "Thus we learned that [...] the "vaccine" is genetically engineered as a recombinant RNA construct. Its task is to stimulate our immune system to produce antibodies to coronavirus S protein, and to replicate in our body. In other words, foreign genetic entity, super virus being a construkt mRNA will engage our body's translation apparatus to produce S protein, and our replication apparatus to multiply active viral mRNA particles."
Prof. Zieliński: mRNA "vaccine" "step further" than GMO
"The authors of this "modern technology" went a step further than previous GMO makers. To obtain GMOs, a DNA construct with a foreign gene is introduced into plant or animal cells. From that moment on, this construct takes on a life of its own, which the experimenter no longer can influence.
This construct, however, neither replicates in the cytoplasm nor undergoes translation. It merely integrates with the host genome at arbitrary locations and number of copies, resulting in changes in gene expression and their mutations. Moreover, in response to the stress from the foreign DNA construct, transposons are activated in the recipient's genome, which can also change gene expression and have mutagenic effects.
The "vaccine's" mRNA construct can be incorporated into the human genome to cause effects similar to those found in GMOs. The introduced mRNA particles will additionally be subject to replication and translation. In the "vaccine" we will get aa supposedly beneficial, but an imvasive particle, similar to a malignant virus or malignant cancer cells.
People who still hesitate to accept this genetic "vaccine" should realize that after taking it, they will introduce a parasitic mRNA molecule into their body, similar to viroids that have so far only been detected in plants. Plant viroids are called transcription parasites because they hijack their host's transcription apparatus, killing the host or making it ill."
Sterilising effects of mRNA "vaccine"
"[Pfizer's] leaflet of the anti-C-19 preparation clearly states that the effect of this product on fertility has not been studied. So we don't know whether there may be side effects or not. German doctors point out that the virus protein to be produced by our body is similar to syncytin, a protein necessary for embryo implantation. This similarity raises the risk that the antibodies produced may also attack syncytin and thus affect fertility. Syncytin is only produced for a short time during the implantation.
Since no research has been conducted on this issue, the possibility cannot be confirmed or ruled out. This may be why the manufacturer does not recommend administering the mRNA construct to pregnant women, and clinical trial participants were instructed not to conceive for the next two months.
[...] Syncytin is also highly expressed in human sperm. At the same time, syncytin 1 receptors are expressed in human oocytes. This indicates an important role of syncytin in cell fusion, including the fusion of the sperm and the egg. Thus, syncytin 1 is not only important for embryo implantation, but also for proper functioning of sperm. Investigation of the impact of C-19 construct on male and female fertility should be mandatory before any introduction of this product to the market.
Syncytin 2 is also produced, to weaken the mother's immune reaction against the embryo implanted in the uterine mucosa. There is homeostasis between syncytin 1 and syncytin 2, which are reproductively related proteins. It has been shown that syncytin is also secreted during influenza virus infection. This delicate homeostasis can be significantly disrupted.
Coronavirus S proteins are homologous to syncytin proteins and there is a justified concern that antibodies produced to the S protein of the virus will also bind to syncytin, which may disrupt embryo development , inhibit sperm development and impede effective fertilization. An autoimmune reaction may also occur, as antibodies may be directed to S proteins that will be found on the cell surface."
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Prof. Zieliński's Dec 15, 2020, interview - part 2
Can mRNA of the "vaccine" affect human DNA?
"The question refers to the issue of Watson and Crick's Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. They received the Nobel Prize for developing the double-stranded DNA model. According to their Dogma, the basis of molecular biology, genetic information is transmitted both from DNA through RNA to protein, and from RNA to DNA. This information circulates between these two nucleic acids. This means that any RNA particle that finds itself in the cell's cytoplasm can be converted into DNA and incorporated into the genome.
This actually takes place, as exemplified by retrotransposons of viral origin being incorporated into the human genome, which constitute approx. 60% of the human genome. Similarly, tRNA and mRNA move to the nucleus. The cell contains enzymes called reverse transcriptase that enable the transcription of RNA into DNA. They include human telomerase and reverse transcriptase of viral origin.
The process of reverse transcription, i.e. rewriting ribonucleic acid in the cell deoxyribonucleic acid, is an evolutionarily old mechanism. It would be strange if mRNA particles introduced into our cells along with this one were excluded from this "vaccine" process. Many threats are associated with the introduction of this mRNA construct. One is the possibility of its inclusion in the human genome and the associated impact on changes in gene expression and their mutations.
The potential of the transgene's impact on the genome cannot be overstated, as evidenced by the results of genetic research on GMOs in plants. Their mutagenic effect on the genome is even stronger than after the use of chemical mutagens.
Beside the very likely interference with our genome, the self-replicating RNA molecules contained in the "vaccine" may also cause many other unfavorable effects. This genetic construct must cross the cell membrane to enter the cell. For this purpose, it is surrounded by a lipid shell containing polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is insoluble in the cell and has a toxic effect on it. Viral RNA particles located in the cytoplasm are very reactive and can recombine with other viruses, both in the process of homologous and heterologous recombination.
This may apply to the vaccine's mRNA construct, too, since it may be identified as a foreign mRNA because the host mRNA is appropriately marked, possibly resulting in an autoimmune reaction. Stability of the mRNA construct is ensured by the modified nucleotides inserted for this purpose, with a toxic effect on the cell.
Cellular RNA participates in numerous signaling pathways, and a foreign mRNA construct may interfere with these pathways. Generally, our knowledge of signaling pathways in the cell is very modest and therefore the possible effects of this genetic manipulation after taking the "vaccine" should be viewed with great concern."
Will the vaccinated spread SARS Cov2 virus?
"For the SARS Cov2 mRNA vaccine, the immune response is to be triggered only by a single antigen, one S protein, produced by our body on the viral matrix. The latest research indicates that such a vaccine, e.g. in cats, increases their morbidity and mortality, and similar may concern humans.
The vaccinated against SARS Cov2 will not protect themselves against coronavirus infection, and may even have more serious covid-19 symptoms, and therefore will breed this virus."
Build your own immunity
"Those in power lock seniors in their homes, to their destruction. And then they wonder that the number of deaths goes up. But lifestyle, not age, is the chief risk factor. Our grandmothers knew this, they were rarely sick, ate home-made products from vegetables picked in their gardens. Today, few people can afford such luxury.
We live in small mortgaged apartments, crammed into blocks of flats, busy and deprived of sleep, under constant stress that worsens the course of any infection. [...] Covid does not pose much of a threat to a healthy body, even of a slightly older person. The threat comes from comorbidities that result from an unhealthy lifestyle, such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. [...]
In Covidianism era, the centuries old principle was forgotten. P;oicy contradicts ancient knowledge and the essence of humans. A ban on leaving the house, masks, excessive sterilization -- these policies increase susceptibility to illness. The recommendations are a death sentence for older people in particular. [...]
Policies that contradict existing knowledge of resistance to diseases are more like eugenics than a concern for the public interest. Governments should be held to account for these actions, since they have endangered the health and lives of thousands of people.
The decline in public health caused by the so-called countermeasures led
to a sharp increase in deaths in the fall. We have a serious disease called chronic medical service failure syndrome, and a reduced immunity from wearing microorganism incubators on our faces for many months, staying at home and limiting our vitamin D intake.
Health is about the body's ability to protect itself from viruses, not about creating a sterile body. Cultivation in sterile conditions always leads to high mortality when organisms cultured in this way come into contact with the natural environment. Today, governments have turned people into organisms grown in vitro, and it is hardly surprising that such people, after contact with the environment, are unable to defend themselves against it.
Let's not go crazy, lead a healthy lifestyle without masks and with full exercise. I have already started by preparing 30 kg of sauerkraut. If necessary, I will survive the winter by supplementing myself with a self-made "vitamin bomb".
The entire society has fallen victim to psychopaths, and has been led to believe that the common cold is a deadly virus, and the only way to protect yourself is complete extermination of society. [...] The sole purpose is to degrade, break the spine, destroy the will to fight and turn a person into a "zombie" who does not think or feel.
Such person becomes a puppet. Orders to wear masks making breathing difficult and constituting a breeding ground for microorganisms, the ban on walking, singing, dancing and meetings, combined with forced unwanted treatments and threatening with vaccines is unprecedented violence leading to the de facto death of a significant part of the population, comparable only to similar WW2 practices, especially regarding specific population groups, or with the activities of sects enslaving people.
The majority of society acceptes this unprecedented violence and meekly adapts to the immensity of cruelty inflicted by traitors. Society is behaving as if in a collective Stockholm syndrome. It agrees to the lawlessness imposed by government torturers and seemingly cooperates with them, leading to yet greater human losses.
Where are the eloquent scientists and professors who now remain silent in the face of destruction? Why are medics, biologists, psychologists and sociologists silent? Why are voices of reason not common? We do have pseudo-experts proving with every word they sold themselves for a few silver pieces. Why do the s.c. elites close their eyes to the violation of the dignity of the human person and his/her right to live in accord with own beliefs, the right to the inviolability of his/her body?
Not even a real epidemic gives the right to ruin people's lives or to prohibit the use of the goodness of Nature. [...] In October, the number of deaths already increased due to postponed surgery, lack of cancer diagnosis, directing all medical activities to a not very dangerous virus. Later, the number of deaths will continue to rise after months long negligence. Autumn and winter usually see a sharp increase in the number
of flu cases, flu-like conditions and colds, deemed to be due to the coronavirus.
Instead of treating colds with home remedies, many people will turn themselves to be subject to experiments with unproven therapies behind barbed wire. Some will give up in panic, for others the cold will last a bit longer, with slightly stronger symptoms, incl. acute ones, due to drastic immunity reduction of the society.
People over 70 are already slowly euthanized due to the ban on leaving home, a policy that went unnoticed. [...] Is this different from on-ramp segregation? [...] No rational voices speak to masked crowds that go to slaughter sheep-like.
The masked ones have lost their immunity. Those with limited walking and physical activity are to blame for the increase in deaths and overcrowded hospitals, because they significantly reduced vitamin D content in their bodies and became more susceptible to diseases. Crowds on beaches and swimming pools sunbathing in masks -- we owe further restrictions to them.
The pandemic is a lie. Restrictions on masks, social distancing and quarantine are anti-health. There is no justification for spreading panic and using biomedical terror in the the presence of the cold virus, of which 80% of us are asymptomatic. Vaccines are unnecessary. Viruses are everywhere, always. To build your own immunity is the only effective defense. [...]
Universal vaccination, i.e. for everyone and for everything, is pharmaceutical industry's dream. They want us to become weaker and completely dependent on drug therapy. They manipulate vaccines, inventing drugs that are harmful to us, for which they invent pandemics. Flu vaccine's 20-year patent protection had ended, the flu had to disappear. Covid appeared in its place More pathogens and diseases are in preparation."
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Prof. Zieliński's Dec 15, 2020, interview - part 3
PCR test procedure for coronavirus diagnosis
"[My geneticist professor wife and I] have been saying since March-April: this test is unreliable and should be withdrawn immediately. This is what we teach students, this is the ABC of molecular biology. We were surprised that no Polish scientist agreed, while assuming we are ignorant. It is a waste of money for such science and such scientists.
PCR test involves a very precise molecular reaction. Factors such as performer of the thermal cycler, where the reaction is carried out, or the supplier of the reagents play an important role. It's a very complex reaction, especially when the starting genetic material is RNA and not DNA. This is the case with the coronavirus, whose RNA must first be converted into cDNA in the reverse transcription (RT) process and then multiplied using PCR reaction.
Two reactions, referred to as RT-qPCR, are performed for this virus. RT stands for the conversion of viral RNA into cDNA, using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, and "q" stands for the quantitative measurement of cDNA multiplication using PCR. Another feature of this reaction is its great sensitivity, which allows DNA to be multiplied with a small number of particles. A necessary condition for the proper performance of the PCR reaction is DNA purity, because otherwise other genetic material may also be multiplied.
In laboratory practice, this reaction is optimized for the analysis of each research object, e.g. another species or when another marker system is used. The ability to manipulate the parameters of this reaction is part of its optimization. Therefore, erroneous readings can be obtained without fully knowing the biochemical mechanism of this reaction, or by making errors in its execution, or by failing to meet the requirements regarding the purity of the matrix used for its amplification in the PCR reaction.
All these errors often accumulate in coronavirus diagnostics. They can also be intentionally generated by changing reaction parameters, incl. manipulating thermal profiles or the number of DNA multiplication cycles. Invreasing multiplication temperature decreases the possibility of detecting DNA particles in the sample since primers used for this multiplication lose the ability to attach to the template.
Conversely, at lower temperature the reaction becomes less specific, resulting in an
increased ability to detect foreign DNA. The primers also have a significant impact on the specificity of the reaction. They must meet certain requirements regarding the amount of G+C bases, the content of which should exceed 50%. Otherwise they will attach to the matrix non-specifically.
The problem with obtaining reliable results in diagnosing coronavirus infections using the RT-qPRC test is that the biological sample, a nasopharyngeal swab, contains a mixture of nucleic acids, from various pathogens present in it, and human genetic material. Multiplication of foreign genetic material is possible since it contains sequences homologous to the primers used.
The non-specificity of the RT-qPCR reaction is inherent in the tests used to diagnose the presence of coronavirus. This is evidenced by the way the primers were constructed, which do not meet the requirements to be specific because the G+C bases are present at less than 50%. The creators of patents for coronavirus tests, whose shareholder is the American CDC, stipulate that these tests can also detect other microorganisms, a positive test result does not mean coronavirus infection, and a negative result includesf its presence.
CDC estimates the reliability of its coronavirus diagnostic tests at 35%. Currently, there are other reliability estimates of approx. 10%. So why use these tests? The answer: their intention is not to detect the presence of coronavirus in the nasopharyngeal swab test, because these tests are not suitable for this purpose. Their purpose is to add credibility to the coronavirus pandemic. Hinging on the analysis parameters, the tests, may or may not detect something, making it possible to manipulate the course of the pandemic on political demand.
We had examples of this in testing miners in Silesia region. Similar examples came from US counties tested 100% positive. PCR test results are not correlated with disease symptoms, and no differential diagnosis is made, e.g. for flu virus infection. One should try to avoid this testing. "
TrumpFan - Dec 27, 2023
Sure wish I had your intellect - reading Polymer Chemistry on your break. Seriously, thanks so much for doing the heavy lifting and breaking it down so we can somewhat understand it.
Gregory May - Dec 27, 2023
Gregory May
lite reading! LOL
Piotr Bein - Dec 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
I don't have the speed-read ability nor the books. Where would these commercial offers fit on the chart, Dr. Ana?
"Develop Future Nanomedicines" Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) assembler for mRNA vax, should you need one :)
Piotr Bein - Dec 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
I opened "Our team" Young happy ppl.
I remember around April or May 2020, top class EU genecist Prof. Roman Zieliński spilled the beans on mRNA vax: horror. With difficulty and slowly in the new territory, independents uncovered the presence of "mRNA nanogel" in PCR test swabs and vax, and speculated about the effects.
Where were "Our team" of all the firms involved in the tech to join Humaniity's defense against the bio-weapon?! Is our society so corrupted by mammon that MAJORITY go heartlessly along the devillish schemes? Or is it compartmentalisation overlapping the rockefellerian schooling, professional science "paradigm" and ignorant pop culture that create such monsters in our midst?
Lioness3* - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Just some light reading over Christmas, eh? Glad you can dissect and report to us afterwards. Just corroborates what we are learning on many levels. Thank you for your diligence. You are appreciated more than we can say.
Amy Harlib - Dec 27, 2023
Amy Harlib
The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to Dr. Ana Mihalcea's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Susan Hojdik - Dec 27, 2023
Susan Hojdik
Well, we can always Hope these sick effers end up as pig chow in the near future:/ No sense popping a gasket. They love that stuff. Remember , revenge is a dish best served cold and with great clarity. God Wins.❤️👍
AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I would like to share some info! I don’t have equipment to do studies, but according to many existing studies gum spirits of turpentine relieves every single side effect from the jabs. I can tell you it greatly reduced my long covid effects on its own,
....but just recently I have tried alternating gum spirits with a chelator (sodium citrate) and also iodine I feel so incredibly clear headed, energized and connected to the Holy Spirit like never before. Also my last few stubborn lesions (morgellons) have dried up, my joint pain and asthma is gone the age spots and discolorations on my skin are fading away.
2.5 grams sodium citrate 3x a day for 1 day, then next take 1/2 tsp gum spirits directly followed by 1/2-1 Tblsp castor oil. This relieves the liver and kidnreys from the taxation the elimination of thenano causes, it does exit thru the urine. below is a link to some great study results on the active compounds in gum spirits, scroll down and you will find that A/B pinenes relieve every single issue and point of inflammation caused by the jabs. From heart attack and stroke to neurological issues seizures... Anyone care to notice??? I hope.
Nothing is a silver bullet, it’s balance and a conscious effort to detox. There are many other avenues than the one I am sharing to mitigate this, but these two together are powerful and plentiful.
AncientHeart369 - Dec 27, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
By gum spirits I’m assuming you are referring to turpentine, yes? This is one of the best cleanest sources for ingestion:
4 Oz 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 27, 2023
Patti’s Substack
These gum spirits are also very effective at removing gut parasites. I have used this product in the past myself.
Lisa - Dec 28, 2023
Thank you for your testimony. So happy for you and gives all of us hope. I for one want to be closer to the Holy Spirit. There are doctors who teach on this protocol (gum spirits). People can research it and find it.
AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Comment removed.
AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
It must be 100% gum spirits of turpentine. Which is pure gum spirits. It is inexpensive, there are also pure single terpene essential oils that I’m also thinking of giving a try.
Tami - Dec 27, 2023
They want to know where I’m from if I follow that link I don’t like that kind of tracking can you list what oil it is?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 31, 2023
Patti’s Substack
There is a company in the US that sells slash pine turpentine. It is very pure. It's called Georgia Pine Gum Spirits of Turpentine. Diamond G Forest Products is the company that makes it. I got mine on Amazon. Their website has videos on how it's made.
AncientLoveLover - Dec 31, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
So I have looked up key words gum spirits of turpentine and synthetic biology, and am going from memory turpentine causes higher penetration or uptake in interstitial fluid, so I believe it will only improve the bioavailability of vitamins and chelators. Just from experience, I’ve been taking this with a
Variety of other natural vitamins and salts and have never had any worse symptoms that going to the bathroom more often, but I honestly feel it is in everyone’s best interest to open the elimination pathways as optimally as possible. METHYLCHAVICOL look that up guys along with turpentine and dig into it. I’m just too tired I had 5 hours of band practice.
Also I’m wondering if our country is being flooded with ppl because the 10 tribes of Israel are being called out of their bondage. Perhaps our real job is proselytizing and pulling our brothers and sisters out of the fire. I never learned a different language except for music. Just something that popped in my mind today.
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Holy Shit! Do you know who that guy is??? Thats Bill Binney former head of the technical division of the NSA.....and my former boss....#Agentmidnightrider
AncientHeart369 - Dec 27, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Bill Bonney was your former boss? Did you work on Thin Thread?
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 27, 2023
Agent’s Substack
My specialty was more toward the information warfare and SQL Server Database Side. Program Classified .....#Agentmidnightrider
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
WOW you are somebody LOL
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 27, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Thats right! I'm an International Super Spy!!!! and if you don't believe me take a gander........>
AncientHeart369 - Dec 27, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
We need your help, sir, to reverse engineer the heck out of this mess, both from a biological POV and also a coding POV.
What would Midnight Rider do first, if he were channeling the brilliant Bill Binney?
AncientHeart369 - Dec 27, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Or Agent Midnight Ridér?😀
Tami - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Even though you are quick to belittle, why should I not believe your grandeur? You have a minority complex, AMR? Thanks no thanks, I prefer real scientists.
Carol B - Dec 27, 2023
Carol B
Light reading, eh, Ana? You are a delight.
Thank you for your service to humanity.
I have come to believe, “Fear, hate, rage, despair, hopelessness, vengeance” is food for the these sadistic animals. What kind of world have they carefully and intentionally orchestrated for us for decades now?
I’ll tell you.
Lack, sickness, divisiveness, dumbing down, destroying the family unit, promiscuity, deceit, blurring sexuality, corrupting our youth and children, and so much more.
We are powerful, individually and collectively.
Do not submit, do not comply, hold your ground, spend time in nature, find peace, live in gratitude.
Find your beauty, do what you love, dream, imagine.
Remember, fear is their food.
Refuse to vibrate at a low frequency.
Refuse to allow their implants to exert power over your mind, spirit, or body. Say, “no.”
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
" for decades now" -- since ca.1775 when rothschild's NWO plan was accidentally discovered.
"Refuse to allow their implants to exert power" -- Good guy with great spirit Bill Binney couldn't. The tech is so devillish.
Carol B - Dec 28, 2023
Carol B
We know so much more now.
Granted, we are hit by more.
Alan Sutton - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Alan’s Substack
What do you read for heavy? I dropped out of school ⅔ of the way through the 4th form, back in the day before 4 school terms so not sure what level 4th form equates to now. The point I want to make here is that this all rings so true. I'm only once tested, with RAT, and fully Un-jabbed, refused to wear a mask, retired since turning 65, (now 73) have been accused of being irresponsible, uncaring, a spreader, a Conspiracy Theorist, (I retort Realist) and have been involved in presenting the the revelatory downloads I believe have come to me from my Creator since the 2010's, a colleague and myself receiving downloads regarding aerial implants via Graphene and hydrogel
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
I should have had a cane before jabbing began, to fend off the fear-zombified. Face diapers on, eyes out of orbit, obediently spaced by floor stickers, they disciplined "anti-maskers" where ppl proximity is inevitable.
On a bicycle trip, I stopped at a market to get directions. I had to walk along a longish lineup. Ppl leaned backwards over produce bins, others lombasted. I got the road directions and exited, amid "You spread covid!" "You are so selfish!" "Get the hell out!". I shouted back for all to hear: "You're opening the gate to New World Order".
"So selfish" was also at a restaurant with entry posting "Masks are ineffective against the covid-19 virus". An arriving customer had to wear a mask while the others were eating mask off LOL
At hardware supermarket, a zombie assaulted me verbally while violating the distance and moving his mask nose to mouth. "Where is your mask, you better than us or what!". Security showed up, likewise violating mask and distance rules, "Sir, you're a risk to our staff and customers, you must leave." Me: "For sure not, am here for life-dependimg tire chains for tomorrow's trip. Call the police, I'm not moving. " Manager yielded, zombie questioned my more important life, staff showed up and served me.
I had fun in busy public toilets. Unable to scold because of elimination pressure, zombies showed signs of internal torture: fear in their eyes, clinging to the wall when ppl passed by.
Is this zombism a soft type, induced by the fear of dearh psyop, or perhaps a hard-wired one via bio-weapon "covid" present in PCR "test" swabs since the beginning of the scamdemic?
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Walked away empty-handed from food store. The manager: "No mask?" Me: "Exempt". After an hour's Easter shopping, manager directs me to three RCMP dudes waiting at the cashiers: black mafia garb, masks on, no id badges, weapons on the belts. They demand my id. The day before, RCMP imposters robbed elderly couple's home, killed, and fled. So I ask for id, in reply they threaten to handcuff . After id'ing they pimp "masks" for the exempted, incl. welder-type shield and a lose bandana on one of them! I refused and there went my groceries, incl. a packet on which one of them scribled her id.
Walking behind me the wrong way, disregarding "covid rules", they rushed and pushed me (too slow with my hip pain). I know savagery of the police thugs in other episodes with the psychppaths' willing helpers. A year ago an honest, oldtimer RCMP offcier summed up: now the corrupt officers dominate the force, the remainder are a few silent ones who must feed the familty.
Are the officers mc'ed somehow or mammon is sufficient factor?
Piotr Bein - Dec 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Dec 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Thanks you, Scj!
I have a "declaration" written into my God-given soul, no need to declare before psychos and socios who would treat it with warm pee. I declare by ACTING.
Declaration's Author seems a "priest" who NewAgeishly invokes everything but God. Her references appear likewise confused, naming quantum and energy and thus revealing ignorants unaware of torsion fields, advanced physics appropriated by the cabal to Humanity's control and demise. These non-energetic fields regulate life processes, contrary to mantra about energy and EMFs.
If the above is correct, the Author is the cabal's unwitting asset. True spiritual healer serves all, charges those who can afford, heals the needy for free. I know such healers. Money is not the goal, and they still have good results with God's help, e.g. curing "terminal cancer" as attested repeatedly by Gretaer Vancouver (Canada) oncologists.
Gregory May - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Gregory May
Pretty sure the mac address coming up on my phone is "me". I didn't take the covidvax, but had nasal swabs (not deep, just in my nose) to get into a nursing home to visit.
Nostradamus X - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
The PCR Test swabs had 2 purposes:
1 - Harvest the DNA of billions of travellers,
2 - Implant the nanosensors for tracking purposes.
I refused the injectable bioweapon and the PCR Test for 4 reasons:
1- The PCR Test CANNOT detect a virus
2- The PCR Test documents recommend not to use CT setting > [xxx] but the CDC was recommending 2x [xxx]. I found it suspicious
3- The FDA Act forbids mandating medical products in EUA to any body without informed consent.
4- There are 6 patents showing that the spike protein is a bioweapon. The first one was filed by Pfizer in 2002.
I don't know why people even tried these injectables when the patents are publicly available!!!
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
5. No viruses exist.
6. Slovak researchers found some hydrogel loaded intographene nanotubes in PCR "test" swabs..
Ppl tried b'cause they were uninformed and/or psyoped into deadly fear of death.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 31, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Piotr I have found large tubules growing out of blood pools on a slide that sat for just a short time and continue to grow and connect to each other for days forming random grids.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
What do you believe it is? Does it resemble the nanotubes Slovak researchers documented in PCR swabs ca. 2020, or what Kurt C, David Nixon, Dr.Ana or others see under their microscopes?
Ir looks like you should join the microscopers. I use diluted urine in truly organic gardening. Wonder what happens to the xenobiota in the soil and if it's uptaken by plants, earthworms and cultivars.
What happens to "it" in sewer systems, dumps, and in receiving bodies of water (lake, river, sea, acquifer, groundwater, well...).
Is "it" developing in farm animals that we eat and whose manure is massively used in agriculture.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 1, 2024
Patti’s Substack
They are definately microtubules with multicolored sections in them and are much bigger than what has been reported previously by people in labs.
Gregory May - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Gregory May
I know this... but tell that to the asshole who is holding your 'loved one' hostage in a nursing home.
Nostradamus X - Dec 28, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
This article might be of interest:
“mRNA Vaccinated People give Bluetooth Signals”- Disturbing French Research…
“Unexplained Magnetisation Phenomena in PCR Tested Persons too”.
Gregory May - Dec 28, 2023 - Edited
Gregory May
As Ana has been pointing out, there is no "mrna" in the covid vaxx, just nano tech! And she also said non vaxxed people too have the tech in them... found in swabs.
Piotr Bein - Dec 29, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
In Vaers some 6% of vax batches showed adverse effects incl. death. I imagine these were the "mRNA" and other lethal ingredients. The rest contained nanotech to build structures and circuits for WBAN?
Gregory May - Dec 29, 2023
Gregory May
That makes sense. Some got the "hot shots".
Seeking Truth - Jan 1, 2024
Seeking Truth
How do you detect a MAC address? I went on my iphone & opened bluetooth, but nothing came up. My husband had 2 shots.
Nostradamus X - Jan 1, 2024
Nostradamus X
You shouldn't panic for people who got the shots until you know exactly what they got.
1. In Australia, a senate hearing unveiled that the country was receiving 3 types of quackcines from the same manufacturer (Schizer in this case):
a) commercial batches for the sheeple
b) clinical batches for Schizer's employees
c) placebos for select politicians!
2) It's now official that 40% of products distributed in the EU were placebos.
That's why some people analyze vials without recording the batch number and believe that they know what Schizer was selling.
If you know the batch number you can use "how bad is my batch" website to see if your shot has killed and maimed people or not.
Obviously, if you got placebos, you may not have a Mac Address.
Below is the website that has the instructions on how to detect your Mac Address (if you got the real payload):
o How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)
Nostradamus X - Dec 28, 2023
Nostradamus X
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 31, 2023
Patti’s Substack
One way to get them out if they are sick and need treatment for C19 is to have the doc write an order for hospice. In US they can't stay in Nursing home once that order is written. Then they can be taken home and treated properly.
Piotr Bein - Dec 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Terrible. I would rescue my parent with a few buddies' help, if I could.
Gregory May - Dec 29, 2023
Gregory May
It was my neighbor, and she was better off there, where they could take care of her physical and hygiene needs. I helped get her in there! I did the swab against my better judgement, but love and care for my friend outweighed my own health, I guess... there was no evidence, just theories at that time and I rolled the dice. I still believe I'll be OK, and this will eventually detox out of my body.
Piotr Bein - Dec 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
God bless you, Gregory. Care/nursing homes were in the cabal's focus to scare the rest of society to death (literally in the unfortunate "covid" cases).
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 31, 2023
Patti’s Substack
They may be available but do you really think that the average person in any country who knows very little about how their own body works is able find that info. Especially if they are not in healthcare or the sciences. I'm not knocking anyone here I'm just asking the question.
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Shedding may be a source of the bio-weapon "transfection".
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited
Patti’s Substack
I do believe this to be true because even our brain waves can travel beyond our bodies. I have noted that in the presence of a vaxed individual I have become very sensitive. It used to take an hour for me to start a reaction. Now it takes under a minute if I don't have my nicotine patch on. Dr. Brian Ardis DC, PhD has spoken a lot about why this works.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Whar does the nicotine patch do?
I don't know Dr. Ardis' version (link please), but according to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak (top scientist in torsion fields, featured by Dr.Ana) c19 "magnetism" attracts ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and non-metal materials, too. It's chakra-like phenomenon owing to micro-bionuclear reactors we have tens of thousands in our body, chakras being the main clusters.
I wonder if the vaxed's aura triggers a nano self-assembly reaction in the unvaxed.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 1, 2024
Patti’s Substack
There are many things that contribute to the bodies ability to stabalize itself.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 1, 2024
Patti’s Substack
As I understand it the spike proteins bind to the nicotine acetylcholine receptors in back of the brain. Nicotine by patch, gum or smokers bump the spike proteins off the binding sites because it's more concentrated in these products and fills the sites..displaces the spike proteins. That part of the brain manages, smell, taste and breathing. It seems to be able to recover Long Covid patients.
Piotr Bein - Jan 1, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
"Long covid" = acute poisoning by xenonano-bioweapon. Spike protein = CRISPR created/edited xenoprotein capable of self-assembly/replication in presence of other nanobots from vax. See my comments under "Russian paper" on Dr.Ana's stack.
Before I started figuring out the plandemic, an acquaintance felt from early 2020 that there's no SARS Cov2 virus. He kept saying his heavy smoking protects him from fictional S protein.
What's the mechanism of health damage by the same xenobioentity in other organs?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 1, 2024
Patti’s Substack
I wish I knew but Dr Ana has a pretty good idea I think.
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
There are articles on the idea of self-propagating (shedding) vaccines pre-dating c19 fraud. Pfizer reveals it in veiled wording in a report from testing the bio-weapon.
Unagnu - Jan 5, 2024 - Edited
The only blessing in this mess: those who did not take? Are also more likely to be attempting to heal them selves and look for solutions/mitigations. Also they BELIEVE) in the fact the jabbed shed. Dr. Vernon Coleman wrote about this way back in 2022. It has been known for long time. The method of transfection not known, the 'thing' that hits the non jabbed... from the jabbed BUT I still say, much safer to not be jabbed. I'd prefer NOT to work with jabbed/public but that is my job. :( a fully remote role would be GREAT if I could land one. AND there must be something to control disrupt the Nano. Sodium Citrate, Sodium Tetra Borate (Borax) seem to work similarly. Gum Spirits Pine Turpentine, (pine oil turpentines? hum, was not white pine needle tea recommended?) essential oils orange and cinnamon and others? Otherwise the perps of this genocide of human race would themselves be dying and you KNOW they would NEVER do that!
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Dr. Coleman, the one that believes in germ theory and viruses :)
"Way back" 2022 LOL was late when years earlier publications admitted self-proagating vax and Pfizer's confirmation in a vax testing report, followed by discussions by our independents. Coleman is a joke, but British Expose publishes his graphomania.
Yes pine needles in lieu of invermectin and similar banned in scamdemic. Onion peels in lieu of quercetin, grape and lemon peel white in lieu of hydtoxychloroquine. I believe they handle "S protein", ie. the biosynthetic part of c19 weapon.
Likely, the cabal has simple, widely available antidotum, not be that hard to spy on. Easier than microscoping til our researchers drop (before cataloguing all tech and figuring it out for effective counters).
Brent Erskine - Dec 27, 2023
FMRVR’s Newsletter
Sabrina Wallace is starting to summarize what has been done to the human race, for command and control of our free will, bodies, and souls through deception from DARPA...
Claudia - Dec 27, 2023
Alexandra - Dec 27, 2023
Alexandra’s Substack
Thank you, Bright and Brave and Loving Warrior Doctor, for all you do for all of us, for all of life. xo
Rachel Cheeney - Dec 27, 2023
Rachel’s Substack
New levels of obscenity and soulless depravity.
theodore Mainzer - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a speed reader! I read Mauro Biglino The Naked Bible this weekend. Does put into perspective what is happening today. Just another of the great resets perpetrated by the elohim, who don't want their slave race to evolve.
Rodney Wade - Dec 27, 2023
Rodney Wade
Thank you Dr. Mihalcea. I really appreciate all that you are doing to help humanity.
j d - Dec 27, 2023
thousands of awake communities are all now aware of the latest news published by dr David Nixon & Karl C & others
Demonstrating clearly that sodium citrate is the answer we all have been waiting for !! It clears the blood of every thing & returning our blood cells back to beautiful round spaced out cells with no other debris in the blood ..simply by adding it to water & drinking it ...
We are all so confused as to why our highly respected champion for returning our blood to its natural state
dr Anna is remaining silent on this ??
Thousands of people via email texts & telegram & what apps groups all asking why this LATEST & most powerful blood cleanser is being ignored ?
Unagnu - Jan 5, 2024
Also Borax Water - Sodium Tetra Borate... that was the original aid for Morgellon's suffers and Morgellon's was the beginning of this nightmare of nano devices.
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Is Na-citrate effective in other organs, e.g. brain where circuits are built by the nanotech?
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