Jan 27, 2023
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This paper explains what I have been speaking about for some time in relation to the capability of the Nanotechnology in the C19 injections as well as the Nanotechnology we inhale via geoengineering chemtrails and food supply to control the human mind.
Free Human - Jan 28, 2023 - Edited
Free Human
>>This means that the soul can be altered too.
I seriously doubt that. Harari may have wet dreams over that idea, but it's bullshit. The soul is not part of the body, and is not controlled by any part of the body. The body is just a meat-suit / vehicle for the soul to go on a 3D walkabout for a while to experience things in the physical world, and learn from those things. The brain is just a receiver for the soul's consciousness. These neuroscientists may well learn how to hijack the receiver or fuck up the reception, but they're still only performing the equivalent of "auto mechanics". If they fuck the receiver and / or vehicle up bad enough, the soul's consciousness will probably just leave and get back in line for another ride on the roller coaster of life in a new vehicle. Lots of mixed metaphors there, but you know what I mean :)
marlene - Jan 28, 2023
marlene-’s Substack
Me and my comment agree with you entirely. Well said, Free.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
klp - Jan 27, 2024
John - Sep 18, 2023
These people are so crazy the actually believe they can use tech to prevent Christ's Return.
Dave - Jan 28, 2023
Dave’s Newsletter
Boy howdy, that goblin-faced jug-eared piece of human garbage is so high on the smell of his own farts he doesn't even realize that consciousness doesn't exist within the brain, it exists outside. The brain is a transceiver.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Theara - Jan 29, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
there are no ' new vehicles' .
only one body, one life and only one soul. to be Saved or not.
AWNYE - Jan 27, 2024
AWNYE’s Substack
I encourage you to watch the Soul Catcher series by Celeste Solum before you make up your mind
She addresses this from a Christian perspective but backs it up with scientific data.https://celestialreport.com/pages/soulcatcher
Free Human - Jan 27, 2024
Free Human
Christianity is not my belief system, so I won't put stock in that perspective, but I might check it out just out of curiosity.
Cov - Id Project - Jan 27, 2024 - Edited
Cov - Id Project Substack
You don't know what world you live in. It was done a long time ago. Haven't you heard about the study, I think from 2015 or 2016? They will take away a rat's fear of its natural predator. They injected him with graphene oxide, the same one that is in the covid vaccines and any injectable. And through radio frequencies, microwaves like those from antennas, those nanoparticles were introduced into the brain, into the nuronas. And they eliminated his fear of his predator, the cat.
Some time ago, Rafael Yuste mapped the human brain with graphene. He himself explains in his lectures how it is possible to insert an image or object into them that is not real, but for them it is.
I recommend that you look for scientific literature on the matter.
Free Human - Jan 27, 2024 - Edited
Free Human
You are talking about the physical brain - the wetware, so to speak. I was talking about the soul. Two entirely different things. They can fuck up the wetware, no doubt about that at all. But that does not mean they have any control over the soul....
Cov - Id Project - Jan 27, 2024 - Edited
Cov - Id Project Substack
Precisely where I wanted to end up. They want your soul, your free will. The moment you do not have free will, it will have easier access to your soul. Why do you think they are doing all this if not to try to take everyone's souls?
In the past, it was done by drilling the skulls to reach the brain, there were human sacrifices because the gods demanded it. Today it is the same, today's priests are those disguised as scientists who what they do is lead people to sacrifice by telling lies. They introduce graphene into your neurons so that you vibrate badly, that is the energy they need.
They have made us believe that we are the ones at the top of the trophic pyramid, they have everything under control, including education. It's all about ecology. Grass draws energy from the earth. The grass rabbit. The rabbit's human. Who tells you that the chain ends here? That's what they told you. How do we know that there is no other species above it? Freixedo wrote a very interesting book about this called "The Human Farm."
Free Human - Jan 27, 2024 - Edited
Free Human
They can drill your brain or graphene-up the works all they like. Even if they do destroy the free will of the incarnated consciousness in the current incarnation vehicle, since it is essentially a function of the combination of the two - temporarily ensouled matter, once the soul part is no longer en-mattered (if that's a word) then it is free of their machinations. They cannot take it from you. They can fuck up the wetware and make your incarnation hell on earth - yes, they can indeed. But once your soul breaks camp and leaves it to go on walkabout elsewhere in the multiverse, their little game is over with.
Cov - Id Project - Jan 27, 2024 - Edited
Cov - Id Project Substack
I don't know, we're not sure. I speak in plural because we have been debating this topic in my group for some time. We have discovered everything about this plot. Maybe they know how to feed on the soul. Maybe the Wheel of Samsara really is the one controlling it. They may not be able to destroy the soul and that is why when you go to the other side the deception continues so that you return to the flock and continue producing. Certain recent films have a clear negative primacy in them, in the style of The Matrix. They are in lodges and like to show us their cards from time to time, they play with Masonic numbers like 11 and its multiples. The 11 for them means sacrifice. How many attacks have been committed on the 11th or its multiples? 11 appears in the newspapers. Do you know how many times 666 appeared in the newspapers during the pandemic? Did everyone agree? It was ordered by them. Do you know what the atomic composition of graphene is? 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. Coincidence?
We are an intelligent species, and they will do everything possible to keep us deceived so that we do not know the reality of this world. The world has always been a valley of tears, wars and suffering. Those are the constants. Wars are sacrifice and were always done to kill the civilian population. To harvest. Before they did it at the top of the pyramids, taking out people's hearts. They need to feed on that negative energy. As said before, we draw energy from the rabbit, and they from us.
We have analyzed all this from a scientific point of view, but we get lost in this second part. Some are safer than others. I have my doubts, but I don't rule out everything.
Another interesting fact, do you know that Dr. Roger Leir, as a surgeon, removed implants from alleged abductees? When analyzing these implants it was seen that it was based on graphene, there were graphene nanotubes. This Dr. testified before a judge in the United States, we have the videos.
Charlene Jones - Jan 28, 2024 - Edited
Almighty God is Creator of all. He spoke us into being. If you seek Him every day and you dwell in Him and He in you, then you know that you know that you know. Our soul is separate from our mind and body. No one can steal our soul.
Nostradamus X - Jan 26, 2024
Nostradamus X
100% correct. I have personal experimental data to prove your point.
Free Human - Jan 26, 2024
Free Human
do tell...
Nostradamus X - Jan 26, 2024
Nostradamus X
Only initiated people can even believe what I have to say. It's not because people are stupid, it's because the scientific paradigms taught in schools cannot allow you to understand the universe in its entirety. The axioms behind the models used in "science" are not complete and "science" as practised cannot allow you to fully elucidate all universal principles.
That's why I don't engage in such discussions because I know that people are going to believe that I am delusional. I am not, I am a realist looking into the intrinsic order of the universe from different angles. Knowing the limits of the scientific methods and those of prevailing religions and philosophies. The Global Predators are dangerously blind and may permanently destroy the physical universe. They're playing with fire and they don't know it yet. "God doesn't play dice"!
Free Human - Jan 27, 2024
Free Human
well, if you don't wish to discuss, that's your prerogative. just be aware that there are quite a few of us out here in substack land who aren't invested in the "science paradigm" or anything to do with the current infestation of "abrahamic religions". while they probably are not the same form of "initiations" you profess to have had, let us just say that "experiences have been had"....
EAMBDGC - Nov 25, 2023
yes, i gotcha
and thanks ππ»
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
PITA Contrarian - Jan 28, 2023 - Edited
PITA Contrarian
Thanks, but I was just about to make the same point here ...
What exactly does she mean?
Free Human - Jan 28, 2023 - Edited
Free Human
no clue where she got the idea that human created nano-tech could do anything to a non-physical soul, but it's a pretty silly idea...
Theara - Jan 29, 2023 - Edited
Theara’s Newsletter
she means, may be, well, I mean.. , that GOOD and EVIL knowledge can be altered by neuro modulation and thats exactly the purpose of these Luciferians Harari, Schwab, etc..
not canceling the soul or killing it or making it leave : its impossible
but by altering the mind , the brain , then the possibility is to lead the person to do mortal sins without any moral judgment or warning coming at her consciousness
Charlene Jones - Jan 27, 2024
If that happens, God know our souls and would never hold something against us which we have no control over.
Theara - Jan 29, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Theara - Jan 29, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
same tech as in morgellons diseas in cov vax
here the link for purpose of the technology ( web site down this is an archive a resumé )
Sandy K - Jan 28, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
Comment removed.
Sandy K - Jan 28, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
Gandhi. But we know who you meant. Read the current work of Dr Vandana Shiva. She's a quantum scientist who is helping local villages get the greedy, nasty corporations, and Killer bill gates, out of India. Namaste!
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Eris - Jan 29, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
It looks like she is not greedy at all and is doing a great job "fighting" for taking down the corporations which didn't take down any in 30 years. She should let the farmers speak for those money she charges, they would be saved for life. Oh, actually she had some succes, in sri lanka (the first country in the world which will have organic agriculture, she said) , making the poor more poor.
Maybe you all also like the club of rome (if you know what is and where she was/is a member) and their "limit of growth"...
Hard to say how many understand "The great reset", climate change propaganda, how everything is decided in order "to save the planet" and how many can imagine how will be their future, as long as today they have bread on the table, their stomach is full and never needed to grow their own food. Did vandana say anything about the cows? What she will do for India's holy cows, with what she will replace them, because she is all in climate change too and the cows are the enemies...
Vandana is an ecofeminist. No problem, it sounds good and the ideology and its narrative is nice to hear it. But ecofeminism is a communist concept.
https://developmenteducation.ie/resource/vandana-shiva-the-lunacy-of-economic-growth/( club of rome in presentation)
Sandy K - Jan 29, 2023
Sandy K
Here's her actual website.https://www.vandanashiva.com/
She presents at many of these organizations such as Club of Rome, but that doesn't mean she's a communist! According to her books (which I have read) and presentations (which I have seen, including in person), she is attending places such as club of rome in order to present a different approach. I'm an organic 'master gardener' as well as a scientist. My opinion of Dr Shiva is quite different from yours.
Eris - Jan 29, 2023
Sandy, I respect your different oppinion, you realy are free to have any oppinion you want and you like, is not a contest of oppinions, it was just about facts. Still I do not get why you mentioned what you are, good for you and wish you well, but that says nothing, means nothing and do not imppress anyone. There are peasants who understand facts better and faster, I respect those too.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Eris - Jan 29, 2023
Comment removed.
Eris - Jan 29, 2023
Comment removed.
Eris - Jan 29, 2023
Is better to check all these "influencers" as much as we can, especially when they have a huge rating, audience, when their speech avoid the substance and when they are supported by undisclosed funds.
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 27, 2024
Mario’s Substack
“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.” Mahatma Gandhi
A GUIDE TO HEALTH BY MAHATMA GANDHIhttps://www.gutenberg.org/files/40373/40373-h/40373-h.htm#Page_104
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Sandy K - Feb 6, 2023
Sandy K
Wow. Thanks for that link! I hope everyone tunes into it.
Lioness of Judah Ministry - Jan 27, 2023
Exposing The Darkness
Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You: Curing Anxiety by Injecting Your Brain With Graphene Oxide
Safe and effective 'miracle cure' was successfully tested on mice
Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and Cybernetics
Dan Preece - Jan 28, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
President Biden signs executive order for quantum dots in your brain οΏΌπ¦
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
marlene - Jan 28, 2023
marlene-’s Substack
We don't need nanotechnoloy to control the mind. Mind control has been successfully practiced by educators, psychiatrists, and politicians.
Dr Kay - Jan 28, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Exactly, and the evidence has been on full display for the last nearly three years !
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
marlene - Jan 28, 2023
marlene-’s Substack
"as WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari mentioned in his famous reveal that the soul and spirit will be a thing of the past" So will the soul of WEF's Hariri. But it won't be nanotechnology taking it. It will be satan. The soul is not an organ, it's a spirit. And even though only God can take what He gives, He's certainly not going to want theirs.
Charlene Jones - Jan 28, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
I can’t help but wonder if the black cops in Memphis who killed the black motorist weren’t being mind controlled to take that action. Due to this incident, Antifa riots are starting up in various cities throughout the country. I believe this is all by design in order to bring about more division and trauma. I know I sounds crazy, but every day I’m finding out about more and more evil, insane, awful realities I never in my life would have believed could exist.
Monica M - Jan 28, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Charlene Jones, I am 100% right there with you! I also have been blown away by what I’ve learned the last two & a half years, & I too, am suspicious
that the evildoers are mind controlling A LOT of individuals to carry out very heinous crimes!
Charlene Jones - Jan 26, 2024
I just today got an email that someone "liked" my reply from this article dated almost a year ago. I also got an email notification today about a new Dr. Ana article pertaining to mind control. You might have already seen it, but if not, here's the link:https://open.substack.com/pub/anamihalceamdphd/p/control-of-mind-using-nanotechnology?r=b38z1&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Life is good π€ when you share.
Nancy Reed - Jan 28, 2024
The Israelis are the most vaxxed and boosted population on earth.
Rosalind McGill - Jan 27, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for this. I have a bunch of health issues. A few years ago, my integrative medicine doctor gave me a heavy metal detox from Metagenics. Very painful, but I improved greatly. & my morgellons symptoms decreased dramatically. Still working on healing but I have quality of life again.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Life is good π€ when you share.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 28, 2023
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I saw a driverless car last night, with no one at all in it, playing Beat it.
It scared the hell outta me.
This is the parallel of members of Womanity like jewvall hariri who pretend not to believe in God, as surely as America pretends it can win it's stupid war against Russia.
No one in the car
Dr Kay - Jan 28, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Lights on but no one's home; what a perfect metaphor to describe half of the population.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Sammy - Jan 28, 2023
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Dan Preece - Jan 27, 2023
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
Next step is to hook them up to the low-level satellites. οΏΌπ€―
kitten seeking answers - Jan 27, 2023
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Here kitty,
Biden confessions on tape.
Life is good π€ when you share.
Reply (1) - Jan 27, 2023
Snarky Snacks
Comment removed.
Michael G Eaglemeare - Jan 28, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Life is good π€ when you share.
JP412 - Jan 28, 2023
The natural barriers humans have to prevent and defeat ingested and inhaled foreign pathogens is robust and layered. Skin, mucous, acidic stomach juice, white blood cells provide an effective defense against infection by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, etc.
Please explain the mechanism of action by which Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) defeat these defenses when inhaled or ingested.
I am reasonably sure the reason the perpetrators of this attempted Mass Extinction Event used the 'covid pandemic' was to scare a gullible uniformed public into getting injected with the Death Jab. In other words, the only way by which they could get a sufficient concentration of LNPs into billions of people to cause harm is via injection. Additionally, it was reported early on that if the Death Jab solution is not handled correctly (cold temp maintained) the LNPs degrade and become ineffective.
Interesting article. Thanks!
Sceptyk - Jan 28, 2023
Żeby nauka była nauką
Have a look at a Polish analysis of Covid vaxxes (orgenized by a Polish team run in an Italian lab)https://banbye.com/watch/v_qFXtxzL8NGarAt 11 minute mark.
Marta Staszak - Jan 29, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Thank you, just watched it. Excellent work.
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Life is good π€ when you share.
Marta Staszak - Feb 7, 2023
π Thanks π
THE ARTILECT - Jan 28, 2023
This got me so I looked it up. I read through it as far s I could. The language was dreadful. I couldn't find the organisation they are supposed to work at, and I could only find this and one other (maybe two?) similar articles for the pair of them. I can't find any background on them at all. Who are they? What are their credentials? They are about as convincing as that Jordon guy. I know this has been going on since Lieber, at least. I found all his work at the start of all this insanity, and followed it back many decades, and there is no doubt this is what is intended, but this article, man...
Paul Wilkerson - Feb 6, 2023
Paul’s Newsletter
Biden confessions on tape.
Life is good π€ when you share.
Dan... - Jan 27, 2024
WhyNotThink’s Substack
It’s a fake article. I mean, physiologically it may hold some water, but apart from this it is an empty message. The authors only compiled some random information, threw in “mind control” to sell the whole thing, and contributed really nothing. A typical paper published to increase the perception of their “relevance” in the medical rat race.
Think about it. The paper comes from 2020. At that time, “mind control” has already been established, and not in a good association. I presume that if anyone is really working on these issues, we will never hear about them, and he will certainly never see a single sheet of paper from their research. Publishing “mind control” written in open text is like becoming a voluntary target for all those conspiracy theorists. Or - redirecting their attention from the actual research conducted somewhere under the ground.
Read the paper, it’s a child’s fiction fairytale. The section on “Brain augmentation issues with ethics” is great. The following are its component sentences split into separate lines to emphasize the fictional (or speculative, as scientists would say) nature of the paper + [my comments]. There is literally nothing there except vagueness, all written in the style of a high school kid. AI at work? :-)
“…Ethics play a major role when augmenting mind. [Since when?]
Different perspective to look into is health and safety, autonomy in privacy matters and future to the augmentation.
Health risks possess problem only when there is a lack of knowledge [wow] of an individual and nanoparticles accumulation time when it is longer.
Normally health does not pose risk when augmenting the mind. [Really?]
But concerns always arise with nanoparticles injected or implanted, and also drugs side effects. [What does “always” mean here?]
But these concerns have already been addressed while designing the drugs. [Aha, deal done.]
Only regulatory measure should be taken care is use of nanomaterials and their size limitations. [Shouldn’t this paper be published in some legal journal, not here?]
Accumulation of these nanomaterials in brain is another aspect.
By looking into these steps, health of an individual is addressed. [What does “addressed” really mean?]
Autonomy and privacy issues adhere to the individual’s knowledge to track thoughts, experience and overall brain activity of self. [Gibberish]
The right to privacy is to get access to all information in their mobile device. [Short, simple, doable, actionable, cheap. Buy a cheapest mobile and leave it empty, unused. They will be happy.]
Thus, the ethical issues can be addressed for augmentation.” [No more problems, folks. Where is our Nobel?]
PS. “This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.”
Therefore: Control of Mind using Nanotechnology, Prithiv K R Kumar and Albert Alukal,https://maplespub.com/article/Control-of-Mind-using-Nanotechnology
Agent131711 - Jan 26, 2024
Agent131711’s Substack
Have you seen the doctor whistleblower from 1995 who warned of mind control vaccines coming, that are also MAGNETIC?https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/1995-dr-mind-control-vaccines-are
Dr. Deborah - Jan 26, 2024 - Edited
Dr.’s Substack
This so called "study" is a JOKE
Total example of MPI promotion
The so called "authors" are obviously AI written
Here is a great god to worship coming from the same source
shame on all of you............enough said
Karmkat59 - Feb 19, 2023
Rudolf Steiner wrote over 100 years ago about the harvesting of souls via vXines. Targeting and destroying Human chromosome 8 (specific to humans and governs empathy and our 'god connection'). Once this occurs, the soul has difficulty anchoring to the body making it easy for hyperdimensional hijacking.
FreedomWarriorWoman - Feb 1, 2023
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Dr. Ana – are you following Dominique Guillet here on Substack? She has Amazing research and all of her posts are worth reading. Her latest post shows the connection between chitan/chitosan (the crickets) and graphene, hydrogel, and nanotechnology, and much more deep science. She would be great to interview on your Science of Light podcast at least -https://xochipelli.substack.com/p/homo-chimericus-chitinization-through
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