Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause…

Apr 2, 2023

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A colleague of mine, Dr.


Reality - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

the secular heretic

Ask a hunter/fisherman for a meat sample to test wildlife.


Kyle Young - Apr 2, 2023

the secular heretic

It's in game animals because it's on the landscape - some of that spread by livestock that have been getting PEGylated jabs for years before humans. And water in streams comes off the landscape so it's likely there as well. And oceans are where streams end up...


Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 3, 2023

The Menelaus Gambit

"PEGylated jabs for years" Wow. As you obviously know, PEG is the source of the hydrogel; add in environmental toxic metals from geoengineering, and ubiquitous EMFs, and it begins to look very credible.


Roman S Shapoval - Apr 3, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Why EMFs are so important to not take our eye off of, as talk of the V has predominated these past few years:


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

I think it so important I have a phone and computer guard from aires tech,Shungite,A orgone pendant,scalerwave pendant and a grounding sheet.I sleep with a orgone pyramid close and a beeswax pyramid on the other side.I turn the wifi off at night which is the minimum we should do. This persons research seems to indicate that the orgone pyramid is beneficial to our blood


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 6, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Ive heard people claim about orgone devices and such protecting from emf and such but not yet seen sufficient scientific proof , yes these and shungite may help our bodies deal with it some but other materials and Faraday cage constructs will protect better


John Vargo - Apr 6, 2023

John Vargo

I'm pretty well convinced that it does considering William Reich ended up in prison and died there.Have done a lot of research on it and doubt I have enough EMR protection but have noticed a little more at ease.Little and a lot maybe.I think I paid about a hundred bucks for it and had it made like Reich might have done it.I really liked what Ken Rojas has on his fresh and alive website but expensive


PITA Contrarian - Apr 4, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Very interesting John ... thx


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Dec 8, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

I haven’t found shungite and orgone pyramids helpful.


Kyle Young - Apr 3, 2023

the secular heretic

That's about the sad size of it.


Norcalrain - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

Probably where all the mass die offs stemmed from originally and now! The mad as ientists who just could not stop playing a creepy version of God


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

They are tools of the Devil, not God. They are trying to destroy the original creation.


Dosha - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

Absolutely. It's unmistakable when seeing all that is going on around us. Nothing appears to be safe anymore. A rotten apple spoils the barrel takes on a new meaning with these ghouls. They seem to hate all thing beautiful, innocent and positive which makes sense when they are of their father the devil.


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

I completely agree. Early in 2020, I thought it might not be the case but reasoned that if this was a huge mistake, the result of massive greed or some other non-spiritually inspired material-world phenomenon, there would come a time when the responsible international, federal, state, and or local judicial/regulatory authorities would stop it. The fact that it continues unablated despite a plethora of evidence of lethality/disability/harm, is proof to a moral certainty that this is Satanically inspired/controlled.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Its controlled by people who own . many governments
Blaming Satan etc dies not help becsuse we need to stop the humans doing this not just oray for years. Those doibg this are humans who havecdrcided to destroy all human & animal life. We cannot stop an entity that may or may not be real but we can stop evil humans.


Danna - Apr 18, 2023

Danna’s Substack

It has been Prophesied that the end times will be as the days of Noah. Remember what happened the last time that God's Children's DNA was messed with by that Ananakki (sp?)?
We're gonna need a bigger boat...


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Fight the evil now then we wint need 'a boat' Its evil rich psychopaths who are abive the law but not


Brutus - Jul 29, 2023

Ar’s Substack

When God judges those who have rejected his law, he simply lets him run the course they want to run. He also raises up people in the same fashion to do the evil deeds.
Habakkuk 1:6
“For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not their's.“
Read the whole book it’s only three chapters
sure looks like was happening to us doesn’t it?


Christian - Sep 24, 2023

Ar’s Substack

et blablabla... >Yhavé is not La Lumière !


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 9, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

They are certainly in destruction mode and are a death cult dedicated to destruction, BUT we as we are now are not the ORIGINAL creation, there were even eleven other humanoid species preceding us on this planet alone, that went extinct, others may still be here in the oceans or underground. I doubt as we are now was the original in all the universes either. Creation is big and LONG story


MACKADRIS - Aug 2, 2023

ChemTrail spraying could have an effect on the processes of nature. They have been spraying who-knows-what into the atmosphere for decades. The inclusion of PEG is likely.


Dennis R Ninneman - May 30, 2023

the secular heretic

Certainly possible, but testing is still a good idea. Spraying of the entire landscape is unnecessary to impact the population, just the specific food sources of the general population. Commercial sources people utilize.


Kyle Young - May 30, 2023

the secular heretic

All biological life is purposefully being targeted, not just humans. Their goal is to alter all life on earth.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

The goal is to destroy 99% of all life not just alter. Schwab, Rockefellers openly said this


John H. - Jul 31, 2023

John H.

It clearly is. For example, I have been doing some ocean fishing in multiple locations and all are over-run by sharks and barracuda. Bottom fishing is almost impossible. Before the fish can be gotten up to the surface, they are bitten off by predators. This was not such a problem until they stopped the long-lining of sharks. They are now out of control. Notice the frequent citing's of sharks off east coast beaches this summer. I used to swim in the ocean. I don't any longer.
What this means is that people can no longer harvest their own meat from the sea. In the bigger picture it makes sense, given the globalist push for synthetic meat and eating bugs.


klclosely - Dec 8, 2023


Unfortunately, they are grinding up insects and putting them into so much of our food already. I have been looking at all kinds of food....and I can clearly identify bee parts, fly parts, grubs, worms, beetles parts and what looks like maggots. The worst yet was to have a part of a spider with all 8 eyes looking up at me. It sickens me to even state this....for I have always been a positive and hopeful person.


klclosely - Dec 8, 2023


This was under my microscope. (of which I was speaking.


John H. - Dec 8, 2023

John H.

I'm curious about what food you found the insects in. I presume the package did not identify them as part of the contents (fine-print on some does list it). Where did you purchase them from?


rachel - Jun 2


I believe insects are considered GCAS by our criminal FDA.
generally considered safe. But then, they follow no rules anyway.
Do not buy processed or prepared foods!.


Dennis R Ninneman - Jun 11, 2023

I would like to think there are many life forms that have survived worse fates that will not succumb to the evil deeds of the elite globalists.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 10, 2023

They openly say its to destroy life on earth and if any left they will be made part machine ( which tragically we now know all 'vaxxed' are)


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Can I send a Florida sample to you of wild caught fish? I really want to know if thats everywhere. Otherwise it could be from mrna vaccines in the livestock and I think even organically raised livestock gets vaccinated. I suspect its mrna vaccines but maybe its environmental but then again if environmental why you just find this stuff only recently in people and not before?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Good questions. I agree. No, don't send me fish... thank you ... LOL... Crazy times we live in.


Roman S Shapoval - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

What about fish from the southern hemisphere, non-Nato countries that aren't spraying? Areas like Kamchatka by Siberia are supposed to be pretty clean - I try to source my spirulina from there. Thanks for your work Dr. Ana. FYI I write about EMF, and have been working with Arthur Firstenberg to get his substack off the ground.


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

I WILL be wiling to bet you will find it most everywhere even in the wild , how do I get everyone to understand THOSE DOING THIS DEPOPULATION AGENDA are NOT GOING TO LEAVE IT TO OUR CHOICE . A. Firstenberg DENIES the geoengineereing and chemtrail spray programs, and insults those who have researched it diligently , know of all the patents , have tested samples , seen the undeniable spray nozzles on planes and actually look up to see the constant examples in the skies , and understand its role in weather warfare and fires , I say therefore he is controlled opposition and others in Europe confirmed this .


Danna - Jun 9, 2023 - Edited

Danna’s Substack

No need to debate whether it's in fish or not. It's being sprayed on the entire globe. It's everywhere...


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

I cannot 'like' the site wont let me fir some reason but your comment is very i interesting


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Its letting me now! A glitch


Beth - Apr 4, 2023

Great! I read his book the invisible rainbow and it CJ angels my entire understanding of the world and so called ‘viruses’. I recommended reading about terrain theory (Antoin bechamp) as well. The two books combined offer what I believe is the truth behind illness and how our bodies respond.


Frances - Apr 10, 2023


Spirulina is grown in Northern Territory Australia, no fillers. Chlorella grown in Qld, but has fillers. I won't eat aquaculture fish and hope that the NZ hoki is clean. I've noticed geoengineering activity over Australia for many years.


Amy K - May 10, 2023

Look up Spirulina from the Health Ranger Store. Mike Adams sells it there and claims it's the cleanest. Hope this helps.


Heather - Jul 28, 2023

Yes, Mike Adams tests it all and t
he sources grow it indoors to avoid chemicals.


Castigator - Apr 4, 2023


Since you mention Firstenberg: Does he need his head examined re: chemtrails? The newsletter blast he penned a few weeks ago made me unsubscribe.


Louis Côté - Apr 10, 2023

Global Eugenics Inc’s Substack

I was very dispointed by the same newsletter Castigator. I was just finishing Firtensberg's book , The Invisible Rainbow. Makes no sense to me why he denies chemtrails on one hand, and links EMF to almost every important health issues on the other. If as I guedd EMH is for sure the third of the whole depopulation plan, why then deny what could be another third, GMO's (vaccines included in that category) beeing the other third?


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 10, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

No argument on his book , read it long ago , preached the message of it for quite awhile , believed he was a true important opponent of 5G an EMF dangers , until he started that chemtrail denial crap , attacked my friend and and author Elana Freeland as being mentally ill, insulted me as a liar for talking about the facts, patents, and dangers of chemtrail spray programs, and more . So you tell me what up then , lots of people being bought off these days, flipping sides , coming under mind control., because they LIVE on their dumb phones, or took the death shots and are completely mind controlled now . Look forward to your response on this .


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 6, 2023

Thomas’s Substack



Louis Côté - Apr 10, 2023

Global Eugenics Inc’s Substack

Yes Thomas, I hear you, and I know very well what controlled oppositions and what useful idiots are. But read my answer above please. Firtensberg is so close to the truth in that book.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Yrs there is tons of proof. He is part of Globalism probably


OLDCLONE - Apr 4, 2023

Phooey’s Mulligan Stew

Do your research before you make silly statements.
Hope you enjoy your polluted spirulina.


Julie Clemons - Jul 5, 2023

Had to smile at your comment. I got certified as a western herbal medicine practitioner in 1993 (30 anniv!) in Boulder, people's republic of CO, where the spirulina/ BG algae cult force was very strong. Have always been suspicious of their pyramid schemes/ scams. I recommend eating the dandelions from your yard and cheap baloney from Aldi on day old Panera bread provided by church friends. Always pray in Jesus' victorious name.


Phooey Generis - Apr 4, 2023

Phooey’s Mulligan Stew

That article is from 2020. It could've been red tide or all the particulate matter that's sprayed from the wings--not the engines--of stratospheric aerosol injection LOFTERs. So have you done your research as to the outcome of the 3-yr-old article. (BBC--snort.)


OLDCLONE - Apr 5, 2023

No matter what you belive Kamchatka is a polluted area of concern. Red tide is not. Though the article is a few years old doesn't make the pollution disappear in 3 years. There are updated reports. Just look.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Insults say more about the insulter than the insulted


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

It is very important to get some fresh ocean fish and see if it contains the same nanotech. You could easily obtain some where you live. Question, why in your view doesn't the extremely low pH of gastric juice destroy any nanotech that is eaten?


Louis Côté - Apr 10, 2023

Global Eugenics Inc’s Substack

I get you. But what are you calling "nanotech" exactly? Is the author of this article knows what is she talking about when she says "nanotech"? This is a very important point. I am not denying anything. All I say is that is we have to be as precise as we can when we come sto name thing, especially in a new field of investigation/knoledge. I raise the question to Dr. Mihalcea at the same time.


John H. - Apr 11, 2023

John H.

That's an excellent point. There are clearly better ways to describe what is being referred to. Hydrogel in all its iterations would probably be more precise but depending on the platform being referenced, markedly different effects could be expected. Nanomaterials science is a vast field that is growing in complexity and sophistication daily. Generally speaking, clinical medical doctors have virtually no knowledge, theoretical or practical, with respect to this new field.


Louis Côté - Apr 11, 2023

Global Eugenics Inc’s Substack

Good to hear. I think the same. Hydrogels is a key sector to investigate. Celeste Solum is doing a great job on that. I would definitely start with Luciferase. So much is still to do.


Rik Michaels - Apr 3, 2023

Dr. Mihalcea, can you possibly reach out to ICAN & see if they'll do a report on this on the next HighWire show?


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Mari Glading-Ho

Oh I dont have your address i am just asking. How would you know if its environmental if not spot testing wildlife including fish? I think its from mrna vaccines but it might be environmental too with that it would even end up in fish or? Also i think organic farmers still vaccinate dont they? If so that sucks.


NoMoreLies - Apr 3, 2023

Mari Glading-Ho

I agree. It's known that they are vaccinating farm animals with mRNA. Testing needs to be done on wild animals. And it' seems that we would see it in the veggies too if it was from the chemtrails. Although, I wonder if it won't be too long before we see it in veggies because if they are not doing it yet, they plan to put vaccines in plants too. But there must be contamination of heavy metals in foods with the spraying.


Mari Glading-Ho - Apr 5, 2023

Mari Glading-Ho

See Greg Reese Substack (can get free just continue without choosing paid subscription)
Of 4/5/23 8:53 am re fruit and veges getting vaxs . "Medicago" (spelling?)co that Greg Reese shows video of on today's Substack 4/5/23. Also some states (don't know which) cattlemen's associations have said they will start mRNA vacing their cattle.
Need to check with each state.
Need to let us state reps know we want laws put in place re
Listen to GREG REESE Substack today re all this.
God help us all.


TimeIsNear - May 30, 2023

We recently started buying from local ranchers. They are now showing up at the local farmer's market. They will sell individual pieces, quarters, halves, and whole cows. When I walked up to talked to him, he wanted to show me what they were doing to the beef and I let him know I knew and that's why I wanted to buy beef. All grassfed. That doesn't mean it's all clean with all the other toxins but better than eating one injected with it. He said all the ranchers in our area are aware of it and will not be doing the injections. He said steer away from all the meat in stores. He explained how the market worked but it's way too long to type it out. We also grow and buy veggies from the farmer's markets. They have them all over every weekend where I live. I'm in a rural area away from the cities.


Gail Gardner - Apr 7, 2023


Some organic ranchers vaccinate and others do not. You have to ask the individual rancher to find out.


Athena McLean - Apr 18, 2023

I contactedva local farmer who raises grass fed beef. Ted has never vaccinated his animals. It would bevwirth findingvsinilarly unvaccinated sattle, grass fed and motherly fed, to determine whether they are affected from a different source.


SColton - Nov 19, 2023

What do you make of the articles online when you search micro robots in covid shots? There are many articles from the drug companies referencing nanoparticles etc


John Biggins - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited


I'm refusing to vaxx my livestock ....


Gail Gardner - Apr 7, 2023 - Edited


I quit years ago when I realized that the local horses were so much healthier and easier to get and keep in foal than the high dollar mares shipping in from vet-managed farms in Kentucky. Horses that got minimal routine vet stuff were healthier than the over-vetted horses. The horses with NO vet were the healthiest. And the Kentucky horses were the sickliest, hardest to get in foal, most likely to have foals born with problems, etc.


Chelie - May 17, 2023


I see the same thing in my kids that I quit vaccinating years ago. Much healthier immune systems. Imagine that!


Dina Barzilai - Oct 1, 2023

Dina’s Substack

some local farms and ranches do not vaccinate. I have 4-5 i know of in my own area i'm sure there are others local to you


Dana - Dec 27, 2023

Yes, some don't vaccinate, that's true. But ask them what they give when the animals have severe diarrhea. Or have open wounds and the flies lay eggs in them and maggots develop... This stuff is not just in vaccines, it's in all pharmaceutical products. This has already been tested and confirmed several times all over the world.


Garry Anderson - May 18, 2023

If the contamination is from aerosol spraying, then even wild fish and wild game would catch a dose of it too.


Suzie Park - Oct 31, 2023

Paul Wheaton (permaculture expert) said that fish caught high in pristine mountains in recent times had some either mercury or aluminum in it - I forget which.


Cat Arnold - Apr 3, 2023

Lynley’s Substack

It's in salmon


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023

Farmraised or wild?


Lynley Hocking - Apr 3, 2023

Lynley’s Substack



dana ciancimino - Apr 2, 2023

Excellent idea!


Stephan - May 2


According to the report I heard, all the fish are contaminated.


Carolyn Sheridan - Jan 30, 2024

Someone already sent Dr. Mihalcea live blood analysis of deer and wild squirrel. Their blood was contaminated, and you know they did not have shots, or been near people to receive shedding. If the wild animals are already contaminated, then it is coming from the water, air and everything that grows in that air. All these small farms that advertise safe grass-fed meat, have not been reading these substacks, that's for sure; the grass itself must be contaminated.
I was going to start taking beef liver, because I need that form of B-12; I am allergic to cobalt. Then I remembered the deer and wild squirrel from Dr. Ana's substack, Oct. 5, 2023. Any grass-fed beef supplement would be just as infected.


Lobo7 - Jan 4, 2024

Lobo7’s Substack

Not the best news from 2021:


bio terry - Apr 19, 2023

Comment removed.


bio terry - May 16, 2023

Yes, operation crimson mist... based upon emotional thinking as a group. Apoarently the Rwandans were all inoculated before for something as well... Lateky Chrustian churches are attacked. First India, Hindu part mostly, Hindus are known for their dociility and love towards all people. As if something can be switched on or off, these emotions, hive thinking.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

'Liked' this but the site wont let me 'like' for now. This is heinous crime but billionaires, Royals ( uK royal ie Charles heads tge World Economic Forum' with Klaus Schwab) etc are above the law. Even if they were not, we dont have time or money for years long
court cases which could well
not do any good ie owned by the rich also. The people us, are the best hope of justice


Smith - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

This is fucking alarming, and makes me angry that the WEF and the 1% coup ate doing this to humanity.. death is to good for them. They need to have a painful death after they are convicted.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

Doesn't surprise me at all ... UN Agenda 21 was hammered into writing in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio ... 142 countries signed on to it ... they've been planning our demise for decades and they are doing this because they know damn well there are no mechanisms in place to stop them ... there is no accountability here, absolutely none ... none of these people will ever be brought to justice ... Schwab, Harari, Gates, Fauci et al are all like children recklessly playing with a new toy after being told there are no consequences if they break it ... these people will never be convicted of anything ... accept it, deal with it, adjust and live with it ...


Bridget - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited


Never say never.
“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”
Rev. 22:12


PITA Contrarian - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

"Never say never"? ...
You just don't understand ...


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

The Here And Now

No, you don’t understand. You don’t take away hope.
And by the way, the only way we can stop these people is if humanity rises up as a whole and stops them. But no one in America has found their balls yet. What is your contribution to taking humanity back?


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

Yes I do understand ... and my contribution lies in dashing false hope ...
I know exactly what I'm doing ... the notion that god and/or the govt will save us is beyond ridiculous, and you know it! ... so please tell me, what good does it do to reinforce their delusion with kind words? ... eagerly awaiting your reply!


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

The Here And Now

What is false hope? Is it the advent of surgical lung transplants that saved my niece’s life? Was it the site of American soldiers finally freeing what was left of the Jews? No such thing as false hope.
And you are not the arbiter of my future.
Everybody here knows that our government is a rogue government that overthrew our constitutional republic years ago. We are not under any pretense that our government is going to save us, especially as they are currently in the midst of killing us.
If you really want to be of help, you might try coming up with some ideas to help awaken the masses. Since we need to reach a tipping point, the sooner the better.
Nobody knows what the end looks like. Absolutely no one. Not even the Deep State. Life is fluid, possibilities abound. Tyrants come and go. The human spirit has proven to be a strong contender throughout our evolution. I count out nothing, and that my friend, is because I am a realist. The end of humanity has been forecast for eons.
It might also behoove you to consider the idea that we are in this predicament because of humanity’s lack of spiritual fortitude. I speak not of religion but of spiritual truth and universal truth. Our technology has prevailed over our values, morals, intuition, our love of life and love for one another. When that happens in a society, man becomes extremely dangerous. When money is king, when family is marginalized, when love of self is weakened, we become inhuman. We shoot children in lunchrooms. We step on each other to get to the top. We shun our neighbors. We turn away from what is good. You might want to go back and read some of the great philosophers and writers to establish a connection with moral fortitude.
Yes, be kind. It’s in short supply. Your abundance of— or lack of kindness—defines you as a human being.


Tlil - Apr 2, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Perhaps you do not either.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Oh, but maybe I do ...
Recent history is full of examples of bad things happening to good people because they placed too much in God's hands ...


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now

Free will is a bitch.


Tlil - Apr 9, 2023

God knows the # of hairs on your head. Too much in God's hands? Not possible


Nod - Dec 4, 2023

they have hope that you are wrong. I know you are right, having followed the same trail for decades.


ThreeArchBay - Apr 2, 2023


Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... it will wake you up.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Do I have to?


ThreeArchBay - Apr 3, 2023


Nope. Maybe best not to.


David - Jul 6, 2023


He'll keep calling on somebody he actually knows.


Chad - Apr 3, 2023

Chad’s Newsletter



Dennis K McGee - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Dennis K McGee

I can't speak to your definition of justice but strongly believe these creatures will be hunted down and dealt with by the populace who, like you and I, understand there is no accountability for them in the "system" they have engineered. There will be no place they can hide. Someone will eventually open this ball, and then it will become open season on them all. My intuition is this time is not far off. We'll see.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

Respectfully disagree Dennis ...
They've already taken ALL of the preemptive measures needed to ensure their safety ...
These people do not and will not spend a moment dwelling among the public at large ...
They have huge security buffers to protect them all forms of public retaliation ...
They've had decades to prep for this and nothing has been left to chance ...


Dennis K McGee - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Dennis K McGee

I appreciate your courtesy. You make valid points but I think perhaps underestimate the prowess of real operators. There are those who can "hack" any electronic or physical impediment extant "they" have or will erect as defensive modalities. Consider also a most basic element of human nature, the instinct for self preservation. There will be many who will attempt to avoid the ongoing retribution by "turning" on them - "regular people" who were paid to construct the "sanctuaries".
When the ball opens, there will be no place they can hide.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

Point taken ... in my world, it all hangs on the whether they can coerce us into accepting a CBDC ... we'll find out soon enough ...


Dennis K McGee - Apr 3, 2023

Dennis K McGee

I agree that will be a, if not the critical issue. It is apparent the Covid Kill is not enough to open the ball, at least not yet. If they CBDC SSI, that just might get it done. I don't know any way I can avoid compliance in that event, short of just not accepting my direct deposit. I can see it may well come to that. This level of tension is not sustainable for much longer. Best of luck.


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now

Perhaps humanity has to get to the brink before they fight back. We have hard times ahead, but it will serve a purpose.


Goeff - Apr 3, 2023


They've been prepping and fine tuning the tyranny for millenia in fact.


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now

Actually, the elites are pretty stupid. They’ve shown this time and time again. You give them far too much credit.


Dennis K McGee - Apr 3, 2023

Dennis K McGee

I sincerely hope you're right. The fact we've been globally (~5.5 bil) inoculated with a self replicating, "contagious" synthetic, AI bioweapon is giving me pause for concern. The further fact the inoculation is being pressed in our food and water supplies, and chem trailed onto us is not comforting. Add to this, the genetically transferred, life long retardation /compromise of immune system function in generations unborn and I see a problem. I'd not quibble that their having done this is grotesquely stupid.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Stupid?! Its tge biggest crime against the human race ever committed & we could stop them if
we tried but no one is trying it seems


CMCM - Apr 3, 2023

I would NEVER call them stupid. To accomplish what they have already accomplished right in front of us did not happen because they are stupid. They are evil, amoral, calculating and they set about doing exactly what we see before us.


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

If they get punished it will be one of their closest relative or friends maybe even their own child. Not a stranger.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

Ok, that's an interesting point ...
But there won't be enough of these family vigilantes to make a difference ...


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Just needs one. And as i said if they would be whistleblowed on or similar it would be from within i do believe this...some will see their relative for what they really are..


John Biggins - Apr 3, 2023

Dennis K McGee

You realise they only need to hit a certain frequency range to burst the microbubbles ...and it's ALL OVER......SKY NET Will achieve world coverage and huge result....


Dennis K McGee - Apr 4, 2023

Dennis K McGee

Actually I don't realize what all is possible. I am very interested.


jeanice barcelo - Apr 3, 2023

Jeanice Barcelo's Substack

I can't wait.


Renee Marie - Apr 3, 2023

Renee Marie

I think the real problem is that Schwab, Fauci, and Gates are simply useful (rich) idiots. I think this has been a monster for a hundred years +. These are the monsters that have been implemented...and this has been here for many, many decades.


Beth - Apr 4, 2023

It has been longer than that…the Geneva chronicles (on show in the British museum) detail an account of when pharma started playing very dirty.
I’ve pasted the excerpt below (which proves they have been deliberately hurting us to make money since 1530
At least.
Personally I believe they have been fucking us over since Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple of Jerusalem!
Here’s the excerpt: "When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.
But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients.
There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized.
At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn't have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague.
So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn't work well.
Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, "this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them."
In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was.
The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible.
However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director's son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded "to prevent the spread of evil".
~ François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages 395 - 402


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

This is enlightening thankyou. I honestly dud winder if all our 'Pandemics' were caused by evil greedy humans ie not 'nature' after i was disgusted to learn that Fauci killed million s during AIDS with the AIDS medication ie like the 'vacccines' are doing with 'Covid'....Both diseases lab created it now seems but blamed on animals ie monkeys with AIDS and bats with Covid. 'Doctors' increasingly shown to be psychooathically greedy often & will happily killb or money not cure. Not all doctors.


Beth - Jul 13, 2023

I completely agree with you and have wondered the same thing. To help with your thinking I recommend ‘dissolving illusions’ by dr Suzanna humphries about the smallpox virus and the vaccine that was more deadly and also the ‘virus and the vaccine’ and the ‘moth in the iron lung’ about the polio ‘virus’.
They create whatever narrative they want us to believe…they have owned the entire media since the start of the 20th century!


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023



Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now



NoMoreLies - Apr 3, 2023



Norcalrain - Apr 3, 2023

Renee Marie

They will simmer in the afterlife. We have that


Renee Marie - Apr 3, 2023

Renee Marie

I wouldn’t judge another man. You could be looking at your own judgment in God’s eyes, as well as your brother’s eyes. Look at your eye.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

You wouldnt judge those who are destroying the whole human race?!


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023

PITA Contrarian

You don't know that and I don't know otherwise ...
Don't forget that there is only one true answer to the question "Is there an after life?"
The answer: "I don't know"


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

Absolutely there is life after death,we are not the body


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now

It is obvious to me the elite know something about reality that we don’t. Not surprising, since they have technology we couldn’t even begin to understand. They don’t appear to be afraid of an afterlife. Their behavior, in fact, suggests there isn’t one.


John Vargo - Apr 14, 2023

John Vargo

They know everything.IMO the true power at the top of the pyramid is not human and it never hasbeen.Isthere life after death,I'd bet my life on it right now as a couple yrs ago I started looking at thatquestion.It's no longer a question tome.Youknow your soul leaves your body every night,the establishment calls that dreaming.I've been out of body quite a few times and about a yr ago was on a earth like planet interacting with other human souls.About 6 hrs and remembered just about everything when I wokeup.Infact the first person I saw that time was a friend that died about 15 yrsago.Noconversations just like greetings,happy to seeyou.Itwas just as real as here on the ground.Saw a woman there that I had seen in another "Dream" and shook hands withher.Youknow I just found out that the earths Schumann resonance EMP frequency extends about 60 miles above the earth and I think that's where the astralstarts.Asabove,as below. here's a great video.We are immortal


John Vargo - Apr 14, 2023

John Vargo


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

I hate calling them Elite,they are puppets of darkness


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023



PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Nailed it!


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023



Ryan K - Apr 3, 2023

No,, How about accept it, deal with it, and DIE with it...


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

No one says 'stop them' astonishing. Billions of us coukd destroy them in a few days if we tried.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

You are right but tgey eant all dead so if we do t stop them we wont be livibg with it but tge opposite. Why do so mant lie down and accept this? These are people who can be stopped but no one is stopping them.


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

Pardin typos Even i cant read first line i wrote! It was meant to say 'They want all dead' Why dont we try to stop them? I cant understand why billiins of people are accepting their own murder


KellyG - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited


Agreed! I will no longer purchase any meat from a supermarket, and as I'm preparing I'm looking at local CSA's or Community Sourced Agriculture options this spring and in the process of vetting those for purchasing an annual share will be asking about the use of vaccinations, as I've already seen one Organic supplier touting the use of them.
Dr. Anna do you have information on Livestock vaccinations?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

I do not... but if the Flu vax in 2019/ 2020 already had hydrogel/ graphene... who knows what they have been injecting... or again... is it chemtrails... I don't know... this is so sick and makes me so mad.


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

Chemtrails are a major factor - they have been heavier and more frequent too. And the best vector to poison everything...
I've always been sensitive to them and now they are seriously more toxic, constant and suffocating.
Infuriating...all of it...and truly horrifying!!! I try to stay calm, but I am livid most of the time, especially knowing that they will never stop coming for us...and anyone that could stop them, never will...
I just caught this video. David Martin is tireless and he has the receipts...he's given the information to all of Congress and the attorneys general of every state...but no one will touch it. And when all of our so-called leaders would rather be poisoned to death and sacrifice their families to the blood cult than lose their paychecks? Well, There is no way to fix that pathetic level of cowardice. They are all just as evil...and I can't shake this feeling of is pure agony...
I just caught this's all there...all the proof we need, but there's nowhere to go to make our case...
Dr. David Martin Reveals the Creation of the Covid Virus, Who Was Involved and Why Ron Johnson or Rand Paul Won't Arrest The Criminals
Thank you, Ana, and all the courageous warriors on this battlefield, there are many heroes to thank...and so we rage on and raise our voices until the bitter end...


NoMoreLies - Apr 3, 2023

Marcia K.

There may be help for this.


Marcia K. - Apr 4, 2023

Marcia K.

Wow. Amazing 39 minute video posted almost 3 yrs ago. This explains EVERYTHING about the nan* bots, morHellions & H@@RP. A must see video. Thanks for sharing it NoMoreLies.


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now

If a majority of humanity comes together and rises up, we can save ourselves. It is our only hope. That is why being brave and vocal is so important. But, I don’t see it happening, at least anytime too soon.
You can’t TELL people. You have to show them. Perhaps we will be pushed to the brink and finally wake up. But we have a long way to go.


John Biggins - Apr 3, 2023

Can't let a global genocidal event get in the way of my retirement....can we?


Triplethreat - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited

I agree with all of this. The amount of trails in the last 2 yrs has increased significantly where we are. Everyone seems to always be sick with upper respiratory issues ... everyone. Amazes me how almost all people here cannot connect the dots between the spraying, the unusual weather that follows, and illness. The new wildlife patterns and change in wildlife numbers. I've worried much about us, our wilderness where we are, our food and water supplies's so much bigger than the grocery store and getting pokes/pharma 💔🤦‍♀️🥺


Stephen Verchinski - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited

Stephen Verchinski

Mark atHousatonic.Livejust did a show on the mRNA and inhaled "vaxxines"


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

that's insane...WATCHING...haven't seen it yet...have to leave soon...
So, maybe we should all shoot up CDS? Snort some ivermectin? Actually I am going to try one of Kalcker's CDS protocols...for metal detox...I've had the two parts for many months...I'll try freaking anything at this point for these tach stabbing heart pains...infuriating what the ghoulz have done to us...they say it's good for oxidative stress too, which I really need...and since I've got some, and it does have a shelf life (like so many of us?)...I'm going to try it...
I'll let you know if it possibly is The Universal Antidote...
and the war for humanity rages on...


John Vargo - Apr 14, 2023 - Edited

John Vargo

Jim Humble wrote a book on MMS,claims it will cure any disease if taken every two hrs as it only stays in the body for about an hour.That's what I did for a rare something about 8 months ago.Stopped that bad cough immediately


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

So glad you are furious too and disgusted at the lie down and die atttitude of many who know. They could be stopped tomorrow ie Fauuci, Gates, Schwab, WEF governments etc but it needs people to want to do something not just talk about it/pray about it. Praying is fine but not if people do nothing else. Thankyou for the link.


Stephen Verchinski - Apr 2, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Time to start checking soils, seed starting mixes organic or not. Remember we made it legal in many places to broadcast human sewage sludge on direct land application. If the vaxxed shitted it out it's in water too if its not degraded by treatment. Been a while since my last wastewater treatment course but if they are good with impacting you with flouride when ozonation is safer and more effective, it could explain the CDC running water tests to see how much of the vax contaminates are present before sewage treatment and post treatment.


salialioli - Apr 6, 2023

There's a long list of contaminants in the chemtrails which translates to contaminated rainwater. Graphene has been shown in the rainwater in South America and in Europe.


Roman S Shapoval - Apr 3, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Pretty disgusting. I like drinking diamataceous earth mixed in with water filtered through a berkee.


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

I drink coffee in the morning still but at least one cup with a little pinch of baking soda.I agree with D-earth,just doing that once in a while.That probably not the best way to keep your body alkaline.I also drink essential oils periodically as there was something about coughing it out of our lungs but swallowing so a cycle.I admit like doing that with a half shot of brandy for a carrier.Mule team borax also kills nano,oil of oregano kills it instantly so it is not invincible unless it is the immortal spider archon that Harold Kautz Vella described.That was that red dot that clifford thought was bacteria.I have just positive vives from Harold,he treats morgue-ellons sufferers.Check out his UT channel and Black Goo,that one video he made he had the Black Goo withhim.Gotto be the reason for the Gulf oil explosion.I had to buy a new computer some months ago and not all the bookmarks transferred,probably like 500 but ran back into this the other day.He was doing some great work but now deceased.


dubose tracy - Apr 5, 2023

See Dane Wiggington's research
Also, Australia has been vaccinating cattle with mrna. Many of which died. I can't remember where I read about it.


Alyssa - Apr 3, 2023


I agree, Ana. For quite some time I have been looking for proof of shedding but my instincts tell me it's in the chemtrails as well. That way, it will get ALL wildlife, including free ranging beef and herds, chickens, etc. But none on the produce...greenhouse grown maybe? I thought we had more time, even if just weeks, before it reached the meat. It's hard to digest that organic is not safe. Truly unbelievable what we are faced with.


KellyG - Apr 3, 2023


Dr Paul Alexander as well as many others and I believe info has been uncovered by the team under Naomi Wolf at the Daily Clout at least regarding the clinical trials on pregnant women, but no link handy, sorry.
Dr Alexander just posted this the other day.


David Puu - Apr 3, 2023

David Puu

Look up chaff contents in the UN based Geoengineering programs that our lovely Govt has embraced. It is all right there. You can cause this by seeding the biome via the spraying programs. It degrades water security and in turn food security. If it becomes systemically pervasive you have ensured that the first rule of toxicity is now broadly applied. You potentially reach dosage requirements for toxicity and disease(s) follow.


KellyG - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited


I'm sure we're all with you in that category, and maybe even literally sick.
I just got results from a Toxic Metal profile with the highest levels being in Cesium and Thallium just starting to go out of the normal reference range. I've never had cancer so no treatment and none of the other variants seem to apply either on the Cesium. Other than XCEL Energy plant about 20 miles away that hasn't been using their coal for several years, and very infrequently at all, and shouldn't be a factor in our water supply here I can't account for the Thallium either. Though on this site that you can look up chemicals and lot's of info on them says
It says this, and you've gotta love the part about "mostly HOMEGROWN", and I've been doing my best here in MN to try and switch over to Organic vegetables, and find it hard to believe my increase of vegetables in general is responsible for these readings. So yes geoengineering chemtrails could be a factor, if not both methods.
"You can be exposed to thallium in air, water, and food. However, the
levels of thallium in air and water are very low. The greatest exposure
occurs when you eat food, mostly home-grown fruits and green vegetables
contaminated by thallium."
As if Farm grown sold in grocery stores would be exempt from spreading this chemical, and chemtrails is the most likely cause of Air and Water contamination.


Carl Johnson - Apr 2, 2023

Carl’s Substack

Pitch forks and torches to the less than 1%.


Esther Cook - Apr 14, 2023


To heck with the guilty. Vengeance is the Lord's Let him repay--what can little humans do to miscreants who have caused millions of years of human suffering?
Love and Rejoicing to the REAL PEOPLE--because we are waking up!!!
I see it happening!


Carl Johnson - Apr 14, 2023

Carl’s Substack

When it is the 1% who will you to say helpthe very things you're saying, it gives them more time to continue their soul collecting agenda via big pharma and government and banking and religion. Medicine, big brother, monopoly money, and faith disguised to help but actually killing. Sounds anti-Christ like to me.
And how can one rejoice knowing the devil intends on getting his 2/3rds? Knowing 2/3rds took that nanobioweapon disguised as safe and effective? Into the bottomless pit they go with the beast. Sounds joyfully sad.


Esther Cook - Apr 15, 2023


If there is a devil, there must be a God. Now, really, who do you think wins? Focus on GOD. The future will be VERY rough for a while, but we will win in the end with much healthier perennial agriculture, more rational governments with all the Satanists gone.
Fighting FOR Love and FOR the positive future is the fastest way to get it. Many are horribly discouraged by focusing on all the evil.
I don't care what the devil intends. He isn't going to get it. I spat on him when I got baptized and I turned around and united myself to Christ. LOVE is the future. Love is worth our time.


TimeIsNear - May 30, 2023 - Edited

I'm a disabled veteran and they kept pushing the flu shots really hard around that time frame. Every time, I would have an appointment, they would ask. I finally asked if they knew what was in them. They didn't know and I told them to never ask me again until they figured it out. Also, they called me 3 times to come get my covid vax and I declined nicely the first 2 times and ranted on the 3rd one. They never called again. I stopped taking any and all vaxxes in 1996 when I got out. Every single time I got one while in, I would get deathly ill and have to go to the hospital. I can literally show you my vax card and show you in my medical records where I was at the hospital. I've never been that sick again after stopping. The same think would happen to my mother. You're not the only one angry. You should visit some of my neighbors out in rural TX. I think they are at their limits.


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Apr 5, 2023

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Mike Adams did a segment on them jabbin' farm animals AND domestic ones too... HOW ta feed our kiddos is a good question now given organ-ick (ie contamination even in organic foods...)


Debbie - Apr 3, 2023


Please advise what to take to get this out of our systems!


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 4, 2023

Diva Drops

and here's Ricardo Delgado's protocol
N-acetylcysteine (“NAC”) is a supplement that causes the body to produce glutathione, it is known as the precursor to glutathione and causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does when you do sports intensely. NAC comes from the amino acid L-cysteine and is used by the body to build antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. You can get NAC as a supplement or a prescription drug.
Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide. Ricardo Delgado states that with these two antioxidants he has personally helped people affected by magnetism after inoculation. This is in people with two doses of Pfizer who have become magnetic and after these supplements they no longer have this symptom.
Other supplements that can be taken to assist in the removal of graphene oxide are:
Milk Thistle
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
full article and a great resource...


PITA Contrarian - Apr 4, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Have you noticed any changes for the better since taking this protocol?


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 4, 2023

Diva Drops

Yes...I do feel better and much less fatigue when I take them. I really don't care for taking a lot of supplements/pills, and I have not always been consistent. But have been around people who were vaxxed, several times, when I had stopped taking them for a week or so, and I got two bloody noses and had my period - and I'm post menopausal and have been for 20 years. It seems that there are no nose bleeds nor menstrual bleeding if I'm exposed to others and I'm on the supps... Is there a connection? Not sure, but I've been on them since I found La Quinta Columna and Ricardo Delgado back in 2020, and with chemtrails being so heavy and ever more toxic, I think they are making a difference.
I think that if you took Nac, Zinc, Vit D and lots of Vit C - that would protect very well...I've been on poison patrol for decades - since I've always been highly sensitive to toxins of any kind, and never touch a pharma drug - Mike Adams and Natural News have been my "primary care physician" for decades. And, his platform, Brighteon, has some amazing videos on just about anything you can think of to search. He's been a bit behind the curve on the graphene, but he has a lot going on, to say the least.
I also have hyper sensitivity to EMFs, and have been looking for something for months, and I finally landed on a great couple from Morocco. I just got a sleeping pod and a pendant from a from them. Amazingly, I think it's helping - possibly calmed my tachycardia incidents down, and has a great overall calming effect. They were affordable too. Here's their
I just added colloidal gold too and occasionally do a zeolite powder...especially when I have a questionable meal...and I'm eating like a bird until the local farmer's markets open.
I'd love to try the chelation, but it's nearly impossible to find anything affordable, and honestly I don't trust any fluids anymore...none...I try to think like the ghoulz might think...get into their twisted mindset and zero in on their psychopathology...
If there's even one silver lining to this freaking nightmare, it is the fact that we should have been detoxing from metals all this time, for decades, from the chemtrail poisoning alone. I've been advocating for 30 years to stop the fluoride and chemtrail spraying, before Dane Wigington even knew it was happening, which is why I don't hold out much hope that we can stop this genocide at disheartening...and horrifying...but we stay on the battlefield, keep researching like mad, and staying vigilant and informed for as long as we can...and share life-saving information...?
and yes, I am totally paranoid - my paranoia has served me well...
Sorry, I go on and on, just trying to share what I have found to be helpful, and I do hope this helps...
Godspeed to all...swords and keyboards up!!!


Jacque - Apr 5, 2023

Pasheen, I found a site that sells EMF Shields for phones and electronics. Comes in a package of 3, which is perfect for a phone, tablet and laptop, for example. I ordered and should be receiving in the next day or so. Thank you for your information.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 4, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Thx Pasheen ...


John Vargo - Nov 21, 2023

John Vargo

Kim Paddock states that D3 is toxic,an insecticide.True or not that's the way they roll so question everything including your own thoughts


Reply (1) - Jun 9, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Comment removed.


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Jun 9, 2023

Diva Drops

Yes...NOW is not the brand to get. Although, GO is in literally everything now...I try to get smaller off-brands...I figure there has to be some detox ingredients too, but of course there is no help for the, it's a mine field. I've even abandoned the idea of EDTA IV - I don't trust any fluids. I try not to recommend anything sorry...I wish I had some answers...


PITA Contrarian - Apr 4, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Here's Dr Ana's protocol taken from an interview in JAN ...
- Alkaline Diet
- Full array of nutritional supps
- Plasminex (Nattokinase)
- Nitric Oxide
- Hydrosol Gold
- Chelated EDTA cream (Soma Health)
- Humic & Fulvic Acid


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Dr Ana ...
I had already bought some chlorine dioxide (MMS) BEFORE learning about your protocol ... can I take the MMS with your protocol? ... your thoughts please ...


Castigator - Apr 4, 2023


You might also check out info Dr. Lee Merritt provides on her website (MMS, parasites, detox ...).


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

Well I believe Dr.Ana but there's at least a chance that the MMS is all you need.Have had mine for yrs and about 6 months ago came down with something with a nasty toxic cough.Disregard the manufacturers every 4 hrs I think per Jim Humble who claims it will cure any dis-ease in his book.I don't have the book but he says it only stays in the body for about an hour so every two hrs.Anyways the bad cough went away pretty much immediately and after a day or two went to NAC and Glutathione for a couple week as the cough kind of lingered for a couple weeks.I am pretty well convinced it worked for me.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 4, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Thx much John ...
A close friend referred me to their Telegram channel "The Universal Antidote" ...
Lots of interesting testimonials there ...


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

You are welcome contrarian,Just remember it's not approved by the FDA (Sarcasm)


Me - Apr 28

Does cooking the infected meat kill the nanobots? Also much methylene blue should we be taking? I bought some, but haven't taken any yet because I read it can harm kidneys. What dosing do you suggest? Thank you for trying to save humanity. God bless you


Noren O Drisc - Jul 13, 2023

I agree but am amazed at how accepting everyone is of the ongoing genocide. No onr days 'lets stop them' but many many say ' they are killing all humans' ' all are doomed' etc. Its not an easy option but getting rid of these psychopaths is the only hope.


Norcalrain - Apr 3, 2023

Yes, great idea. We have a farm to table near us that I’ve been contemplating. Now is the time


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023

And they show the poor polar bear with no ice yet dont care wildlife is totally polluted their blood destroyed just like ours? They dont care about that so why care so much about Co2?? Answer: they dont, they care to use it for currency and control.


Stephen Verchinski - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Stephen Verchinski

Ostracize them. Take away all of their power and wealth over the people is the worst punishment.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

PITA Contrarian

Oh really? ... please tell me, just who is going to remove their power and wealth?
Who? ... have you forgotten? ... they have the guns, they make the laws, they run the banks, they own the media and they have technology ... and all we have are platforms for sharing our outrage, disappointment and shameful confusion about what to do about it all.


Pamela Raditsch - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Pamela Raditsch

I'm starting to think that you are posting here as controlled opposition; with nothing but negativity, to bring us down.


PITA Contrarian - Apr 3, 2023

PITA Contrarian

Go ahead, think what you want about me ...
I'm under the control of only my conscience ... what is happening right now was hammered into writing at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio ... 142 countries signed-on to it ... I've been carefully watching the public reaction to Agenda 21/30 aka the Great Reset since 2015 and I cannot find any reason for hope as long as people like you remain addicted to the notion that God and/or the govt will save us ... if I'm a member of the globalist cabal, I'm kicking back and laughing about how clueless we the people are about how to resist ... I'm here in the U.S. ... Americans love their comfort and sorry to say they're so comfortable that they just can't get off their couch and stand for something ... so you think I'm controlled opposition? ... I absolutely hate the people who are destroying our lives and people like you who would rather take a paycheck from them rather than speak up ... so don't you dare blame me!


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo

I emphasize with what you're saying but it's lowvibrational.It's Ok to go there,in fact hard not to but just don't stay there as our thoughts are powerful but yeah can't tell the public anything but the TV can sell them green cheese from the moon


David - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited


Correct. Alot of these guys are paid to post, this one should be fired from his job for incompetence and they need to get someone with a higher IQ. The Soros money could go to someone that is more capable and effective.


PITA Contrarian - Feb 9, 2024

PITA Contrarian

"Alot of these guys are paid to post" ...
Not me! ... you might take money from Soros if the price was right, but not me!


Pamela Raditsch - Apr 5, 2023

Pamela Raditsch



LucyNeo - Apr 3, 2023


Wondering what the Weston A Price foundation knows or can help with in terms of sourcing. The challenge as I see it is live blood analysis / darkfield microscopy is not an easily/ readily accessible tool to determine the blood status of livestock, fish or fowl that an omnivore seeks to consume for staying healthy and surviving. How do we address this while remaining conscious consumers? I keep thinking about a quote from my favorite medical expert, "The best cure for any disease is to never get it in the first place." So.if we didn't comply with injections, live a pharma free lifestyle and consume as many microbutrient dense foods as cleanly as possible and wish to continue to consume a "traditional,medicinal diet" that includes uncontaminated protein sources- aka no "commodity meats, dairy etc" how do we navigate this challenge NOW?
I am in a rural area, formerly a heavy ranching community(where did all the cows go?), next to no produce grown here, some Amish but they are unfriendly to their "English" neighbors, and WE ARE SPRAYED UNTIL THE SKIES ARE MILKY WHITE WITH NO VISIBLE SUN ALMOST DAILY, so the water is poisoned, the hay the livestock and horses and wild game consume is poisoned and I am not okay with throwing up my hands and resigning to " oh well, they got us. There is no way to avoid eating nanobots and poisons- just comply."


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 3, 2023


This is why people all over have gotten their own microscopes. Grow your own food. Yes they are spraying us and everyone is contaminated, but continually detoxing helps a lot. See my earlier posts/ interviews on EDTA cream, Vitamin C, Humic and Fulvic etc...


David Bruce - Jul 10, 2023

Ana Maria, how powerful a microscope is needed to see these things in blood? How practical is it to get my own microscope?


LucyNeo - Apr 3, 2023


Appreciate resources for procuring microscopes and how to utilize properly to screen food sources. Can you post a link? Suggest for a layperson how to shop for one?
(Yes to all your detox protocols- one of the many reasons I love you- been using ALL of what you recommend for a very long time, including light therapies and eapecially Metadichol. So thrilled you are teaching people how to support the body properly.)


John Vargo - Apr 4, 2023

John Vargo


Jean Pierre LaRocque - Apr 3, 2023

Jean Pierre LaRocque

We cannot wait they want to implement new IHR rules with the blessing of the WHO and the majority of countries signing off on a binding agreement for all of the next planned
Pandemics...our sovereignty would be gone....this scum of the earth need to be obliterated from the face of the earth!


Geotom - Oct 18, 2023

Geotom’s Substack

They will suffer in Hell for their egregious attempts to play God. I take solace in knowing we are living in the last days..


MsheArt2 - Apr 24, 2023

MsheArt2’s Newsletter

The United Nations is leader on this crime.


Jesus Christ Follower - Apr 4, 2023

They are wanting to depopulate. They hoped everyone would be scared into taking that death jab. And bc they were not. They are going to make us take it, through our food.


Deb Trojan - Mar 13

C'mon . . . death is too good form these POS! Let's see
what we can come up with?????????? Any ideas???????


Neve O - Feb 19, 2024

Neve O

Or before- legal systems, governments, medics, medical systems, & more often captured


Rachel Cheeney - Jul 26, 2023

Rachel’s Substack
Dane Wingington has the receipts on nanotechnology distribution. The air, land, (rain, snow,) and water is polluted. Thus, so is our food supply. Maddening as hell.


micksmith100 - Jul 7, 2023

micksmith100’s Substack

Trouble is that may be a very long time ..if ever they are convicted .


Noren O Drisc - Jun 10, 2023

They will not be convicted People have to serk justice. All systems, syructures are owned


Tan - May 27, 2023


Rose Desjarlais - May 20, 2023

They will never be convicted. Will have to be removed....??


SherryD4871 - Apr 14, 2023


I’m all for burning them alive at the stake! 😡


Rockashellar - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Replenish’s Substack

So it seems like basically they are going to turn us all into human tech hybrids. I guess the important thing spiritually is did we give them our free will to do so. We must all declare “We do not consent to the contamination of our bodies in any way through medical treatments, the air we breath, the food we eat, the products we ingest and use, the animals, the water, everything. We do not consent to being contaminated or implanted with any form of technology.” I think that is what’s important. Because it seems they are determined to get us one way or the other and we can’t completely shelter ourselves from their evil. We need to remove them from this earth and then we won’t have the problem.

REPLY | Replenish

Replenish - Apr 2, 2023

Replenish’s Substack

Allison McDowell at Wrench in the Gears is all about "revocation of consent." Also when I was dealing with an infestation, I used the following prayer "i cancel all contracts with negative entities." Standard prayer works.

REPLY | Replenish

kaal - Apr 3, 2023


They are trying to cut our free- will and ability to reach out to and connect with God.


Stephen Verchinski - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Stephen Verchinski

You will need to start with Congress that has failed it's duties time and time again. Housecleaning is in order. Do not even consent to be a member of any political party. Register as decline to state DTS as it might be known (watch out for a DTS party lol), never as an independent since most states may have that as an Independent Party. No Parties. Somebody is always left with their bills (or Bills if you prefer, either way it gets really expensive).


Jean Pierre LaRocque - May 2

Jean Pierre LaRocque



Jean Pierre LaRocque - May 2

Jean Pierre LaRocque



John Vargo - Apr 14, 2023

John Vargo

I agree but the vast majority of people stay silent not knowing silence is consent,


Meryl Dorey - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Informed Choice

This is frightening! Understatement, I know. If this is due to geoengineering, then even being a vegetarian or vegan won't be any protection. We all have to eat, right? Breatharians excepted, of course. But even they have to breathe!
I guess the only answer is the find a way to get this crap out of our bodies if at all possible and to stay away from 5G wherever it happens to be turned on. What an insane world we live in!


Jean Pierre LaRocque - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Jean Pierre LaRocque

I understand EDTA chelatian is a possible way of cleaning our blood! As per Sasha Latipova's substack! Substack is mostly all I listen and read!


NoMoreLies - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

Benjamin Thomas

Here's another possibility:


Benjamin Thomas - Apr 4, 2023

Benjamin Thomas

Wowsers. This just tied it all together for me. Amazing! Thanks for posting. I’ve shared this with my close circle and they are in agreement. We are running out of time. You can already see the candida news everywhere + the H1N5.


Michael Moritz - Apr 3, 2023

EDTA is Dr. Ana’s work that Sasha pointed toward. That’s what led me here.


Water Magnet - Apr 3, 2023

Water’s Substack

In all the scheme water and most of the bottled water in Australia I've tested in the past few months. All of it is magnetic after electrolysis. I had some containers from a year ago from a couple of the same sources and they were clean. La Quinta Columna reported on this extensively in Spain a while back, likely happening everywhere now... It's in the water and from there it will get into food, clothing and just about everything else you contact with in your home. See my test from a few weeks ago and then go test your water asap.


NoMoreLies - Apr 3, 2023

This may help:


Russell Howells - Apr 2, 2023

Just-Russ’s Substack

I just read Tom Renz Substack about vaccines in the vegetables. This is scary stuff. Thank you Dr Anna.


KellyG - Apr 3, 2023


Thanks, I found this part interesting.
"The fact that food can be altered to act as a vaccine is not disputable. Which foods and in what ways is more of a question."
"It is claimed that beef, pork, etc. cannot transfer vaccination from the meat to a the consumer of the meat. At initial glance that would make sense (cow DNA and people DNA is quite different and an mRNA designed for cows would probably not be able to transfer directly to people), but that is NOT the whole story."


Theara - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

yes and i told that to people a THOUSAND OF TIMES. in france and in my articles all the FOOD and WATER contain thoseelements.sothe ' shedding' theory from the vaccinated is NOT the main REASON. ( but it is real too for sensitive people )
the sad thing is that the ORGANIC meat is CONTAMINATED TOO. and i eat organic meat because i have to. period ! with allergies to all grains, eggs, nuts and dairies.
CHEMTRAILS SINCE 1990- 1999 as ClifforD carnicom and Sophia Smallstorm, demonstrated
so one question comes to mind : WHY DID THEY NEED TO INJECT THE PEOPLE if all of us are already contaminated?


Theara - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

WATER TOO. these ribbons and filaments .. is it "just" graphene? is it more complex and is it the complete Hydrogel? anyway, "you" are tagged, tracked and infested. because it started long ago. my question is :WHY TO INJECT MILLONS OF PEOPLE NOW? there must be sth else in the ' vaccines' because the earth population was already ' wearing' ribbons and didn' t collapse globally. more sick people though , since 2005 2010 etc.
but now it starting to collapse. AFTER the ' war speed ' operation, vaccines . "WAR SPEED." yes.
i started to be sick in december 1999 just when chemtrails arrived in france, with 3G antennas simultaneously and i had my first mobile phone.. ( in 1999 i was DUMB, NAIVE and IGNORANT at that time.)
im researching on chemtrails transhumanism and NWO since 2009 .
my fb pages on these researches, have been blocked, ereased, my articles have been ereased on all my accounts, etc.
. i notice that with all these natural supplements and in spite of them i feel much sicker now , since 2022. why?
i think because these stuff are in of all the vaccinated and they put increasing doses of that nano structures in water , and foods (organic foods ) and because they have add GRAPHENE to chemtrails now.. and the 5G is very strong
r GO is more toxic and more electro conductive and sensitive to 5G emissions from cell towers and from smart phones all around us that the dummies have on them ALL DAY , lit up, at full frequencies 5G
the contamination in water, skies, and foods gives me and many sick people , more ' lyme ' symptoms and electric symptoms of 'burning' and 'needles' lack of oxygen and lots of fatigue and joint pains.
but lyme is a NANOTECH DISEASE BINARY WEAPON WITH CELL TOWERS thats what i think now.
and believe me im protected from EMF and 5G as much as ican.inmy house.


Theara - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Hello everyone. i start a substack, im french , I hope you will like and share my articles. TY


Yal NA - Apr 3, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Well the jabbed are putting out a mac signal the unjabbed not despite chemtrails.


Pamela Raditsch - Apr 3, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I was going to say the same thing. There's the main difference, right there!


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

Are we assuming that is the case, or do we know it from actual testing?


Pamela Raditsch - Apr 3, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

There has been much testing done - here a mexican doctor from COMUSAV has started to investigate:
I unfortunately don't remember the names of other doctors already with bonafide verification that mostly the jabbed emit these signals (occasionallyunjabbed as well).
If I hadn't experienced seeing this in the jabbed I wouldn't believe any of the insanity we now know is true.
My husband and I even made a short video of the hundreds of unknown MAC addresses detectable in passengers on an airplane flight thousands of feet above ground


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

Have you checked for MAC addresses in people that did not get injected and if so, how many? It is very important to know if the phenomenon can be transferred via shedding.


Kyle Young - Apr 3, 2023

the secular heretic

Dr. Benito, the Mexican Dr. who Pamela is referencing, suspects PCR tests and/or shedding. I've presented information pointing to the use of some of these tech components in previous flu shots. In my interview with Elana Freeland, she points to chem trails. It's likely all of the above. See my link below.


Pamela Raditsch - Apr 3, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I am in agreement with Kyle Young's answer here.
I've checked a bit in the unvaxxed too, but my observations barely count. A proper explanation of causality is all very involved and would take much better resources than I have at my disposal.
On this Spanish program, Vivir con Salud:
(unfortunately, I don't have a translation into English) they conduct an interesting little experiment for MAC signals in both the jabbed and the unjabbed, using a type of Faraday shield.


Kyle Young - Apr 3, 2023

the secular heretic

There are some questions about that.


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

I just subscribed. Very interesting stack.


Henrik - Apr 26, 2023

I believe they needed to have a nano "seed" to base the nano robots off of or it's just to be sure the jabbed are identifiable, bit like a central unit on which everything can grow, this seed is then directly linked to a person, and over time the nano structures will assemble fully through contaminated environment and food, and the psychopaths will have the ability to track an individual.
Consider there's a MAC address in people, now consider people moving about with a phone in their hand, now consider Apples air tag crap which pings every single bluetooth MAC it finds and reports back with a location. It is live tracking everywhere of everyone with a MAC. You cannot hide as long as there's someone with a phone nearby. Texas Instruments has successfully tested bluetooth low energy at 1500m range a few years ago. Now add Starlink and microwave technology (Havana syndrome), not to mention the Chinese sat network launching, same goes for the "saviour" Bill Gates and his sat network, and the US military sat network.
So yeah, we're rather fucked overall. So yeah, in my opinion, get ready to fight or bend over and become a borg/drone.


Benjamin Thomas - Apr 4, 2023

Benjamin Thomas

I’ve been asking myself the same thing...


kaal - Apr 3, 2023


Something individual and identifying- like mac address. MOTB will likely be an individual choice ID chip/ router to be part of the system.


whiskeys - Apr 2, 2023


Contaminated with what though? I know Bill Gates wanted to put mRNA vaccines in animals and plants, but that would hurt the animals, us not so much. It's unlikely in the extreme (read: impossible) that it'd survive the human digestive system. If stomach acid didn't destroy it, then bile certainly would.
Perhaps we're looking for something airborne here?
Please keep us posted.


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

Here's a thought. We know the perps don't really care about the health of animals or humans. Quite the contrary. I find it hard to believe they would bother using their nanotechnology on animals that are edible if it did not allow them to gain an additional advantage over humans. Maybe the nanotech. can survive the low pH of gastric and the higher pH of intestinal juices and their respective digestive enzymes. It would seem more effective to employ them via atmospheric spraying where the nanoparticulates could cross the 1 cell thick alveolar-capillary membrane in the lungs or traverse the olfactory nerve/bulb and gain access to the brain. Perhaps Dr. Ana can comment.


Kyle Young - Apr 3, 2023

the secular heretic

Elana Freeland has written four books on this topic. She is one of the most knowledgeable people in the world about what's in chem trails. In my interview with her she says this nanotech has been and is still in chem trails for a long time. Shes been working with Clifford Carnicom, (who Dr. Ana is now working with) for decades.


John H. - Apr 3, 2023

John H.

Thank you for pointing that out. I am aware.


Kyle Young - Apr 3, 2023

the secular heretic

My gardens are planted by feeding my pigs all kinds of produce through the winter. When they eat tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and so on, the seed passes out in their manure and germinates the following spring - right now. And that's biological.
Why not the manufactured metallic technology in PEG's?


Stephen Verchinski - Apr 3, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

It was found that the most toxic jabs were in Republican Party states. Guess they want the dumbest Republicans out of way of the Demoncrats.


Jolene Turner - Apr 2, 2023

The Here And Now

This is what geo engineeringwatch.orghas been talking about for years! Those who know that the trails in the sky are not condensation need to speak up load and clear to the disbelievers! It is happening every day ! We watch this take part in our beautiful blue skys to only turn to grey!
This is the air we have no other choice but to breath. Us, our animals, our soils our waters! Why wont we just come to terms so that we can unite and fight to stop it!


Great Reflect - Apr 3, 2023

The Here And Now

I’ve been following the chemtrail research for more than two decades. Don’t count on humanity waking up to this.


Keith Coolidge - May 2

Keith Coolidge

Clif High says he thinks it’s Coal fly ash


Abigail Starke - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited

Abigail Starke

We are to raise our own food? Cattle and vegetables?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 2, 2023

Yes. We need to.


Julie Munn - Apr 2, 2023

Hello Dr Ana! Thanks for all you do. Have you looked into the protection that orgone energy might provide to us. Shungite? I have done a lot of research on orgone and I think it might have a positive affect in transmuting the damage of the frequencies. Thanks Dr Ana, bless you for your work, you are appreciated.


Eye-of-Agamotto - Apr 2, 2023 - Edited


Depends. If its environmental in nature, one would have to figure out how the environment is being contaminated, and how wide spread it is. I have nothing to prove the following, only deductive reasoning. The assumptions are as follows:
1) There has to be a end goal for poisoning the food supply with this contaminate. So one has to ask, what is the "benefit" for those doing this poisoning? (IMHO-depopulation)
2) It has to be able to impact a large geographical area, otherwise people once they are aware, will source their food from unaffected regions and evade the goal of item 1 above.
3) It has to be efficiently dispersed so that whatever effort and cost is expended, it has maximum returns.
Given all that, there are only two mediums that I can think of; Air and Water, as those are the mediums livestock and produce depend on to just live. If one can contaminate the air itself, water follows, so by that reason alone, my deduction would be the chemtrails.
To my knowledge, we have never gotten a satisfying answer as to why they're doing it, nor have we ever nailed down how exactly is responsible. This is all obfuscated and labelled conspiracy, despite being able to see the patterns in the sky plain as day. And if you've watched the YT movie of "The Dimming" ( you can see we have plenty of evidence of it being done, but no disclosure as to why or what is being sprayed.
Further speculation is, to hide all that, takes money. Lots of it. If its "cabal like", it takes influential connections, mostly bureaucratic (high and low) as they're the ones that can stonewall any attempts the most effectively. Bureaucrats are easily bribed, because they can hide such corruption with little effort. If its our actual gov't, it has to be very select offices that are largely not elected, as elected couldn't stay in power that long without risk of discovery. (IMHO I lean towards the Cabal/DS, they're the ones who have shown repeatedly to be anti-humanity).
What has me stymied is if the assumption that the air itself is being contaminated, how do "they" evade the negative effects? Going really out on a limb here, but they must have some form of "immunization". It wouldn't make any sort of sense for them to poison the entire planet and for them to suffer the same fate, so there must be a way to neutralize or immunize against this contaminate. Admittedly isolated food production facilities are easy for them to arrange, they still have to breathe like the rest of us, and i don't see Klaus or any of his fellow degenerates walking about in space suits.
So getting a broad swath of samples, as Reality above mentioned to get wildlife blood samples, including any wild growing grains or produce, would give us a more complete picture.
I am also of the opinion, that its high past time that a group of armed citizens seize aircraft and containers of these chem-spraying aircraft and seize loaded containers, distributing them to multiple labs clandestinely for analysis. Such labs doing independent and quiet analysis can then release a info-bomb to the public of what is being sprayed, and then its a matter of following the money trail to fund these flights all the way to their root with ruthless tenacity.
It is our collective good behavior that allows for this sort of Dr Evil ambitions to march ahead, and the only way to give it a hard check is to stop being well behaved and assuming some white knight is going to ride in and save the day so that no one has to dirty their hands or risk injury/loss. As the old saying goes, all that has to happen for evil to win, is for good to do nothing.


sabrina balsky - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited


i have also wondered why would they do this to themselves. What do they know we don't?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 3, 2023


They want to be transhuman. If they deploy 6G, humans will not survive as it shreds their DNA. Only Transhumans will make it that have been fused with artificial intelligence and all their cells are part synthetic biology. Their satanic cult is to destroy anything that was created by God and modify it - EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING, EVERY MICROBE, EVERY CELL WILL BE PART SYNTHETIC AND DIGITIZED ON EARTH IF WE DO NOT STOP THEM. People need to wake up and fight. Time is running out.


Eye-of-Agamotto - Apr 3, 2023


Sounds a lot like the cult of Ahriman ushering in the 8th Sphere.


Artem - Nov 14, 2023

Dark Journalist... ;)


Dosha - Apr 3, 2023

Amen to all you wrote.


420MedicineMan - Apr 3, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

The 6G has already been deployed, it's the white/blue LEDs with a mix of a few Infra red ones, take note of all the new road lamp posts, some even have obvious antennae's at the top. Also in your TV, computer monitors, mobile phones, you can still shut them off though, I have mine, I can feel the burning on my face from them. They only had one trillion dollar 6G satellite, the rest are the cheap 5G ones.
For them to be able to track and trace a trans-human would still have active Q-dots manipulating the hosts cells, and creating the RFID trackers. No more rashes no more trackers, that was my immunological response to them anyway. No transmuted Q-dot cells no more trans human.
The élite have sleeves or clones, and they just transfer their consciousness form that Quantum AI super computer under the collider in Switzerland into the new clone... It's where they keep all their souls.


Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 3, 2023 - Edited

The Menelaus Gambit

"They" might be different forces working without recognizing the combined damage they are doing, as in inventing a machine that backfires and burns down their own house. Reportedly, the U.S. DOD is spraying heavy metals to enhance EMF weapons. Others reoortedly are spraying graphene oxide to seed clouds. The WEF et all transhumanists developed these toxic injections. The spread of 5G has its own logic and momentum..
It is in the nature of "experts" to focus so narrowly that they simply do not see the larger picture, and with government power behind them they wreak havoc. I elaborate on this in my post "Expert Ignoramuses"
If "they" are to be stopped, "they" will have to be made aware of the dangers "they" are inflicting on themselves. That is one of the underlying themes of my posts.


Eye-of-Agamotto - Apr 3, 2023


I have often considered that there might be factions in play, there are too many gaps in the strategic flow of things. But finding out who is behind anything is almost impossible these days. In the early days of the digitization of the net it was different, but they saw their risk and have been steadily scrubbing the internet of clues. One has to become adept at using the dark web, and covering one's digital tracks while doing so to get anything of substance. It is however, worth the effort, especially when a collective is pursuing the same goal.
My thought is more militaristic in spirit (likely due to having served) in that if one eliminates enough soldiers, generals aren't left with anything to command and will have to start doing things themselves. Often, such generals lack the expertise you make mention of, and will make a lot of bad mistakes revealing their intent and name.


wkenn - Apr 3, 2023

WalterK’s Newsletter

I can see your point. I think they delight in the combined damage. The power and money could be blinding them to the self-risk.
I will offer their goal is to be god(s) and possibly immortal. I've labeled them monsters and demons. They (and imo there are many 'they') believe themselves to be superior beings.
Back to the blindness? 'They likely cannot imagine their diabolic plan not working.


Eye-of-Agamotto - Apr 3, 2023


THAT is THE question isn't it? I have often wished I could record those conversations behind closed doors. But if you want a glimpse of how they think, watch Aaron Russo here (


Theara - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Because they Hate nature , Man and all that is created by GOD.
weapons : Frequencies, graphene, hyrdrogels, vaccines, chemtrails, nano technology, genetics, quantum Computer and AI.
They are transhumanists / that is a OCCULT CULT from true Luciferians.
They want trans humans, trans nature, trans genres, babies in tubes , genetically created an programmed outside of a Woman, they dont want anymore a MAN and a WOMAN.
The goal is ereasing all the Creation and making a modified version of it, for Lucifer, with nanos, synthetic life , real hybrid flesh robots, last humans made hybridized robots , virtual reality.
They think they can beat God and be more intelligent than God and make ' a new ( fake ) Creation.
they want themselves to be eternals , to be the Gods and to live eternally in clones and new bodies with their brains uploaded in new bodies, young forever and never die.
And for the humans , us, they want slavery, suffering, no more free will and no more soul, no more real flesh and body, just an empty hybridizd vessel that they CONTROL, TOTALLY.
This corrupted 'New world Order, ' is a NO LIFE version..
it is made of synthetic life, under numeric control , all trackable, all under their control , all connected to AI and quantum Computers.
They want the right to create / destroy , with a button . like Oppenheimer said. ' Now , i am the creator and the destroyer of worlds "
They want to decide of your soul destiny. to cut the love you have for God and the memory of GOD in you.
They want degenerated trans humans MADE BY THEM (you ) with no soul and no Love , no GOD relationship : EMPTY SOULS. EXCAVATED like a fish and stuffed with nano technology , full of hybridized hydrogel neurones and tissues.
they are under the rule of Satan and thats why also they sacrifice children all over the world.
They hate as much a true bird, a true plantn a true a true cow , a true tree, than they hate you


Odessa - Apr 2, 2023

the secular heretic

This has been going on for a long time & was probably used (along with other methods) to spread pathogens to pull off the grand COVID hoax before they even started administering the DeathVaxx.
People were posting videos of magnets sticking to their 'vaccinated' arms & others were showing magnets sticking to packets of meat in shops.
I cannot find the story online anymore but Bill Gates (who else???) was recently in the UK meeting with DEFRA (Govt Livestock & Rural Affairs Dept) to discuss 'vaccinating' animals used for food consumption with mRNA including Chickens. I thought this had already been trialled in Australia & 20% of vaxxed animals died, so they must really be desperate to keep going ahead with it.
Maybe they're jabbing these poor creatures just before they slaughter them when it doesn't matter so much if they keel over & die. Personally, I have always found eating meat abhorrent & am glad to say I haven't touched it since I was forced to as a child, but I do worry for my Cat - I don't want him eating this filth either because it's obviously going to be in all the pet food as well.
Bill Gates had also funded & released Mosquitoes loaded with god knows what so he's no stranger to using animals or insects as a means to infect humans with his toxic junk.
They know a lot of ppl refused the DeathVaxx & that even those who did get it are trying to clear it from their bodies. They are obviously trying to build up the concentration of this toxic crap they're injecting into ppl by conning ppl to keep getting boosters.
Everyone knows mass produced food is horrific & bad for health - loaded with Pesticide, GMO's, Heavy Metals & water poisoned with fluoride, so this latest horrific finding is just more of the same but on an even more demonic scale.
Go Vegan & grow your own


Farmgyrl - Apr 3, 2023

I think the cattlmans association might want to know about 20% losses on livestock with mrna vx being pushed by lobbyists, they are talking about starting that with cattle and pigs later this month. Tom Renz spoke about it and a HB 1169 in Missouri to stop it.


Kyle Young - Apr 2, 2023

the secular heretic

It's on fruit and vegetables as well.


Odessa - Apr 3, 2023

Yes, I know
Conventionally grown Vegetables, Fruit & Wheat are saturated with Glysophate which is highly detrimental to the immune system & Monsanto & Gates (again!!) have created 'Terminator' seeds that produce plants that don't create seeds to provide the next years crop so Farmers have to purchase more batches of seeds every year - no food security.
'They' have been quietly culling the masses for decades, most notably when Rockefeller began destroying the Medical system & Natural Medicines, even though he had his own Homeopath all his life. He also destroyed the Education system because stupid ppl will believe & fall for anything & the CVID Hoax & mass roll.out of the DeathVaxx has proven that to be true in the worst way.
Now we are invited to believe men can give birth - the murder of logic.
They put toxic chemicals in Make-Up & beauty products & J&J (who also made one of the DeathVaxxes) have been repeatedly caught putting Asbestos into baby powder amongst other horrors so they were a nice fit to make a DeathVaxx.
China now has high rise farm hell holes that house 600 000 pigs in tower blocks - this will no doubt soon be adopted in the West as well - you have to see it to believe how horrific it is.
The hard truth is that our apathy, complacency & ignorance has led us to where we are now - on the precipice of extinction by a bunch of unhinged lunatics who meet to plot out destruction at Davos every year because they believe it's their 'Magic Mountain' a la Thomas Mann (Death In Venice fame) because they fancy themselves as dark occultists who have the divine right to kill us all & steal the planet for themselves


Triplethreat - Dec 10, 2023

Yep. All the Vandana Shiva books talk about them hijacking our food chain, from the seeds up.


Kyle Young - Apr 2, 2023

the secular heretic

PEGylated tech has been used in livestock vaccines for a number of years, well before human use. I suspect nanoparticles are getting passed out in urine and feces where they become concentrated on the landscape and can be taken up by later generations. Wind may also be blowing them from one farm to another.
Chem trails...


Steve Terry - Apr 3, 2023

For anyone that doesn’t know the name Dane Wigington, please watch any of the broadcasts he has put out for 399 CONSECUTIVE fluff...NON-political...COMMERCIAL FREE...Dane has lived off-grid for over 20 years in Northern California east of Mt. Shasta...


Ralph Bauer MTh - Apr 2, 2023

Ralph’s Substack

Where I live in KS, the city had asked folks to "social distance" at a central location to watch the 4th of July fireworks 2 years ago. At dusk, just as it turned dark but before the fireworks, a small 2 -engine propeller plane circled the area where folks were gathered, and sprayed a black, viscous cloud
out on onlookers. (Most folks did not notice, or thought it was part of the display; I have since seen that plane a few times, doing the same thing- it is a Grumann model mostly used to spray water on wildfires). I checked in with my "channeled entity" - quite reliable, very reputable- and was told that the cloud contained "pernicious micro-organisms and waste from animal rendering operations". At the time, I considered that the "lipid nanoparticles" were finding a new home...But now I have a more all-encompassing view, and not a very happy one...


Wanda Piety - Apr 2, 2023

WalterK’s Newsletter

My question is does cooking the meat at high temperatures destroy the organisms you are finding in the ground beef, etc?


wkenn - Apr 3, 2023

WalterK’s Newsletter

My impression is you could re-frame the question to something such as 'does cooking at high temperature destroy the synthetic nanotech life form?'


Abigail Starke - Apr 2, 2023

Abigail Starke

I don’t feel qualified at all to do that. I once was able to grow two tomatoes.


Lynley Hocking - Apr 2, 2023

Lynley’s Substack



Lynley Hocking - Apr 2, 2023

Lynley’s Substack

Love this. Laughing


Jimmie - Apr 3, 2023


Zeolite clay has been proven to remove vaccines in private study.


JZ - Apr 3, 2023

How is it used? How much clay, for how long? With fasting or not?


JustANobody - Apr 3, 2023


Diatamaceous Earth( Food Grade). It's gritty. Can put in yogurt. A teaspoon twice daily. You may have a sick feeling at first but that's just toxins being removed from your body.



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