Computerized Thermographic Imaging and Live…

Aug 23, 2022

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Shocking New Images - Stop The Shots Now!


OldSysEng - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

OldSysEng’s Substack

Thank you for this. I am an unjabbed senior who had a moderate case of the Cov in early January 2022. I had many symptoms that had never occurred with previous flus and pneumonia. Among them, severe SVT with elevated D-dimer, ferritin, and lactate dehydrogenase. I had these factors retested recently and all were reduced, but D-dimer was still elevated at 0.89mg/L and LDH at 244. Doc thinks it is nothing to worry about but he said it is OK to take an 81mg aspirin. This seems to me to indicate an ongoing presence of clotting factors or micro-clots.
Is it possible that the thermographic results are also present in the unjabbed victims of Cov?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 23, 2022

Alfred’s Newsletter

Elevated D-Dimer has been documented after Covid and from shedding. Here is my video on reversing this:


Alfred E. Neuman For President - Aug 23, 2022

Alfred’s Newsletter

Both Malone and Luigi Warren have said spike shedding is BS. I'm just not buying this one.


BMcG33 - Aug 23, 2022


Anything Malone says, for me is suspect.... - go back and watch Dr. Malone's very 1st interview with Reiner back early 2021. He is smiling and is totally questionable... he is DARPA front man


Gary McCollom - Aug 24, 2022


It took him awhile to fully wrap his head around that they were trying to kill us....I have followed him through the whole process and he is wide awake now.


AdrenLNJunky - Aug 24, 2022


This is my take on the man too. We all need to make room for changes of heart, especially because we want exactly that for the masses.


Francesca - Sep 2, 2022

Francesca’s Substack

Join the FB group Died Suddenly News.


Arnold Snyder - Nov 29, 2022

Both of them worked for DTRA. Malone pushed the shots in 2020.


Joan - Aug 23, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

I wouldn’t take an aspirin or ANYTHING produced by the pharmaceutical industry. They’re out to get us. It’s time to question everything we put in or on our bodies.


OldSysEng - Aug 23, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

Aspirin, a formulation based on willow bark, has been around for longer than any of us has been alive. It is anti-thrombotic, anti-cancer, as well as other properties. You cannot lump it in with modern pharmaceuticals. But the industry is now trying to bad-mouth it as it is in the way of the newer products that are definitely to be avoided.


Rick Ullyot - Aug 23, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

Actually - you can lump it in with modern pharmaceuticals. It was the first and most continuous killer in the pharma toolbox. White willow bark, with all of its various balancing molecules, works very very well on all of those things you mentioned. Aspirin, without all of the buffering, unfortunately does not. It is far too strong and destructive to be anything else but damaging.
I am a health and wellness professional and you would be amazed at the number of people that I have seen with heart conditions and people who have suffered strokes that have had secondary bleeding leading to additional heart problems and multiple strokes while taking aspirin.
I am 67 years old and I learned about all of this when I was studying in my late twenties - so its been that way for the last 40 years at least.


OldSysEng - Aug 23, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

thanks for your input - it is interesting and I will look into it further. However, due to my continued elevation of D-Dimer, I am more concerned about clots than bleeds.


birdbody - Sep 2, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

OLDSYSENG: I am a 66yo male, unvaxed, have had C19 and antibodies to prove it. No long term symptoms but noticed BP had been elevated. Wasn't sure why. A little research and I found a product called Nattokinase to be helpful as a blood thinner and BP reducer. It is a a fibrinolytic derived from fermented soy (Natto) which is a staple in diet of the Northern Japanese . The most commonly recommended dose is 2000 FU (fibrinolytic units) daily before bed. It has dropped my BP_from 130/85 to 118/75. The literature I have read says that it dissolves blood clots through out the body and if taken regularly may even breakdown scar tissue. Check it out first, do your own research. I have found that you DO NOT TAKE IT while taking asprin or other blood thinning meds as it will add to their effect and cause excess bleeding. Hope this helps you


OldSysEng - Sep 2, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

Thanks for this recommendation. I have seen it recommended before, but this is the first time I've seen a good explanation of how to use it and why. Very helpful!


Vertti Pöllänen - Aug 24, 2022


ChunkyMonkey - Aug 24, 2022

Maybe look into nattokinase and lumbrokinase. And NAC. I’m very open to input from everyone on this.


Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

NAC helped with my autoimmune disease (arthritis) genetically inherited. Advanced break down of the joints in the spine... :( But luckily I am not as bad as I could be due to diet, size, and supplements. And no jab


Irene Froese - Feb 2, 2023

just take cayanne tincture daily to solve the clot or bleed issues. An amazing herb it truly is.


Karyne - Nov 29, 2022

Well said sir. I concur wholeheartedly.


pretty-red, old guy - Aug 23, 2022

pretty-red, old guy

implication is that buffered aspirin is OK then. Recommendation?


David Alcantara - Nov 17, 2022

OldSysEng greetings please realize they separate the natural effective constituents of willow bark negating synergy and create a toxin


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 2, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Modern aspirin is not the same as WILLOW BARK , Here is the basic thing EVERYONE SEEMS TO FORGET. Human bodies have evolved and existed and HEALED for a VERY LONG TIME using NATURAL MOLECULES from NATURAL SOURCES. In order to be patented anything from pharma MUST be synthetic in form and not EXISTING in NATURE . Our bodies and cellular operation is extremely FREQUENCY and Molecule SPECIFIC . This is why it REJECTS SYNTHETICS as Toxic and produces all the NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS.


Jen - Aug 23, 2022

Critical Thinker!

Same here. I came off all medications when I woke up to all this horror two years ago; coincidentally, I'm 60 and I've never felt better.


Critical Thinker! - Nov 26, 2022

Critical Thinker!

I’m trying, I was on 10 meds in 2018 and am now on 4. And I do feel better, but I’m going to get off the rest


Jen - Mar 5, 2023

Check out Dr Peter Glidden.
Also his book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes.
And Clive De Carle.


Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

Very true. I only recently woke, and it was because of Covid vax. I was aware of the go'vt tendency to experiment on us, I knew history. So it came as no surprise. I was wary and warned and didn't take the 'jab' because .. too many things were 'off' about it. I said I'll get it and survive it with immune system.. I learned about Ivermectin and its suppression as a cure told me all i needed to know... I take the IVM every fortnight as a prophylactic as I work with the jabbed. I take zeolite (new) and NAC and D3 with K1/2, and its been eye opening to me how many times the jabbed and boosted have been sick.... I hear from that mouse on reddit that the gene sequence put into the vax that messes up the protective gene for BRAC 1 and so on, has been 'scrubbed' from the gene if to hide what is in the jab.... i wonder I really do... it seems they really WERE out test a killing jab.. and/or have perfected for later use.. or maybe current use on the developed world mainly. Not the 3rd worlders OR Africa. Which you know makes a warped kind of sense? They want the not smart to survive as organ donors, blood donors etc. And as slaves. Slaves do not need to be smart. Just obedient. Hence Chinese and Asians will survive, Africans will survive. Whites? Nope. Too smart and rebellious. Unless of course it is in Russia... they MIGHT survive. Or Brazil. Or countries not infested by the rot... the satanic Satan worshipping Baal and Molech loving peoples...truly the war spoken of in the Bible. They must show their hand. You must agree to contract with them... if you do not? You will die, but not the ultimate death.. you will live to pass on to the next dimension. If you fall for them? You will never escape the material world... you will actually lose you soul...your spirit.. your.. YOU. That is what they desire.


mejbcart - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

There are so many blood thinning natural ingredients, for example IV of VitC, VitE, ST. John's Wort,
garlick, onions, etc.... Since Spike is a protein, using digestive enzymes over time should completely eliminate the bioweapon. Not so sure about the synthetic Spike genes surrounded by nano's though..


Gary McCollom - Aug 24, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Associations between gut microbiota
composition, levels of cytokines and inflammatory
markers in patients with COVID-19 suggest that
the gut microbiome is involved in the magnitude
of COVID-19 severity possibly via modulating host
immune responses. Furthermore, the gut microbiota
dysbiosis after disease resolution could contribute
to persistent symptoms, highlighting a need to
understand how gut microorganisms are involved in
inflammation and COVID-19.


mejbcart - Aug 24, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

yes, that is important, alone due to the known connection between microbiome and our immune system response.. There is newer study:
BMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2022 Apr;9(1):e000871.
doi: 10.1136/bmjgast-2022-000871.
Lost microbes of COVID-19: Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium depletion and decreased microbiome diversity associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity.
which reverses the sequence of the missing bugs, in which the Bifido species are on the first place. That's the ones present in the first days of everyones' life. What is astonishing, that both citations don't mention Lactobacillus rhamnosus or reuteri, as if they didn't even look into that category, and that, while knowing that rhamnosus is extremely beneficial, even when dealing with bioweapon toxins..


Gary McCollom - Aug 25, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

You should also look up how Glycine and Lysine, 2 amino acids and their effect on covid and coronavirus


mejbcart - Aug 25, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Lysine yes, glycine no, for me... Our bodies produce glycine from other amino acids, when it is needed:
Amino Acids. 2013 Sep;45(3):463-77.
doi: 10.1007/s00726-013-1493-1. Epub 2013 Apr 25.
Glycine metabolism in animals and humans: implications for nutrition and health
Weiwei Wang 1 , Zhenlong Wu, Zhaolai Dai, Ying Yang, Junjun Wang, Guoyao Wu
I prefer this way, becasue GLY-phosate, the universal Monsanto's herbicide is not for nothing a glycine mimick.. GLycine is used by fast proliferating cancers to produce nucleic acids, fact known from 1930-1940's... No wonder it is the basics of almost all GMO's in our intoxicated world.


Gary McCollom - Aug 25, 2022

Not sure but I think you may have misinterpreted this or I did lol.
The mimicking is only meant as the explanation as to how glysophate evades our immune system, because it mimics glycine.
But it obviously has the opposite effect of glycine, I will continue taking glycine. When i had coldvid I took a few spoonful's a day along with other nutrients and it was a yawn.


Gary McCollom - Aug 25, 2022

I started taking this one 6 months ago and its remarkable the difference.


Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

And Ivermectin seems to increase helpful bacteria (friendly oxy producers) in the gut..


Felix da Kat - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

Felix’s Newsletter

Could be that the unjabd cannot or could not escape the vaccine i.e. it is the vaccine itself which is transmissible.
The US blood supply is said to be tainted with elements of the vaccine.
Blood transfusion ? You got the jab...
If the blood of a vaxxed person gets into you body (possibly saliva, too ?) then that person may effectively, be vaccinated.
Just my theory. No corroborating evidence. But it seems plausible.
I wish you well.
Be strong. Live long.


Joan - Aug 23, 2022


I broke up with my boyfriend of 15 years when his daughter coerced him into getting the bio weapon jab. It shocked my family and our circle of friends (all jabbed) but I have a brain in my head and knew from early on that this ‘cure’ did not pass the sniff test.


CharlieSeattle - Aug 23, 2022


Dating sites are now asking for COVID vaccine proof.
Ladies, turn that against them. Ask healthy sane men to advertise. Like this!
White male, blue eyes, blond, 5'11'', 210 lbs, 133 IQ, No Covid, No Vaccine!
Want a healthy baby? Leave a message.


Brenda Butchart - Aug 24, 2022


Yeah...Dr Christiane Northrup was going to set up a un-jabbed dating site! I heard her say it in a podcast!


CharlieSeattle - Aug 24, 2022




Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

The jabbed sperm doesn't swim, the eggs don't catch.. the jab is a contraceptive of sorts causing the immune system to attack the pregnancy and prevent. Unfortunately, it is a permanent effect. Say good bye to children... you stupid youth who have allowed yourselves to be forced to vax 'to travel' to 'go to school' to do "whatever'... you were dump and you will pay the price for your stupid trust and naivety.. a sacrifice to Baal and Molech.. to the black square... and it is all there for you to find and know if you were only a little less materialistic, conformistic and oh well, had a brain and used it...


jan van ruth - Aug 25, 2022

jan van ruth

you forgot: party member since 1932


Brenda Butchart - Aug 23, 2022

Critical Thinker!

Well done...
I have a reverse story for you though...friends with a family, all jabbed, bf of daughter didn’t want the injections, the daughter (in early 20’s) broke up with him, because if he didn’t believe in ‘vaccines’ how in the world could they ever have children together!
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but I didn’t say what I wanted to say, because our friends were scheduling their 4th jab & of course were bragging how ‘smart’ their daughter is...πŸ™ˆπŸ₯ΊπŸ€‘


Tothepoint - Aug 23, 2022

Critical Thinker!

We live in Post-Rational America. When we used to have to read 'The Scarlet Letter', in grade school, I always wondered 'how did people back then lose their minds over something to the point of doing what they did to people'.
Well, now we know....
People get invested in their positions. They 'get something' for maintaining those positions - group acceptance, a sense of righteousness, a sense of power, an illusion of 'control'. Or, they 'Avoid' something - like having to admit to they made a mistake.
Either way, these are all sins of Pride.


Critical Thinker! - Nov 26, 2022

Critical Thinker!



Kimberly Marie - Aug 23, 2022

Kimberly Marie

That is pretty interesting. My daughter, who is 9, is no longer friends with the neighbor girl because our family isn't vaccinated. Her parents told her she couldn't play with my daughter because of it, but they were both in the same class at school with tons of other unvaccinated kids. No logic whatsoever.


SD - Aug 24, 2022

How has that worked out for them now?


ChunkyMonkey - Aug 24, 2022



Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

It is only you parents who resist who are saving children. The rest? You don't want to be around them.. sad, they are so stupidly brainwashed, but... you and yours will will in the next life.. they will lose and be destroyed.... their choice, and Satan can ONLY win when the delusions are strong with them. Keep in mind, you are living for the next world not this existence...


Kimberly Marie - Aug 23, 2022

Kimberly Marie

I have much admiration for you doing this. I am sure it was very difficult.


Tothepoint - Aug 23, 2022

Wow, good for you.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Yes, you are correct, it maybe much worse than that, as vaccines may be contagious through air, touch and the like. We really don't have a good grasp on that yet. Do you remember the ladies at work, some vaccinated and some not? The vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated started getting menstrual issues.


Felix da Kat - Aug 23, 2022

Felix’s Newsletter

Didn't know that about the female co-worker risk.
Also hearing that big-pharma is developing an airborne aerosol version of various vaccines (including SARS II variety) for when vaccines become (again) mandated and the opt-out option becomes non-negotiable where one cannot refuse it because it is in the air.
If they want everyone in the world vaccinated, they'll find a way.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 23, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Yes, I heard of some of those animal studies that they gave just 5% of the population a transmittable vaccine, a short time later, all animals were vaccinated. These kind of aggresses are going to be very difficult to avoid and deal with. I believe that they won't be that nice however. I believe something much worse could happen prior to the midterm elections. Be aware and be ready.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 23, 2022

I agree! Thank you


Bose Roman - Aug 23, 2022

Do you have a link for those studies? I would be very interested in digging deeper into that element.


Freedom Fox - Aug 24, 2022 - Edited

Freedom Fox

A very interesting study from 2018 I suggest reading:


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022 - Edited

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

That is a research publication, I did get through the entire publication. It sure took me back to organic and inorganic chemistry. What I got out of it in a nut shell, is that glutathione will eliminate some forms of GO. This is a very complicated nano-particle, trying to be used for treatment of disease. Obviously it is being used for nefarious reasons by the Globalists. There are many ways it can be altered, for harm or perhaps good. Although I would never want an injection with GO or any of its forms. They did say that one study showed some safety (of at least one form of GO) to inhalation and the bronchial cells. I'm assuming the stuff coming from the chemtrails are not the safe ones! We should all be using Glutathione for detox!


Freedom Fox - Aug 25, 2022 - Edited

Freedom Fox

Thank you for taking the time to read and analyze it. I found the safety issues it identifies to be remarkably similar to the vaccine injuries being reported. I found the differences in both safety and effect between large GO and small GO particles and the differences in types of coatings provides basis to the thesis behind the observed higher incidences in vaccine injury by identifiable lots: a continuation of this study's research to find the ideal size of GO and coating to provoke the desired uptake and retention characteristics of the adjuvant that minimizes injury is being conducted within this population-wide vaccine experiment.
Undertaken without informed consent using unethical coercive and manipulative public policy. An expansion and continuation of this very study would explain the "hot lot" phenomenon noted in the vaccine injury public records.
This is not a thesis I've seen written by others. Purely observational and informed by the results of this study and its recommendations for further study and safety cautions it identifies so closely matching the growing body of evidence of vaccine injuries. The enthusiasm of these researchers just two year prior to the global deployment of an experimental jab that incorporates GO can't be ignored or dismissed as coincidence.
I don't have an educational background in this field. But I've been reading medical science research in sources like JAMA and NEJM since 1988 for both professional public policymaking and simple intellectual curiosity reasons I've gained autodidact understanding. And appreciate input from those with more formal training. Your thoughts on this thesis?


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Thanks for your reply! I believe you're observations on these issues are correct. These people behind the vaccines know what they are doing, they target the parts of the body they want. It's apparent that the GO's are causing all of these "clots", which are not blood clots, I'm sure they are manufactured by the GO's and are the overwhelming source of most of these deaths and injuries as well as infertility issues. This is certainly Crimes against Humanity! Time will show this, as more and more is coming out world wide, which is more difficult to hide. Look what some conservatives are saying about Fauci, keep your records and reserve some time this January! I love it!


Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

USE NAC There is a reason the Big Harma wants it gone as an otc supplement...


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

OK thanks, I will.


Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

the spike can pass to you, the gene mods that force spike production hijacking your own cells constantly, that CANNOT. Take your supplements that lyse and destroy the spike - the ivm, the hcq, the D3 and the nicotine.. (a little goes a long way!) the resveratrol.. the antioxidants, the blood thinners... but remember, it cannot get you in the way they hope UNLESS you allow your self the injection. Otherwise ... your damage is MUCH less...and you can work to reduce it...


Cynthia - Aug 23, 2022

Cynthia’s Substack

If the vax is already transmissible, then the aerosol vax is just a cover up for that! And another method of transmission.


Me Mcc - Aug 24, 2022

Me Mcc

Yeah - something is up now. I think they're spraying something in the air again. I know of too many people positive right now.


OldSysEng - Aug 23, 2022

OldSysEng’s Substack

Agree. I did not mention in my original post that I got Cov 1 week after hosting my entire multi-jabbed family for several days over the holidays at our house. I was the only one in the household not jabbed.
But I think of shedding as a "mini-jab" as I don't think we could get the massive quantity of mRNA/LNP that are in the jabs. So the treatments we share should be very helpful.


Bose Roman - Aug 24, 2022

You also would be getting something through a natural route into the body, through the respiratory system. That's gotta be better than having some synthetic biochemical garbage injected into a muscle. The respiratory system at least has some defensive mechanisms, like mucus, to stop unwanted stuff from going too far (not that the defenses can't be overcome, of course)


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

yes I believe you are correct, thanks.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Comment removed.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

The jabbed are just Covid virus factories! and they don't even know it~!


AdrenLNJunky - Aug 23, 2022


Remember too to get your hands on enzymes that help break up blood clots, such as lumbrokinase and nattokinase, as recommended by many red-pilled doctors.


Leigh-Ann - Aug 24, 2022

My dad had a heart attack a few years ago and was put on a bunch of meds. He didn’t like how loopy they made him feel. So he did his homework, quit all the prescriptions, and the main supplement he has been taking has been nattokinase. When he went back in for a checkup, the dr said everything was perfect and to keep doing what he was doing. I’m not sure if he told the dr what he was doing at this time, or if it was later. His dr wasn’t very happy with him.


Nate - Aug 23, 2022

Maybe. It's not clear that nattokinase would help, but I suppose it couldn't hurt. When Mike Adams did his ICP-MS lab tests on these "clots" (for lack of a better word), the one thing he could say with certainty is that they are not blood. Honestly, this is like something out of a Stephen King sci-fi horror novel. Here is that link from Mike Adams:


STEPHEN j.PADUANO - Aug 23, 2022

STEPHEN’s Substack

thank you i will research that .. if you have link to start would appreciate.


AdrenLNJunky - Aug 23, 2022



Nate - Aug 23, 2022


The WHC protocol is the best we have right now (at least as far as I can find) and I would try it if I had been injected, but honestly I don't think anyone knows what we're dealing with. None of the animal mRNA experiments that go all the way back to the 1980s ever reported these "clots" (for lack of a better word) that are being imaged and pulled out of corpses by embalmers. They're not even made of blood according to Mike Adams' ICP-MS lab results. Seriously, what the hell? We need to indict these pharmaceutical and FDA executives, haul them to prison and make them tell us exactly what's in these injections if they ever want to see daylight again. Then perhaps our best and brightest medical and biochemical minds could formulate an antidote once they had some idea what they're dealing with.


TMartini67 - Sep 10, 2022


Many people don't like videos, but I happened to find this one where a group of scientists all over the world are testing some of the contents of the shots.
The things they found out were odd to say the least. These ARE bioweapons and experimentation on mankind.


STEPHEN j.PADUANO - Aug 23, 2022

STEPHEN’s Substack

great thank you


Matt - Aug 24, 2022

Since "COVID" is old genotoxins from past vaccines it doesn't surprise me. Have you ever had a polio shot? Hepatitis? D-Tap? MMR? Flu shot? all of these were made in monkey kidney cells called vero cells. They all contain a number of immunogenic peptides that affect people differently, depending on genetic makeup and overall health. Stress and strong pathogenic attacks such as receiving flu shots are known to activate these retroviruses producing COVID symptoms. Glyphosate toxicity contributes to their activation by substituting the glyphosate for glycine, an essential amino acid for the production of glutathione. Severe COVID cases were deficient in glutathione.
To build up glutathione you need sulphur(cruciferous vegetables are a good source), glycine, glutamine and NAC. Stop eating processed foods, soy, grains and wheat products. Even organic wheat and grains use glyphosate as a desiccant. This is unforgivable.
Stefani Seneff has written extensively on glyphosate. I believe those with long COVID have a lot of glyphosate in their system which has led to glutathione deficiency leaving their immune system susceptible to these animal viruses.


Astrid Nordness - Aug 24, 2022

Astrid Nordness

I think you might want to watch this:


Sophie Bertrand - Nov 29, 2022

Sophie Bertrand

Thank you! brilliant!


Butterfly2510 - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited


I have afib and I take this instead of an aspirin. The studies are iffy on whether the aspirin helps people. Taking a daily aspirin could cause issues from what I’ve read.
I’m not affiliated with this company, Drs Best. I just try to treat medical conditions that arise naturally with supplements.
Doctor's Best Lumbrokinase Cardiovascular Support Circulatory Health Blood Flow Enzymes, 20 mg, 60 Count


Scrub-Texas - Aug 23, 2022

Oh yes - it is on my list and something Dr McCullough gives his heart patients - and McCullough doesn’t do aspirin - however, my concern is which one and how much (brands vary so much as do patients). I will look your suggestion up. And yes aspirin is iffy and controversial as lo the many comments πŸ˜‚. Thank you


SD - Aug 24, 2022

Regular pain killer aspirin is harsh and will cause ulceration of the stomach lining, Cartia is a controlled release, 100mg per day, check with your doc before going on to ensure you are not contraindicated.


Scrub-Texas - Aug 23, 2022

My senior husband had to go on Eliquis for 90 days due to blood clots from Covid in 1/2022 but after that I put him on 80mg aspirin, tumeric, garlic, melatonin, NAC and nigella sativa because he, too, has slightly elevated D-dimer like you - all these are different ace receptor inhibitors (I was told by an unassociated doctor) and is part of Frontline doctor protocols. We choose to be nutraceutical safe, proactive and cautious in the interim until more info comes out.😘


STEPHEN j.PADUANO - Aug 23, 2022

STEPHEN’s Substack

Science is beginning to agree that a lot of people have been vaccinated unknowingly through "shedding". article found here“Shedding” –


M R from Cape Town - Nov 9, 2022

There is solid evidence of nano particles/graphene in the jab and venoms causing "covid". There are separate postluations that the Nano particles and/or venoms are produced in jabbed people which are "shed" and affects the unjabbed. In my experienced as a "pure-blood", MMS/CDS/chlorine dioxide is the silver bullet to detox from drone aerosols and whatever the jabbed poison others with. I have been hearing drones almost every night for weeks and sometimes get a smell of burnt wood or barbeque. I live in Cape Town, South Africa.
I believe there's a critical distiction between the jabbed and the unjabbed, and it's related to the soul/life force. I attended a funeral of a friend, younger than 50, who passed on after a short period if sudden cancer. There were a lot of people present, but I could not feel any emotion from the crowd. As is expected, i always sensed strong sad/grief emotions at funerals. For information, I don't consider myself intuitive or psychic. A similar strange situation is reported by Naomi Wolf when she visited New York City not too long ago.


STEPHEN j.PADUANO - Aug 23, 2022

STEPHEN’s Substack

Comment removed.


STEPHEN j.PADUANO - Aug 23, 2022

STEPHEN’s Substack

I agree that it has all of the characteristics of bioweapon. and if it walks and quacks like a duck it is a duck.. Second where would be without the distinguished bravery of Dr. Kory, Dr Malone, Steve Kirsch, John F Kennedy Jr., Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Greet Vanden Bossche, Dr Paul Marik, Dr Peter McCullough etc. I think about and praise their braver everyday


Karenvusa - Aug 23, 2022


Me too. Every night I pray for their safety and give thanks for all they do. There must be thousands of us praying for them. I do what I can locally but they are the tip of the spear. So grateful for all of them. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Me Mcc - Aug 24, 2022

Me Mcc

Unfortunately, Dr. Zelenko passed a few months ago. He was a great man.


Karenvusa - Aug 24, 2022


Yes. Very sad Dr. Zelenko passed away. So grateful for him. He had cancer that came back and he still selflessly fought for humanity until the end. He set up The Zelenko Foundation before he died. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Me Mcc - Aug 25, 2022

Me Mcc

Amazing man


Oona Pilot - Nov 29, 2022

What ever his beliefs and religion, he met the test of God's golden rule, do unto others as you would have done unto you (or love others as you love yourself)... and in that, I feel he has met GOD has been approved of, and and passed beyond to a reward.


Lynn McGaha - Nov 29, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone is suing Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin for $25 million over their criticism of Dr. Malone for his backing of mass formation psychosis. See Hardly a praiseworthy attempt on Dr. Malone's part.


Donna - May 15, 2023

What David Martin revealed at the recent European Parliament conference (not sure if that is the proper title) is nothing short of pure evil. The patent info is all out there to view. Hard to believe this mindset was initiated back in the late 60’s!!!


Truthseeker - Aug 23, 2022


I agree
I’ve been saying the spike protein is bad , from the beginning, in any form, because it’s designed to be a bioweapon.
The vulnerable …are going to have trouble with it -in any form!
Naturally acquired… and especially if it’s injected directly into the blood stream, your risks are exponentially greater for complications
Some people have lost sight of that fact
governments have been poisoning people forever … lead, Mercury, vaccines, DDT, pesticides in food supply, glyphosate, fluoride in our water supply…
this is their latest poisoning … and probably their most deadly


Francesca - Sep 2, 2022

Francesca’s Substack

Join the FB group Died Suddenly News.


Ozkar - Aug 23, 2022

Can you please advise what your husband did regarding the blood pressure and did it return to normal? I have the same issue, a moderate increase post Covid.


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 2, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

This paragraph from this article First, its called Hydrogel with Graphene, not “Amyloid like substance”. It can grow from atomic size to centimeters long in minutes. It is frequency responsive, meaning 5G Wi-Fi makes it grow faster. It is an Artificial Intelligence weapon that is called “programmable matter.” It is self learning and self assembling. It can interact with biological materials as it in itself is part inorganic, part organic- material. Tissue engineering with Hydrogel is part of synthetic biology that has started with Morgellons in the 1990. Those scientists who have cultured what comes out of vaccinated peoples skin in an ionizing foot bath, have seen that this material continues to grow - it is synthetic, “alive”, conscious, INORGANIC ARITIFICIAL biology ( synbio) and it is HIGHLY INFECTIOUS. Ingredients of Hydrogel are amongst others polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol (remember the compound that causes anaphylaxis aka PEG), acrylate polymers as well as proteins such as fibrin or collagen.
SO it would appear the IONIZING FOOT BATHS DO PULL THIS STUFF OUT , BUT does the EM FIELD FROM THEM make it grow in the body , anyone have real answers?


Transformational Therapeutics - Aug 23, 2022

Transformational Therapeutics' …

Thank you for being the pit bull that you are!


Jack E Boteler - Aug 23, 2022

Rebekah’s Substack

The sheer number of reports like this are so overwhelming that they beg the question, what research is being done to reverse the damage done by these weaponized vaccines?


Rebekah Paparella - Aug 24, 2022

Rebekah’s Substack

Dr. Henry Ealy of Energetic Health Institute has been treating vax-injured folks and has a lot of info on how to recover from damage. Find him on podcast called "America Out Loud". (Dr. McCullough is also on their podcasts). His treatments include fasting among other things and he has had some good results.


Reginald II - Aug 27, 2022

CDC/NIH/WHO/Gates et al say there's no such thing as vaccine injury, so why would they fund research to reverse damage that doesn't exist? Especially when it would totally discredit them and lead to their prosecution and, hopefully, execution.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 23, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

I suspect none!


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 23, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

most of funding would come from approval from Fauci, unfortunately.


Marti Chadwell Potocki - Aug 23, 2022

Kimberly Marie

I am a senior that was not going to get the covid shot before it was rolled out re: aborted fetal cells being used in research and development. Also true vaccines take 5/10 years to be approved not just FDA emergency use only for this Mrna gene therapy jab. I am only an anti vaxxer on any new "vaccines" since the 80's. Seeing autism rise at an alarming rate, and many other unusual symptoms plus ingredients such as mercury being an ingredient at one time.
Thank you Steve Kirsch for your totally true data and getting the word out!!! My niece is an ICU nurse, got the jab also for her daughter&son and is one of those that totally has swallowed the lie! Also just a side note we adopted a rescued dog about 1 yrs ago. The rescue place did give her the covid jab which I was shocked and do worry about her future.


Kimberly Marie - Aug 23, 2022

Kimberly Marie

They are talking about putting this mRNA technology into the other "vaccines", so you might end up being anti-vaxx like me pretty soon!


MAGA_From_Heaven - Aug 24, 2022


They're actually talking about putting it in our food.


Marti Chadwell Potocki - Aug 23, 2022

Yes definitely!!! I just heard Dr.Meryl Nass report on the new flu vaccine roll out!!! Sounds worse than covid jab!!! Anti vax definitely,!!!plus pro lifers they use aborted baby fetal cells in research and development!


Brenda Butchart - Aug 23, 2022

A Covid jab for a that I have not heard before!


Deborah Richardson Evans - Aug 23, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

I cried. My granddaughter, her parents made her, my son knew better, I asked “ why?” The college! This visual is literally breathtaking! The tares among the wheat, is all I keep thinking. So sad beyond words.


Brandon Paradoski - Aug 23, 2022

Conversation from Home

This may find you well. I help run a non profit university students group “Students Against Mandates”, here is our website


Ms. P - Aug 23, 2022

Conversation from Home

I just found you a few minutes ago on Twitter!


Brandon Paradoski - Aug 23, 2022

Conversation from Home

That’s awesome. think we’re starting to trend on Twitter & get our message out. Here’s our Twitter for anyone else


Renzo - Aug 23, 2022

This observation is similar to the blood analysis with dark field microscopy of 1006 symptomatic people, published a few weeks ago by 3 italian MDs:
It made a lot of news recently after they were interviewed by a mainstream italian newspaper, of course they have already been called charlatans and the study a hoax/pseudoscience by all other mainstream media, 'experts' and politicians


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 23, 2022

Excellent article, thank you for sharing. These days being called a charlatan or quack is a compliment, it means translated: You are right on.


Hellcat - Aug 23, 2022

So everyone is clotting.. wow. 5 billion people took this. This is biblical


Linda Jane machin - Aug 23, 2022

I've recently weaned myself off antidepressant after 22 years off & on (more on than off!) I wont ever trust government, the media or big pharma again. They are all in it together!


jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 24, 2022

I look closely at the complexions of people, the ruddiness of their flesh and legs especially now that its summer. Many had a greyish face palor after shots, but became ruddy in ways now. I looks different in many than it used to, I swear I can literally see what you are discussing here. To make a crude analogy, they have dumped sugar in everyone's gastank. Seeing the rubber clots in vials now, the crime of the millenium. No precedent, we need new punishments for the perps.


TB Simpson - Aug 23, 2022

TB’s Newsletter

Reckoning is coming for the government, media, pharma and the overseers.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 23, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

That's if we get that far, something much more deadly may be coming soon. I'd say prior to the November elections


TB Simpson - Aug 23, 2022

TB’s Newsletter

Yes. Time for urgency is upon us. They must be brought down.


TMartini67 - Aug 31, 2022


After I read this article by attorney Tom Renz, I'm inclined to think that there will be more pandemic scares for the future...
It needs to stop NOW


Frances Lynch - Aug 23, 2022

Frances Lynch

There was an excellent interview video with a physician/researcher done sometime last year showing these same patterns. I will track it down and post later today.


Frances Lynch - Aug 23, 2022

Frances Lynch



Mary Young - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

Rebekah’s Substack

I'm not a doctor, but perhaps Ana can comment on the validity of my perspective. Intermittent fasting or longer term fasting from solid food while drinking water, is the body's way of self correcting many health issues. I would suspect that the autophagy that occurs while fasting would destroy the spike proteins whether coming from the experimental gene therapy or from shedding. Definitely an area of research that should be investigated!


Rebekah Paparella - Aug 24, 2022

Rebekah’s Substack

this is being done by Dr. Henry Ealy of Energetic Health Institute with good results and I have heard it referenced by Dr Kory and Dr Marik as well.


Hannahlehigh - Aug 23, 2022


I am unjabbed and I take my supplements to stay healthy, I also stay away from people when I'm out, no shedding on me. I thank God every day for my health, I'm 70 yrs old and have not had any health problems through out this plan- demic. Those images were shocking because I know people who were jabbed and who are not well, maybe this is why, they're loaded with clots.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 23, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Great findings, however we knew this early on from simple blood smears. A clear difference between the vaccinated blood, which showed clumping of RBC's, as compared to non vaccinated RBC's not clumping. Largely in asymptomatic vaccinated people.


pretty-red, old guy - Aug 23, 2022

pretty-red, old guy

Doc, I am curious. What specific description is required to "force" a standard doc / his lab to utilize equipment that shows RBC clumping? I figure this is not done normally with a CBC, right? Need darkfield microscopy and special staining?? thanks.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Aug 25, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

no, all you need is a microscope. It's a simple blood smear on a slide, doesn't ever have to be stained.


Gary - Aug 23, 2022


Could MRI using contrast to view vascular system be used? Are ophthalmologists recording any big changes in retinal vascular system?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 23, 2022

Would not use a magnetic field as it can aggravate the Graphene Hydroxide which is magnetic. Could cause injury which some doctors have reported on injected people who had MRI's


DNPmom - Aug 23, 2022


Only if you want the heavy metals of gadolinium in your body forever…and pray you do not have any of the known serious side effects of that contrast dye! It never exits your body no matter what MSM and docs tell you. Find the research and also those damaged by it before you ever allow it in your body…


John Botica - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

Shouting in space

I first heard about this stuff back in Sept 2021? How did so many people miss it? It was all over the web! Steve Kirsch's "experts" are saying none of this is anything to worry about? Looks pretty darn concerning to me! But I'm not a doctor or scientific medical expert. So.. who's right and who's wrong? What's true and what's false? This is all getting a little confusing, as no one seems to agree on what's legit science anymore. All part of the plan I suspect.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

Shouting in space

What absolute nonsense that extensive blood clots and toxic graphene in your blood is nothing to worry about.


John Botica - Aug 23, 2022 - Edited

Shouting in space

Can I ask, in your opinion... with so many people having received these jabs... how haven't pathology units all over the world noticed this? Or if they have... are they keeping a lid on it? And what about blood banks?! Would we not ALL be at risk by receiving mRNA contaminated blood transfusions?



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