Complete Resolution Of Severe Heart…

Jan 13, 2024

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Image: LBA shows rouleaux and hydrogel nanotechnology filaments and construction sites.


Grant Wickham - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited

Grant Wickham

I’m starting to suspect from my own body observations that small incidences of shedding contamination are resolved by normal bodily function in a healthy male.
If I’m around some jabbed folk like going shopping, shooting or having a lunch at the club, I always get a body sense of dis-ease and any scratches look ‘weird clotty like’ but this passes after a day or so.
I have been looking after my body the best I can since 2019 as far away as possible from the allopathic medical field. Although I have had 9 medical interventions from 2019 till a year and a half ago. Joint replacements cataracts, Bumcam.
I eat from primary produce as much as possible, getting plenty of non fluoridated water and endeavour to maintain a sleep pattern that is in line with natural sleep. 9pm to 4-5am. I’m not jabbed and have never had that long taper up my nose nor do I wear masks. The mask mandates were just plain stupid from the get go.
I strongly suspect that the joint replacements from full body osteoarthritis were caused by the Hep B shots I was directed to have while teaching in Correctional Centres for a decade - 3 courses.
Male- 69 years old.


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jan 14, 2024

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

this RN ( 76 years old) got osteo from the Hep B shots I got strong armed to take working in a big hospital in the 90's...wish i had a time machine...


Grant Wickham - Jan 14, 2024

Grant Wickham

A friend of mine working with Dr D Nixon on remedy has the same malady as you and I. She had to have B shots for continuing work with the police force. I won’t give her name but she was the one that alerted me a few years back.
I think there are many more of us out there that have not yet connected the two. Hep B shots and full body osteoarthritis.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

Indeed. There are several doctors who claim that this graphene-based microtechnology can be transmitted to unvaccinated people, since graphene is mainly expelled through the lung, according to scientific literature. You are not the only one, there are many reported cases of unvaccinated people who end up feeling bad when being around vaccinated people. When looking at the blood of these unvaccinated people, you see graphene filaments and ribbons, as well as graphene sheets.
It has been proven in several countries that vaccinated people emit MAC addresses, therefore, microwaves. Being in a place with many vaccinated people means you are constantly receiving that radiation, it is not very high, but here the amount influences. It can be checked with a phone, and an application to search for Bluetooth devices. I will discuss all this and more at:


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

Comment removed.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

I see that you are an awake person, I am happy. Look what a paradox, in the official version they said that the unvaccinated infected the vaccinated. Now it turns out that those vaccinated are infecting those who are not.
Stop by my substack, we'll talk about these things and more:


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

Comment removed.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

Project, because it was conceived, planned, premeditated. A project to meet some objectives. Project of other major superiors such as the 2030 agenda.
Cov- Id: Digital identity, that's what this project was about, implementing a liquid interface for everything, in addition to exterminating the others. This whole pandemic wasn't about viruses, it was something more macabre.
We will demonstrate all this in the substack. I recommend that you subscribe and spread it, it's free.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Agree, agenda 2030. LT plan. Thing too is ... viruses have never been proven to exist. (Ex) Doctors Mark & Sam Bailey (NZ) have written extensively on that. She co wrote the book Virus Mania.


Jan 14, 2024

Comment removed.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Dr Judy Mikovitz traced Chronic Fatigue to the Hep B. I had it (the CFS). Clearly no Vs were ever meant to help us... ever.


EAMBDGC - Jan 14, 2024


it’s so sad Pam. many of us trusted them, and many still do.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Very sad. In a sense tho I dodged a bullet I feel, I learned from that damage (15 odd years of researching) that led me to know not to take the safe & effective one. I stopped trusting them around 2009 really. They've become very bossy & demanding & won't tolerate any questioning of their very thin knowledge it turns out.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Comment removed.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


" I still stay away from the general public." wise I reckon. I see more evidence of the jabbed affecting the un. Re the 'special' shots in NZ it was revealed recently 11K health workers (top echelons) got exemptions from the safe & effective...not the peasants though. Denied. And yes, on the mind control... nothing would surprise me. I bet you're right. They were quietly assembling the tech on our streets whilst in lockdown.


Jan 14, 2024

Comment removed.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Comment removed.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Good description. It is a soup. I noticed the 'elegant' ... but then there are still many (or at least were til recently) who still hold to general vaxes being ok just not the S&E. Those who have gone back in history know they're not & never were.


Bee Gee - Jan 14, 2024

Bee Gee

This is what everyone wants to think. This is a billion dollar bioweapon that has been shedding for over 3 years now and it transfects in Minutes so I think you are wrong.
The natural human body Cannot fight off the shedding, which is why everyone is taking things to try to counteract it. No one wants to believe they have it but have you looked at your blood? Have you tried any of the countermeasures? It is a night and day difference for many people but hoping you have outsmarted a bioweapon that transfects in minutes for 3 years is ostrich herd think. Be Sure or stop pretending.


Grant Wickham - Jan 14, 2024

Grant Wickham

These are my own personal observations hence no herd think, not ostrich head in the sand, just high self monitoring, positive thinking and ‘back to nature’ lifestyle.
By the way, when I noticed my changes at club shooting I changed my schedule to avoid the jabbed. I also avoided shopping on busy days as well as avoiding busy times at the Surf Club. If a halfback doesn’t want to be tackled he’d better learn to dodge and weave.
I have ivermectin, colloidal silver, colloidal gold, chlorine dioxide, HCL, Mebendazole, Metronidazole, citrates, and Fluconazole among other, courtesy of friends. If I sense I need to take any or a combination of I will do so but if I’m well, what’s the point of wasting them.
The purpose of my initial post was as a possible case study. We are not all the same and we all need to be looking at every possible avenue.
Saying all that, thank you for your critique.


Grant Wickham - Jan 14, 2024

Grant Wickham

Comment removed.


Grant Wickham - Jan 15, 2024

Grant Wickham

Southport Surf Club. But we like a lot of the Surf Clubs. Another of my unjabbed female friends is a Gold Coast Girl from wayback and dragged me away from Burleigh North Surf Club. She’s a water baby that one.


Catherine - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Stay natural!! No Jabs, No drugs!! Trust in God.. He is your healer!! Fear is the absents of faith!! HAWTHORN TEA!


Amanda Euringer - Jan 14, 2024

The Cutting Room

Hi Ana, I am a former award-winning journalist writing a substack about the presence specifically of hydrogels that seem to be showing up in ( I was told) 99% of human (and even animal) blood. Former because journalism basically no longer exists, but many of us still try....
I went to have my blood checked and was told I am one of only 2 people this doctor has seen since 2023 without a single hydgrogel or any nano particles. My partner is full of them. Both of us unvaccinated. The other woman he saw without them had a similar story, she had none, but her baby and partner had them.
I am looking for a few opinions from a variety of LBA Doctors, and am wondering if you would speak to me. My address is amanda euringer If you are interested please reach out. Thank you.


Dr. Thomas S. Lee - Jan 14, 2024

Dr. Tom's Substack

Thanks for more great work Dr. Ana! I agree on all the benefits you attribute to EDTA Chelation. But I disagree that only tiny amounts are absorbed via oral ingestion. I have used and sold the powder for years and have patients mix it with saliva and swish around in the mouth and throat for 10 minutes or so. This bypasses the GI Track which 'uses' most of it before getting to the blood.
Few realistic studies exist to prove this, but our estimates are that 25-35% of EDTA makes it into the blood that way. Here is an article on why and How EDTA is used in wound management as a biofilm breaker.
This might open discussion about how EDTA can reliably whack hydrogels and nanobots if it can get to the scene of the crime in time.
-Dr Thomas Lee


Catherine - Jan 14, 2024

Over the last three years my tinnitus has been terrible. The frequencies that change the sounds in my ear and head are directly affected by the weather and we all know what Linden Johnson said in the 60s when they began to manipulate the weather "Those who control the weather, control the world" directly influencing our bodies and minds.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024

Cov - Id Project Substack

The work you are doing is very important, investigating how to put an end to this microtechnology. But to make sure that it really does not reproduce again, you have to do blood tests again after one or two months.
The article seems correct to me but it lacks saying the magic word: graphene. If you talk about plastics, people will be confused and will not understand that this microtechnology is based on graphene, not plastics.


Charlene Jones - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

I have some in common with the patient in Dr. Ana's article. I have not been jabbed but have had C19 twice. Everyone I'm around has had at least three C19 shots including husband, mother, and friends. I have had Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for nearly 15 years (I'm 61). I take no prescriptions except Armour Thyroid, nor have I had any vaccines for about 15 years. Not long after my husband and mother got jabbed, I started having shocking pain randomly in my left knee. Orthopedist did MRI and said nothing was wrong - my knees were in great shape (I exercise regularly, see a functional medicine dr., eat real food and take supplements). My dr. was giving me SCENAR therapy treatments and over a period of months, the searing pains stopped and left me with a dull ache, which has now subsided. Not long after that, I started having an erratic heart rhythm. I went through extensive heart testing for about 6 weeks, and was diagnosed with a slight case of A-fib and flutter. I've never had a heart problem prior to this. Eventually that issue seemed to get much better. Cardiologist said I could take beta blockers if I wanted, but he didn't seem to think it was necessary. I am NOT taking them. Now my biggest issues are brain fog, random pain throughout my body and constant fatigue. My workouts are not nearly as good as they used to be because I don't have the energy and because of the pains. Weird thing happened though - I had C19 this past Dec. 17-23, and maybe coincidentally, my pain pretty much disappeared during that time and hasn't returned. In addition to taking many supplements my FM doc recommends, I am also taking Quercitin, NAC, low-dose lithium, Zeolite and a low dose of nicotine patch (per Dr. Ardis). Unfortunately my FM doc doesn't seem to be in the know about the jab contents, etc., and when I've tried to tell her, she says there's no evidence. Probably time for a new dr.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Cov - Id Project Substack

There are many documented cases and seen under a microscope how the blood of an unvaccinated person who has been in prolonged contact with vaccinated people, presents the same blood patterns as those who have been vaccinated. You see graphene ribbons, graphene microsheets, which are the cause of thrombi, since graphene produces them.
Graphene is also known to alter joint tissues. And as for the heart, the same. These pathologies that he describes are identical to other cases.
Your doctor says there is no evidence? I don't think she is stupid, after 4 years she will have heard something about graphene. She may know it, but she wants to keep her job. What they have done is so pathetic that anyone with a microscope knows the truth of this farce.
In some forums I still see a lot of confusion, since the information given is intentionally confusing.
I tell you all to control your environment. There is a very direct relationship with telephone antennas. We have verified that people with 1 dose are already dead, while people with 3 are very fresh. In the first case, these people lived very close to these antennas. Graphene oxide is a radiation catalyst. If it already causes damage to human biology, if you add a product that only amplifies the signal, the cocktail is deadly.
We have been taking measures in this regard for 3 years, and we are quite aware.
But worse is what we have all brought into the house, we have brought the enemy into the house. We have verified with professional radio frequency meters how Wi-Fi is worse than an antenna. Giving values that go off scale. In my device I have measured more than 1,000,000 uW/m2, I suppose more, since the device has that limit.
Scientific literature has demonstrated hundreds of times that with only 1 uW/m2 there is permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, graphene oxide and other toxins reach the neurons more easily, which is the objective of these criminal people. Since with graphene, with nanorutors and plasmonic antennas, it is very easy to neuromodulate people. Why do you think that the president of the United Kingdom, or the former president of Chile, or the president of the World Economic Forum said that with 5G it is possible to insert thoughts and feelings?
And to top it off, 5G has been put out to tender in all countries, and at a specific frequency, 26Ghz. From 0 to 300 Ghz, everyone has adopted 26 Ghz. 26 Ghz is the frequency with the highest performance of graphene, converting Ghz into Thz, necessary for intracorporeal networks. What a coincidence!
Imagine with the graphene inside and with the 26 Ghz active. What is expected is a pandemic of vaccinated people worse than that of 2020.
People don't realize the seriousness of all this. After 3 years of vaccination, they move on. They deny that there is graphene. And to top it all off, graphene is in any injectable you look at.
We will discuss all this and more at


Charlene Jones - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited


Thank you for your reply. I believe everything you're saying is correct. Unfortunately, my husband of 36 years still has his head in the sand no matter what I tell him. He mostly works from home, so we have a powerful wi-fi set up throughout the house which requires going through numerous, technical steps in an app in order to disable. I'm not giving up though, just thinking of a plan that will be successful in convincing him we're both being physically harmed.


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


I try to convince others of the dangers but mostly folk don't believe it. Dr Barrie Trower has some very good videos explaining the damage that is done by wifi. He is an older man who is ex UK military so worked on that tech away back in the '70s.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 15, 2024

Cov - Id Project Substack

Yes, I have seen his videos


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited


Yes disturbing. I note it being found in the dental anaesthetics.


Paula Starshifter - Jan 14, 2024

Paula Starshifter

Comment removed.


Paula Starshifter - Jan 15, 2024

Paula Starshifter

Magnetic Triangle?


Cov - Id Project - Jan 15, 2024

Cov - Id Project Substack

TRUE. I discover here another person awake and who knows what is happening.


Charlene Jones - Jan 14, 2024

Thanks for the info. I've not heard of that. I'll take a look.


Catherine - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited

NOW WE JUST NEED DOCTORS WHO KNOW HOW TO DO THESE PROCEDURES TO CLEAN UP THE BLOOD OF BILLIONS... Stopping these MANIACS like Klaus Gates and Albert, Climate Nuts/DOD spraying us from the air, is job one, otherwise we are chasing our tails.


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 13, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

What do you think of the recommendations to use sodium citrate ?


Michael G Eaglemeare - Jan 14, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

I have used sodium citrate with great results. But, we live in a total nanotechnology polluted environment, any detox is short lived. IVF chelation is too expensive for most of the global population, as is currently being operated. Meanwhile it's good to have some relief from the nanotechnology induced torture, whatever protocol we use.


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 14, 2024

The Bodysnatchers



Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Long list of protocols at this link from Mark Crispin Miller:


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 14, 2024

The Bodysnatchers



Bee Gee - Jan 14, 2024

Bee Gee

It is working great and there are no negative side effects, even taking 10 grams at a time 2 -4 times a day. It doesnt matter what you take it with, unlike edta, and you can make it yourself on your stove so I think it is one of the best solutions currently available. I am also taking an equivalent amount of ALA at the same time but tbh I just use the sodium citrate water to wash down my other pills now.
No gut issues, even when combining 1800mg EDTA, 3500 mg ALA, 6 grams sodium citrate, 3500mg curcumin, 18000 fus of nattokinase and 2000mg bromelain into several big ass pills.
They can all be taken together but of course you have to time taking the pills so you dont waste the EDTA. All the best solutions available in my opinion.


Paula Starshifter - Jan 15, 2024

Paula Starshifter

Where do we find sodium citrate? What does it do?


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 14, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

Thanks - that's quite a cocktail. I asked because Karl C. mentioned he hadn't had any luck with EDTA (hope I got that right)


Nostradamus X - Jan 13, 2024

Nostradamus X

"Imagine a world where microscopic robots, no larger than a speck of dust, navigate our bloodstream, diagnosing diseases before they manifest and delivering precise treatments to affected cells. This isn’t the plot of a sci-fi movie—it’s the transformative promise of nanobots in medicine. As the nanotechnology market, valued at $10.63 billion in 2022, is projected to soar to $31.40 billion by 2030, the nanobots market growth is undeniable. But why should this matter to you? The United Nations paints a grim picture: by 2030, over five billion people could lack access to essential healthcare services. Nanobots might just be the breakthrough we need, bridging the gap between advanced MedTech and global health needs. "
– Andrew Burak, CEO Relevant
The Promise and Challenges of Using Nanobots in Medicine:


Grant Wickham - Jan 13, 2024

Grant Wickham

The elitists are creating a problem so they can provide the solution. The World is not overpopulated, there is no shortages of natural resources and natural medicines are in many people’s backyards. We need to get back to nature and thrive as a species.


Nostradamus X - Jan 13, 2024

Nostradamus X

The problem especially in the West is that people have never been introduced to orthomolecular medicine. They believe that health problems can only be fixed using synthetic harmaceuticals. The revolution cannot come from the predators. It's up to the preys to declare their Independence from the medical tyranny imposed by the Global Predators.


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024

Cov - Id Project Substack

It is true, the solution cannot come from those who are exterminating us. The solution to all this is easy to end all this: Go after them


Paula Starshifter - Jan 15, 2024

Paula Starshifter

Harmaceuticals! 👍


kim - Jan 13, 2024

Watch this...


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


Exactly! Simple as that. Unfortunately now 'they' have done so much damage for many it is too late. Don't trust the medics!


Charlene Jones - Jan 19, 2024

If all the 5G towers were to come down, that would help a lot. It's hard to imagine that ever happening, but one never knows. I am a Christian, and I believe God's hand is in this, and that he's giving these globalist enough rope to hang themselves, and then his justice will come down upon them. We need to not comply with any of their lies. We need to stand strong against what they are doing. I believe there is behind-the-scenes action being taken against them already. We have to think positively. Our words have power, and speaking and thinking positively will result in positive outcomes. Some might think this is hokey, but this is what I believe.


Nostradamus X - Jan 13, 2024

Nostradamus X

“Smart Vaccination”:
“Powered by nanorobotics, smart vaccination can boost the human immune system. Take, for example, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which employs iron nanoparticles to transport RNA molecules into our bodies. These nanoparticles target only our white blood cells. Once there, the cells produce proteins mimicking the coronavirus’ spikes, enabling them to recognize and neutralize the virus more effectively.
Thus, nanobot in medicine application equips our immune system to combat virus mutations more effectively, providing a level of protection that traditional vaccines can’t match. Integrating nanotechnology into vaccination protocols could mark a paradigm shift in public health, offering more robust and long-lasting immunity.”
– Andrew Burak, CEO Relevant
What a joke! mRNA quackcines have done exactly the opposite. These illusionists belong in JAIL!


Cov - Id Project - Jan 14, 2024

Cov - Id Project Substack

you forget about graphene


Johnathan - Jan 13, 2024

Dam good find


Gayle Wells - Jan 15, 2024

Gayle Wells

We were told by Dr. John Coleman that the elite protect themselves with herbs in a sugar mix and the use of vibrational tech (double the vibration on a cancer tumour to obliterate it). Wonder if this may still apply? These horrors will be the target of their own inventions one way or another. That's just how it works.


Katie D - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Where can I get EDTA Chelation? Or is there a way I can visit you clinic. I'm a 37-year-old who has developed heart palpations in the last year after becoming a target and am desperate for help. I know it's not psychological because it often happens when I'm perfectly relaxed.


Catherine - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited

Hawthorn tea... Look up Hawthorn cures... Heart is #1...I posted a dream I had to share Hawthorn and I didnt know what it was when I had the dream. Not saying its the cure but after I read about it, I started drinking it.


Nostradamus X - Jan 13, 2024

Nostradamus X

"...If you go and ask an allopathic doctor about what I just said about the thyroid and the heart, they do not know anything about that and will just dismiss you..."....
Well, that's not the only problem with the allopathic Mad Doctors I've met. They also believe that shedding is all about LNP/mRNA or Exosome/mRNA, who cares about experimental facts in the allopathic world? Actually, some of them even believe that ribonucleases can easily digest shed modified mRNA, which are designed to escape proteolysis in the first place!


Pam Vernon - Jan 14, 2024


And who would listen to those complicit quacks now anyway. Pharma sell outs. Aside from those honourable ones who blew the whistle from the outset.


Abigail Starke - Jan 13, 2024

Abigail Starke

I finally understand how this can happen! Wow! 🤯😞


Suzanne De begon - Aug 19

Please dr. Why the med five order link does not work? And how long should ewe take it to clean our blood? Thank you


Katie D - Jan 17, 2024

Will EDTA still work if I order the powder? Or does it need to be administered via IV. I'm a 37-year-old experiencing artificial heart palpations and could really use the help or advice. Thanks


Paula Starshifter - Jan 15, 2024

Paula Starshifter

This is good news, but most people, including myself, cannot afford regular EDTA, IVs


Charlene Jones - Jan 19, 2024

EDTA wouldn't be worth it for me. I'd have to continually do it because my husband, mother, friends and almost everyone I'm around have been jabbed at least 3x. I have not been jabbed. It is not realistic for me to isolate myself. I'm not leaving my husband of 36 years, and I am my mother's caregiver. It is what is is. I take good care if myself in every way, take with many of the supplements listed here in these comments, eat real food, exercise, but the fact of the matter is that unless we get a divine intervention, we can't remove ourselves from this nanotech which is in everything. So this Christian woman DOES believe that God is very much at work on a great plan.



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